
Sonitus Vir ft. Emily Smith - Lune Noir [OsuMania|Osu]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 3:08:54 PM

Artist: Sonitus Vir ft. Emily Smith
Title: Lune Noir
BPM: 220.04
Filesize: 1329kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. 4K HD - 4Key (2.34 stars, 563 notes)
  2. 4K MX - 4Key (3.59 stars, 724 notes)
  3. 7K MX - 7Key (5.01 stars, 1089 notes)
  4. Crescent Moon (2.76 stars, 154 notes)
  5. Half Moon (4.44 stars, 267 notes)
  6. Lunatic (6.13 stars, 394 notes)
  7. New Moon (2.14 stars, 75 notes)
Download: Sonitus Vir ft. Emily Smith - Lune Noir
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
23:36 Bites: since i've tested a lot of your maps
23:36 Bites: well
23:36 Bites: two
23:36 Bites: RIP
23:36 Bites: it's only fair if you test one of mine :3333333
23:36 Agkaemon: heheh shoot
23:36 Bites: you're better than me right
23:36 Bites: you have a better rank
23:36 Bites: so you must be
23:36 Agkaemon: nah
23:36 Bites: oh lol
23:36 Bites: then maybe you wont be able to do this then
23:36 *Bites is listening to (Sonitus Vir - Lune Noir)[]
23:36 Bites: cause i know i cant LOL
23:36 Agkaemon: dlin
23:36 Bites: my brother is my main source of test
23:37 Bites: since he's much better than i am
23:37 Bites: by 2184823x
23:37 Bites: you are definitely better than me lol
23:37 Agkaemon: I can already do serious modding
23:37 Bites: or at least
23:37 Agkaemon: want me to?
23:37 Bites: as good
23:37 Bites: oh god
23:37 Bites: im scared but sure
23:37 Agkaemon: don't be
23:38 Agkaemon: modding is nothing to be afraid of it you want to improve your map
23:38 Bites: lmfao
23:38 Bites: i know
23:38 Bites: it's just for emphasis
23:38 Agkaemon: 00:04:362 (1) - so
23:38 Agkaemon: move this away from the stream
23:38 Agkaemon: crossing it through is bad presentation
23:38 Bites: i wanted it to be centered csdfsdgfdsgs
23:38 Agkaemon: it's fine if it's not idk
23:39 Bites: idea
23:39 Agkaemon: 00:19:605 (1,2,3,4,5) - absolutely unintuitive, space these out
23:39 Bites: ok i fixed it
23:39 Bites: oh
23:39 Bites: hm
23:39 Agkaemon: 00:21:241 (13,14) - really this antijump
23:39 Bites: yeah i should probably come up with a new pattern there
23:39 Agkaemon: space it up a bit
23:40 Agkaemon: try this
23:40 Agkaemon: turn on distance snap
23:40 Agkaemon: set to 1.1
23:40 Agkaemon: 00:24:240 (2,3,4) - these overlaps look bad, try to separate them, perhaps objects moving towards slider
23:40 Agkaemon: instead of on top of it
23:41 Agkaemon: 00:25:876 (1,2,3,4) - here's that sspacing again
23:41 Agkaemon: 00:26:694 (6,1) - compare spacing of these 00:26:149 (3,4) - and these
23:41 Agkaemon: and
23:41 Agkaemon: 00:27:376 (3,4) - to00:27:512 (4,5) - and00:27:512 (4,6) - overlapping looks bad
23:42 Agkaemon: 00:35:966 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I highly recommend you to close these a bit (try ctrl+shift+s)
23:42 Agkaemon: 00:37:125 (1) - start one tick earlier
23:43 Agkaemon: 00:42:237 (5,6,7) - spacing is too wide for the amount of energy this part presents
23:43 Agkaemon: 00:47:964 (1,2,3,4) - on a square
23:44 Agkaemon: remember the spacing of the hypothenuse made by sides formed by sides 1-2 and 1-3 (aka 3-2) is larger than
23:44 Agkaemon: the spacing of the sides of this
23:44 Agkaemon: therefore inconsistant spacing
23:45 Agkaemon: 00:51:781 (13,1) - spacing between these two is not consistant with 00:52:190 (1,2) -
23:45 Agkaemon: 01:00:507 (1,2,3,4) - turn on distance snap
23:46 Agkaemon: 01:11:959 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - has potential but really turn on distance snap
23:46 Agkaemon: and set SV to 1.2
23:46 Agkaemon: your symmetrical patterns look very good I have to say
23:47 Agkaemon: or remove SV changes- they're weird
23:49 Agkaemon: song settings are just about right I say.
23:51 Bites: 01:00:507 (1,2,3,4) - i wanna keep this cause i really like it ):
23:51 Bites: but otherwise i made quite a few changes
23:51 Bites: also
23:51 Agkaemon: if you rotate it to leave it a bit like this?
23:52 Agkaemon: way better and should play the same
23:52 Bites: done
23:52 Bites: and you're right
23:52 Bites: that does play a lot better
23:52 Bites: :D
23:53 Bites: alright
23:53 Agkaemon: oh maaan
23:53 Agkaemon: 01:01:598 (6) -
23:53 Agkaemon: make a
23:53 Bites: updated
23:53 Bites: ?
23:53 Agkaemon: 01:01:053 (5) - symmetric of this note
23:53 Agkaemon: then reverse it
23:53 Bites: what do you mean?
23:53 Bites: they are symmetric arent they
23:54 Bites: in any case
23:54 Bites: the map is updated
23:54 Agkaemon: aka 01:01:053 (5) - copy, paste at01:01:598 (6) - hit ctrl+h then ctrl+r
23:54 Bites: update it pls
23:54 Agkaemon: :p
23:54 Bites: oh
23:54 Bites: that does seem like it'
23:54 Bites: would be more fun :o
23:54 Bites: okay
23:54 Agkaemon: k keep working on it we'll make this awesome
23:54 Bites: updated
23:54 Bites: speccing now
23:54 Agkaemon: 00:21:513 (2,1) - space a bit
23:55 Bites: this is like
23:55 Bites: my third or fourth beatmap ever
23:55 Bites: lol
23:55 Agkaemon: heheh
23:55 Agkaemon: I've had a lot of experience but no ranked beatmaps. :(
23:55 Bites: haha, oh well
23:55 Bites: if you post in the thread i'll shoot some kudosu~
23:55 Agkaemon: alrighty
23:55 Bites: go ahead and post the mods you've already given
23:55 Agkaemon: uh
23:55 Bites: i think that's more than enough hjaha
23:56 Agkaemon: savelogging
Hey there o/
Just a general thing:

