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*Download at end of post*

Two Three things I should note.

1. The cursor can be hard to see with shader effects enabled during spinners.
2. I've used 7 combobursts. They are all larger than the current ranking guidelines allow. If this lags you up, please remove them. The 7 combobursts are characters featured in PCB. (playables, alice, youmu, yuyuko, and yukari)
3. Not everything in here is final. I have placed a couple things in here while I wait for replacements.

All suggestions and feedback would be nice.

Thanks to:

UPDATE: Version 0.2
- Combobreak.wav added
- Countdown changed to feature the Prismriver Sisters (Hey Zerostarry, you can get that map approved now)
- Selection-random changed
- Couple comboburst changes

UPDATE: Version 0.3
- Changed star2.png.
- Using fewer combobursts. Additional Combobursts will be available as a separate download.
- lighting.png added.
- menu-button-background.png added. (At least i don't think it was in 0.2)
- SongSelectActiveText: 255,215,0 (Highlighted song displays goldish colored text.)

UPDATE: Version 0.4
-Slightly reduced image size of combobursts.
-Reduced image size of scorebar-colour.png and scorebar-bg.png.
-Alternate scorebar-colour.png (scorebar-colour-ALTERNATE).png included for those who do not like how I make the scorebar.
-Added a missing pixel to star.png.
-Lowered all menu sounds by 1.5 dB.
-Thanks to Sanae: ranking-back, ranking-replay, ranking-retry, pause-back, pause-continue, pause-retry. All should have correct Japanese now.
-Removed GAME OVER.

Download here: (Warning: Create a new folder to extract to.)
This is very well done so far! I feel like I'm actually playing a Touhou game! :) (Wait... I've never played a Touhou game... oops@)

Anyway, when I do get into my Touhou addiction, I'll be sure to use this skin XD
This is genius simply because of the menu sounds. :|

I approve, though it kinda makes me want to make my own...
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Good, now I can default my collab to this skin and I can save myself some time on combobursts.
i usually dont like skins, but i have started using this because its amazing ^^ the only thing i removed was the spinner because i cant see my mouse cursor when spinning.

other then that awesome ^^ love the slider ball hahaha
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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KrazyKannibal wrote:

if i could make a suggestion, i think replacing the record scratch sound when you drop a combo with the death sound from the touhou games when you lose a life would be a most righteous idea.

Wow, can't believe I didn't think of that myself. I'll definitely add it. Thanks.
yeah, that's my feel-good moment for the day then :D

i was kind of started with a Touhou skin myself, but i don't mind just giving you some of my ideas instead.

the only idea that didn't suck actually, now that i think about it, was to use the hakkero as the cursor.

also, i found the full sized individual images of this wallpaper ( and i wanted to use those for the combo bursts. if you want, i could make the combo burst images (there is a lot of work to make them usable) and give them to you, or you stick with those SWR images if you want. i just wanna help.
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I have a feeling the lighting on those would make it a bad choice for combobursts, though i guess i'd have to see it the real thing. Either way, I was planning on creating alternate sprites for a few things, then let users download them seperately and change if they so pleased(since everybody has their own favorites of the characters) Those combobursts could always be included there regardless i guess...

EDIT: If you wish to test the death sound out, and give me feedback on the volume, etc. here it is.
i really like how it works so well with the skin, but i think its a little too loud for the more relaxed and slower songs, although the volume is nearly perfect for the more powerful songs, i think. other then that, i have no real criticismz.

btw, ive been mostly motivated to make my own touhou skin (probably for private use, since im no good) so ill get working on those combobursts anyways. ive got a lot of stuff to put up with before i can do that though (exams, eagle project, college admissions, etc) so im probably going to die before i can even get started. fml
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KrazyKannibal wrote:

i really like how it works so well with the skin, but i think its a little too loud for the more relaxed and slower songs, although the volume is nearly perfect for the more powerful songs, i think. other then that, i have no real criticismz.
Nothing i can really do about that. Mappers should equalize the maps themselves.
yay at last an upload^^

love this skin =)
So you finally released it, eh?

