
NeLiME - First Gate OVERDRIVE [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017年11月19日 星期日 at 18:27:55

Artist: NeLiME
Title: First Gate OVERDRIVE
Source: Cytus
Tags: Chapter ix 9 buried Rayark LordRaika
BPM: 175
Filesize: 5225kb
Play Time: 02:17
Difficulties Available:
  1. 4K HD - 4Key (2.8 stars, 918 notes)
  2. 4K MX - 4Key (3.82 stars, 1233 notes)
  3. 4K NM - 4Key (1.81 stars, 525 notes)
  4. 5K HD - 5Key (2.97 stars, 1009 notes)
  5. 5K MX - 5Key (3.86 stars, 1306 notes)
  6. 5K OVERDRIVE - 5Key (4.41 stars, 1463 notes)
  7. LordRaika's 5K NM - 5Key (1.99 stars, 697 notes)
Download: NeLiME - First Gate OVERDRIVE
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Do you like jacks?
My third o!m beatmap...
And oops my fingers....
Thanks LordRaika for his(her?) 5K NM GD and hitsounds~
Maybe EZ diffs are a little boring somehow
HEY!KK and I have decided to rank this now....emmmm
really sorry to KK.....and ichi's 4K SC
As this map is finished LONG LONG AGO,the mapping style is quite different form now
In fact it's recommended to download my new style 5K AND 4K
Add this to the tags.. Chapter ix 9 buried hidden ..
Good luck..
Topic Starter

Kazamastar11 wrote:

Add this to the tags.. Chapter ix 9 buried hidden ..
Good luck..
Eh wait !! You don't need hidden, you need Rayark..
Topic Starter

Kazamastar11 wrote:

Eh wait !! You don't need hidden, you need Rayark..
Reply for your request(Mod in chinese) in my queue:

嗨!很高興能給我機會 Mod 你的 Map!
有需要的話請使用 google 翻譯成簡體!

5K: |0|1|2|3|4|

以下只是我的建議,讓玩家玩 HD 時能知道那些音的節奏。稍微快速一點的地方我就不用多講究了。

00:24:465 (24465|2,24722|0) - 都移到第1行。(與前一個音同音)

00:29:951 (29951|3,30208|0) - 都移到第2行(跟前幾個音同音)。
00:30:379 (30379|2) - 移到第0行。(與前一個音區別開來)
00:30:551 (30551|1) - 移到第0行。(與前一個音同音)

00:32:351 (32351|3) - 移到第2行。(與前一個音同音)
00:32:608 (32608|0) - 移到第2行。(與前一個音同音)
00:32:779 - 加一個點在第0行。(與下一個音同音)

00:33:293 (33293|1) - 移到第4行。(與前一個音同音)

01:32:265 (92265|3,92951|0) - 移到第2行。(就可以看到連續三個同音)

01:38:093 (98093|3,98436|3) - 移到第2行。(與前一個音同音)
01:38:265 (98265|2) - 移到第3行

01:48:722 (108722|4) - 移到第2行(與下兩個音同音)。

01:59:351 (119351|1) - 移到第2行。
01:59:522 - 加一點在第2行。(三個同音)

02:04:836 (124836|0) - 移到第1行。
02:05:008 - 加一點在第1行。(三個同音)

02:09:893 (129893|0,130065|1) - 讓這兩個音在同一行
02:10:322 (130322|0,130493|4,130665|1) - 讓這三個音在同一行。(建議第4行)
00:31:408 (31408|4) - 這個長音有兩拍長,拉長一拍,然後把這個:00:31:751 (31751|0) 刪除

00:40:665 - 加一個點在第2行。(鼓聲)

00:49:922 (49922|1) - 建議移到別行,因為跟前一個音不同。

00:58:836 (58836|3) - 換成長音符(1/2拍長)。

02:12:379 - 加一個點在第1行。(主旋律的第三音)

其他部分似乎沒什麼問題!(以 HD 難度來說)

00:29:008 (29008|3) - 換成 1 拍的長音符。(電吉他)

00:31:408 (31408|2) - 這個電吉他聲音有2拍長,拉長一拍(先把這兩個 00:31:751 (31751|3,31922|2) 去掉 )
然後,00:31:836 (31836|1,32008|1) - 把他們的對稱點加上去。

00:37:065 (37065|1) - 移到第2行(跟下一個音區別開來)。
00:39:808 (39808|1) - ^ (一樣第2行)

00:58:836 (58836|4) - 換成 1/2 拍的長音符。

01:46:322 (106322|3) - 可以移到第2行。(讓它跟一拍後的音相同位置)

00:02:779 (2779|0,2951|1,3122|2) - 換成長音符。(1/2拍)
00:04:151 (4151|1,4322|2,4493|3) - ^

00:08:779 - 第二行加一個點。(有清脆的聲音!)

00:11:351 - 第二行加一個點。(鼓聲)

00:48:808 (48808|2,48979|2) - 移除。(它不是任何聲音的開始點)
00:48:722 (48722|3) - 移到第2行。
00:48:893 - 加一個點在第2行。

00:49:322 (49322|2) - 移除。(它不是任何聲音的開始點)

00:58:836 (58836|4) - 換成1/2拍的長音符。

01:50:693 - 加一點在第1行。(主旋律)

01:51:551 (111551|2) - 移除。(它不是任何聲音的開始點)


如果我的 Mod 中有任何明顯的錯誤,在回應中寫出來沒關係,這有助於我 Modding 技巧的提升。

Topic Starter

LightAN21 wrote:

Reply for your request(Mod in chinese) in my queue:

嗨!很高興能給我機會 Mod 你的 Map!
有需要的話請使用 google 翻譯成簡體!←繁體字挺好認的啊

注意我的欄位:(最左邊第0行) ←好彆扭
5K: |0|1|2|3|4|

以下只是我的建議,讓玩家玩 HD 時能知道那些音的節奏。稍微快速一點的地方我就不用多講究了。

00:24:465 (24465|2,24722|0) - 都移到第1行。(與前一個音同音) ←Done~

00:29:951 (29951|3,30208|0) - 都移到第2行(跟前幾個音同音)。
00:30:379 (30379|2) - 移到第0行。(與前一個音區別開來)
00:30:551 (30551|1) - 移到第0行。(與前一個音同音) ←這部份按照你的建議修改過後我再按照音高重排了一下...

00:32:351 (32351|3) - 移到第2行。(與前一個音同音)
00:32:608 (32608|0) - 移到第2行。(與前一個音同音)
00:32:779 - 加一個點在第0行。(與下一個音同音) ←^

00:33:293 (33293|1) - 移到第4行。(與前一個音同音) ←^

01:32:265 (92265|3,92951|0) - 移到第2行。(就可以看到連續三個同音) ←Done~

01:38:093 (98093|3,98436|3) - 移到第2行。(與前一個音同音) ←Done~
01:38:265 (98265|2) - 移到第3行 ←Done~

01:48:722 (108722|4) - 移到第2行(與下兩個音同音)。←Done~

01:59:351 (119351|1) - 移到第2行。←Done~
01:59:522 - 加一點在第2行。(三個同音) ←這裡沒音吧?

02:04:836 (124836|0) - 移到第1行。
02:05:008 - 加一點在第1行。(三個同音) ←^

02:09:893 (129893|0,130065|1) - 讓這兩個音在同一行 ←音高不同吧?
02:10:322 (130322|0,130493|4,130665|1) - 讓這三個音在同一行。(建議第4行) ←^
00:31:408 (31408|4) - 這個長音有兩拍長,拉長一拍,然後把這個:00:31:751 (31751|0) 刪除 ←這部份的長音...我再考慮一下吧

00:40:665 - 加一個點在第2行。(鼓聲) ←這裡是休息段,所以我沒有加鼓點

00:49:922 (49922|1) - 建議移到別行,因為跟前一個音不同。←Done~

00:58:836 (58836|3) - 換成長音符(1/2拍長)。←感覺放在這裡不合適

02:12:379 - 加一個點在第1行。(主旋律的第三音) ←換掉了....

其他部分似乎沒什麼問題!(以 HD 難度來說)

00:29:008 (29008|3) - 換成 1 拍的長音符。(電吉他) ←很突兀的說....

00:31:408 (31408|2) - 這個電吉他聲音有2拍長,拉長一拍(先把這兩個 00:31:751 (31751|3,31922|2) 去掉 )
然後,00:31:836 (31836|1,32008|1) - 把他們的對稱點加上去。

00:37:065 (37065|1) - 移到第2行(跟下一個音區別開來)。 ←Done~
00:39:808 (39808|1) - ^ (一樣第2行) ←Done~

00:58:836 (58836|4) - 換成 1/2 拍的長音符。

01:46:322 (106322|3) - 可以移到第2行。(讓它跟一拍後的音相同位置) ←Done~

00:02:779 (2779|0,2951|1,3122|2) - 換成長音符。(1/2拍)
00:04:151 (4151|1,4322|2,4493|3) - ^

00:08:779 - 第二行加一個點。(有清脆的聲音!) ←Done~

00:11:351 - 第二行加一個點。(鼓聲) ←Done~

00:48:808 (48808|2,48979|2) - 移除。(它不是任何聲音的開始點)
00:48:722 (48722|3) - 移到第2行。
00:48:893 - 加一個點在第2行。 ←這裡貌似有音

00:49:322 (49322|2) - 移除。(它不是任何聲音的開始點) ←^

00:58:836 (58836|4) - 換成1/2拍的長音符。

01:50:693 - 加一點在第1行。(主旋律) ←這裡沒對主旋律

01:51:551 (111551|2) - 移除。(它不是任何聲音的開始點) ←有音啊....


