
Saki: Achiga-hen Cast - SquarePanicSerenade (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, 2 July, 2012 at 21:01:20

Artist: Saki: Achiga-hen Cast
Title: SquarePanicSerenade (TV Size)
Source: Saki: Achiga-hen - episode of side-A
Tags: no_gu kanpakyin aoi yuuki nao toyama kana hanazawa mako uchiyama yumi
BPM: 179
Filesize: 13006kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Gu's Easy (2.6 stars, 93 notes)
  2. Gu's Hard (4.99 stars, 229 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 337 notes)
  4. Kanpakyin's Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 487 notes)
  5. Normal (4.35 stars, 156 notes)
Download: Saki: Achiga-hen Cast - SquarePanicSerenade (TV Size)
Download: Saki: Achiga-hen Cast - SquarePanicSerenade (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

19/5/2012 MP3 changed.ReDL plz~
Thx Vicho-kun for the new mp3

karenying wrote:

thank you No_Gu<3
offset: 528


Download: Saki Achiga-hen Cast - SquarePanicSerenade (karenying) [For my ying].osu

Download: soft-hitclap.rar
Vicho why don't you use this mp3? I think it's better:3

good luck~
Topic Starter

Vicho-kun wrote: why don't you use this mp3? I think it's better:3

good luck~
oh thank you :3 I will change it later~
keep ニワカは相手にならんよ! now ww
Karen-chan~ found this on #modreqs and decided to mod it. Saki FTW :P

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. Just putting this for fun :P

Since you're using a video, remove the letterbox during breaks as it gets in the way when the video plays.
the tags are inconsistent. there's no tags on Easy, Normal, and the taiko diff.

[Gu's Easy]
oh my maybe a bit too hard on the settings. try HP2, AR3, and OD2? i think this is perfect for an easy diff since i made an easy diff for the same song oh my why did i say that D:
00:04:245 (2) - i don't like the slider. when it get to the repeat arrow it follows something, but when it goes back, it's unfitting and it doesn't follow the piano at all. i highly suggest doing something like this as it follows every bit of the piano. if you ignore this, then you can do something similar to this.
00:11:284 (1) - add a finish at the beginning. if you listen carefully, you'll hear the cymbals. it feels empty with no finish there since that's like an introduction to the song.
00:30:055 (4) - make this a NC because of new lyrics.
00:32:736 (1) - maybe a finish at the beginning? if you say it's too loud, reduce the volume of the finish to match that sound in the instrumental.
00:43:463 (1) - same as 00:11:284.
00:51:507 (1) - the spinner should start at 00:54:189. anything before that, you should add notes to follow vocals. beginners might not keep up due to the length of the spinner as they'll get tired during the middle of the spinner.
00:51:507 (1,1) - you need to give time for beginners to adjust before they get back to playing, so i suggest extending the spinner to where the kiai is, if you do this, you should know that you have to delete (1) to give time of players to get ready.
01:14:971 (3) - add a finish at the beginning to match that sound.
01:15:641 (1) - same as above, but either a whistle or a finish will work. reduce the volume of the finish if you say it's too loud.
01:18:323 (1) - replace the whistle for a finish at the beginning. you'll clearly hear the sound of the cymbals here.
01:24:356 (2) - maybe make this a curved slider like (1) for a better flow?
01:25:697 - add a 1/1 slider to follow the vocals. remove (4) if you do this.

hmm i remember seeing normal diffs with 4.5 stars but i have this feeling that the diff settings are overdoing it, so i suggest doing HP3, OD3 and AR4. if you ignore this, then just decrease the HP by 1. i think you might put a bit of pressure for players for the HP bar.
hmm? no kiai end? i'm guessing that you forgot to add 1 :P
00:09:608 (4) - maybe replace this for a 1/2 repeat slider to follow every bit of the piano?
00:43:463 (1,2,3,4,5) - since you have the snaps at (1), move to the snaps and add it at the repeat arrow of (1), at (3) and at the end of (5). if you do this, i highly suggest that you remove the whistles for this. it fits but not with the snaps IMO. you can keep it if you like.
00:56:870 (1) - add a finish at the beginning. you'll clearly hear the cymbals here.
01:06:926 (2) - same as above but at the end.
01:10:278 (1) - maybe add another repeat to follow the vocals? if you say it's too hard, then try to think of something easier than what i just said.
01:12:960 (1) - add a whistle to match that sound.
01:13:630 (3) - same as above but at the beginning.
01:14:301 (1) - same as 01:12:960.
01:14:971 (3) - same as 01:13:630 but also at the end.
01:16:814 (2) - same as 01:13:630.
01:17:652 (1) - for this one, a whistle at the beginning, and a finish at the end to match the sounds in the instrumental.
01:21:004 (1) - same as 00:56:870.
01:23:686 (3) - ^

