
Avicii - Levels

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mercoledì 14 novembre 2012 at 17:45:33

Artist: Avicii
Title: Levels
Tags: Revy Katty Pie Dance
BPM: 128
Filesize: 4623kb
Play Time: 02:33
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4,74 stars, 236 notes)
  2. Insane (4,98 stars, 318 notes)
  3. Pie's Easy (2,77 stars, 134 notes)
  4. Revy's Normal (3,65 stars, 157 notes)
Download: Avicii - Levels
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
First ranked beatmap! Hope you like :3

Oooooh, sometiiiimes~

Easy by Katty Pie
Normal by Revy
Hard by me
Insane by me

Thanks to
Thanks to Scorpiour for the and to Aleks719 for - the followed me and helped me, really thanks your help was indispensable ♥
Thanks to La Cataline for the mp3 :D (Even now I made another mp3 lols)
Thanks to Kiyro for the new background image :D
Thanks to Katty Pie and Revy for guest diffs! :D
Thanks to Shiro for helping me to upload the beatmap after my change name :D

48 mods on total

Modder list:
-Baby Strawberry-
- t e n n y a -
Katty Pie
Hello <(°v°)>
- - -
Add +1 to Approach Rate and add -1 to HP Drain Rate
00:42:003 (2) - Add clap (slider's end)
01:17:159 (6) - Change this in this
01:43:175 (4) - Remove histsounds and add clap (slider's beginning and ending)
01:43:643 (5) - Remove histsounds and add whistle (slider's beginning and ending)
01:50:675 (7,8) - Add clap and remove whistle
01:51:143 (9,10) - Add whistle and remove clap
Next there are hitsounds errors, i can't tell you all D:
03:56:300 (1) - Add 2 beat next this
I will mod other diffs next time ;)
- - -

Topic Starter
If you listen, there are 2 different version of part, in the first the last four beat are clap clap - whistle whistle, in the second are w w - c c, because the sound in tne song change ;)
Thanks for helping! ;)
Are you going to map WHOLE song?, it's really boring while it's 05:33:818 (rhythm is the same, in techno music it's really boring :c) consider cutting maybe?
2 Insanes , 1 Hard and none normal? really? D:
I'm not really sure why you slow down sliders - I don't hear any rhythm change in this part 00:37:550
01:17:628 (4) - hey really, it's EASY diff, just suggesting you could move it...
01:23:487 (2) - add one more reverse arrow (or 2 hits somewhere between sliders)
01:29:347 (1,2,3,1) - to make this look moar cool, you can space them (like moving 1,up,2,up,3,up you know)
01:47:394 (6,7) - slider as those two and nc?
Rest i'll mod after a while.
Remod after changing MP3
00:40:596 (15) - NC?
00:36:846 (13) - ^
00:37:784 (1) - RNC
00:40:596 (15,16,17) - slider with reverse arrow instead?
00:39:659 (9,10,11) - ^
01:09:659 (6,7) - ~~~nazi - spacing
03:01:925 (1,2) - too big spacing :c
03:00:050 (1,2) - ^
What about custom hit sound with normal clap to clap 03:12:706 (3) - these circles?
Yours one, i won't mode second one, you said that he is leaving so...
01:38:956 (6) - NC?
01:45:987 (4) - ^
01:49:737 (4) - ^
01:15:987 (4) - ^
02:50:909 (1,2,3,4) - you can fade them out with green lines

There is big amount of unsnapped green lines (almost all green lines, you should snap them)


Imposta un Preview Point!


01:23:487 (2) - Penso che ci siano troppe ripetizioni in questo slider, è troppo complicato per quelli che non sanno giocare.
01:29:347 (1,2,3,1) - Nelle Easy cerca di non ammassare i beats, altrimenti è troppo complicato.
01:45:987 (3,4,5,6,1) - Stessa cosa di prima :°


00:52:550 (1,1,1,1) - Forse 4 spinner di seguito sono un po' troppi...
01:38:487 (2) - Troppe ripetizioni D:
02:55:831 (9) - New Combo?

Alcuni slider sono bastardi, francamente non saprei dirti se cambiarli o no, magari chiedi a qualcuno più esperto di me :/


00:30:284 (2,3,4) (5,6,7) (8,9,10) (11,12,13) - Vanno bene, però ti consiglio di non metterli staccati perchè fanno sclerare D: (Mi sono spiegato malissimo, sorry. Se non capisci dimmelo xD)
02:45:050 (1) - È figo, però non penso che sia rankabile xD Cambialo.
02:46:225 (3) - Stessa cosa
02:58:878 (7) - Stessa cosa

Non penso di essere stato molto d'aiuto, sono nabbo a moddare, devo imparare xD. La mappa è bella, complimenti. Poi ti posto la guest diff.
Topic Starter

RikiH_ wrote:



Imposta un Preview Point!


01:23:487 (2) - Penso che ci siano troppe ripetizioni in questo slider, è troppo complicato per quelli che non sanno giocare.
01:29:347 (1,2,3,1) - Nelle Easy cerca di non ammassare i beats, altrimenti è troppo complicato.
01:45:987 (3,4,5,6,1) - Stessa cosa di prima :°

easy lasciata come prima


00:52:550 (1,1,1,1) - Forse 4 spinner di seguito sono un po' troppi...
01:38:487 (2) - Troppe ripetizioni D:
02:55:831 (9) - New Combo?

Gli spinner sono per variare un po', come le ripetizioni nello slider se no viene sempre uguale, new combo fixata

Alcuni slider sono bastardi, francamente non saprei dirti se cambiarli o no, magari chiedi a qualcuno più esperto di me :/ I LIKE THIS AUHAUHAUHA


00:30:284 (2,3,4) (5,6,7) (8,9,10) (11,12,13) - Vanno bene, però ti consiglio di non metterli staccati perchè fanno sclerare D: (Mi sono spiegato malissimo, sorry. Se non capisci dimmelo xD)
02:45:050 (1) - È figo, però non penso che sia rankabile xD Cambialo.
02:46:225 (3) - Stessa cosa
02:58:878 (7) - Stessa cosa

Sì lo so sono difficili i primi circle ma è il loro bello xD, riguardo agli slider vorrei lasciarli sono troppo fighi poi magari se un mat o un bat mi dice di toglierli li tolgo xD

Non penso di essere stato molto d'aiuto, sono nabbo a moddare, devo imparare xD. La mappa è bella, complimenti. Poi ti posto la guest diff.

00:30:284 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - Io li attaccherei un po'.
00:45:050 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Stessa cosa qui e via dicendo con quegli streams successivi.i
01:28:643 (11,12,13) - Al posto di questi tre finali magari un minislider che ripete 1 volta?
01:41:300 (1,2,3) - Magari i due slider a specchio e il beat finale al centro?
02:07:550 (1) - Avverti che lo slider va più veloce.
02:51:378 (1,2,3,4) - Anziché subito passare dal volume100% a 0% fai una discesa con tutti gli slider: 1 75%; 2 50%; 3 25 %; 4 0%.
02:54:425 (1,2,3) - Stessa cosa per sopra però con la velocità. Prova a fare la prima veloce la seconda più lenta e la terza ancora più lenta, come la voce della tizia.
03:09:425 (1,2,3,4) - Come sopra.

Questi sono i miei consigli, divertiti <3
Topic Starter

Mirry wrote:


00:30:284 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - Io li attaccherei un po'. Visto che l'avete detto in due, fixato
00:45:050 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Stessa cosa qui e via dicendo con quegli streams successivi.i Preferisco lasciarli così :)
01:28:643 (11,12,13) - Al posto di questi tre finali magari un minislider che ripete 1 volta? Cambiato il finale, guarda se ti piace ;)
01:41:300 (1,2,3) - Magari i due slider a specchio e il beat finale al centro? Fixato
02:07:550 (1) - Avverti che lo slider va più veloce. Ci lavorerò :)
02:51:378 (1,2,3,4) - Anziché subito passare dal volume100% a 0% fai una discesa con tutti gli slider: 1 75%; 2 50%; 3 25 %; 4 0%. E' già graduato il volume in discesa..
02:54:425 (1,2,3) - Stessa cosa per sopra però con la velocità. Prova a fare la prima veloce la seconda più lenta e la terza ancora più lenta, come la voce della tizia. Non posso mettere altri timing section..
03:09:425 (1,2,3,4) - Come sopra. ^

Grazie <3<3
Questi sono i miei consigli, divertiti <3
Why is the timing which starts in every diff although the same person is making different? (AND kiaitime)

00:45:050 (1) to 00:56:065 (11) - You should use not only circle but also slider.
01:11:300 (1) - Remove NC?
01:12:237 (3) - Add NC
01:15:050 (1) - Remove NC?
01:15:987 (4) - Add NC
01:18:800 (1) - Remove NC?
01:19:737 (2) - Add NC

02:54:425 (1,2,3,4) - The place cannot respond, when playing first.
Topic Starter

PEPOTTI wrote:

Why is the timing which starts in every diff although the same person is making different? (AND kiaitime)
Timing is indifferent, every diff have 50 offset, the easy is only shorter than the others, fixed kiai

00:45:050 (1) to 00:56:065 (11) - You should use not only circle but also slider. Fixed
01:11:300 (1) - Remove NC? Fixed
01:12:237 (3) - Add NC Fixed
01:15:050 (1) - Remove NC? Fixed
01:15:987 (4) - Add NC Fixed
01:18:800 (1) - Remove NC? Fixed
01:19:737 (2) - Add NC Fixed

02:54:425 (1,2,3,4) - The place cannot respond, when playing first. It's the better timing I can do..

