
The Quick Brown Fox - Coward Killing Time [Osu|Taiko]

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  1. Kiai (theowest's diffs): Starting the Kiai on that sound effect (00:52:140) doesn't seem like the best choice... actually, seems a bit random. Moving it 1/1 later, here: 00:52:440 - should be way better imo.
    The 2nd Kiai seems ok. The 3rd one, 01:42:515 - I wouldn't suggest placing a fountain here because you'll use another Kiai on the next 3 seconds, so the Kiai loses it's purpose of re-marking an specific part of the map. About the last one, I guess you can get away with that...
  2. As a minor suggestion, use Tick Rate: 2 for the last 2 diffs to make those 2.0x a bit easier to read.
  1. 00:51:841 (4) - Starting a Kiai on the middle of a slider seems a bit lame. This is another reason to move this Kiai 1/1 later.
  2. 00:57:238 - The slider speed change to 0.50x seems acceptable here, because the music change is quite noticeable and there's a little "blank" before it happens, but... when the speed gets back to 1.0x here: 01:06:833 - the change feels too "sudden" imo. I don't encourage using such slider speed changes on the easiest diff. I strongly suggest to use 0.75x for the whole section, 0.75x feels way better while playing.
  3. 01:33:220 (1) - Same here, 0.75x would suit better this diff.
  1. 00:19:157 (2) - Would you mind moving this circle some grids down?. The object partially hidden by the previous hit-burst, you should avoid that kind of stuff for "Easies" and "Normals"
  2. 00:20:057 (4) - Due to the previous repeating-sliders, this sudden increase of repeats will be quite unexpected. I strongly suggest to split this up.
  3. 00:24:404 (2) - This object's placement in the time line seems a bit random, I'm pretty sure that many players will either hit this too early/late or miss it. The only "easy" solution I can come up with, is moving the circle 1/2 earlier (00:24:254). I see that you've used objects like this one 5 more times, it's up to you if you want to tweak the patterns to improve the map or not.
  4. 00:39:247 (1) - What's up with this little spacing change? It's no big deal but I suggest to fix the spacing.
  5. 01:32:021 (2) - 3 of the repeat-arrows are completely covered by the previous hitburts, which is unrankable. Note: The ScreenShot was taken during the 6th repeat arrow when the Hit-burst was already disappearing but still covering it.
  6. 01:33:220 (1) - This time only 2 repeat arrows are getting covered. However, I wouldn't encourage using this kind of patterns.
    Note: The hidden repeat-arrows issue include kick-sliders.
  1. Using Tick Rate: 0.5 for this song seems unacceptable imo. The song could easily use '2' or '4', use '1' at least, please.
  2. The Kiai Time here seems way better. Consider using it for the other diffs too, theowest.
  3. Why is the stack leniency so low? This is preventing object stacking, e.g: 00:02:065 (1,2) and 00:04:464 (1,2), therefore this is unrankable, increase it at least 2 ticks or manually stack the objects in this diff.
  4. 01:43:115 - Perhaps, start the Kiai 1/1 earlier?
  1. 00:25:154 - Why the sudden 2.0x? .The same music keeps going for at least 10 more seconds but you only used 2.0x for the first 3 sliders of every stanza, it makes even less sense now.
    The last 2.0x section should start here: 00:29:652 - if you follow your own pattern. 00:32:051 - A 2.0x section should be placed here, if you follow your own pattern. The simple idea of using 2.0x with BPM:200 seems bad already... However, you should not use it at least for this pattern where you're constantly mixing 1.0x and 2.0x.
  2. 00:21:256 (1) - Same as [Enginner], Hidden repeats arrows here... unstacking the slider should be enough.
  3. 00:52:440 (1) - ^
  4. 00:53:640 (1) - ^
  5. 00:54:839 (1) - ^
  6. 01:33:220 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  7. 01:45:214 (1,1,1,1,2) - Consider using this kind of formation to fix the hidden repeat-arrows in those repeating-sliders.
  8. 01:46:713 (1,1,1,1,1) - I wouldn't encourage using such New Combo Spam here, when the 4th objects appear there are already 2 'red' objects so it might be a bit confusing.
  1. 00:35:799 - I can guess that you used this break here because of the HP Drain, the rate seems low enough to remove that break tho.
  2. 00:54:839 (1,2,3,4) - Hidden repeat-arrows rain \o/. This might be a bit hard to hit so here's a possible solution.
  3. 01:33:220 (1,2,3) - ^ These are the worst ones i've seen so far. (Between all the maps I've seen with this issue, including Evansama)
Pop'd over the hidden repeat-arrows and the stack leniency problem in [Medic-chan].
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

Wow.. You just modded this beatmap and I didn't even ask for a mod. Thank you for this huge mod! :O I'll contact you when the changes are done.

fuck.. I should have edited this post and put the mod here.. >.<

ED: Here, let me do that for you. Again.


Gonzvlo wrote:

  1. Kiai (theowest's diffs): Starting the Kiai on that sound effect (00:52:140) doesn't seem like the best choice... actually, seems a bit random. Moving it 1/1 later, here: 00:52:440 - should be way better imo. done
    The 2nd Kiai seems ok. The 3rd one, 01:42:515 - I wouldn't suggest placing a fountain here because you'll use another Kiai on the next 3 seconds, so the Kiai loses it's purpose of re-marking an specific part of the map. About the last one, I guess you can get away with that...
  2. As a minor suggestion, use Tick Rate: 2 for the last 2 diffs to make those 2.0x a bit easier to read.
somewhat done

