- You need a background with 1366x768. -
- 00:03:430 to 00:32:969, why you only map this part for only 2 difficulties, I think you need to map this in easy, normal
and hard, I think this part is very important in the song :c - seems to be better placed.
Easy:- Some part have a diferent distance snap like this part 00:50:200 (1,2,1) - try to use the same distance snap in easy.
- 00:37:892 (1,2) - This part is a little weird to play, maybe you can try another pattern. Like this, add a circle here
00:37:892, add a slider here 00:38:507 and finish in 00:38:815 add another slider in 00:39:123 and end it in 00:39:738,
another in 00:40:354 and end in 00:40:969 - Fixed my mined
- 01:05:584 (2) - Move to X: 288 and Y: 300 - k
- 01:12:354 (1) - New Combo - k
- 01:13:584 (5) - Blanket with 01:12:354 (4)
- 01:13:584 (5,6,7,8,9) - use the same distance snap and maybe, try to create a star with this five notes (?) - k use distance snap and fixed
- 01:24:661 (1) - New Combo - k
- 01:33:277 (2) - Move this note to X: 144 and Y: 104 and stack this 01:34:507 (3) - with 01:32:046 (1) - and maybe you can
move this 01:35:738 (4) - to X: 449 and Y: 200. - Fixed
- 01:36:661 (5) - Eliminated this note, I think is not necessary but sound good, is your choice - i cant delete this
- 01:55:431 (3) - Maybe you can move this note to other part or make her form diferent for not overlap with 01:51:738 (1)c - little move it
- 02:03:431 (3) - Make this note parallel with the slider - done
- 02:04:046 (1) - Maybe blanket with 02:03:431 (3) - fixed
- 02:08:354 (2) - Move this note to X: 268 and Y: 328 (Try to avoid overlap with this notes) - fixed
- 02:10:815 (2) - Make the blanket better with 02:08:969 (1)
- 02:18:507 (3) - Why hide the principal tick in 02:18:815 - i thinks is correct
- 02:23:431 Add a circle here - add
- 02:23:738 (1) - New Combo - k
- 02:33:584 (3) - New Combo - k
- 02:36:046 (1) - Maybe blanket with 02:34:815 (4)
- 02:38:507 (1) - New Combo - k
- 02:44:046 (2,1) - Why this notes are to close (In the easy difficulty you have a lot of notes with diferent distance snap,
try to use the same for all) - use distance snap and change note
- 02:48:354 (1) - New Combo - k
Normal:- 00:35:123 (5,1) - use the same distance snap and then try to stack this note 00:36:969 (2) with 00:35:123 (5) and 00:37:277 (3)
with 00:34:815 (4) for a symetrical pattern.
- 00:45:892 (6) - End the slider in 00:46:507 - done
- 00:51:738 (2,3,4,5) - If you try to create a symetrical figure, try to use the same distance snap - resnap
- 01:03:738 (3,4,5,1) - Distance snap - snap
- 01:06:507 (2) - Make the blanket with 01:07:431 (1) a little better - Ҭ
- 01:22:200 (1) - move to X: 92 and Y: 96, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V in 01:22:815, Ctrl + H and then Ctrl + G - done
- 01:27:123 (1,2) - Make this symetrical -
- 01:29:584 (1) - New Combo - 0K
- 01:56:661 (1) - Eliminated the reverse arrow, add circle here 01:57:584 and a slider here 01:57:892 who end in 01:58:200
remember to eliminated this 01:58:200 (2) too - note on note
- 01:59:123 (1) - New Combo - 0K
- 02:00:354 (3) - Blanker with 02:00:661 (4)- done
- 02:18:885 (4) - New Combo - 0K
- 02:23:738 (1) - New Combo - 0K
- 02:31:123 (1,2,3,4) - Use the same distance snap - 0K
- 00:35:277 (7) - Why you hide the principal beat - is isnt hide
- 00:40:200 (1,3) - This rhythm sound good but if you don't hide the principal beat this pattern sound a little better, when