如果我的 Mod 中有任何明顯的錯誤,在回應中寫出來沒關係,這有助於我 Modding 技巧的提升。

Request Mod from my Modding Queue

osuu~ :)
sry for the delay , still having around 11 request in my queue ^^'
but... here is my mod as request :

Column |1-5|

Full mod usually points out something important to HELP your beatmap improve, pls dont mistake it as modders
trying to comment or pointing out your mistake or giving bad comment, its jst a suggestion to help mapper :)
Full Mod Inside
  1. Your Dif set... is missing 5K EZ and 5K NM
    as for 4K , u dont have to make 4K SC, its written on the rule...
    this is necessary for ranked...
  2. You use Drum 85% most of the time...
    try to F6 , CTRL+A , audio >>> change the sampleset into Normal and 50%
    that sounds much better imo...

    apply this for all dif...

[5K SC(Lv.17)]
  1. OD is absolutely need at least 8 or 8.5 since this is the hardest dif and u dont have too much LN on it...
  2. 00:36:208 (36208|3) - move to 3
    00:37:065 (37065|1) - ^
    00:38:608 (38608|3) - ^
    00:39:808 (39808|1) - move to 4
    00:44:608 (44608|2,44779|2) - move to 2 and 4 , hammering 4 notes at 175 bpm means , pressing 4 notes within around 0,265 second
    this is... fast... too fast imo...
    01:06:636 (66636|4,66808|4) - move to 2
    01:07:493 (67493|2,67665|2) - move to 2
  3. 00:41:351 (41351|0,41351|4,41522|1,41522|3) - CTRL+J
    00:41:865 (41865|4,41865|0,42037|1,42037|3) - ^
    00:42:208 (42208|0,42208|4,42379|3,42379|1) - ^
    01:15:979 (75979|2,76151|0) - ^
  4. 00:45:465 (45465|1,45636|1) - Hold ctrl and drag them 1 column to the left
  5. 00:47:351 (47351|3,47436|2,47522|1,47693|3) - Ctrl+H
  6. Strongly recommended :
    01:28:408 - add 1 note to 2 , 01:28:493 - add 1 note to 3
    01:28:665 - add 1 note to 2 , 01:28:751 - add 1 note to 3 , 01:28:836 - add 1 note to 4
    01:29:008 - add 1 note to 3 , 01:29:093 - add 1 note to 4 , 01:29:179 - add 1 note to 5
    01:29:351 - add 1 note to 4 , 01:29:436 - add 1 note to 3 , 01:29:522 - add 1 note to 2
    01:29:693 - add 1 note to 3 , 01:29:779 - add 1 note to 2 , 01:29:865 - add 1 note to 1
    finally 01:30:208 - add 1 at column 1 , 01:30:551 - add 1 at column 1
    u can add this to 4K as well...
  7. 01:52:322 - mapped a full stairs pattern at 1/4 here....
    example : add note to 5 then 4 then 3 then 2 then 1 then 2 , 3 , 4 , this makes a very good followed up pattern as well...
  8. 01:57:722 (117722|4,117722|0) - delete please, this is overchord...
For the rest of them ^^ it looks good...

[5K MX(Lv.15)]
  1. HD and OD both 8
    and... please try to at least avoid unnecessary hammer...
    2 notes that doesnt have the same sound doesnt deserve to be hammer....
  2. 00:47:351 (47351|3,47436|2,47522|1,47693|3,47865|4) - CTRL+H
  3. 01:17:351 (77351|2) - move to 2 to fits your pattern
  4. 02:03:293 (123293|3,123293|1,123379|0,123379|4,123465|1,123465|3,123636|0,123636|4,123722|1,123722|3,123808|4,123808|0) - Ctrl+J
That's all ^^

[4K MX(Lv.14)]
  1. HD >> 8 or 7.7 and OD >>> 8.5 , even i can passed this with at least A XD ( even my performance is not good )
  2. 00:11:522 - add 1 note
    00:18:379 - add 1 note
  3. 00:43:408 (43408|0) - move to 2
    00:44:093 (44093|3,44351|3,44436|0) - move to 3 , 2 and 4, then 00:44:608 (44608|2,44693|1,44779|2,44865|1,44951|3) - Ctrl+H
That's all ^^b , everything looks good...

[5K HD(Lv.12)]
  1. HD and OD 7.5 , same goes for 4K HD
  2. 01:54:379 - starting from here , every chord within stream is too much for HD imo... for make the pattern easier to read :D
Yup, only that... as for the rest , it looks just fine...

[4K NM(Lv.9)]
  1. HD and OD 7 and finally HD and OD 6.5 for EZ
  2. 00:15:293 (15293|1) - move to 3 , doesnt suits for hammer
  3. 00:17:693 (17693|3) - remove and make the pattern around here into stairs seems better...
  4. 00:20:608 (20608|3) - to 3
  5. this part is too easy for NM , so...
    01:03:636 - add 1 note to 2
    01:03:979 - ^
    01:06:379 - add 1 note to 1
    01:06:893 - ^
    01:07:236 - ^
    01:12:722 - add 1 note to 3
    01:12:893 - ^
    01:36:208 - add 2 note to 3 and 4
    01:41:693 - ^
    01:47:865 - add 1 note to 3 , 01:48:208 - add 1 note to 2 , 01:48:551 - add note to 3
    01:49:236 - same ^
    01:53:008 - add 1 to 2
    01:53:351 - add 1 to 1 OR add 2 note to 1 and 3
    01:53:693 - add 1 to 2
    01:54:036 - add 1 to 1 OR add 2 note to 1 and 3
    02:02:608 - same for here as well
    ( all of them, STRONGLY recommended as well.. as it wont increase the dif too much )

Since u can find the statistic for nowadays difficulty to have around 6-7 for easy-normal
and mostly brutal 8-9 for hard-insane above :)

and yup, ofc i know this song and i'm interested in it XD ( played cytus for too long )
i can help on 5K NM with full hitsound if you want...

GL for ranked ^^/
Topic Starter

lordraika wrote:

Request Mod from my Modding Queue

osuu~ :)
sry for the delay , still having around 11 request in my queue ^^'
but... here is my mod as request :

Column |1-5|

Full mod usually points out something important to HELP your beatmap improve, pls dont mistake it as modders
trying to comment or pointing out your mistake or giving bad comment, its jst a suggestion to help mapper :)
Full Mod Inside
  1. Your Dif set... is missing 5K EZ and 5K NM
    as for 4K , u dont have to make 4K SC, its written on the rule...
    this is necessary for ranked... :o work in progress....
  2. You use Drum 85% most of the time...
    try to F6 , CTRL+A , audio >>> change the sampleset into Normal and 50%
    that sounds much better imo... :)

    apply this for all dif...

[5K SC(Lv.17)]
  1. OD is absolutely need at least 8 or 8.5 since this is the hardest dif and u dont have too much LN on it... ←Done
  2. 00:36:208 (36208|3) - move to 3 ←Done
    00:37:065 (37065|1) - ^ ←Done
    00:38:608 (38608|3) - ^ ←Done
    00:39:808 (39808|1) - move to 4 ←not done...
    00:44:608 (44608|2,44779|2) - move to 2 and 4 , hammering 4 notes at 175 bpm means , pressing 4 notes within around 0,265 second
    this is... fast... too fast imo... ←it's just for SC..... :?
    01:06:636 (66636|4,66808|4) - move to 2 ←^
    01:07:493 (67493|2,67665|2) - move to 2 ←^
  3. 00:41:351 (41351|0,41351|4,41522|1,41522|3) - CTRL+J
    00:41:865 (41865|4,41865|0,42037|1,42037|3) - ^
    00:42:208 (42208|0,42208|4,42379|3,42379|1) - ^
    01:15:979 (75979|2,76151|0) - ^ ←here i imitate Cytus's HD not done....
  4. 00:45:465 (45465|1,45636|1) - Hold ctrl and drag them 1 column to the left ←^^^^^^^
  5. 00:47:351 (47351|3,47436|2,47522|1,47693|3) - Ctrl+H ←not done...
  6. Strongly recommended :
    01:28:408 - add 1 note to 2 , 01:28:493 - add 1 note to 3
    01:28:665 - add 1 note to 2 , 01:28:751 - add 1 note to 3 , 01:28:836 - add 1 note to 4
    01:29:008 - add 1 note to 3 , 01:29:093 - add 1 note to 4 , 01:29:179 - add 1 note to 5
    01:29:351 - add 1 note to 4 , 01:29:436 - add 1 note to 3 , 01:29:522 - add 1 note to 2
    01:29:693 - add 1 note to 3 , 01:29:779 - add 1 note to 2 , 01:29:865 - add 1 note to 1
    finally 01:30:208 - add 1 at column 1 , 01:30:551 - add 1 at column 1 ←here are relaxing not done...and why not use screenshot to describe it more clearly ;)
    u can add this to 4K as well...
  7. 01:52:322 - mapped a full stairs pattern at 1/4 here.... here is the calm before the storm....full star might make players(in fact me) go mad......
    example : add note to 5 then 4 then 3 then 2 then 1 then 2 , 3 , 4 , this makes a very good followed up pattern as well...
  8. 01:57:722 (117722|4,117722|0) - delete please, this is overchord...←not done....
For the rest of them ^^ it looks good...:)

[5K MX(Lv.15)]
  1. HD and OD both 8 ←Done
    and... please try to at least avoid unnecessary hammer...
    2 notes that doesnt have the same sound doesnt deserve to be hammer....
  2. 00:47:351 (47351|3,47436|2,47522|1,47693|3,47865|4) - CTRL+H ←not done
  3. 01:17:351 (77351|2) - move to 2 to fits your pattern ←Done
  4. 02:03:293 (123293|3,123293|1,123379|0,123379|4,123465|1,123465|3,123636|0,123636|4,123722|1,123722|3,123808|4,123808|0) - Ctrl+J ←Done
That's all ^^

[4K MX(Lv.14)]
  1. HD >> 8 or 7.7 and OD >>> 8.5 , even i can passed this with at least A XD ( even my performance is not good ) ←Done,but OD 8....
  2. 00:11:522 - add 1 note ←Done
    00:18:379 - add 1 note ←not done
  3. 00:43:408 (43408|0) - move to 2
    00:44:093 (44093|3,44351|3,44436|0) - move to 3 , 2 and 4, then 00:44:608 (44608|2,44693|1,44779|2,44865|1,44951|3) - Ctrl+H ←have been re-designed
That's all ^^b , everything looks good...

