mapped by Ryuusei Aika
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music video (warning: spoilers)
03:32:293 (1) - is borrowed from this map's ending

very simple storyboard made by pw384. please play with it at least once.

i hated geometry, blanket and copy-pastes. i thought they were uninspiring. but the more i map, the more i understand how huge those basic ideas have affected my ways of mapping, and how much they have shaped part of my styles today.
i hated my middle & high school life. i thought they were cringe. but during that period of being emotional over all sorts of trivial that seem inconsequential today, i learned how to be kind to myself, others and the world, which made up part of my personality today.
it is those memories that will brighten every difficult night, and give color to the monotonous, gloomy life.

read getsuyoubi no tomodachi. let's be friends.
that being said:
its english translation is super inaccurate and idk what to do with that. maybe you can at least get a gist of the story...? its chinese translation is weird here and there but at least accurate enough. the best may be to read the japanese original if you understand japanese -- i can send you the scans if you want.

jp lyrics
コートラインは僕らを 明確に区分する
いつもより余所行きな 教科書の芥川

支柱に縛られた街路樹 まるで見せしめの磔
好きに枝を伸ばしたいのに 同じ制服窮屈そうに
右向け右で左見て 前ならえで列に背を向け
救いなのだその幼さが 君だけは大人にならないで

月曜日 蹴飛ばしたら
ゴミ箱にも嫌われて 転がって潮風に錆びた
息苦しいのは ここが生きる場所ではないから
好きなこと好きって言うの こんなに難しかったっけ
君の胸の内の深さには 遠く遠く及ばないとしても

駅ビルのコンコース 待ちぼうけ
ソフトクリーム溶けた 全音符のクラクション
近寄る度 多くを知る 知らないことは多いと 河川から望む学区外

明日の話はとにかく嫌い 将来の話はもっと嫌い
「儚いから綺麗」とか言った 花火が永遠ならよかった
見えてるものを見えない振り 知ってることを知らない振り

月曜日 蹴飛ばしたら
川の水面で水切り 満月を真っ二つ切り裂いた
胸が苦しいのは 互いに思うことが伝わるから
嫌なこと嫌って言うの そんなに自分勝手かな
君の胸の内の深さには 遠く遠く及ばないとしても

それが君で おそらく僕で
ゴミ箱にだって あぶれた僕らで
僕にとって君は とっくの昔に

月曜日 蹴飛ばしたら
大気圏で焼け落ちて 僕の胸に空いたクレーター
それなら約束しよう 永遠に別れはないと
それが愛や友情には 遠く及ばないとしても
en lyrics
took from here and did a lot of modifications

From the gym's storage room comes the smell of moldy mats
The lines on the court make it clear where each of us stands
A dove fell to its death in the corridor
Akutagawa looks better than he ever did inside the textbook

The trees are affixed to beams on the roadside, almost like crucifixions in a line
All they want to do is stretch out their limbs, but they can't break free from their uniforms
Looking at left during the right face, turning back during the forward dress
Such youth is our salvation, you are the only one who doesn't deserve to grow up

I kicked Monday away, but even the garbage pail hated it, so it rolled around and rusted in the sea air
The thing that made it so hard to breathe was the fact that this was no place to live
Maybe we're on the wrong planet after all
Is it that difficult to speak out about all the things I like? If so then I will take a deep breath and dive down below the waves
Even where I can dive is far, far away from the depths of your heart

Inside the concourse of the station building, I wait in vain
The ice cream melted, the horn's whole note played
The closer we get, the more we come to know and the more we don't know
Thinking about that, I gaze at the school district across the river

I hate talking about tomorrow, and I hate talking about the future even more
Things are beautiful because they are ephemeral, but I wish fireworks were eternal
I pretend I can't see what I can see, and I don't know what I know
From when I've grown up so much and learned to wear a smile like an adult?

I kicked Monday away, and it cut into the surface of the river, splitting the reflection of the full moon in two
The thing that made my chest hurt was the fact that we came to understand each other
Maybe all of us are psychic after all
Is it that selfish to speak out about all the things I hate?
If so then I will take a deep breath and dive down below the waves
Even where I can dive is far, far away from the depths of your heart

We might not be normal or what anyone expected, but we at least wanted to be somebody special
Even we were unable to become anybody special, we at least needed someone to accept us
It could be you, or maybe myself, maybe even both of us stuffed inside this garbage pail
For me, ever since a long time ago, you have already become someone special

I kicked Monday away, it burned up in the atmosphere, and left a giant crater in my chest
We are indeed very similar, but we are not the same in the end
There's nothing scarier than goodbyes, so let's make a promise -- a promise that we'll never grow apart
We vowed, knowing that "never" isn't forever
And knowing that it may be far away from love and friendship

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god damn this is a deep cut, this is a great song for a cozy manga