First DT Fc let's go!!!!
i love this map
what is this mp3 quality
skill issue
192 quality mp3,bruh.
im fine with 128
just feeling it when I hover over this song in the song selection
shits funky man nice
the mp3 quality is so bad lol, it sounds like it was downloaded from some chinese ripoff of youtube.
skill issue, im fine with 128 true HD sound quality :3
Would probably have been of better quality if that was the case.
every time I download, there's no audio X'<
im ok now
Not P A N Tsu diff?
nooo :c
sad dude :(
Conqueror diff fcable DT
yea idk why its not sht farmed like other maps
getting from 15th place to 55th in 3 hours 101
shit quality audio
#44 nice map ;)
nice one
DT is more than possible, potential 700pp map, expect hvick, rafis, vaxei, recia and many other DT players get solid pp from this map
also expect lots of rants about "muh pp system being abused xd"
Wait what, this map is not for DT and it's impossible XD
get rekt idiot, there's 3. XD
muh pp system beng aboosd xddd
dat mp3 quality tho
sound quality is good
what how can you notice. I can't notice that.
Osu needs more T.M Revolution songs <3
wow i haven't heard tm revolution in so long
nice map)
thanks :D
Pan pls get back in the kitchen dis is not how I raised you
Boobs are real
I love boobs
who dislike boobs?
i love p a n
Very nice map
thanks sir
why no Pantsu collab? :<
Natsu hates me
Pantsu or riot!