[5K HD(Lv.12)]
  1. HD and OD 7.5 , same goes for 4K HD ←Done
  2. 01:54:379 - starting from here , every chord within stream is too much for HD imo... for make the pattern easier to read :D←not my view it' ok for LV12....
Yup, only that... as for the rest , it looks just fine...

[4K NM(Lv.9)]
  1. HD and OD 7 and finally HD and OD 6.5 for EZ ←Done
  2. 00:15:293 (15293|1) - move to 3 , doesnt suits for hammer ←moved but to 1
  3. 00:17:693 (17693|3) - remove and make the pattern around here into stairs seems better... ←stairs are OK~ but not remove.....
  4. 00:20:608 (20608|3) - to 3 ←the same sound as before not done
  5. this part is too easy for NM , so...
    01:03:636 - add 1 note to 2
    01:03:979 - ^
    01:06:379 - add 1 note to 1
    01:06:893 - ^
    01:07:236 - ^
    01:12:722 - add 1 note to 3
    01:12:893 - ^
    01:36:208 - add 2 note to 3 and 4
    01:41:693 - ^ ←relax.....
    01:47:865 - add 1 note to 3 , 01:48:208 - add 1 note to 2 , 01:48:551 - add note to 3
    01:49:236 - same ^ stairs ←Great Job....
    01:53:008 - add 1 to 2
    01:53:351 - add 1 to 1 OR add 2 note to 1 and 3
    01:53:693 - add 1 to 2
    01:54:036 - add 1 to 1 OR add 2 note to 1 and 3
    02:02:608 - same for here as well ←relax.....
    ( all of them, STRONGLY recommended as well.. as it wont increase the dif too much )

Since u can find the statistic for nowadays difficulty to have around 6-7 for easy-normal
and mostly brutal 8-9 for hard-insane above :) :D ....

and yup, ofc i know this song and i'm interested in it XD ( played cytus for too long )
i can help on 5K NM with full hitsound if you want...

GL for ranked ^^/
Thank you for modding~
All issues have been fixed~
this map would be better with your GD :)
From "Sirade's osu!mania GD & NM Queue"

Suggestion = (?)
Recommended = (?!)
Highly-Recommended = (?!!)
Important = (!)
Unrankable = (X)
Unknown = (???)

Columns "|1|2|3|4|"


4K HD - Obligatory(Lv.12)
00:13:922 (13922|0,14608|0) - (?) Move to column 3.
00:17:779 (17779|2) - (?!!) Well, I think you should remove this note because I don't hear the sound for this note, tested in 25% playback speed. ;)
00:19:408 (19408|0,20093|0) - (?) Move to column 3. ;)
00:22:151 (22151|0) - (?) Move to column 3.
00:22:665 (22665|2,22751|1,22836|2,23008|3) - (?) Try make it like this, well, it is some pattern related to pitch relevancy, like this:
01:49:751 (109751|0) - (?) Move to column 3. ;)
01:50:779 (110779|1) - (?) Move to column 1.

Well, I'll mod only one because I kinda don't like this music (rule updated by the way...)... Sorry... :?
And hope my mod helps since I kinda don't like this music... Sorry... :?

By the way, good luck getting ranked. :)
Topic Starter

Sirade wrote:

From "Sirade's osu!mania GD & NM Queue"

Suggestion = (?)
Recommended = (?!)
Highly-Recommended = (?!!)
Important = (!)
Unrankable = (X)
Unknown = (???)

Columns "|1|2|3|4|"


4K HD - Obligatory(Lv.12)
00:13:922 (13922|0,14608|0) - (?) Move to column 3.
00:17:779 (17779|2) - (?!!) Well, I think you should remove this note because I don't hear the sound for this note, tested in 25% playback speed. ;)
00:19:408 (19408|0,20093|0) - (?) Move to column 3. ;)
00:22:151 (22151|0) - (?) Move to column 3.
00:22:665 (22665|2,22751|1,22836|2,23008|3) - (?) Try make it like this, well, it is some pattern related to pitch relevancy, like this: ←Done~
01:49:751 (109751|0) - (?) Move to column 3. ;)
01:50:779 (110779|1) - (?) Move to column 1. ←Just i want to make it easier so here i don't map it like what you suggested......sorry.....

Well, I'll mod only one because I kinda don't like this music (rule updated by the way...)... Sorry... :?
And hope my mod helps since I kinda don't like this music... Sorry... :?

By the way, good luck getting ranked. :)
ORZ :cry:
But still thank you for your mod....
No kudos.

Are you intending to make a 5k NM difficulty? Because that's a big difficulty gap between 5K EZ and 5K HD.
00:22:665 (22665|2,22751|1,22836|2,23008|3) - (?) Try make it like this, well, it is some pattern related to pitch relevancy, like this:
Er... Just reposting the image from my mod, it does't work so decided to repost it (no Kudosu (you already know this for sure, lel).
And well, you can change it without reply or ignore it completely..

And sry for my bad. :?

Nevermind... You saw it... (>_>)
Topic Starter

kuuderes_shadow wrote:

No kudos.

Are you intending to make a 5k NM difficulty? Because that's a big difficulty gap between 5K EZ and 5K HD.
Don't worry~
I have request a 5K NM guest diff from lordraika~
Just wait this weekend~
done btw ^^
ill give it right to you when u are online
Topic Starter

LordRaika wrote:

done btw ^^
ill give it right to you when u are online
How about Now~
Damn >.<
Cant go online in game :(
Hi there owo)/, from mod queue

Column Format
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

[4K EZ - Preliminary(Lv.5)]
I can't mod an easy map, sorry ><

[4K NM - Perturbation(Lv.7)]
00:29:008 (29008|2) - move to 2 ?
00:31:065 (31065|2) - delete this ?, sound's same with the previous note

[4K HD - Obligatory(Lv.12)]
from 00:11:351 - until 00:11:522 - you can add long note to 2 and 3
01:06:551 - add note
01:07:236 - ^
the rest are fine

[4K MX - Annihilation(Lv.14)]
00:26:951 - add note
00:32:436 - ^
01:32:779 - ^
01:38:265 - ^
01:43:751 - ^
01:48:893 - ^

That's all, i'm sorry if my mod is terrible ><, good luck :)
Topic Starter

[-Rinzler-] wrote:

Hi there owo)/, from mod queue

Column Format
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

[4K EZ - Preliminary(Lv.5)]
I can't mod an easy map, sorry ><

[4K NM - Perturbation(Lv.7)]
00:29:008 (29008|2) - move to 2 ? ←Done
00:31:065 (31065|2) - delete this ?, sound's same with the previous note ←Done

[4K HD - Obligatory(Lv.12)]
from 00:11:351 - until 00:11:522 - you can add long note to 2 and 3 ←maybe not....
01:06:551 - add note ←Done
01:07:236 - ^ ←Done
the rest are fine

[4K MX - Annihilation(Lv.14)]
00:26:951 - add note ←Done
00:32:436 - ^ ←not done
01:32:779 - ^ ←not done
01:38:265 - ^ ←Done
01:43:751 - ^ ←Done
01:48:893 - ^ ←Done