  1. 00:51:841 (4) - Starting a Kiai on the middle of a slider seems a bit lame. This is another reason to move this Kiai 1/1 later.
  2. 00:57:238 - The slider speed change to 0.50x seems acceptable here, because the music change is quite noticeable and there's a little "blank" before it happens, but... when the speed gets back to 1.0x here: 01:06:833 - the change feels too "sudden" imo. I don't encourage using such slider speed changes on the easiest diff. I strongly suggest to use 0.75x for the whole section, 0.75x feels way better while playing.
  3. 01:33:220 (1) - Same here, 0.75x would suit better this diff.
  1. 00:19:157 (2) - Would you mind moving this circle some grids down?. The object partially hidden by the previous hit-burst, you should avoid that kind of stuff for "Easies" and "Normals"
  2. 00:20:057 (4) - Due to the previous repeating-sliders, this sudden increase of repeats will be quite unexpected. I strongly suggest to split this up.
  3. 00:24:404 (2) - This object's placement in the time line seems a bit random, I'm pretty sure that many players will either hit this too early/late or miss it. The only "easy" solution I can come up with, is moving the circle 1/2 earlier (00:24:254). I see that you've used objects like this one 5 more times, it's up to you if you want to tweak the patterns to improve the map or not.
  4. 00:39:247 (1) - What's up with this little spacing change? It's no big deal but I suggest to fix the spacing.
  5. 01:32:021 (2) - 3 of the repeat-arrows are completely covered by the previous hitburts, which is unrankable. Note: The ScreenShot was taken during the 6th repeat arrow when the Hit-burst was already disappearing but still covering it.
  6. 01:33:220 (1) - This time only 2 repeat arrows are getting covered. However, I wouldn't encourage using this kind of patterns.
    Note: The hidden repeat-arrows issue include kick-sliders.
  1. Using Tick Rate: 0.5 for this song seems unacceptable imo. The song could easily use '2' or '4', use '1' at least, please.
  2. The Kiai Time here seems way better. Consider using it for the other diffs too, theowest.
  3. Why is the stack leniency so low? This is preventing object stacking, e.g: 00:02:065 (1,2) and 00:04:464 (1,2), therefore this is unrankable, increase it at least 2 ticks or manually stack the objects in this diff.
  4. 01:43:115 - Perhaps, start the Kiai 1/1 earlier?
  1. 00:25:154 - Why the sudden 2.0x? .The same music keeps going for at least 10 more seconds but you only used 2.0x for the first 3 sliders of every stanza, it makes even less sense now.
    The last 2.0x section should start here: 00:29:652 - if you follow your own pattern. 00:32:051 - A 2.0x section should be placed here, if you follow your own pattern. The simple idea of using 2.0x with BPM:200 seems bad already... However, you should not use it at least for this pattern where you're constantly mixing 1.0x and 2.0x.
  2. 00:21:256 (1) - Same as [Enginner], Hidden repeats arrows here... unstacking the slider should be enough.
  3. 00:52:440 (1) - ^
  4. 00:53:640 (1) - ^
  5. 00:54:839 (1) - ^
  6. 01:33:220 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  7. 01:45:214 (1,1,1,1,2) - Consider using this kind of formation to fix the hidden repeat-arrows in those repeating-sliders.
  8. 01:46:713 (1,1,1,1,1) - I wouldn't encourage using such New Combo Spam here, when the 4th objects appear there are already 2 'red' objects so it might be a bit confusing.
  1. 00:35:799 - I can guess that you used this break here because of the HP Drain, the rate seems low enough to remove that break tho.
  2. 00:54:839 (1,2,3,4) - Hidden repeat-arrows rain \o/. This might be a bit hard to hit so here's a possible solution.
  3. 01:33:220 (1,2,3) - ^ These are the worst ones i've seen so far. (Between all the maps I've seen with this issue, including Evansama)
Pop'd over the hidden repeat-arrows and the stack leniency problem in [Medic-chan].
bla bla. y'know.. Hidden stuff is always acceptable for insanes. Didn't you know that? Insanes are exceptions. And it's not a rule. Fixed the other stuff. So what you can see is changed. Won't bother explaining why. For example, the 2.0x timing sections were only used when I heard the VOICE doing that sound. He's not doing that sound for the other non 2.0x sections.

This is my first beatmap ever that will be ranked.

theowest wrote:

bla bla. y'know.. Hidden stuff is always acceptable for insanes. Didn't you know that? Insanes are exceptions. And it's not a rule.(
Insanes are not exceptions. Hidden sliders and especially repeat arrows have never been allowed in any difficulty. The only exceptions for Insanes are "hidden" circle notes under sliders (which is usually just bad mapping practice).
Topic Starter

Derekku wrote:

theowest wrote:

bla bla. y'know.. Hidden stuff is always acceptable for insanes. Didn't you know that? Insanes are exceptions. And it's not a rule.(
Insanes are not exceptions. Hidden sliders and especially repeat arrows have never been allowed in any difficulty. The only exceptions for Insanes are "hidden" circle notes under sliders (which is usually just bad mapping practice).

theowest wrote:

This is my first beatmap ever that will be ranked. Please show some respect. :(

How any times did this get popped? lol

Your hitsounds are really low, please make them louder.
The only problem is a osb file on the paste.
Make you kiai Time consistent on the Hard Guest.


00:32:051 (5) - This kick slider(Slider with more than one repeat) on the easiest difficulty may be not a good idea, try to remove this making something like:

01:45:214 (5) - ^


00:54:839 (7) - Still don't recomend kick sliders, can you please make this...(?)


To apply this code, delete the note that will be affected and paste the code in anywhere on the [HitObjects] tag

Guest Hard

The worst diff of this mapset.
00:40:146 (6) - Maybe make it a 1/2 with one repeat would be Better as you can see on the melody..
00:44:944 (5) - ^

First Insane

Nothing to point out~

Second Insane

00:25:154 (1,1,1) - Don't do this without warning notification.
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

theowest wrote:

This is my first beatmap ever that will be ranked. Please show some respect. :(

How any times did this get popped? lol
Two times. It has only been bubbled twice.

edit.. woops. I should have put the mod here. oh well

Katsuri wrote:


Your hitsounds are really low, please make them louder. They're at mostly 100% Can't make them any louder. And they're good. I don't think they're low at all. And believe me, if there's something I'm good at with osu, then it's hitsounds.
The only problem is a osb file on the paste. fix'd
Make you kiai Time consistent on the Hard Guest. no


00:32:051 (5) - This kick slider(Slider with more than one repeat) on the easiest difficulty may be not a good idea, try to remove this making something like:

01:45:214 (5) - ^ ok, all fixed.


