
Kyah - Sweet Lay [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, July 30, 2011 at 11:11:42 PM

Artist: Kyah
Title: Sweet Lay
Source: Taiko no Tatsujin
Tags: namco
BPM: 140.11
Filesize: 5971kb
Play Time: 01:54
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.61 stars, 249 notes)
  2. Insane (4.99 stars, 382 notes)
  3. Normal (3.23 stars, 167 notes)
  4. Taiko Futsuu (2.79 stars, 192 notes)
  5. Taiko Muzukashii (4.71 stars, 377 notes)
  6. Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 598 notes)
Download: Kyah - Sweet Lay
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
An often overlooked Namco Original song, which started from the 3rd DS Taiko game. The artist's full name is unknown, but her alias used on her blog is Kyah. Apparently a freelance vocalist or something.

Oni authentic is 8* with 598 notes. All three Taiko diffs are authentic.

There will be sketches of sweets along the osu! difficulties. The harder the difficulty, the more sweets you get to draw! (using your sliders)

Note: Slight change to SB. Full redownload after 22 May 2011
Kyah :3

First give star orz

You have one BG in osu and taiko diffs, find another for osu

Combo1 : 235,153,249
Combo2 : 251,125,182
Combo3 : 155,251,160
Combo4 : 153,211,247

Diffs are very good, didn't finв anything
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That BG is temporary, I was planning to change it already, as soon as I finish designing the rest of the stuff I have planned for this map. :)

*looks at hex values for colors* I have a feeling some of these are shades of pink *enters them in* Well whaddaya know :P
Well, I can't even describe how I feel when I finished modding your osu! maps. Amazed? Confused? Amused? I have no idea :o
Anyway, I tried my best, and here is what I can say:
kurohacker's mod (^^)
I think it's better if you can increase the volume of the hitsounds, especially for Taiko diffs. coz it's really hard to catch the beat while playing.
Also, the second and third kiai times looks rather generic. A bit of creativity in accentuating parts might help here.
(However, I really think that you're following the original Taiko no Tatsujin's Kiai mode. If that's the case, then just ignore this one.)

[Taiko Futsuu]
0:26:885 [2]
I think it's better if the yellow bar ends at 0:28:169.

0:57:289 [7]
'Ka' would sound better here.

0:59:859 [2]
Same as above.

1:01:572 [2]
Same as above.

1:04:141 [7]
Same as above.

1:06:710 [2]
Same as above.

1:34:117 [2]
The yellow bar would sound better if it ends at 1:34:974 instead.

1:35:830 [4]
Same as above, ending at 1:36:687

[Taiko Muzukashi]
Maybe add a 'don' here?

1:57:456 [3]
This 'ka' seemed to be extra, maybe better if you remove it.

[Taiko Oni]
Maybe add a 'ka' here to complete the feeling?

Same as above.

This map seemed just a tiny bit hard for a Normal map.

Maybe add a circle here?

This point is kinda empty. Maybe you can extend the slider to this point, or add a circle here.

Same as above.

Can't seem to find anything wrong here...

Wow, I'm..... speechless. The notes are all over the place. :o
I can only suggest that AR-1.

The singer sound kinda wheezy IMO, like someone who had just went through a tonsil surgery. (Not that it's bad, though :P )

I like the hitsounds in your Taiko diffs, and I especially like the craziness with the osu ones. Sliders with interesting shapes and following the Taiko-style for the hitsounds, that just seem to increase the appeal of this song. A big, fat star for you~
Hope your maps get ranked soon :)

P/S: Thanx for the Autoplay tip, really useful for the Insane map. But, I'll just stick to 4 stars below for the time being, unless they especially want me to try.
Topic Starter
Whoops, forgot to mention that all Taiko diffs are authentic and shouldn't be modded unless there's a timing/authenticity problem. Sorry :P

Anyway, I'll fix what works.
Apa Kabar

1) I am pretty not sure that 4 Insanes are not acceptable. The taiko isn't exceptable
2) Why there is 3 kiai instead of 2 kiai on each taiko diff?

00:11:468 (1,2) - Bad overlapping, spread them out
00:23:030 (3,1) - ^
00:41:659 (4,5,6) - This pattern would be confusing for beginner player. Well, It's hard to tell you, but can you change that patteern?
00:52:150 (6,7) - If this are stacked in gameplay, but it's kinda weird to see stack. Look this note when you play/test. Once you already see this object that has a weird stack, try combine this object into 1 slider

01:18:701 (2) - Arrange those point and should be like this
01:20:414 (3) - Move 2 grid right to prevent any overlapping (Nazi)
01:42:040 (1,2,3) - Don't place behind the slider, especially for stack object. Move this further away from slider, or it will be weird to see in gameplay