Ranking Criteria wrote:

"there should be at least one difficulty around ~2.5/3 star difficulty level"
As [New Moon] is supposed to be your easiest diff (4,41 star rating), it is still (way) too hard!
You need an easier diff: No jumps, consistent spacing through the whole map, easy rhythms to follow, no mindfuckish patterns, etc.

Edit because I want it:
Herro there

I believe this isn't the original version of Sonitus Vir's ''Lune Noir''. Youtube gives a different result on this, haven't been able to find this one.
Anyways, I think you should list, or atleast add this in the tags, whether it's an alternate version or a remix by someone.
I might be completely wrong though, the thing is, is that there are 2 versions of this song.

No kudos required

Edit: Did some research and found out it should be Sonitus Vir ft. Emily Smith - Lune Noir
Finally got myself to mod your map, here comes:


  • 1: The offset isn't the same in all the diffs, you should make them all similar and ask someone for timing help. (The things I listed in my mod are done with the current offset settings)

    2: You don't have a storyboard, in which case you don't need the .osb file in your folder. Delete it.

    3: You haven't set a preview point yet. I suggest setting one at 00:21:522 - (This goes for all diffs)

    4: You don't have a Kiai time yet. I suggest making 2 Kiai times: (Goes for all diffs)
       1: 00:47:972 - till 00:52:335 -
       2: 01:18:503 - till 01:26:957 -

    5: You will need an easier diff with 3.00 star rating or less. (I might be able to make a guest easy, if you'd like that)

    How I currently see it:
    New Moon: Normal/Hard (Might want to make this a bit easier)
    Crescent Moon: Hard
    Half Moon: Hard/insane(With the right modifications this could be an easier insane)
    Lunatic: Insane (Second insane?)
    Agk's Selenic: Extra

    In this mod I'll try to explain how you can make the map easier to read, better to play and how to make it shine.
    It will require a lot of changes, maybe it'll even require you to remap whole parts, maybe even diffs.
New Moon:

  • Mapping:
    In general this is too linear, this is 2012, not 2007. People will hate on it.

