
12 Girls Band - Horse Race [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年8月23日 at 22:00:27

Artist: 12 Girls Band
Title: Horse Race
Tags: Saima kazenotama KayeSara Megurine Luka AoiX xykbear
BPM: 169.63
Filesize: 2750kb
Play Time: 01:35
Difficulties Available:
  1. Aoi's Leg (2.88 stars, 124 notes)
  2. Hard (4.88 stars, 287 notes)
  3. KS's Normal (3.85 stars, 140 notes)
  4. Luka's Insane (5 stars, 437 notes)
  5. Tama's Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 678 notes)
Download: 12 Girls Band - Horse Race
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I love MeiGuoDaGe Luka ;_;

Megurine Luka wrote:

Easy - AoiX (100%)
Normal - KayeSara (100%)
Hard - cmn (100%)
Insane - Luka (100%)
Taiko - kazenotama (100%)

Ready for mod.

yes, as you see. This fxxking BG is random.
who modded this map
Kawayi Rika
lovhin456 *2
Special thanks Roddie, Faust & LKs for timing help
占沙发ˋ( ° ▽、° )
Megurine Luka
hi~ here's your m4m
my english is poor, ask me PM if you dont understand

Aoi's Leg
please change name to Aoi's Normal because names of all diffs are standard ><
00:12:987 (2,3) - so ugly overlap, try this =>
00:17:231 (3) - like this? =>
00:22:889 (1,1) - delete NC on this and at the next one
01:25:135 (1) - delete NC
01:28:672 (1,2) - add NC on (2) and delete on (1)


too many 1/8 sliders but i like it >w<~
00:04:499 (1) - delete NC?
00:15:285 (2,1) - so ugly >< like this? =>
01:04:976 (4,1) - unstack
01:25:841 (1) - delete NC
01:29:379 (1) - map this part OAO

Luka's Insane

so rape D:

ignore me if this isnt useful~ star, gl :)


  • Settings
  1. 建議kiai使用相同的


  • Overlaps
    (Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 00:15:285 (2,1) -
  2. 00:36:152 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) -
  3. 01:26:550 (1,2,3,4) -
  1. 01:29:379 (1) - 這太長了些吧...分成兩段應該也是可以的...

[Luka's Insane]

  • mapping
  1. 00:48:354 (1,2,3,4,5) - 為什麼是歪的??
  2. 00:54:896 (1,2,1) - 這邊NC爆發了嗎? 怎麼突然用了兩個...
  3. 01:08:159 (1,2,3) - 結尾對緊...沒有完全覆蓋 [Nazi]
  4. 結尾和其他diff一樣加個spinner吧...

[Tama's Taiko Oni]

  • mapping
  1. resnap一次 一定有動過timing... 太多地方沒有在拍點上了...
Hi there~~m4m~~~

  1. Aoi's Leg难度的SliderMultiplier有问题,请手动修正成0.8
  2. Aoi's Leg和Hard难度不需要Audio Lead-in,置0吧。
  3. Tags里面至少要三个字母才可以,所以ma去掉吧,或者写成 SaiMa 或Sai_Ma这样
Aoi's Leg:
  1. 这么好的太鼓音效不打算用么?只有少数几个地方在用,大部分都是自带音效感觉太单调了,
  2. 00:43:402 (2) - clap放到尾巴上吧
  3. 00:45:878 (2,3) - clap放(2)吧
  4. 01:03:915 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这里我觉得就用2/4clap就可以,现在的clap感觉太乱了并不好听。
  5. 01:20:891 (1,2,3) - finish太吵了,只保留downbeat应该就可以了
  6. 01:35:745 (1) - 这后面有点画蛇添足的感觉,前面那个收尾spinner足够了。
  1. 00:40:219 (2,3,4) - 我感觉这三个稍微摆远一点然后叠起来会好一点,现在这样放可能会有读图障碍,对hard来说不太合适吧。
  2. 00:45:171 (4,5) - 改成slider吧~
  3. 00:45:524 (1) - 这里的几个减速不考虑消掉sliderslide音么?听着好别扭
  4. 01:01:705 - 这里少了一个音听着有些怪,看看能不能补上?
  5. 01:12:580 (2,3,4) - 不考虑缩小一点间距么……对hard来说这有些太难了感觉
  6. 01:32:208 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 这个这个。。。如果坚决要这么摆的话中间至少加个NC吧。。insane下这种梗都很容易坑到人的……
  7. 01:35:745 (3) - 依然觉得图到这里结束就OK了,后面没必要……
Luka's Insane:
  1. 这stream好爽!
  2. 00:07:328 (1,2,3,4) - 我觉得放远一点吧。。。第一次test就被坑到了……
  3. 00:20:060 (1,2,3,4) - 这里不考虑做成reverse slider的stream嘛…………
  4. 00:43:401 (3,4,5) - 可以的话感觉这3个用reverse slider更舒服一点
  5. 01:10:193 - 加个note吧?
Topic Starter

