Maybe have it so that multiple rapid sliders required an alternation between keys? (v,b,v,b,v---) for example. I could imagine this working for songs like http://osu.ppy.sh/s/7125.blissfulyoshi wrote:
Songs that use really fast rapid sliders, would force you to basically use only that key for certain sections, so that would be annoying and sort of boring. (Sadly, I can't think of an alternative at this moment)
There is one.blissfulyoshi wrote:
Also, please add a track for normal hitsounds.
Maybe:Crimson_SoulZ wrote:
what happens when the mode is played using hard rock, hidden etc?
the concept is pretty intresting to me
That's a bit interesting. I have always thought that the bemani mode should make use of the y-coordinates of objects, since CtB uses the x-coordinates. For variety, and also because a lot of mappers consciously or subconsciously match height to pitch to some extent.MetalMario201 wrote:
I think it makes more sense to pick the note's column based on where the hit object is located with respect to the previous one. (ie. Higher/further right means it appears in the next column to the right. Jumps would cause the note to be placed in a further column.)
'Tis how I'd imagined it to be, as well.LuigiHann wrote:
That's a bit interesting. I have always thought that the bemani mode should make use of the y-coordinates of objects, since CtB uses the x-coordinates. For variety, and also because a lot of mappers consciously or subconsciously match height to pitch to some extent.
I'm sure people are thinking about it.TKiller wrote:
I srsly hope my posts won't get ignored ._.
Actually I think this would be pretty good for spinnersDragvon wrote:
I liked this ideia a lot :3!
But i would love to scratch using the mouse back and forth insted of pressing buttons :3
woah, ghetto imageRokodo wrote:
Man, you didn't get what he was saying at all. It's not random every time, it's generated randomly upon creation, and then it is the same for every player. That's how the CtB "spinners" work, you might notice.Starrodkirby86 wrote:
I think so.
But in that case...wouldn't getting high scores be somewhat based on luck? You may always get a horrible combination of notes. D: Also, many rhythm games have set patterns since...well, it's the "proper" way to do it on your peripheral. Like, there's a reason those notes where there; it's like playing sheet music on a piano. If it's random every time, well, what's the proper way? =/ I guess I'm being a bit philosophical, but whatever. XD It'd be a lovely mod for this though.
You can use those with osu! for taiko.pokr5 wrote:
If this was put into osu!, then there can maybe be support for the Guitar Hero/Rock Band/Band Hero guitars.
Normal: *These patterns are moved left/right (and possibly wrap?) according to the object placement rules:
Whistle: *..*
Finish: **
Clap: *.*
WF: ***
WC: **.*
FC: *.**
WFC: ****