    Also I see you've used grid size 2 for this(Medium), in my opinion this is a bad decision, cause of this the spacing differs a lot. Personally I use grid size 4(Tiny) 99% of the time. You should consider using 3 or 4 so you'd be able to make the spacing more accurate and make it less linear

    As I kind of mentioned in the sentence above this, the spacing is incorrect at many places. Try to keep this as consistent as possible

    00:21:522 - Definately needs a note.
    00:22:885 (5) - Sliders with 2 repeats are in this case pretty hard to read, I suggest removing 1 repeat and add a new note after the slider instead
    00:27:248 (5) - ^
    00:29:429 (1,1) - If this is actually going to be a normal diff(Which it most likely will have to be), means that the spinner is too short, and the note after it is too fast after the spinner. I suggest you to remove the spinner, either leave this to be an empty spot or make it a slider.
    00:30:520 (1,4) - You should try to avoid overlappings like this if they're not necessary
    00:31:611 (4,6,1) - ^
    00:38:155 (1) - Remove 1 repeat for the same reason as mentioned before.
    00:48:000 (1) - Unsnapped Also I dislike how this slider is 1,6 seconds long. I'd say split it in 3, giving them 2 repeats each, except for the last one which should have 3
    00:50:153 (1) - ^
    01:09:778 - I suggest you set the Slider Velocity Multiplier in the timing tab to 1.5x here, this part isn't very different from the beginning.
    01:21:776 (3,4,2,3) - Notes like these are not recommended for a normal diff, as the hitburst of the first 2 notes hide the 2 last notes from the copy paste.

    Timing and stuff:
    You should move the first red timing line to 00:21:522 - (Which is right where the new note should be)
    Same goes for the green line(Inherited timing point) at 00:21:385 -

    01:09:778 - Are you sure this 10ms change is necessary? Have you had a timing check yet? If not, I suggest you to do so.

    01:18:503 - If you followed what I said and changed the previous green line to 1.5x you can delete this one.
Crescent Moon:

  • Mapping:

    Your spacing is way too varying throughout the map. Try keeping this more consistent(Except for the jumps ofcourse).

    00:21:513 - Add note
    00:22:877 (1,2,3) - The overlaps aren't really necessary, if this is a hard like I think it should be, the spacing could be higher, which means the notes won't overlap (Happens throughout the whole map)
    00:26:694 (3,1,2,3,1) - Just a quick example on how the spacing should not be.
    00:29:421 (1,1) - Hitburst of the spinner is covering the note after it, which is really close after the spinner. This is too insane for a hard.
    00:33:784 (1,2) - I like this jump :3
    00:47:964 (1,2,3,4,5) - In this case it's "Okay" to make the slider overlap
    00:58:053 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - The spacing of these 2 combo's is really confusing as they have a pretty similar distance, but a different speed.
    00:59:007 - Delete this break
    01:03:507 (2,3) - Just another example how it should not be
    01:23:684 (7,1) - These combo's are fine, but you need more spacing between the notes I copied, looks as if this continues without a stop in between.

    You did well on the combo part in the New Moon diff, however it's a bit messy here.
    Basically you should make a new combo on every 2nd big white line.

    Some examples:
    00:22:877 (1) - Remove NC(NC = New Combo)
    00:25:058 (1) - ^
    00:27:240 (1) - ^
    00:31:603 (1) - ^
    00:33:784 (1) - ^ I suppose you get what I mean by now.

    Timing and stuff:
    00:12:651 - Delete this green line
    Red timing point should be at 00:21:513 -
    Same goes for the green line at 00:21:377 -
    00:39:238 - Delete this green line
    I suggest you to delete the other 2 red lines and then snap the notes which were after these lines to the correct spot (Use AIMod for this, File>AIMod)
With the stuff I mentioned you should go through the other diffs too, keep a close look at the spacing and whether it's not too linear(Looks are very important)

Do take your time on this. It might seem like a lot of work, but it would increase the quality of your map a lot.

After you're done with all that, feel free to contact me and I'll recheck the whole thing.

