Cool music and beat map
yea the legend of zelda
Undertale avatar in 2017 LUL
the best song!! :D
I love this bgm and this game lol
osu needs mora zelda songs
We need hourglass theme ! <3
nice game
My first into the top 50 :D
what's this BGM's game call??
are you dumb?
Luv <3
Yerti too OP
wth happened...after it got ranked i got my score and then it gets updated and I lose the score I did? Its like it got reranked ...
It was unranked then reranked again only for one dumb slider that wasn't snapped. Seemed fine to me before.
I Wanna Be The Guy
OMG Nostalgia... ;w;
this map.... is it trying to piss me off with the small circles on HR ;-; isuckplssomeonehalp
osu needs more zelda
Muchas gracias por el mapeo de esta canción ^.^
Y que vienen muchos otros mapas :D
Please, Dark World theme.
YES! thanks for the link :p (get it ''Link''?) kill me...
Best song
Thanks based God.
LoZ map :)