Pointed out stuff about speed-ups and tick rate and so on in IRC.
Topic Starter

Xgor wrote:

Pointed out stuff about speed-ups and tick rate and so on in IRC. Fixed :D
01:21:847 (1) - Siccome questa è la difficoltà più facile, rimuovi questo circle. E' sempre difficile per i beginners colpire un circle 1/2 subito dopo lo spinner
01:23:487 (2) - Troppi repeat per una easy ed i beginners non sanno quando lasciare. Quindi ti consiglio di fare una cosa del genere:

02:08:487 (2) - ^
02:12:237 (2) - ^
02:15:987 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Assolutamente una cosa del genere per una easy no.. Prova a fare qualcos'altro, tipo degli sliders 1/1
02:19:737 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^

AR+1 o +2 credimi, pezzi come questi 01:23:487 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) sono difficili da leggere per una hard con questo AR
01:08:487 (3) - Non mi piace sto circle sovrapposto con 01:08:018 (2). Intendo che con questo AR basso potrebbe essere difficile da leggere specialmente in dt + hd
02:08:018 (2) - Se usi una SV diversa dovresti avvertire in qualche modo. Forse usando una new combo?
02:11:768 (2) - ^
02:15:518 (2) - ^
02:21:143 (5) - Overlapped sliders, illegibile. Fixa muovendolo da un'altra parte
02:26:768 (2) - Stesso che ho scritto sopra^
02:45:050 (1) - Fermati qui come nella easy, non mappare sto pezzo :\ Che secondo me è mappato un po' maluccio.

AR +1
01:08:487 (2,8) - Overlapped sliders, illegibili.
02:08:956 (3) - CTRL R
02:09:893 (5) - ^
02:45:050 (1) - Stessa cosa della Hard
Boh, i pattern sono buoni e rankabili però i jump sono... "leggermente" esagerati? xD

Buona fortuna :3
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

01:21:847 (1) - Siccome questa è la difficoltà più facile, rimuovi questo circle. E' sempre difficile per i beginners colpire un circle 1/2 subito dopo lo spinner Fixato
01:23:487 (2) - Troppi repeat per una easy ed i beginners non sanno quando lasciare. Quindi ti consiglio di fare una cosa del genere: Fixato

02:08:487 (2) - ^ Fixato
02:12:237 (2) - ^ Fixato
02:15:987 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Assolutamente una cosa del genere per una easy no.. Prova a fare qualcos'altro, tipo degli sliders 1/1 Fixato
02:19:737 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^ Fixato

AR+1 o +2 credimi, pezzi come questi 01:23:487 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) sono difficili da leggere per una hard con questo AR Fixato
01:08:487 (3) - Non mi piace sto circle sovrapposto con 01:08:018 (2). Intendo che con questo AR basso potrebbe essere difficile da leggere specialmente in dt + hd Beh uno se la impara prima di farla in hd.. Comunque lo lascio quello ;)
02:08:018 (2) - Se usi una SV diversa dovresti avvertire in qualche modo. Forse usando una new combo? Fixato
02:11:768 (2) - ^ Fixato
02:15:518 (2) - ^ Fixato
02:21:143 (5) - Overlapped sliders, illegibile. Fixa muovendolo da un'altra parte Fixato
02:26:768 (2) - Stesso che ho scritto sopra^ Fixato
02:45:050 (1) - Fermati qui come nella easy, non mappare sto pezzo :\ Che secondo me è mappato un po' maluccio. In effetti l'ho fatto un po' male nella hard...

AR +1
01:08:487 (2,8) - Overlapped sliders, illegibili. Fixato
02:08:956 (3) - CTRL R Fixato
02:09:893 (5) - ^ Fixato
02:45:050 (1) - Stessa cosa della Hard Non credo sia fatto male come pezzo.. Se nella insane lo lasciassi?
Boh, i pattern sono buoni e rankabili però i jump sono... "leggermente" esagerati? xD Prendila come una sfida auahuaha ;)

Buona fortuna :3

  1. Dovresti pensare a creare un Normal,visto che lo spread ora come ora non è un granchè
  2. Nella Hard mancano le tag "Genshin lrsmstr" mentre nell'Insane mancano tutte le tag,aggiungile


  1. Prima di iniziare con la mod,ti ricordo che hai usato molti jump e antijump che potrebbero benissimo far confondere un player che inizia a giocare a osu,come nei pattern 00:37:550 (1,2,3,4) - e 00:48:800 (1) - (se me lo chiedi,dopo te li elenco pure se vuoi). Ti consiglio di rifare questi patterns evitando di far ciò
  2. 00:59:581 (2,3) - Perchè non li posizioni così?
  3. 01:22:081 (1) - Metti un New Combo su questa nota,che manca a causa di un bug creato con l'inserimento dello spinner
  4. 01:26:300 (1) - Potresti flipparlo verticalmente per creare un blanket con 01:25:597 (1,2) -
  5. 01:40:597 (1,2) - 1 grid a destra per evitare la sovrapposizione con lo slider 01:38:487 (3) - ?
  6. 01:51:847 (1) - Perchè non lo curvi così? Oltre a fare un blanket con 01:49:737 (2) - ,eviteresti di nuovo la sovrapposizione con questo slider
  7. 02:03:331 - Una nota qui ci starebbe bene,imho

  1. 00:39:893 (3) - 1 grid a sinistra per fixare lo spacing
  2. 00:40:362 (6) - 1 grid a destra,stesso motivo di sopra
  3. 01:26:300 (1,2) - La fine dello slider 2 è nascosta sotto lo slider 1,rendendolo quindi difficile da leggere. Potresti fixare flippando semplicemenete lo slider 1 orizzontalmente
  4. 01:38:487 (2) - 4 grid a destra per mantenere la simmetria con 01:37:550 (1) - ?
  5. 01:52:550 (2) - Stack sotto lo slider 1?
  6. 02:48:331 (5) - Magari muoverla così per far in modo che 02:48:800 (6) - non rimanga nascosto sotto questo slider?

  1. Ci sono vari slider unsnappati,fixa ciò ricalcolando la lunghezza degli slider (dal menu Timing scegli "Recalculate Slider Lenghts")
  2. 01:34:971 (2) - Allinealo bene con 01:34:737 (1) - ,e fai lo stesso con gli slider seguenti
  3. 01:38:018 (6) - Perchè non stacki questa nota sotto 01:37:784 (5) - ?
  4. 01:48:565 (3) - Potresti muovere questo 3 grids in su e 01:49:268 (6) - 3 grids in giù per creare un "effetto stacking"
  5. 02:03:565 (3) - Fixa lo spacing muovendo questa nota 1 grid sotto
  6. 02:09:425 (4,5) - Per me qui un CTRL+R ci starebbe bene,e sicuramente migliorerebbe il flow di questi slider rispetto agli altri
  7. 02:30:401 (2) - 2 grids left per allinearlo con 02:30:050 (1) -
  8. 02:30:753 (3) - 2 grids up per allinearlo con 02:30:401 (2) -
  9. 02:31:104 (4) - 2 grids a destra per allinearlo con 02:30:753 (3) -
  10. 02:58:175 (5,6) - Posizionali su x:216 y:304 per mantenere il loro spacing equidistante a 02:57:471 (1,2,3,4) -
Topic Starter

-kevincela- wrote:


  1. Dovresti pensare a creare un Normal,visto che lo spread ora come ora non è un granchè Mi servirebbe una guest, non le voglio fare tutte io le diff..
  2. Nella Hard mancano le tag "Genshin lrsmstr" mentre nell'Insane mancano tutte le tag,aggiungile
Tag aggiornate


  1. Prima di iniziare con la mod,ti ricordo che hai usato molti jump e antijump che potrebbero benissimo far confondere un player che inizia a giocare a osu,come nei pattern 00:37:550 (1,2,3,4) - e 00:48:800 (1) - (se me lo chiedi,dopo te li elenco pure se vuoi). Ti consiglio di rifare questi patterns evitando di far ciò
  2. 00:59:581 (2,3) - Perchè non li posizioni così?
  3. 01:22:081 (1) - Metti un New Combo su questa nota,che manca a causa di un bug creato con l'inserimento dello spinner
  4. 01:26:300 (1) - Potresti flipparlo verticalmente per creare un blanket con 01:25:597 (1,2) -
  5. 01:40:597 (1,2) - 1 grid a destra per evitare la sovrapposizione con lo slider 01:38:487 (3) - ?
  6. 01:51:847 (1) - Perchè non lo curvi così? Oltre a fare un blanket con 01:49:737 (2) - ,eviteresti di nuovo la sovrapposizione con questo slider
  7. 02:03:331 - Una nota qui ci starebbe bene,imho
All fixed


  1. 00:39:893 (3) - 1 grid a sinistra per fixare lo spacing
  2. 00:40:362 (6) - 1 grid a destra,stesso motivo di sopra
  3. 01:26:300 (1,2) - La fine dello slider 2 è nascosta sotto lo slider 1,rendendolo quindi difficile da leggere. Potresti fixare flippando semplicemenete lo slider 1 orizzontalmente
  4. 01:38:487 (2) - 4 grid a destra per mantenere la simmetria con 01:37:550 (1) - ?
  5. 01:52:550 (2) - Stack sotto lo slider 1?
  6. 02:48:331 (5) - Magari muoverla così per far in modo che 02:48:800 (6) - non rimanga nascosto sotto questo slider?


  1. Ci sono vari slider unsnappati,fixa ciò ricalcolando la lunghezza degli slider (dal menu Timing scegli "Recalculate Slider Lenghts") Li avevo già aggiustati, ci sono solo due slider che non sono snappati e si tratta degli slider 02:55:128 (3) - 03:10:128 (3), comunque ho ricalcolato la lunghezza degli slider
  2. 01:34:971 (2) - Allinealo bene con 01:34:737 (1) - ,e fai lo stesso con gli slider seguenti
  3. 01:38:018 (6) - Perchè non stacki questa nota sotto 01:37:784 (5) - ?
  4. 01:48:565 (3) - Potresti muovere questo 3 grids in su e 01:49:268 (6) - 3 grids in giù per creare un "effetto stacking"
  5. 02:03:565 (3) - Fixa lo spacing muovendo questa nota 1 grid sotto
  6. 02:09:425 (4,5) - Per me qui un CTRL+R ci starebbe bene,e sicuramente migliorerebbe il flow di questi slider rispetto agli altri
  7. 02:30:401 (2) - 2 grids left per allinearlo con 02:30:050 (1) -
  8. 02:30:753 (3) - 2 grids up per allinearlo con 02:30:401 (2) -
  9. 02:31:104 (4) - 2 grids a destra per allinearlo con 02:30:753 (3) -
  10. 02:58:175 (5,6) - Posizionali su x:216 y:304 per mantenere il loro spacing equidistante a 02:57:471 (1,2,3,4) -
All fixed