you play the song, you heard a little sound after the slider start, try to don't hide the principal beat - Fixed
- 00:42:815 (1) - Stack with 00:42:507 (4) - ok
- 00:45:277 (1) - Make a blanket with 00:44:354 (5) - Fixed
- 01:02:507 (1,3) - Avoid this overlap, try to move 01:04:046 (3) or make another form to this slider -
- 01:05:738 (4) - Why this slider is too far from 01:05:584 (3) - i move it
- 01:11:738 (8) - Blanket with 01:11:584 (7) - done
- 01:28:969 (3) - Make this blanket a little better - done
- 01:57:277 (3) - Blanket with 01:57:738 (4) - Ҭ
- 02:02:507 (3) - Add circle - is not good
- 02:05:123 (4) - Make the blanket a little better - Ҭ
- 02:05:738 (6) - don't hide this note and use the same distance snap for this 02:05:584 (5,6,1) (fixed )
- 02:36:507 (2,3) - Off-Beat slider sound a little weird, try to use on-beat slider or maybe add a circle here 02:36:507 (2)
and a slider in 02:36:661 (3) and end it in 02:36:969 - wow fiexd (is good
- 02:46:354 (2) - Add circle- add
- 02:46:815 (4,5) - Eliminated and this end this slider 02:46:507 (3) - in 02:46:815 - Fixed my feel
- 02:51:584 (2) - this slider sound weird because is a off-beat slider without a reason, change this for another pattern - i thinks is good
- 03:05:046 (3) - Move to 03:04:969 - move
Insane: - OD: 7
- 00:09:432 (5) - Make the blanket with 00:10:047 (7) a little better - Fixed
- 00:10:432 (9) - Move to X: 136 and Y: 184 - Fixed
- 00:15:662 (6) - Eliminated this circle sound a little weird - (nodelete) and fixed the slider
- 00:30:508 (1,2,3) - The flow with this notes is strange and you hide the circle under the slider, this reason makes the
pattern more weird to play - i move it
- 00:32:046 (1,1,2) - The same the flow is a little strange -
- 00:36:354 (4) - Stack with 00:35:431 (1) -
- 00:57:277 (5) - Stack with 00:57:584 (1) -
- 01:12:277 (5) - Move to X: 256 and Y: 336, if you try this pattern and try to avoid is to confused when a person play >.< - Fixed
- 01:19:738 (1,2,1,2,1) - this is intentional (?) I prefer all stacked in the end but is your choice -
- 01:48:354 (2) - Stack with 01:47:738 (4) -
- 02:01:277 (1) - Don't hide this note is too hard to read - FIXED
- 02:05:431 (1) - Eliminated and put a slider 02:05:277 who end in 02:05:584 and put a circle here 02:05:738 - OK
- 02:07:584 (5) - Blanket with 02:07:123 (3) and avoid the overlap -
- 02:30:815 (1) - New Combo for warning the player to the velocity change on slider
- 02:31:123 to 02:50:661 - Why no sound, when I play I lose the combo for this reason :c - Volume up to 60
- 02:56:815 (1,2) - This flow is too strange for me - Move note
- 03:00:354 (1,2) - this is too hard and unexpected maybe close a little - Fixed
Osu!:- OD: 7.5 and AR: 9.2
- 00:18:046 (2,1,2,3) - This flow is too weird - 2,3 Fixed // this part i think is good
- 00:26:200 (3) - End this slider in 00:26:354 - Fixed
- 01:54:354 (2,3,4) - this off-beat slider sound rare with the song maybe try to use on-beat slider (?) - litte fixed
- 02:26:200 (1) - this spiner is too weird for this difficulty (?) maybe map something here - I think is not weird
- 02:43:738 (2,3,4,1,2) - Use the same distance snap to this pattern - Fixed
- 02:49:892 (2) - Make this parallel with 02:49:584 (1) - Fixed
- 02:52:354 (4,5) - this pattern seems to forced - Fixed
- 03:00:661 (1,2) - Avoid the overlap separated a little - Fixed