00:06:651 (2) - Clap at end?
00:07:293 (3) - ^
00:23:887 (6) - Move to X:295 and Y:334 (look upper-right beside "Insert Break Time" button to know what I mean, also this is nazi). Turn off the grid snap to fix this. Otherwise It has weird stack on gameplay
00:32:666 (2,3,4,5,6) - Make a pattern like this?
01:54:245 (1) - I wonder what shape is that? (comment)


Ugh, anti-jump in everywhere DD:

00:17:892 (5) - Clap?
00:18:320 (1) - Finish?
00:20:033 (9) - New combo
00:23:673 (8) - ^
00:30:525 (6) - ^
00:33:736 (10) - ^
00:37:162 (7) - ^
00:40:802 (7) - ^
00:44:014 (8) - ^
00:47:440 (8) - ^
00:51:187 (6) - ^
00:57:718 (9) - ^
01:04:569 (10) - ^
01:34:974 (6) - Move further away from 01:34:332 (5) to keep it clean

01:37:436 (3) - Would you stack together with slider?
01:38:293 (7) - ^

That's all folks'
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1) I am pretty not sure that 4 Insanes are not acceptable. The taiko isn't exceptable This is going to be hard to fix, the Taiko diffs are all authentic...
2) Why there is 3 kiai instead of 2 kiai on each taiko diff? 3 kiai on osu diffs is a bit excessive IMO. I got rapped by AIMod the last time I had 3 Kiai in my map. Like I said, Taiko diffs are all authentic.

01:54:245 (1) - I wonder what shape is that? (comment) Supposed to be a cupcake. Hope my noob SB skills work here :P

Many thanks, and all done~
Hello there~


00:53:007 - Add circle.
00:56:433 (2,4) - Maybe clap here?
01:03:285 (2,4) - ^
01:11:849 (1) - Add whistle.
01:12:706 (3) - Add whistle at the start of the slider.
01:13:562 (1) - Whistle
01:14:419 (3) -Whistle at the star of the slider.
01:15:275 (1) -Whistle
01:16:132 (3) -Whistle at the start and Finish at the end of the slider.


00:32:024 (1) -Add Finish.
00:52:527 (1,3) - ^

Didn´t find anything wrong.

Ok sorry for my bad english and for a poor mod, hope it helps you.
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Hitsounds baka-mod


00:01:191 (1) - add finish with volume 7 ?
00:06:972 (3) - whistle?
00:15:322 (1) - ^
00:16:179 (3) - ^
00:17:249 (4) - ^
00:18:748 (1) - ^
00:19:176 (2) - random clap? remove?
00:19:605 (3) - whistle?
00:20:461 (4) - ^
00:22:174 (1) - ^
00:23:030 (3) - ^
00:25:600 (2) - change with whistle
00:26:456 (4) - whistle
00:28:598 (5) - remove clap
00:32:452 (1) - clap?
00:35:449 (x) - add a note with finish? With 6 volume
00:41:659 (4,5) - clap-clap?
00:43:372 (2,3) - I think, clap-clap doesn't fit it.. maybe clap just on (3)?
00:46:798 (2,3) - ^ or clap (1) and (3)
00:50:866 (4) - whistle
00:51:508 (5) - ^
00:52:579 (1) - finish
00:53:435 (3) - ^
00:54:292 (4) - move to 00:54:078? don't forgot about distance :)
01:07:567 (3) - clap
01:10:993 (x) - stop kiai here
01:45:252 (x) - ^


00:01:191 (1) - change with finish with volume 7 ?
00:05:259 (1) - remove clap
00:06:330 (1) - clap
00:07:828 (5) - change with clap
00:08:043 (1) - finish
00:12:753 (4) - remove clap
00:20:461 (7) - clap?
00:39:732 (5) - ^
00:56:005 (1) - finish
01:10:993 (x) - stop kiai?
01:30:264 (1) - finish
01:45:252 (x) - stop kiai?


00:01:191 (1) - same as hard and normal
00:02:903 (1) - remove clap
00:56:005 (1) - finish
01:10:993 (x) - stop kiai :o
01:45:252 (x) - ^

I think, that claps are sometimes random. Can you work with it?
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I'm not going to change the Kiai because it matches the Taiko diffs, save for the first one which I removed. Fixed everything else.