That's all, i'm sorry if my mod is terrible ><, good luck :)
Thank you for mod~
Maybe your mod is not as bad as you think.....
and after all,you've got a KDS~
Hello,from queue
Here's 5K mod :)
00:10:836 - 加一个在 3
00:58:493 - 在5加一个
01:00:036 - 在1加
~~~~你可以根据情况在后面音一样的地方加一些,要么谱面有些单调,不过也不会提升多少难度系数 :)
01:21:636 - 这样如何?
00:13:751 (13751|3,13836|3) - 这个连点,怎么说呢。。的确挺适合这歌,不过我觉得在HD里面都用这个的话就有些偏难了,毕竟还有MX和SC,你斟酌下 ;)
00:26:093 (26093|2) - 移到2
00:26:693 (26693|2) - 移到4
00:29:008 (29008|2) - 到4
00:31:922 (31922|3) - 到5
00:32:179 (32179|2) - 到4
00:54:722 (54722|2) - 到4
01:08:436 - 这样会更好点
01:17:008 - 做成楼梯
01:33:122 (93122|3,93208|3) - 从这里开始的连点我觉得可以改成小型楼梯
01:37:065 (97065|3) - 移到2
02:09:808 - 加一个在3
00:19:751 - 加一个在1
00:26:265 (26265|1) - 删除了吧,3note就够了
00:59:522 - 从这里开始到01:00:893 - 的话,1道没有东西啊。。还是放点毕竟好
01:31:065 (91065|0,91065|4,91065|2) - 这个音,和01:31:408 (91408|0,91408|2,91408|4) - 有些区别,所以我建议给01:31:408 (91408|2) - 移到2道
01:32:779 - 加一个在3
01:35:179 - ^
00:11:865 - SC的话,这里的背景音也可以考虑一下哦
00:14:693 - 加一个
00:15:465 - 加
00:19:065 - 在1加一个
00:21:808 - 3加
00:26:265 (26265|1,26265|0,26265|4,26265|3) - 我还是不太理解这一点,如果是4押的话,00:26:951 - 这里,00:27:636 - 这里也要4押啊,你看下 ;)
00:29:179 - 加一个在3,鼓点
00:29:265 - 加一个在4,鼓点
00:33:465 - 加一个
00:40:322 - 这里我觉得可以用4押
00:40:665 - 我觉得鼓点从这里开始也要抓
00:47:865 - 加
01:18:379 - 可以加个LN在01:18:722 - 结束
01:21:293 - 加
01:21:636 - 加
01:24:208 - 加
01:28:322 - 加
01:32:779 - 加
01:36:551 - 4押,加
01:37:922 - 加
01:40:665 - 还是加
01:47:522 - 4押
01:51:636 - 可以加LN,在01:53:008 - 结束,并且在
02:03:979 - 4押
02:09:465 - 4押
02:12:893 - 4押,这里漏音了

SC的谱面密度可以提上去 ;)

GD Mod
00:10:836 (10836|2) - i don't know which sound you followed with
00:19:665 - add at 5
00:29:179 - what about this? :)
01:17:008 -
01:17:351 (77351|4,77351|2) - i don't know which sound you followed with
01:53:008 (113008|2) - delete
01:58:493 (118493|2) - ^
02:03:979 (123979|2) - ^
02:09:465 (129465|3) - ^
02:14:951 (134951|2) - ^

好运! :) 非常棒的谱面和曲子,已射星 :D
Topic Starter

Marirose wrote:

Hello,from queue
Here's 5K mod :)
00:10:836 - 加一个在 3
00:58:493 - 在5加一个
01:00:036 - 在1加
~~~~你可以根据情况在后面音一样的地方加一些,要么谱面有些单调,不过也不会提升多少难度系数 :) ←Done~
01:21:636 - 这样如何? ←感觉....不大好.....
00:13:751 (13751|3,13836|3) - 这个连点,怎么说呢。。的确挺适合这歌,不过我觉得在HD里面都用这个的话就有些偏难了,毕竟还有MX和SC,你斟酌下 ;) ←如果这个都过不去.....目测MX SC就得玩蛋......另外这毕竟LV.12
00:26:093 (26093|2) - 移到2 ←Done~
00:26:693 (26693|2) - 移到4 ←Done~
00:29:008 (29008|2) - 到4 ←移到5去了....
00:31:922 (31922|3) - 到5 ←长条后面有这个的话很卡手的....
00:32:179 (32179|2) - 到4 ←Done~
00:54:722 (54722|2) - 到4 ←Done~
01:08:436 - 这样会更好点 ←好吧....
01:17:008 - 做成楼梯 ←突然换成鼓点....有点突兀啊.....
01:33:122 (93122|3,93208|3) - 从这里开始的连点我觉得可以改成小型楼梯 ←前面后面不能一模一样啦.....所以变成了连点
01:37:065 (97065|3) - 移到2
02:09:808 - 加一个在3 ←这里没对鼓点OTZ....
00:19:751 - 加一个在1 ←Done~
00:26:265 (26265|1) - 删除了吧,3note就够了 ←真的有4个音...好吧.....为了顺手......
00:59:522 - 从这里开始到01:00:893 - 的话,1道没有东西啊。。还是放点毕竟好 ←移了过去.....
01:31:065 (91065|0,91065|4,91065|2) - 这个音,和01:31:408 (91408|0,91408|2,91408|4) - 有些区别,所以我建议给01:31:408 (91408|2) - 移到2道 ←Done~
01:32:779 - 加一个在3 ←Done~
01:35:179 - ^ ←没音....
00:11:865 - SC的话,这里的背景音也可以考虑一下哦 ←其实这里长条结尾是略卡手的....我觉得....还是缓冲一下比较好.....
00:14:693 - 加一个 ←Done~
00:15:465 - 加 ←没音
00:19:065 - 在1加一个 ←^
00:21:808 - 3加 ←Done~
00:26:265 (26265|1,26265|0,26265|4,26265|3) - 我还是不太理解这一点,如果是4押的话,00:26:951 - 这里,00:27:636 - 这里也要4押啊,你看下 ;) ←每拍一下的鼓点(咚),每两拍一下的重鼓点(哒),电音的起始一个,和电吉他的结尾一个(原谅我不知道乐器名.....)
00:29:179 - 加一个在3,鼓点 ←已经有了的说....这里没电音啊.....
00:29:265 - 加一个在4,鼓点 ←^
00:33:465 - 加一个 ←Done~
00:40:322 - 这里我觉得可以用4押 ←Done~
00:40:665 - 我觉得鼓点从这里开始也要抓 ←休息,休息一下(没有全谱按到死,就没有杀害)
00:47:865 - 加 ←只有鼓点啊.....
01:18:379 - 可以加个LN在01:18:722 - 结束 ←试了一下,手感不大好....
01:21:293 - 加
01:21:636 - 加 ←休息......
01:24:208 - 加 ←已经包含了一个鼓点和一个PEDAL?
01:28:322 - 加 ←Done~
01:32:779 - 加 ←Done~
01:36:551 - 4押,加 ←不用这么狠心吧......
01:37:922 - 加
01:40:665 - 还是加
01:47:522 - 4押
01:51:636 - 可以加LN,在01:53:008 - 结束,并且在 ←给人的感觉完全不对啊喂 :P
02:03:979 - 4押
02:09:465 - 4押
02:12:893 - 4押,这里漏音了 ←双排楼梯已经够无情的了...放过玩家的手和键盘吧 :cry:

SC的谱面密度可以提上去 ;) ←自己玩不动我会疯掉的.......

GD Mod
00:10:836 (10836|2) - i don't know which sound you followed with
00:19:665 - add at 5
00:29:179 - what about this? :)
01:17:008 -
01:17:351 (77351|4,77351|2) - i don't know which sound you followed with
01:53:008 (113008|2) - delete
01:58:493 (118493|2) - ^
02:03:979 (123979|2) - ^
02:09:465 (129465|3) - ^
02:14:951 (134951|2) - ^

好运! :) 非常棒的谱面和曲子,已射星 :D

Marirose wrote:

00:10:836 (10836|2) - i don't know which sound you followed with
AS you heard it... double click the notes to hear the hitsound , its exact as what i mapped with the song...
the LN represent the long revcy sound

00:19:665 - add at 5
this one breaks the pattern a bit, but... well nvm.. i've added it

00:29:179 - what about this? :)
i move 00:29:265 (29265|3) - to 4

01:17:008 -
i repattern the stairs into smthg else

01:17:351 (77351|4,77351|2) - i don't know which sound you followed with
Electric Guitar that fades away...

01:53:008 (113008|2) - delete
01:58:493 (118493|2) - ^
02:03:979 (123979|2) - ^
02:09:465 (129465|3) - ^
02:14:951 (134951|2) - ^
Sorry its NO for all.. because of my consistency of mapping
1 for normal beat or kick
2 notes for snare
3 notes for finish/cymbal

but dont worry i've delete some notes to make it easier for that part...
Thanks for the mod~
here's my update :
Topic Starter

LordRaika wrote:

Marirose wrote:

00:10:836 (10836|2) - i don't know which sound you followed with
AS you heard it... double click the notes to hear the hitsound , its exact as what i mapped with the song...
the LN represent the long revcy sound

00:19:665 - add at 5
this one breaks the pattern a bit, but... well nvm.. i've added it

00:29:179 - what about this? :)
i move 00:29:265 (29265|3) - to 4

01:17:008 -
i repattern the stairs into smthg else

01:17:351 (77351|4,77351|2) - i don't know which sound you followed with
Electric Guitar that fades away...

01:53:008 (113008|2) - delete
01:58:493 (118493|2) - ^
02:03:979 (123979|2) - ^
02:09:465 (129465|3) - ^
02:14:951 (134951|2) - ^
Sorry its NO for all.. because of my consistency of mapping
1 for normal beat or kick
2 notes for snare
3 notes for finish/cymbal

but dont worry i've delete some notes to make it easier for that part...
Thanks for the mod~
here's my update :
Wow this is a great map to play. Seems very well designed, I think my favorite was the 4k MX, but I loved the 5k MX and SC difficulties as well.

This map deserves rank, good luck.
Topic Starter

Tristan97 wrote:

Wow this is a great map to play. Seems very well designed, I think my favorite was the 4k MX, but I loved the 5k MX and SC difficulties as well.

