14:19 <RoxasGrylls94> : Hi

could you mod my map if you have time please? >.<
http://osu.ppy.sh/s/5233514:19 <Charles445> : I had a look at that earlier
14:20 <Charles445> : Let me play it again so I can remember what it was like
14:20 <RoxasGrylls94> : ok

14:20 <Charles445> : you can spec if you want
14:20 <RoxasGrylls94> : sure

14:20 <Charles445> : 1sec
14:21 <Charles445> : rearranging my mouse
14:21 <Charles445> : i'm hitting the cord
14:21 <RoxasGrylls94> : okok

14:24 <Charles445> : Map focuses a LOT on the beat
14:24 <Charles445> : and that's great, although at some parts it's overmapped
14:24 <Charles445> : mainly the main part with all the slider jumps and whatnot, the music itself doesn't have much 1/4 until
14:24 <Charles445> : later on
14:24 <Charles445> : for instance, 01:07:832 - doesn't have 1/4 in the bg music
14:25 <Charles445> : the actual 1/4 comes in at 01:37:647 -
14:25 <Charles445> : with the repeating three beat sound
14:25 <RoxasGrylls94> : you mean pulses?
14:26 <Charles445> : eh, not sure what to call them
14:26 <Charles445> : it sounds like... uh
14:26 <Charles445> : quick drums, not sure what they call those
14:27 <RoxasGrylls94> : uh, it's overmapped..
14:28 <Charles445> : yes
14:28 <Charles445> : that's the issue
14:28 <RoxasGrylls94> : I see, I'm adjusting now

14:29 <Charles445> : I'll make you a beat analysis diff
14:29 <Charles445> : it'll show you all the beats you are able to map to
14:29 <RoxasGrylls94> : thanks
14:29 <Charles445> : your map is very fun, and I like it a lot
14:29 <RoxasGrylls94> :

14:30 <Charles445> : but like any other it needs work to get it going
14:30 <Charles445> : more work*
14:30 <RoxasGrylls94> : I see, I'll work hard

14:32 <RoxasGrylls94> : I have to delete all overmapped beats?
14:33 <Charles445> : effectively D:
14:33 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ahahah ok thanks **
14:40 <Charles445> : Ok, finished making the beat stuff
14:40 <Charles445> : Remember, you don't have to map to ALL of these, it's merely so you know what's overmapping in the
14:40 <Charles445> : song and what isn't
14:40 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ok

14:41 <Charles445> : just look the .osu and see what's placed, and make sure the other diffs only map to those beats and no
14:41 <Charles445> : other ones
14:41 <Charles445> :

14:41 <Charles445> : also before uploading make sure to remove the diff so it isn't uploaded with everything else
14:41 <Charles445> : here you go
http://www.mediafire.com/?75woyot8qnfo41a14:41 <Charles445> : good luck!
14:42 <RoxasGrylls94> : thanks!

16:17 <RoxasGrylls94> : Done!

16:20 <Charles445> : nice
16:20 <Charles445> : Lemme see
16:20 <Charles445> : playin
16:20 <Charles445> : oh, looks like you're not finished rebuilding the map
16:21 <RoxasGrylls94> : oh yes there's a part overmapped D:
16:21 <Charles445> : Nonono it's just
16:21 <Charles445> : the intro part
16:21 <Charles445> : I don't think you meant to have that bit
16:21 <Charles445> : before 00:22:283 -
16:21 <RoxasGrylls94> : oh yes damn
16:21 <RoxasGrylls94> : I forgotted them
16:21 <Charles445> : lol
16:21 <Charles445> : it's cool
16:21 <Charles445> : just delete them and update and I'll play again
16:23 <RoxasGrylls94> : done

16:23 <Charles445> : playing
16:26 <Charles445> : Much better

16:26 <RoxasGrylls94> : Thanks

16:26 <Charles445> : Now you should get some mods for the map
16:27 <Charles445> : more mods*
16:27 <RoxasGrylls94> : other mods?

16:27 <Charles445> : wah
16:27 <Charles445> : yeah, new ones since the diff changed a lot
16:27 <RoxasGrylls94> : how much mods?
16:27 <Charles445> : ehhh idk
16:27 <Charles445> : hum
16:27 <Charles445> : actually lemme just look at it again
16:27 <RoxasGrylls94> : ahah ok

16:28 <RoxasGrylls94> : ok
16:28 <Charles445> : 00:53:370 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - remove the new combos on these
16:28 <Charles445> : new combo spam can mess up HP drain for the whole map D:
16:29 <Charles445> : 00:55:245 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - remove them on these as well
16:29 <RoxasGrylls94> : removed combo

