blubb '-'
The song is one of my favorite games Tales of Zestiria
Люблю эту игру <3 Карта - класс ^^
Tales of Zestiria *-* ótima musica e um excelente jogo >.<
god dammit english dub with no vocal!
posted excatly on 1 week,1 day,1 hour, 1 mintues, 1 secand to the game realse
im so hyped for the game!
A little late but, how was the game? I'm thinking of getting it. I'm watching the anime right now :L
i bet im too late as well so....have you played it already?
its worth it,although dont get ur hopes up,its a 12gbs of open world story,so you'll probably need a good pc to run this game
pretty bad map..
Can't wait for Zestiria to come out.
Awesome map <3 *-*
not bad
Don't tease me, because it's not out here yet...
soon :3