
Mafia Game [Town Win]

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Basically, you overreacted to a RVS vote.
Votes during RVS are usually placeholder votes that change upon someone doing something suspicious.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
..Oh. In that case, my bad.

NoHItter wrote:

Basically, you overreacted to a RVS vote.
Votes during RVS are usually placeholder votes that change upon someone doing something suspicious.
This guy knows what I do mean.
Vote: LS

not voting during RVS hmmmmm?
Topic Starter
Vote Count

Swiftwolf Yellowtail (2): DeathxShinigami, Rolled

Lybydose (2): animask, Chris

NoHItter (1): 0_o

Rolled (1): pieguy1372

pieguy1372 (1): akrolsmir

Rantai (1): Lybydose

0_o (1): Mashley

Wojjan (1): NoHItter

LadySuburu (1): Wojjan

Not voting: Rantai, LadySuburu, Swiftwolf Yellowtail, foulcoon

Wojjan wrote:

Vote: LS

not voting during RVS hmmmmm?
I almost never do anymore. lol
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
You people and your RVS. It makes me sad.
RVS is a standard mafia thing, silly :P
swift it's obvious what you have to do to not get lynched
Sleep Powder

Chris wrote:

swift it's obvious what you have to do to not get lynched
If not, its lynch or be lynched.
yeah that's true, you don't ever.


feeling pretty good about LS
Calling it now, mafia are Wojjan, LadySuburu, Swifttail, etc.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
I'd like to see your explanation, foulcoon, unless you're still going through the RVS.
Yes I am going to buddy out in the open, day one, during RVS

way to go foulcoon, you solved it again.
well technically not DURING rvs but right after it
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
You don't have any proof that I'm scum, or even suspicious. And don't bring up what's already been brought up, that doesn't work.

^ none of these people posted again after voting

Rolled only posted again to vote for someone else

Swifttail is super defensive over random votes and won't vote for lybydose to put them over the lynch mark

maybe swifttail and lybydose are both mafia
I kinda wanna lynch Lyby more, because Swift also overreacted that way in another game he played. Allegedly. I don't know whether he was town though.
geez, it hasn't even been 24 hours >_>

Swift was town last game. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for now.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Chris: Actually, if I voted NoHitter right now, he'd be the one to get lynched if it was the last vote. He's the only one that was voted against before I was.

Wojjan: Yes, and I'd like to have that put aside. That was my fault. Apparently, I'm still overreacting. If I am, that's again, my fault, because that's not putting me in a good position.

Faceman: If I do my calculations correctly, there's a 2 in 3 chance that I'm still town. I'm pretty sure some of you are willing to use a lynch on me again to see if I've been converted to mafia. To be blunt, I'm not mafia.

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

Chris: Actually, if I voted NoHitter right now, he'd be the one to get lynched if it was the last vote. He's the only one that was voted against before I was.

you're 100% wrong about how voting works

so actually if you voted lybydose you'd be saving yourself from a lynch

though it is only the first day maybe someone will unvote you before you say something that makes them want to bandwagon you again
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Actually, you do have a point about voting Lyby right now. I WOULD be saving myself, however, if anyone that voted for Lyby unvotes, I'm in trouble.

Recall the pregame, Chris. Two and I pointed out that it's the FIRST vote that counts, not the LAST.

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

You don't have any proof that I'm scum, or even suspicious. And don't bring up what's already been brought up, that doesn't work.
Man I wish my defense was as brilliant as this.

*Does something suspicious*

*Everyone brings it up*

Hey you can't all use that because it was already brought up!

Chris wrote:

You missed at least one there. Trying to blame me for nothing hmmmmmmm?

Lybydose wrote:

Chris wrote:

You missed at least one there. Trying to blame me for nothing hmmmmmmm?
who did I miss
You tell me since you seem to be so keen on everyone's posting habits here.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Lyby: I only say that because it's simply beating a dead horse now.

Lybydose wrote:

You tell me since you seem to be so keen on everyone's posting habits here.
sounds like you're just talking out of your ass unless you can tell me who I missed
@above post: damnit the URL doesn't include search filters. Just search "mafia"

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

Actually, you do have a point about voting Lyby right now. I WOULD be saving myself, however, if anyone that voted for Lyby unvotes, I'm in trouble.

Recall the pregame, Chris. Two and I pointed out that it's the FIRST vote that counts, not the LAST.
Once above, priorities change.

Lybydose wrote:

That was hard

obviously I meant in the game, not forum wide
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Actually, your statement is correct. Foulcoon never voted, yet he only posted once
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Ow, ninja fest.

