
Yoko Shimomura - Weapons Factory

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 4:04:01 AM

Artist: Yoko Shimomura
Title: Weapons Factory
Source: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Tags: chamelepeace710 -kevincela- nintendo smrpg squaresoft
BPM: 233.23
Filesize: 4684kb
Play Time: 02:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cha-Insane (4.95 stars, 494 notes)
  2. Easy (1.33 stars, 120 notes)
  3. Inane (5 stars, 466 notes)
  4. Kev-Hard (4.77 stars, 304 notes)
  5. Normal (3.26 stars, 182 notes)
Download: Yoko Shimomura - Weapons Factory
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
13/8 in all its glory.

Guest hard by -kevincela-. Guest insane by chamelepeace710. "Hammer" sound by sushi. Many thanks to them.

Make sure you pm me later so i can mod later....

And a guest diff please?
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Go ahead and make an insane. Just so you know this was VERY hard to map due to the time signature. It took me 2 tries until I got something good enough for me to submit.

Mapping every beat would be difficult too, and possible boring (though I suppose 0 sliders would work). I didn't want this to be too hard due to the inanity of the time signature.
Yeah, inane time signatures are rare in music, which is why peppy hasn't invented the 13/8 function.

If you get this ranked I'll shit myself.

I'm dead serious.

On a more serious topic, this seems good. Are we allowed to make guest maps?
is very work this map,but keep working,is a pretty map

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WeegeevsWeegee wrote:

If you get this ranked I'll shit myself.

I'm dead serious.
That's the plan.

WeegeevsWeegee wrote:

On a more serious topic, this seems good. Are we allowed to make guest maps?
The bigger question is CAN you make a guest map that is significantly different from mine? You're welcome to try (especially taiko), but there's a pretty good chance I'll think it's terrible and won't put it in. As I said before, I scrapped my own difficulties twice.
Actually, I'm starting the map now, and it doesn't seem too hard to map....

It's just finding places where I could actually put hard beats....
Good stuff right here. If I had any inspiration I'd make a difficulty. None right now.
"difficult to make an enjoyable easy" - somewhat agree with that, because if there won't be enough notes placed, the unique feel of the track won't show itself. About custom hitsounds: I like those that you have in inane.
And mapping ideas, err, for example after 00:57:895 in normal you can use some sliders instead of circles and/or add some 1/2 beats to accompany them (or other circles) at 'clang' sounds. First think that came to mind but surely it can be arranged better
Because if you are thinking of changing it from easy to normal, you might as well make it harder.
Oh, and also in this segment on a harder diff might be nice to see some jumps. but it would be kind of a waste since inane is already mapped awesomely.
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senaya wrote:

"difficult to make an enjoyable easy" - somewhat agree with that, because if there won't be enough notes placed, the unique feel of the track won't show itself. About custom hitsounds: I like those that you have in inane.
And mapping ideas, err, for example after 00:57:895 in normal you can use some sliders instead of circles and/or add some 1/2 beats to accompany them (or other circles) at 'clang' sounds. First think that came to mind but surely it can be arranged better
Because if you are thinking of changing it from easy to normal, you might as well make it harder.
Oh, and also in this segment on a harder diff might be nice to see some jumps. but it would be kind of a waste since inane is already mapped awesomely.
Thanks for the ideas, but this is going for rank, so I need an easy difficulty (under 3 stars). The only thing that might change is the name; I'm not going to make it harder, though I'll probably make a hard if I don't think I like the difficulty spread.

When I was mapping this I was worried that the time signature would be too much, and avoided jumps. It's already a bit jumpy due to the high bpm and 1.2 spacing on most of the parts. However, I think I can create some big jumps pretty easily, the real problem is where to put them.

Get it chainsane....

oh forget it, what am i saying.....

Don't forget to tell someone to change it the 13/8 time signature....