00:44:014 (4) - end at 00:44:442
00:45:085 (5) - move to 00:44:656
00:45:727 (-) - add note
00:53:649 (-) - ^
00:54:292 (4) - move to 00:54:078

00:08:685 (2) - end at 00:09:113
00:46:155 (-) - add note
01:28:337 (6) - remove

00:52:793 (2) - remove
00:53:863 (3) - ^
00:54:292 (4) - ^
00:55:790 (-) - add note,NC
00:56:005 (1) - remove NC

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Beren wrote:


00:44:014 (4) - end at 00:44:442
00:45:085 (5) - move to 00:44:656
00:45:727 (-) - add note
00:53:649 (-) - ^ Not for Normal
00:54:292 (4) - move to 00:54:078 Hmm, maybe not

00:08:685 (2) - end at 00:09:113 No
00:46:155 (-) - add note
01:28:337 (6) - remove No

00:52:793 (2) - remove
00:53:863 (3) - ^
00:54:292 (4) - ^ Removing above three would ruin symmetry and jump spacing, so maybe not
00:55:790 (-) - add note,NC
00:56:005 (1) - remove NC

Fixed everything else~
thx request!

1.36.045(8) - spacing(x0.0 and off grid)

dislike it... ex.0.19:176(5~1)


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dislike it... ex.0.19:176(5~1)

Wha...what do you mea- oh, the anti-jumps :P I thought it'd be interesting to have some of those to try out something new that's all.
Disable countdown of all diffs



01:49:534 (3) - [Nazi] How about move 1 grid right?

Nothing special to pick up :3
Good luck XD
[Just waiting for new BG but do not make BG quickly but quality :3]
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Done~ Thanks!
00:27:527 (7) - end this earlier? (at 00:27:955?)

does seem to play well and is followable

star :D
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I'll fix, but I'm not reuploading it until I get the SB done. Thanks~
Enjoyed SB things :3

Bubbled XD
Let's check about SB by expert SB maker ;_;
/me picks up Beuchi ;_;

arien666 wrote:

Let's check about SB by expert SB maker ;_;
/me picks up Beuchi ;_;
CUTENESS OVERLOAD :) :) :) :) :) :)

To the BAT who checks this: The taiko namebar dissapears at 01:39:792 while the map is still going, make sure it's fixed before rank ;)

(No need to kudosu btw)
Beuchi so pro D:
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Should I fix the namebar?
Oh, I forgot to star this good example of wise storyboarding!

...even if I still don't like the song ;P
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This is actually my first time storyboarding anything that isn't lyrics/title bars. :)
Oh my lord, the BG *melts*


All 3 look good.
00:16:179 (3) - Urgh, couldn't you just use a red point here? ><
00:23:030 (3) - Same with here... I don't like the shape...
01:17:416 (1) - I feel this should look more fitting with the question mark shape...
01:20:414 (3) - You should've tried lining the slider more with the donut :<
01:51:247 (1) - AAAH THREE POINT ARCS orz Five points are pro.

Hmm, now that I look at the sliders more, most of the ones you made pretty aren't 'delicious' or symmetrical like... But I'm a nazi... orz

But as a beatmap without nazi comments this is great! :D
During candy parts, wrapped candy isn't traced right... lol

01:54:245 (1) - When I played through this part, I hit it early, and went to the right... lol. Generally I think it's a bit close, and breaks the circular flow, but I guess you just have to pay attention lol.

Ok rather than nazing, I'll say this is great :3
Alright, things see to make more sense here I guess wwww

01:54:245 (1) - Yeah, this note still feels too close lol, though the AR might save people, it seems like a trick...

But good job. SB is awesome lol. And of course, taiko diffs are all good. star~

Ignore all nazi modding
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If you read my posts you know I don't ignore nazi modding. :P Even if I don't do them I at least consider a few things to improve the map further.


OzzyOzrock wrote:

00:16:179 (3) - Urgh, couldn't you just use a red point here? >< Nope, stylistic decision. Makes it look kinda like a small ribbon loop
00:23:030 (3) - Same with here... I don't like the shape...
01:17:416 (1) - I feel this should look more fitting with the question mark shape...I dunno, just wanted it to be a random slider
01:20:414 (3) - You should've tried lining the slider more with the donut :< It's the other way round cause I make SBs last. I'll try to tweak this a bit. The sketches I made weren't made to be exactly round though
01:51:247 (1) - AAAH THREE POINT ARCS orz Five points are pro. Yay for being half-hearted XD Fixed

Hmm, now that I look at the sliders more, most of the ones you made pretty aren't 'delicious' or symmetrical like... But I'm a nazi... orz Rechecked most of them and tweaked a few

But as a beatmap without nazi comments this is great! :D
During candy parts, wrapped candy isn't traced right... lol Again, it's the problem with my SB, but as I said before the sketch wasn't intended to be perfect

01:54:245 (1) - When I played through this part, I hit it early, and went to the right... lol. Generally I think it's a bit close, and breaks the circular flow, but I guess you just have to pay attention lol. It's a giant cake slider in the middle of the screen. Kinda hard to think about spacing in this sort of situation :3

Ok rather than nazing, I'll say this is great :3
Alright, things see to make more sense here I guess wwww

01:54:245 (1) - Yeah, this note still feels too close lol, though the AR might save people, it seems like a trick...
Well I also took this chance to fix a few things that have been bothering me since the map was bubbled
Nice mapset~ :)
Most mod is hitsound XD

01:30:692 (2) - add clap
01:31:548 (4) - ^
01:34:117 (2) - ^
01:34:974 (4) - ^
01:35:188 (1) - remove clap
01:35:402 (1) - ^
01:37:543 (2) - add clap
01:38:400 (4) - ^

00:12:753 (4) - add whistle
00:53:007 (2) - remove finish?
00:53:435 (3) - add finish?
00:54:078 (4) - ^
00:54:292 (5) - remove finish?