16:29 <Charles445> : 01:20:675 (3,4) - reverse these?
16:29 <Charles445> : so it goes up down up down?
16:29 <Charles445> : like the 3 where the 4 is
16:30 <RoxasGrylls94> : fixed
16:30 <RoxasGrylls94> :

16:31 <Charles445> : 01:51:846 (1) - this is where things start to get a bit weird
16:31 <Charles445> : the slider speed speeds up here, but it's not immediately obvious that it does
16:31 <Charles445> : this slider is fine because even if the player isn't expecting the speed change, it won't mess them up
16:31 <Charles445> : so you don't need to change that
16:31 <RoxasGrylls94> : I see
16:32 <Charles445> : 02:07:550 (1) - this one will though
16:32 <Charles445> : there are a couple ways to make this readable
16:33 <RoxasGrylls94> : I guess one is to put a "speed up" phrase
16:33 <RoxasGrylls94> : Right?
16:34 <Charles445> : eh, people don't react to those fast enough
16:34 <Charles445> : I think if you made each slider speed up slowly
16:34 <Charles445> : like...
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:07:550 (1) - this one moves at 1.0x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:08:487 (2) - this one 1.1x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:08:956 (3) - this one 1.2x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:09:425 (4) - this one 1.3x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:09:893 (5) - this one 1.4x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:10:596 (1) - this one and then on 1.5x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : that way you can make a smooth transition to fast

16:35 <RoxasGrylls94> : Wait but... The minimum of timing velovity change isn't 3 speeds avaible?
16:35 <RoxasGrylls94> : (sorry for my bad english

16:35 <Charles445> : That's a false rule
16:35 <Charles445> : it's not actually a rule
16:35 <Charles445> : idk why the game treats it like a rule

it misleads everyone
16:36 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ok I'll change now :3
16:41 <RoxasGrylls94> : Fixed
16:42 <RoxasGrylls94> : Upped
16:42 <Charles445> : Excellent!
16:42 <Charles445> : that looks great
16:42 <RoxasGrylls94> : Really thanks charles!

16:43 <RoxasGrylls94> : For your mod, it's better to post it in the thread?

16:43 <Charles445> : I'll post in the thread with this IRC mod
16:43 <RoxasGrylls94> : Perfect

16:43 <Charles445> : 02:54:425 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - idk what to do about this
16:43 <Charles445> : mapping to the vocals is risky, but it's the only option here
16:44 <Charles445> : actually
16:44 <Charles445> : you might bea ble to just end the map at 2:37
16:44 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ok, I'm fixing now
16:44 <RoxasGrylls94> :

16:44 <Charles445> : the reaosn for that is the ending is hard to map
16:44 <Charles445> : and more boring than the rest of the map
16:45 <Charles445> : by ending at 2:37, it'll stay exciting
16:45 <RoxasGrylls94> : It's better to cut the song?
16:45 <RoxasGrylls94> :

16:45 <Charles445> : yeah, I think so :/
16:45 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ok

16:45 <Charles445> : I'll save a backup of your diffs if you ever choose to go back to the old
16:45 <RoxasGrylls94> : Thanks

16:49 <RoxasGrylls94> : I have to exit osu for change the mp3
16:49 <RoxasGrylls94> : I'll return immediately
16:49 <RoxasGrylls94> :

16:49 <Charles445> : sure
16:50 <RoxasGrylls94> : Here I am
16:50 <RoxasGrylls94> :

16:53 <RoxasGrylls94> : Submitted
16:57 <RoxasGrylls94> : wait wait wait... there's an error...
16:57 <RoxasGrylls94> : it's faster...
16:57 <Charles445> : I'm getting a new offset
16:57 <Charles445> : nice fadeout dude
16:57 <Charles445> : excellent mp3 clipping
16:57 <RoxasGrylls94> : Thanks

16:58 <Charles445> : offset 100
16:58 <RoxasGrylls94> : I think that 100 is ok
16:58 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ahaha lol I found it too
16:58 <Charles445> : when you change the timing you'll need to shift the inheriting sections as well
16:58 <Charles445> : yeah 100 is spot on
16:59 <RoxasGrylls94> : Yeah
17:01 <Charles445> : after you fix all that, that fixes the major issues with the map
17:01 <Charles445> : just get some more mods from people and call me back later
17:01 <Charles445> : oh, actually I did forget one thing
17:02 <Charles445> : you replace the hitoverlay in your skin
17:02 <Charles445> : you should include an approachcircle and a hitcircle png as well
17:02 <Charles445> : otherwise it'll look weird when others have different skins
17:03 <Charles445> : after that you'll need to include a SliderBorder setting in the diffs. Open any map with a custom hitcircle in
17:03 <Charles445> : notepad and you'll see what it is
17:03 <Charles445> : And that'll do it for now, putting the log on the thread