So many diffs, will make a list of all of them and who they were made by:
Loved: •[Standard] by rustbell •[Difficult] by rustbell •[Expert] by rustbell •[Challenge] by rustbell GDs: •[ignore's Another] by ignorethis •[DooMAX] by Doomsday
Unranked: •[Heavy] by rustbell •[Outdated] by rustbell (aka Extra1) •[Extra] by rustbell (aka Extra2) •[Plagerized] by rustbell (aka Extra3) •[Unexpected] by rustbell GDs: •[Ain's Epsilon] by Ain053 •[ReMix] by tsuka •[LK style] by LKs •[NightMAX] by DJNightmare •[lzy's Delta] by lzy •[Death's Reign] by Deathrain_old •[ExplosionMAX] by [KOR]Extream_Sigma Other Modes: •[Taiko Oni] by ignorethis •[Catch the delta] by ZHSteven