Grazie mille :D
Long IRC mod

14:19 <RoxasGrylls94> : Hi :) could you mod my map if you have time please? >.<
14:19 <Charles445> : I had a look at that earlier
14:20 <Charles445> : Let me play it again so I can remember what it was like
14:20 <RoxasGrylls94> : ok :)
14:20 <Charles445> : you can spec if you want
14:20 <RoxasGrylls94> : sure :)
14:20 <Charles445> : 1sec
14:21 <Charles445> : rearranging my mouse
14:21 <Charles445> : i'm hitting the cord
14:21 <RoxasGrylls94> : okok :)
14:24 <Charles445> : Map focuses a LOT on the beat
14:24 <Charles445> : and that's great, although at some parts it's overmapped
14:24 <Charles445> : mainly the main part with all the slider jumps and whatnot, the music itself doesn't have much 1/4 until
14:24 <Charles445> : later on
14:24 <Charles445> : for instance, 01:07:832 - doesn't have 1/4 in the bg music
14:25 <Charles445> : the actual 1/4 comes in at 01:37:647 -
14:25 <Charles445> : with the repeating three beat sound
14:25 <RoxasGrylls94> : you mean pulses?
14:26 <Charles445> : eh, not sure what to call them
14:26 <Charles445> : it sounds like... uh
14:26 <Charles445> : quick drums, not sure what they call those
14:27 <RoxasGrylls94> : uh, it's overmapped..
14:28 <Charles445> : yes
14:28 <Charles445> : that's the issue
14:28 <RoxasGrylls94> : I see, I'm adjusting now :)
14:29 <Charles445> : I'll make you a beat analysis diff
14:29 <Charles445> : it'll show you all the beats you are able to map to
14:29 <RoxasGrylls94> : thanks
14:29 <Charles445> : your map is very fun, and I like it a lot
14:29 <RoxasGrylls94> : :D
14:30 <Charles445> : but like any other it needs work to get it going
14:30 <Charles445> : more work*
14:30 <RoxasGrylls94> : I see, I'll work hard :)
14:32 <RoxasGrylls94> : I have to delete all overmapped beats?
14:33 <Charles445> : effectively D:
14:33 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ahahah ok thanks **
14:40 <Charles445> : Ok, finished making the beat stuff
14:40 <Charles445> : Remember, you don't have to map to ALL of these, it's merely so you know what's overmapping in the
14:40 <Charles445> : song and what isn't
14:40 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ok :)
14:41 <Charles445> : just look the .osu and see what's placed, and make sure the other diffs only map to those beats and no
14:41 <Charles445> : other ones
14:41 <Charles445> : :D
14:41 <Charles445> : also before uploading make sure to remove the diff so it isn't uploaded with everything else
14:41 <Charles445> : here you go
14:41 <Charles445> : good luck!
14:42 <RoxasGrylls94> : thanks! :D
16:17 <RoxasGrylls94> : Done! :)
16:20 <Charles445> : nice
16:20 <Charles445> : Lemme see
16:20 <Charles445> : playin
16:20 <Charles445> : oh, looks like you're not finished rebuilding the map
16:21 <RoxasGrylls94> : oh yes there's a part overmapped D:
16:21 <Charles445> : Nonono it's just
16:21 <Charles445> : the intro part
16:21 <Charles445> : I don't think you meant to have that bit
16:21 <Charles445> : before 00:22:283 -
16:21 <RoxasGrylls94> : oh yes damn
16:21 <RoxasGrylls94> : I forgotted them
16:21 <Charles445> : lol
16:21 <Charles445> : it's cool
16:21 <Charles445> : just delete them and update and I'll play again
16:23 <RoxasGrylls94> : done ;)
16:23 <Charles445> : playing
16:26 <Charles445> : Much better :D
16:26 <RoxasGrylls94> : Thanks :D
16:26 <Charles445> : Now you should get some mods for the map
16:27 <Charles445> : more mods*
16:27 <RoxasGrylls94> : other mods? :)
16:27 <Charles445> : wah
16:27 <Charles445> : yeah, new ones since the diff changed a lot
16:27 <RoxasGrylls94> : how much mods?
16:27 <Charles445> : ehhh idk
16:27 <Charles445> : hum
16:27 <Charles445> : actually lemme just look at it again
16:27 <RoxasGrylls94> : ahah ok :)
16:28 <RoxasGrylls94> : ok
16:28 <Charles445> : 00:53:370 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - remove the new combos on these
16:28 <Charles445> : new combo spam can mess up HP drain for the whole map D:
16:29 <Charles445> : 00:55:245 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - remove them on these as well
16:29 <RoxasGrylls94> : removed combo :D
16:29 <Charles445> : 01:20:675 (3,4) - reverse these?
16:29 <Charles445> : so it goes up down up down?
16:29 <Charles445> : like the 3 where the 4 is
16:30 <RoxasGrylls94> : fixed
16:30 <RoxasGrylls94> : :)
16:31 <Charles445> : 01:51:846 (1) - this is where things start to get a bit weird
16:31 <Charles445> : the slider speed speeds up here, but it's not immediately obvious that it does
16:31 <Charles445> : this slider is fine because even if the player isn't expecting the speed change, it won't mess them up
16:31 <Charles445> : so you don't need to change that
16:31 <RoxasGrylls94> : I see
16:32 <Charles445> : 02:07:550 (1) - this one will though
16:32 <Charles445> : there are a couple ways to make this readable
16:33 <RoxasGrylls94> : I guess one is to put a "speed up" phrase
16:33 <RoxasGrylls94> : Right?
16:34 <Charles445> : eh, people don't react to those fast enough
16:34 <Charles445> : I think if you made each slider speed up slowly
16:34 <Charles445> : like...
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:07:550 (1) - this one moves at 1.0x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:08:487 (2) - this one 1.1x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:08:956 (3) - this one 1.2x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:09:425 (4) - this one 1.3x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:09:893 (5) - this one 1.4x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : 02:10:596 (1) - this one and then on 1.5x speed
16:34 <Charles445> : that way you can make a smooth transition to fast :D
16:35 <RoxasGrylls94> : Wait but... The minimum of timing velovity change isn't 3 speeds avaible?
16:35 <RoxasGrylls94> : (sorry for my bad english :P)
16:35 <Charles445> : That's a false rule
16:35 <Charles445> : it's not actually a rule
16:35 <Charles445> : idk why the game treats it like a rule :( it misleads everyone
16:36 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ok I'll change now :3
16:41 <RoxasGrylls94> : Fixed
16:42 <RoxasGrylls94> : Upped
16:42 <Charles445> : Excellent!
16:42 <Charles445> : that looks great
16:42 <RoxasGrylls94> : Really thanks charles! :D
16:43 <RoxasGrylls94> : For your mod, it's better to post it in the thread? :)
16:43 <Charles445> : I'll post in the thread with this IRC mod
16:43 <RoxasGrylls94> : Perfect :D
16:43 <Charles445> : 02:54:425 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - idk what to do about this
16:43 <Charles445> : mapping to the vocals is risky, but it's the only option here
16:44 <Charles445> : actually
16:44 <Charles445> : you might bea ble to just end the map at 2:37
16:44 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ok, I'm fixing now
16:44 <RoxasGrylls94> : :)
16:44 <Charles445> : the reaosn for that is the ending is hard to map
16:44 <Charles445> : and more boring than the rest of the map
16:45 <Charles445> : by ending at 2:37, it'll stay exciting
16:45 <RoxasGrylls94> : It's better to cut the song?
16:45 <RoxasGrylls94> : :)
16:45 <Charles445> : yeah, I think so :/
16:45 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ok ;)
16:45 <Charles445> : I'll save a backup of your diffs if you ever choose to go back to the old
16:45 <RoxasGrylls94> : Thanks :)
16:49 <RoxasGrylls94> : I have to exit osu for change the mp3
16:49 <RoxasGrylls94> : I'll return immediately
16:49 <RoxasGrylls94> : :)
16:49 <Charles445> : sure
16:50 <RoxasGrylls94> : Here I am
16:50 <RoxasGrylls94> : :)
16:53 <RoxasGrylls94> : Submitted
16:57 <RoxasGrylls94> : wait wait wait... there's an error...
16:57 <RoxasGrylls94> : it's faster...
16:57 <Charles445> : I'm getting a new offset
16:57 <Charles445> : nice fadeout dude
16:57 <Charles445> : excellent mp3 clipping
16:57 <RoxasGrylls94> : Thanks :)
16:58 <Charles445> : offset 100
16:58 <RoxasGrylls94> : I think that 100 is ok
16:58 <RoxasGrylls94> : Ahaha lol I found it too
16:58 <Charles445> : when you change the timing you'll need to shift the inheriting sections as well
16:58 <Charles445> : yeah 100 is spot on
16:59 <RoxasGrylls94> : Yeah
17:01 <Charles445> : after you fix all that, that fixes the major issues with the map
17:01 <Charles445> : just get some more mods from people and call me back later
17:01 <Charles445> : oh, actually I did forget one thing
17:02 <Charles445> : you replace the hitoverlay in your skin
17:02 <Charles445> : you should include an approachcircle and a hitcircle png as well
17:02 <Charles445> : otherwise it'll look weird when others have different skins
17:03 <Charles445> : after that you'll need to include a SliderBorder setting in the diffs. Open any map with a custom hitcircle in
17:03 <Charles445> : notepad and you'll see what it is
17:03 <Charles445> : And that'll do it for now, putting the log on the thread :D
Hello! c: M4M Request from my Queue ^^


01:30:050 (1) - Slider to 01:30:284 & repeat
02:03:097 (1) - Soft Sound Slider
02:06:847 (1) - ^
02:07:550 (2) - Remove NC


01:38:487 (2) - 1 Repeat
01:39:190 (3) - Circle @ x:176 y:248
01:39:425 (4) - Circle @ x:336 y:184
01:39:659 (5) - Circle @ x:176 y:184
01:39:893 (6) - Circle @ x:336 y:120
01:40:128 (7) - Circle @ x:176 y:120

01:40:596 (1) - Circle @ x:256 y:224
01:40:831 (2) - Circle @ x:256 y:304
01:41:065 (3) - Circle @ x:256 y:144 (on the slider)


00:31:573 - Add Circle
00:31:807 - Remove Circle
00:31:924 (13) - Move it to Center
00:33:096 (3) - Repeat 2 times
00:33:565 (4) - Slider