LadySuburu wrote:

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

Actually, you do have a point about voting Lyby right now. I WOULD be saving myself, however, if anyone that voted for Lyby unvotes, I'm in trouble.

Recall the pregame, Chris. Two and I pointed out that it's the FIRST vote that counts, not the LAST.
Once above, priorities change.
..Oh? I seem to be misinformed about this. Then again, I never really knew much about this game since before I started playing it. Guess it's time to do more research!

LadySuburu wrote:

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

Actually, you do have a point about voting Lyby right now. I WOULD be saving myself, however, if anyone that voted for Lyby unvotes, I'm in trouble.

Recall the pregame, Chris. Two and I pointed out that it's the FIRST vote that counts, not the LAST.
Once above, priorities change.

Chris wrote:

Lybydose wrote:

That was hard

obviously I meant in the game, not forum wide
Maybe you should learn to read. This person has posted once in this game since this game started.

Lybydose wrote:

Maybe you should learn to read. This person has posted once in this game since this game started.
rantai didn't vote

Not voting: Rantai, LadySuburu, Swiftwolf Yellowtail, foulcoon
ugh, fine, nevermind then.

That being said, you do seem to be pushing quite hard for a lynch on me off the basis of nothing (RVS on Rantai). ie, trying to push Swiftwolf's vote on me when it's 2 vs 2 votes and questioning him when he doesn't do so and we're not even through the first day out of three so why would he even need to do that yet?
oh right, also unvote

Lybydose wrote:

ugh, fine, nevermind then.

That being said, you do seem to be pushing quite hard for a lynch on me off the basis of nothing (RVS on Rantai). ie, trying to push Swiftwolf's vote on me when it's 2 vs 2 votes and questioning him when he doesn't do so and we're not even through the first day out of three so why would he even need to do that yet?
every post he makes isn't exactly helping people not bandwagon

he's like an injured dog, the closer you corner him the more aggressive he's gonna get

I'm the only one trying to be productive

and of course I'd question why he wouldn't do it unless you were both mafia it makes no sense for him to not save himself even on day one
and I question why you wouldn't vote for him as well considering if he votes for you, you need TWO votes to not get lynched not one
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
You have a point there, Chris. If we were both mafia, why would he not be helping me? ..but you know what strikes me as odd? You're helping me, and if your statement is true, then why are you helping the mafia? ..Okay, that isn't helping turn my case around, but still, I'm sure you get my point.

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

You have a point there, Chris. If we were both mafia, why would he not be helping me? ..but you know what strikes me as odd? You're helping me, and if your statement is true, then why are you helping the mafia? ..Okay, that isn't helping turn my case around, but still, I'm sure you get my point.
because defending someone else usually shows you've aligned somehow if the accusation isn't really stupid to begin with

you're new so you're more likely to play worse which means if he defends you and you turn up mafia, all suspicion is probably gonna lead right to him

also I never claimed you were mafia, I just said it was a possibility

are you trying to roleclaim
he's like an injured dog, the closer you corner him the more aggressive he's gonna get
so you're trying to defend him then? You clearly don't want him to become cornered (and thus act aggressive). Why? He your mafia buddy or something? Why aren't you questioning me for not voting swiftwolf to save myself?

Lybydose wrote:

he's like an injured dog, the closer you corner him the more aggressive he's gonna get
so you're trying to defend him then? You clearly don't want him to become cornered (and thus act aggressive). Why? He your mafia buddy or something? Why aren't you questioning me for not voting swiftwolf to save myself?
I did question you for not voting him ^ read up

and I'm just pointing out the obvious
I would totally vote Swifttail right now, except meta apparently excuses him? (rantai, I looked through both Mind Games, he didn't seem to be in there)

ninja'd like five times.

You're helping me, and if your statement is true, then why are you helping the mafia?
Unvote, vote Swift
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Akrol: He meant the Less Experimental Mafia game.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
..also, guess I'm heading to a dead-end yet again. Woohoo.
You know, if you gave up less often you might have a shot at making it to day 2. Might.
Sleep Powder
Lyb/Doc: Hmm, your actions seem to be pretty pro-town. Based on the last few posts... I'm not really suspicious of you so...


VashWolf: You're getting too worked up about people accusing you of being suspicious/mafia. I don't recommend roleclaiming on Day 1
unless you have a role that would benefit from that in some way. You're playing the same way as the last game and I think if you were mafia you would have at least changed your playstyle knowing your previous one made you suspicious. Neutral

Chris: Uggh, your posts remind me of Two except not as egocentric and obnoxious.