Black_Cherry_Ita wrote:

hi~ here's your m4m
my english is poor, ask me PM if you dont understand

Aoi's Leg
please change name to Aoi's Normal because names of all diffs are standard >< No, thanks, "LEG" has its special meaning~
00:12:987 (2,3) - so ugly overlap, try this => fixed
00:17:231 (3) - like this? => fixed
00:22:889 (1,1) - delete NC on this and at the next one fixed
01:25:135 (1) - delete NC fixed
01:28:672 (1,2) - add NC on (2) and delete on (1) No, thanks


too many 1/8 sliders but i like it >w<~
00:04:499 (1) - delete NC? No, thanks
00:15:285 (2,1) - so ugly >< like this? => fixed
01:04:976 (4,1) - unstack No, thanks
01:25:841 (1) - delete NC fixed
01:29:379 (1) - map this part OAO fixed

Luka's Insane

so rape D:

ignore me if this isnt useful~ star, gl :)
Thank you very much~
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:


  • Settings
  1. 建議kiai使用相同的


  • Overlaps
    (Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 00:15:285 (2,1) -
  2. 00:36:152 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) -
  3. 01:26:550 (1,2,3,4) -
  1. 01:29:379 (1) - 這太長了些吧...分成兩段應該也是可以的...嗯嗯……改成四节了,超级容易甩尾……

[Luka's Insane]

  • mapping
  1. 00:48:354 (1,2,3,4,5) - 為什麼是歪的?? 全用45度角了
  2. 00:54:896 (1,2,1) - 這邊NC爆發了嗎? 怎麼突然用了兩個... 这个我倒是能理解,重音是从00:55:072 (1) - 开始的,而且00:54:896 (1,2,1) - 这三个重叠了嘛~
  3. 01:08:159 (1,2,3) - 結尾對緊...沒有完全覆蓋 [Nazi] fixed
  4. 結尾和其他diff一樣加個spinner吧... 把其他的都去掉了

[Tama's Taiko Oni]

  • mapping
  1. resnap一次 一定有動過timing... 太多地方沒有在拍點上了... fixed
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~~m4m~~~
中文mod,有需要换英文的地方单独和我说吧 不用啦啦啦啦……

  1. Aoi's Leg难度的SliderMultiplier有问题,请手动修正成0.8 fixed
  2. Aoi's Leg和Hard难度不需要Audio Lead-in,置0吧。fixed
  3. Tags里面至少要三个字母才可以,所以ma去掉吧,或者写成 SaiMa 或Sai_Ma这样 Saima
Aoi's Leg:

  1. 00:40:219 (2,3,4) - 我感觉这三个稍微摆远一点然后叠起来会好一点,现在这样放可能会有读图障碍,对hard来说不太合适吧。
  2. 00:45:171 (4,5) - 改成slider吧~
  3. 01:12:580 (2,3,4) - 不考虑缩小一点间距么……对hard来说这有些太难了感觉
  4. 01:32:208 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 这个这个。。。如果坚决要这么摆的话中间至少加个NC吧。。insane下这种梗都很容易坑到人的……
    10:09 <cmn_891127> : 大哥做的很反人类吧
    10:09 <spboxer3> : 不...
    10:10 <spboxer3> : 你做的太善...
    10:10 <spboxer3> : 那個根本不是Hard阿lol
    10:10 <spboxer3> : 你那個是Normal+而已
  5. 00:45:524 (1) - 这里的几个减速不考虑消掉sliderslide音么?听着好别扭 我原来感觉太空旷了,所以给加上的,remove
  6. 01:01:705 - 这里少了一个音听着有些怪,看看能不能补上? 补上会不会太难了
  7. 01:35:745 (3) - 依然觉得图到这里结束就OK了,后面没必要…… fixed
Luka's Insane:
  1. 这stream好爽!木错
  2. 00:07:328 (1,2,3,4) - 我觉得放远一点吧。。。第一次test就被坑到了…… fixed
  3. 00:20:060 (1,2,3,4) - 这里不考虑做成reverse slider的stream嘛………… 不要啦,这个可以跟后面的stream形成鲜明的对比!!!
  4. 00:43:401 (3,4,5) - 可以的话感觉这3个用reverse slider更舒服一点 这么漂亮的五边形,你舍得破坏么
  5. 01:10:193 - 加个note吧?fixed(反正已经鬼畜了,就不怕更鬼畜了)
  1. 01:12:010 (2,3,4) - 去掉,你从01:12:250到01:12:730放三个note呢?感觉好些
  2. 01:13:930 (2,3,4) - ^
  3. 01:56:170 (6,7,8) - 虽然讲究排列,但是真的看不清楚啊。。。
  1. 02:00:970 (2) - 这只slider拉长,从02:00:850到02:01:210
Topic Starter

KayeSara wrote:

  1. 01:12:010 (2,3,4) - 去掉,你从01:12:250到01:12:730放三个note呢?感觉好些
  2. 01:13:930 (2,3,4) - ^
  3. 01:56:170 (6,7,8) - 虽然讲究排列,但是真的看不清楚啊。。。
All fixed

  1. 02:00:970 (2) - 这只slider拉长,从02:00:850到02:01:210 不要啊……
Megurine Luka
这难度玩着爽,没什么好说的,只是把自己断的那个地方说出来了而已 <强烈鄙视只断一个地方的家伙
I believe the offset should be about 30ms higher.

Aoi's Leg:
-00:18:645 (1) - Middle point should be a little bit further away from (2).
-01:21:952 (2) - Remove Finish
-01:22:306 (3) - Add finish to start and end.

-00:30:493 (2) - Add Whistle(Custom sound) At end points
-00:31:024 (3) - ^
-00:41:280 (1) - Remove custom whistle and add custom finish at middle point.
-01:01:262 (2) - End at 01:01:439
-01:01:793 (3) - Start at 01:01:616, End at 01:02:147

Luka's Insane:
-There should be 1 or 2 sec lead-in time here
-00:54:896 (1,2,1) - Not sure if this is a good thing to stack.
-00:58:256 (1,2,3) - Maybe make jumps of this combo.
-00:58:964 (1,2,3) - ^

That's it, hope it's usefull :3

Any questions? Contact me in game or send me a pm.

Topic Starter

Kyshiro wrote:

I believe the offset should be about 30ms higher.

Aoi's Leg:
-00:18:645 (1) - Middle point should be a little bit further away from (2). fixed
-01:21:952 (2) - Remove Finish fixed
-01:22:306 (3) - Add finish to start and end. fixed

-00:30:493 (2) - Add Whistle(Custom sound) At end points No, thanks
-00:31:024 (3) - ^ No, thanks
-00:41:280 (1) - Remove custom whistle and add custom finish at middle point. fixed
-01:01:262 (2) - End at 01:01:439
-01:01:793 (3) - Start at 01:01:616, End at 01:02:147 turn (1,2)

Luka's Insane:
-There should be 1 or 2 sec lead-in time here fixed
-00:54:896 (1,2,1) - Not sure if this is a good thing to stack. I think it is fine
-00:58:256 (1,2,3) - Maybe make jumps of this combo.
-00:58:964 (1,2,3) - ^ here need rest after a long stream

That's it, hope it's usefull :3

Any questions? Contact me in game or send me a pm.

thank you very much~
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ cmn_891127 ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Change AudioLeadIn: 1500 or 2000 pls(1000 is too fast).

[Luka's Insane]

  1. 00:07:328 (1,2,3,4) - Try move to here like this.
  2. 00:11:572 (4) - Add new combo.
  3. 00:15:816 (2) - ^
  4. 00:23:597 (1) - ^
  5. 00:29:963 (3) - ^
  6. 00:44:109 (1) - Extend to here 00:44:552,sound much better.
  7. 01:15:763 (1) - Move 1 grid down.


