
lily-an - My Desire

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年1月17日 at 13:10:09

Artist: lily-an
Title: My Desire
Source: Touhou
Tags: liz triangle lizsig azuki kaztora eba reunion desire drive
BPM: 146
Filesize: 16637kb
Play Time: 04:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. Lizsig's Easy (1.44 stars, 244 notes)
  2. Lunatic (4.01 stars, 997 notes)
  3. Normal (1.77 stars, 136 notes)
Download: lily-an - My Desire
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

lunatic done


  • [General]
  1. 画像の比率が少しおかしいかもしれません(現在951x768) リサイズしたのがこちらに

  • [Normal]
  1. Circle Size -1(スライダーが多めなので一番大きいサークルだと綺麗に置けずに見た目が悪くなると思います。)
  2. AR-1?(難易度調整 変えなくてもいいかも)
  3. 00:28:604 (3,1) - spacing(Prev:0,99x Next0,80x)余程距離が開いててDS無視しないと置けない場合じゃない限り気にしたほうがいいかも!
  4. 00:30:659 (2,3,4) - こんな配置の方が綺麗だと思います。(Ctrl+Shift+Rでそのサークルの角度を変えれるので図形配置作るのに便利です)
  5. 00:36:824 (3) - ボーカルの声に合わせて00:36:618の所にスライダーの始点をもってきた方がいいと思います。
  6. 00:41:755 (3,1) - 00:41:755 (3)のスライダーと被って見難いので離したほうが良いかも
  7. 00:56:139 - ここの緑線から速度が遅くなるのは不自然です。00:53:673から速度を遅くするのが合ってます。
  8. 00:55:522 - ここから1/2のスライダー1つ置いた方がいいかも。(00:54:289 (1,2)が後ろの音取ってるなら)
  9. 01:38:467 (2) - このノート消してスピナーをここまで伸ばしたほうが初心者にはやさしいかも
  10. 01:54:084 (1) - ボーカルに合わせて01:53:878から始めたほうがいいと思いますこのスライダー!
  11. 03:02:303 (1,2,3,4) - 被らせずに配置したほうが綺麗に見えると思います!!
  12. 03:37:029 - ここの速度変化はいらないと思います!!!曲調が変わってないのにいきなりの速度変化はプレイヤーにとって厳しいかも!

  • [Hard]
  1. 00:33:947 (6) - New Combo
  2. 00:34:152 (1) - Remove new combo
  3. 00:53:673 (1,2,3,4) -このパートが whistleだけなのは良いアイデアなのですが、音量を10~20%上げないとヒットサウンドが聴こえないと思います。
  4. 00:56:960 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  5. 01:13:810 (2,3) - このリズムの方が良いと思います。配置は自由~
  6. 01:26:344 (5,6) - ここの(5)のサークルと(6)のスライダーを入れ替えてスライダーの始点にFinish
  7. 01:27:988 - add a note(ボーカルの声に合わせるため)
  8. 01:44:221 (1) ~01:54:495 (9)  ここのヒットサウンドがまったく無いのが気になったので、whistleをいつものclapのリズムに合わせて入れた方がリズムが取りやすくなると思います。
  9. 01:53:878 (1) - New combo
  10. 02:27:988 (1,2,3) - ここ何となくジャンプしたい(願望)
  11. 03:22:440 (1) - add a whistle
  12. 03:24:084 (2) - ^
  13. 03:26:755 (7) - add a clap
  14. 03:32:303 (2,3,4,5) - それぞれのスライダーで緑線引いて音量上げた方が曲に合ってる気がします。
  15. 04:08:262 - Kiai timeの終わりと始まりには必ずサークルが無いとKiai Times Not On Downbeatになるので、出来ればここにサークル欲しいです。
  16. 04:31:892 - add a note
  17. 04:32:303 - ^
  18. 04:52:851 - ^

  • [Insane]
  1. 00:53:673 (1,2,3,4...) - Hardと同じです。
  2. こうした方が見た目いいかも 
  3. 01:21:413 - add a note?(ぼーかるの声)
  4. 01:21:515 - add a note?(ぼーかるの声)
  5. 02:32:919 (1) - remove finish
  6. 02:33:536 (4) - add a finish
  7. 02:46:070 (1) - remove finish
  8. 02:46:687 (4) - add a finish
  9. 02:55:317 (9) - New combo
  10. 03:10:522 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - 後ろの音に合わせるならこんなリズムの方がいいかもしれません
  11. 03:15:865 (4,5) - 後ろで青線で音がなっているのでこのリズムの方がいいかもしれません。
  12. 03:16:892 (5) - New combo
  13. 03:09:289 - 03:22:440 ヒットサウンドが全く無いのが気になったので、whistleをclapのリズムで入れるとうるさくなくていいかもしれません。
  14. 03:26:241 (4) - remove clap
  15. 03:36:413 (7) - remove circle
  16. 04:24:700 (1) - remove finish
  17. 04:25:317 (4) - add a finish
  18. 04:26:961 (4) - add a finish(slider reverse)
  19. 04:51:618 - 確か休憩が短すぎるとそれはそれでUnrankedの可能性があるので、この短さならブレイク消しても大丈夫だと思います。

Topic Starter

Lizsig wrote:



  • [General]
  1. 画像の比率が少しおかしいかもしれません(現在951x768) リサイズしたのがこちらに


  • [Normal]
  1. Circle Size -1(スライダーが多めなので一番大きいサークルだと綺麗に置けずに見た目が悪くなると思います。) fixed
  2. AR-1?(難易度調整 変えなくてもいいかも) fixed
  3. 00:28:604 (3,1) - spacing(Prev:0,99x Next0,80x)余程距離が開いててDS無視しないと置けない場合じゃない限り気にしたほうがいいかも!
  4. 00:30:659 (2,3,4) - こんな配置の方が綺麗だと思います。(Ctrl+Shift+Rでそのサークルの角度を変えれるので図形配置作るのに便利です)
  5. 00:36:824 (3) - ボーカルの声に合わせて00:36:618の所にスライダーの始点をもってきた方がいいと思います。fixed
  6. 00:41:755 (3,1) - 00:41:755 (3)のスライダーと被って見難いので離したほうが良いかも fixed
  7. 00:56:139 - ここの緑線から速度が遅くなるのは不自然です。00:53:673から速度を遅くするのが合ってます。 fixed
  8. 00:55:522 - ここから1/2のスライダー1つ置いた方がいいかも。(00:54:289 (1,2)が後ろの音取ってるなら) fixed
  9. 01:38:467 (2) - このノート消してスピナーをここまで伸ばしたほうが初心者にはやさしいかも fixed
  10. 01:54:084 (1) - ボーカルに合わせて01:53:878から始めたほうがいいと思いますこのスライダー! fixed
  11. 03:02:303 (1,2,3,4) - 被らせずに配置したほうが綺麗に見えると思います!! fixed
  12. 03:37:029 - ここの速度変化はいらないと思います!!!曲調が変わってないのにいきなりの速度変化はプレイヤーにとって厳しいかも!fixed

  • [Hard]
  1. 00:33:947 (6) - New Combo fixed
  2. 00:34:152 (1) - Remove new combo fixed
  3. 00:53:673 (1,2,3,4) -このパートが whistleだけなのは良いアイデアなのですが、音量を10~20%上げないとヒットサウンドが聴こえないと思います。
  4. 00:56:960 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  5. 01:13:810 (2,3) - このリズムの方が良いと思います。配置は自由~
  6. 01:26:344 (5,6) - ここの(5)のサークルと(6)のスライダーを入れ替えてスライダーの始点にFinish
  7. 01:27:988 - add a note(ボーカルの声に合わせるため) fixed
  8. 01:44:221 (1) ~01:54:495 (9)  ここのヒットサウンドがまったく無いのが気になったので、whistleをいつものclapのリズムに合わせて入れた方がリズムが取りやすくなると思います。
    自分の直感でですけど入れてみました :?
  9. 01:53:878 (1) - New combo fixed
  10. 02:27:988 (1,2,3) - ここ何となくジャンプしたい(願望) 上手くジャンプさせる自信がないのでとりあえずDSを広く取りました
  11. 03:22:440 (1) - add a whistle fixed
  12. 03:24:084 (2) - ^ fixed
  13. 03:26:755 (7) - add a clap fixed
  14. 03:32:303 (2,3,4,5) - それぞれのスライダーで緑線引いて音量上げた方が曲に合ってる気がします。
  15. 04:08:262 - Kiai timeの終わりと始まりには必ずサークルが無いとKiai Times Not On Downbeatになるので、出来ればここにサークル欲しいです。
  16. 04:31:892 - add a note fixed
  17. 04:32:303 - ^ fixed
  18. 04:52:851 - ^ fixed

  • [Insane]
  1. 00:53:673 (1,2,3,4...) - Hardと同じです。 fixed
  2. こうした方が見た目いいかも 
  3. 01:21:413 - add a note?(ぼーかるの声) fixed
  4. 01:21:515 - add a note?(ぼーかるの声) fixed
  5. 02:32:919 (1) - remove finish
  6. 02:33:536 (4) - add a finish
  7. 02:46:070 (1) - remove finish
  8. 02:46:687 (4) - add a finish
  9. 02:55:317 (9) - New combo fixed
  10. 03:10:522 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - 後ろの音に合わせるならこんなリズムの方がいいかもしれません
  11. 03:15:865 (4,5) - 後ろで青線で音がなっているのでこのリズムの方がいいかもしれません。
  12. 03:16:892 (5) - New combo fixed
  13. 03:09:289 - 03:22:440 ヒットサウンドが全く無いのが気になったので、whistleをclapのリズムで入れるとうるさくなくていいかもしれません。
    hardのときと同じく感覚でですけど入れてみました :?
  14. 03:26:241 (4) - remove clap
  15. 03:36:413 (7) - remove circle
  16. 04:24:700 (1) - remove finish
  17. 04:25:317 (4) - add a finish
  18. 04:26:961 (4) - add a finish(slider reverse) fixed
  19. 04:51:618 - 確か休憩が短すぎるとそれはそれでUnrankedの可能性があるので、この短さならブレイク消しても大丈夫だと思います。


Thank you Modding and star!!! ganbaru!!!
Hi~ here is my mod~ Most of them and suggestions :lol:

It is recommended to keep break time consistent throughout the map.
I find your map has strange anti-jump where there is change in slider velocity.
A maximum of three slider velocities should be used (including 1x). For example, you could have a single map using 0.6x, 0.8x, and 1x; or 0.75x, 1x, and 1.5x; etc. If more than three slider velocities are used, then they should make sense and be intuitive. If slider velocity changes are able to be merged (e.g. close values like 0.8x and 0.7x) while still flowing/working correctly, then they should be.
There is a 0.75x in hard and insane difficulties and I don't find it necessary to use a 0.75x