00:54:839 (7) - Still don't recomend kick sliders, can you please make this...(?)


To apply this code, delete the note that will be affected and paste the code in anywhere on the [HitObjects] tag

Guest Hard

The worst diff of this mapset. True. But I'm nice to accept it for him.
00:40:146 (6) - Maybe make it a 1/2 with one repeat would be Better as you can see on the melody.. True.
00:44:944 (5) - ^ good

First Insane

Nothing to point out~ great

Second Insane

00:25:154 (1,1,1) - Don't do this without warning notification. yes. I will.
Thank you for modding! Enjoy your kudosu!

theowest wrote:

Katsuri wrote:

Make you kiai Time consistent on the Hard Guest. no
Don't know about keep the map unrankable, It's not good.
Topic Starter

Katsuri wrote:

Don't know about keep the map unrankable, It's not good.
I WANT PROOF. hey mat.. If you're reading this, please tell me if ti's unrankable or not.

theowest wrote:

Katsuri wrote:

Don't know about keep the map unrankable, It's not good.
I WANT PROOF. hey mat.. If you're reading this, please tell me if ti's unrankable or not.
A guest mapper has the right to choose when he/she wants to use Kiai Time. Yes, you can keep the Kiai inconsistent if that's a guest diff.
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

A guest mapper has the right to choose when he/she wants to use Kiai Time. Yes, you can keep the Kiai inconsistent if that's a guest diff.
So.. It's not unrankable?
ok, great!
"10 months later"                                                    
Topic Starter

Lunah wrote:

"10 months later"                                                    
Yeah. I'm waiting for recheck. I've asked every MAT there is. Most of them won't respond. I've received endless of mods and I don't know anyone else who can mod anymore..

Can you make a mod?
the MAT that popped this map should re-check it again.
is just easy go around popping beatmaps and disappearing \:D/ (just sayin')

also I am modding this

EDIT : well, it looks pretty nice to me, just a little thing

Heavy -
01:14:030 (11) - may a new combo?

Scout -
00:51:241 (10) - same ^

love it a lot.
Star. .

Lunah wrote:

the MAT that popped this map should re-check it again.
is just easy go around popping beatmaps and disappearing \:D/ (just sayin')
Dear Lunah,

I'm aware that I need to re-check this map, I've already to talked with "theowest" via PM, you don't need to go around making such comments, it's not helping at all.

It's not good to go around talking about the things we don't know, in this case the status of this map. Thus, I'll inform you about it:

I've not been slacking off all this time, I haven't re-checked this map yet because I asked "theowest" to get a couple of mods more. I considered that this map could benefit from some mods because there's a stuff that still needs some polishing, imo. Thus, there was no point on re-checking inmediatly because I wasn't gonna re-bubble in that moment.

Just making that point clear.

I will be back asap with the re-check and hopefully re-bubble this.
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

Lunah wrote:

the MAT that popped this map should re-check it again.
is just easy go around popping beatmaps and disappearing \:D/ (just sayin')
Dear Lunah,

I'm aware that I need to re-check this map, I've already to talked with "theowest" via PM, you don't need to go around making such comments, it's not helping at all.

It's not good to go around talking about the things we don't know, in this case the status of this map. Thus, I'll inform you about it:

I've not been slacking off all this time, I haven't re-checked this map yet because I asked "theowest" to get a couple of mods more. I considered that this map could benefit from some mods because there's a stuff that still needs some polishing, imo. Thus, there was no point on re-checking inmediatly because I wasn't gonna re-bubble in that moment.

Just making that point clear.

I will be back asap with the re-check and hopefully re-bubble this.
Thanks bro. I tried my best getting some mods.. It's not easy and I don't know who to ask anymore. two mods is at least something..

Finally passed it lol...
I'm not exactly sure what sort of rage you had against society when you made this, but it must have been pretty bad.

- I don't understand why the difficulty settings are all so weird, but okay.
- I'm not sure the combo colors fit the map very well, or if they need to be custom at all. But oh well.
- Set the offset as 866 if you're the sort of person to care about such things.
Difficulty Spread: is not so good. The first three difficulties are quite easy! Then [Scout] is like, really hard. And [Heavy] is like [Scout] without the troll speed-ups. So I would remove [Scout] and replace it with something that fits the diff spread better.

00:30:851 (4) - New combo?
00:32:051 (5,6) - Ugly overlap is ugly.
00:53:040 (5) - New combo!
00:54:839 (8) - Short repeating sliders on Easy difficulties is sort of meh because it's confusing.
01:21:826 (1,2,3,4) - I would discourage putting notes under sliders in Easy if this is the only circumstance in which such thing happens.
01:33:220 (1) - Hi again.

00:31:451 (2,3) - Oh god, this spacing. Just no.
00:54:839 (7,8,9) - Spacing stuff again. Also slap a new combo on (7).

- You don't have any warning for the fast sliders in the first part, only in the second part which is kind of meh.
- This difficulty has inconsistent kiai time! Fix, please.
01:42:215 (1,1,1) - I'm not exactly sure what you were going for with this spacing but I got confused.
01:46:713 (1,2,3,4,5) - This star is like, really ugly. You make stars like this by placing one note, rotating it 72 degrees 4 times, and then taking the whole thing and rotating it by however much. But not like this.

01:46:713 (1,2,3,4,5) - Ugly star again.

Topic Starter

SapphireGhost wrote:

I'm not exactly sure what sort of rage you had against society when you made this, but it must have been pretty bad.

