I tried? I'm sure I'll be able to imitate them better after more practice but hey at least this map is still fun XD
I remade Gero's cut with a higher quality mp3! fun fact they cut it in 4 different spots :blobwob:
idk give me like a week or two till its ranked one month turn around not bad :3c
This set has the same exacter gders and bns as Question I thought it would be neat to keep everything the same :3c
Bye Bye YesterdayQuestionShiras thing d
Arcs thing d
aakki thing d
mercury thing d
nevo hs d
Here's my original attempt to map this song from 2016
beatmapsets/484236 I'll probably ungrave that set and make it the full version since I forgot about it :3c
Kinda funny how both my 2016 and 2020 versions I tried copying another mapper XD