Since total draining time exceeds 10 min, I will mod hard and insane only (I have taken a look of it though)

Please remove all useless greenlines.
Velocity change in normal is not recommended as newbie maynot be able to read it.
Some part of the map can be a bit easier because your mapset do not have an easy.
AR + 1

00:37:234 - 00:38:467 - Fill something here
00:43:399 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I find these not fit in the music
00:47:714 - Add note?
00:50:180 - ^
00:58:193 (3) - Change this into a note, then a slider which starts at 00:58:399 and ends at 00:58:810 ?
01:36:207 (4) - End this at 01:36:618, stack a note at its end at 01:36:824?
01:49:769 (4) - New Combo?
01:49:769 - Why 0.75x speed here? use 0.5x or 1.0x
02:10:933 (1) - End this at 02:11:550, then add a note at 02:11:755?
02:12:166 (2) - change this into a repeating sliders of 1/2?
02:12:782 - Add a note?
02:14:221 (1) - End this at 02:14:837, then add a note at 02:15:043?
02:15:454 (2) - change this into a repeating sliders of 1/2?
02:16:687 - Add a note?
02:27:371 (7) - Move this to 02:27:166?
02:39:495 (4) - New combo?
02:42:782 (5) - New combo?
02:42:988 (6) - Delete this?
02:43:193 (1) - Remove new combo?
02:52:029 (6) - New combo?
03:12:577 (9) - New combo?
03:13:399 - Add a note?
03:14:015 - 03:15:659 - Add something here
03:15:865 (1) - End this at 03:16:481, then add a note at 03:16:687?
03:37:029 (5) - Strange anti-jump
03:41:344 - Add a note and new combo?
03:41:755 (1) - Remove new combo?
03:42:577 (3) - End this at 03:42:782?
03:48:741 (1) - Strange anti-jump
04:23:056 (1) - Remove new combo
04:36:207 (1) - Remove new combo
04:37:851 (1,2,3,4) - I find these unfit to the music
04:42:577 (4) - Strange anti-jump
04:47:097 (6) - New combo?
04:48:536 (8) - New combo?
04:51:207 - Add a spinner which ends at 04:52:440?

00:33:536 (6) - New combo
00:42:988 (1) - Remove finish in slider head? and I think the following pattern suits the song better
00:49:769 (7) - New combo?
00:50:180 (1) - Remove new combo?
01:03:536 (3) - This slider looks bad... may be change it to a blanketing slider?
01:11:139 (1) - Remove new combo, since you have no new combo in 02:28:399 (3)
01:17:097 (2) - the slider start at 01:17:303, stack a note at the slider's start point at 01:17:097 ?
01:32:714 (4) - New combo?
01:49:769 - Why 0.75x speed here? use 0.5x or 1.0x
01:50:796 (6) - New combo?
01:51:413 (1) - Remove new combo?
01:58:604 (7,8) - I think they don't suit the music, something like this?
02:10:933 (1) - Sliders end at 02:11:344 , then add a note at 02:11:550 ?
02:27:988 (1,2) - This jump is extra-ordinary large comparing with all other parts to the song... Maybe make this jump a bit smaller...?
02:28:810 (1,2,3,4,5) - Why stream here?
02:34:769 (6) - unstack this note, new combo?
02:34:974 (1) - Remove new combo?
02:42:885 (6,7) - This two notes sound strange to me. Delete it?
02:51:104 (8,9) - ^
03:09:700 (2) - change this into a repeating sliders of 1/2?
03:10:522 (3) - End this slider at 03:10:728?
03:12:577 - 03:15:454 Make this section the pattern like 03:09:289 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)?
03:15:659 - Add a note?
03:15:762 - ^
03:22:440 (1) - Remove new combo?
03:43:604 (7) - New combo?
03:45:248 - Add a note?
03:45:351 - ^
03:45:454 - ^
03:48:741 (1) - Strange anti-jump here
04:45:454 (3) - Delete this?
04:47:097 (7) - New combo?
04:51:207 - Add a spinner?
04:52:440 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Why stream here?

Good luck with your map =] Nice mapping with chorus part =]
Topic Starter

Mio_chan wrote:

Hi~ here is my mod~ Most of them and suggestions :lol:

It is recommended to keep break time consistent throughout the map.
I find your map has strange anti-jump where there is change in slider velocity.
A maximum of three slider velocities should be used (including 1x). For example, you could have a single map using 0.6x, 0.8x, and 1x; or 0.75x, 1x, and 1.5x; etc. If more than three slider velocities are used, then they should make sense and be intuitive. If slider velocity changes are able to be merged (e.g. close values like 0.8x and 0.7x) while still flowing/working correctly, then they should be.
There is a 0.75x in hard and insane difficulties and I don't find it necessary to use a 0.75x

I fixed them. Thanks

Since total draining time exceeds 10 min, I will mod hard and insane only (I have taken a look of it though)
ok thanks.

Please remove all useless greenlines.
Velocity change in normal is not recommended as newbie maynot be able to read it.
Some part of the map can be a bit easier because your mapset do not have an easy.
AR + 1

00:37:234 - 00:38:467 - Fill something here
00:43:399 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I find these not fit in the music
00:47:714 - Add note?
00:50:180 - ^
00:58:193 (3) - Change this into a note, then a slider which starts at 00:58:399 and ends at 00:58:810 ?
01:36:207 (4) - End this at 01:36:618, stack a note at its end at 01:36:824?
01:49:769 (4) - New Combo?
01:49:769 - Why 0.75x speed here? use 0.5x or 1.0x
02:10:933 (1) - End this at 02:11:550, then add a note at 02:11:755?
02:12:166 (2) - change this into a repeating sliders of 1/2?
02:12:782 - Add a note?
02:14:221 (1) - End this at 02:14:837, then add a note at 02:15:043?
02:15:454 (2) - change this into a repeating sliders of 1/2?
02:16:687 - Add a note?
02:27:371 (7) - Move this to 02:27:166?
02:39:495 (4) - New combo?
02:42:782 (5) - New combo?
02:42:988 (6) - Delete this?
02:43:193 (1) - Remove new combo?
02:52:029 (6) - New combo?
03:12:577 (9) - New combo?
03:13:399 - Add a note?
03:14:015 - 03:15:659 - Add something here
03:15:865 (1) - End this at 03:16:481, then add a note at 03:16:687?
03:37:029 (5) - Strange anti-jump
03:41:344 - Add a note and new combo?
03:41:755 (1) - Remove new combo?
03:42:577 (3) - End this at 03:42:782?
03:48:741 (1) - Strange anti-jump
04:23:056 (1) - Remove new combo
04:36:207 (1) - Remove new combo
04:37:851 (1,2,3,4) - I find these unfit to the music
04:42:577 (4) - Strange anti-jump
04:47:097 (6) - New combo?
04:48:536 (8) - New combo?
04:51:207 - Add a spinner which ends at 04:52:440?

All fixed!!

00:33:536 (6) - New combo fixed
00:42:988 (1) - Remove finish in slider head? and I think the following pattern suits the song better fixed
00:49:769 (7) - New combo? fixed
00:50:180 (1) - Remove new combo? fixed

01:03:536 (3) - This slider looks bad... may be change it to a blanketing slider?
hmm... I'm not good... I tried fix :?

01:11:139 (1) - Remove new combo, since you have no new combo in 02:28:399 (3) fixed
01:17:097 (2) - the slider start at 01:17:303, stack a note at the slider's start point at 01:17:097 ? fixed
01:32:714 (4) - New combo? fixed
01:49:769 - Why 0.75x speed here? use 0.5x or 1.0x
change 1.0x
01:50:796 (6) - New combo? fixed
01:51:413 (1) - Remove new combo? fixed

01:58:604 (7,8) - I think they don't suit the music, something like this?
That's good! thank you

02:10:933 (1) - Sliders end at 02:11:344 , then add a note at 02:11:550 ? fixed
02:27:988 (1,2) - This jump is extra-ordinary large comparing with all other parts to the song... Maybe make this jump a bit smaller...?fixed

02:28:810 (1,2,3,4,5) - Why stream here?
sorry, I think suit it, so keep.

02:34:769 (6) - unstack this note, new combo? fixed
02:34:974 (1) - Remove new combo? fixed
02:42:885 (6,7) - This two notes sound strange to me. Delete it? fixed
02:51:104 (8,9) - ^ fixed
03:09:700 (2) - change this into a repeating sliders of 1/2? fixed
03:10:522 (3) - End this slider at 03:10:728? fixed

03:12:577 - 03:15:454 Make this section the pattern like 03:09:289 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)?
ok, I took copy and little arrange.
03:15:659 - Add a note? fixed
03:15:762 - ^ fixed
03:22:440 (1) - Remove new combo? fixed
03:43:604 (7) - New combo? fixed
03:45:248 - Add a note? fixed
03:45:351 - ^ fixed
03:45:454 - ^ fixed
03:48:741 (1) - Strange anti-jump here fixed
04:45:454 (3) - Delete this? fixed
04:47:097 (7) - New combo? fixed

04:51:207 - Add a spinner?
04:52:440 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Why stream here?
^^ keep them. when other Modding point them ,I fixed..

Good luck with your map =] Nice mapping with chorus part =]
thank you~!!! :)
Nice Modding!!!
Hi ~ frsk :D
from #modreq

00:26:961 (1,2) - Changing the long slider
00:38:262 - add note imo :d
00:40:933 (7) - move up 2gird.00:40:728 (6) - this note touches it
00:41:550 () - add note
00:40:933 (7,9) - try this.
00:48:947 (1) - this overlap is not good.. consider moving
00:57:577 (2) - same ^
01:01:892 (9,11) - It is ugly. try this
01:03:536 (3) - try this
01:57:577 (2) - add finish. end
02:09:084 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this pattern not good. try this
03:13:605 (3) - move to here 03:13:810 (add the note at 03:13:605)
04:27:782 () - need the note. add
04:46:481 (5) - add 1 repeat
04:52:440 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - it is strange..
try this

good luck !
Topic Starter

B2IN wrote:

Hi ~ frsk :D
from #modreq
Hi ~ B2IN :) thank you~

00:26:961 (1,2) - Changing the long slider fixed
00:38:262 - add note imo :d fixed
00:40:933 (7) - move up 2gird.00:40:728 (6) - this note touches it fixed
00:41:550 () - add note fixed

00:40:933 (7,9) - try this.
that's nice! fixed!