The map is perfect and with those changes it looks better at least for me ^^ I hope you like it c:
Favoutire part - 02:22:550 - XDD
Topic Starter

KiyoshiX101 wrote:

Hello! c: M4M Request from my Queue ^^


01:30:050 (1) - Slider to 01:30:284 & repeat Fixed
02:03:097 (1) - Soft Sound Slider Fixed
02:06:847 (1) - ^ Was deleted
02:07:550 (2) - Remove NC Fixed yet


01:38:487 (2) - 1 Repeat All fixed
01:39:190 (3) - Circle @ x:176 y:248
01:39:425 (4) - Circle @ x:336 y:184
01:39:659 (5) - Circle @ x:176 y:184
01:39:893 (6) - Circle @ x:336 y:120
01:40:128 (7) - Circle @ x:176 y:120

01:40:596 (1) - Circle @ x:256 y:224
01:40:831 (2) - Circle @ x:256 y:304
01:41:065 (3) - Circle @ x:256 y:144 (on the slider) Fixed, but I like the circle 3 in the position of the 1


00:31:573 - Add Circle
00:31:807 - Remove Circle
00:31:924 (13) - Move it to Center
00:33:096 (3) - Repeat 2 times
00:33:565 (4) - Slider

I don't really like it... And it would be overmapped I think xD

The map is perfect and with those changes it looks better at least for me ^^ I hope you like it c:
Favoutire part - 02:22:550 - XDD

I'm glad you like it :D
Thank you for requesting via Illumined's Modding Queue (・∀・)

Mod4mod here!

  1. Storyboard elements' size shouldn't be over 800*600 pixels Check the rule from wiki
  2. Great, I made a slidertick sound and used twice in the same day. Anyway! Now replace this hitsound to your own tick.wav. Added a base sound (hit-normal) for it.
  3. Add sliderborder to other two (Easy, Normal) diffs, too.

  1. So much slider jumps :o
00:57:287 - Consider using a gradual progressive volume from here, 48~50%
00:58:225 - 52~55%
00:59:162 - ~60%

00:30:100 (1,2,3,4) - , 00:33:850 (1,2,3,4) - Unify hitsounds of these notes, first half are using whistles on 3rd beats. And second half are 4th beats. :\ I recommand to follow 3rd beats' one.
00:39:475 (3,4) - I wonder is it an acceptable jump for easiest diff. Plus it's stacked under previous slider.
01:27:756 (3) - Clap instead.
01:28:225 (4) - Whistle instead.
01:38:537 (3,4) - This kind of stackings aren't approved for easiest difficulty. 3 reverse+a circle stacked under slider's end :\ Try a better pattern instead!
01:42:287 (3,4) - ^
01:47:443 (6,1) - Wha..tricky spacing. It would be fine for Normal/Hard difficulties though. But please keep Easy sight-reading.
01:49:787 (2,3) - Again with this stacking, hehe
02:17:443 - Clap instead?
02:21:896 (1) - Which track's this slider following O.O? Sounds like a random 1/6 slider here. I don't really agree with this.

00:57:287 - Same as Easy
02:07:550 - Stack this section to downbeat.

00:30:100 - to 00:45:100 - Please keep claps on 2nd/4th beats only. It's nonsense to spam claps to each white ticks.
00:58:225 (1) - Finish
01:09:943 (7) - Copy 01:09:240 (5) - and paste it on, press Ctrl+>+>. Fix it's position. And you get a balanced pattern!

01:24:475 (8,9) - Spacing error, move 2 grid right
01:24:943 (10,11) - Spacing error, 2 grid left
01:42:756 (3) - Again, copy 01:42:287 (2) - and paste it on. Use Ctrl+H and Ctrl+R this time.
01:43:225 (4,5) - ^ (Fix the hitsounds too)
01:48:850 (1) - Shape is weird D: Try this?

02:33:850 (1) - Finish.

  1. Pretty nice!
00:46:037 - Consider using a gradual progressive volume from here, 40%
00:46:975 - 45%
00:50:725 - 50%
00:57:287 - Same as Easy
01:52:650 - Again, snap this to downbeat.

00:56:350 (1) - Finish.
02:03:381 (2) - Delete finish.
02:33:850 (1) - Finish instead.

Good luck :D
Topic Starter

Illumined wrote:

Thank you for requesting via Illumined's Modding Queue (・∀・)

Mod4mod here!

  1. Storyboard elements' size shouldn't be over 800*600 pixels Check the rule from wiki
  2. Great, I made a slidertick sound and used twice in the same day. Anyway! Now replace this hitsound to your own tick.wav. Added a base sound (hit-normal) for it.
  3. Add sliderborder to other two (Easy, Normal) diffs, too.

  1. So much slider jumps :o
00:57:287 - Consider using a gradual progressive volume from here, 48~50%
00:58:225 - 52~55%
00:59:162 - ~60% Fixed

00:30:100 (1,2,3,4) - , 00:33:850 (1,2,3,4) - Unify hitsounds of these notes, first half are using whistles on 3rd beats. And second half are 4th beats. :\ I recommand to follow 3rd beats' one.
00:39:475 (3,4) - I wonder is it an acceptable jump for easiest diff. Plus it's stacked under previous slider.
01:27:756 (3) - Clap instead.
01:28:225 (4) - Whistle instead.
01:38:537 (3,4) - This kind of stackings aren't approved for easiest difficulty. 3 reverse+a circle stacked under slider's end :\ Try a better pattern instead!
01:42:287 (3,4) - ^
01:47:443 (6,1) - Wha..tricky spacing. It would be fine for Normal/Hard difficulties though. But please keep Easy sight-reading.
01:49:787 (2,3) - Again with this stacking, hehe
02:17:443 - Clap instead? Much things fixed
02:21:896 (1) - Which track's this slider following O.O? Sounds like a random 1/6 slider here. I don't really agree with this. That was an error, lol, fixed :P

00:57:287 - Same as Easy
02:07:550 - Stack this section to downbeat.

00:30:100 - to 00:45:100 - Please keep claps on 2nd/4th beats only. It's nonsense to spam claps to each white ticks.
00:58:225 (1) - Finish
01:09:943 (7) - Copy 01:09:240 (5) - and paste it on, press Ctrl+>+>. Fix it's position. And you get a balanced pattern!

01:24:475 (8,9) - Spacing error, move 2 grid right
01:24:943 (10,11) - Spacing error, 2 grid left
01:42:756 (3) - Again, copy 01:42:287 (2) - and paste it on. Use Ctrl+H and Ctrl+R this time.
01:43:225 (4,5) - ^ (Fix the hitsounds too)
01:48:850 (1) - Shape is weird D: Try this?

02:33:850 (1) - Finish.

All fixed

  1. Pretty nice!
00:46:037 - Consider using a gradual progressive volume from here, 40%
00:46:975 - 45%
00:50:725 - 50%
00:57:287 - Same as Easy
01:52:650 - Again, snap this to downbeat.

00:56:350 (1) - Finish.
02:03:381 (2) - Delete finish.
02:33:850 (1) - Finish instead.
All fixed

Good luck :D
HAHA Good luck for you're map ;3
Shohei Ohtani


Maybe make a reversearrow.jpg?

00:54:475 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Move this pattern up a little bit so (2) stacks with (7)
01:51:896 (1) - I don't like this random speed-up ;~;

00:52:600 (1,1,1,1) - Having a bunch of spinners in a row generally isn't a good idea
02:08:068 (1) - Plays weirdly o-o
02:11:818 (1) - ^
02:15:568 (1) - ^
02:23:068 (1) - ^
02:26:818 (1) - ^

A lot of issues here are just spacing. In easies, the spacing should generally always stay consistent, so newer players can actually play it.
00:37:600 - Sliderspeed changes for an easy are 95% of time a big no no
01:30:803 - Random break o-o
01:46:506 (4,5,6) - Anti-Jumps are also a big no no

Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:



Maybe make a reversearrow.jpg?

00:54:475 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Move this pattern up a little bit so (2) stacks with (7)
01:51:896 (1) - I don't like this random speed-up ;~;

00:52:600 (1,1,1,1) - Having a bunch of spinners in a row generally isn't a good idea
02:08:068 (1) - Plays weirdly o-o
02:11:818 (1) - ^
02:15:568 (1) - ^
02:23:068 (1) - ^
02:26:818 (1) - ^

A lot of issues here are just spacing. In easies, the spacing should generally always stay consistent, so newer players can actually play it.
00:37:600 - Sliderspeed changes for an easy are 95% of time a big no no
01:30:803 - Random break o-o
01:46:506 (4,5,6) - Anti-Jumps are also a big no no

So much things fixed, now I think the easy it's ok.. Really thanks!

hi there


Multiple .osb Files There should only be one .osb file in a folder (this folder has 2).

offset 86


00:37:600 (1,2,3,4) - using 0,6x and 1,1x spacing here
00:48:381 (2,1) - spacing
00:52:600 (1,2,1) - using 1,8x here
00:56:350 (1,2,3) - 1,5x
01:09:943 (5,6,1,2) - unstack, btw this pattern is a bit hard for an easy diff (imo)
01:11:350 - remove nc ?
01:13:693 (6,7,1,2) - unstack, btw this pattern is a bit hard for an easy diff (imo)
01:22:600 - remove nc?
01:24:475 (3,4,1,2) - too hard for an easy?
01:28:693 (5,6) - unstack
01:32:443 (5,6,1,2) - unstack, btw this pattern is a bit hard for an easy diff (imo)
01:33:850 - remove nc
01:37:600 - spacing

there are more of this errors but you can find by yourself

i did not found nothing in the other diffs :?

thats all :)
Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:

hi there


Multiple .osb Files There should only be one .osb file in a folder (this folder has 2).

offset 86


00:37:600 (1,2,3,4) - using 0,6x and 1,1x spacing here
00:48:381 (2,1) - spacing
00:52:600 (1,2,1) - using 1,8x here
00:56:350 (1,2,3) - 1,5x
01:09:943 (5,6,1,2) - unstack, btw this pattern is a bit hard for an easy diff (imo)
01:11:350 - remove nc ?
01:13:693 (6,7,1,2) - unstack, btw this pattern is a bit hard for an easy diff (imo)
01:22:600 - remove nc?
01:24:475 (3,4,1,2) - too hard for an easy?
01:28:693 (5,6) - unstack
01:32:443 (5,6,1,2) - unstack, btw this pattern is a bit hard for an easy diff (imo)
01:33:850 - remove nc
01:37:600 - spacing

there are more of this errors but you can find by yourself

i did not found nothing in the other diffs :?

thats all :)

Much things fixed, now I think the easy it's okay...
As request.