- I don't understand why the difficulty settings are all so weird, but okay.
- I'm not sure the combo colors fit the map very well, or if they need to be custom at all. But oh well. It's from the original youtube video.
- Set the offset as 866 if you're the sort of person to care about such things. Doesn't mattress.
Difficulty Spread: is not so good. The first three difficulties are quite easy! Then [Scout] is like, really hard. And [Heavy] is like [Scout] without the troll speed-ups. So I would remove [Scout] and replace it with something that fits the diff spread better. Noh.

00:30:851 (4) - New combo?
00:32:051 (5,6) - Ugly overlap is ugly.
00:53:040 (5) - New combo!
00:54:839 (8) - Short repeating sliders on Easy difficulties is sort of meh because it's confusing.
01:21:826 (1,2,3,4) - I would discourage putting notes under sliders in Easy if this is the only circumstance in which such thing happens.
01:33:220 (1) - Hi again.

00:31:451 (2,3) - Oh god, this spacing. Just no.
00:54:839 (7,8,9) - Spacing stuff again. Also slap a new combo on (7).

- You don't have any warning for the fast sliders in the first part, only in the second part which is kind of meh.
- This difficulty has inconsistent kiai time! Fix, please.
01:42:215 (1,1,1) - I'm not exactly sure what you were going for with this spacing but I got confused.
01:46:713 (1,2,3,4,5) - This star is like, really ugly. You make stars like this by placing one note, rotating it 72 degrees 4 times, and then taking the whole thing and rotating it by however much. But not like this.

01:46:713 (1,2,3,4,5) - Ugly star again.

My ears are bleeding again. Thanks for your mod! Now let's get this shit ranked already..
St Neon
Why is this NOT ranked? WHAT MADNESS IS THIS EVEN!?

Needs star.
Well, at least the important stuff was fixed. Here we go~

  1. Apparently, some sites use "TQBF" as artist. You should add that to the tags.
  1. 01:42:515 - I don't care about useless inherited timing sections most of the times, but this one is affecting the slider-speed so remove it, please.
  1. 01:42:515 - *copypaste* I don't care about useless inherited timing sections most of the times, but this one is affecting the slider-speed so remove it, please.
  1. Why is the Stack Leniency so low? Increase it a bit, please.
  2. 00:21:556 (1,1) - Why is the first slider-end "silenced" and the other one isn't? The music/rhythm is the same for both of them.
  3. 01:07:883 (1) - This NC doesn't make any sense, any special reason to place it here?
  4. 01:14:030 (1) - ^
  5. 01:45:139 (1) - ^
  6. 01:34:419 - This Kiai is unsnapped, fix it please.
  7. 01:45:214 - ^
  1. 00:38:048 ~ 00:47:343 - The "New Combo Spam" during this time is too excessive and unnecessary, I strongly suggest to use the New Combos properly. Also, you haven't used this "New Combo Spam" in any other diff, I don't see any reason to use it here.
  2. 00:52:140 (1,1) - 2 objects are placed on the same spot. I think that you added an extra repeat~
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

Thank you for your awesome mod! Everything fix'd now.

It seems like there's always something needing modding here. D:

theowest wrote:

Gonzvlo wrote:

A guest mapper has the right to choose when he/she wants to use Kiai Time. Yes, you can keep the Kiai inconsistent if that's a guest diff.
So.. It's not unrankable?
ok, great!
I suck :<

Gonzvlo wrote:

because I asked "theowest" to get a couple of mods more.

Lunah wrote:


Gonzvlo wrote:

00:52:140 (1,1) - 2 objects are placed on the same spot.
Yeah, "lol".

This reminds me... re-checking this when I get back!
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

Lunah wrote:


Gonzvlo wrote:

00:52:140 (1,1) - 2 objects are placed on the same spot.
Yeah, "lol".

This reminds me... re-checking this when get back!
I had to mod it myself too, I found A LOT of stuff modders didn't find..
Some mods, eh? Okay then, here you go!

  1. Stack leniency set to 0.2 is unrankable. Lowest allowed is 0.3 nowadays, and only if it makes sense (i.e, advanced patterns with returners, or stacking sliders which have problematic stacking). For this diff, 0.3 works, so set it to that atleast.
  2. 01:33:220 (1) - Considering this is only one slider, it could be 1/8 instead of 1/4, your call though (you used 1/8 before if it was only 1 slider). In scout diff, this slider is 1/8 too.
  1. While stack leniency 0.4 is allowed, yours should be 0.5 at least. The reason is 00:13:310 (1,2,3,4,5) (and some other similar stuff) don't stack properly. Maybe this was your intention in the first place, but I'm pretty sure that's not really allowed, that's only for some more advanced patterns you don't have in your map. If you don't believe me, just check with a more official person. :O
  2. 00:25:454 (1,1) - These new combos are totally unnecessary.
  3. 00:27:553 (1,1) - ^
  4. 00:47:493 - and everything after this, you had a speedup SB, why don't you have a slow down SB? I am not really a pro player, but I did think this was a stream coming when playing the map for the first time, only because I expected a "slow down" before it. Either remove the speed up thingy which is kinda obvious (it's good to make speedups with different slider shapes to avoid confusion, plus they have no ticks so...) or add a "slow down" SB.
  5. 01:10:731 (4,5,6,7,8) - Well, this works I suppose, but why not just stack them onto the slider? Stack leniency should take care of that anyway.
  6. 01:35:619 (1) - Is there a point to this anti jump? This diff is already hard with lots of speed, such an antijump is so anticlimatic. ._.
  7. 01:45:139 (5) - Move it closer so it "touches" the both sliders. It's too far away compared to all of the similar notes in this section and may be misleading for some.
  1. AR+1. AR6 is too slow and you have too much stuff on the screen.
  1. AR+1? Fits much better.
  2. 00:24:254 (2,3) - Fix this spacing. It's almost half as what it should be. This is a VERY bad idea for a normal-like diff.
  3. 00:29:052 (2,3) - ^
  1. 00:54:839 (4) - I don't think slowing down sliders like this is a good idea for the easiest diff. This slowdown doesn't fit either, it's there just to make the slider short. Just make it a normal slider.
  2. 01:33:220 (1) - ^
Couldn't find anything else that's significant.
I have to agree with SG about the terrible diff spread, but I guess it can't be helped. This map is pending for a long time, hopefully you get this ranked pretty soon!
Topic Starter
Thank you lolcubes.