00:48:947 (1) - this overlap is not good.. consider moving
hmm... I considering...
00:57:577 (2) - same ^ fixed

01:01:892 (9,11) - It is ugly. try this

01:03:536 (3) - try this
I tried. But I'm not good... need practice... :?

01:57:577 (2) - add finish. end fixed

02:09:084 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this pattern not good. try this
I tried it.

03:13:605 (3) - move to here 03:13:810 (add the note at 03:13:605)fixed
04:27:782 () - need the note. add fixed
04:46:481 (5) - add 1 repeat fixed

04:52:440 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - it is strange..
try this


good luck !
Thank you Mod!! :D
Athena Tennos
A-tan's mod.....

maybe u can let ur slider more beautiful....just a little random~xD

maybe u can reduce SV to 0.6 or 0.8....xD
ur slider is too length......not too clear~~~

this is extremely trouble work....xD...i think just put slider more beautiful~th
01:46:687 - add note?
02:22:851 - ^?
03:03:947 (3,4) - distance is too close ...
03:10:111 (2,3,4) - distance not uniform~maybe u can keep uniform....
03:15:865 (2) - this slider not too beautiful ~may be u can change to ↓
03:17:508 (4) - ^

00:34:974 (4,5) - overlap~not too beautiful~
00:53:673 (1,2,3) - ovrlap~slider(head)overlap too much...u need to move this..
00:56:139 (5,6) - ^~ithis already break rule~but i think is ok....idk this rule whats means....maybe u can ignore it...xD
Hitcircles must never be hidden under slidertracks. Whether a hitcircle is partially or completely under a slidertrack, it is confusing for the player to read. Insane difficulties are the only exception to this rule.
02:16:070 (4,5) - ^

03:28:399 (1) - remove nc
03:29:015 (1) - nc
03:41:344 (9) - ^
03:41:755 (2) - remove nc
this diff is better than hard and normal~~~xD
look is good!~

normal mapset~;D
u need more listen to the rhythm~
the vocal a little mess~
Good Luck♪~
Topic Starter

Athena Tennos wrote:

A-tan's mod.....
hi~ :D

maybe u can let ur slider more beautiful....just a little random~xD
yes... I see :? I will try!

maybe u can reduce SV to 0.6 or 0.8....xD
ur slider is too length......not too clear~~~

this is extremely trouble work....xD...i think just put slider more beautiful~th

01:46:687 - add note?fixed
02:22:851 - ^? fixed
03:03:947 (3,4) - distance is too close ... fixed
03:10:111 (2,3,4) - distance not uniform~maybe u can keep uniform.... fixed

03:15:865 (2) - this slider not too beautiful ~may be u can change to ↓
03:17:508 (4) - ^ fixed

00:34:974 (4,5) - overlap~not too beautiful~ fixed
00:53:673 (1,2,3) - ovrlap~slider(head)overlap too much...u need to move this..fixed

00:56:139 (5,6) - ^~ithis already break rule~but i think is ok....idk this rule whats means....maybe u can ignore it...xD
fixed! thx~ :)
Hitcircles must never be hidden under slidertracks. Whether a hitcircle is partially or completely under a slidertrack, it is confusing for the player to read. Insane difficulties are the only exception to this rule.

02:16:070 (4,5) - ^fixed

03:28:399 (1) - remove nc
03:29:015 (1) - nc
03:41:344 (9) - ^
03:41:755 (2) - remove nc
all fixed

this diff is better than hard and normal~~~xD
look is good!~
Thank you~! I'm happy :)

normal mapset~;D
u need more listen to the rhythm~
the vocal a little mess~
yeah... I challenge

Good Luck♪~
Thank you Modding!!
I found that really big amount of curves are not in grid ( they just look better if they are placed in grid)
00:45:043 (3) - make this the same look as (1) ? (otherwise, make (1) look the same as (3) )
00:54:495 (2) - not in grid curve?
00:58:604 (4) - ^
00:55:522 (3,1) - make them on the same height?
01:34:769 (1,2,3) - move them to place 2 in the centre?
01:44:221 (1) - add clap (from custom)?
02:52:851 (1) - it's under slider, move it
03:10:111 (2) - clap? (first and last)
03:10:933 (3) - ^ (second)
03:11:755 (4) - ^ (again first and last)
03:12:577 (5) - ^
03:30:145 (2) - 1 beat later? (on her saying T, and not so fast change of sliders)
03:37:645 (1) - make start and the end on the same height ?
Hitcircles must never be hidden under slidertracks. Whether a hitcircle is partially or completely under a slidertrack, it is confusing for the player to read. Insane difficulties are the only exception to this rule.
01:32:508 (3) -
04:30:248 (5) -
I don't mention the sliders one, because they look really good for me, especially for this map. You should ask a BAT/MAT about this ones.
03:38:878 (3,4) - why don't you make them normal? (i mean the curve point at the centre of start and end)
04:08:056 (4) - I'd suggest 0.8(6)
04:51:207 (1) - ~~suggestion - I'd cut this spinner to 2000 bonus
04:53:467 (1) - ~~suggestion - longer 2 beats? (1 or even 3) :?
03:29:837 (3,4,5,6) - Spacing?
04:34:358 (5) - 1,50x instead of 1,41? (closer to 1,49, the first spacing)
01:03:125 (1,2) - other spacing than 4,5,6?
01:14:837 (1,2,3,4) - 3,1 the same Y, and 4,2 the same X (~~suggesting)
btw, nice jump map
Topic Starter

Marcin wrote:

I found that really big amount of curves are not in grid ( they just look better if they are placed in grid)
00:45:043 (3) - make this the same look as (1) ? (otherwise, make (1) look the same as (3) )
00:54:495 (2) - not in grid curve?
00:58:604 (4) - ^
00:55:522 (3,1) - make them on the same height?
01:34:769 (1,2,3) - move them to place 2 in the centre?
01:44:221 (1) - add clap (from custom)?
02:52:851 (1) - it's under slider, move it
03:10:111 (2) - clap? (first and last)
03:10:933 (3) - ^ (second)
03:11:755 (4) - ^ (again first and last)
03:12:577 (5) - ^
03:30:145 (2) - 1 beat later? (on her saying T, and not so fast change of sliders)
03:37:645 (1) - make start and the end on the same height ?

All fixed!!

Hitcircles must never be hidden under slidertracks. Whether a hitcircle is partially or completely under a slidertrack, it is confusing for the player to read. Insane difficulties are the only exception to this rule.
01:32:508 (3) -
04:30:248 (5) -
I don't mention the sliders one, because they look really good for me, especially for this map. You should ask a BAT/MAT about this ones.
I asked. BAT's answer is NO
So I arranged...
01:32:508 (3)
04:30:248 (5)

03:38:878 (3,4) - why don't you make them normal? (i mean the curve point at the centre of start and end)
04:08:056 (4) - I'd suggest 0.8(6)
04:51:207 (1) - ~~suggestion - I'd cut this spinner to 2000 bonus
04:53:467 (1) - ~~suggestion - longer 2 beats? (1 or even 3) :?

All fixed! Good idea :D

03:29:837 (3,4,5,6) - Spacing?
These circles spacing are 1.0x 1.1x 1.2x 1.3x
Should I change? I want to keep them :?

04:34:358 (5) - 1,50x instead of 1,41? (closer to 1,49, the first spacing)
01:03:125 (1,2) - other spacing than 4,5,6?
01:14:837 (1,2,3,4) - 3,1 the same Y, and 4,2 the same X (~~suggesting)

btw, nice jump map
Thank you Modding and star~!!!!

frsk wrote:

03:29:837 (3,4,5,6) - Spacing?
These circles spacing are 1.0x 1.1x 1.2x 1.3x
Should I change? I want to keep them :?
So maybe make them 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 ?(so i double speed everytime)?
Btw a little recheck of hard
02:04:358 (2,3,4) - (3) has different position than (4), make them the same (so the (3) is same hid as (4) )?
Don't kudosu.
Topic Starter

Marcin wrote:

frsk wrote:

03:29:837 (3,4,5,6) - Spacing?
These circles spacing are 1.0x 1.1x 1.2x 1.3x
Should I change? I want to keep them :?
So maybe make them 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 ?(so i double speed everytime)?
I see, I forgot them :?
1.0x 1.2x 1.4x 1.6x are right?

Btw a little recheck of hard
02:04:358 (2,3,4) - (3) has different position than (4), make them the same (so the (3) is same hid as (4) )?
Don't kudosu.
thank you recheck :)

  1. 1本目の赤線 Offset ⇒ 14220
  2. Offset - 149838 ⇒ 赤線を追加
no kds
Topic Starter

h-728 wrote:


  1. 1本目の赤線 Offset ⇒ 14220
  2. Offset - 149838 ⇒ 赤線を追加
no kds


03:41:344-スペーシングに違和感があります 変えたほうがいいかも?

Topic Starter

L_G_B_ wrote:


sorry.not fixed

個人的に入れるならボーカルの始まりである3のほうに入れるのですが・・・ 保留ということで
00:46:685-^ fixed
02:52:646-^ fixed
03:41:344-スペーシングに違和感があります 変えたほうがいいかも?fixed

01:49:459 ここにいれたほうがいい気がしたのでこちらにさせてもらいます


  1. リズムが同じところはもう少しスペースを整えたほうが綺麗に見えると思います。
  2. 特にInsaneで感じたのですが、スライダーの上にほかのオブジェクトが重なっていて見づらいところがあるので
  1. AIbatより、スナップされていないオブジェクトや緑線がありました。

    AIBat v2.0 wrote:

    00:35:180 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:39:495 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:44:632 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:45:043 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:46:276 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:46:687 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:54:495 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:56:139 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:04:358 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:05:180 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:06:824 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:10:728 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:11:550 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:15:043 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:15:865 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:16:687 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:19:358 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:20:180 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:21:002 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:21:824 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:25:317 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:34:358 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:34:769 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:44:632 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:45:865 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:46:687 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:54:495 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:04:358 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:05:591 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:06:413 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:06:824 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:15:454 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:21:824 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:24:495 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:26:139 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:29:632 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).

    Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
    00:56:139 (snap to 00:56:137)
    01:10:728 (snap to 01:10:726)
    01:11:550 (snap to 01:11:548)
    01:15:043 (snap to 01:15:041)
    01:16:276 (snap to 01:16:274)
    01:32:817 (snap to 01:32:815)
    01:34:769 (snap to 01:34:767)
    01:49:769 (snap to 01:49:767)
    02:25:728 (snap to 02:25:726)
    02:29:632 (snap to 02:29:630)
  1. Normalに同じです。

    AIBat v2.0 wrote:

    00:30:454 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:31:276 (6) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:34:358 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:35:591 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:36:002 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:39:495 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:40:728 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:41:550 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:45:043 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:45:865 (10) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:46:687 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:50:180 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:50:385 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
    00:54:906 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:56:139 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:04:358 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:05:180 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:06:824 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:09:906 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:10:728 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:11:139 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:11:550 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:14:324 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:16:687 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:19:769 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:21:002 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:25:317 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:29:632 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:31:276 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:34:050 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:34:358 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:34:769 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:36:824 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:44:632 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:45:865 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:49:769 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:50:180 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:50:591 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:51:002 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:51:824 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:54:495 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:56:858 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:59:632 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:04:358 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:05:591 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:06:413 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:06:824 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:09:495 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:09:906 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:10:317 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:15:043 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:15:454 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:16:687 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:25:728 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:26:139 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:29:630 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    04:24:288 (3) - Unsnapped circle.

    Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
    00:56:139 (snap to 00:56:137)
    01:10:728 (snap to 01:10:726)
    01:11:550 (snap to 01:11:548)
    01:15:043 (snap to 01:15:041)
    01:16:276 (snap to 01:16:274)
    01:30:043 (snap to 01:30:041)
    01:34:769 (snap to 01:34:767)
    01:49:769 (snap to 01:49:767)
    02:09:495 (snap to 02:09:493)
    02:09:906 (snap to 02:09:904)
    02:10:317 (snap to 02:10:315)
    02:25:728 (snap to 02:25:726)
    02:29:632 (snap to 02:29:630)
  1. Normalに同じです。

    AIBat v2.0 wrote:

    00:28:502 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:30:865 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:31:276 (7) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:34:769 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:35:180 (7) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:36:002 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:36:413 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:36:824 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:39:495 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:40:728 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:41:550 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:42:680 (12) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:44:632 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:45:454 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:49:050 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:49:358 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:49:769 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:50:180 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:51:824 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:54:906 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:55:728 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:56:139 (8) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:00:043 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:01:687 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:04:358 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:05:591 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:06:002 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:07:543 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:09:495 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:09:906 (6) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:10:728 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:11:139 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:11:550 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:12:680 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:15:043 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:15:454 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:15:865 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:16:276 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:18:228 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:19:358 (6) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:20:180 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:20:591 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:20:694 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:20:797 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:21:002 (8) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:21:413 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:21:824 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:24:187 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:24:495 (6) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:25:317 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:25:728 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:28:913 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:29:632 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:30:043 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:30:454 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:31:276 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:34:358 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:34:769 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:36:824 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:44:632 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:45:865 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:49:461 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:49:769 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:50:180 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:50:591 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:51:002 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:51:413 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:51:824 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:56:858 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:56:961 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:59:632 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:00:043 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:03:228 (10) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:04:358 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:05:180 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:06:002 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:06:413 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:06:824 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:07:543 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    02:09:187 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:09:495 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:09:906 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:10:317 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:11:550 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:15:454 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:16:687 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:24:495 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:24:906 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:25:728 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:26:139 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:26:550 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:28:913 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:29:632 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).

    Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
    00:56:139 (snap to 00:56:137)
    01:10:728 (snap to 01:10:726)
    01:11:550 (snap to 01:11:548)
    01:15:043 (snap to 01:15:041)
    01:16:276 (snap to 01:16:274)
    01:30:043 (snap to 01:30:041)
    01:34:769 (snap to 01:34:767)
    01:49:769 (snap to 01:49:767)
    02:09:495 (snap to 02:09:493)
    02:09:906 (snap to 02:09:904)
    02:10:317 (snap to 02:10:315)
    02:25:728 (snap to 02:25:726)
    02:29:632 (snap to 02:29:630)
  2. 00:38:467 (9,1) - 急に間隔が狭くなるので混乱しやすいです。
  3. 01:30:659 (5,1) - もう少し広く間を取ったほうがいい気がします。
  4. 01:54:493 ~ 01:55:932 - 何かnoteが欲しいです。
  5. 02:13:193 (8,9) - ここだけ間隔が違います。
  6. 03:10:317 (3,4) - リズムが違うので、等間隔で配置するのは好ましくないです。
  7. 03:13:810 (4,5) - リズムが同じなので、等間隔で配置するのが好ましいです。
  8. 03:52:851 (1) - 03:54:495 で終わる。
  9. 04:53:467 (1) - 04:53:673 で始めて、04:56:139 で終わる。
頑張ってください :)
Topic Starter

h-728 wrote:


  1. リズムが同じところはもう少しスペースを整えたほうが綺麗に見えると思います。
  2. 特にInsaneで感じたのですが、スライダーの上にほかのオブジェクトが重なっていて見づらいところがあるので

  1. AIbatより、スナップされていないオブジェクトや緑線がありました。

    AIBat v2.0 wrote:

    00:35:180 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:39:495 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:44:632 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:45:043 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:46:276 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:46:687 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:54:495 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:56:139 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:04:358 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:05:180 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:06:824 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:10:728 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:11:550 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:15:043 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:15:865 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:16:687 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:19:358 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:20:180 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:21:002 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:21:824 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:25:317 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:34:358 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:34:769 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:44:632 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:45:865 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:46:687 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:54:495 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:04:358 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:05:591 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:06:413 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:06:824 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:15:454 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:21:824 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:24:495 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:26:139 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:29:632 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).

    Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
    00:56:139 (snap to 00:56:137)
    01:10:728 (snap to 01:10:726)
    01:11:550 (snap to 01:11:548)
    01:15:043 (snap to 01:15:041)
    01:16:276 (snap to 01:16:274)
    01:32:817 (snap to 01:32:815)
    01:34:769 (snap to 01:34:767)
    01:49:769 (snap to 01:49:767)
    02:25:728 (snap to 02:25:726)
    02:29:632 (snap to 02:29:630)

  1. Normalに同じです。

    AIBat v2.0 wrote:

    00:30:454 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:31:276 (6) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:34:358 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:35:591 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:36:002 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:39:495 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:40:728 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:41:550 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:45:043 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:45:865 (10) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:46:687 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:50:180 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:50:385 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
    00:54:906 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:56:139 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:04:358 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:05:180 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:06:824 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:09:906 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:10:728 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:11:139 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:11:550 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:14:324 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:16:687 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:19:769 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:21:002 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:25:317 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:29:632 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:31:276 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:34:050 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:34:358 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:34:769 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:36:824 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:44:632 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:45:865 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:49:769 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:50:180 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:50:591 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:51:002 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:51:824 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:54:495 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:56:858 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:59:632 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:04:358 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:05:591 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:06:413 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:06:824 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:09:495 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:09:906 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:10:317 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:15:043 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:15:454 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:16:687 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:25:728 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:26:139 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:29:630 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    04:24:288 (3) - Unsnapped circle.

    Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
    00:56:139 (snap to 00:56:137)
    01:10:728 (snap to 01:10:726)
    01:11:550 (snap to 01:11:548)
    01:15:043 (snap to 01:15:041)
    01:16:276 (snap to 01:16:274)
    01:30:043 (snap to 01:30:041)
    01:34:769 (snap to 01:34:767)
    01:49:769 (snap to 01:49:767)
    02:09:495 (snap to 02:09:493)
    02:09:906 (snap to 02:09:904)
    02:10:317 (snap to 02:10:315)
    02:25:728 (snap to 02:25:726)
    02:29:632 (snap to 02:29:630)

  1. Normalに同じです。

    AIBat v2.0 wrote:

    00:28:502 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:30:865 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:31:276 (7) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:34:769 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:35:180 (7) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:36:002 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:36:413 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:36:824 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:39:495 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:40:728 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:41:550 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:42:680 (12) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:44:632 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:45:454 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:49:050 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:49:358 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:49:769 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:50:180 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:51:824 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:54:906 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    00:55:728 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    00:56:139 (8) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:00:043 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:01:687 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:04:358 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:05:591 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:06:002 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:07:543 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:09:495 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:09:906 (6) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:10:728 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:11:139 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:11:550 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:12:680 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:15:043 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:15:454 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:15:865 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:16:276 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:18:228 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:19:358 (6) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:20:180 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:20:591 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:20:694 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:20:797 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:21:002 (8) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:21:413 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:21:824 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:24:187 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:24:495 (6) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:25:317 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:25:728 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:28:913 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:29:632 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:30:043 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:30:454 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:31:276 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:34:358 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:34:769 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:36:824 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:44:632 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:45:865 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:49:461 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:49:769 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:50:180 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:50:591 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:51:002 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:51:413 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    01:51:824 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:56:858 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:56:961 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    01:59:632 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:00:043 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:03:228 (10) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:04:358 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:05:180 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:06:002 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:06:413 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:06:824 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:07:543 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    02:09:187 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:09:495 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:09:906 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:10:317 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:11:550 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:15:454 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:16:687 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:24:495 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:24:906 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:25:728 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:26:139 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:26:550 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    02:28:913 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:29:632 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).

    Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
    00:56:139 (snap to 00:56:137)
    01:10:728 (snap to 01:10:726)
    01:11:550 (snap to 01:11:548)
    01:15:043 (snap to 01:15:041)
    01:16:276 (snap to 01:16:274)
    01:30:043 (snap to 01:30:041)
    01:34:769 (snap to 01:34:767)
    01:49:769 (snap to 01:49:767)
    02:09:495 (snap to 02:09:493)
    02:09:906 (snap to 02:09:904)
    02:10:317 (snap to 02:10:315)
    02:25:728 (snap to 02:25:726)
    02:29:632 (snap to 02:29:630)
  2. 00:38:467 (9,1) - 急に間隔が狭くなるので混乱しやすいです。
  3. 01:30:659 (5,1) - もう少し広く間を取ったほうがいい気がします。
  4. 01:54:493 ~ 01:55:932 - 何かnoteが欲しいです。
  5. 02:13:193 (8,9) - ここだけ間隔が違います。
  6. 03:10:317 (3,4) - リズムが違うので、等間隔で配置するのは好ましくないです。
  7. 03:13:810 (4,5) - リズムが同じなので、等間隔で配置するのが好ましいです。
  8. 03:52:851 (1) - 03:54:495 で終わる。
  9. 04:53:467 (1) - 04:53:673 で始めて、04:56:139 で終わる。
all fixed

頑張ってください :)
ありがとう :) がんばります!
00:31:481 (3) - arrange the combo so that it looks like this maybe?