  • Inconsistency on Kiai times:
    Seems like you need a Normal diff, there's no point between Easy and Hard Diff.
    Epilepsy Alert on All Diffs, Please.



  • 00:44:865 (2) Remove Tail Slider Clap, please.
    00:52:131 (6) Remove Tail Slider Clap and add it on the Slider's Start.
    01:00:100 (3) NC.


  • 02:04:878 (1,2,3,4) Since you have too many jupms, one more doesn't hurt this map
    Too much Copy Paste in this diff
Good luck.
Topic Starter

iMercurial wrote:

As request.


  • Inconsistency on Kiai times:
    Seems like you need a Normal diff, there's no point between Easy and Hard Diff.
    Epilepsy Alert on All Diffs, Please.



  • 00:44:865 (2) Remove Tail Slider Clap, please.
    00:52:131 (6) Remove Tail Slider Clap and add it on the Slider's Start.
    01:00:100 (3) NC.


  • 02:04:878 (1,2,3,4) Since you have too many jupms, one more doesn't hurt this map
    Too much Copy Paste in this diff
Good luck.

All fixed, thanks!

Let's get to mod this.

*Note: Bolded gold ones are things you must do (or strongly recommended; usually about unrankable stuff or extreme/fatal errors). Everything in red are things that look awkward/wrong to me or something that can be improved (subjective suggestions; you can follow my lead here or not); everything else are rants and minor suggestions to make things look cooler and a bit better.

Before I start, I think you'll need a Normal diff, but it's up to you; it should be rankable with these diffs, anyway.

  1. 00:33:850 (5) - NC? You have switched to another pattern here, and going for eight objects in a combo for an Easy diff sounds... somewhat ridiculous.
  2. 01:18:850 (1) - You should actually use circles and sliders instead of using a spinner just for the sake of using a spinner here.
  3. 02:15:100 (2,3,4) - Hmm... I guess you can remove the Whistle from (2) and apply it to (3,4). Sounds better, IMO.
  4. 02:18:850 (2,3,4) - ^
  5. 02:21:428 (3) - Whistle?
  1. 00:41:584 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - This is perfectly fine, IMO, but (oh wait didn't I say perfect) it's boring to have the same pattern throughout these combos. Making a windmill's fan or some other stuff would do, but again, I think this pattern is pretty boring.
  2. 02:08:537 (3) - NC? I'm sure enough the song 'demands' it... kind of.
  1. Too much copy-paste and symmetrical patterns I suppose? Going symmetry is fine to make your beatmap look tidy, but too much of them... I don't know what to say.
  2. 01:08:537 (2) - NC? Reason is the same as 02:08:537 (3) on Hard.
  3. 01:31:037 (3) - ^
  4. 01:35:021 (5) - ^
  5. 02:01:037 (4) - ^
  6. 02:08:537 (2) - ^
  7. 02:22:600 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ...Not sure what are you mapping to here. Maybe you should remap this part and follow the louder parts of the song.
I guess just that.

Good luck on the way 8-)
Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

You can try offset+3

I think you should use Avicii - Levels.jpg as BG. You can use
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
to fade out BG. This is so because preview image in webpage will be 'Avicii - Levels.jpg'

Don't change slider velocity in easy diff.
Also, always keep a main DS in easy.

^ Maybe you need to take time to remap some patterns to follow these, but it is necessary.
00:39:006 (2) - 1 grid down and it will looks much better

00:44:396 (1,2) - the space between them should be same as 00:43:459 (1,2)
02:23:537 (1,2) - stack them?

00:41:467 (1) - end at 00:44:631 or player can't have enough time to prepare
02:22:600 (1,2,3,4,5) - the music is in 4x(1/4) groups but there are 3x(1/4) groups here. That's why 02:24:357 empty.

That's all I can find. GL~
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:


Let's get to mod this.

*Note: Bolded gold ones are things you must do (or strongly recommended; usually about unrankable stuff or extreme/fatal errors). Everything in red are things that look awkward/wrong to me or something that can be improved (subjective suggestions; you can follow my lead here or not); everything else are rants and minor suggestions to make things look cooler and a bit better.

Before I start, I think you'll need a Normal diff, but it's up to you; it should be rankable with these diffs, anyway.

  1. 00:33:850 (5) - NC? You have switched to another pattern here, and going for eight objects in a combo for an Easy diff sounds... somewhat ridiculous. Fixed
  2. 01:18:850 (1) - You should actually use circles and sliders instead of using a spinner just for the sake of using a spinner here. Fixed
  3. 02:15:100 (2,3,4) - Hmm... I guess you can remove the Whistle from (2) and apply it to (3,4). Sounds better, IMO. I think it's better like now
  4. 02:18:850 (2,3,4) - ^
  5. 02:21:428 (3) - Whistle? Fixed

  1. 00:41:584 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - This is perfectly fine, IMO, but (oh wait didn't I say perfect) it's boring to have the same pattern throughout these combos. Making a windmill's fan or some other stuff would do, but again, I think this pattern is pretty boring. Fixed, do you like it now? :P
  2. 02:08:537 (3) - NC? I'm sure enough the song 'demands' it... kind of. Fixed

  1. Too much copy-paste and symmetrical patterns I suppose? Going symmetry is fine to make your beatmap look tidy, but too much of them... I don't know what to say.
  2. 01:08:537 (2) - NC? Reason is the same as 02:08:537 (3) on Hard. Fixed
  3. 01:31:037 (3) - ^ Fixed
  4. 01:35:021 (5) - ^ Fixed
  5. 02:01:037 (4) - ^ Fixed
  6. 02:08:537 (2) - ^ Fixed
  7. 02:22:600 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ...Not sure what are you mapping to here. Maybe you should remap this part and follow the louder parts of the song.
I followed another part, delete them and listen. Sorry but I don't want to delete this :c

I guess just that.

Good luck on the way 8-)

popner wrote:

Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

You can try offset+3 Fixed

I think you should use Avicii - Levels.jpg as BG. You can use
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
to fade out BG. This is so because preview image in webpage will be 'Avicii - Levels.jpg' It wouldn't change pulses?

Don't change slider velocity in easy diff.
Also, always keep a main DS in easy.

^ Maybe you need to take time to remap same patterns to follow these, but it is necessary.
00:39:006 (2) - 1 grid down and it will looks much better Fixed

00:44:396 (1,2) - the space between them should be same as 00:43:459 (1,2) Edited yet
02:23:537 (1,2) - stack them? Fixed

00:41:467 (1) - end at 00:44:631 or player can't have enough time to prepare Fixed
02:22:600 (1,2,3,4,5) - the music is in 4x(1/4) groups but there are 3x(1/4) groups here. That's why 02:24:357 empty. Fixed

That's all I can find. GL~
hi there
mod time via my queue

you must made a normal/rename easy~
resnap ALL green timing section in ALL diffs (open diff in editor => timing => timing setup panel => click at the second (not first) section => press Shift => click at the last section => write here: 3 => click "move" => click "ОК") sorry if you know about that \:'D/

i don't know, maybe you want to rename diff, but i mod this diff as Easy ofc
01:09:946 (5,6,1,2) - this may confuse beginners, try this =>
here's the places like that:
01:13:696 (4,5,1,2)
01:16:040 (1,2,1,2)
01:19:790 (1,2)
01:24:478 (3,4,1,2)
01:47:446 (4,1)
and etc. check the map and remap this.
but, if you rename this on Normal, i suggest you CS, HD +1, OD, AR +2 and this looks clean.

00:43:462 (1,2,3,4) - i personnaly dislike this pattern D: another one


it's all, i'm so lazy and insane seems clean imo. /me runs
Topic Starter

Black_Cherry_Ita wrote:

hi there
mod time via my queue

you must made a normal/rename easy~
resnap ALL green timing section in ALL diffs (open diff in editor => timing => timing setup panel => click at the second (not first) section => press Shift => click at the last section => write here: 3 => click "move" => click "ОК") sorry if you know about that \:'D/ Damn I forgotted it, thianks! :D

i don't know, maybe you want to rename diff, but i mod this diff as Easy ofc
01:09:946 (5,6,1,2) - this may confuse beginners, try this =>
here's the places like that:
01:13:696 (4,5,1,2)
01:16:040 (1,2,1,2)
01:19:790 (1,2)
01:24:478 (3,4,1,2)
01:47:446 (4,1)
and etc. check the map and remap this.
but, if you rename this on Normal, i suggest you CS, HD +1, OD, AR +2 and this looks clean. Fixed, it'll stay easy :D

00:43:462 (1,2,3,4) - i personnaly dislike this pattern D: another one

Fixed thanks :D

it's all, i'm so lazy and insane seems clean imo. /me runs
-Baby Strawberry-
Hi~! Here's my modding~!

In general
i like your mapping style~ But some shape of the sliders are not good to me, im gonna point it out later.

00:32:212 (1,3) - you may wanna switch them since 1 is blocking the previous pattern
00:45:103 (1) - from here the streaming shape is kinda wierd... heres the code i made, hope you like it
01:22:603 (4) - move to the right by 1 grid
02:31:860 (8) - better at the center


01:22:134 (1) - better to use DS to place the note
others are fine to me
Topic Starter

-Baby Strawberry- wrote:

Hi~! Here's my modding~!

In general
i like your mapping style~ But some shape of the sliders are not good to me, im gonna point it out later.

OD+1~2 Fixed
00:32:212 (1,3) - you may wanna switch them since 1 is blocking the previous pattern Fixed
00:45:103 (1) - from here the streaming shape is kinda wierd... heres the code i made, hope you like it Too much spaced :c
01:22:603 (4) - move to the right by 1 grid Fixed
02:31:860 (8) - better at the center Fixed

OD+1 Fixed

01:22:134 (1) - better to use DS to place the note
others are fine to me Fixed
Change the offset to 26353. It's a good idea to make it the first beat, but it's not required.