I'll see what I have on everyone else later...
I'm glad RVS ended, but it seems like whatever period we are in now is less productive.

What the fuck is going on.

I don't think we can tell anything from this situation. This is exactly what Swiftwolf did last time, and he was still town. As a result, we can't say Swiftwolf is mafia from this... At this point, I don't think anyone accusing him is mafia either.

Also, I thought we needed 8 votes for a lynch (15/2, rounded up). :? IMO, it's a bit too early to worry about who takes priority over who in a lynch... :?

vote: NoHItter. I have a gut feeling he's mafia (though I'm not sure about some of the more inactive players). >.<
I'm really confused about people saying like "if Swift votes Lyby hes saving himself from a lynch" How many fucking votes do you think you need for a lynch? 4? lol...

Anyways as far as suspicion goes I'm leaning towards voting Swift because hes being a tard clown. Sorry for taking it lightly, but your defense is awful. Not only did you draw so much attention to yourself, but you make it worse with every post.

tl;dr - chill out Swift. It's day 1. RVs fly around first day of every mafia game. If you're not mafia this game then you're just a bad player and shouldn't join anymore games.

you know what, fuck leaning.

Vote: Swift

Attempting some set-up speculation.
Given 15 players, I think we should expect three to four scum, and perhaps one SK? We could also have other Independent roles.

Now we have Swift and his overreaction to a RVS vote. His antics are similar to that of Less Experimental Mafia 2, except then was refusing to answer RQS. He also made many logic fails in regards to his defense.

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

You don't have any proof that I'm scum, or even suspicious. And don't bring up what's already been brought up, that doesn't work.

Chris wrote:

Swifttail is super defensive over random votes and won't vote for lybydose to put them over the lynch mark
Where did this come from? How exactly is not voting for Lybydose = Lybydose and Swift being mafia?

Chris wrote:

so actually if you voted lybydose you'd be saving yourself from a lynch
Why are you suggesting a self-preservation vote this early in the Day?

pieguy1372 wrote:

vote: NoHItter. I have a gut feeling he's mafia (though I'm not sure about some of the more inactive players). >.<
Yeah... I think you should use a more solid reason for voting someone.
I always vote on my gut day 1. It's just basic statistics, the less information you have the higher the sample variance is and the higher chance you will have a false positive with a lower critical value. As a result, on day 1 there really isn't enough information to make a substantiated claim unless someone does something really obvious = =//

I also found it somewhat suspicious how you didn't do RVS "because people didn't like it"...anything to get information is good IMO. Yes, RVS itself doesn't give much information, but it would have definitely started a conversation that could lead to information. (Though, I guess that doesn't matter much because a conversation started anyway... :?)

Personally, I still want to see more from the inactive people (Mashley, Rantai, DxS). ==

pieguy1372 wrote:

I always vote on my gut day 1. It's just basic statistics, the less information you have the higher the sample variance is and the higher chance you will have a false positive with a lower critical value. As a result, on day 1 there really isn't enough information to make a substantiated claim unless someone does something really obvious = =//
I think you should change your Day 1 voting scheme then. Using only your gut is a bad voting scheme.

pieguy1372 wrote:

I also found it somewhat suspicious how you didn't do RVS "because people didn't like it"...anything to get information is good IMO. Yes, RVS itself doesn't give much information, but it would have definitely started a conversation that could lead to information.
You mean RQS?
Oh, yeah I did mean RQS. Sorry :?

Also, in every game I played the person lynched D1 was lynched "because he was suspicious" and he was always town. This is just basic statistics at hand as I mentioned before, especially when you consider the mafia tries to NOT be suspicious... This is just my idea of how to play the game, and IMO it's worked a lot better than lynching town members who screw up, instead of actually showing signs of wanting to hinder town progress or mislead us. >.>

pieguy1372 wrote:

I also found it somewhat suspicious how you didn't do RVS RQS "because people didn't like it"
I guess NoHitter just can't win. Also, just wondering, was your gut ever right? Since I recall you suspecting me in about every game.

Swift, instead of talking about yourself (which you don't seem to be very good at), how about you tell us who you think is suspicious?
It's been right before, but it's also been wrong lol :o

It's not like it matters much because after day 1 I usually don't vote by my gut feelings.
Rawr, I'm awake now.

akrolsmir wrote:

I would totally vote Swifttail right now, except meta apparently excuses him? (rantai, I looked through both Mind Games, he didn't seem to be in there)
Opps, sorry not mind mafia. It was less experiment, I knew it was one of LS's games >.<

I was reading through all the posts and will be honest here, I have no clue what's going on. Part of me wants to shut out Swift's posts altogether (considering I had reread them a few times to try to understand what he was on about). Maybe I'm still groggy.