00:33:535 - add a note here :)
00:35:178 (2,3) - visually these two notes are too near
00:46:276 (4) - put this here: 00:46:069
01:04:974 (1,2,3) - merge to repeat slider maybe
01:06:618 (1,2,3) - ^ but maybe add a fourth beat as well.
01:08:261 - add a note?
01:11:550 (1,2,3,4) - this part doesn't fit the rhythm of the this maybe:

01:15:043 (1) - move to here: 01:14:836 and maybe change the combo so it looks like this...:

01:59:015 (3) - maybe change the rhythm to this:

02:09:700 (1,1,2,3) - the distance spacing here is a bit small compared to before the spinner, which makes it a bit confusing.
02:21:411 - Add a note here?
02:23:878 (4,5,6,1) - A bit hard for a Normal difficulty.
02:25:726 - Add a note here?
03:03:947 (3) - Delete 3 and move Slider 4 here maybe.
03:37:234 (4) - Move this here: 03:37:029
03:38:879 - Add note
03:39:289 (2) - Delete 2 and move Slider 3 here
03:39:906 - Add note
03:43:604 (1,2) - Feels awkward, remove 2 maybe
03:46:892 (2) - Change it to this:
04:39:700 (3) - Move this here: 04:39:495

00:38:673 (1,2,3) - Put 3 directly below 2. (x 256 y 144)
01:15:659 (3,4) - Position them so that they match the shape of Slider 1 and 2. Use rotation...
03:41:344 - Add a note

It is a very nice map :)

00:44:426 (3,4) - Is this position intentional, because a circle intersecting a slider like this seems awkward
04:52:440 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Seems unnatural

Insane was very well done as well, the jumps are really well done, it feels very natural.
But i think you should work on the overall look since the overlapping of circles and sliders seems unnatural to me.
Topic Starter

DarkSkyKnight wrote:

00:31:481 (3) - arrange the combo so that it looks like this maybe?

00:33:535 - add a note here :) fixed
00:35:178 (2,3) - visually these two notes are too near no changed
00:46:276 (4) - put this here: 00:46:069 fixed
01:04:974 (1,2,3) - merge to repeat slider maybe fixed
01:06:618 (1,2,3) - ^ but maybe add a fourth beat as well. fixed
01:08:261 - add a note? fixed
01:11:550 (1,2,3,4) - this part doesn't fit the rhythm of the this maybe:


01:15:043 (1) - move to here: 01:14:836 and maybe change the combo so it looks like this...:

hmm.. I feel good your rhythm. But I put just ugly... I considering now.

01:59:015 (3) - maybe change the rhythm to this:

02:09:700 (1,1,2,3) - the distance spacing here is a bit small compared to before the spinner, which makes it a bit confusing.
fixed :)
02:21:411 - Add a note here? fixed
02:23:878 (4,5,6,1) - A bit hard for a Normal difficulty. fixed
02:25:726 - Add a note here? fixed
03:03:947 (3) - Delete 3 and move Slider 4 here maybe. fixed
03:37:234 (4) - Move this here: 03:37:029 fixed
03:38:879 - Add note fixed
03:39:289 (2) - Delete 2 and move Slider 3 here fixed
03:39:906 - Add note fixed
03:43:604 (1,2) - Feels awkward, remove 2 maybe fixed
03:46:892 (2) - Change it to this:
04:39:700 (3) - Move this here: 04:39:495 fixed

00:38:673 (1,2,3) - Put 3 directly below 2. (x 256 y 144) sorry no change
01:15:659 (3,4) - Position them so that they match the shape of Slider 1 and 2. Use rotation...fixed
03:41:344 - Add a note fixed

It is a very nice map :)
Thank you :D

00:44:426 (3,4) - Is this position intentional, because a circle intersecting a slider like this seems awkward considering...

04:52:440 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Seems unnatural
fixed. But I don't feel good.. I considering now.

Insane was very well done as well, the jumps are really well done, it feels very natural.
But i think you should work on the overall look since the overlapping of circles and sliders seems unnatural to me.
Thank you~ :D
HAPPY! I was praised :oops:

Nice Mod!
Hello frsk


00:33:535 NC and disable next?
01:25:110 Add circle?
02:212:062 ^
03:20:591 You can change the circle by a spinner and finish to the next circle
03:43:605 No need to NC imo.


01:54:493 You can change by a slider with a slow SV to 01:55:521 for example
02:07:233 Spinner should be start at 02:07:439, no?
04:29:632 NC?
04:42:577 NC?


00:40:110 NC?
03:33:536 NC?

Hope it could help you! :)
Topic Starter

Aldwych wrote:

Hello frsk
Hi~ :)


00:33:535 NC and disable next? sorry no changed
01:25:110 Add circle? fixed

02:212:062 ^
This place is blue line. you mean the next line? I put this.

03:20:591 You can change the circle by a spinner and finish to the next circle sorry no changed
03:43:605 No need to NC imo. fixed


01:54:493 You can change by a slider with a slow SV to 01:55:521 for example sorry no changed
02:07:233 Spinner should be start at 02:07:439, no? that's nice :D
04:29:632 NC? fixed
04:42:577 NC? fixed


00:40:110 NC? fixed
03:33:536 NC? fixed

Hope it could help you! :)
Thank you Mod!!
Hello~ From#modrequest



00:31:481 (3) - x:116 y:220
00:32:302 (4) - 一回削除した後、手前の3をコピーしてリピート追加
           その後、角度を+124℃曲げてx:312 y:92へ(イメージ↓)

00:33:946 (6,7) - この音取りはどうでしょうか?↓

00:40:522 (2,3) - この音取りはどうでしょうか?↓

00:43:399 (1,2,3) - こんな配置はどうでしょう?↓

00:46:069 (4,5,1,2) - こんな配置はどうですか?

00:47:096 (6,7,8,9,10) - この音取りはどうでしょう?↓

01:03:535 (1) - こんな配置はどうでしょう?↓

01:09:288 (2) - ここで直線一本は目立つので曲線の方が良いかも↓

01:14:219 (6) - 4のスライダーで6の数字が隠れてるのでずらした方が良いかもしれません
01:16:687 (4,5) - 音取りと合わせてこれはどうですか?↓(音取りは今のままでも大丈夫です)
            先に01:16:687 (4) - を削除して01:16:480と01:16:891にadd note

01:18:125 (1) - この音取りはどうですか?↓

01:20:180 (1) - ~ 01:25:110 (2) - この間が全て赤線に乗っていて、音を取れているようには思えません
01:47:714 (1,2,3,4) - この間のDSが0.80xでないのは意図的でしょうか?
01:49:974 (1,2,3,4) - ^

02:28:810 (4) - 許容範囲な気もしますが、少し難しいのでは?(Easyの難易度がないので、微妙ですが)
04:13:399 (1) - 一瞬だけのこの短いスライダーのリピートは難しいです
04:18:947 (2,3,4) - 三角形になるように

04:52:645 (1) - 中心に(DS外しても大丈夫だと思います)
04:52:645 (1) - 削除してスピナーをこの位置から引いて04:55:728でスピナーの終わりに


02:29:630 (1) - ここから 02:34:358 (4) - ここまで綺麗に作られているので、

00:27:577 (3,4,5) - 流れよくこんなイメージに↓

00:32:303 (1,2,3,4,5) - ↓

00:34:974 (4,5,6,7,8) - ↓

00:55:522 (4,5,6,1) - ↓

01:14:221 (3,4,5) - スタックさせるか、もう少しスライダーの流れの先にサークルが来るようにした方が良いと思います

01:23:262 (5) - こういった配置はかなり目立ちます、スタックさせた方がまだ綺麗かと(ごめんなさい、スルーして下さい)

00:36:002 (8) - HPバーにあたっています

01:46:892 (4) - ここは数字が出るように配置されては?

02:33:947 (3) - 若干曲がってるので、真ん中の支点を左にちょっとだけずらして下さい

02:34:563 (5) - ここは02:33:947 (3) - のコピーで良いかと

02:43:193 (2,3,4,5,6) - この流れは変えたほうが良いと思います

04:17:097 (6) - この配置はかなり危ないです

00:28:810 (8) - スライダーの上に乗らないように
02:49:152 (1) - ^

01:10:726 (1,2) - clap削除してデフォルトのwhistle
01:11:139 (3) - clap削除
01:22:645 (8) - ここまでの流れが良く出来ているので、

01:26:960 (2,3,4) - BPMが低いので大半の人は押せる位置だとは思いますが、

01:49:459 (1) - 見た目で言えば、NC入れて色を揃えた方が良い気もします

02:01:481 (5,6,7) - DS0.80xで等間隔に

02:04:974 (3,4,5) - 2のスライダーの先に来るように

02:50:385 (6) - こんな感じの方が流れるように打てると思います↓(少し適当ですが)

04:09:906 (1) - 位置が重ならないように

04:18:330 (1) - 水平で良いかと(一回作り直してから、きちんと水平にならないので)

04:41:755 (3) - もう少し数字が見えるように




これは、01:49:767 の緑線がSV0.75xになっているからだと思います

Sorry for the short MOD :?
Good luck! :oops:
Topic Starter

ArtBox wrote:

Hello~ From#modrequest
Hi~ thank you~ :)


osbファイルは使用していなければ削除して下さい fixed

00:31:481 (3) - x:116 y:220
00:32:302 (4) - 一回削除した後、手前の3をコピーしてリピート追加
           その後、角度を+124℃曲げてx:312 y:92へ(イメージ↓)

00:33:946 (6,7) - この音取りはどうでしょうか?↓

00:40:522 (2,3) - この音取りはどうでしょうか?↓

00:43:399 (1,2,3) - こんな配置はどうでしょう?↓


00:46:069 (4,5,1,2) - こんな配置はどうですか?