Topic Starter
thank you everyone for all the help, i hope to get this map ranked sometime within this year <3

Kyshiro wrote:

No kudosu required

Kyshiro wrote:

No kudosu required

Kyshiro wrote:

No kudosu required
It'll be denied >:
Topic Starter

Kyshiro wrote:

Kyshiro wrote:

No kudosu required

Kyshiro wrote:

No kudosu required

Kyshiro wrote:

No kudosu required
It'll be denied >:
how do i retract kudosu i didn't see that FSDFHG
Topic Starter
osu!mania difficulties incoming soon, within the next few days. I'm also going to be doing some touching up on all of the standard difficulties, so that I can finally try to get this damn thing ranked - it's been sitting in my pending/graveyard for far too long now.
Rechecked. No KD

00:15 Kyshiro: 00:06:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this stream isn't really well composed
00:16 Kyshiro: it has a little curve, i dont think it's suppsoed to be like that?
00:16 Bites: tru tru
00:16 Bites: it WAS but if you think that it was unintentional it's probably a bad decision
00:16 Kyshiro: it looks unintentional yeah
00:17 Kyshiro: 00:07:907 (3) - i suggest you make this slider faster so that the start and the end points don't overlap
00:17 Kyshiro: actually
00:17 Kyshiro: yeah, make it x1.5
00:18 Bites: i was gonna have it 0.75 and span to the next note
00:18 Bites: like this
00:18 Bites:
00:18 Kyshiro: that works too
00:18 Kyshiro: 00:09:952 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - doesn't line up that well
00:19 Kyshiro: i suggest you move the stream more to the right or rearranging it
00:20 Kyshiro: 00:13:606 (9,10) - these sliders could be better, it's kind of ugly they way they're partly overlapping right now
00:21 Kyshiro: 00:14:696 (12) - not symmetric at all, try and keep the end anchor in the center of the end circle and make it at the mirrored location of the start anchor
00:21 Kyshiro: oh its actually fixed if you move it 1 grid up at medium grid
00:21 Kyshiro: lol
00:22 Bites: gg
00:22 Bites: alright moving forward :3
00:22 Bites: so far so gud
00:23 Kyshiro: to be honest i think you should remap some parts, and pay more attention to the spacing and the looks, the spacing is a major issue in this diff
00:23 Bites: that's fine
00:23 Bites: which parts tho
00:23 Kyshiro: also, unnecessary overlaps aren't that nice either
00:23 Kyshiro: lemme point that out
00:24 Kyshiro: and nother thing, the new combo's:
00:24 Kyshiro: try and put a nc every measure
00:24 Kyshiro: aka, every big white line
00:24 Kyshiro: it's pretty random the way you did it now
00:24 Bites: not really? it's just based upon the patterns instead of the timing
00:25 Kyshiro: 00:19:605 (1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - this is 1 big pattern if you ask me
00:25 Kyshiro: there's waaay too many NC's
00:25 Kyshiro: a single NC at 00:20:695 (1) - would do actually
00:25 Kyshiro: forgot a clap on this start btw 00:20:150 (1) -
00:26 Bites: the NC's there were done because they looked cool and also the follow lines
00:26 Bites: thx for the clap though
00:26 Kyshiro: well, then leave them like this, i can say every mat/bat that's gonna look at it will point it out though
00:27 Bites: if they do i guess i'll change it
00:27 Bites: but i really don't want to
00:27 Kyshiro: 00:24:104 (7) - at least NC here
00:27 Bites: i did
00:27 Bites: a bit earlier
00:27 Bites: when you were mentioning the every measure thing
00:27 Kyshiro: ah
00:28 Kyshiro: 00:27:103 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i dont think people are going to like the arrangement of this pattern
00:28 Bites: orz
00:28 Kyshiro: cause of the sudden slowdown at (4)