One thing I will say though - I don't think Swift and Lybydose are mafia buddies. As far as I can tell, the only lead that accusation was going on was the fact Swift was hesitant to vote Lybydose to save himself (and vice versa?).

If it were me, I wouldn't vote someone I didn't believe was anti-town (assuming I was town) based on the fact I wanted to save myself. Because the next day I would be dead from hammer accusations leading to 2 dead town (assuming both were town).
And for the record I don't think Swift is mafia at this moment, just really... confusing.
self preservation above all d1

that's not hard to understand
Well I guess that's your way of approaching D1. Even if it's naive, I still rather vote based on whatever information is presented in front of me instead of resorting to defensive votes.

Chris wrote:

self preservation above all d1

that's not hard to understand
Yes, but you don't self preservation vote until nearing the deadline.
Your vote indicates who you find suspicious.
By using it as self-preservation early on the game, you deprive that information.
there is no information on d1

self preservation above all, and you're both full of it if you had the last vote and wouldn't vote to save yourself

NoHItter wrote:

Yes, but you don't self preservation vote until nearing the deadline.

Rolled wrote:

NoHItter wrote:

Yes, but you don't self preservation vote until nearing the deadline.
glad to know you're contributing
Chris: Uggh, your posts remind me of Two except not as egocentric and obnoxious.
aww thx for the compliment

pieguy1372 wrote:

Also, in every game I played the person lynched D1 was lynched "because he was suspicious" and he was always town. This is just basic statistics at hand as I mentioned before, especially when you consider the mafia tries to NOT be suspicious... This is just my idea of how to play the game, and IMO it's worked a lot better than lynching town members who screw up, instead of actually showing signs of wanting to hinder town progress or mislead us. >.>
Are you seriously suggesting to lynch for no reason because when we vote for a good reason they're usually town? What makes you think lynching on nothing will get a better chance at getting scum?

NoHItter, pieguy, scum team of the year?

Wojjan wrote:

NoHItter, pieguy, scum team of the year?
How did what pieguy make you think we're both scum?

So you still think that one should prioritize self-preservation over information in voting long before the deadline?

Chris wrote:

there is no information on d1
This statement:Not always true

NoHItter wrote:

Wojjan wrote:

NoHItter, pieguy, scum team of the year?
How did what pieguy make you think we're both scum?

So you still think that one should prioritize self-preservation over information in voting long before the deadline?
yes for the third time

especially on d1 where votes are mostly random and bandwagons are common

there is no "information" to be gained, just speculating based off nothing because nothing has happened
Everything in this game is speculations. You can't even take the information you receive from the host as fact, as you now know ^__^

With your logic, a vanilla townie would just RV the whole way through a mafia game. All they have is speculation.

I feel you're underestimating the usefulness and power of speculation, though.

Rolled wrote:

Everything in this game is speculations. You can't even take the information you receive from the host as fact, as you now know ^__^

With your logic, a vanilla townie would just RV the whole way through a mafia game. All they have is speculation.

I feel you're underestimating the usefulness and power of speculation, though.
d1 d1 d1 d1 d1 d1 d1

did you read that yet
So what's classified as information as opposed to speculation?

Rolled wrote:

So what's classified as information as opposed to speculation?
anything that is confirmed
Do you realize how little in mafia is confirmed? Nine times out of ten a decision must be made without previous confirmation on whether it's good or bad.

This is really derailing the thread though. I'm just showing flaws in your argument.

Rolled wrote:

Do you realize how little in mafia is confirmed? Nine times out of ten a decision must be made without previous confirmation on whether it's good or bad.

This is really derailing the thread though. I'm just showing flaws in your argument.
my entire argument is based around d1

that's what you and everyone else seems to continue to ignore
Nobody is arguing that information on d1 is generally lower than information in later days. What people are arguing is that there is no information to be gathered day 1.

Rolled wrote:

Nobody is arguing that information on d1 is generally lower than information in later days. What people are arguing is that there is no information to be gathered day 1.
what information can you gather that is useful d1 other than roleclaims?

voting patterns and crap like that doesn't help till later
And there lies the disagreement (that I have at least).

I see information as anything that can be used to read a player, whether that be 'speculation' or otherwise. At the very least it could help with choosing a D1 lynch as opposed to blindly picking or 'gut voting'.

.....Wow ninjas.
yeah, what he said.

Rantai wrote:

And there lies the disagreement (that I have at least).