00:47:096 (6,7,8,9,10) - この音取りはどうでしょう?↓

01:03:535 (1) - こんな配置はどうでしょう?↓

01:09:288 (2) - ここで直線一本は目立つので曲線の方が良いかも↓

01:14:219 (6) - 4のスライダーで6の数字が隠れてるのでずらした方が良いかもしれません fixed

01:16:687 (4,5) - 音取りと合わせてこれはどうですか?↓(音取りは今のままでも大丈夫です)
            先に01:16:687 (4) - を削除して01:16:480と01:16:891にadd note

01:18:125 (1) - この音取りはどうですか?↓

01:20:180 (1) - ~ 01:25:110 (2) - この間が全て赤線に乗っていて、音を取れているようには思えません fixed
01:47:714 (1,2,3,4) - この間のDSが0.80xでないのは意図的でしょうか?
01:49:974 (1,2,3,4) - ^
見落としてました :?  修正しました

02:28:810 (4) - 許容範囲な気もしますが、少し難しいのでは?(Easyの難易度がないので、微妙ですが)

04:13:399 (1) - 一瞬だけのこの短いスライダーのリピートは難しいです

04:18:947 (2,3,4) - 三角形になるようにfixed

04:52:645 (1) - 中心に(DS外しても大丈夫だと思います)
04:52:645 (1) - 削除してスピナーをこの位置から引いて04:55:728でスピナーの終わりに


いえいえ、ありがとう! :)

Sorry for the short MOD :?
Good luck! :oops:
Thank you Modding :)
Hi~ from my queue~


00:44:630 - add clap
00:45:041 - remove clap
00:45:454 (7) - add clap
00:45:863 - remove
00:46:274 - clap
00:46:685 - remove
00:47:096 - clap
00:47:507 - remove
00:47:918 - clap
00:48:329 - remove
00:48:740 - clap
00:49:152 (3) - remove
00:49:563 (6) - clap
00:49:973 - remove
00:49:050 (2) - clap
00:50:795 - remove
00:51:206 - clap
00:51:617 - remove
00:51:824 (5) - maybe clap?
00:59:837 (1) - remove
01:00:247 - clap
01:00:658 - remove
01:01:069 - clap
01:03:535 - ^
01:04:973 - ^
01:05:178 - remove
01:05:796 (4) - remove whistle and add clap
01:06:002 (5) - remove clap and add whistle
01:06:617 - clap
01:06:822 - remove
01:07:645 (5) - ^
01:07:851 (6) - clap
01:09:288 - remove
01:16:070 (3) - remove finish
01:16:480 - ^
01:17:507 - ^
01:32:918 - ^
01:59:014 - clap
02:01:070 (4) - finish
02:07:028 - remove
02:07:439 - finish
02:10:932 - ^
02:13:399 (9) - remove finish
02:14:219 - finish
02:27:165 - remove
02:34:152 (3) - ^
03:40:728 - ^
03:45:454 (7) - finish
04:07:440 - remove
04:07:645 (4) - REMOVE
04:11:960 (2) - ^
04:46:687 - ^
04:46:892 - ^
04:49:769 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - REMOVE THEM!

Sorry, that's all for me. PLEASE USE Distane Snap!
When you fix all mistakestoo many mistakes, i will mod it again. I'm sorry.. ._.
Topic Starter

KersiTyan wrote:

Hi~ from my queue~


00:44:630 - add clap
00:45:041 - remove clap
00:45:454 (7) - add clap
00:45:863 - remove
00:46:274 - clap

00:46:685 - remove
00:47:096 - clap
00:47:507 - remove
00:47:918 - clap
00:48:329 - remove
00:48:740 - clap
00:49:152 (3) - remove
sorry no change

00:49:563 (6) - clap
00:49:973 - remove
00:49:050 (2) - clap
00:50:795 - remove
00:51:206 - clap
00:51:617 - remove
00:51:824 (5) - maybe clap?
00:59:837 (1) - remove
01:00:247 - clap
01:00:658 - remove
01:01:069 - clap
01:03:535 - ^
01:04:973 - ^
01:05:178 - remove
01:05:796 (4) - remove whistle and add clap
01:06:002 (5) - remove clap and add whistle
01:06:617 - clap
01:06:822 - remove
01:07:645 (5) - ^
01:07:851 (6) - clap
01:09:288 - remove

01:16:070 (3) - remove finish
01:16:480 - ^
01:17:507 - ^
sorry no change

01:32:918 - ^
01:59:014 - clap
02:01:070 (4) - finish
02:07:028 - remove
02:07:439 - finish
02:10:932 - ^
02:13:399 (9) - remove finish
02:14:219 - finish

02:27:165 - remove
02:34:152 (3) - ^
sorry no change

03:40:728 - ^
03:45:454 (7) - finish
04:07:440 - remove
04:07:645 (4) - REMOVE

04:11:960 (2) - ^
change whistle

04:46:687 - ^
04:46:892 - ^
04:49:769 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - REMOVE THEM!

Sorry, that's all for me. PLEASE USE Distane Snap!
When you fix all mistakestoo many mistakes, i will mod it again. I'm sorry.. ._.
hmm.. I don't think mistakes. Intentional Distanse Snap.
When other Modder point them, I'll fix. :?
Thank you Modding!!
Colin Hou
from #modreq

  1. 02:29:838 (T) - why +2ms here? if you're trying to reset the signature, make sure there is no difference with the former one (as the bpm/offset doesn't change)
  2. check the unsnapped notes with AIMod (ctrl shift a)
  1. 01:38:056 (1,2,3) - just stack them or keep the normal spacing, don't see why sudden shortened, as the rhythm or pace didn't change at all.
  2. 02:56:139 (2,3,4) - ^
  3. 03:36:207 (6,7,8) - make the spacing more smooth
  4. 04:51:002 (7,8) - how about just a 1/4 slider here?
  5. 04:52:440 (1,2) - remove them?
  1. 00:44:015 (3) - clap at the end
  2. 01:01:070 (2) - clap
  3. 01:02:714 (4) - ^
  4. 01:04:358 (4,5) - ^
  5. 01:15:248 (2) - clap at the end (c1)
  6. 01:55:726 (T) - 1 more note here
  7. 02:33:536 (2) - c1 clap
  8. 02:46:481 (2) - c1 clap at the end
  9. 03:44:221 (6) - replace this with 1/2 slider?
  10. 03:47:714 (5) - shorten it to 03:48:125 and add a note at 03:48:331?
  11. 04:51:618 (1) - end this at 04:52:646
  12. 04:52:851 (1) - replace this with a slider and end at 04:53:262?
  1. 04:52:851 (1) - end this at the same time as other diffs.
  2. 00:56:960 (2) - end this at 00:57:576
  3. 00:58:604 (4) - let this start at 00:58:398 and end at 00:59:014, add a note at 00:59:425. the current slider just stays nowhere
  4. 03:02:303 (1,2,3) - spacing
  5. 03:15:454 (1,2,3) - ^
  6. 03:36:002 (3) - make this end at 03:36:618
  7. 03:42:166 (3) - make this end at 03:42:802
  8. 03:47:098 (2,3) - not fitting the vocal here, rhythm is like 3/4 3/4 4/4 1/4
good luck


Resnap alll note.

赤線   =downbeat
青線   =backbeat


00:40:110 (1)    remove clap  音が無いほうがかっこいいきがする!
02:10:521 (9)    中心に置いた方が良いと思います modとは関係がないですが綺麗な図形配置の作り方を一応!

① 適当な位置にサークルを置く
② Ctrl+C,Ctrl+V,Ctrl+Shift+R 6角形:60度 5角形:72度 etc
③ ②を繰り返し
02:51:002 (7)    Add New combo
02:52:029 (3)    Remove New combo
03:16:892 (1)    ^
03:31:276 (8)    リズムが分かりづらいので近づけたほうが良いと思います。
03:35:591 (4)    Add New combo こんな配置はどうですか!03:36:618 (7)    もうちょっと離した方が良いと思います。こんな配置はどうですか!03:45:865 (1)~(4) DS揃えたほうがいいと思います
04:48:536 (1)    Remove New combo
04:49:769 (3)    Add New combo

Resnap alll note.

00:58:192 (x)    Add note
01:09:083 (~)    音取りに違和感を感じます。こんな感じの音取りどうでしょうか01:16:480 (~)    こんなかんじの音取りはどうでしょうか!01:21:411 (x)    Add note
01:27:987 (~)    こんなかんじは!03:14:016~03:15:865  マッピングしたほうが良いと思います     
03:39:906 (4)    スライダーの終わりを03:40:317に
03:42:577 (3)    スライダーの終わりを03:42:783に
03:47:714 (5)    もっと離したほうがいいとおもいます!
04:09:906 (~)    こんな音取りはどうですか!
Resnap alll note.

00:54:288 (~)    こんな音取りどうですか!00:56:959 (~)    こんなかんじは01:24:699 (~)    こんな(r 01:52:028 (1)    Remove New combo
02:06:411 (~)    すこし分かりづらい気がします。 こんなかんじは!02:37:646 (~)    ここから始めるとわかりづらいです こんなかんじは03:47:098 (2)    難しいと思います ふつうに単発にしてみては!

Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

from #modreq

  1. 02:29:838 (T) - why +2ms here? if you're trying to reset the signature, make sure there is no difference with the former one (as the bpm/offset doesn't change)
  2. check the unsnapped notes with AIMod (ctrl shift a)
fixed +2ms
I didn't know AIMod.Thank you :D

  1. 01:38:056 (1,2,3) - just stack them or keep the normal spacing, don't see why sudden shortened, as the rhythm or pace didn't change at all.
  2. 02:56:139 (2,3,4) - ^
  3. 03:36:207 (6,7,8) - make the spacing more smooth
  4. 04:51:002 (7,8) - how about just a 1/4 slider here?
  5. 04:52:440 (1,2) - remove them?
All fixed

  1. 00:44:015 (3) - clap at the end
  2. 01:01:070 (2) - clap
  3. 01:02:714 (4) - ^
  4. 01:04:358 (4,5) - ^
  5. 01:15:248 (2) - clap at the end (c1)
  6. 01:55:726 (T) - 1 more note here
  7. 02:33:536 (2) - c1 clap
  8. 02:46:481 (2) - c1 clap at the end
  9. 03:44:221 (6) - replace this with 1/2 slider?
  10. 03:47:714 (5) - shorten it to 03:48:125 and add a note at 03:48:331?
  11. 04:51:618 (1) - end this at 04:52:646
  12. 04:52:851 (1) - replace this with a slider and end at 04:53:262?
All fixed

  1. 04:52:851 (1) - end this at the same time as other diffs.
  2. 00:56:960 (2) - end this at 00:57:576
  3. 00:58:604 (4) - let this start at 00:58:398 and end at 00:59:014, add a note at 00:59:425. the current slider just stays nowhere
  4. 03:02:303 (1,2,3) - spacing
  5. 03:15:454 (1,2,3) - ^
  6. 03:36:002 (3) - make this end at 03:36:618
  7. 03:42:166 (3) - make this end at 03:42:802
  8. 03:47:098 (2,3) - not fitting the vocal here, rhythm is like 3/4 3/4 4/4 1/4
All fixed

good luck
Thank you Modding!! :)
Topic Starter

terametis wrote:



Resnap alll note.

