1. about source.
神楽ノ花 (album's title) released in Dec. 2013.
this album contained a song titled "七つ紅葉灯", which is this map's song.
it's a complete original song.
STELLIGHTS (music game's title, a game presented by COLLESTA; already out of service) released in Jan. 2017.
this music game had this exact song in its list, thou the game released after the song was created and can hardly be the song's source as well.
with reasons mentioned above, for this is an original song, this map's source should be left blank.
thou as a related music game of this song, i'll add tags with contents of it.
2. about romantised title
i've asked A.SAKA the song's creator himself in personal message that how to read those kanji title, and he answered me that even he "invented" those kanji lines which may be read in various ways, the official title should be like these:
the spring song - 七つ一旋桜: Nanatsu Issenzakura
the summer song - 七つ明杜若: Nanatsu Myoukakitsubata
the autumn song - 七つ紅葉灯: Nanatsu Momijiakari
the winter song - 七つ柊水光: Nanatsu Hiiragisuikou
i have the source of those metadata above, but for it's all private conversation content, i just don't release those records here. if someone really need evidence for proper reason, please contact me in pm.