I see information as anything that can be used to read a player, whether that be 'speculation' or otherwise. At the very least it could help with choosing a D1 lynch as opposed to blindly picking or 'gut voting'.

.....Wow ninjas.
anyone you lynch d1 is going to be lynched blindly 100% of the time unless they just claim mafia
So are you suggesting that we do not have more information on you than we have against somebody who has posted 0 times?

This conversation is such a derailer so just admit you are wrong and be on with it.

Rolled wrote:

So are you suggesting that we do not have more information on you than we have against somebody who has posted 0 times?

This conversation is such a derailer so just admit you are wrong and be on with it.
tell me then what you've gathered from me posting? I'd love to hear this

it isn't derailing anything because there is no other conversations going on, and this is about mafia
I gathered that you're bad at mafia

Rolled wrote:

I gathered that you're bad at mafia
exactly, nothing

thanks for proving my point
If a hypothetical situation arises in which a bus driver were to switch you with player x, and player x dies, it's more likely that you are a strongman rather than you shooting yourself anticipating my switch. Hypothetically.

See, I concluded that due to information I gathered on day 1.

Rolled wrote:

If a hypothetical situation arises in which a bus driver were to switch you with player x, and player x dies, it's more likely that you are a strongman rather than you shooting yourself anticipating my switch. Hypothetically.

See, I concluded that due to information I gathered on day 1.
I think you've got your games switched up
Vote: Mashley basically is gut

Chris wrote:

tell me then what you've gathered from me posting? I'd love to hear this
Well you could say I've gathered that you don't believe anything that is unconfirmed as useful :P

Which is fine, we're all entitled to our own opinion.

But also, my initial thoughts of you back when you were fueling the fires under Swift and Lybydose was "why are you doing this?"

So yes, what were you hoping to find/achieve with that? Somehow I don't think your intention was for them to vote each other.
well Hitter assume you're both mafs for a second. pieguy knows you're maf and votes you as a "gut feeling" which wow chigga wow boom bang he's a maf! pieguy definitely looks town now, lynching a maf D1!

also you are reacting worse than swift

Rantai wrote:

Chris wrote:

tell me then what you've gathered from me posting? I'd love to hear this
Well you could say I've gathered that you don't believe anything that is unconfirmed as useful :P

Which is fine, we're all entitled to our own opinion.

But also, my initial thoughts of you back when you were fueling the fires under Swift and Lybydose was "why are you doing this?"

So yes, what were you hoping to find/achieve with that? Somehow I don't think your intention was for them to vote each other.
I was wondering why neither swift or lybydose was voting for each other if it would of made such a significant difference in how many extra votes they would of needed to be lynched.

it made no sense so it's only natural to put out the possibility that they are both indeed mafia

you notice swift has still yet to vote even after being at the top of the list, when he could of saved himself before

lybydose never voted to ensure his survival either
also it's not that I believe anything unconfirmed is useless, I just believe that there is very little to gain from what happens d1 until later on in the game

d1 lynch is always gonna end up being for the most part random, maybe because of a wrong choice of words or just a really overly defensive attitude like swift

but it will never be based on anything that's a for sure thing
To be honest, I would have thought voting last minute would have been the smarter way to do so because voting the person with the most/second most votes would've raised a few eyebrows. Especially if it was only based on saving themselves.
Topic Starter
Vote Count

Swiftwolf Yellowtail (4): DeathxShinigami, Rolled, akrolsmir, foulcoon

NoHItter (2): 0_o, pieguy1372

Lybydose (1): Chris

0_o (1): Mashley

Mashley (1): LadySuburu

Not voting: Rantai, Swiftwolf Yellowtail, Wojjan, Lybydose, animask, NoHItter

edit: changed order for clarity
Alright, I won't dispute that.

Rantai wrote:

To be honest, I would have thought voting last minute would have been the smarter way to do so because voting the person with the most/second most votes would've raised a few eyebrows. Especially if it was only based on saving themselves.
that's where the bandwagon comes in though, especially with mafia members

see someone with a bunch of votes, add on another, next person does the same all to just confirm their place at least past d1

if you don't take the offensive you're just going to end up getting voted for

just like whats happening with swifttail now since he decided to pout rather than vote
Time before the day ends please, host. ^____^

Unvote because I really haven't analyzed shit in the last 5 pages, and the furry guy was a RV.
38 hours remain
Topic Starter
It's now Day 1. You have 72 hours from this post until nightfall.

That's september 19th 12:13 am EST, september 18th 9:13 pm PST afaik correct me if I'm wrong
Posted: 34 hours ago
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