Hello and welcome to my userpage!CTB SKANDINAVIA TOP 150
I'm CyCeph, a norwegian guy who plays games for fun.
I started playing osu in June 2014 thanks to one of the League of Legends streamers i watched.
I've been an osu enthusiast since
Contact me
If you'd like to contact me for anything I'll be more than happy to respond.
However you should have Discord, because that's the only way to reach me
My discord tag is CyCeph#9299
(You can ask me about my snapchat and I'll consider it)
Other InfoBelow this, you will find the remnants of my old old userpage
✧I watch a lot of Anime, check out my animelist profile by clicking here
✧If, for some reason, you want to add me here, you're more than welcome
✧Feel free to recomend me anything, i like anything✧I'll probably be inactive during 2019 because of compulsory military service
✧Military service done!