-[ ix Ishida xi ]- cooked
I can't stop playing the Taiko diff, it's so good
one of the best
the notes after the spinner are really frustrating to include.
taiko diff is AWESOME
last diff amazing!
2.41 to 5.06 nice difficulty spread lol
shit map why make hp drain 7
here to anwser a guy saying shit map 3 years ago to a map made 10 years ago
here to anwser my anwser to a guy saying shit map 3 years ago to a map made 10 years ago
the insane diff fits the song as fuck,both are mastrerpieces
extra is overmapped xd
Nice spread xd
Is there a way I can just download the skin to use on all maps?
An intense&exciting map
Fairy Tail OST <3. Can someone explain to me what the background is and how it's connected to the song?
Great Map!!! Please do more!
Skin is easy.
11 years after i agree
♥ ww
ww ♥
Love Yasuharu Takanashi, any of his osts and this beatmap!
this song is so kitten awesome, more folk metal for osu ><
Took me 5-10 retries before I finally got it. But it was worth it.