
Mafia Game [Town Win]

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Swift wrote:

Faceman: If I do my calculations correctly, there's a 2 in 3 chance that I'm still town.
What makes you think there are 5 mafia?

0_o wrote:


Swift wrote:

Faceman: If I do my calculations correctly, there's a 2 in 3 chance that I'm still town.
What makes you think there are 5 mafia?
He might be suspecting some anti-town but not mafia, like SK. Or more likely, he's just failing at math. It's not as if voting is a complete crapshoot, either, so don't worry about it too much.


On a thread reread- mostly puzzled by what chris was going on about all this time, especially that stuff about self-preservation votes when there was 2 days to go and no more than 3 votes on any one person. Waiting for DxS to say something. Oh, pieguy, done thinking through your gut yet?
akrolsmir, I do believe that whole topic was about using the self preservation vote to take the offensive so a bandwagon is less likely to form on you and how it was suspicious they weren't using it as such.

And lol this reread is hilarious.

DxS, got anything to say about your bandwagon?
I only saw one post from DxS, and it seems very neutral. As I said in a previous game, if we don't take a proper stance on anything, we won't find out who the mafia is.

unvote, vote: DxS
On the bandwagon upon me I can only say that town will be harmed much more if I do get lynched.

Unfortunately I am unable to roleclaim due to role restrictions.
Usually when you're unable to roleclaim, you are also unable to say you are unable to claim.
I think that comes down to a case-by-case basis, Rolled.

Rolled wrote:

Usually when you're unable to roleclaim, you are also unable to say you are unable to claim.
I agree
so easy to slip by with a vote on dxs without having to explain anything thanks to the bandwagon :(

life is easy huh lybydose
Sleep Powder
I have a role that I can't claim or attempt to reveal in any way. Nothing said that I couldn't say that.

I think he's actually pro-town, but there is a possibility of a Mafia/Independent alternative to that type of role.
Yeah, I'm not allowed to roleclaim either.

Here, though, I think he could be making up the restriction, especially since he's kind of hinting at his role, and my PM states that doing so is forbidden too.

Oh, and I highly highly doubt scum would get a restriction on claiming.
I go to sleep and poof, so many pages >.>

Wojjan wrote:

well Hitter assume you're both mafs for a second. pieguy knows you're maf and votes you as a "gut feeling" which wow chigga wow boom bang he's a maf! pieguy definitely looks town now, lynching a maf D1!
That statement is full of WIFOM. You're basically saying that anyone arguing with someone else is scum.

Can people also tell me why they're voting for DxS? Or is everyone really using gut only >.>

animask wrote:

@VashWolf SwiftTail Anything you post can be used against you. You have the right to remain silent (for a while). I don't think roleclaiming will save you at this point. Stop trying to poorly defend yourself and make some logical deductions on your own. Also don't OMGUS FoS people... please.
Are you suggesting someone to actively lurk?
FoS: animask

Vote: Swift
Overreaction to RVS. Too many logic fails in defending himself including usage of WIFOM and Appeal to Emotion.
Some people are saying that Swift feels sort of like animask, but that's not a valid excuse to not vote for him. (Then again, I don't believe in meta)

Starting to form a theory based on role pm terminology.

No vote for now...

NoHItter wrote:

Some people are saying that Swift feels sort of like animask, but that's not a valid excuse to not vote for him. (Then again, I don't believe in meta)
This is something I strongly agree with, but I can't shake the feeling that he's town. I think my thinking goes along the lines of; if he was really anti-town, why constantly put himself into the spotlight?

Yeah, it's all wifom. But judging by how 'honest' it looks (lack of better words) I'm not so sure. Am I being too naive?
Sleep Powder

I'm saying that people have the option to lurk or say something. Loosely lurking, as in just reading posts until something comes up that
you want to contribute to.
I think that the issue of being allowed to say you're not allowed to claim or not is more of a case-by-case basis, especially because two more people just said they're in the same position. :? Actually, unvote: DxS because his claim sounds a lot more reasonable now that other people have said the same thing. One of them could still be mafia who want a convenient excuse not to roleclaim, but this is WIFOM.

I find it somewhat suspicious how Lybydose blatantly bandwagoned. My gut still says NoHItter though... plus, he FoS'ed animask for an odd reason. He wasn't really encouraging lurking, but instead trying to stop Swiftwolf from being so defensive, something I definitely think would be beneficial for the town.