01:14:399 (1,2,3,4) - Jumps from 1.0x spacing to 1.6x spacing.
01:16:509 (2) - Random 1.3x spacing.
01:18:853 (2,3) - 1.2x spacing.
01:27:290 (1,2,3,4) - Might be unrankable since you can't see the slider beginnings.
02:30:571 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - You jump from mapping the melody to the synth riff. It's hard to understand the jump without a break or something in between.

Change the offset to 26353. It's a good idea to make it the first beat, but it's not required.

It's the same as [hard]. You need to differentiate your maps.
Topic Starter

LesTrucsRose wrote:

Change the offset to 26353. It's a good idea to make it the first beat, but it's not required. Fixed

01:14:399 (1,2,3,4) - Jumps from 1.0x spacing to 1.6x spacing.
01:16:509 (2) - Random 1.3x spacing.
01:18:853 (2,3) - 1.2x spacing.
01:27:290 (1,2,3,4) - Might be unrankable since you can't see the slider beginnings.
02:30:571 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - You jump from mapping the melody to the synth riff. It's hard to understand the jump without a break or something in between.[/color]

Change the offset to 26353. It's a good idea to make it the first beat, but it's not required. Fixed

It's the same as [hard]. You need to differentiate your maps.
Hey, I really liked your map. Had fun testing it out! Not too good at the whole modding thing, so forgive me if some of my advice isn't entirely appropriate.

01:36:899 (1,2,3) Random 0.5x spacing in the middle of the chorus when everything else is 1.0x.

00:35:962 (4,1) Confusing jump between the combos. Spacing seems way too wide.
Topic Starter

gamerrox wrote:

Hey, I really liked your map. Thanks :D Had fun testing it out! Not too good at the whole modding thing, so forgive me if some of my advice isn't entirely appropriate.

01:36:899 (1,2,3) Random 0.5x spacing in the middle of the chorus when everything else is 1.0x. A bit adjusted, now is x0.7 :/

00:35:962 (4,1) Confusing jump between the combos. Spacing seems way too wide. Fixed :D

Thanks :D
nyahai from n y a -'s queue
Black means suggestions

fine o v o b

maybe 1.0 distance?
- 00:55:884 until 01:00:103 : distance too far its hard for an easy player
- 01:12:290 : remove note, its more fit to the song c:
- 01:18:149 : maybe change it to slider
- 01:22:603 : remove nc
- 01:23:540 : add nc
- for 1/2 beat, I suggest you use slider, like 01:18:149
- 02:03:853 : move the spinner to 02:04:790 and end at 02:06:431

- I don't suggest hard diff using 1.70 sv otl
- 01:45:103 : distance, i meant its too far o v o"
- 02:22:603 : ^
- 02:27:290 : remove clap?
- 02:30:103 : remove nc
- 02:30:571 : add nc

- Slider tick rate 1 ?
- 01:11:704 : add note?
- 01:31:978 : 3 & 4 slider tail didn't meet perfectly
- increasing slider velocity multiplier orz mind to change it? Q v Q

Thats all I can found, rank gl ! cx
Topic Starter

- t e n n y a - wrote:

nyahai from n y a -'s queue
Black means suggestions

fine o v o b

maybe 1.0 distance?
- 00:55:884 until 01:00:103 : distance too far its hard for an easy player A bit fixed
- 01:12:290 : remove note, its more fit to the song c: Fixed
- 01:18:149 : maybe change it to slider Fixed
- 01:22:603 : remove nc Fixed
- 01:23:540 : add nc Fixed
- for 1/2 beat, I suggest you use slider, like 01:18:149 Fixed
- 02:03:853 : move the spinner to 02:04:790 and end at 02:06:431 Fixed

- I don't suggest hard diff using 1.70 sv otl Now I can't change D:
- 01:45:103 : distance, i meant its too far o v o" Fixed
- 02:22:603 : ^ I think it's ok D:
- 02:27:290 : remove clap? Fixed
- 02:30:103 : remove nc Fixed
- 02:30:571 : add nc Fixed

- Slider tick rate 1 ? Fixed
- 01:11:704 : add note? Not fixed
- 01:31:978 : 3 & 4 slider tail didn't meet perfectly Fixed
- increasing slider velocity multiplier orz mind to change it? Q v Q What? lool

Thats all I can found, rank gl ! cx
Hi from my mod Q ^.^


Points of lines SB don't correspond points of time line. You should fixed this. Desing ---> +13 ms


AR -1

00:31:274 - NC
01:19:790(1,2,3,4) - make this sliders more symmetric
01:20:259(2) - better replace on short double slider. it's really sound better
01:22:603(4) - make this slider more symmetric
01:26:353(2,3) - stack better


01:33:149 - this slider not sound here/ replace on slider 1\2 and note
01:43:696(4) - 1 grid up and right
02:07:603(1,2,3,4) - make this sliders more symmetric
02:21:899(1) -


• Better rename in Normal, bcz it is desirable intermediate diffs should to be.
• Slider velocity is very big for this dif >.< you should put 1.0 -1.4 and remap siders
• Slider Tick Rate put 1

00:30:103(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - it's very big jups for easy >.< correct spacing between this notes
01:24:478(2) - replace on slider 1/1 it's can confused beginners
01:28:696(4,5) - replace on slider
01:32:446(4,5) - ^
this diff very difficult for beginners, plz make it easier :roll: :roll: :roll:

Good luck~~
Topic Starter

Katty Pie wrote:

Hi from my mod Q ^.^


Points of lines SB don't correspond points of time line. You should fixed this. Desing ---> +13 ms +3ms, thanks xD


AR -1

00:31:274 - NC Fixed
01:19:790(1,2,3,4) - make this sliders more symmetric Fixed
01:20:259(2) - better replace on short double slider. it's really sound better Fixed
01:22:603(4) - make this slider more symmetric Fixed
01:26:353(2,3) - stack better Fixed


01:33:149 - this slider not sound here/ replace on slider 1\2 and note Fixed
01:43:696(4) - 1 grid up and right Fixed
02:07:603(1,2,3,4) - make this sliders more symmetric Fixed
02:21:899(1) - Fixed


• Better rename in Normal, bcz it is desirable intermediate diffs should to be.
• Slider velocity is very big for this dif >.< you should put 1.0 -1.4 and remap siders
• Slider Tick Rate put 1

00:30:103(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - it's very big jups for easy >.< correct spacing between this notes
01:24:478(2) - replace on slider 1/1 it's can confused beginners
01:28:696(4,5) - replace on slider
01:32:446(4,5) - ^
this diff very difficult for beginners, plz make it easier :roll: :roll: :roll:

Good luck~~
Thanks *w*
Hi! From CLANNED modding queue(Yes, I am too slow D:, sorry for being late)

A bit overmapped. Mmm,,,maybe just for me.
01:14:399 (1) - Remove finish?
01:31:978 (3,4,1) - I am not really satisfied with this placement. D:
01:51:899 (1) - Move this far far away from 01:51:196 (4) please D:

00:50:962 (2,4) - Remove clap?
00:51:196 (3) - Then add one here
01:47:446 (4) - Ctrl+R?
02:24:712 (4) - Ugly overlap D: at least few grids down please

Please use grid size 3 or 4, using size 1 just make the spacing sucks
00:37:600 (1,2) - What the- huge jumps in normal diff?
00:39:475 (3,4) - ^ just no.
00:45:100 (1,2,3) - Spacing
00:46:037 (3,4,5) - You know, jumps D:
01:12:287 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing
01:31:037 (1) - Remove NC
...Bad spacing. Considering remap some part...sorry.

01:09:478 (2,3) - Don't use 1/2 beat note in easy diff? D:
01:12:759 (4,5) - ^
Not a big problem here, just need to remove those 1/2 note

Anyway, good luck!
Topic Starter

Regou wrote:

Hi! From CLANNED modding queue(Yes, I am too slow D:, sorry for being late)

A bit overmapped. Mmm,,,maybe just for me.
01:14:399 (1) - Remove finish?
01:31:978 (3,4,1) - I am not really satisfied with this placement. D:
01:51:899 (1) - Move this far far away from 01:51:196 (4) please D:

00:50:962 (2,4) - Remove clap?
00:51:196 (3) - Then add one here
01:47:446 (4) - Ctrl+R?
02:24:712 (4) - Ugly overlap D: at least few grids down please

Please use grid size 3 or 4, using size 1 just make the spacing sucks
00:37:600 (1,2) - What the- huge jumps in normal diff?
00:39:475 (3,4) - ^ just no.
00:45:100 (1,2,3) - Spacing
00:46:037 (3,4,5) - You know, jumps D:
01:12:287 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing
01:31:037 (1) - Remove NC
...Bad spacing. Considering remap some part...sorry.

01:09:478 (2,3) - Don't use 1/2 beat note in easy diff? D:
01:12:759 (4,5) - ^
Not a big problem here, just need to remove those 1/2 note

Anyway, good luck!

Much things fixed, thanks! :D

Regou wrote:

01:09:478 (2,3) - Don't use 1/2 beat note in easy diff? D:
01:12:759 (4,5) - ^
Not a big problem here, just need to remove those 1/2 note
I do not think that it is necessary. Beginner should study on different combinations, instead of to beat off stupidly one rhythm. should Easy should be interesting and teaching instead of boring. The same with stack notes. Better let will play several times and to learn to play, than to listen to a monotonous rhythm.

Thx for mod~~
Hi sorry for my laziness and my poor English :3

Pie's Easy

open aiMod , there are 3 spacing problems , plz fix them

because [Easy] is the easiest diff in this mapset , so you'd better don't have some spaicng problems

Revy's Normal

you can add some nor-whis like [Hard] ?


I think ar8 is fine?

00:30:806(5,7)-I think change the place of notes is fine , at the beginning of song don't be difficult , (4,5) has a bit far
00:45:103(1)-~00:46:743(7)-you can make this pattern like this ?

I love this song and mapset <3
Topic Starter

BakaHuang wrote:

Hi sorry for my laziness and my poor English :3

Pie's Easy

open aiMod , there are 3 spacing problems , plz fix them

because [Easy] is the easiest diff in this mapset , so you'd better don't have some spaicng problems

Revy's Normal

you can add some nor-whis like [Hard] ?


I think ar8 is fine?