  1. Too low setting for this diff.
    AR+1 or 2,OD+2,HP+1 much better play with me.

That's all ~

Good luck ~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ cmn_891127 ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Change AudioLeadIn: 1500 or 2000 pls(1000 is too fast). fixed

[Luka's Insane]

  1. 00:07:328 (1,2,3,4) - Try move to here like this. fixed
  2. 00:11:572 (4) - Add new combo. fixed
  3. 00:15:816 (2) - ^
  4. 00:23:597 (1) - ^
  5. 00:29:963 (3) - ^ fixed
  6. 00:44:109 (1) - Extend to here 00:44:552,sound much better.
  7. 01:15:763 (1) - Move 1 grid down. fixed


  1. Too low setting for this diff.
    AR+1 or 2,OD+2,HP+1 much better play with me. fixed

That's all ~

Good luck ~
thank you, Rika~
I see the BPM good =o

00:35:470 - maybe it's just me, but i like it better if you added a note here and at 00:35:558 - . Musically this also makes sense because this way the pattern repeats four times in a 4/4 time signature.
00:49:794 (1,1) - i feel one spinner fits better. nothing really calls for two spinners.


--the silent notes i don't like very much to be honest. I'm almost about to say that the way you used the silent notes is unrankable, but i'm also hesitant to say that as well.

00:03:107 (1,2,3) - really awkward to play. End 00:03:107 (1) - at 00:03:461 - and do something like the pattern i used may look kinda weird, but it feels a lot less awkward.
00:14:425 (1) - remove combo
00:40:244 (2) - i'd add a new combo just to make the spacing and to emphasize the music.


--I have just realized that the beat is not 169.64 in the beginning. The is is every 3/2 ticks, which is about 115ish. However, you don't really need to change any timing since it works out, but you need to realize that the beat is actually at 00:02:930, 00:03:461, 00:03:991, and 00:04:522. From there on the BPM is 169.64

With that in mind. You should map the beginning of the song like this

00:04:875 (1,2,3,4) - stacks are kinda hard for beginners to read :/
00:56:514 (1) - remove combo and add new combo on next note
01:31:883 (6) - you should unstack

Really, it's a nice mapset. I don't really have any complaints.

good luck~~

(sorry for taking so long >_>)
uhhhh eeehhh >:
I must leave my apologize, I dont like the way that this is mapped T.T sorry again this is a nice song, you have nice maps here but I dont agree with the way that you guys are mapping this, especially on the taiko diff >_< is an awesome work is hard and challenging a bit overmapped but again, I in my personal opinion dont like the way is mapped.
In my opinion taking that instrument (dont know how its name, sorry for my ignorance) as main and unique sound is just so superficial, I will love if you take some sounds of the background and map some of them, but you are just aiming on follow that instrument.
Sorry again dont mind me this is just my personal opinion, Im sure that you are on your way of ranking this
One more time sorry
obviously dont kudos this

[Aoi's Leg]

I really like this diff is supposed to be a [Normal] diff right? well it really feels like a [Normal] diff, but is moar variated and follows almost all the sounds on the song
  1. 01:09:601 (1) - burai slider is unrankable, the end of slider is getting back on itself
  2. 01:11:016 (2) - same for ctrl+r
  3. 01:12:430 - no increase the distance snap?
  4. 01:35:774 (1) - covered by previous spinner hitburst
also having a custom hitsound silenced like this is unrankabledont get mad with me, is just my opinion Im nothing for tell you how to map, sorry again
Also the difference between [Normal] and [Hard] is too big, maybe must add a second and easier [Hard] diff? again is just my opinion

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Good luck ~
I dont apologize for that quote xD
Hello, sorry for the delay

- Disable letterboxing during breaks for all difficulties
- I have to agree with ikari_kyon, the difficulty gap between Aoi's leg and Hard is kinda big, it may be better to make Aoi's leg a complete easy diff not a easy/normal and after that make another diff that would make the mapset have a better spread

Aoi's Leg:
- 00:02:930 >> This may be hard for new players because it's a short slider and also it has 2 repeats these two things combined can result into something confusing for a player so try to change it into something else
- 00:04:875 (1,2) >> Stacks may be hard for new players, consider unstacking
- 00:06:290 (3,4) >> ^
- 01:13:845 >> New combo
- 01:30:822 >> ^
- 01:31:530 >> Stacks may be hard for new players, consider unstacking

