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amazing map
who let bro cook
Such a fun map
worst sotarks map ever
would play this all night long if i had the energy
Sotarks' most boring map ever
mrekk new 1.2k incoming w
does the beginning sound very familiar to another song or am i tripping?
probably flower by the same band oral cigarettes
what a fucking banger song holy
is there some meaning behind the string tied around her pinky?
this should be a low 7*
no it shouldnt
the diff spikes in this map are like the spikes in an osu player's heart rate when they get near a woman
so sad not 5150
timing :/
the girl has 2 thumbs
I can't unsee this, and neither can you. Good lord, imagining having 2 thumbs. The pinky finger is kind of useless anyway.
can u give me link for this background map?
late, but I posted it below
is it just me or does the girls face look like a minion from despicable me
i can see it noooooo
no yeah i can see it xd
just u
the timing is pretty off at some parts imo
просто худшая карта, настолько высерных углов я давненько не видал. Даже в общественном толчке и то приятнее находиться, чем это играть
timing please
some1 knows who is the girl in the bg? in need it for a map
did you find out who it was
no one https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/65922209
Nevo you won my heart with this map
Nise map
GOOOOOD SONG for my life
p good beatmap
i love the oral cigarettes so much(as you can see from my profile x)) please map more of their songs! and thank you for mapping amy too! my fav song from them tbh
I love this. Is the song linked to any anime yet? Can't seem to find any info about it
ah actually it was only released on their single BLACK MEMORY :( but do check out their new album its super :3c
mapped good exept sotark's one tbh
thank for more oral cigarettes
i love how everybody snipes each other
I don't like the song so i wont play it Kappa
Personally I love the song but I respect your decision! :3c
He was just quoting you XD
damn good song
nice map c:
great map, good job!
finally it got ranked
low ar
There can never be too many Oral Cig maps
It's godly map,Why he's don't ranked yet?
Hold my juicebox