Download: Yoko Shimomura - Weapons Factory (ziin) [Cha-insane].osu
This whole thing is pretty pointy/squarey. This is understandable considering the limitations of easies, but it could be better.
Try making longer sliders that curve about. No need to have many insta-sliders on an easy.
01:24:903 That 1 and 2 is tough to read
01:28:246 The fuck... I think i like it
01:33:905 Not sure about the way the 6 clutches the 1. It seems odd, especially since they are different colors
Man, stuff gets really hard... you might want to call this Normal
02:04:256 I don't like how it's touching the 5
02:05:799 I don't like the 3 touching the 2, and the flow is bad

I'll assume "Inane" is intentional.
Holy small circles batman. You might get rating trolled for that
01:57:568 to <the end> This section is particularly pointy and square-y, maybe make it more curvy like the earlier portions?
Pretty good, those 7 streams mess me up though (all this 13/8 man)

You should stick to the custom hitsounds.
00:29:602 This really doesn't need a new combo
00:46:450 Seems a bit odd, nothing totally wrong with it though
00:57:381 to 01:10:756 GENIUS!
02:07:085 Kills the flow of the previous slider
02:47:660 I'd add an inheriting section that changes the hit to soft to prevent sound popping
Very nice insane; it's well paced and fun.

hnnngggg star

Charles445 wrote:

You should stick to the custom hitsounds.
00:29:602 This really doesn't need a new combo
00:46:450 Seems a bit odd, nothing totally wrong with it though
00:57:381 to 01:10:756 GENIUS!
02:07:085 Kills the flow of the previous slider
02:47:660 I'd add an inheriting section that changes the hit to soft to prevent sound popping
Very nice insane; it's well paced and fun.

Hooray! Update!

Download: Yoko Shimomura - Weapons Factory (ziin) [Cha-insane].osu
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Charles445 wrote:

This whole thing is pretty pointy/squarey. This is understandable considering the limitations of easies, but it could be better.
Try making longer sliders that curve about. No need to have many insta-sliders on an easy. I'll switch to the curvy ones in the beginning.
01:24:903 That 1 and 2 is tough to read fixed
01:28:246 The fuck... I think i like it yay for slider art
01:33:905 Not sure about the way the 6 clutches the 1. It seems odd, especially since they are different colors Spacing is perfect, and I need a new combo there for beat 1.
Man, stuff gets really hard... you might want to call this Normal that's just the music getting to you.
02:04:256 I don't like how it's touching the 5
02:05:799 I don't like the 3 touching the 2, and the flow is bad Did some nudging, nothing is overlapping now.

I'll assume "Inane" is intentional.
Holy small circles batman. You might get rating trolled for that. I wanted to keep the difficulty up, but this is an easy fix if more people require that. I didn't know there were only 2 permitable sizes.
01:57:568 to <the end> This section is particularly pointy and square-y, maybe make it more curvy like the earlier portions? I like the contrast of flowing and moving fast during the melody, with the structured rhythm of the drum. Thus curvy-straight.
Pretty good, those 7 streams mess me up though (all this 13/8 man) I think it's easy after you hear it once. I don't think anyone can correctly guess the patterns in this due to the obscure time signature though without hearing it once first.

hnnngggg star
thanks for the mod.
Yeah, it's certainly not a requirement to have semi large or large circles instead of normal, it plays fine anyway. It just appears that player preference is bigger than normal.
I could be totally wrong however; one exception that comes to mind is Satellites; it has 9.2 with normal hitcircles. Same with STOP

You know what, ask the next modder what their preference is. If they like them normal sized, make it so.
Yeah...Maybe I will hand it my Taiko diff after my ,please be patient if you can wait :)
Emergency mod, no kudos
01:35:705 - THIS SLIDER
Ok, this slider's distance from the previous is 2.0, when the previous parts of the map are only 1.0
The distance to the next is a WHOPPING 2.9, AND THIS IS AN EASY
Redo that slider srsly
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lol I haven't finished the mod yet sorry to make you worry. I'm just being slow, and updated because I'm working on multiple computers.


I don't like the background. At all. It's.. argh.


