fc that got me to 4 digit!!!!
карта от хуесоса для норм челов че за тварь ее делала
hp is so restarted
wow this looks like a great map with a good song, 8HP
Passed this but hp8 gave me lifetime anxienty
Map is the definition of skill issue
Good map, cancerous hp ;-;
mirage deez nuts
this hp is a meme
hardest 7,04*?
bad map
That's pretty funny
nevermind i just couldnt play it
but why hp8
this song just got 2x more depressing knowing the background artist passed away... rip kogecha
I hope Cookiezi would come back again. .
hp 8 lol
cookiezi doing rrtyui tributes with 3 misses kinda sad, he did it bcs not ss
great mapawesome songi lof that bpm
great set... also dumii dt fc on insane...
Lyrics are far too depressing to have this kind of background art
pixiv.me/dolooon BG artist ;)
So much fun
Delis+Yorushika=fun maps
that's awful mapset
shouldnt Hana Madoi be Hanamadoi? wasnt sure and was too late to post when it was qualified :/
The 5* is a 6.7* in disguise. Don't rank this.
Lobotomy moments
Isn't that a good thing?
bro just get good xD
Man top play is hamurachi clover leave him alone xd
what toybot_osu just said
picture link: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59274989artist pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=12845810
open map folder in editor and there is a file called BG
OMG so fast! Keep mapping the new songs pls!!
Where do you get the art from?
When Delis realized Yorushika exists
who's the artist?
Group is yorushika
artist of the background(s)
godlike mapping
Delis legendary mapper ! Love you >.<
Yorushika for FA
god bless you for ranking Yorushika songs :pray:
this map is great
Inspiring? pausechamp
that will be easier if this map have low HP drain
hachigatsu bou tsukiakari flashbacks
delis speedrankre :picardia:
yorushika speedmapper
Dumii DT waiting room
ah sheet have we been waiting for this Pog