Get a badge/profile banner 1st place BSI, awarded a profile banner!
Make a cool 4 key play
SHOUTOUTS TO... Thanks Yumeiru for drawing one of my DP Thanks Lammy- and Kites for supporter <3 Thanks BubblyQT for the stream overlay and all your help setting up my stream! Check out her streams! Thanks Gamecube08 for connecting me with the osu! tournament scene! This was the first stepping stone which eventually led me getting to know the Aus osu! community and a whole bunch of other awesome osu! players. Thanks Kavash and Clubber for your country ones. Thanks Stormross, Milo Milkshake, gro and juliancala for watching anime with me. Thanks haga1115 for inspiring and giving me copium that you can keep mouse clicking in harder maps. xD