Turn the volume up a little. I thought there weren't any hitsounds when I started hearing it xD

Apart from that, it's all cool :D

The mapping is pretty good in general

So, very good mahn. Have a star.
Arusha Shuna
dat quality
dat BPM
dat BG
nice mapping, nothing else to say

Hm... I guess I was the only one that preferred the map when it had normal hit circle size. Still fun, though.
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RL Link wrote:

Hm... I guess I was the only one that preferred the map when it had normal hit circle size. Still fun, though.
I added jumps, and found them to be way too difficult. Plus with cha-insane using size 4, it's a bit backwards to have the "hard" map be smaller in size.

Not to mention, I think inane is harder than cha-insane when using size 5, but the max score is like 2.5 million less.

If you think otherwise feel free to voice your opinion on the matter, I do like size 5 since it makes the streams a lot harder.
Eh what the hell? I know the song, but I never thought anyone would map this.

Ayee hitsounds? Yeah, I think I'm quite good at them, but this is... ehm well D:

Everything's... so random.

Why are there no custom hitsounds for the most part of this map?
Hmm... don't really like this, so I'll focus on Inane

Hee... much better than Cha. geh, this mod might be in a state of chaos ._.

00:16:227 - (5) add clap

00:19:314 (5) - remove 1 repeat, add notes at 00:19:700 and 00:19:828 and add claps to both-

00:21:500 - here should be a circle with a clap. eh.
00:24:844 - ^
00:26:387 - , 00:26:516 - ^
00:28:188 - ^
00:31:531 - ^
00:38:219 - ^
00:39:767 - ^
You can fix those by increasing the slidertick rate to 2 add put hitsounds on the sliderticks. or remove/shorten the sliders and add the circles. or you can leave it as it is...

00:09:025 - remove clap
00:09:283 - ^
00:12:626 (3) - ^
00:15:713 (4,5) - ^
00:22:400 (4) - ^
00:29:088 (6) - ^
00:32:689 (7) - ^
00:35:775 (6) - ^
00:36:033 (7) - ^
00:39:376 (5) - ^

00:08:125 - add a note + clap
00:11:469 - add note + clap
00:34:875 - add note + clap
00:41:434 - add note
00:43:106, 00:43:234 - add note + clap
00:44:778 - ^ add note
00:46:450, 00:46:578 - - add note + clap

hitsounds from 00:57:381 on are nice~
01:14:100 (1) - add new combo
the problems start from on 01:20:787 on again. do something with what I gave you above...

It's hard to map an Easy diff for a song like this D: I can't help you really well here.
It would be great if you'd put notes where those... hammers sound. In the beginning.

I might check this later again. You shoulda ask a real pro about hitsounds, like NatsumeRin. He might be more of a help than I am.

Download: soft-hitwhistle.rar
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Tenshi-nyan wrote:

Eh what the hell? I know the song, but I never thought anyone would map this. anything is possible if you believe!
very nice mod, almost everything will be done
00:16:227 - (5) add clap you are my hero

00:19:314 (5) - remove 1 repeat, add notes at 00:19:700 and 00:19:828 and add claps to both- seriously ^

00:21:500 - here should be a circle with a clap. eh.
You can fix those by increasing the slidertick rate to 2 add put hitsounds on the sliderticks. or remove/shorten the sliders and add the circles. or you can leave it as it is... I was contemplating this after I did it for easy. We'll see how it plays out.

00:09:025 - remove clap I mapped the whole song like this, or at least I tried to. I can't actually hear the loud snare hit here (there's a soft one), but it's in the midi I got, so I'm leaving it I'm fixing it. The pattern is: 3,4.5,7,8,9,10,13,2,3,4.5,7,8,9,10.5,11,13. So far I haven't mapped the .5s yet, but I'm about to after your mod.

hitsounds from 00:57:381 on are nice~
01:14:100 (1) - add new combo
the problems start from on 01:20:787 on again. do something with what I gave you above... thanks for not pointing them out individually. I know exactly what I'm looking for, and it's annoying to look back and forth :)

It's hard to map an Easy diff for a song like this D: I can't help you really well here. Very hard. I think I'll leave slider tick at 1 here though and ignore the offbeat claps.
It would be great if you'd put notes where those... hammers sound. In the beginning. I thought I put in hitsounds on this... Okay well I'm going to put a note on 13 wherever there's a hammer now. I'm leaving the difficulty as easy for now.