This map deserves rank, good luck.
:) Thank you for your playing~
i will try my best ......though this might be a long time........
另外關於PM方面,基本上發Mod request我都不會回覆的


[4K NM - Perturbation(Lv.7)]
00:22:493 - 這裡後面突然空了,很奇怪
00:44:436 - ↑
01:54:379 - 這一段看不太懂,抓鼓點嗎 ?那這樣你漏了一些音,01:55:408,01:56:779

[5K MX - Overloader(Lv.15)]
01:01:408 - 加一個note
01:03:636 - ↑
01:03:979 - ↑
01:09:122 - ↑
01:09:465 - ↑
01:10:322 - ↑
01:12:722 - ↑
01:12:893 - ↑
01:18:722 - 這裡開始不要空,繼續抓

[5K SC - Obliteration(Lv.17)]
跟MX一樣,01:18:722 - 不要空

有點水,不好意思,射星陪罪一下 :o
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:

另外關於PM方面,基本上發Mod request我都不會回覆的 ←我也是发了PM之后才想起这档子事儿..... :cry: 抱歉...


[4K NM - Perturbation(Lv.7)]
00:22:493 - 這裡後面突然空了,很奇怪 ←已补
00:44:436 - ↑ ←已补
01:54:379 - 這一段看不太懂,抓鼓點嗎 ?那這樣你漏了一些音,01:55:408,01:56:779 ←跟 00:58:151 相似的背景电吉他音,只不过砍掉了16分,变成了8分....

[5K MX - Overloader(Lv.15)]
01:01:408 - 加一個note
01:03:636 - ↑
01:03:979 - ↑
01:09:122 - ↑
01:09:465 - ↑
01:10:322 - ↑
01:12:722 - ↑
01:12:893 - ↑ ←不能和SC一模一样的原因....所以去掉了鼓点
01:18:722 - 這裡開始不要空,繼續抓 ←请放过玩家的手.....

[5K SC - Obliteration(Lv.17)]
跟MX一樣,01:18:722 - 不要空 ←^

有點水,不好意思,射星陪罪一下 :o
I see that this mapset doesn't have 4K SC, right?

Can i do it? Please PM me if you accept this :oops:
| 0 - 3 |

[4K EZ - Preliminary(Lv.5) - 4Key]
主樂器表示被完全無視了 :o :o
如果我作的話用主樂器第一音也好吧,不過隨你吧 :)

[4K NM - Perturbation(Lv.7) - 4Key]
00:28:836 - 加一個在0裡
00:29:179 - ^
00:31:236 - 加一個在3裡
00:31:922 - ^
00:35:522 (35522|2,35693|2) - 這裡改成00:35:608 - 的2好像跟音樂一些?
00:38:265 (38265|1,38436|1) - ^
00:59:693 (59693|2,59865|1,60036|0) - 這裡與前面那段不一樣,改成1,2,3,2如何?
01:57:122 (117122|3,117465|2,117808|1,118151|0) - 改成1,0,1,2?

[4K HD - Obligatory(Lv.12) - 4Key]
00:51:293 - 00:54:036 - 主樂器與note反轉了?Ctrl-G?
02:01:751 - miss了note

[4K MX - Annihilation(Lv.14) - 4Key]
00:26:265 (26265|0) - 移除?
00:45:293 (45293|1) - 移去3?
00:45:465 (45465|1,45636|1) - 上面移到3的話,這堆要搬去2
Topic Starter

pwhk wrote:

| 0 - 3 |

[4K EZ - Preliminary(Lv.5) - 4Key]
主樂器表示被完全無視了 :o :o
如果我作的話用主樂器第一音也好吧,不過隨你吧 :) ←鼓點對新手來說更好感受一些的說...

[4K NM - Perturbation(Lv.7) - 4Key]
00:28:836 - 加一個在0裡 ←Done
00:29:179 - ^ ←Done
00:31:236 - 加一個在3裡
00:31:922 - ^ ←換了其他的
00:35:522 (35522|2,35693|2) - 這裡改成00:35:608 - 的2好像跟音樂一些?
00:38:265 (38265|1,38436|1) - ^ ←好扭曲.....
00:59:693 (59693|2,59865|1,60036|0) - 這裡與前面那段不一樣,改成1,2,3,2如何? ←Done
01:57:122 (117122|3,117465|2,117808|1,118151|0) - 改成1,0,1,2? ←Done

[4K HD - Obligatory(Lv.12) - 4Key]
00:51:293 - 00:54:036 - 主樂器與note反轉了?Ctrl-G? ←Done
02:01:751 - miss了note ←Done

[4K MX - Annihilation(Lv.14) - 4Key]
00:26:265 (26265|0) - 移除? ←有音...
00:45:293 (45293|1) - 移去3? ←Done
00:45:465 (45465|1,45636|1) - 上面移到3的話,這堆要搬去2 ←Done
Nice Mod!
Modding desu
a little suggestion

Column 1/2/3/4
00:40:322 - long note change( ~ 00:40:665 - )
00:44:951 - add at 1
01:49:236 - add at 1

Column 1/2/3/4/5
00:45:122 - move to 3
00:58:151 - long note change( ~ 00:58:408 - )

00:22:065 - move to 2->5
00:40:322 - 1,5 long note change( ~ 00:40:665 - )
00:58:151 - move to 4->2, and long note change ( ~ 00:58:408 - )

good luck :)
Topic Starter

KawaEE wrote:

Modding desu
a little suggestion

Column 1/2/3/4
00:40:322 - long note change( ~ 00:40:665 - ) ←Done
00:44:951 - add at 1 ←Done
01:49:236 - add at 1 ←Done

Column 1/2/3/4/5
00:45:122 - move to 3 ←Done
00:58:151 - long note change( ~ 00:58:408 - ) ←Done

00:22:065 - move to 2->5
00:40:322 - 1,5 long note change( ~ 00:40:665 - ) ←Done
00:58:151 - move to 4->2, and long note change ( ~ 00:58:408 - ) ←Done

good luck :)
Thanks for your mod~ :)
Hi From Modding Queue

I don't see nothing bad in this map
2 stars!
Topic Starter

Danielslz9 wrote:

Hi From Modding Queue

I don't see nothing bad in this map
2 stars!
Thanks for your playing! :)
wow holy shit I've been lazing around too much it seems sorrryyyyyy ;_;

WOOOHOOO First 5K mod I'm doing from this q and like 3rd total lolololololol

General outline of what my mods contain:
>My thoughts about mapset
>Some advices
>Harsh opinions about map if I feel like it needs more work
>Complaining about mapstyle (sometimes even shouting)
>Commenting on 90% of things I mention
>Funny maymay arrows
>Random images
>All the bad shit you may not expect
Keep in mind that all harsh things I say, not because I hate stuff, but because I care about every single map I mod and want to help you get it ranked. I'm voicing all of my opinions without restraint. Please don't rage at me because of this, I don't mean to offend you in any way. Also do note that I'm still learning, so I might misunderstand some things. and I'm terrible at naming instruments orz

Meh, this song is so not my style ;w;

Columns are: |1|2|3|4|5|

First things first: I'm not totally sure about this but Ranking Criteria says that you need lowest difficulty to have <2 stars, BUT diffrent keymodes are also treated as diffrent gamemodes, so I'm not totally sure if this set it's rankable, you gotta ask BAT about that.

[Raika's NM]
Raika best grilll ayyyyyyyyy
HP/OD bump to 7,2/7,3
1ms unsnaps from cuttingedge aimod (be careful about auto bg delete when using cutting edge editor)

00:10:836 (10836|2) - This sounds good/is less confusing/fits better as normal note
00:17:351 - Not sure about this, seems pretty hard for NM diff
00:19:579 - Totally unneeded jack, this is like the only place where you do a 1/4 jack and it's pretty bad imho
00:22:493 (22493|1) - Shouldn't this be on 1st?
00:23:522 - I think it'll look better as 54 trill (eg 5454[51])
This looks more interesting and a little bit easier imo
00:33:636 (33636|2,33808|3,33893|2,33979|1,34151|1,34322|3) - This looks a bit cramped up to me, try this or this or even this
00:47:522 (47522|3,47865|3,48208|3,48551|3,48893|3,49236|3,49579|3) - Rearrange, this anchor is not really fitting here
00:56:436 (56436|4,56522|3,56608|2,56693|1,56779|0) - This looks okay, but it will cause misses because of the sudden pattern change (imo), try [url=00:56:436 (56436|4,56522|3,56608|2,56693|1,56779|0) -]this[/url]
01:09:122 (69122|2,69465|2) - Move to 4th
01:17:008 (77008|1,77093|3,77179|0,77265|2) - This should be a stair toward LN since it's NM and players will have problems with reading that
02:14:951 (134951|2) - I don't think it's needed, and if you keep it, you should move it to 2nd, easier to hit

Once again good job Raika, I don't even have to say that hitsounding is real xD

00:08:436 (8436|0) - Move to 4th, pitch
00:13:751 (13751|3,13836|3,14436|3,14522|3) - I know that pitch is good here, but I'm not sure if it's suitable for HD diff, imho better to keep that for higher diffs //Applies to all minijacks like this one
00:15:465 - If you put 2 notes here, put 2 notes here 00:15:293 - , I recommend deleting 00:15:465 (15465|4) - tho
00:28:322 (28322|2,28408|3,28493|2,28579|3) - This felt very awkward during my testplay (I lost combo there) might want to do something like this
01:09:122 (69122|2) - Extend to 01:09:808 - and change 01:09:465 (69465|0) - into normal note
01:48:893 - Add 1 or two notes for crash (I think it's crash)
01:50:265 - Add note for crash/plate
01:50:951 - ^
01:51:636 - ^ 1 or 2 notes
02:02:608 - I get the idea for those X trills, but they're kinda bad to play imo (2 out of 3 misses on my sightread were there)