00:07:721 (4) - remove clap?
00:08:042 (1) - add finish?
00:11:361 (8) - add whistle
00:52:579 (1) - add finish?
00:53:435 (1) - ^
00:54:078 (4) - ^
00:54:292 (5) - remove finish?
00:54:720 (1) - add whistle?
00:55:148 (2) - ^
00:59:645 (3) - remove clap?
00:59:859 (4) - add whistle
01:30:263 (1) - add finish
01:32:190 (7) - add clap
01:51:675 (4) - new combo
01:52:532 (7) - ^

Topic Starter
Done, thanks~
- Rche -
this map is perfect in my eyes.
Well i always feel dizzy when playing taikosu...

anyway star.
Hi there!

Well I couldn't find any important issues. I checked it twice.

The only thing I¿ll say is that I'm not a big fan of the default soft clap and it bugged me a little, for such a "soft" song :/

But, you know, the mapping is good. Have my star :)

00:53:649 - circle ?
00:54:292 (4) - move to 00:54:078 ?

00:16:179 (5,6,7,8) - confusing
00:54:292 (5) - 3 gird down plz

00:19:176 (5,6,7,8,1) - confusing
00:25:600 (2,3,4,5) - Q_Q
00:32:880 (6,7,8,9,1) - ;_;

nice sb 0.0
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:


00:53:649 - circle ?
00:54:292 (4) - move to 00:54:078 ? Drum rhythms here, not vocals

00:16:179 (5,6,7,8) - confusing Fixed
00:54:292 (5) - 3 gird down plz Needed to maintain general spacing at 2.0

00:19:176 (5,6,7,8,1) - confusing
00:25:600 (2,3,4,5) - Q_Q
00:32:880 (6,7,8,9,1) - ;_;

nice sb 0.0
Someone tell me if I should get rid of the anti-jumps on Insane orz
Cute one is so cute :3
nom nom nom nom nom
Old bubble is old

-Some people wont like the taiko skin being forced (including me) but I somehow don't see that being changed :P
-Why have a cake at the end of Hard/Insane but not Normal?

Taiko Futsuu:
00:26:885 (2) - just making sure this is meant to end on a blue tick (it doesn't sound right to me but if that's how it is meant to be then ~)
00:40:588 (1) - ^
01:34:117 (2,4) - ^ etc

00:19:176 (5,6,7,8) - not a big fan of the decreased spacing parts like this but they play well enough
00:38:875 (1,2,3,4,5) - the increased spacing doesn't really fit here
01:07:995 (1,2,3) - shouldn't have equal spacing
01:42:254 (1,2,3) - ^

Everything else looks good
you can do it aqua gogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogo
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James2250 wrote:

Old bubble is old

-Some people wont like the taiko skin being forced (including me) but I somehow don't see that being changed :P And you know it lol :P
-Why have a cake at the end of Hard/Insane but not Normal? I wanted the cake to seem like a reward for players who are able to clear higher difficulties. The more difficult the map they clear, the more sweets they get to see, and the bigger the cake

Taiko Futsuu:
00:26:885 (2) - just making sure this is meant to end on a blue tick (it doesn't sound right to me but if that's how it is meant to be then ~)
00:40:588 (1) - ^
01:34:117 (2,4) - ^ etc

yep I checked these, they're meant to end on blue

00:19:176 (5,6,7,8) - not a big fan of the decreased spacing parts like this but they play well enough
00:38:875 (1,2,3,4,5) - the increased spacing doesn't really fit here Done
01:07:995 (1,2,3) - shouldn't have equal spacing Done
01:42:254 (1,2,3) - ^ Done

Everything else looks good
Thanks for the mod~ :D
Only a few minor fixes and has been bubbled for wayyy too long

Everything checks out
Good job aqua XD
/me eats cake too much and yay!
Topic Starter
'Bubbled for way too long'

Eh I'm used to it :P Thanks everyone! Finally! *stretches arms*


*feels guilty for not even working on his obligations*
*sees anti-jumps on Insane*



I would've recommended starting the cake in a different location~

But who cares
Gratz~ :)
antijumps after streams

Charles445 wrote:

antijumps after streams
Also the Taiko skin being forced is just meh.
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