00:28 Bites: to be honest i dont like it that much either
00:28 Bites: yeah
00:28 Kyshiro: time for change then
00:29 Kyshiro: 00:28:194 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this pattern doesn't really look good/play good
00:29 Kyshiro: tilting the square a bit would be awesome, and the jump upwards to (5) is a bit weird to play
00:30 Kyshiro: 00:30:512 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - a tiny bit more spacing here to (6) wouldnt collide with anything would be nice, try to keep it consistent though
00:31 Kyshiro: actually
00:31 Kyshiro: i think this whole part could use a remap, cause of the flow and the overlaps
00:31 Kyshiro: 00:30:512 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
00:32 Kyshiro: 00:38:556 (4,5) - these kind of things simply dont flow
00:32 Bites: remapping that entire part even before you said that
00:32 Bites: lol
00:32 Kyshiro: lol okay
00:32 Kyshiro: 00:40:056 (9,10) - bad spacing/flow
00:33 Kyshiro: 00:42:373 (6,7) - ^
00:33 Kyshiro: ^Just the flow i mean
00:33 Kyshiro: 00:44:146 (3,4,5) - spacing
00:34 Bites: well shit i just realized it's all gonna be off now since i've been creating a few new circles and rearranging some
00:34 Kyshiro: 00:51:645 (4,5) - spacing again, you might have to rearrange the pattern after this to make this spacing correct tho
00:34 Kyshiro: well, if you think it's necessary you could remap the whole diff too
00:35 Kyshiro: it really does help remapping things, I remapped my insane at Stan SB - Airwalk 2 times to
00:35 Kyshiro: too *
00:35 Bites: no way in hell i'm remapping this haha
00:35 Bites: if i do it'll be a new diff or separate mapset
00:36 Kyshiro: i suggest a new mapset then lol
00:36 Bites: that was my way of saying "no"
00:37 Bites: sorry
00:37 Kyshiro: lol don't worry
00:37 Kyshiro: 00:54:509 (8) - NC
00:38 Kyshiro: 00:56:144 (12,1) - a bit more spacing between the slider and the tripple would be better so that it doesnt look like it continues in 1/4 after the slider
00:38 Kyshiro: 00:58:053 (9) - all the finished sound a bit noisy here
00:38 Kyshiro: finishes*
00:39 Kyshiro: 01:09:233 (9,10) - should be lined up better
00:40 Kyshiro: 01:09:914 (1,2,3,4) - spacing
00:40 Kyshiro: 01:18:503 (8) - nc
00:41 Kyshiro: 01:19:594 (1) - remove nc
00:41 Kyshiro: 01:20:685 (4) - NC
00:41 Kyshiro: 01:22:866 (4) - NC
00:41 Kyshiro: 01:23:957 (10) - ^
00:42 Kyshiro: 01:25:048 (16) - ^
00:42 Bites: all done
00:43 Kyshiro: okay, update it
00:43 Kyshiro: i'll recheck right after
00:43 Bites: gimem a sec
00:43 Bites: playing through
00:43 Kyshiro: okay
00:44 Bites: btw
00:44 Bites: when after i update it
00:44 Bites: 00:35:966 (7,8,9,10) -
00:45 Bites: that part im not certain about
00:45 Bites: so suggestions would be good
00:45 Bites: updating now
00:45 Kyshiro: okay, i'll check
00:45 Bites: done
00:46 Kyshiro: 2 things
00:46 Kyshiro: hitsounds
00:46 Bites: o
00:46 Kyshiro: and the flow from that last note to 00:37:056 (1) - isn't good
00:47 Bites: just gonna change the order of the four sliders to follow then
00:47 Bites: flows really well now
00:47 Kyshiro: yeah
00:47 Kyshiro: you didnt fix 00:06:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - though
00:48 Bites: not yet, i'll do that now
00:48 Kyshiro: 00:11:861 (14,15,16) - overmapped, there's actually supposed to be 2 notes
00:50 Kyshiro: 00:28:740 (5,6) - really bad flow and unrankable because the repeat is hidden
00:50 Kyshiro: also check your hitsounds in the remapped part, it's a bit messy now
00:51 Kyshiro: 00:51:645 (4,5) - still dont agree with this spacing
00:51 Kyshiro: 00:57:780 (8,9) - ^
00:52 Kyshiro: 01:14:140 (11) - missed clap