Here's extra stuff we talked about:
14:03 *lolcubes is editing (The Quick Brown Fox - Coward Killing Time)[]
14:03 <lolcubes> : what is this i dont even!
14:03 <lolcubes> : :D
14:03 <theowest> : LOL
14:03 <theowest> : D:
14:03 <lolcubes> : insanes i barely pass? wtf!?
14:03 <theowest> : wat
14:03 <theowest> : it is!
14:03 <theowest> : or i mean
14:03 <theowest> : ur not pro enough
14:04 <lolcubes> : also you say in your thread that you cant get modders
14:04 <lolcubes> : you never asked me ._.
14:04 <theowest> : son of a bitch.. my sound card is bugging
14:04 <theowest> : oh
14:04 <theowest> : can you mod it?
14:04 <lolcubes> : well derp what am i doing now xD
14:04 <theowest> : yay!
14:05 <lolcubes> : i already found unrankable stuff
14:05 <lolcubes> : which gonzo missed teehee
14:05 <theowest> : ok
14:05 <theowest> : write it in the mo
14:05 <theowest> : d
14:05 <theowest> : and i'll disaprove them
14:05 <theowest> : lolol
14:05 <lolcubes> : sure you will
14:06 <lolcubes> : >stack leniency 0
14:06 <theowest> : insane bro
14:06 <theowest> : watever
14:06 <lolcubes> : :D
14:06 <theowest> : it's actually 0,2
14:06 <theowest> : or
14:06 <theowest> : 2*
14:06 <theowest> : you can never fully get 0
14:06 <lolcubes> : no youre right its 0,2
14:06 <theowest> : it's 2
14:06 <lolcubes> : but lowest allowed is 0,3 and only in a case where you have advanced patterns
14:07 <lolcubes> :
14:07 <theowest> : ok
14:07 <theowest> : but it's 200 bpm insane
14:07 <lolcubes> : i didn't make the rules ._.
14:08 <theowest> : sure
14:08 <theowest> : ok
14:12 <lolcubes> : this song reminds me of cold pizza btw :D
14:12 <theowest> : yeah xD
14:15 <theowest> : pon pon way way way
14:15 <theowest> : put i guess I could increase it to 0,3
14:15 <theowest> : it won't hurt I guess
14:15 <lolcubes> : yeah 0,3 is fine for this diff
14:16 <theowest> : ye
14:18 <theowest> : 467 likes on youtube in one day :D
14:18 <lolcubes> : o_o
14:18 <theowest> : :D :D
14:18 <theowest> : 13 hours*
14:19 <theowest> : and what do you get for that?
14:19 <theowest> : well..
14:20 <lolcubes> : xD
14:53 <theowest> : oh man
14:53 <theowest> : that's a long mod
14:53 <lolcubes> : wat :D
14:53 <lolcubes> : this is one of the shortest mods i ever wrote haha
14:54 <theowest> : WHAT
14:54 <theowest> : u crazy bro
14:57 <theowest> : hmm
14:57 <theowest> : is it okay if I have new combo on the first super fast slider?
14:57 <lolcubes> : yep
14:57 <lolcubes> : thats actually recommended
14:57 <theowest> : o
14:57 <theowest> : ok
14:58 <lolcubes> : when you speedup the slider, it returns much more hp than a normal slider (also drains more if you miss)
14:58 <lolcubes> : if you spam new combo
14:58 <lolcubes> : poof instant max hp
14:58 <lolcubes> : broken imo
14:58 <theowest> : yea
14:59 <theowest> : so you want me to add a slowdown sb?
14:59 <theowest> : why?
14:59 <theowest> : i really dont think so..
14:59 <lolcubes> : because the stuff slows down?
14:59 <lolcubes> : why did you write the stuff speeds up then?
14:59 <theowest> : yea but
14:59 <theowest> : speed downs are more easy to see than speed ups
14:59 <theowest> : in the case that
15:00 <theowest> : i dunno
15:00 <theowest> : but
15:00 <theowest> : yknow
15:00 <theowest> : i
15:00 <lolcubes> : well if you're too lazy to make one, just remove the speed up :D
15:00 <theowest> : speed up sb?
15:00 <lolcubes> : it's kinda super obvious they are sped up
15:00 <lolcubes> : yeah the sb
15:00 <theowest> : ok!
15:00 <lolcubes> : you see a long linear slider
15:00 <lolcubes> : with no ticks
15:01 <lolcubes> : i think anyone who c an play a diff like that will notice
15:01 <theowest> : ok
15:01 <lolcubes> : that speedup sb is distracting, it does help reading that part a little but you would expect a slow down sb as well, haha
15:01 <theowest> : ok
15:01 <theowest> : yeah
15:01 <theowest> : You should srzly become a mat
15:02 <lolcubes> : :D
15:02 <theowest> : because all your mods are super good and awesome
15:02 <lolcubes> : hey, you're making me blush now! :D
15:09 <theowest> : ok
15:09 <theowest> : I've fix'd everything now
15:09 <lolcubes> : \:D/
15:10 <theowest> : I'll savelog this for extra stuff
Okay, "lolcubes" ninja'd me so I had to double-check everything again. I still think that this map could be improved by tweaking some "NC patterns" and some "iffy spacings", nothing major tho.

Anyhow, the important problems were addressed. Thus, there's no point on holding the "bubble" for more time.

As you wish, Re-bubbled.
Topic Starter
Wohoo!! BAT here we come! \:D/

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

the only question is.. Which BAT will babble it..? ;w;
Hopefully this is the last bubble lololoololololololloollololololololololololo
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

Hopefully this is the last bubble lololoololololololloollololololololololololo

I just need to get dem BATs to rank this now. BUT WHO!? ;_;
Hitoshirenu Shourai
Sorry, but I have to pop this. Offset needs fixed!