赤線   =downbeat
青線   =backbeat


00:40:110 (1)    remove clap  音が無いほうがかっこいいきがする!
02:10:521 (9)    中心に置いた方が良いと思います modとは関係がないですが綺麗な図形配置の作り方を一応!

① 適当な位置にサークルを置く
② Ctrl+C,Ctrl+V,Ctrl+Shift+R 6角形:60度 5角形:72度 etc
③ ②を繰り返し
02:51:002 (7)    Add New combo
02:52:029 (3)    Remove New combo
03:16:892 (1)    ^
03:31:276 (8)    リズムが分かりづらいので近づけたほうが良いと思います。
03:35:591 (4)    Add New combo こんな配置はどうですか!03:36:618 (7)    もうちょっと離した方が良いと思います。こんな配置はどうですか!03:45:865 (1)~(4) DS揃えたほうがいいと思います
04:48:536 (1)    Remove New combo
04:49:769 (3)    Add New combo
All fixed

Resnap alll note.

00:58:192 (x)    Add note
01:09:083 (~)    音取りに違和感を感じます。こんな感じの音取りどうでしょうか01:16:480 (~)    こんなかんじの音取りはどうでしょうか!01:21:411 (x)    Add note
01:27:987 (~)    こんなかんじは!03:14:016~03:15:865  マッピングしたほうが良いと思います     
03:39:906 (4)    スライダーの終わりを03:40:317に
03:42:577 (3)    スライダーの終わりを03:42:783に
03:47:714 (5)    もっと離したほうがいいとおもいます!
04:09:906 (~)    こんな音取りはどうですか!All fixed

Resnap alll note.

00:54:288 (~)    こんな音取りどうですか!00:56:959 (~)    こんなかんじは01:24:699 (~)    こんな(r 01:52:028 (1)    Remove New combo
02:06:411 (~)    すこし分かりづらい気がします。 こんなかんじは!02:37:646 (~)    ここから始めるとわかりづらいです こんなかんじは03:47:098 (2)    難しいと思います ふつうに単発にしてみては!All fixed


ありがとう!!!! :D
アドバイスはメモ帳にはりつけて永久保存します! :P

Thank you Modding :)
Hello from E.E's modding queue!
00:45:863 (10) - maybe something like this? Think this sound better.
01:27:370 (8) - ^
01:55:932 (2) - add circle after this
01:57:781 (1) - ^
03:47:305 (4) - ^
04:24:703 (1) - ^
04:28:607 (2) - ^
01:11:959 (4) - ?
01:33:329 (3) - ?
01:38:466 (3) - delite , move spinner :
03:02:305 (1,2,3,4,5) - something like this?
All @suggestion@
P.S. If my mod help you , don't give me kd , mod this pls
Topic Starter

EvilElvis wrote:

Hello from E.E's modding queue!
00:45:863 (10) - maybe something like this? Think this sound better.
01:27:370 (8) - ^
01:55:932 (2) - add circle after this
01:57:781 (1) - ^
03:47:305 (4) - ^
04:24:703 (1) - ^
04:28:607 (2) - ^
01:11:959 (4) - ?
01:33:329 (3) - ?
01:38:466 (3) - delite , move spinner :
03:02:305 (1,2,3,4,5) - something like this?
All @suggestion@
P.S. If my mod help you , don't give me kd , mod this pls
ALL fixed! Thank you!!
give a kd, and I will Modding

FreeSky wrote:

ALL fixed! Thank you!!
give a kd, and I will Modding

  1. 01:37:234 - 同じタイミングに緑線が複数存在しておりUnrankableです
no kudosu
Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:


  1. 01:37:234 - 同じタイミングに緑線が複数存在しておりUnrankableです
no kudosu
ほんとだ・・・ :?
Thank you!!
Yo pick up from modreqs~



Change spinner point 04:52:442 from 04:52:853? Vocalのブレスに合わせているようならNo changeでも。


00:30:658- move this slider at x432,y264. follow to 00:30:247(1,2,3) hits.
if u change ^ line up 00:31:274 sliders distance.
01:14:836- ここからの音量を下げていくようなら、01:16:891と01:17:507のFinishが浮いているように聞こえます。音量を下げている為、強い音が違和感を生む場合があるからです。
03:45:867- 単発じゃなく長めのスライダーでもいいかもしれません。


move clap 01:20:076 and 01:20:692.
if u change ^ add clap at 01:20:178 and 01:20:795.
01:28:911 remove whis?
04:13:196- remove finish?

some mod~ good map! good luckkkk~
Topic Starter

yuugeki1234 wrote:

Yo pick up from modreqs~
hi~ :D



Change spinner point 04:52:442 from 04:52:853? Vocalのブレスに合わせているようならNo changeでも。
おっしゃるとおりブレスにあわせてるのでNo changeで!


00:30:658- move this slider at x432,y264. follow to 00:30:247(1,2,3) hits.
if u change ^ line up 00:31:274 sliders distance.
01:14:836- ここからの音量を下げていくようなら、01:16:891と01:17:507のFinishが浮いているように聞こえます。音量を下げている為、強い音が違和感を生む場合があるからです。
音を弱くしてみました 70%→45%
03:45:867- 単発じゃなく長めのスライダーでもいいかもしれません。


move clap 01:20:076 and 01:20:692.
if u change ^ add clap at 01:20:178 and 01:20:795.
Sorry, No change
01:28:911 remove whis? fixed!
04:13:196- remove finish? fixed!

some mod~ good map! good luckkkk~
Thank you Modding!! :)
[Mod Request]

Hello!!! :3

01:38:055 - Add Circle? <3
02:28:809 - Move it at 02:28:603 - +2 Repeat and snap the Inherited point at 02:28:603, fits better imo
02:28:603 - Fix their shape? o:

Perfect <3

Perfect <3

The maps are nice made, tho, no offense but I got bored listening to almost 6 mins slow song several times :C Good luck ranking it ^.^
Topic Starter

KiyoshiX101 wrote:

[Mod Request]

Hello!!! :3

01:38:055 - Add Circle? <3
02:28:809 - Move it at 02:28:603 - +2 Repeat and snap the Inherited point at 02:28:603, fits better imo
02:28:603 - Fix their shape? o:

Perfect <3

Perfect <3

The maps are nice made, tho, no offense but I got bored listening to almost 6 mins slow song several times :C Good luck ranking it ^.^
All fixed! thank you~ :)
R e d

01:06:822 (2) - kinda hard for "normal players" ;o in my opinion

01:51:206 - new combo?


01:26:405 - new combo?

03:45:867 - new combo?


turn "Insane" to "Lunatic" since this is touhou :P seems better

i loved the map, good luck :D
Topic Starter

R e d wrote:


01:06:822 (2) - kinda hard for "normal players" ;o in my opinion

01:51:206 - new combo?


01:26:405 - new combo?

03:45:867 - new combo?


turn "Insane" to "Lunatic" since this is touhou :P seems better

i loved the map, good luck :D
All fixed!! :)
Thank you~
かわい~ せいが
( ´⌒ω⌒`)



00:27:987 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - try symetric those notes, it will make more good
00:31:069 (6) - move this circle, and make 00:30:658 (3,4,5) - around (6) it will look like this
00:31:274 (7) - curve like this, because slider body not hiding (8) a lot after change

00:33:535 (1) - New Combo colour should start at 00:33:946 (2) -
00:34:562 (3) - make some jump to (4) , because it was Lunatic difficult.. not must using same distance snap to all flow :)
00:38:261 (8) - same like above, make some jump to (9) , but make sure it was 2x distance snap jump
00:38:466 (9) - remove finish hitsound, too noise because (1) have finish hitsound, dont overuse it
00:42:370 (8,9,10,11,12) - set like this, more neat
00:44:630 (4) - make it blanket, because it fit and look more curve than 00:43:398 (1) -
00:47:507 (2) - symetric with (1)?
it wil make look like this

00:50:178 (2) - use snap 1.0x ??
00:52:233 (1,2,3,6) - move, 00:52:233 (1,2,3) - at x168 y272 and 00:53:055 (6) - at x304y48
01:00:555 (5) - make this slider blanket to (4)
01:04:151 (4,5,6) - move like this
01:15:041 - suddenly , soft hitsound very low here
01:15:658 (1,2,3,4,1) - do like this
01:31:069 (1) - move to x256y348
01:48:329 (2) - try dont make this note stacked with (1)
02:00:658 (3) - ctrl+ r, more fun
02:10:726 - should have note here
02:14:836 (2) - dont stack
02:23:055 (5) - blanket it
02:26:959 (6) - ctrl +h / ctrl + j , make more fun
02:33:744 (1,2,3,4,5) - move 2 grid up
02:34:771 (1) - should at x292y72
02:35:593 (3) - move , follow y axis line
02:38:881 (5) - blanket 02:38:470 (2,3,4) -
02:39:908 (4) - more blanket
02:55:319 (1) - ctrl +h
03:29:223 (2) - more blanket
03:41:963 (3) - i like this have empty note , and this should start at 03:42:168 -
03:47:511 - add note
04:09:908 (1) - move to x480y180 , after that the rest is yours
04:24:908 - sound to low
04:41:757 (3) - move, dont get touch (2) slider body, after that 04:42:579 (5) - dont get this note hide because slider, hidden note because slider body look bad when playing
04:42:579 (5) - move, this note hidden bacve
04:51:107 - at inherit point and set volume 5% here
04:52:648 - dont forget to redo the volume hitsound


00:28:192 (5) - curve like this, more pretty
00:35:384 (5,6,7,8) - try dont do this, because (8) going to hit lifebar.png , ctrl + j and move it
00:47:096 (2,3,4) - symetric ??just give some idea
01:01:685 - add circle, because have drum hit here
01:07:439 (4,5) - make (4) more curve and blanket it for (5), look neat later
01:09:083 (4) - blanket (3)
01:12:165 (2,3,4,5,1) - order those notes like this, and the rest is yours
01:18:124 (1) - blanket (2)?
01:28:603 (2,3) - crtl + r
02:01:891 (3,4,5) - move and make symetric
02:04:973 (3,4) - try dont touch slider body, because it look bad when play view

02:15:452 (3) - i prefer make this
02:17:096 (7) - try make like this

02:34:566 (5) - move to x376y192
02:43:196 (2) - more curve, but dont get this slider hiding (1) and (2)
02:49:976 (3) - its too close to (2) slider body
03:17:100 (3) - move to x272 y104
03:31:689 (4,1) - move 1 grid to left for symetric
04:17:100 (6) - move far from slider body
04:22:031 (2) - move and make like this
04:23:059 (1,2,3) - change those notes like ^ (just copy paste)
04:35:182 (2,3) - move
04:36:209 (1,2,3) - just like before, copy 04:34:566 (1,2,3) -
04:40:113 - add circle
04:50:182 (1) - change this look
04:51:620 (1) - i dont think this spinner needed because Lunatic and normal have empty note here


