To the people complaining about the LN, Just learn to play LN you consitency one-tricks
being good at a skillset doesn't automatically make the actual charting good- Sun Tzu
The concept of "good or bad" is honestly down to a persons personal preference and opinion, despite that in this case its people complaining because of a certain pattern that they have no capability to play or at least have a strong distain towards.
3 star is good so im happy
the hitsounds aren't in time with the song on MX
me mad coz LN = BAD
artist name?
nothing exept the MX difficulty because it just doesnt match the song
Honestly how did these patterns get ranked?
I'd actually like the level if it weren't for that last LN section
I can agree with the others, shit map.
shit map
This map Shouldn't be ranked lol...damn it xD
The best ln map ever hell yeah!
MX sucks
That bg give me sum powah /run
Hahahahaha xDDD
fuck this map
LN sucks if u dont know how to read em
yeeet :D
dat LN
nice pic
Thanks ^^
BlackY vs Yooh is fantastic
Yeah >3<
Nice 4k ln song 9/10. 11/10 with rice
Thank you so much :D/!
hermosho <3
Gracias >w
come for thumbnail
Congrats gem rok 4 ranked!!1!1!1! XD XD
Thanks!! :D/ :33
el mapa esta guay pero tio hp:9 por que?!?
Gracias >w<
Hermoso map, me encantan las LNs que tiene
Muchas gracias <3 agradezco su comentario :3
How did this get ranked
war with bn
omg very nice LN patterns, this is what we need in 4K section!
OwO!! Thank you <3 <3
Interesting chart Hope more LN maps gonna be ranked
Thank you so much! :D/
wah im late but gratzz
Haha don't worry :33 thank you very much :3 >w<
someone revive mania in qualify pls
Thank you so much owo
Felicidades!!! :D!!!!!!!!! <3
Muchas gracias chichi!! :33 te agradezco mucho owo tus felicidades son muy importantes para mi :33
Awesome song and 4K LN 69/69
i would give 74/74
Omg *oo* thank you >ww<
Omg *333* Really Thank you so much for your comment Fresh Chicken >www< really happy for it >w<