Current offset (2066) is late. The new offset (2056) that I suggest is the most appropriate offset I could find for the map. Aside from that, everything looks good to me. Fix it, and I'll gladly re-bubble.
Topic Starter

Hitoshirenu Shourai wrote:

Sorry, but I have to pop this. Offset needs fixed!

Current offset (2066) is late. The new offset (2056) that I suggest is the most appropriate offset I could find for the map. Aside from that, everything looks good to me. Fix it, and I'll gladly re-bubble.
thank you. fix'd
Meh, bubble popped. :O

Hitoshirenu Shourai wrote:

Sorry, but I have to pop this. Offset needs fixed!

Current offset (2066) is late. The new offset (2056) that I suggest is the most appropriate offset I could find for the map. Aside from that, everything looks good to me. Fix it, and I'll gladly re-bubble.
I will have to disagree with this. 2066 feels okay to me and my offsets might be a few ms early. I was getting 0% mistimed with 2066 (for a while). With 2056 in a longer period of hitting stuff I had more mistimed than on 2066, quite alot more actually.

Let's see what other people have to say I guess.

Poor theo.
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Hitoshirenu Shourai wrote:

Sorry, but I have to pop this. Offset needs fixed!

Current offset (2066) is late. The new offset (2056) that I suggest is the most appropriate offset I could find for the map. Aside from that, everything looks good to me. Fix it, and I'll gladly re-bubble.
I will have to disagree with this. 2066 feels okay to me and my offsets might be a few ms early. I was getting 0% mistimed with 2066.
Let's see what other people have to say I guess.
Engineer timing
22% mistimed, 3 ms early on 2056, 32% mistimed 6 ms early on 2066, 14% mistimed, 2 ms early on 2060
As you can see I'm hitting early no matter what (I use approach circle a lot, looking away I wasn't accurate at all). I think if you split the difference it will work well. Try it out before you rebubble.

It is not an easy song to follow the beat on, since heavy weapons guy is singing slightly later than the beat, and it's 200 bpm.

If anyone disagrees with whatever offset is used, we have an offset wizard and a beatmap specific option for these purposes.
Topic Starter

ziin wrote:

Engineer timing
22% mistimed, 3 ms early on 2056, 32% mistimed 6 ms early on 2066, 14% mistimed, 2 ms early on 2060
As you can see I'm hitting early no matter what (I use approach circle a lot, looking away I wasn't accurate at all). I think if you split the difference it will work well. Try it out before you rebubble.

It is not an easy song to follow the beat on, since heavy weapons guy is singing slightly later than the beat, and it's 200 bpm.

If anyone disagrees with whatever offset is used, we have an offset wizard and a beatmap specific option for these purposes.
Why is this still not rebubbled?
I don't want to be rude, but popping a bubble over something really minor like this and not taking a look soon after is just lame. 6 days have passed.
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Why is this still not rebubbled?
I don't want to be rude, but popping a bubble over something really minor like this and not taking a look soon after is just lame. 6 days have passed.

Hitoshirenu Shourai
We're trying to find the proper offset before re-bubbling. My associates seem to think my suggested offset isn't right, so I'm waiting for their judgement on the matter. Please be patient.
Topic Starter

Hitoshirenu Shourai wrote:

We're trying to find the proper offset before re-bubbling. My associates seem to think my suggested offset isn't right, so I'm waiting for their judgement on the matter. Please be patient.
yes. ok. ok. I think I can survive another 4 months.
jk. I want this ranked as soon as possible.
For the record, I got Offset: 2,062 for this. 2,066 sounding better than Hito's 2,056 for me
Topic Starter

Doomsday wrote:

For the record, I got Offset: 2,062 for this. 2,066 sounding better than Hito's 2,056 for me
Great! THANK YOU DOOMSDAY <3 2,062 it is then!
fixing the icon~
also timing looks fine to me.

just wanting to confirm: is this for rank or approval?

00:25:149 (1,2) -
00:27:248 (1,2) -
00:29:947 (1,2) -
01:20:621 (4,5) -
01:39:512 (1,1) -
01:39:512 (1,1) - Nice overlaps you've got there
I thought this was ranked already

YGOkid8 wrote:

just wanting to confirm: is this for rank or approval?
Apparently, ranking o/
Even if it is for ranking, the difficulty spread is still fairly bad. Coward/Engineer/Medic-chan are all relatively easy but then there's a jump to Heavy/Scout and those difficulties are very hard. I suppose that this could be allowed, but I would have liked to see a better difficulty spread.

Or maybe I just need to go to sleep. Which is something I've needed to do for several hours now.

SapphireGhost wrote:

Even if it is for ranking, the difficulty spread is still fairly bad.
i agree actually (forgot to mention this). a diff. between medic-chan and heavy/scout, and then removing one of them. the difficulty is pretty similar, and honestly i think just one of them is enough
Topic Starter

YGOkid8 wrote:

SapphireGhost wrote:

Even if it is for ranking, the difficulty spread is still fairly bad.
i agree actually (forgot to mention this). a diff. between medic-chan and heavy/scout, and then removing one of them. the difficulty is pretty similar, and honestly i think just one of them is enough
it's still just e, n, h and i. buuuutt i guess i could make another diff. but that would mean more mods, 2 more months of pending, more asking, more shit. i don't want to do that.. ;_; i want to sleep.
you guys makes me wanna kill myself

ok so I delteted heavy. happy now?
I have one little mod for the taiko since the rest seems really fine.
Ozzy's Oni

00:07:159 - this break is useless
01:08:028 (2) - that can be removed
01:11:852 - add a kat there
Topic Starter

Love wrote:

I have one little mod for the taiko since the rest seems really fine.
Ozzy's Oni

00:07:159 - this break is useless
01:08:028 (2) - that can be removed
01:11:852 - add a kat there
finally a ozzy mod. I hope you see this ozzy.
Raging Bull
Ozzy stalks everything. He'll see it.