So I'll vote: NoHItter.
Topic Starter
10. don't try to exploit things pls
just a friendly reminder
When's the deadline mod? Days seem so long I don't even know.
~14 hours from now.

Two wrote:

10. don't try to exploit things pls
just a friendly reminder
Ill keep it to myself, sorry bro.
Wait, who's exploiting?
Topic Starter
no one has or is, I just saw the thread taking a dip in that direction and wanted to remind everyone not to

and there's less than 12 hours left in day 1 at this point

pieguy1372 wrote:

I find it somewhat suspicious how Lybydose blatantly bandwagoned.[/b]
>suspects person for bandwagoning

>bandwagons same guy he is
vote: Chris

foulcoon wrote:

vote: Chris
are you slow

Chris wrote:

foulcoon wrote:

vote: Chris
are you slow
explain your thoughts or I will eat you
I dont believe DxSs claim here
Vote Count

DeathxShinigami (3): akrolsmir, LadySuburu, Lybydose,

Lybydose (1): Chris

NoHItter (1): pieguy1372

Swiftwolf Yellowtail (2): DeathxShinigami, NoHItter,

Chris (1): foulcoon,

Not voting: Rantai, Swiftwolf Yellowtail, Wojjan, animask, Rolled, 0_o, Mashley,

15 people alive = 8 votes lynches btw.

About 10 hours to go.

Staying with DxS because I don't believe his claim... and he hasn't said anything since. Want to come up with a better reason we shouldn't lynch you?

No one's exactly lurking, but a lot of people are getting by without saying much of anything. Guys, the less you vote the more influence scum have and the less information we have.

Oh wait, never mind. prod: Swift where'd you go?

Chris wrote:

foulcoon wrote:

vote: Chris
are you slow
nope, I see you playing like an aggressive tard whilst contributing next to nothing. Also you agreeing with rolled on the ability to roleclaim struck me as odd because of what others have said about their restrictions.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
akrol: Still here.

foulcoon wrote:

nope, I see you playing like an aggressive tard whilst contributing next to nothing. Also you agreeing with rolled on the ability to roleclaim struck me as odd because of what others have said about their restrictions.
sounds like you're upset friend

I've contributed more than anyone else

Wojjan wrote:

explain your thoughts or I will eat you
voting for me is a joke ^_^

foulcoons just upset I hammered him
This whole inability to roleclaim ordeal makes me a bit uneasy. Going to unvote on DxS for now. However, based on his past meta, I'm not too sure. He's had "unable to claim" roles before as town, and he never actually said that. Seems a bit odd that he suddenly does now.

Vote: Mashley

He's mafia.

Some of you may be able to pick up on why.

Chris wrote:

Wojjan wrote:

explain your thoughts or I will eat you
voting for me is a joke ^_^

foulcoons just upset I hammered him
Ordinarily DxS' roleclaim would seem odd, but if other people have the same restriction it's much more believable imo.

Lybydose wrote:

He's had "unable to claim" roles before as town, and he never actually said that. Seems a bit odd that he suddenly does now.
Perhaps, but he had 4 votes on him and if his role is as important as he claims it is it's understandable that he wants to stay alive. Might seem like I'm buddying up with him here but honestly I think from what he's said lynching him is far too big of a risk to take.

Mashley wrote:

Ordinarily DxS' roleclaim would seem odd, but if other people have the same restriction it's much more believable imo.

Lybydose wrote:

He's had "unable to claim" roles before as town, and he never actually said that. Seems a bit odd that he suddenly does now.
Perhaps, but he had 4 votes on him and if his role is as important as he claims it is it's understandable that he wants to stay alive. Might seem like I'm buddying up with him here but honestly I think from what he's said lynching him is far too big of a risk to take.
what I gathered from his post was "I did this same thing in the game before and was town, so obviously if I do it again I must be town"

not that I'm going to vote for him, but just saying

Lybydose wrote:

Vote: Mashley

He's mafia.

Some of you may be able to pick up on why.
explain your reasoning or I will eat you

Wojjan wrote:

Lybydose wrote:

Vote: Mashley

He's mafia.