[Gu's Hard]
decrease the HP by 1. it's higher than the insane diff as it stands.
00:09:273 (2,3) - do Ctrl+R for both. it makes it fun for players to do this IMO.
00:11:284 (4) - maybe a NC here because the vocals start from here?
00:16:312 - add a circle to follow vocals?
00:38:602 (1) - maybe replace this for a circle and a 1/2 slider to follow vocals accurately?
00:55:194 - i have this feeling that a circle is missing here. add it to follow the instrumental.
01:12:960 (1,3) - add whistles at the beginning. same reason as normal.
01:14:301 (1) - same as 01:14:971 on normal.
01:15:306 (3) - same as above but only at the repeat arrow.
01:16:814 (1) - same as 01:12:960.
01:17:652 (3) - you got whistles at the repeat arrow and the end, but not at the beginning. that sound in instrumental is the same as where the repeat arrow and where the end is.

Increase the HP and OD by 1. the hard's diff settings is almost the same as the settings on insane.
maybe AR9 for a better flow?
00:09:608 (4) - put this on top of (2). IMO the overlap ruins the flow. if you do this, you might need to move some notes around for the DS
01:04:747 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - js this is a pretty nice pattern you got here :).
pretty nice diff you got here.

I guess that's it. Star because i like the map and another Star because i love saki :3. GL :D
Topic Starter
About the hitsounds of Normal,it is unfinished while you are modding
Fixed something of mine~thanks.You mod is always long and useful for me~I like your mod XD
and hitsounds of Normal is done now.

[好黑's Easy]

00:51:507 (1,1) - 長轉盤這麼快接Note, 目測要悲劇

[萌karen's Normal]

00:39:775 (5) - 這邊節奏目測和vocal錯開了, 建議縮1/2拍

[好黑's Hard]

00:24:356 (4,5) - 求個jump
00:29:720 (5,1,2,3) - 這角度不太喜歡..(看我checkmate那gd就懂), 感覺還是轉一下角度比較好:
00:32:317 - 音樂慘遭被漏了個音
00:54:859 (3,4,5,1) - 稍亂, 這裡45的疊坑了我一臉

00:08:937 - 綠線你懂

[萌karen's Insane]

什麼 這需要mod嗎?
Hi Nymph here and request from ingame#_#.

00:11:284 这个位置感觉可以也喷一下星
01:28:714 结尾同

[Gu's Easy]
00:11:284 (1) - 开头可考虑finish?重音什么的
00:40:781 (1) - 单独一个whistle略突兀 建议remove
01:14:971 (3) - 1上有whistle的话 我建议小节结尾3slider开头也可以加一个

01:06:423 (1,2) - 这种开头可以考虑finish吧 很重的音 虽然已经换成normalhitsound了还是感觉稍有不足似的

[Gu's Hard]
这么低的重叠leniency 我还以为肯定只有KPY干得出来

00:56:200 (4,5) - 这应该是加强的音吧 减弱我觉得倒是反了
01:06:423 (1,2,3) - 同上

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:07:932 (3,4,5) - 跟上次说的 距离略近 我稍微觉得不太好读orz 虽然是普通spacing
00:09:608 (4) - 这个挡的其实不太好读 虽然我读出来了……
00:15:139 (3,4) - 这种位置建议重新调一下NEWCOMBO? 想办法给4个NC估计会更容易看懂一点
00:27:876 (2) - 感觉2可以离13远一点 变成小跳打起来更带感(个人想法 主要是前面几个排列都跳了 这里用普通略平淡
00:52:848 (2) - 同上 可以离1远点
Topic Starter
Hi there~~mod for request~

