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no more pp im sorry
i love sayonara zetsubou sensei
Must have been hell doing the timing
1xsb on insane, ill fc someday!
did you fc yet
what the fuck its been 17 months!?!?!?!? anyways no i didnt cuz im washed
I think the Extra diff was pretty nice, if it gives PP then it only mean that the PP system improved and are an incitement to create better beatmaps and actually serve some purpose beyond beeeep.
YESSSS FINALLY A NEW RANKED MAP OF THIS SONG I was considering making a mapset myself
This songs brings back fun memories, need to rewatch Zetsubou Sensei one day...
https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/521 - map in 2008 ---> map in 2022
dude the star rating before rework was perfect now its way underweighted
why did you ruin the song with the zanei pattern, the other diffs are cool though but that pattern doesnt make the song justice
It fits very well, any other 1-2 jump would work perfectly too
what’s wrong with zanei pattern
zanei number three
🚨 zan'ei pattern detected 🚨great map btw
peak op
bure bure bure bure
WTF banger