Some of you may be able to pick up on why.
explain your reasoning or I will eat you
are you roleclaiming werewolf
like seriously two is rolling over in his modseat from all your assertions without anything to back them up. Withholding information of any kind, your own logic included and maybe even especially, is the very essence of anti-town play. Give your reasoning with your vote, with your every vote.

Or I will EAT YOU
naw chris I just like saying eat you want me to switch to END YOU?

Wojjan wrote:

naw chris I just like saying eat you want me to switch to END YOU?
no cause you can't play off your nk if you say that
sure I can I won't say it tomorrow at any point in time and you won't have any more kills at all

(by the way do you really think there's a role that says "you're a serial killer but you can only kill when you say eat you"?)

Wojjan wrote:

sure I can I won't say it tomorrow at any point in time and you won't have any more kills at all

(by the way do you really think there's a role that says "you're a serial killer but you can only kill when you say eat you"?)
I don't know but I am curious if there is a SK

Mashley wrote:

Ordinarily DxS' roleclaim would seem odd, but if other people have the same restriction it's much more believable imo.
Yet I don't believe his claim.
you usually make long posts suburu why so closeted this game
Swiftwolf Yellowtail

Wojjan wrote:

Lybydose wrote:

Vote: Mashley

He's mafia.

Some of you may be able to pick up on why.
explain your reasoning or I will eat you
I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's because of sheer inactivity. To be honest, I'd like to hear more about this claim, myself.

Chris wrote:

you usually make long posts suburu why so closeted this game
Can't say. Is Still fun though
Also, Lyby is likely right too
hey rolled stick around why dontcha
hold on eating sandwich
Suburu your last 3 posts have been 30 characters each

I assume that is a requirement for your role

edit: every single post?
Every post. LS is either Jester or town.
@above: can't really see exactly 30-characters being a mafia post restriction but hey could be making the whole thing up

Lybydose wrote:

@above: can't really see exactly 30-characters being a mafia post restriction but hey could be making the whole thing up
I agree with you

Lybydose wrote:

@above: can't really see exactly 30-characters being a mafia post restriction but hey could be making the whole thing up
that wasn't so hard see now I don't have to eet just for you chirs you
Okay I'm done with sandwich wojjan what do you want.

Rolled wrote:

Okay I'm done with sandwich wojjan what do you want.
opinions, logic, maybe a FOS if you're so kind.
no FOS really. Don't even have many opinions other than I feel the majority of D1 has been unproductive. I can at least give you opinions on who I feel is likely to be protown though.

Two wrote:

10. don't try to exploit things pls
just a friendly reminder
I feel like this was pointed at akro, animask, and maybe even DxS. They had obvious claim restrictions in their role PM, and posting what they did was borderline loopholing. Inability to claim a role is a pro-town trait, so the only thing left to consider is whether or not they're lying. Leaning town for all three, really.

LS: Strikes me as odd. Obviously appears to have a character restriction in their posts, but there's a couple reasons why I'm uneasy.

1. I know Two was planning on hosting a game for a while, and iirc he doesn't really care for jester roles.
2. I know Two also feels relatively strongly about including town roles that are worse than a vanilla townie.

That said, unless LS has some amazing aux ability and will eventually supply us with information, I think there's some kind of fibbing going on.
Topic Starter
Vote Count

DeathxShinigami (2): akrolsmir, LadySuburu

Swiftwolf Yellowtail (2): DeathxShinigami, NoHItter

Lybydose (1): Chris

NoHItter (1): pieguy1372

Chris (1): foulcoon

Mashley (1): Lybydose

Not voting: Rantai, Swiftwolf Yellowtail, Wojjan, animask, Rolled, 0_o, Mashley
unvote, vote Swiftwolf
Sleep Powder
lol @ Chris

Only a few hours left... to vote or not to vote... hmm.

Rolled made some pretty good points, but for some reason I feel suspicious of Lybydose. He doesn't
seem to be very open-minded about anything. Could be a playstyle, but I personally find some of those things

Vote: Lybydose

Chris wrote:

unvote, vote Swiftwolf
*ends Chris*

Rolled wrote:

That said, unless LS has some amazing aux ability and will eventually supply us with information, I think there's some kind of fibbing going on.
No fibbing, I haven't said anything I don't believe is true. I did have an intent with any post I made, and any votes have actual reasoning behind them that I can't explain.