00:00:551 - Consider adding LN from here for that whooosh sound
00:02:779 (2779|0,2951|1,3122|2) - Consider changing those notes into 1/2 LN's for guitar for this and SC
00:04:151 (4151|1,4322|2,4493|3) - ^
00:14:779 (14779|1,14779|4) - Why 2 notes? Same sound as 1 noters in this stream
00:16:151 (16151|2) - Change into 1/2 LN, fits for sound
00:53:093 (53093|3,53179|2,53265|1) - Ctrl+H, feels like reversed pitch there
00:52:751 (52751|3,52836|2,52922|1) - ^
01:05:008 - Either make those notes as 2-noters or (preferably) change them into LN's
01:13:579 - You should accent 1/1 bass frome here to 01:17:351 -
01:15:979 - 01:17:179 - same as 01:05:008
01:17:008 - 1/4 stream
01:18:722 - I don't like how this part is copypasted from HD diff, accent one more instrument at least
01:38:265 - Add note
01:43:751 - ^
01:47:522 - 01:51:636 - Clear 1/2 bass (I think) not accented, try to mix it in
01:58:836 - Add note
02:04:322 - ^


I'm quite bad at 5k lel

00:00:551 - Same as MX
00:02:779 (2779|0,2951|1,3122|2,4151|1,4322|2,4493|3) - Same as MX
00:13:751 (13751|2,13836|1,13922|0) - I like how this isn't a jack and it is a jack even in HD LOL, change to jack imo //applies to all sounds like this on whole diff
00:21:036 (21036|2) - This is pretty aids to play imo
00:34:493 - You could use a "hand" pattern once in a while to make it more interesting ( simple to read but fun to hit :D
00:40:665 - Needs a note on 3rd
00:46:836 - //goes better with pitch change
00:47:436 (47436|2) - Move to 5th
00:47:522 (47522|4) - Move to 4th
00:47:693 (47693|3) - Move to 3rd
01:05:008 (65008|2,65179|1,65351|3,65522|2,65693|4,65865|3,66036|1,66208|2) - Change all into 1/2 LN's, fits better for guitar
01:06:551 (66551|4,66636|4,66722|4,66808|4) - Would be nice if you wouldn't make one hand do both holding note and jacking, try to Ctrl+H 01:06:379 (66379|3,66551|1,67236|1) - (Should look like this
01:10:493 (70493|3,70665|1,70836|4,71008|2,71179|3,71351|1,71522|4,71693|2) - see 01:05:008
01:13:236 - 01:15:979 - This stream looks okay, but seems a bit... dull to be honest. It was more exciting in MX. Maybe try to put this pattern in MX and on this diff do a harder random stream?
01:18:722 - 01:30:722 - Literally copypasta, well I can't blame you for that, but on SC it's kinda bad. It's too empty, even for relax section. Add one or two instruments into the mix
01:51:636 - This is a comparsion of SC (on the left) and MX (on the right), you should realize that it's quite bad to leave this blank lmao

Pretty cool map, but still needs a bit of tweaking~ Good luck guys!

-Kamikaze- wrote:

[Raika's NM]
Raika best grilll ayyyyyyyyy
HP/OD bump to 7,2/7,3
1ms unsnaps from cuttingedge aimod (be careful about auto bg delete when using cutting edge editor)

00:10:836 (10836|2) - This sounds good/is less confusing/fits better as normal note

umm XD yeah, maybe a bit weird, morphed it into normal note O.O

00:17:351 - Not sure about this, seems pretty hard for NM diff

ikr ;w; but but, still i wnt to keep it..... i cant think of smthg else since im hitsounding it :3
and use pretty much basic stairs, hope it will do jst fine

00:19:579 - Totally unneeded jack, this is like the only place where you do a 1/4 jack and it's pretty bad imho

Yeah XD thanks to previous modder, now im moving it for easier play

00:22:493 (22493|1) - Shouldn't this be on 1st?

YOU!!! how do u knw my style XD i usually place it there, but i jst think...
maybe im going to change pace :3 , but well , lets place it where i usually did XD

00:23:522 - I think it'll look better as 54 trill (eg 5454[51])

Got it :3

00:33:636 (33636|2,33808|3,33893|2,33979|1,34151|1,34322|3) - This looks a bit cramped up to me, try this or this or even this

thanks ^^/ but i've jst got a better idea, so i repattern those part~

00:47:522 (47522|3,47865|3,48208|3,48551|3,48893|3,49236|3,49579|3) - Rearrange, this anchor is not really fitting here

Got it XD

00:56:436 (56436|4,56522|3,56608|2,56693|1,56779|0) - This looks okay, but it will cause misses because of the sudden pattern change (imo), try [url=00:56:436 (56436|4,56522|3,56608|2,56693|1,56779|0) -]this[/url]

XD ^^' the link, btw i got ur point... i've remade those part ^^b dont worry

01:09:122 (69122|2,69465|2) - Move to 4th
01:17:008 (77008|1,77093|3,77179|0,77265|2) - This should be a stair toward LN since it's NM and players will have problems with reading that
02:14:951 (134951|2) - I don't think it's needed, and if you keep it, you should move it to 2nd, easier to hit

got it ^^/ and removed

Once again good job Raika, I don't even have to say that hitsounding is real xD
hueeee~ XD , thanks for the mod, ^^
hehe its jst , i cant stand if i dont hitsound this XD
[Aphrodena's Modding Queue]


Good song, good map :D

4K HD:
4K MX:

[4K NM]
02:14:265 (134265|1,134436|1) - Move to |3| for PR
02:14:608 (134608|3,134779|3) - Move to |1| for PR

[4K HD]
01:41:351 (101351|0,101436|1,101522|2,101608|3,101693|0,101779|1,101865|2,101951|3) - Ctrl+H for PR -> the notes decrease in pitch
01:42:036 (102036|0,102036|1) - (If you did the above) Move to |2|3|

[4K MX]
You could make this diff harder by adding one note to some bass drums that you only used one on.
These are mostly just suggestions if you want to make the map harder.

00:25:751 (25751|2,25836|1) - Ctrl+H for PR
00:42:379 (42379|0) - (Optional) move to |1|
00:42:551 (42551|0) - (Optional if you did above) move to |2|

OPTIONAL: (Suggestions to make your MX a bit harder)
01:03:636 - Add note to |1| for bass drum
01:03:979 - Add note for bass drum
01:05:008 - Add note to |1| for bass drum
01:05:522 - Add note to |0| for bass drum
01:09:122 - Add to |2|
01:09:465 - Add to |1|
01:10:322 - Add note
01:10:493 - Add note
01:10:836 - Add note
01:12:722 - Add note
01:12:893 - Add note
01:15:979 - Add note
01:16:322 - Add note
01:16:665 - Add note
01:16:836 - Add note
01:17:008 - Add note to roll as well

Moving on:
01:23:522 (83522|2,83693|2,83865|2,83951|1,84036|2,84122|1) - Could add one note to each note because it's a strong sound
01:24:551 (84551|1,84893|3,85236|3,85579|0,85922|0,86265|2,86608|2,86951|0,87293|0,87636|2,87979|2) - Could add one note to each because it's a strong sound
01:52:579 (112579|2,112665|0,112751|1,112836|2,112922|1) - Should staircase to the left for PR
Topic Starter

Aphrodena wrote:

[Aphrodena's Modding Queue]


Good song, good map :D Thanks~

4K HD:
4K MX:

[4K NM]
02:14:265 (134265|1,134436|1) - Move to |3| for PR yes~
02:14:608 (134608|3,134779|3) - Move to |1| for PR yes~

[4K HD]
01:41:351 (101351|0,101436|1,101522|2,101608|3,101693|0,101779|1,101865|2,101951|3) - Ctrl+H for PR -> the notes decrease in pitch yes~
01:42:036 (102036|0,102036|1) - (If you did the above) Move to |2|3| yes~

[4K MX]
You could make this diff harder by adding one note to some bass drums that you only used one on.
These are mostly just suggestions if you want to make the map harder.