00:52 Kyshiro: 01:18:503 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - hitsounds
00:53 Kyshiro: tell me after you fixed/updated
00:56 Bites: updated
00:56 Bites: also i realized there's an extra note on the very first stream in the song
00:56 Bites: gotten rid of that
00:56 Kyshiro: okay
00:57 Kyshiro: testplaying it with standard skin
00:58 Kyshiro: did you even look at the things i suggested
00:59 Bites: yes? lol
00:59 Bites: some of them seemed really odd before and i had thought it was off because i had made adjustments before checking them
00:59 Bites: and i told you that
00:59 Kyshiro: theres no change in the hitsounds i just told you
00:59 Bites: what
00:59 Bites: i just made hitsound for all of that part
00:59 Kyshiro: 00:11:935 (14,15) - and theres this
01:00 Bites: i literally just fixed that, it slipped my mind
01:00 Kyshiro: i said ''also check your hitsounds in the remapped part as it's messy now''
01:00 Kyshiro: 00:30:512 (1) - missing clap
01:00 Kyshiro: 00:30:921 (4,5) - double clap?
01:00 Kyshiro: 00:33:239 (5) - clap?
01:01 Kyshiro: 00:33:648 (8) - why clap?
01:01 Kyshiro: etc.
01:01 Bites: ah, THAT part specifically
01:01 Kyshiro: take your time on fixing it, dont do it as fast as possible
01:01 Bites: i did the hitsounds for all the later bits that i actually fully remapped
01:01 Bites: i thought that's what you meant
01:01 Bites: i just moved around some circles for this part
01:03 Kyshiro: well, fix and update again
01:05 Bites: kkkk
01:05 Bites: i think i got it this time
01:05 Kyshiro: lets see
01:07 Kyshiro: 01:16:322 (1,2) - didnt see that these were sliders because of the hitburst from the previous notes
01:08 Kyshiro: also, in general it's a bad idea to start a slider on a red tick, i lost combo cause of that a few times because it simply doesn't fit
01:08 Kyshiro: 00:31:739 (2,3) -
01:08 Kyshiro: 00:35:557 (5) -
01:08 Kyshiro: 00:46:328 (3,4) - spacing
01:09 Kyshiro: 01:10:459 (5,6) - red tick
01:09 Kyshiro: 01:11:550 (5) -
01:09 Kyshiro: well, that's all
01:10 Kyshiro: i think that's nearly as good as it'll get in it's current state
01:10 Kyshiro: sorry i didn't mention the sliders on the red ticks before, i didn't realise it, realised it after playing it
01:11 Kyshiro: did you say anything? my internet is derping lol
01:11 Bites: nope
01:11 Bites: im working on all this
01:11 Kyshiro: okay
01:15 Bites: kkkkk
01:15 Bites: its gud
01:15 Bites: update
01:15 Bites: now i want 2 watch u play
01:15 Kyshiro: okay, final check lol
01:17 Kyshiro: wanna play 1 specific part again
01:17 Bites: that part flows pretty badly
01:17 Bites: i saw that pause
01:18 Kyshiro: 01:11:687 (6) -
01:18 Kyshiro: invisible slider
01:18 Bites: ohÉ
01:18 Bites: ?
01:18 Bites: tru
01:18 Bites: yeah i see it
01:18 Kyshiro: actually
01:18 Kyshiro: i think this slider doesnt really fit
01:19 Kyshiro: it feels too sudden
01:19 Bites: what lol
01:19 Kyshiro: maybe its because there are 2 sliders in a row
01:19 Kyshiro: not sure lemme try that
01:20 Kyshiro: just fix the hidden slider
01:20 Kyshiro: it'll be fine
01:21 Kyshiro: DAT STAR RATING LOOOOL 5.66
01:21 Kyshiro: 4.66 ***
01:21 Kyshiro: how is this not 5*
01:21 Bites: because peppy sucks at gauging difficulty
01:21 Bites: he's not good at osu at all
01:21 Bites: so why should he be the one building the formula for star rating?? IDK
01:22 Kyshiro: idno lol
01:22 Kyshiro: it's not that simple though
01:22 Kyshiro: there's a whole system behind it
01:23 Bites: k i redid a bit of that part
01:23 Bites: fixing the hitsounds
01:23 Bites: and then update
01:23 Kyshiro: okay
o.o faster from the original version
Topic Starter