I might check this later again. You shoulda ask a real pro about hitsounds, like NatsumeRin. He might be more of a help than I am. Since I'm mapping directly related to what's in the background, based on repeated rhythms, it's not exactly difficult, just needs some double-checking. However, I don't like my current finish sound, and I haven't figured out where to map the finishes. Right now they're on certain key points and the beginning of every measure.

00:41:434 - add note
00:43:106, 00:43:234 - add note + clap
00:44:778 - ^ add note
00:46:450, 00:46:578 - - add note + clap I got rid of these notes because the rhythm was absurdly difficult, and I really like the repeating slider there. I may get rid of the slider and map this, we'll wait and see what others think.
Many thanks, excellent mod. A lot of the stuff I took out before I submitted because I didn't like it, but now it's fairly easy. The plan is to make sure it's not too confusing. Also, you'll get your kudos once I resubmit.

Okay, I found my new hitsounds that I like much better, so the map is going to go through a major hitsound overhaul. I'm going to make inane a little more taiko friendly by switching hit finish and hit whistle, so I can use a lot of whistles (bass drum) and claps (snare drum) and less finishes (hammer sound), take out some claps.

This switch will affect your difficulty chamelepeace, so I'm going to edit yours too (just going to switch the hitwhistle and hitfinish) unless you want to do it yourself, or you have updated it with a different version.

Snare drum pattern is: (most of the song)
Bass drum pattern is: (nearly all of the song)
Hammer pattern is very obvious.

ziin wrote:

RL Link wrote:

Hm... I guess I was the only one that preferred the map when it had normal hit circle size. Still fun, though.
I added jumps, and found them to be way too difficult. Plus with cha-insane using size 4, it's a bit backwards to have the "hard" map be smaller in size.

Not to mention, I think inane is harder than cha-insane when using size 5, but the max score is like 2.5 million less.

If you think otherwise feel free to voice your opinion on the matter, I do like size 5 since it makes the streams a lot harder.
Understandable, merely preference. Although it did catch me off guard when you added all the jumps. I still think that Inane is much more difficult than cha-insane, maybe because I find random(to me they feel way random) streams easier to deal with than jumps.
Great that my mod helped you, but you forgot my Kudosu D:

I'm so needy
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Tenshi-nyan wrote:

Great that my mod helped you, but you forgot my Kudosu D:

I'm so needy
I was waiting to kudosu until I was finished with the mod, so you know when the finished product is updated.
Heh, i said it earlier that i would update my map a bit......

Here it is.

Download: Yoko Shimomura - Weapons Factory (ziin) [Cha-insane].osu
Okay,firstly why Preview Point isn't set in Cha-insane? Why countdown is disabled and why combo colours aren't set if you're using same BG anyway? And why it's the only difficulty that uses Kiai? I think all this stuff should be fixed.

I want to see middle-difficulty :|

00:13:655 (7) - This overlap looks bad,really,could you move it few grids to the right?
00:16:999 (5) - Stack with (2).
01:27:218 (6,1,2) - Ahh come on D: Please do something better.

Rhytm is good,but sometimes it might be hard for beginners.

00:46:450 - Remove a clap please.
Using Normal samepleset in Kiai was a good idea,but have to say jumps seemed random to me.
But I like,good one.

00:13:912 (1) - Too close,fix distance.

Hm,that's it.
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IceBeam wrote:

Okay,firstly why Preview Point isn't set in Cha-insane? Why countdown is disabled and why combo colours aren't set if you're using same BG anyway? And why it's the only difficulty that uses Kiai? I think all this stuff should be fixed.I think he used my old easy as a template. As for kiai, the song doesn't need it, so I didn't put it in my difficulties.

I want to see middle-difficulty :| I was hoping for a guest, but I may cook one up.

