shiro neko!
SSn't Rizer
yo aqui hablando español
igual xd
sho tambien
tambien xd
weyy si soy
yo tambien xd
yo igual xd
man theres no season 2 so underated this anime
any noob watcher of the anime here?
Bang Jono~Fans Bowo~Suka homo sana loooooo!!!!
pues no se parece mentira xd
Re:L Cute UWU
everytime I encounter this map on my list I always in melody here "To właśnie tak" at the beginning and I have hard time finding these words good in japanese? I have to find the lyrics. It always botherse me so much lol
Hate it <3
sistine vs rumia is the new rem vs emilia
ya im 50 at this map >w<
So wonderful >Sisti
Shironeko My Waifu >>>>>>>> all LUL
I hate that first spinner
but thanks to that spinner i can practice my skills again though my hands is knocked out xD
Well I managed a 99,23% fc, but never again. I understand why some ppl spun out
Maria12021 hack
что за анимееее?
ребзя, а что за анима?
shut up and listen " Celica is the best girl ".
Re=L is kawaii
Fake, they are too small
how old is RE=L by the way
Dw man,I think she's legal ??
YAY waited for this song
Shironeko > Rumia
239 pp for this hell map ? rly????
Best non-sequel anime this season
wut animu?
RE=L best girl
sisti > rumia r.i.p. riel
thank you so much for making this map. i praise you every night.
hey you best not say that again or else you get the ban hammer.
omg a rezero map
See everyone thinks it's Sistine>Rumia or even Celica>>>>>> for me it's riel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FIGHT ME
this is a AWESOME beatmap i love it :D
finally Ranked! im waiting this from 1 week ago
Please let this be 2017's Tatoe.
sisti best girl
You, I like you.