- 01:32:237 >> It may be a good idea to split this combo into 2 sets of combos

Luka's Insane:
- 00:14:337 >> I think that it actually feels better if you start the repeating slider here
- 00:15:044 >> ^
- 00:22:914 >> It would be nice to split the combo into 2 sets of combos
- 00:39:891 >> New combo
- 01:15:879 >> Same as 00:14:337
- 01:17:294 >> ^

Tama's Taiko Oni:
- Center the difficulty settings

* That's all
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:

Hello, sorry for the delay

- Disable letterboxing during breaks for all difficulties
- I have to agree with ikari_kyon, the difficulty gap between Aoi's leg and Hard is kinda big, it may be better to make Aoi's leg a complete easy diff not a easy/normal and after that make another diff that would make the mapset have a better spread

Aoi's Leg:
- 00:02:930 >> This may be hard for new players because it's a short slider and also it has 2 repeats these two things combined can result into something confusing for a player so try to change it into something else
- 00:04:875 (1,2) >> Stacks may be hard for new players, consider unstacking
- 00:06:290 (3,4) >> ^
- 01:13:845 >> New combo
- 01:30:822 >> ^
- 01:31:530 >> Stacks may be hard for new players, consider unstacking

- 01:32:237 >> It may be a good idea to split this combo into 2 sets of combos

Luka's Insane:
- 00:14:337 >> I think that it actually feels better if you start the repeating slider here
- 00:15:044 >> ^
- 00:22:914 >> It would be nice to split the combo into 2 sets of combos
- 00:39:891 >> New combo
- 01:15:879 >> Same as 00:14:337
- 01:17:294 >> ^

Tama's Taiko Oni:
- Center the difficulty settings

* That's all
All fixed, except the Luka's Insane
  • - 00:14:337 >> I think that it actually feels better if you start the repeating slider here
    - 00:15:044 >> ^
    - 01:15:879 >> Same as 00:14:337
    - 01:17:294 >> ^
I asked Luka, she said she would not like to change them. I see these combos feels like it starts later than the music. If I change the pattern, it is more difficult to hit.

Thank you very much~
Hello, sorry for the huge delay ...

- The timing seems a bit off to me, I'm not really good at this so I recommend you get someone to check it

[Aoi's Leg]
- Fine

[KS's Normal]
- Fine

- 01:32:237 >> I'm not sure if it is a good idea to do a new combo spam here. It does look good but others might think it's unnecessary, for me it's fine

[Luka's Insane]
- 00:02:930 (1,2) >> Delete these notes ? They don't make sense because the music starts on 00:03:107 so these two notes are not following anything
- 00:11:596 >> New combo ?
- 00:41:306 >> I think that the new combo should start here rather than in the previous note
- 00:44:842 (2,3,4) >> Not sure about these, they don't sound that well
- 01:08:717 (2) >> End the slider here ?

The mapset looks good, no real problems
Megurine Luka


Download: 12 Girls Band - Horse Race (Short Ver.) (cmn_891127) [Luka's Insane].osu
Here's your timing.

BPM: 169.64 Offset: 278
BPM: 171.00 Offset: 92,237
BPM: 201.00 Offset: 94,166
BPM: 85.20 Offset: 95,061
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:

Hello, sorry for the huge delay ...

- The timing seems a bit off to me, I'm not really good at this so I recommend you get someone to check it
Faust have checked it. I am not sure it is the best timing, and I just can say I play it fine in Easy, Normal & Hard (Insane is difficult for me).

[Luka's Insane]
- 00:02:930 (1,2) >> Delete these notes ? They don't make sense because the music starts on 00:03:107 so these two notes are not following anything
- 00:11:596 >> New combo ?
- 00:41:306 >> I think that the new combo should start here rather than in the previous note
- 00:44:842 (2,3,4) >> Not sure about these, they don't sound that well
- 01:08:717 (2) >> End the slider here ?
All fixed

Faust wrote:

Here's your timing.

BPM: 169.64 Offset: 278
BPM: 171.00 Offset: 92,237
BPM: 201.00 Offset: 94,166
BPM: 85.20 Offset: 95,061
Thanks for your help~
How do you feel about the timing?