FFFFFFF- Take that short message! Now it's long!
Oh my, do all if it owest.

Remove that break, delete that note, and add a circle with a clap at that spot.
If you can't I'll do it, lol.
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

Oh my, do all if it owest.

Remove that break, delete that note, and add a circle with a clap at that spot.
If you can't I'll do it, lol.
Oh. lol yeah. But you could say No to that mod. So I was waiting to see what you said about it. But now that I know you accepted it I could add that stuff myself yaknow.
That's what I meant, if you can the stuff he said, that'd be great.
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

That's what I meant, if you can the stuff he said, that'd be great.
also.. What the heck is a kat? I don't map or play taiko yknow.
I saved and uploaded it

<3 you Ozzy ;D

Here it is, mods from my post: viewtopic.php?p=996263#p996263

Love wrote:

I have one little mod for the taiko since the rest seems really fine.
Ozzy's Oni

00:07:159 - this break is useless
01:08:028 (2) - that can be removed
01:11:852 - add a kat there
Download: The Quick Brown Fox - Coward Killing Time (theowest) [Ozzy's Oni].osu
kat is a blue note owest, and don is a red one.


a kat/katsu is a blue note, just add a circle with whistle or clap hitsound
Just leaving a quick note incase anyone missed this in [Scout]

.... and this too

Please make sure to deeply recheck the damages done after an offset change and such otherwise, it would screw things over badly. I'm not trying to mod the mapset or plan to do so, but this was something that really bugged me and couldn't be ignored.
i mentioned this and more in my mod, but it doesn't look like he did any changes. how nice to know that when a MAT comes along to mod it, he doesn't do the changes :)

just kidding, i'm sure you just missed my mod, that's all~
Topic Starter

YGOkid8 wrote:

i mentioned this and more in my mod, but it doesn't look like he did any changes. how nice to know that when a MAT comes along to mod it, he doesn't do the changes :)

just kidding, i'm sure you just missed my mod, that's all~
what what, I fix it.. what the heck

theowest wrote:

YGOkid8 wrote:

i mentioned this and more in my mod, but it doesn't look like he did any changes. how nice to know that when a MAT comes along to mod it, he doesn't do the changes :)

just kidding, i'm sure you just missed my mod, that's all~
what what, I fix it.. what the heck
Make sure to re-snap all the "Inherited Sections"
Topic Starter
Make sure you re-snap all the "Inherited Sections"
I did that too. Hmm. okay, I'll look in to it again. .. :v
brb, gotta restart computer first.

I hope this was my last update.. ALRIGHT U GUYS? ;_;

:| :| :| :| :| :| :|
00:35:645 (1) - Space this further? Not unreadable but this is an Easy.

00:47:638 (1) - Is the end of this supposed to be snapped at 1/4? IMO it sounds better if it ends at 00:48:388.
00:55:734 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:33:216 (1) - Why did you slow this slider down by 0.5x? It seems odd.

Fine, though some sliders could be tidied up.

Ozzy's Oni
The lack of notes at the downbeats at 00:12:856, 00:15:255, 00:17:654, and 00:20:053 sounds odd.

Too jumpy and streamy for my test, but I guess it's fine?
00:20:352 (1) - Could you space it closer to the next note? Something like this maybe?
Topic Starter

NoHItter wrote:

00:35:645 (1) - Space this further? Not unreadable but this is an Easy. Yes.

00:47:638 (1) - Is the end of this supposed to be snapped at 1/4? IMO it sounds better if it ends at 00:48:388. Strange.. probably cuz of the offset change.
00:55:734 (1) - Remove new combo. I knew his mod was useless.. >:
01:33:216 (1) - Why did you slow this slider down by 0.5x? It seems odd. ok.

Fine, though some sliders could be tidied up.

Ozzy's Oni
The lack of notes at the downbeats at 00:12:856, 00:15:255, 00:17:654, and 00:20:053 sounds odd. Ozzy! See this plox

Too jumpy and streamy for my test, but I guess it's fine?
00:20:352 (1) - Could you space it closer to the next note? Something like this maybe? WAT, I did have it like that.. gaaah.. ok. fix'd.

I actually love having random MATs and BATs modding this.. But I hope the modding stops and I can get this ranked.

theowest wrote:

I actually love having random MATs and BATs modding this.. But I hope the modding stops and I can get this ranked.
Actually no, you could set a record for "longest amount of time getting random mods before rank". By the way...

theowest wrote:

But I hope the modding stops and I can get this ranked.

theowest wrote:

But I hope the modding stops

theowest wrote:

I hope the modding stops
if the modding stops but there's still problems, then that's not a good thing. if people are still modding this, it just means there's still problems. though i guess you're just hoping that there's no more problems, huh :o
Raging Bull

SapphireGhost wrote:

Actually no, you could set a record for "longest amount of time getting random mods before rank". By the way...

I hope I set a record for highest amount of mods from mod queue then. :3
Topic Starter
Godt dammit you guys. I mean, the modding should stop because the beatmap is ready for ranking? Is it really that hard to understand?

though i guess you're just hoping that there's no more problems, huh :o
Yes, what the fuck else?
It stays like that, as it builds up into the next part.

And this map doesn't seem like it could ever be problem-less since people will always have different opinions. Mainly the Scout diff.
theowest it's been bothering me for a while, but please be mindful about what you say and how you say it, thanks.
Topic Starter

YGOkid8 wrote:

theowest it's been bothering me for a while, but please be mindful about what you say and how you say it, thanks.
I'm sorry for using the word fuck. I'm just extremely surprised how you guys couldn't think of anything else than that.
And Bubbled.

Though I would really prefer if you did fill in those spaces in Oni.
Topic Starter

NoHItter wrote:

And Bubbled.