  1. Fine
[Gu's Easy]
  1. 00:08:602 (1,2,3,4) - 这四个我觉得可以加绿线做成音量渐强,现在有点太生硬了……
  1. 00:33:071 (1,2,3,4) - 这里的节奏听着有点奇怪……考虑稍微改一改?
[Gu's Hard]
  1. 00:02:066 (5) - 给个NC吧要不容易坑人,Hard的话
  2. 00:15:976 (4) - 建议做成一个到后面白线的slider
  3. 00:41:787 (3,1,2,3,4) - 你怎么最近总放这种stack。。一点也不好玩……
  4. 00:49:664 (3) - 还是坑人的空拍,感觉并不合适
  5. 00:55:362 (5) - 下一组NC从这里开始(坑人行动在继续)
  6. 01:28:714 (4) - ^
  1. Fine
hi baka

  1. Purple - Unrankable stuff.
  2. Blue - Extremely suggest you to follow this.
  3. Black - Feel free to ignore this.
  1. Fine.
  1. 00:07:932 (3,4,5) - 第一次打的话,这样的排列很confused呢,很难预见是蓝色note,建议改成slider.
  2. 00:55:530 (6,7) - 巨坑~一点都没flow~而且这里的DS一直在大大小小不停地变总觉得打着不爽/.\
  1. 00:41:787 (3,1) - 因为00:41:954有明显的vocal所以这里打着有些怪怪的/.\ 试试换种节奏排法?
  2. 00:53:854 (3,1) - 这个jump相对来说有些突然了...
  3. 00:55:362 (5) - 很怪~我觉得与其放在这个位置还不如直接往前挪1/2.
  4. 01:00:893 (1,2,3,4) - 换成这样的节奏更合vocal.
  5. 01:10:278 (5) - 忘记new combo?
  6. 01:24:356 (2,3,4) - 很坑哦~至少我觉得3,4的DS缩小的普通向会好很多= ="
  1. 01:10:949 (2,3) - 不太合vocal,这里我觉得可以改成这样...
  1. Fine~
O_O 虽然我很想说我能不能省个裤兜不过还是射了吧~ 盈盈神麻婆教我做图~
Topic Starter
thx Sco and 啾啾 for modding,up.
From modding Queue

Normal color = advice

Blue = very recommend you to fix it

Red= Unrankable


01:23:310 (4) Start nc here because spacing?



Maybe try an other pattern? I think it's difficult for a Normal


Gu's Hard

OD +1?

01:06:494 At this part higher volume? IMO it's nearly not hearable ._. Maybe I'm just deaf ._.

Cool and nice to play - very fun to play this Diff :)


01:11:343 (4) Maybe a bit close to HP Bar?

Can't find more - but I'm not that good in modding insane Diffs. It is nice and fun to play I think :D

Nice Map :D Look forward to it getting ranked.

Good luck~
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ karenying ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. You are forgot add kiai time for taiko diff.
  2. Inconsistency Countdown,Stack Leniency and LetterboxInBreaks in [Gu's Hard] diff.


  1. 00:44:468 (2) - Add new combo and Remove 00:44:301 (1).
  2. 01:28:714 (5) - Add new combo looks better here.

[Gu's Hard]

  1. 00:16:644 - Unsnapped green line point.
  2. 01:28:714 (4) - Same as Insane.

[Gu's Easy]

  1. AR-1 much better with beginner.

That's all ~ Nice song and mapset ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~

Konei wrote:


01:23:310 (4) Start nc here because spacing?no
Gu's Hard

OD +1?

01:06:494 At this part higher volume? IMO it's nearly not hearable ._. Maybe I'm just deaf ._.

Scorpiour wrote:

[Gu's Easy]
  1. 00:08:602 (1,2,3,4) - 这四个我觉得可以加绿线做成音量渐强,现在有点太生硬了……
[Gu's Hard]
  1. 00:02:066 (5) - 给个NC吧要不容易坑人,Hard的话
  2. 00:15:976 (4) - 建议做成一个到后面白线的slider
  3. 00:41:787 (3,1,2,3,4) - 你怎么最近总放这种stack。。一点也不好玩……
  4. 00:49:664 (3) - 还是坑人的空拍,感觉并不合适
  5. 00:55:362 (5) - 下一组NC从这里开始(坑人行动在继续)
  6. 01:28:714 (4) - ^

JoJo wrote:

  1. 00:41:787 (3,1) - 因为00:41:954有明显的vocal所以这里打着有些怪怪的/.\ 试试换种节奏排法?不舒服
  2. 00:53:854 (3,1) - 这个jump相对来说有些突然了...另一处和声这里起了啊笨蛋
  3. 00:55:362 (5) - 很怪~我觉得与其放在这个位置还不如直接往前挪1/2.[/color]
  4. 01:00:893 (1,2,3,4) - 换成这样的节奏更合vocal.其实我在偷懒你懂
  5. 01:10:278 (5) - 忘记new combo?[/color]
  6. 01:24:356 (2,3,4) - 很坑哦~至少我觉得3,4的DS缩小的普通向会好很多= ="把3正常了

Kawayi Rika wrote:


  1. Inconsistency Countdown,Stack Leniency and LetterboxInBreaks in [Gu's Hard] diff.
fixed countdown.SL doesn't need to be the same and I want 1/1 notes not to stack ,so....

[Gu's Hard]

  1. 00:16:644 - Unsnapped green line point.[/color]
  2. 01:28:714 (4) - Same as Insane.fixed

[Gu's Easy]

  1. AR-1 much better with beginner.fixed
Download: Saki Achiga-hen Cast - SquarePanicSerenade (TV Size) (karenying) [Gu's Hard].osu

Download: Saki Achiga-hen Cast - SquarePanicSerenade (TV Size) (karenying) [Gu's Easy].osu
Topic Starter
BakaGu forgot to close Letterbox,Let me do it o.o
All fixed and updated.
Also,BG changed
Kawayi Rika
Recheck ~ everything looks fine now ~ are you majang pro :3

Good luck with rank ~

Snowy Dream
Hello old bubble.


  • OD+1
[Gu's Hard]

  • I don't think stack leniency 0.3 is necessary. Some notes are hard to be read due to low stack leniency.
  1. 00:41:787 (3,1,2,3,4) - Since I heard the vocal at 00:41:954, I think the player will be confused by this pattern. Can you try to change (1,2,3,4) to other pattern, or just put a note at 00:41:954?
  2. 01:02:233 (1,3,1) - Consider to add whistles to follow the bell.
  3. 01:04:915 (1) - ^
  4. 01:12:960 (1,3,1) - ^

  • OD should be 7. 6 is too low for Insane diff, and it's not so hard for playing.
  1. 01:04:747 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Since the first note of combo is not on the downbeat, it's kind of hard to read these notes. Consider to add a new combo to (4). It makes better gameplay.
Let me know when done~
Topic Starter
Thanks for modding~
All fixed for my diff,waiting for Gu~

EDIT: Gu told me to post this~

Suzully wrote:

[Gu's Hard]

  • I don't think stack leniency 0.3 is necessary. Some notes are hard to be read due to low stack leniency.I really don't like stack so I want to avoid stacking by 1/1.If you think 0.3 is really bad.tell karenying to fix it then
  1. 00:41:787 (3,1,2,3,4) - Since I heard the vocal at 00:41:954, I think the player will be confused by this pattern. Can you try to change (1,2,3,4) to other pattern, or just put a note at 00:41:954?I put many 1/1 stacks before.I think this is fine
  2. 01:02:233 (1,3,1) - Consider to add whistles to follow the bell.nice
  3. 01:04:915 (1) - ^^
  4. 01:12:960 (1,3,1) - ^^
and updated~
Alright, that's not a big problem if the mapper has the purpose.
Congratulation! :B
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto karen ~ :)
恭喜盈盈~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :D/

Topic Starter
Thank you Suzully QvQ
Thanks you all~
Hurray it's complete. 1st the OP and now the ED. this person right here is a True saki fan :P. congratz on the rank ;)
Grats Hentai!
Now you can **********you know (ღ˘˘ღ)**********
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

Hurray it's complete. 1st the OP and now the ED. this person right here is a True saki fan :P. congratz on the rank ;)
no,I am achiga fans XDDD

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

Grats Hentai!
Now you can **********you know (ღ˘˘ღ)**********
ahhhh,you are so hentaiヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ

karenying wrote:

no,I am achiga fans XDDD
same thing :P
Congrats on getting ranked.
Topic Starter

-Nanase- wrote:

哇笨蛋營~ :>
very nice map :3
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