00:13:655 (7) - This overlap looks bad,really,could you move it few grids to the right? only if I approach it from a different angle
00:16:999 (5) - Stack with (2).okay
01:27:218 (6,1,2) - Ahh come on D: Please do something better. I'm proud of my slider art, so 1 and 2 are staying. Made it stack though so they don't overlap, as that's the only way I can get something there.

Rhytm is good,but sometimes it might be hard for beginners.Easy didn't go through nearly the same treatment as inane did, but I honestly don't know how to map an easy 13/8, so I went ahead and changed it to normal.

No,really,Inane? For serious
00:13:912 (1) - Too close,fix distance. How did that happen?
Fixed everything and fixed the minor stuff (preview, colors) on cha-insane.

IceBeam wrote:

Okay,firstly why Preview Point isn't set in Cha-insane? Why countdown is disabled and why combo colours aren't set if you're using same BG anyway? And why it's the only difficulty that uses Kiai? I think all this stuff should be fixed.

00:46:450 - Remove a clap please. No.....
Using Normal samepleset in Kiai was a good idea,but have to say jumps seemed random to me. Thanks and I do have a habit of adding random jumps.
But I like,good one.
Preview point: It's pretty odd to put it at the beginning but ok. But I would suggest to put it at 00:57:381, 01:17:444, or 01:27:475.
Countdown: Enabled.
Combo colors: Matching
Kiai Time: Still Keeping.

Ok, wait....

Why Inane?

It will be better that in each diff will be same kiai

00:35:518 (3) - spacing (no jumps in normal) stuck it with the end of the slider

00:11:598 (1) - new combo
00:39:119 (8) - ^
00:40:662 (1) - remove new combo
00:41:177 (2) - new combo
01:39:821 (1,2,3,4) - don't use big spacing there i think

Seems fine

Good diffs, but boring long music, may be you will be it shorten..

Vass_Bass wrote:

the slider

00:11:598 (1) - new combo
00:39:119 (8) - ^
00:40:662 (1) - remove new combo
00:41:177 (2) - new combo
01:39:821 (1,2,3,4) - don't use big spacing there i think
All Fixed.....

Both updates in here.

Download: Yoko Shimomura - Weapons Factory (ziin) [Cha-insane].osu
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Vass_Bass wrote:

It will be better that in each diff will be same kiai It doesn't matter to me about the kiai uniformity, but I'm not putting kiai in my difficulties.

00:35:518 (3) - spacing (no jumps in normal) stuck it with the end of the slider oh damn.

Good diffs, but boring long music, may be you will be it shorten.. 2 minutes isn't long at all, though that's one reason I didn't map the end.
awesome map
  1. 01:11:528 - Add a note here?
  1. 00:07:997 (5) - This jump is too big imo. Use ctrl+R to reverse it? I think it fit better like this.
  2. 02:34:864 (3) - This note is under the hp bar, I think it's unrankable. How about this?
  3. 02:44:381 (1) - Spinner hitsound is muted so all those timing points aren't necessary.
  1. The spacing is a bit weird, you have 1/2 streams with x1,2 spacing and 1/2 streams with x0,8 spacing so it doesn't looks like the same timing :|
I think that's all I can say. The timing of this song is so hard to follow! But it's fun so have a star :3
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Kurosanyan wrote:

  1. 01:11:528 - Add a note here?
I originally omitted it because I felt it was too close to spinner for easy, but now that it's normal, I can add the note.

  1. The spacing is a bit weird, you have 1/2 streams with x1,2 spacing and 1/2 streams with x0,8 spacing so it doesn't looks like the same timing :|
On purpose. The flowing section is jumpy, whereas the breaks are not.
Ditch the Kiai times:
1. The other diffs don't have em
2. Really doesn't fit imo

Don't know if this is on purpose but doesn't "Inane" suppose to have an s somewhere...

