How many times do I have to warm your mind? Doesn't it sink through your thick skull? CONTINUE CREATING BEATMAPS. If you're going to map a song, at the very least make it a good one and it is! Everyone wants to play a map with that kind of nonsense coming out of the speakers. It causes your ears falling in love with it. You're the reason why osu! is filled with pure banger. Every time I even hear the game's name I cringe but love it. Obviously, prudence does exist in your surrounding. I'll tell you once and I'll tell you twice, CONTINUE CREATING BEATMAPS.
How many times do I have to warm your mind? Doesn't it sink through your thick skull? CONTINUE CREATING BEATMAPS. If you're going to map a song, at the very least make it a good one and it is! Everyone wants to play a map with that kind of nonsense coming out of the speakers. It causes your ears falling in love with it. You're the reason why osu! is filled with pure banger. Every time I even hear the game's name I cringe but love it. Obviously, prudence does exist in your surrounding. I'll tell you once and I'll tell you twice, CONTINUE CREATING BEATMAPS.
How many times do I have to warm your mind? Doesn't it sink through your thick skull? CONTINUE CREATING BEATMAPS. If you're going to map a song, at the very least make it a good one and it is! Everyone wants to play a map with that kind of nonsense coming out of the speakers. It causes your ears falling in love with it. You're the reason why osu! is filled with pure banger. Every time I even hear the game's name I cringe but love it. Obviously, prudence does exist in your surrounding. I'll tell you once and I'll tell you twice, CONTINUE CREATING BEATMAPS.
How many times do I have to warm your mind? Doesn't it sink through your thick skull? CONTINUE CREATING BEATMAPS. If you're going to map a song, at the very least make it a good one and it is! Everyone wants to play a map with that kind of nonsense coming out of the speakers. It causes your ears falling in love with it. You're the reason why osu! is filled with pure banger. Every time I even hear the game's name I cringe but love it. Obviously, prudence does exist in your surrounding. I'll tell you once and I'll tell you twice, CONTINUE CREATING BEATMAPS.
How many times do i have to wawm uw mind? UwU doesn't it sink thwouwgh uw thick skuwww? UwU continue creating beatmaps. If u'we going to map a song, at the vewy weast make it a good one and it is! OwO evewyone wants to pway a map with that kind of nonsense coming ouwt of the speakews. It cauwses uw eaws fawwing in wove with it. Youw'we the weason why osuw! OwO is fiwwed with puwwe bangew. Evewy time i even heaw the game's name i cwinge buwt wove it. Obviouwswy, pwuwdence does exist in uw suwwwouwnding. I'ww teww u once and i'ww teww u twice, continue creating beatmaps.