I tried to map it in another style (especially with more LNs), so people who like my typical mapping style like in Renatus or Daisy might not like it, but give it a try!
so you said you tried to map this with more LN
and someone just SS it with more LN
damn why is this korea so good at more LN
i can't even do sister noise that has more LN
ok nevermind.. please get this ranked even though i hate more LN
No offense, but this song needs offsetting, or its just me. I had to play this on -30ms, my normal offset is +10ms.
I played only the insane difficulty, Im not sure about the others.
No offense, but I suggest you to open editor, put 25% playback rate and set -40offset and try to listen tick.
Offset IS correct.
And second thing, BPM stays the same from the beginning to the end.