00:30:806(5,7)-I think change the place of notes is fine , at the beginning of song don't be difficult , (4,5) has a bit far
00:45:103(1)-~00:46:743(7)-you can make this pattern like this ?

I love this song and mapset <3

For now only fixed insane because I have to go, thanks! :D
don't kudo this right now, I just lost my mod because my computer crashed. But don't worry, I will finish it soon!

Sorry for the long delay.
I love this song♥♥

There's an incconsistency in timing and Kiai times.
Every difficulties are okay, but not Revy's one. The red timing start at 00:00:100 which it supposed to start at 00:26:353, and for the Kiai Time, add +3 on every timings for Revy.

For the Storyboard, you should add a loop/pulse at 01:18:853


New combo
01:38:540 - Add a new combo here to prevent a spinner bug.

Circle emplacement
01:18:853 - This one is completly nazi. Move the second point one grid to the right and the last one, one grid up. So it will make the slider centered.
01:32:446 (5) - For this slider, you should add a reverse arrow and make like this:


02:27:759 - Add a clap here to keep the consistency.


Circle emplacement
00:37:600 (1) - This slider looks ugly. I am suggesting you to curve it more. Like this:

Copy/Paste it for the next slider, if you want to make it consistent.
There's lots of problem with the spacing... To make it rankable, try to use AiMod or even, use the distance snap.

Add a clap on every 2/4 not at 1/3, it will sound pretty bad. If you ever need help with hitsounds, try to analyse Pie's Easy which the hitsounds are really good.
^Try to fix this, and call me back for a remod.^

00:53:071 - Add a clap here to first: keep the consistency, second; even if the song has a kindof clap, you should add a clap too. Do the same for 00:54:946, 00:56:821, 00:58:696.


Circle emplacement
00:46:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I'm suggesting you to start the first circle somewhere else and make another stream.

Don't overuse the Whistle hitsounds. You should add more Clap at 2/4. Actually, delete 50% of whistle. It like... so annoying to only hear the whistle hitsound. Also, as I said for Revy, try to use the clap hitsound as Katty Pie did or you did for Hard. (Hope you can understand) Call me back to remod Insane.
Hi there

* default-1 seems for off-center for me....

[Pie's Easy]
* AR +1?

00:55:884 (5) - New combo?
01:08:540 (1) - The sliderpath is overlapped by spinner-osu, so beginners are hard to see this slider
01:38:540 (1) - ^, also new combo, since this note after spinner. You seems forgot them
02:27:290 (4) - Add clap at tail slider

[Revy's Normal]
* Make sure that there is no jump pattern in normal diff (e.g. 00:56:818 (1,2,3,4))
* Set the red timing section to 00:26:353 for consistency on each diff

00:56:818 (1) - New combo, since this note after spinner. You seems forgot them
01:12:287 (1,2,3,4) - It is just me or this spacing is kinda random for me....

00:48:853 (1) - The repeating slider is overlapped by hitbursts. So it's hidden for pro players

Good luck

Leorda wrote:

[Pie's Easy]
* AR +1? <--- not think

00:55:884 (5) - New combo? <--- no. It's inot necessary here
01:08:540 (1) - The sliderpath is overlapped by spinner-osu, so beginners are hard to see this slider <--- you kidding me? there is enough distance to a slider. it is easily read.
01:38:540 (1) - ^, also new combo, since this note after spinner. You seems forgot them <-- NC added
02:27:290 (4) - Add clap at tail slider <--- added
Thx for mod :P
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

don't kudo this right now, I just lost my mod because my computer crashed. But don't worry, I will finish it soon!

Sorry for the long delay.
I love this song♥♥

There's an incconsistency in timing and Kiai times.
Every difficulties are okay, but not Revy's one. The red timing start at 00:00:100 which it supposed to start at 00:26:353, and for the Kiai Time, add +3 on every timings for Revy.

For the Storyboard, you should add a loop/pulse at 01:18:853


New combo
01:38:540 - Add a new combo here to prevent a spinner bug.

Circle emplacement
01:18:853 - This one is completly nazi. Move the second point one grid to the right and the last one, one grid up. So it will make the slider centered.
01:32:446 (5) - For this slider, you should add a reverse arrow and make like this:


02:27:759 - Add a clap here to keep the consistency.


Circle emplacement
00:37:600 (1) - This slider looks ugly. I am suggesting you to curve it more. Like this:

Copy/Paste it for the next slider, if you want to make it consistent.
There's lots of problem with the spacing... To make it rankable, try to use AiMod or even, use the distance snap.

Add a clap on every 2/4 not at 1/3, it will sound pretty bad. If you ever need help with hitsounds, try to analyse Pie's Easy which the hitsounds are really good.
^Try to fix this, and call me back for a remod.^

00:53:071 - Add a clap here to first: keep the consistency, second; even if the song has a kindof clap, you should add a clap too. Do the same for 00:54:946, 00:56:821, 00:58:696.


Circle emplacement
00:46:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I'm suggesting you to start the first circle somewhere else and make another stream.

Don't overuse the Whistle hitsounds. You should add more Clap at 2/4. Actually, delete 50% of whistle. It like... so annoying to only hear the whistle hitsound. Also, as I said for Revy, try to use the clap hitsound as Katty Pie did or you did for Hard. (Hope you can understand) Call me back to remod Insane.
Much things fixed, but in hard and insane I like actual hitsounds, sorry :C I'm glad you like the song *w* and thanks 4 the star!!!

Leorda wrote:

Hi there

* default-1 seems for off-center for me.... Fixed

[Revy's Normal]
* Make sure that there is no jump pattern in normal diff (e.g. 00:56:818 (1,2,3,4))
* Set the red timing section to 00:26:353 for consistency on each diff

00:56:818 (1) - New combo, since this note after spinner. You seems forgot them
01:12:287 (1,2,3,4) - It is just me or this spacing is kinda random for me....

00:48:853 (1) - The repeating slider is overlapped by hitbursts. So it's hidden for pro players Fixed

