Also Thanks to xChippy for Nice Mp3 & to ts8zs for BGs
Hope to Enjoy~
[Map Set] Noz's Easy by Nozhomi : Done KwaN's Normal by IamKwaN : Done Zzz's Hard by [ Zzz ] : Done kakifly's Hard by kakifly : Done wkyik's Insane by Kawaiwkyik : Done Springtime of Life by eINess : Done
The springtime of life 5 star is so hard the hp drain is 7.5 I can get to the last 30 seconds and I end up dying to one of the like 10 spam steams but it's still a good beatmap and song it's just the hp drain.
You could make more than one diff only at least once, it's kinda weird to see almost everything always being a GD xD I mean, I have a mapset with only one diff mine, but I usually make more than one or even two lol anyways gratz ^^