Nothing really stuck out to me so star.
PS: this is one weird ass song o_o
was Hard to follow, but not because it is hard, actually...
following this you'll make it follow more the drums ( the non did part is followable for me )
00:07:225 (1) - Move To 00:06:968 (1) and change Hitsound to Hammer :D
00:08:511 (4) - Move To 00:08:768 (4) -
00:09:540 (x) - Add Hit
00:12:112 (x) - ^
00:12:369 (5,6) - Slider that start in (5) and end in (6)
00:13:912 (1) - End at 00:14:427 ( use Hammer at end too )
(If you've done ^) 00:14:684 (x) - Add Hit
00:15:199 (x) - Add Hit
00:15:713 (x) - ^
00:16:227 (x) - ^
00:17:256 (1) - End At 00:17:771 ( use Hammer at end too )
00:19:057 (x) - Add Hit
00:22:658 (4) - Move to 00:22:400 (4) -
00:22:915 (x) - Add Hit
00:24:715 (2) - Use a Hit and Delete the 1/1 Slider
00:25:230 (x) - Add Hit
00:26:001 (4) - Move To 00:25:744 (4)
00:27:287 (1) - End at 00:27:802 ( use Hammer at end too ) or 00:28:059
01:18:216 (2) - Use a Hit and Delete the 1/1 Slider
01:18:988 (3,4) - one tick earlier
01:20:787 (1) - 1/1 shorter ( means 2/1 in two repeat )
01:22:073 (x) - Add Hit
01:22:845 (2) - Move to 01:22:588 (2) -
01:23:360 (4,5) - Two 1/1 Slider starting from 01:23:102 (4)

use the Custom hitsound ziin inserted ?

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HakuNoKaemi wrote:

was Hard to follow, but not because it is hard, actually...
following this you'll make it follow more the drums ( the non did part is followable for me )
00:07:225 (1) - Move To 00:06:968 (1) and change Hitsound to Hammer :D
00:08:511 (4) - Move To 00:08:768 (4) -
00:09:540 (x) - Add Hit
00:12:112 (x) - ^
00:12:369 (5,6) - Slider that start in (5) and end in (6)
00:13:912 (1) - End at 00:14:427 ( use Hammer at end too )
(If you've done ^) 00:14:684 (x) - Add Hit
00:15:199 (x) - Add Hit
00:15:713 (x) - ^
00:16:227 (x) - ^
00:17:256 (1) - End At 00:17:771 ( use Hammer at end too )
00:19:057 (x) - Add Hit
00:22:658 (4) - Move to 00:22:400 (4) -
00:22:915 (x) - Add Hit
00:24:715 (2) - Use a Hit and Delete the 1/1 Slider
00:25:230 (x) - Add Hit
00:26:001 (4) - Move To 00:25:744 (4)
00:27:287 (1) - End at 00:27:802 ( use Hammer at end too ) or 00:28:059
01:18:216 (2) - Use a Hit and Delete the 1/1 Slider
01:18:988 (3,4) - one tick earlier
01:20:787 (1) - 1/1 shorter ( means 2/1 in two repeat )
01:22:073 (x) - Add Hit
01:22:845 (2) - Move to 01:22:588 (2) -
01:23:360 (4,5) - Two 1/1 Slider starting from 01:23:102 (4)
Heh, you could have just said follow the bass drum more. Unfortunately, the way I feel the melody's beat in this song is 3+3+2+2+3 (=13), which is what I've mapped to for the majority or the melody sections. The bass drum however is 3+2+2+3+3, which makes things a little difficult. I went ahead and double checked the short sliders though, and replaced a few with 2 hits. My only concern is that this bumped the difficulty up 0.05 stars, and I'm already over the 3.0 mark. It seems to add to the difficulty for no good reason, and I like having the beginning fairly simple, whereas it get more hectic as the song progresses, so I don't think I'll use it.
Hey, here's some stuff.

  1. Preview time is 0. Not sure if this is intended though.
  2. 00:27:287 (1,2,3,4,5) - (nazi) Spacing. Move (2) by 2 grids down and 2 grids to the right, this also makes (2) in line with the slider end. Adjust the (3) by 2 grids to the right and 2 grids down. Do the same for (4) so they still make a nice triangle. Finally, move (5) by 4 grids down and 3 to the right to fix the further spacing issues.
  1. Preview time is 0. Not sure if this is intended though.
  2. Different sets of hitsounds. Not sure if this is intended. (normal claps instead of custom sounds)
  3. 00:48:121 (4) - New combo?
  4. 00:48:893 (7) - ^
  1. Preview time is 0. Not sure if this is intended though.
  2. Pointing out at the name of the difficulty. Not sure if it's intended. It does sound more cool though. :3
  3. Not using any hitsounds. My bad, my client went crazy.
  4. 00:46:578 (7) - (nazi) A lazy slider. :D Move the middle point by 3 grids down and 2 grids to the right to make it look more pretty. Optional though.
Amazing map. Something rarely found for this game. Star~. :3
all updates check...

