Makkon - Winterglade I made this Map for the incoming Winter
Difficulties- Snowchaos (Insane) - 100%
- Vinyl's Snowstorm (Hard) - 100% (Hitsounded by me - Blame me if they are gross)
- Irre's Snowfall (Normal) - 100% (Hitsounded by me - Blame me if they are gross)
SkinSkin done by me (except the default0-9.png, approachcircle.png and the sliderfollowcircle.png (or whatever the name is))
HitsoundsHitsounds Added by me, grabbed them from Inori (Thanks to him - He´s a great hitsound guy)
StoryBoard- StoryBoard Done with SGL (Thanks to MoonShade) and a bit of mine abilities
- Major improvement of StoryBoard - Thanks to Damnae
- StoryBoard could be a bit laggy on Low-End PCs due to the pure amount of 64724 Flakes Yes - I counted them