00:25:751 (25751|2,25836|1) - Ctrl+H for PR yes~
00:42:379 (42379|0) - (Optional) move to |1| Another change......
00:42:551 (42551|0) - (Optional if you did above) move to |2| ^

OPTIONAL: (Suggestions to make your MX a bit harder) maybe.....not? :?
01:03:636 - Add note to |1| for bass drum
01:03:979 - Add note for bass drum
01:05:008 - Add note to |1| for bass drum
01:05:522 - Add note to |0| for bass drum
01:09:122 - Add to |2|
01:09:465 - Add to |1|
01:10:322 - Add note
01:10:493 - Add note
01:10:836 - Add note
01:12:722 - Add note
01:12:893 - Add note
01:15:979 - Add note
01:16:322 - Add note
01:16:665 - Add note
01:16:836 - Add note
01:17:008 - Add note to roll as well

Moving on:
01:23:522 (83522|2,83693|2,83865|2,83951|1,84036|2,84122|1) - Could add one note to each note because it's a strong sound not change...
01:24:551 (84551|1,84893|3,85236|3,85579|0,85922|0,86265|2,86608|2,86951|0,87293|0,87636|2,87979|2) - Could add one note to each because it's a strong sound not change......
01:52:579 (112579|2,112665|0,112751|1,112836|2,112922|1) - Should staircase to the left for PR yes~
Thanks for your mod~
Topic Starter

-Kamikaze- wrote:

wow holy shit I've been lazing around too much it seems sorrryyyyyy ;_;

WOOOHOOO First 5K mod I'm doing from this q and like 3rd total lolololololol

General outline of what my mods contain:
>My thoughts about mapset
>Some advices
>Harsh opinions about map if I feel like it needs more work
>Complaining about mapstyle (sometimes even shouting)
>Commenting on 90% of things I mention
>Funny maymay arrows
>Random images
>All the bad shit you may not expect
Keep in mind that all harsh things I say, not because I hate stuff, but because I care about every single map I mod and want to help you get it ranked. I'm voicing all of my opinions without restraint. Please don't rage at me because of this, I don't mean to offend you in any way. Also do note that I'm still learning, so I might misunderstand some things. and I'm terrible at naming instruments orz

Meh, this song is so not my style ;w;

Columns are: |1|2|3|4|5|

First things first: I'm not totally sure about this but Ranking Criteria says that you need lowest difficulty to have <2 stars, BUT diffrent keymodes are also treated as diffrent gamemodes, so I'm not totally sure if this set it's rankable, you gotta ask BAT about that.

[Raika's NM]
Raika best grilll ayyyyyyyyy
HP/OD bump to 7,2/7,3
1ms unsnaps from cuttingedge aimod (be careful about auto bg delete when using cutting edge editor)

00:10:836 (10836|2) - This sounds good/is less confusing/fits better as normal note
00:17:351 - Not sure about this, seems pretty hard for NM diff
00:19:579 - Totally unneeded jack, this is like the only place where you do a 1/4 jack and it's pretty bad imho
00:22:493 (22493|1) - Shouldn't this be on 1st?
00:23:522 - I think it'll look better as 54 trill (eg 5454[51])
This looks more interesting and a little bit easier imo
00:33:636 (33636|2,33808|3,33893|2,33979|1,34151|1,34322|3) - This looks a bit cramped up to me, try this or this or even this
00:47:522 (47522|3,47865|3,48208|3,48551|3,48893|3,49236|3,49579|3) - Rearrange, this anchor is not really fitting here
00:56:436 (56436|4,56522|3,56608|2,56693|1,56779|0) - This looks okay, but it will cause misses because of the sudden pattern change (imo), try [url=00:56:436 (56436|4,56522|3,56608|2,56693|1,56779|0) -]this[/url]
01:09:122 (69122|2,69465|2) - Move to 4th
01:17:008 (77008|1,77093|3,77179|0,77265|2) - This should be a stair toward LN since it's NM and players will have problems with reading that
02:14:951 (134951|2) - I don't think it's needed, and if you keep it, you should move it to 2nd, easier to hit

Once again good job Raika, I don't even have to say that hitsounding is real xD

00:08:436 (8436|0) - Move to 4th, pitch not change....
00:13:751 (13751|3,13836|3,14436|3,14522|3) - I know that pitch is good here, but I'm not sure if it's suitable for HD diff, imho better to keep that for higher diffs //Applies to all minijacks like this one not change...
00:15:465 - If you put 2 notes here, put 2 notes here 00:15:293 - , I recommend deleting 00:15:465 (15465|4) - tho not change....
00:28:322 (28322|2,28408|3,28493|2,28579|3) - This felt very awkward during my testplay (I lost combo there) might want to do something like this yes~
01:09:122 (69122|2) - Extend to 01:09:808 - and change 01:09:465 (69465|0) - into normal note not change....
01:48:893 - Add 1 or two notes for crash (I think it's crash) not change....
01:50:265 - Add note for crash/plate not change....
01:50:951 - ^ not change....
01:51:636 - ^ 1 or 2 notes not change....
02:02:608 - I get the idea for those X trills, but they're kinda bad to play imo (2 out of 3 misses on my sightread were there) i like this...sorry... :cry: .

00:00:551 - Consider adding LN from here for that whooosh sound not change....
00:02:779 (2779|0,2951|1,3122|2) - Consider changing those notes into 1/2 LN's for guitar for this and SC yes....
00:04:151 (4151|1,4322|2,4493|3) - ^ yes....
00:14:779 (14779|1,14779|4) - Why 2 notes? Same sound as 1 noters in this stream not change....
00:16:151 (16151|2) - Change into 1/2 LN, fits for sound not change....
00:53:093 (53093|3,53179|2,53265|1) - Ctrl+H, feels like reversed pitch there not change....
00:52:751 (52751|3,52836|2,52922|1) - ^ not change....
01:05:008 - Either make those notes as 2-noters or (preferably) change them into LN's LN....
01:13:579 - You should accent 1/1 bass frome here to 01:17:351 - not change....
01:15:979 - 01:17:179 - same as 01:05:008 not change....
01:17:008 - 1/4 stream not change....
01:18:722 - I don't like how this part is copypasted from HD diff, accent one more instrument at least it' for player to relax finger....i don't want to make player press keys non-stop........
01:38:265 - Add note no sound can find this using 25% playback rate....
01:43:751 - ^ ^
01:47:522 - 01:51:636 - Clear 1/2 bass (I think) not accented, try to mix it in not change....
01:58:836 - Add note no sound here should be added..exactly...
02:04:322 - ^ ^


I'm quite bad at 5k lel

00:00:551 - Same as MX it's suitable for MX,but not SC.....I think....
00:02:779 (2779|0,2951|1,3122|2,4151|1,4322|2,4493|3) - Same as MX
00:13:751 (13751|2,13836|1,13922|0) - I like how this isn't a jack and it is a jack even in HD LOL, change to jack imo //applies to all sounds like this on whole diff not change....
00:21:036 (21036|2) - This is pretty aids to play imo it's just for SC LOL ;) ....
00:34:493 - You could use a "hand" pattern once in a while to make it more interesting ( simple to read but fun to hit :D yes!
00:40:665 - Needs a note on 3rd not change....
00:46:836 - //goes better with pitch change yes....
00:47:436 (47436|2) - Move to 5th not change....
00:47:522 (47522|4) - Move to 4th not change....
00:47:693 (47693|3) - Move to 3rd not change....
01:05:008 (65008|2,65179|1,65351|3,65522|2,65693|4,65865|3,66036|1,66208|2) - Change all into 1/2 LN's, fits better for guitar not change....
01:06:551 (66551|4,66636|4,66722|4,66808|4) - Would be nice if you wouldn't make one hand do both holding note and jacking, try to Ctrl+H 01:06:379 (66379|3,66551|1,67236|1) - (Should look like this yes....
01:10:493 (70493|3,70665|1,70836|4,71008|2,71179|3,71351|1,71522|4,71693|2) - see 01:05:008 not change....
01:13:236 - 01:15:979 - This stream looks okay, but seems a bit... dull to be honest. It was more exciting in MX. Maybe try to put this pattern in MX and on this diff do a harder random stream? yes....
01:18:722 - 01:30:722 - Literally copypasta, well I can't blame you for that, but on SC it's kinda bad. It's too empty, even for relax section. Add one or two instruments into the mix not change....
01:51:636 - This is a comparsion of SC (on the left) and MX (on the right), you should realize that it's quite bad to leave this blank lmao relax....

Pretty cool map, but still needs a bit of tweaking~ Good luck guys!
Thank you for MODDING~ Good mod!
And sorry for these [color=#FF0 :) 000] not changes....[/color] :cry:
Hey biemote o/

You Ready ?

Here's the mod :)


BG:OK(cuz aimod no problem
Hitsounds:OK recheck x3
Preview Point:OK

Difficulty Set: NO
4K HD = OD8,HP7
4K MX = OD8,HP8

5K HD = OD8,HP8
5K MX = OD9,HP8
5K SC = OD9,HP8

AiMod: NO
lordraika's GD unsnap :(,fix and pattern is good enough cuz much times mods :)

gap: OK



4K NM - Perturbation(Lv.7)
all pass

4K HD - Obligatory(Lv.12)
all pass

4K MX - Annihilation(Lv.14)
all pass

LordRaika's 5K NM - Furtherance(Lv.10)

01:13:408 (73408|1,73751|0) - ctrl+g this one,cuz 01:13:065 (73065|1,73408|1) - these 2 bass not the same sound and 01:13:751 (73751|0,74094|0) - the same reason,so i recommand you do that :)
01:17:351 (77351|4) - this LN bass sound should end at 01:18:722 - ,you can compare with bie's other diff :)
others okay :)

5K HD - Acceleration(Lv.12)

01:51:293 (111293|4,111465|2) - 各向右移一个col,当做主音的变化
02:12:379 (132379|4) - 放在col4,因为下个col5是鼓点,这里把主音放在col4更好

5K MX - Overloader(Lv.15)