Are you confident about it now?
Topic Starter

Faust wrote:

How do you feel about the timing?Are you confident about it now?
the timing in the end is really good, but
00:14:248 (1,2,3) - off
01:15:083 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ahead

ONLY these 2 parts have problems
I need you in-game so I can be specific.
[Random Timing Check]

00:58:968 (1) -
01:01:087 (1) -

偶然路过看见的 感觉有些地方还是有点快 比如上述note(我用的是luka难度)

看你 如果改了我可以rebubble
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

[Random Timing Check]

00:58:968 (1) -
01:01:087 (1) -

偶然路过看见的 感觉有些地方还是有点快 比如上述note(我用的是luka难度)

看你 如果改了我可以rebubble

其实你把luka难度这么放就会发现note从准确压音变成越来越慢(offest278) 171BPM作用到00:01:875 (2) - 是让这个note比之前快了6ms但减去offest加上的6ms其实是一模一样的(我是以大哥diff为例) normal的话因为offest一开始放早了6ms所以到00:01:339 (3) - 反而跟得很准

anyway, rebubble. GL on rank
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
It should be me saying "I love you"

Shohei Ohtani
bubble modding

00:10:541 (3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Not kawaii overlap!
00:15:670 (1,2,3,4,5) - Center this on the y-axis
00:45:205 (3) - Not kawaii overlap!
01:14:541 (3) - Not moe slider

00:07:812 - Not snapped green section
00:51:126 - Not snapped green section
01:08:528 (2) - Not moe overlap
01:32:391 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - You don't need this many new combos

00:34:947 (4) - Make this paralell with (3)?

00:06:650 (2) - Probably make this look more like this
00:17:615 (4) - Touches HP bar a little bit
01:09:589 (1) - No. Just make this regular
01:11:004 (2) - ^

Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

bubble modding

00:10:541 (3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Not kawaii overlap! x
00:15:670 (1,2,3,4,5) - Center this on the y-axis x, since it is an adjustment for stack leniency
00:45:205 (3) - Not kawaii overlap! x
01:14:541 (3) - Not moe slider x

00:07:812 - Not snapped green section fixed
00:51:126 - Not snapped green section fixed
01:08:528 (2) - Not moe overlap x
01:32:391 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - You don't need this many new combos x
01:32:237 >> It may be a good idea to split this combo into 2 sets of combos
01:32:208 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 这个这个。。。如果坚决要这么摆的话中间至少加个NC吧。。insane下这种梗都很容易坑到人的……
00:34:947 (4) - Make this paralell with (3)? x

00:06:650 (2) - Probably make this look more like this x
00:17:615 (4) - Touches HP bar a little bit fixed
01:09:589 (1) - No. Just make this regular x
01:11:004 (2) - ^ x

Thank you~~ :(
hmm, since all the changes the mapper made are trivial (a couple of uninherited sections(resnap) and a note)

Shohei Ohtani
Wow I generally don't mod bubbles without pointing out unrankable stuff.

I'm not sure what kind of drugs I'm on.

But thanks for taking the suggestions anyway :D
Megurine Luka
^ But this is truly a Short ver cutted by me :o

This rule sounds ... well nothing.. 呵呵。
Topic Starter
[Aoi's Leg]
  1. Can you explain me why the difficulty is called "Aoi's Leg" please. It doesn't make sense to me.
  2. 01:09:589 (1,2) - The end point of (1) and the start point of (2) are really ugly and.. weird. D:
    Please try to change them into something more natural ?
  1. 01:32:215 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - New combo shouldn't be used for design issue. So please don't spam it.
That's all~
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:

[Aoi's Leg]
  1. Can you explain me why the difficulty is called "Aoi's Leg" please. It doesn't make sense to me.
    ...It is named by the guest mapper, while I know the reason, it is a custom to commemorate a certain Big Brother...
    If necessary, I will change it to Easy~

  2. 01:09:589 (1,2) - The end point of (1) and the start point of (2) are really ugly and.. weird. D:
    Please try to change them into something more natural ? fixed
  1. 01:32:215 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - New combo shouldn't be used for design issue. So please don't spam it. fixed
That's all~
Thanks for your modding~
Okay, Ranked ~!
No one have replied after the ranking. Never saw that before.

Anyways, Congratulation! :D
Is not rare at all.

Anime or Japanese songs = Lot and fast replies

Gratz ^^
Lot and fast
Topic Starter
Thank you, all guys~
Traditional Chinese music is very rare.

tutuhaha wrote:

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