Harez wrote:

o.o faster from the original version
Yeah, because it's a different version! The original was too slow anyways, snorezzz

Bites wrote:

Harez wrote:

o.o faster from the original version
Yeah, because it's a different version! The original was too slow anyways, snorezzz
this version is better anyways huehue
4K MX's star difficulty is higer than 7K MX
maybe unrankable
Topic Starter

quantum-rose wrote:

4K MX's star difficulty is higer than 7K MX
maybe unrankable
How does that even make sense? 7K MX is clearly more difficult. Star rating system needs to get it together, man.
[4K HD]
Snap green lines correctly

00:40:787 (40787|2) - Snap 1/3 correctly
00:45:150 (45150|2) - ^
01:03:232 - Add circle

[4K MX]
4K MX and 4K HD are almost the same diff, there are some parts that are identic... What about change those parts in MX?
Snap green lines here too

00:03:514 - A pattern like this? 00:40:787 (40781|2) - Snap 1/3 correctly
00:45:150 (45150|2) - ^
01:03:232 - Add circle

[7K MX]
This is okay, watch out with green lines (snap correctly them) and 1/3 notes. I'd make this diff easier.

Good luck \o\
Topic Starter

Roxas wrote:

[4K HD]
Snap green lines correctly

00:40:787 (40787|2) - Snap 1/3 correctly fix
00:45:150 (45150|2) - ^ fix
01:03:232 - Add circle fix

[4K MX]
4K MX and 4K HD are almost the same diff, there are some parts that are identic... What about change those parts in MX? changed parts in HD. they should be relatively similar since i followed rules of pitch relevance. HD just has less stream and less jumps + some easier patterns to put less strain on poor young mania player fingers
Snap green lines here too

00:03:514 - A pattern like this? no thank you, the note in the song clearly sounds as though it was a single strike with a sustained sound from a reverb - not a note that was held

00:40:787 (40781|2) - Snap 1/3 correctly fix
00:45:150 (45150|2) - ^ fix
01:03:232 - Add circle fix

[7K MX]
This is okay, watch out with green lines (snap correctly them) and 1/3 notes. I'd make this diff easier. maybe easier :cry:

Good luck \o\
Quick (and I mean REALLY quick) check on the mania diffs

All timing points are available on 1/16 unless otherwise stated.
Columns will be referred to as 1-2-3-4.

Your preview points are all over the place x_x (Mania diffs+Lunatic @ 47964, New Moon @ 52235, and the remaining diffs don't even have preview points)
+A whole bunch of things AIMod detected

Disable countdown
00:10:059 (10059|1) - Move to 00:10:076
00:10:144 (10144|3,10229|2,10331|0,10400|1,10468|2,10468|3) - Move all of these notes up by 2/16 (So re-snap to 00:10:178, 00:10:263, etc)
00:10:741 (10741|0) - Move to 00:10:758
00:10:911 (10911|2) - Move to 00:10:928
00:11:098 (11098|0,11098|3) - Move to 00:11:115
00:11:831 (11831|1,11899|2) - Instead of 2-3, try 3-2 for pitch relevance

Mostly same as 4K HD, since the two diffs have a lot of notes in common
01:20:139 (80139|0,80139|2,80411|1,80411|0) - Holds out of nowhere? I think it's better if you mirror the hold pattern at 1:22:320. Otherwise, the holds feel really out of place

00:38:963 - t/146013 Nothing wrong with this, but might want to keep a close eye in case something suddenly changes, and patterns with all 7 columns filled like these are unrankable
01:22:865 - 220bpm 1/4 double note stream? Oh my. An alternating 2note-1note pattern like plays better IMO

I can't tell if you're putting notes too early or I'm putting them too late T~T
Playing through the mania diffs felt smooth, nice, and most importantly, FUN. Great job! :D
I think I already gave you the 7K HD. .___.
Okay kinda quick overhaul of HD before I have to go (inexperienced so i'm sorry if stuff I post makes no sense)

4K HD (I'd try MX but I could come back to that another day)



00:17:694 (17694|0) -

00:23:761 (23761|2) -

00:23:898 (23898|3) -

add note here:

00:21:989 (21989|2) -

move 00:23:829 (23829|0) - to 3

make the jumps here: 00:03:242 (3242|0) - to 00:03:514 (3514|0) - like this 00:07:605 (7605|2) - , just opposite direction cause pitch etc

00:13:058 (13058|2) - to 00:13:604 (13604|2) - seems like a trill to me

01:22:865 (82865|2) - to 01:26:956 (86956|0) - seems like a continous stream to me, and perhaps add jumps to the vocals to emphasize those?
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