Looks like I'll have a chance to do that bonus skin I was planning on releasing with my Touhou skin. :P
Please endure my poor English
It's a very nice skin :)
but there is several points or a funny mark for translation.

ゲームオーバー or Touhou's style is 満身創痍
I think that 満身創痍 is better

The one that I do not translate thinks Quit whether it is nature

ゲームに戻る or Touhou's style is 一時停止を解除する

If I translate it properly このゲームに再挑戦する

I think,やめます is more natural than やめる

hmm,Though it is a difficult place.
リプレイ(再演) is better?
reply is just used with a replay in Touhou

リトライ or やり直す or If you go as original form 再び試みる

It does not need です

This is the most difficult
Probably Japanese does not have words to fall under mod
I think that only メニュー is more natural
I do not have much confidence here...

All these are suggestion.
You please decide it entirely XD
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I actually wasn't in charge of making the japanese fonts, nor was the person who WAS in charge 100% confident in the translations, so I appreciate it.

I'll look into this soon.

azuki wrote:

Please endure my poor English
It's a very nice skin :)
but there is several points or a funny mark for translation.

ゲームオーバー or Touhou's style is 満身創痍
I think that 満身創痍 is better

The one that I do not translate thinks Quit whether it is nature

ゲームに戻る or Touhou's style is 一時停止を解除する

If I translate it properly このゲームに再挑戦する
I think that either is good

I think,やめます is more natural than やめる

hmm,Though it is a difficult place.
リプレイ(再演) is better?
reply is just used with a replay in Touhou

リトライ or やり直す or If you go as original form 再び試みる

It does not need です

This is the most difficult
Probably Japanese does not have words to fall under mod
I think that only メニュー is more natural
I do not have much confidence here...

All these are suggestion.
You please decide it entirely XD
translations were done by me...
sry cyclone :S
Ah, you didn't skin the hit or mod selection yet.

I assume those will come later?

Also, surprised there was no skinf for CtB either, theres quite a few things one could do for CtB.

But I will say, I love the spinner. :3
I've been playing an excessive amount of the Touhou games that I have downloaded, and while playing Phantasmagoria of Flower View, I thought it would be cool if you had the Winner banner for Section Pass & Dead Parrot for Section Fail. And how do you get the sprites & pictures you used?
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SuzumiyaKyon wrote:

I've been playing an excessive amount of the Touhou games that I have downloeaded, and while playing Phantasmagoria of Flower View, I thought it would be cool if you had the Winner banner for Section Pass & Dead Parrot for Section Fail. And how do you get the sprites & pictures you used?

That's an idea i hadn't thought of... I'll look into it.

Tyty210 wrote:

Ah, you didn't skin the hit or mod selection yet.

I assume those will come later?

Also, surprised there was no skinf for CtB either, theres quite a few things one could do for CtB.

But I will say, I love the spinner. :3
Mod selections will come later. As far as CtB goes, sure there's plenty of ideas, just nothing that stands out above the rest for me. I may or may not make a decision about it. Right now i want to worry about the main game.

Cyclone wrote:

Mod selections will come later. As far as CtB goes, sure there's plenty of ideas, just nothing that stands out above the rest for me. I may or may not make a decision about it. Right now i want to worry about the main game.
Make the CtB fruits into yukkuri shiteitte ne heads.
And animate them.

It would be beyond epic.
not sure whether you are aware of this already but the HP bar graphic fills up before actual player HP is full.

it isn't much of a problem but i thought i would point that out, and it sometimes puts me off when im using hidden since i use it to judge when the first beat comes in

that said though i like this skin.
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I left it that way on purpose (though it was not my original intent)

I'll leave it just the way it is, but i'll go ahead and make a new one for use.


There ya go.