Though I would really prefer if you did fill in those spaces in Oni.
thank you~

Raging Bull
Difficulty gap from Medi's to your scout is rather huge. Maybe ask Medi to spice it up or tone down scout?

Of course unless you really don't wanna pop your bubble :roll:
Topic Starter

Raging Bull wrote:

Difficulty gap from Medi's to your scout is rather huge. Maybe ask Medi to spice it up or tone down scout?

Of course unless you really don't wanna pop your bubble :roll:
dont want to
too late
wah, heavy's gone. Can you edit 2nd or 3rd post and put in a link to it?
Raging Bull

YGOkid8 wrote:

SapphireGhost wrote:

Even if it is for ranking, the difficulty spread is still fairly bad.
i agree actually (forgot to mention this). a diff. between medic-chan and heavy/scout, and then removing one of them. the difficulty is pretty similar, and honestly i think just one of them is enough

>_> It wasn't too late. It was mentioned few weeks ago. Anyways...I'll leave this here. I aimed on making it a hard so it's a better spread but uh...Dunno if it turned insane-ish. Go take it if you like.

Download: The Quick Brown Fox - Coward Killing Time (theowest) [Because you don't want a better hard ;_;].osu
The other hard one you had was better, sir. Rebecca Black's difficulty is alright, I suppose. It would be worth adding, possibly. The hardest difficulty is still stupidly out of proportion with the rest of them. Seeing how there might be a self-pop anyway might as well add:

The speed-ups still bother me.
01:30:517 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - In terms of difficulty this is pretty far out of proportion with the rest of the map. The second longest stream is seven objects long, and for this to be over thirty seems silly.
01:39:513 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - I sort of forgot to complain about this last time but this is definitely combo spam.
01:40:411 (1,1,1,1) - If this was all one combo, it would be great.

Oh well...
Topic Starter

ziin wrote:

wah, heavy's gone. Can you edit 2nd or 3rd post and put in a link to it?
sorry. dont has it anymore. they made me kill it.

SapphireGhost wrote:

The other hard one you had was better, sir. Rebecca Black's difficulty is alright, I suppose. It would be worth adding, possibly. The hardest difficulty is still stupidly out of proportion with the rest of them. Seeing how there might be a self-pop anyway might as well add:

The speed-ups still bother me.
01:30:517 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - In terms of difficulty this is pretty far out of proportion with the rest of the map. The second longest stream is seven objects long, and for this to be over thirty seems silly.
01:39:513 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - I sort of forgot to complain about this last time but this is definitely combo spam.
01:40:411 (1,1,1,1) - If this was all one combo, it would be great.

Oh well...

Raging Bull wrote:

>_> It wasn't too late. It was mentioned few weeks ago. Anyways...I'll leave this here. I aimed on making it a hard so it's a better spread but uh...Dunno if it turned insane-ish. Go take it if you like.
Hmm.. There's a chance I'll add it.

ziin wrote:

wah, heavy's gone. Can you edit 2nd or 3rd post and put in a link to it?
Download: The Quick Brown Fox - Coward Killing Time (theowest) [Heavy].osu

I hope theo doesn't mind. If he does I will remove it. :p
Raging Bull
Cubes has saved the day!!!

My message may be too short but the meaning of my message is worth more than 50 letters!

Raging Bull wrote:

Cubes has saved the day!!!
It's my bloated Songs folder that did. ;_;
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

ziin wrote:

wah, heavy's gone. Can you edit 2nd or 3rd post and put in a link to it?
[attachment=0:82ea1]The Quick Brown Fox - Coward Killing Time (theowest) [Heavy].osu[/attachment:82ea1]

I hope theo doesn't mind. If he does I will remove it. :p
lol, of course I don't mind.

I'm currently remaking heavy. Won't take long.
A lot easier now. no crazy shit
Go ahead and add RB's diff if you think it will fix your spread, this map has been popped and checked at least once by many MAT/BATs already so i dont think it should be too hard to contact one of them to check on it, maybe you'd need some modding on the new diff first tho.
Topic Starter

Sakura Hana wrote:

Go ahead and add RB's diff if you think it will fix your spread, this map has been popped and checked at least once by many MAT/BATs already so i dont think it should be too hard to contact one of them to check on it, maybe you'd need some modding on the new diff first tho.
yes. But I'm making my own version of RB's diff. Cuz.. I didn't like it that much you see. Won't take more than a few hours. Will be finished today.

theowest wrote:

Sakura Hana wrote:

Go ahead and add RB's diff if you think it will fix your spread, this map has been popped and checked at least once by many MAT/BATs already so i dont think it should be too hard to contact one of them to check on it, maybe you'd need some modding on the new diff first tho.
yes. But I'm making my own version of RB's diff. Cuz.. I didn't like it that much you see. Won't take more than a few hours. Will be finished today.
Also i find it funny that i timed this map a long time ago and i still could remember it teehee
Raging Bull

theowest wrote:

yes. But I'm making my own version of RB's diff. Cuz.. I didn't like it that much you see. Won't take more than a few hours. Will be finished today.
Oh well as long as you improve your difficulty spread then your map would be a lot better.
Well, if you are making a new difficulty, no use keeping this bubble for now.
Contact me when you're done.
Topic Starter
While I'm making a new diff for this beatmap, couldn't some of the many MATs here mod this beatmap ?
if you want of course.
Favourited 29 times so god knows how many people are waiting for it to be ranked.
Topic Starter

Lunah wrote:

don't worry <3
let's rank this awesome shit

Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.
Topic Starter

Lunah wrote:

let's rank this awesome shit

Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.

almost finished with the even more epic heavy diff (new), hardrockable (if ur pro) and doubletimable (if ur pro).
but in the meantime:

theowest wrote:

While I'm making a new diff for this beatmap, couldn't some of the many MATs here mod this beatmap ?
if you want of course.
Favourited 29 times so god knows how many people are waiting for it to be ranked.
yeah just no. not no you can't do this no, but no please don't make a fool of yourself no.
show more
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