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Background Story in EBF4(taken from Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki)Many years ago, there was a divine being named Godcat. Godcat was lonely, so she created every living thing in the land, including cats, created in her image. These cats built many great structures in honour of their creator. But then they got too friendly with humans, who were created to be nothing but slaves to cats. Jealous of this alliance, Godcat no longer viewed her creations as worthy of her image, and took away their arms and legs. As she departed, she left 3 sacred stones. When the three stones are united, Godcat will return to finish what she had started.
Seeking to bring the latter half of the legend to pass, a group of cats loyal to Godcat stole the sacred jewels of Greenwood Village, Whitefall Town, and Goldenbrick Resort, intending to resurrect/summon their goddess. The party (after an initial misunderstanding or two) pursued the cats, but were always too late to prevent the next theft; thus, their journey led them to the Temple of Godcat in hopes of preventing the completion of the ritual. Along the way, the party encountered Godcat herself, apparently manifesting in the wake of each jewel's theft - fortunately, the deity's physical form was still too unstable to sustain more than a few rounds of battle against the heroes.
After many battles and a long journey, the party finally reached the very summit of Godcat's temple, only to find that the cats had completed the ritual to summon their goddess. With the end of the world imminent, the heroes attacked Godcat, ignoring her claims of complete superiority and the fact that her weakened forms had proven unbeatable to them previously. Despite Godcat's incredible powers over light and darkness, and her manifestation of powerful battle bodies, the heroes persistently fought through everything the omnicidal goddess threw at them.
However, Godcat's claims soon proved true; though the heroes defeated her avatars, they were only inconveniencing her at best. Nonetheless, the party continued to fight, and Godcat's initial dismissiveness turned to confusion and respect for their determination. Eventually, after the heroes defeated both of her avatars at once, the deity came to a decision: although she had intended humanity to be a mere slave race for cats, they had since grown into a species worthy of inheriting the planet she had created.
With this epiphany, Godcat immediately ended the battle, congratulating the heroes on their victory. Gathering her loyalists around her, she set off for the depths of space, intending to create a new planet for cats without making the same mistakes she did before.