That being said, I'm fairly sure Wojjan and Lyby are town, and Mashley and DxS are scum. However, at this point Mashley would be a better choice.


Vote: Mashley

Still, Swift seems to be above on the list. due to Chris's interesting choice of voting method. Kinda suspicious, if you ask me.

LadySuburu wrote:

Rolled wrote:

That said, unless LS has some amazing aux ability and will eventually supply us with information, I think there's some kind of fibbing going on.
No fibbing, I haven't said anything I don't believe is true. I did have an intent with any post I made, and any votes have actual reasoning behind them that I can't explain.

That being said, I'm fairly sure Wojjan and Lyby are town, and Mashley and DxS are scum. However, at this point Mashley would be a better choice.


Vote: Mashley

Still, Swift seems to be above on the list. due to Chris's interesting choice of voting method. Kinda suspicious, if you ask me.
LS fakes a typing quirk, Act 1. Or: Oh no, he broke it, what do?

I like a Mashley lynch much better than either DxS or Swift because they both kinda suck at mafia and are very easy targets. Vote:Mash
I'm kind of confused now.

LS makes post restriction apparent --> Rolled says there's really no way LS can have a post restriction unless awesome Aux --> LS posts medium-textwall, not acknowledging previous posts with like 15 characters max.

I did have an intent with any post I made, and any votes have actual reasoning behind them that I can't explain.
Unless that is addressing the tiny posts in some way I'm not understanding.
Kind of sounds like you'd rather deal with the heat of stopping your "character restriction" day 1, than be expected to come up with useful aux information at a later date.

Correct me if/where I'm wrong pls

Rolled wrote:

Correct me if/where I'm wrong pls
I can't come up with useful aux information if I don't have an aux role.

Anyone who is able to understand my meaning should understand by now. Those who can't understand won't.

Feel free to lynch me if you'd like, just take the fact that I believe Wojjan and Lyby are almost guarenteed town into consideration once I flip. My role isn't important enough that I need to avoid lynch at all cost. It still hurts town but only as much as mislynching does.

I'll state again that the meaning of "Can't say." Is important. I can't claim, for one.
I think Wojjan is right at the uh oh it broke part

it's possible that if they were the jester with a post restriction, getting called out on it (thx lybydose) might of either removed their restriction or removed their role entirely

that's all I can come up with unless suburu is just outright lying, which is possible since they double posted and I assume a character restriction wouldn't allow you to just continually post
Feel free to lynch me if you'd like

Chris wrote:

Feel free to lynch me if you'd like
If that's what you want to believe.

LadySuburu wrote:

If that's what you want to believe.


2. Rantai
5. 0_o
7. NoHItter
10. pieguy1372
13. akrolsmir

get in here. opinions.
aw foulcoon has no input apparently since they lurked and didn't post

Chris wrote:

aw foulcoon has no input apparently since they lurked and didn't post
what a noob
I'm not really sure what to say about LS... Either way, I don't think lynching him is a good idea for now.

Regarding Mashley, I saw a few posts from him, and while some were neutral, he did accuse a few people in one of them. However, he didn't actually vote anyone. IMO, this does seem somewhat suspicious. unvote: NoHItter, vote: Mashley

I don't know why, but I find this whole game really odd. No one seems to be giving reasons behind their votes unless asked. I've noticed foulcoon, Lybydose, and LS doing this, though apparently he had a post restriction that suddenly got lifted (and there are probably more people that I forgot).

Chris wrote:

aw foulcoon has no input apparently since they lurked and didn't post
All you've done this game is some aggressive day 1 "scumhunting" . You say you've contributed most to this game but you're really done nothing. My input has already been given sir.

foulcoon wrote:

Chris wrote:

aw foulcoon has no input apparently since they lurked and didn't post
All you've done this game is some aggressive day 1 "scumhunting" . You say you've contributed most to this game but you're really done nothing. My input has already been given sir.
more than you ^_^
actually let's lynch foulcoon for being bad

vote: foulcoon
i agree with foulcoon

Rolled wrote:

i agree with foulcoon
Topic Starter
Vote Count

Mashley (4): Lybydose, LadySuburu, Wojjan, pieguy1372

Swiftwolf Yellowtail (2): DeathxShinigami, NoHItter

Chris (1): foulcoon

Lybydose (1): animask

DeathxShinigami (1): akrolsmir

foulcoon (1): Chris

Not voting: Rantai, Swiftwolf Yellowtail, Rolled, 0_o, Mashley
Mashley's posts thus far

Mashley wrote:

Wait, who's exploiting?
Was this really just an earnest question? I doubt it.

