about th123我从小到大认真玩的游戏真的没多少,th123真的算是我接触东方的第一作,当时kof已经不玩很久,突然有人介绍这个东西让我感到很诧异,上手的同时里面n多人物看得我眼花缭乱,这或许也是东方的另一个魅力吧,总之就是迅速了解关于它的一切,自然而然地入坑了。则的话高中玩得很疯,后来渐渐不打了,主机是16和⑥,沙包一只,浩方各种被狂虐。(觉得最无解的是大小姐的左右则,能反应过来的人绝对是挂壁。
I've rarely played games seriously until i met th123, the first game in touhou project i had known. FTG this game is so i can play it at once after afk from kof, while characters in it are dazzling. Izayoi Sakuya and Reiuji Utsuho were mainly used and fight a lot on the internet or off line with friends before ucee. I do love this game coz it's really good and one of my taste. (I'm bad at it thou lol
Another reason i love this game so much is the bgm music in it. Yeah... Akiyama Uni is so GODLIKE that i even can't calculate how this guy remixed such perfect melody and electronic beats, and that's why i keep mapping his songs now. 0.0