00:46:069 (4) - move

01:55:932 (1) - move 1 grid to right
02:05:589 (4) - rotate about 15 - 30 degress, slider touch life bar
02:50:798 (2,3) - try symetric
04:40:113 (4) - move it to 04:39:908 - then extend it

a few mod for normal because already fine to play

oh.. sorry for long mod
i want to short it but lazy
Topic Starter

zeroclover wrote:

かわい~ せいが
( ´⌒ω⌒`)



00:27:987 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - try symetric those notes, it will make more good
00:31:069 (6) - move this circle, and make 00:30:658 (3,4,5) - around (6) it will look like this
00:31:274 (7) - curve like this, because slider body not hiding (8) a lot after change

00:33:535 (1) - New Combo colour should start at 00:33:946 (2) -
00:34:562 (3) - make some jump to (4) , because it was Lunatic difficult.. not must using same distance snap to all flow :)
00:38:261 (8) - same like above, make some jump to (9) , but make sure it was 2x distance snap jump
00:38:466 (9) - remove finish hitsound, too noise because (1) have finish hitsound, dont overuse it
00:42:370 (8,9,10,11,12) - set like this, more neat
00:44:630 (4) - make it blanket, because it fit and look more curve than 00:43:398 (1) -
00:47:507 (2) - symetric with (1)?
it wil make look like this

00:50:178 (2) - use snap 1.0x ??
00:52:233 (1,2,3,6) - move, 00:52:233 (1,2,3) - at x168 y272 and 00:53:055 (6) - at x304y48
01:00:555 (5) - make this slider blanket to (4)
01:04:151 (4,5,6) - move like this
01:15:041 - suddenly , soft hitsound very low here
01:15:658 (1,2,3,4,1) - do like this
01:31:069 (1) - move to x256y348
01:48:329 (2) - try dont make this note stacked with (1)
02:00:658 (3) - ctrl+ r, more fun
02:10:726 - should have note here
02:14:836 (2) - dont stack
02:23:055 (5) - blanket it
02:26:959 (6) - ctrl +h / ctrl + j , make more fun
02:33:744 (1,2,3,4,5) - move 2 grid up
02:34:771 (1) - should at x292y72
02:35:593 (3) - move , follow y axis line
02:38:881 (5) - blanket 02:38:470 (2,3,4) -
02:39:908 (4) - more blanket
02:55:319 (1) - ctrl +h
03:29:223 (2) - more blanket
03:41:963 (3) - i like this have empty note , and this should start at 03:42:168 -
03:47:511 - add note
04:09:908 (1) - move to x480y180 , after that the rest is yours
04:24:908 - sound to low
04:41:757 (3) - move, dont get touch (2) slider body, after that 04:42:579 (5) - dont get this note hide because slider, hidden note because slider body look bad when playing
04:42:579 (5) - move, this note hidden bacve
04:51:107 - at inherit point and set volume 5% here
04:52:648 - dont forget to redo the volume hitsound


00:28:192 (5) - curve like this, more pretty
00:35:384 (5,6,7,8) - try dont do this, because (8) going to hit lifebar.png , ctrl + j and move it
00:47:096 (2,3,4) - symetric ??just give some idea
01:01:685 - add circle, because have drum hit here
01:07:439 (4,5) - make (4) more curve and blanket it for (5), look neat later
01:09:083 (4) - blanket (3)
01:12:165 (2,3,4,5,1) - order those notes like this, and the rest is yours
01:18:124 (1) - blanket (2)?
01:28:603 (2,3) - crtl + r
02:01:891 (3,4,5) - move and make symetric
02:04:973 (3,4) - try dont touch slider body, because it look bad when play view

02:15:452 (3) - i prefer make this
02:17:096 (7) - try make like this

02:34:566 (5) - move to x376y192
02:43:196 (2) - more curve, but dont get this slider hiding (1) and (2)
02:49:976 (3) - its too close to (2) slider body
03:17:100 (3) - move to x272 y104
03:31:689 (4,1) - move 1 grid to left for symetric
04:17:100 (6) - move far from slider body
04:22:031 (2) - move and make like this
04:23:059 (1,2,3) - change those notes like ^ (just copy paste)
04:35:182 (2,3) - move
04:36:209 (1,2,3) - just like before, copy 04:34:566 (1,2,3) -
04:40:113 - add circle
04:50:182 (1) - change this look
04:51:620 (1) - i dont think this spinner needed because Lunatic and normal have empty note here


00:46:069 (4) - move

01:55:932 (1) - move 1 grid to right
02:05:589 (4) - rotate about 15 - 30 degress, slider touch life bar
02:50:798 (2,3) - try symetric
04:40:113 (4) - move it to 04:39:908 - then extend it

a few mod for normal because already fine to play

realy?Thank you :D

oh.. sorry for long mod
i want to short it but lazy
All fixed!!

Yes, long and very good mod
i took a lot time to fix
But i got much from you <3
Thank you~!! :)

* Your hitsound are messy, there are some random finishs, claps and whistles. Please listen to the song and put clap where snare are hit, and put whistle where bass are hit

* AR +1?

00:36:617 (4) - Remove whistle at sliderbody (keep the whistle at start and end slider)
02:09:699 (1) - The head slider is overlapped by hitbursts and spinner-osu, so beginners are hard to see (sometimes, begginers are slow to read)
02:29:630 (1) - Unsnapped tail slider
02:42:168 (3) - Remove whistle at sliderbody (keep the whistle at start and end slider)
03:20:593 (7) - New combo?
03:29:018 (1) - Remove whistle at sliderbody (keep the whistle at start and end slider)
03:30:250 (2) - ^
04:50:182 (2) - ^

* There is a whistle at sliderbody, which is annoying. Remove whistle at sliderbody (keep the whistle at start and end slider)

00:38:672 (1) - This note is almost overlapped by hitbursts, I think it's better to move further away from it
02:29:630 (1) - Unsnapped tail slider

00:56:137 (8) - New combo for 0,5x slider, it's confusing without NC it

I hate Seiga
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:


* Your hitsound are messy, there are some random finishs, claps and whistles. Please listen to the song and put clap where snare are hit, and put whistle where bass are hit

OK, I'll try recheck sounds and to find fitting notes

* AR +1?

00:36:617 (4) - Remove whistle at sliderbody (keep the whistle at start and end slider)
02:09:699 (1) - The head slider is overlapped by hitbursts and spinner-osu, so beginners are hard to see (sometimes, begginers are slow to read)
02:29:630 (1) - Unsnapped tail slider
02:42:168 (3) - Remove whistle at sliderbody (keep the whistle at start and end slider)
03:20:593 (7) - New combo?
03:29:018 (1) - Remove whistle at sliderbody (keep the whistle at start and end slider)
03:30:250 (2) - ^
04:50:182 (2) - ^

All fixed

* There is a whistle at sliderbody, which is annoying. Remove whistle at sliderbody (keep the whistle at start and end slider)

00:38:672 (1) - This note is almost overlapped by hitbursts, I think it's better to move further away from it
02:29:630 (1) - Unsnapped tail slider

All fixed

00:56:137 (8) - New combo for 0,5x slider, it's confusing without NC it


I hate Seiga
Thank you Modding~
I'll try to recheck spot hitsounds
If the entire map had the spacing of the kiai section it would be so great because your notes wouldn't have the ugly overlap. (When non-stream notes overlap each other it's my pet peeve ._.)
00:36:822 (5) - Maybe make this a curved slider?
03:10:113 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - the spacing change confused me so much that I combobroke. don't think that's a good idea in a Normal...
04:14:634 (1,2) - spacing

00:43:192 (8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - increase the spacing?
00:56:137 (5,1) - ^?
01:49:767 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - ^?
02:01:069 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^?
02:23:055 (3,1) - I don't like this antijump

parts of this feels overmapped :/ like you're still mapping to the lyrics but just adding 1/4 triples everywhere. IMO if you want to use 1/4 triples in this song you should map to the instruments instead
03:36:620 (4,5) - don't like this antijump

Overall, I like Hard a lot, but I think Lunatic feels overmapped (it feels like Hard with 1/4 triples, really and I wish it were more of its own thing) and the flow in Normal is kind of eh.
Topic Starter

Dusty wrote:

If the entire map had the spacing of the kiai section it would be so great because your notes wouldn't have the ugly overlap. (When non-stream notes overlap each other it's my pet peeve ._.)
00:36:822 (5) - Maybe make this a curved slider?
03:10:113 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - the spacing change confused me so much that I combobroke. don't think that's a good idea in a Normal...
04:14:634 (1,2) - spacing

All fixed
I should considere this map and some change :?

00:43:192 (8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - increase the spacing?
00:56:137 (5,1) - ^?
01:49:767 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - ^?
02:01:069 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^?
02:23:055 (3,1) - I don't like this antijump

All fixed

parts of this feels overmapped :/ like you're still mapping to the lyrics but just adding 1/4 triples everywhere. IMO if you want to use 1/4 triples in this song you should map to the instruments instead
I see... thanks

03:36:620 (4,5) - don't like this antijump fixed

Overall, I like Hard a lot, but I think Lunatic feels overmapped (it feels like Hard with 1/4 triples, really and I wish it were more of its own thing) and the flow in Normal is kind of eh.
Thank you Modding!!
In Lunatic, I'll find good Mapping in the future Modding...
as you say i only mod 2 diff so
let's started

00:28:603 - missing notes
00:30:247 - this too
00:35:178 - and here
00:37:644 - 00:38:363 - fill it please
00:41:754 - same
00:43:398 - same
00:45:041 - 00:46:682 - 00:48:329 - 00:51:719 - missing notes

00:01:571 - start here
well the beats seems to be in place so i have no comment :o

That's all i can mod
i hope your beatmap will be ranked soon!!!
Topic Starter

shojimeguro wrote:

as you say i only mod 2 diff so
let's started

00:28:603 - missing notes sorry no change
00:30:247 - this too
00:35:178 - and here

00:37:644 - 00:38:363 - fill it please fixed
00:41:754 - same sorry no change
00:43:398 - same fixed
00:45:041 - 00:46:682 - 00:48:329 - 00:51:719 - missing notes fixed

00:01:571 - start here
well the beats seems to be in place so i have no comment :o

That's all i can mod
i hope your beatmap will be ranked soon!!!
Thank you Modding :)
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