Mashley wrote:

Might seem like I'm buddying up with him here but honestly I think from what he's said lynching him is far too big of a risk to take.
Seems to me like he's trying to get away with defending DxS by lampshading the fact.

Mashley's generally not very active and is leaning scum in my eyes, but I'd like DxS to respond first. Ideally on his own thoughts about Mashley.
2 hours left


I don't think Mashley is gonna get a chance to defend himself
Way to lurk without posting anything, DxS.

akrolsmir wrote:

Way to lurk without posting anything, DxS.
he knows he's off the hook
Sorry, forgot to post this here:

0_o wrote:

I will be gone all day Sunday

-I agree with Rolled about akro, animask & DxS being likely town
-I think I got what LS was getting at, thus I believe he is also town
-Mashley lynch sounds good.

vote Mashley
Topic Starter
Day 1 ends in 48 minutes
... Why do I always wake up to an infinite number of posts?

So Mashley is the one being wagoned now?
I honestly don't see how he's more suspicious than others atm.
What exactly did he do except ask about the so called inability to roleclaim?

I'm keeping my vote on Swift.
Also just so you guys know just in case,
Second on my list is Chris for his bad logic on insisting a self-preservation vote.

And perhaps we can tone down the fluff posts?

NoHItter wrote:

Also just so you guys know just in case,
Second on my list is Chris for his bad logic on insisting a self-preservation vote.

And perhaps we can tone down the fluff posts?
god forbid someone makes sure they stay alive

and lol @ you claiming anyone has bad logic after pyp
Topic Starter
Day 1 is now over. No more talking.

Mashley was just taking a nap, but when he woke u-- well, he didn't wake up.

Mashley - Pure Soul (town) has been lynched

Final Vote Count

Mashley (5): Lybydose, LadySuburu, Wojjan, pieguy1372, 0_o

Swiftwolf Yellowtail (2): DeathxShinigami, NoHItter

Chris (1): foulcoon

Lybydose (1): animask

DeathxShinigami (1): akrolsmir

Not voting: Rantai, Swiftwolf Yellowtail, Rolled, Mashley, Chris
Topic Starter
It is now Night 1. wah my pretty image got removed somehow

Send all night actions within 24 hours of this post.
Topic Starter
In the morning, you are all awoken to ear-shattering mewing. All of the old lady's cats got outside. k stopping rp here lazy

akrolsmir - Paranoid Cat Lady (Town Lie Detector) is dead

It's now Day 2. You have 72 hours until nightfall.
Vote: Swiftwolf Yellowtail

Now I have more confidence you really are mafia...
Hm...only one kill happened, so that means we probably have no SK. However, we still might have one, if the doctor successfully protected someone or if the mafia and SK targeted the same person. :?

DxS, what makes you think Swiftwolf has a greater chance of being mafia than before?
Apologies for sleeping through the lynch time.

It might be a bit late now but

@Wojjan - sifting through all that fluff, I don't see what Mashley did to be lynched. At worst all he did was make several neutral posts.

pieguy1372 wrote:

Regarding Mashley, I saw a few posts from him, and while some were neutral, he did accuse a few people in one of them. However, he didn't actually vote anyone. IMO, this does seem somewhat suspicious. unvote: NoHItter, vote: Mashley
I actually don't understand this. Yes, he did accuse 2 people but he said he didn't want to vote because he didn't believe a gut vote was appropriate (which I agree with). So how did not wanting to vote due make him any more suspicious?

From what I can tell you were more or less promoting random voting (which a gut vote is essentially is imo.)

Two town members died within the last day. Swift's logic still doesn't make much sense and he already was on a bunch of other player's suspicions.
A higher power is telling me to focus on my homework I guess.

GL guys.

DeathxShinigami wrote:


Two town members died within the last day. Swift's logic still doesn't make much sense and he already was on a bunch of other player's suspicions.
Which doesn't explain how he's more suspicious (outside the whole, there are less people so there is a higher chance he's anti-town argument)

The same can be said for you (minus the logic, which can happen for an array of reasons).
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