But hitsounds still WIP....

Don't forget the preview points I suggested.
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Hey, here's some stuff.

  1. Preview time is 0. Not sure if this is intended though.
  2. 00:27:287 (1,2,3,4,5) - (nazi)
moved (2) so it's under the end of 1. Everything else looks fine the way it is.
This isn't your typical osu song, so I just want the preview music to start at the beginning. There is no refrain or anything to highlight, so I'd rather hear the whole song rather than just the tail end of it whenever I select it.
Sorry for the long delay~

01.55.451 (3) Nazi: Since 5,6,7 are in a straight line, why not make this straight too?

Very creative, masterful abuse of spacing, one of the best maps I've ever come across this month. Star!
crap, i meant to put another

aquabluu wrote:

Sorry for the long delay~

01.55.451 (3) Nazi: Since 5,6,7 are in a straight line, why not make this straight too?

Very creative, masterful abuse of spacing, one of the best maps I've ever come across this month. Star!
update there....

Can you see it again? I don't remember putting anything on that spot...

Or did I erase it?

Download: Yoko Shimomura - Weapons Factory (ziin) [Cha-insane].osu
em...What I want to say..


849 notes.

Call me back if you have any problem.

Download: Yoko Shimomura - Weapons Factory (ziin) [Kanpakyin's Taiko].osu

ziin wrote:

Guest taiko by kanpyakin.
It should be kanpakyin not kanpyakin :<
Topic Starter
I knew I was going to get that wrong... Sorry.
Overall,its fine

rarely has nothing to say so no kds

Cha-insane 's previewtime is different from the rest


01:26:189(4) - whistle


01:04:583(9) - move 1 gird left (lv3)
01:10:242(8) - N:C2 , 25%volume
02:01:427(1) - N:C2 , 20%volume
02:09:657(9) - a bit harsh

I've seen you modding all over the place recently, so I figured I'd throw one your way.

00:27:287 (1) - Maybe something like this so it's not rubbing the edges of the 6:
00:33:718 (4,1) - Think you can reduce the overlap a bit?
01:18:216 (2,4,6) - ^
Eh, I'd just do more and more nazis, haha. Good rhythm use, though I think the spacing is a little bit high for the easiest of the set. If you can manage to pull off an Easy, it would round out the spread really well.

As stated previously, preview point is different. Line it up.
*looks at stack leniency* No, please. Raise it.
01:39:821 (1,2,3,4) - These were kind of surprised to come across. Maybe start into the combo with a jump instead of distance snapped so the player will get a better sense of what's coming.
02:07:600 - Whyyyy did you go to normal hit sounds? The custom ones fit so much better...
Also, I recommend you end where ziin did. Mapping the fade out is kind of dumb, unless there's a gimmick with the applause.wav.

01:30:818 - Awkward break placement. Also, it's best to keep break placement the same across all of your own difficulties.
Kind of saddened to see copy/paste in the works here, but oh well.
Eh, keep an eye out for overlaps if you care about those too.

[Kanpakyin's Taiko]
Add lead-in time.
Line up the tags, please.
Also, I recommend you end where ziin did. Mapping the fade out is kind of dumb, unless there's a gimmick with the applause.wav.

The spread is a little on the top-heavy side. I think the guest insane would make a great hard difficulty if you toned down some of the jumps and stream usage. And I suppose an easy diff would also be needed. Good work on this regardless, though. It's a fairly difficult song to map (at least for me it would, hehe) and these are quite well-done. If you manage to get an Easy diff in here, call me back!
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