00:14:436 (14436|2,14522|2,14693|2) - 中,00:14:693 (14693|2) - 和下面两个明显不同,建议和00:14:865 (14865|3) - 保持一致,鼓点都放在col4,中间先空出来,之后主音用上
00:32:779 (32779|3,32951|1) - 一组放在col4,00:33:122 (33122|2,33293|1) - 放在col3,jack明明很适合,手感绝对好
00:33:293 (33293|1) - 上面那个建议,把这个放在col5吧,col4的话不太好,
00:33:465 - finish为何只有一个note,如果是这样打算的话,那就放在col3,和上面的连点col5建议做参照,最佳还是双note比较好
00:42:379 - 建议和00:42:551 - 保持连点
00:45:293 (45293|1) - 放在col1,变成bms的风格,鼓点保持在一列然后00:45:465 (45465|3) - 放在col3,对比00:45:636 - 更加整齐
00:48:722 (48722|1,48893|0,48893|1,49065|2,49236|1,49236|0) - 这点明显不好,主音没有体现而且莫名的左手鼓点,我的建议是,00:48:893 (48893|0,48893|1,49236|1,49236|0) - 肯定不能保持相同,但是主音的00:48:722 (48722|1,49236|1) - 要保持有一个note是在同轨道的,你斟酌下
00:53:008 (53008|4) - 可以考虑放在col3
01:36:208 (96208|2) - 放在col4吧,MX难度没必要给中间键施加太大压力
01:41:693 - 也是,然后我建议这个地方全部镜像(相比上面那条建议

5K SC - Obliteration(Lv.17)

00:12:551 (12551|1,12636|3,12722|1) - 参考MX,交替并不适合这些音
00:14:093 (14093|1) - col4,和00:13:408 (13408|3) - 一致
00:16:151 (16151|4) - col2,和00:16:836 (16836|1) - 一致
00:21:036 (21036|2) - 删,中间堆会被喷的,有hs就行了,塞难度是作死<_<
00:23:351 (23351|0) - 这里转换到col3会更好,否则需要考虑到下端的左右平衡
00:27:293 (27293|3,27465|1,27636|4,27808|1) - 连点建议,和MX一样
00:35:008 (35008|3,35093|2) - ctrl+g,其中00:34:836 (34836|2,35008|3) - 保持同音同轨道,而且前面那点左手中间键连接这部分需要转换到右边更舒服,而不是左边
00:36:379 (36379|3,36465|2) - 这里ctrl+g也是col3的同轨
00:44:779 - 这个音明显有变化,换轨道更好
01:06:551 (66551|1,66636|1,66722|1,66808|1) - 1,2,1,2的切换多好。。别放连点啊==
01:07:408 (67408|2,67493|2,67579|2,67665|2) - 2,3,2,3吧
01:38:608 (98608|3,98608|4,98693|3,98779|2,98951|1,98951|0,98951|4,99122|3,99293|1,99293|0,99465|1) - 这个部分参考MX的建议
01:44:265 (104265|1) - 这个明显和下面的两个不同,换轨道
01:51:465 (111465|3,111551|2) - 此处可以ctrl+g大法,参考01:50:779 (110779|1,110865|2) - ,继续向右边转移
01:58:493 - 3note啊,finish呢
02:03:979 - 同上
02:09:465 - ~
02:10:836 - 这里随意,因为考虑到后面的双键变化,不过SC难度还是加上为好
02:12:379 - 这两个音不同,放在2,4


Good Luck
Topic Starter

Marirose wrote:

Hey biemote o/

You Ready ?

Here's the mod :)


BG:OK(cuz aimod no problem
Hitsounds:OK recheck x3
Preview Point:OK

Difficulty Set: NO
4K HD = OD8,HP7
4K MX = OD8,HP8

5K HD = OD8,HP8
5K MX = OD9,HP8
5K SC = OD9,HP8

AiMod: NO
lordraika's GD unsnap :(,fix and pattern is good enough cuz much times mods :)

gap: OK



4K NM - Perturbation(Lv.7)
all pass

4K HD - Obligatory(Lv.12)
all pass

4K MX - Annihilation(Lv.14)
all pass

LordRaika's 5K NM - Furtherance(Lv.10)

01:13:408 (73408|1,73751|0) - ctrl+g this one,cuz 01:13:065 (73065|1,73408|1) - these 2 bass not the same sound and 01:13:751 (73751|0,74094|0) - the same reason,so i recommand you do that :)
01:17:351 (77351|4) - this LN bass sound should end at 01:18:722 - ,you can compare with bie's other diff :)
others okay :)

5K HD - Acceleration(Lv.12)

01:51:293 (111293|4,111465|2) - 各向右移一个col,当做主音的变化
02:12:379 (132379|4) - 放在col4,因为下个col5是鼓点,这里把主音放在col4更好

5K MX - Overloader(Lv.15)

00:14:436 (14436|2,14522|2,14693|2) - 中,00:14:693 (14693|2) - 和下面两个明显不同,建议和00:14:865 (14865|3) - 保持一致,鼓点都放在col4,中间先空出来,之后主音用上 NO,其实上面那一个是鼓点....
00:32:779 (32779|3,32951|1) - 一组放在col4,00:33:122 (33122|2,33293|1) - 放在col3,jack明明很适合,手感绝对好
00:33:293 (33293|1) - 上面那个建议,把这个放在col5吧,col4的话不太好,
00:33:465 - finish为何只有一个note,如果是这样打算的话,那就放在col3,和上面的连点col5建议做参照,最佳还是双note比较好
00:42:379 - 建议和00:42:551 - 保持连点
00:45:293 (45293|1) - 放在col1,变成bms的风格,鼓点保持在一列然后00:45:465 (45465|3) - 放在col3,对比00:45:636 - 更加整齐
00:48:722 (48722|1,48893|0,48893|1,49065|2,49236|1,49236|0) - 这点明显不好,主音没有体现而且莫名的左手鼓点,我的建议是,00:48:893 (48893|0,48893|1,49236|1,49236|0) - 肯定不能保持相同,但是主音的00:48:722 (48722|1,49236|1) - 要保持有一个note是在同轨道的,你斟酌下
00:53:008 (53008|4) - 可以考虑放在col3 NO
01:36:208 (96208|2) - 放在col4吧,MX难度没必要给中间键施加太大压力
01:41:693 - 也是,然后我建议这个地方全部镜像(相比上面那条建议

5K SC - Obliteration(Lv.17)

00:12:551 (12551|1,12636|3,12722|1) - 参考MX,交替并不适合这些音
00:14:093 (14093|1) - col4,和00:13:408 (13408|3) - 一致
00:16:151 (16151|4) - col2,和00:16:836 (16836|1) - 一致 NO,感觉很奇怪...
00:21:036 (21036|2) - 删,中间堆会被喷的,有hs就行了,塞难度是作死<_<
00:23:351 (23351|0) - 这里转换到col3会更好,否则需要考虑到下端的左右平衡
00:27:293 (27293|3,27465|1,27636|4,27808|1) - 连点建议,和MX一样
00:35:008 (35008|3,35093|2) - ctrl+g,其中00:34:836 (34836|2,35008|3) - 保持同音同轨道,而且前面那点左手中间键连接这部分需要转换到右边更舒服,而不是左边
00:36:379 (36379|3,36465|2) - 这里ctrl+g也是col3的同轨
00:44:779 - 这个音明显有变化,换轨道更好 NO,真没有,参照cytus谱面
01:06:551 (66551|1,66636|1,66722|1,66808|1) - 1,2,1,2的切换多好。。别放连点啊== NO,就是为了坑人,所以才有这个..
01:07:408 (67408|2,67493|2,67579|2,67665|2) - 2,3,2,3吧 NO
01:38:608 (98608|3,98608|4,98693|3,98779|2,98951|1,98951|0,98951|4,99122|3,99293|1,99293|0,99465|1) - 这个部分参考MX的建议
01:44:265 (104265|1) - 这个明显和下面的两个不同,换轨道
01:51:465 (111465|3,111551|2) - 此处可以ctrl+g大法,参考01:50:779 (110779|1,110865|2) - ,继续向右边转移 NO
01:58:493 - 3note啊,finish呢 NO,没空啦~
02:03:979 - 同上 NO
02:09:465 - ~ NO
02:10:836 - 这里随意,因为考虑到后面的双键变化,不过SC难度还是加上为好 NO
02:12:379 - 这两个音不同,放在2,4 NO


Good Luck
AiMod = OK
folder no change = OK
hitsounds okay = OK


nice! another 5k :)
NeLiME - First Gate ~OVERDRIVE~ [OsuMania]

Minor issue:

- 5K NM has been aboved to 2 stars (UNRANKABLE)

I will qualified it if i can [Maybe] ! Call Marirose to rebubble it after fix, thanks

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

NeLiME - First Gate ~OVERDRIVE~ [OsuMania]

Minor issue:

- 5K NM has been aboved to 2 stars (UNRANKABLE)

I will qualified it if i can [Maybe] ! Call Marirose to rebubble it after fix, thanks
KK Marirose said its fine... only 1 dif is enough to fulfill that criteria.... thats 4K NM already got the requirement
Well, me and Marirose doesnt want to have reduce score like as me in this too, right?

EDIT: V okay, i got it, thanks for understanding!

okay, i already tell marirose... but....
ok ok

i will simply reduce the star.....
And, this is my check too, i think Marirose doesnt have reduce score when this map got pop-bubble by creator! And Marirose didnt needs to rebubble it after 2nd BN's check!
Good luck for all! last day before the next month, yah, im 50% going to be kick on BN's group
Topic Starter
reupload to pop the bubble and wait for LR's new diff.....
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