Good luck
Thanks Leorda! :D
13:03 RoxasGrylls94: : ho visto che hai bisogno di mod per una tua mappa vero? xD
13:03 Gio96b: : Yep
13:03 RoxasGrylls94: : Mod4mod?
13:03 RoxasGrylls94: : ;)
13:03 Gio96b: : Non so moddare
13:03 Gio96b: : lol.
13:03 RoxasGrylls94: : basta vedere gli errori in una mappa xD
13:03 Gio96b: : O almeno potrei provarci
13:03 Gio96b: : Proviamo?
13:03 RoxasGrylls94: : o quello che pensi che sia sbagliato
13:03 RoxasGrylls94: : lllllol
13:03 Gio96b: : Passami la tua map asd
13:03 RoxasGrylls94: : prova
13:03 RoxasGrylls94: : Io moddo la tua tanto so moddare lol
13:03 Gio96b: : Non ti aspettare una suoermod
13:03 Gio96b: : *supermod
13:04 : *RoxasGrylls94 is listening to (Avicii - Levels)[]
13:04 RoxasGrylls94: : Vai tranqui mi serve il numero di mod
13:05 RoxasGrylls94: : Passami la tua xD
13:05 RoxasGrylls94: : Aspetta
13:05 Gio96b: : Aspè
13:05 RoxasGrylls94: : Riscarivala
13:05 RoxasGrylls94: : *Riscaricala
13:05 RoxasGrylls94: : Hai la versione vecchia
13:05 Gio96b: : Nella Easy qui
13:05 Gio96b: : 00:56:350 (1) -
13:06 Gio96b: : Cambi SV in mezzo allo slider?
13:06 Gio96b: : O è solo per gli Hitsounds?
13:06 RoxasGrylls94: : Non c'è pi
13:06 RoxasGrylls94: : *più quella mappa online se vedi xD
13:06 Gio96b: : Ah ok.
13:06 Gio96b: : lol
13:06 Gio96b: : Ah sì
13:06 Gio96b: : Vedo che è diversa
13:06 Gio96b: : lol
13:06 Gio96b: : Remap?
13:07 : *Gio96b is listening to (Thymeka - Coward Montblanc ~Italian Version~)[]
13:07 RoxasGrylls94: : No cambiato titolo lol
13:07 Gio96b: : Questa è la mia
13:07 Gio96b: : Ah lol
13:07 Gio96b: : E anche offset vedo o.o
13:08 RoxasGrylls94: : la mia no
13:08 RoxasGrylls94: : lolol
13:08 Gio96b: : Allora ecco
13:08 Gio96b: : L'offset deve essere unico
13:08 Gio96b: : Per l'intero mapset
13:08 RoxasGrylls94: : Infatti è sempre lo stesso xD
13:08 Gio96b: : Ah
13:08 Gio96b: : Allora perché mi hai detto che non hai cambiato offset?
13:08 Gio96b: : o.o
13:09 RoxasGrylls94: : Hai detto che è offset
13:09 RoxasGrylls94: : xD
13:09 RoxasGrylls94: : Ma il timing è apposto
13:09 Gio96b: : No
13:09 Gio96b: : Tu hai detto che hai cambiato titolo
13:09 Gio96b: : E io ho detto "Anche offset vedo"
13:09 Gio96b: : Collegandolo al fatto che hai cambiato titolo
13:09 Gio96b: : lol.
13:10 RoxasGrylls94: : aaaah
13:10 RoxasGrylls94: : non avevo capito lol
13:10 RoxasGrylls94: : xD
13:10 Gio96b: : Comunque la easy sembra pulita lol
13:10 Gio96b: : Forse qualche pattern che mi sembra un po' troppo difficile per una easy
13:10 Gio96b: : Con troppi repeat
13:11 Gio96b: : Tipo questo 01:12:759 (4,5) -
13:11 Gio96b: : Ma è solo un impressione lol
13:11 Gio96b: : In ogni caso in una easy non è consigliabilissimo fare troppi repeat
13:12 Gio96b: : Ok
13:12 Gio96b: : La Easy apaprte questo consiglino
13:12 Gio96b: : Sembra pulita
13:12 RoxasGrylls94: : la normal è da rifare
13:12 RoxasGrylls94: : quasi tutta
13:12 RoxasGrylls94: : xD
13:12 Gio96b: : SV 1.70 per la normal?
13:12 RoxasGrylls94: : Revy me l'ha fatta a cazzo .w.
13:13 Gio96b: : Forse troppo alto o.o
13:13 RoxasGrylls94: : eh me l'ha fatta a merda D:
13:13 Gio96b: : Anche se è solo una 128 BPM
13:13 Gio96b: : Che poi a quanto vedo viene costantemente dimezzato
13:13 Gio96b: : Quindi converrebbe dimezzarlo
13:13 Gio96b: : E alzarlo dove serve
13:13 Gio96b: : lol
13:14 Gio96b: : 000:53:540 (1) -
13:14 Gio96b: : Sto spinner non c'entra na mazza.
13:14 Gio96b: : lol.
13:14 Gio96b: : Con pure due timing point inutili in mezzo
13:15 RoxasGrylls94: : non la moddare
13:15 RoxasGrylls94: : è fatta a merda xD
13:15 Gio96b: : La normal la lascio allora
13:15 Gio96b: : lol
13:15 Gio96b: : La fai remappare a lui sempre?
13:15 Gio96b: : Se vuoi posso farti un tentativo
13:15 Gio96b: : Guardati un pochino di mie map
13:15 Gio96b: : Anche se ne ho caricate solo tre
13:15 RoxasGrylls94: : se vuoi farla tu
13:15 RoxasGrylls94: : Fai xD
13:15 RoxasGrylls94: : Da zero se vuoi :O
13:15 Gio96b: : Tipo c'è questa
13:15 : *Gio96b is listening to (Kasane Teto & Kasane Ted - Karakuri Burst)[]
13:16 Gio96b: : No, per farti vedere lo stile
13:16 Gio96b: : lol
13:16 RoxasGrylls94: : no ma vedo che ci sei fare xD
13:16 Gio96b: : Non sono ancora bravissimo ma me la cavicchio :P
13:16 Gio96b: : Passo alla Hard?
13:16 RoxasGrylls94: : Guarda la insane su levels :Q_____
13:16 RoxasGrylls94: : Sì xD
13:16 RoxasGrylls94: : Finisci qua il modding poi lo posti sul topic, sai come fare a salvare la chat vero?
13:17 Gio96b: : /save mi pare
13:17 Gio96b: : O qualcosa del genereù
13:17 RoxasGrylls94: : savelog
13:17 RoxasGrylls94: : xD
13:17 Gio96b: : Ok
13:17 RoxasGrylls94: : Poi vai nella cartella di osu e copi la caht
13:17 Gio96b: : Forse un po' ripetitivo l'inizio lol
13:18 Gio96b: : Potevi alternare meglio repeat stream e triplets
13:18 Gio96b: : 00:53:540 (1) -
13:18 Gio96b: : *00:47:446 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
13:18 Gio96b: : Forse jumps un po' troppo grandi per una Hard
13:19 Gio96b: : Comunque tutto molto simmetrico vedo
13:19 RoxasGrylls94: : la hard la feci a febbraio
13:19 RoxasGrylls94: : quando ancora ero nabbo con il modding
13:19 RoxasGrylls94: : se la facessi ora sarebbe tutta diversa ma, che faccio rimappo tutto? seeeeh
13:19 Gio96b: : Io è un annetto e mezzo che mappo
13:19 Gio96b: : Se non di più
13:19 Gio96b: : Ora ho in cantiere un altro Mapset
13:20 RoxasGrylls94: : Wtf? xD
13:20 RoxasGrylls94: : La tua prossima mappa ti inculo una guest o/
13:20 RoxasGrylls94: : *\o/
13:20 Gio96b: : Nel senso che sto lavorando a un altro mapset
13:20 Gio96b: : Occhei, mi fai una bella Insane
13:20 Gio96b: : lol.
13:20 RoxasGrylls94: : BRAVO
13:20 RoxasGrylls94: : Hai capito allora \o/
13:20 : *Gio96b is listening to (Megurine Luka, Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len - Chrono Story)[]
13:20 Gio96b: : Toh
13:20 Gio96b: : Divertiti
13:20 RoxasGrylls94: : Su quella? \o/
13:20 Gio96b: : Con una bella 90BPM
13:20 Gio96b: : Che non sembra una 90BPM
13:20 Gio96b: : lol.
13:21 Gio96b: : Sisi
13:21 RoxasGrylls94: : Bene bene lol
13:21 Gio96b: : Questa
13:21 RoxasGrylls94: : Ah sì, le mie insane, sono INSANE proprio insane
13:21 RoxasGrylls94: : Cioè non sono alla portata di tutti eccoxD
13:21 Gio96b: : Ok, mi sta bene
13:21 Gio96b: : Basta che non sono troppo approved
13:21 RoxasGrylls94: : nono lol
13:22 Gio96b: : 01:49:790 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Qui forse conveniva fare qualcosa di più lineare
13:22 Gio96b: : Per rendere più facile la lettura
13:22 Gio96b: : Tipo avanti indietro come all'inzio sempre, non poi mettendo lo stack
13:23 Gio96b: : Non so se capisci
13:23 Gio96b: : lol
13:23 RoxasGrylls94: : sìsì lol
13:23 Gio96b: : Perché non te lo aspetti che c'è un altro beat sotto
13:24 Gio96b: : 02:23:540 (1,2,3,4) -
13:24 Gio96b: : Non overlapparli D:
13:24 Gio96b: : Comunque se non la mappi
13:24 Gio96b: : Forse ti conviene tagliare l'inizio dell'mp3
13:25 RoxasGrylls94: : Ma no viene na merdata poi eh D:
13:25 Gio96b: : Non è obbligatorio
13:25 Gio96b: : Ma se era più del venti % di map inutilizzata
13:25 Gio96b: : te la facevano taglaire
13:25 Gio96b: : *tagliare
13:25 Gio96b: : Intro molto simile alla Hard vedo
13:25 RoxasGrylls94: : vabbè, nei 30 secondi ci sta
13:25 Gio96b: : Sempre un po' troppo ripetitivo
13:26 Gio96b: : Ommmioddio
13:26 Gio96b: : Cos'è quello streammone lol
13:26 RoxasGrylls94: : Stream \o\
13:26 RoxasGrylls94: : Stream /o/
13:26 RoxasGrylls94: : Stream \o\
13:26 RoxasGrylls94: : Stream /o/
13:27 Gio96b: : è ai livelli di una Rin come difficolta °O°
13:27 RoxasGrylls94: : stream and jump /o/
13:27 Gio96b: : 01:36:665 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Secondo me questo non c'entra qui D:
13:27 Gio96b: : Devo pranzare continuiamo dopo
13:28 RoxasGrylls94: : quello me l'ha detto charles /o/
13:28 RoxasGrylls94: : E ci rimane forever and aver /o/
13:28 RoxasGrylls94: : Buon appetito /o/
13:40 Gio96b: : Eccomi °°
13:40 Gio96b: : secondo me era meglio lasciarci un bel vuoto per far calare un poco gli HP
13:40 Gio96b: : lol
13:40 RoxasGrylls94: : Sorry mi piace così xDD viva gli streammmh
13:41 Gio96b: : Direi che va beneh

IRC mod :)
PreviewTime: 67603
The HP Bar covers the first of the numbers on the score, maybe make a custom HP Bar?
(you can make the default one a bit shorter, if you like that one).

↗↗The upper right corner↗↗

02:35:728 (1) - add finish

00:50:259 (2) - move it to x:180 y:180
00:52:603 (1) - remove this NC
00:53:892 - delete this green line.
00:54:126 - ^
00:59:634 (4) - add finish in the end.
01:07:603 (1) - add finish
01:09:478 (4,6) - look to close..
01:13:696 (4,5,6) - ^
01:18:149 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - this part is too hard in normal
01:21:899 (6,7) - too far, maybe you can Ctrl+R to 7
This normal some space is too far in "Normal" diff :o

00:36:899 (7,8) - move up one grid
00:40:649 (7) - move left one grid
00:41:118 (8) - move right one grid
01:15:103 (4,5) - too close
01:16:040 (1,2) - ^
01:33:149 (1) - this long slider let me feel no good D:....
02:30:571 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ....This rhythm appear in this Hard let me feel strange....
because in the previous section you use normal rhythm...........This part is scare me D:....
02:33:853 (1) - spinner begin there.

01:31:978 (3,4,1) - too hard to read
in this diff, I think maybe you need have more new rhythm, it let me feel a litter bit monotonous
I have some new rhythm, maybe it can inspire you

Good lucky ^ ^
about hitsounds, when SOFT SOUNDS , do it like 10%
02:06:196 - add 1 repeat

Size Circle +1
00:47:915 - circle
00:48:149 - 00:48:618 - slider
01:12:290 - d snap
01:19:552 - ^

02:24:946 - udleni dp 02:25:415
02:28:228 - 02:28:931 - slider 2 repeat
02:15:571 - peredvin syuda 02:16:040
02:15:571 - circle
02:16:978 - remove
01:45:571 - circle
01:46:040 - 01:46:743 - slider 2 repeat
01:46:978 - 01:47:212 - slider
01:47:446 - circle
01:47:681 - ^
01:13:228 - 01:13:931 - slideer 2 repeat

thats all. good luck and i wanted to map it BUT U WON orz

:3/ moe~~
Topic Starter
So much things fixed thanks \o/ *^*
RYU sorry not change :roll:

AR +1
and add finish ^^
AR9... WHY T_T I don't think AR9 fits here at all. The map is perfectly readable at AR8 (refering to the jumps) and the song isn't that fast. I think AR9 makes the song feel faster than it really is. Ar8 just seems better D:



The preview point for this song is different than the others. Right now its 67550, it should be 67603
A volte sono fiero di essere italiano :D La easy è fatta benissimo, ora provo le altre (almeno fino alla hard) e vi dico :) :P

Edit: Normal ben fatta :D
Hard stupenda pure, mi fermo qui dato che ho fatto 85.25%, quindi alla insane avrei fatto 0,50% xD Spero diventi ranked ;)
Topic Starter

ChrisITA wrote:

A volte sono fiero di essere italiano :D La easy è fatta benissimo, ora provo le altre (almeno fino alla hard) e vi dico :) :P

Edit: Normal ben fatta :D
Hard stupenda pure, mi fermo qui dato che ho fatto 85.25%, quindi alla insane avrei fatto 0,50% xD Spero diventi ranked ;)
Ahah grazie ;D
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