Easy00:16:455 (1) - There's no sound on this spinner too abruptly, try making a decrescendo.
Overall the diff play weirdly because every new combo has different rhythms, it makes the diff inconsistent.
Normal00:02:496 (5) - This one might be too confusing for new players because of the number of repeats
00:17:288 (3) - This slow down doesn't really make sense, you should place a spinner here instead
00:57:913 (1,2) - Too confusing: the first slider has 3 repeats and the second one starts right after and is stacked, I suggest you don't use all 1/2s here
01:00:621 (3) - Same as 00:17:288 (3) -
HardThis diff makes bad use of hitsounds. :/
00:17:288 (5) - See Normal's comment.
00:48:538 (5,6) - Make them symmetrical ? (see me ingame if you need help for it)
01:00:621 (4) - Same comment as for Normal, except that one makes a nice pattern with the other slider, so you shouldn't change it
Insane00:06:038 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - This stream makes no sense according to the music.
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/33155 this play a lot better and makes a lot more sense
00:10:204 (2,3) - Nothing justifies a jump here, make at least (2) and (3) symmetrical (remember to re-space (4) if you fix it)
00:16:038 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Ok this stream makes sense but it doesn't play well, consider changing it ?
00:17:288 (2) - Same comment as for Normal and Hard
00:21:559 (9) - I don't understand this note :/ the pattern would play a lot better if it wasn't there, it makes things confusing
00:23:330 (5,6,7) - This hardly makes sense too... it would make more sense 1/2 later
00:24:580 (2,3,4,5) - These don't make sense either :/
00:28:538 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This doesn't make sense according to the music at all
00:37:913 (2,3,4) - These jumps feels too sudden but it plays fine
00:47:913 (2,3,4) - these jumps make the spacing of (5) confusing
00:49:788 (1,2,3) - sudden, and the spacing of (1) becomes confusing
00:51:246 (2,3,4) - Too sudden
Teras'Mind renaming this to Teras' Insane ?
Also it's overmapped. None of the streams make sense, the ones that could have made sense being wasted by unneeded notes that were added for the sake of having streams.
00:15:621 (8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This plays terribly bad: sharp angles on a 1/4 stream
00:23:225 (8,9,1) - This is not readable because of the hitburst from (7)
00:56:871 (7) - This slow down is way too sudden and unexpected considering how the whole diff played fast so far, and nothing in the song calls for such a slow down
01:11:246 (6,7,8) - nothing calls for these jumps, I consider it's a spacing error
01:27:288 (14) - Very confusing as well although not as unexpected as 00:56:871 (7)