have you ever wondered why akolibed has this evil aura? let me explain. peppy is a spiritual being that is using mind control to influence the osu rank economy. top players are merely a shell for peppys evil plans to start a butterfly effect thats going to make him become a god and reign over all of existece. he made a deal with the demon girl known as "hvick" who ascended into the spiritual realm after being an osu player and she has allowed ppy to see into a dimension where his plan succeeded. he is now setting the puzzle pieces to replicate that said dimension and the leaderboard is one part of it. akolibed is also a spiritual being that's working alongside peppy for the payment of 200 slaves. he will now use his platform to subconciously infiltrate our minds with peppys ideology and slowly but surely turn us all into puppets that will help peppy become the god of our existence.