Remove the (EDIT) part, etc.
ah. sorted. thanks ^^

Cyclone wrote:

As far as CtB goes, sure there's plenty of ideas, just nothing that stands out above the rest for me.
I suggest bullets... outside of the fruit range, so you'd have to "graze" between them to "collect" the "fruits". I have no idea of how weird that would feel in the actual gameplay, but it'd probably feel very Touhou-like.
Pretend the Os are the fruits and the ▲ is the whateveryouchoose.
When I was working on my Touhou skin, for CtB I was planning on Marisa catching falling mushrooms.

Maybe you could have Reimu catching donations or something? that would work too.

nomedeusuarionaodisp wrote:

Cyclone wrote:

As far as CtB goes, sure there's plenty of ideas, just nothing that stands out above the rest for me.
I suggest bullets... outside of the fruit range, so you'd have to "graze" between them to "collect" the "fruits". I have no idea of how weird that would feel in the actual gameplay, but it'd probably feel very Touhou-like.
Pretend the Os are the fruits and the ▲ is the whateveryouchoose.
Yeah, but then the bullets you were supposed to graze will be stuck on your plate until the combo ends, where it bounces off.


Tyty210 wrote:

Maybe you could have Reimu catching donations or something? that would work too.
What does Gensokyo currency look like?
I vote for Cirno catching Math
I call Suika catching gourds!
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JInxyjem wrote:

Tyty210 wrote:

Maybe you could have Reimu catching donations or something? that would work too.
What does Gensokyo currency look like?
Komachi's projectiles.
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maybe have marisas stars in different colors as star.png? or maybe reimus amulets ^^

damn this skin is to good
Found a streak of red where it didn't belong on count 3, and the top right corner was flat. It sure has been a troublesome little picture...

anyway, fixed.

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Thank goodness for your obsession.
I like the sound in the tohou game when they collect those points. the click sound it does. maybe its fitting for a slidertick sound
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I hadn't planned on making hitsounds to be honest.

Cyclone wrote:

I hadn't planned on making hitsounds to be honest.
Yeah, to be honest it can kill a really nice clean skin if you have to mute the sounds. I'm sure there are times where they can be great (EBO, Ouendan, Taiko) but this just isn't one of those times. Touhou is all about the image. And changing just one of the hit sounds makes it feel kinda weird if the rest are unchanged.
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Give me an example where this happens please.
It happens with any map in which objects are placed at the highest grid level. The life bar itself doesn't overlap circles much, but the shadow is a bit more annoying. Approach circles are especially difficult to see sometimes. Stacked notes (even if they are just 2-3) are much worse, and I've seen it from some ranked maps, but I can't remember any off-hand. Here are some examples:

Emerald Sword: with default with Touhou

Test map I made just to put objects at the top: default Touhou
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I would just like to point out how obscured they are in the editor in the first place. Generally speaking if it's hard to see the note in the editor, there might be issues during gameplay. These notes should be brought up during modding, though it's easy to forget sometimes.
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I need the opinions of the people who use this skin. I've made a menu-button-background.png and i need to know how you all feel about it.

So far I'm really liking it, looks really nice, hit circles are awesome, spinner looks really pretty, the new menu button BG looks pretty neat and fits really well with the rest of the skin, and sounds are win. I suggest for the hit 300s, 100s and 50s in a bit of the style of the XiStyle skin, I tried experimenting with it and it kind of fits, also the SWR weather names seems to be a great fit to some contexts of it, I suggest try experimenting on it also.
The bar's a good fit. Suits the skin really well! Now all we need are hit markers and rankings and it's golden!
i was just wondering. does anyone ever experience lag spikes sometimes when combobursts haven't been loaded for quite a while? it might just be my shit computer, but sometimes when i play and comboburst pops up, i lagg-

also only 4 combobursts work, the rest wont show :S
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I've never had any issues loading any of them. I keep them all in mine here to make sure they all work right. I did specifically say in the OP I encourage people to remove some though.
I have all the comboburst available and they show up and no lag either on my side.
I also added Meiling on my mine, although I only got it from the wiki and it's kind of blurry, can I request a better version too Cyclone?
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I can't seem to find anything better than a 300x300 picture, though i did the best i could with it.
Thanks Cyclone. ^^
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