Nothing major. I've kept most of it to the original idea. Only smaller tweaks, but that was a while ago. But is there any particular part that feels weird?
I might be misremembering things and just going off gameplay experience on some of these, but 02:08:853 - first two bursts felt more linear as in they were more round like the third one, similar thing on 02:50:853 (1,2,3,4,1) where the exit slider doesn't follow the burst shape. 02:14:500 - I think this was a break until kiai. 03:32:147 (1,2,3,4) - don't think these sliders were that close. 03:40:088 - don't remember those stacked sliders being there at all. 05:48:386 - decelerating stream looks out of place
This is a good example of where map is based on mapping theories that says it works but completely falls apart when actually played (im talking about the taiko side) I dont have time to further elaborate of this becuase I already have enough on my plate until mid janurary
My point of view is that you really should incorporate playability into account when mapping difficult maps (not like im the most qualified player to comment about this but still)
Well i think some people are already starting to mod it so I think it will be good afterwards
Fully agree, especially at this BPM there seems to be far too many 1/8 patterns that don't play well accompanied with finishers like D ddk which make it very easy to notelock the following notes completely. Additionally some of the SVs seem too excessive... Overall it doesn't create the experience I was hoping for with this great song and at times (like the kiai starting at 05:49:092) it reminds me of excessive overmapping which makes me question its rankability as well (keep in mind I support overmapping to an extent). Personally it would make much more sense to see the difficulty as a "normal" 170BPM map or a stream map while keeping the current finishers or even with some 1/8 patterns that seem more natural and supported with the song better. I enjoy Onosaki's maps most of the time, but I believe some polishing would benefit this difficulty.