About 400, in around 10 seconds... That's the total damage you seven can inflict on me. I'm level 78. I have 14,500 HP. My battle-healing skill auto-regenerates 600 points every 10 seconds. We could stand here all day, and you'd never beat me. Is that even possible? It is. High enough numbers will give you a ridiculous advantage... That's what makes MMOs that use a level system so unfair.
Okay. I'll be honest: I have been a closet BiggestMrekkFan hater for the longest time. I refused to say he is the best player ever, ever since he became number two hundred eight thousand nine hundred ninety-nine rank. However, I have always wanted someone to get a DT score on this map. Even before pnky's play. I was going to give that player unbridled respect regardless of how I feel about them. Now that BiggestMrekkFan got the score I have most wanted to see achieved, I got no choice but to call him the GOAT. Not that anyone should care, BTW. Safe to say, this is my favorite score of his.
magine this: you watch an anime, then you become an anime. One minute you’re eating tacos on the couch, the next you are legendary swordsmen Kirito from Sword Art Online. This is the power of osu! beatmaps. They transport you into the world of anime rhythm, until you not only feel the rhythm, but become it. To be able to become the ultimate ninja, Naruto, the super saiyan Goku, or the one punch man. The mappers have expertly crafted these beatmaps to immerse you in the world of japanese animation. So much time and effort has gone into each and every object’s placement. You might scoff at so called 1-2 pp, but I don’t. I’m so immersed I’ve become Kirito SAO. I don’t see 1-2 pp. I only see my 1-2 bb. Love you Yuuki.