Хз че челы пишут якобы мапа дерьмо. Парень из песни где у гитары буквально 4 аккорда сделал что-то более сложное чем 4 звездочное, идите че нить более легкое сыграйте, раз карты с упором на сложный ритмический рисунок не вытягиваете
Deleted all their comments in shame. Couldn't handle the pressure anymore I assume XD And indeed annoying. Didn't want to hear the truth and rambled on and on about it. For those that missed it, in short it was a skill issue.
I don't normally comment but seeing all the negative reactions to one of my favorite songs meant I had to check it out and what they talking about? This mapset is great! Might not be the easiest to play but it matches the song very well and is distinctive and memorable and the exact rhythm you want for this song. I'm like 6 months rusty so not really able to pass the highest diff though I know I can, but it's a nice varied mapset for anyone that actually has any level of tapping speed, reading ability, and control. My only grievance is this isn't the original which I prefer but I'll take what I can get.
personally i think this fire is perfectly within control. it is fine. nothing is wrong nothing is wrong nothing is wrong nothing is wrong nothing is wrong nothing is wrong nothing is wrong nothing is wrong nothing is wrong nothing is wrong