
Chihara Minori - Kyoukai no Kanata (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年3月23日 at 23:21:51

Artist: Chihara Minori
Title: Kyoukai no Kanata (TV Size)
Source: Kyoukai no Kanata
Tags: beyond the boundary opening mirai kuriyama kyoto animation Vincent Not94
BPM: 185
Filesize: 10303kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Insane (5 stars, 319 notes)
  2. Normal (3.4 stars, 108 notes)
  3. not94's Easy (1.85 stars, 79 notes)
  4. Vincent's Insane (5 stars, 327 notes)
Download: Chihara Minori - Kyoukai no Kanata (TV Size)
Download: Chihara Minori - Kyoukai no Kanata (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Myyyy 1st map : 境界の彼方 :>
Easy ---- Not94
Nomral ---- ME
Insane ---- ME
Hard ---- WIP by Alternative
Vincent's Insane ---- [Vincent]
Thanks for
Every modders and Guest Diff Mappers :D

Hi hi, just a random passer-by :)

Ahhh~ more kyoukai no kanata
I really love this song :3

The artist -
Family name: 茅原 (Chihara)
Given Name: 実里 (Minori)

We put the family name in front for Japanese naming. i.e. just switch around what you currently have: Chihara Minori :P

My source: MAL and see Laurier's map here.

Suggested tags: beyond the boundary, opening, kuriyama (if you're going to have mirai there), kyoto animation

I don't need kudosu for this.

Regarding the map itself, come chat to me in-game if you any questions, I'd love to help :D
Good luck!
Topic Starter
thanks for the reply :D :D :D
Here's a random play test I just did =P

Could possibly lower the volume on the hitsounds XD
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[Vincent] wrote:

Here's a random play test I just did =P

Could possibly lower the volume on the hitsounds XD
I cant even fc this tho lol :cry: :cry: :cry:
Hi from #modreqs

  1. You should set Combo color
  2. You must uncheck Enable countdown
  3. You should uncheck Wide Screen support and Letterbox
  4. You must resize the BG as 1024x768 or 1366x768
  5. You should change the title as 境界の彼方
  6. You should change the artist as 茅原実里
  1. You should use the same distance at Normal diff
  2. You can't change the slider speed at Normal diff
  3. You can't use stack 00:57:153 (2,3,4,5) - like this
  4. You should set the SV as 1.1 or lower
You should remap :o

  1. 00:17:991 (4) - You should snap it
There were too many overlap section..... Those make misreading....
I recommend to re-map


[Vincent's Insane]

Good luck
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thanks for modding
I will try my best :) :) :) :) :) :)
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NORMAL difficulty has remapped ;) ;) ;) ;)
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Insane diff has edited ;) ;)
You have to change song name.

cuz your map's song is tv ver length

Kyoukai no Kanata -> Kyoukai no Kanata (TV Size)

I won't say any patterns, instead post a tips.

First. You have to use distance snap.

00:00:922 (2,3) - all of this pattens have different distance. If it's Insane, this will be no problem. but It's Hard diff. so you have to make notes' distance constantly.

00:11:505 - you cannot make speed reduce by using timing bar. you have to use onlt green bar.except change BPM.

00:29:109 Why this part starting so slow?. If you want to reduce speed, you have to start on 00:26:827 here.

00:48:022 (1,3) - Why don you use 1/4 slider?, It's not suitable for hard. and It makes not good rhythm.

01:07:914 (4,5) - stack them completely.

01:11:501 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - these pattern is awfully not fit at Hard diff.

01:14:109 (3) - same reason as above. 00:48:022 (1,3)

01:15:414 (1) - start slider at 01:15:251 (2) . (so delele (2) )

01:23:493 (4) - don use reverse slider. instead long slider will make nice rhythm.

01:24:604 (1) - there'll no music. so you must not add hitsound at finish.


00:14:748 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5) - did you imitate Skystar??. It's good trying but you shold try your "own" style.

00:55:849 (1,2) - make distance far. it's too close to click.

01:02:207 (1) - don use 1/8 slider... it's not only too noisy but also not fit with music.

01:14:109 (1) - same reason as above

maybe you sholud use Hard's mod and fix all of notes.

[guest Insane]

00:39:707 You should add a note here

01:08:403 (1) - why NC (new combo) here?

01:10:849 (1,2) - don't stack them. It's really difficult to find and click

you too. see Hard mod and refer them.


that's all.

It's rude for you to say this...but I'll say. You should see many mapper's style and refer them. It dosen't mean imitate them. just see and find what's good and what's bad. maybe that can help you make maps more suitable to reank. Fix all of problems that you think you can change. you can do it!.

Call me again if you think your map is really good and It can be ranked soon!.

sry for my bad Eng :(.. I'm just 16 years old korean boy who learning Eng.

refer them.
Topic Starter
great modding :D :D

I will keep fixing them until its good ;)
Kyokai no Kanata(TV Size) X
Kyokai no Kanata (TV Size) O

(do not give any kudosu, it's not a note modding.)
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insane fixed
Hello, As requested ٩( ᐛ )و


00:05:625 (5,1) - Distance Snap
00:09:193 (5) - Try to blanket with (4) ?
00:10:814 (2,1) - Distance Snap
00:14:099 (4,1) - ^
00:22:262 (1) - This spinner should start at 00:21:936
00:27:805 (2,3) - Distance Snap
00:31:718 (4,1) - ^
00:35:631 (3,4,1) - ^
00:40:196 (4,1,2) - ^
00:41:827 (2,3,4) - ^
00:46:718 (4,1) - ^
00:54:544 (3) - Blanket with (2) ?
00:57:805 (2,1) - Distance Snap
01:00:414 (1,2) - ^
01:06:609 (1,2) - ^
01:07:588 (2,3) - ^
01:20:631 (3,4) - ^


HP Drain -> 5
00:00:922 (2,3) - Distance Snap
00:04:003 (2) - Stack it with (5)
00:06:598 (2,3) - Overlapping =/
00:09:841 (2,3) - Distance Snap (Even if the speed changed)
00:14:099 (1) - This hitsound is .... .... .... not fine for this part x3
00:14:099 (1,2) - Put these circles at x:240 y:136 ?
00:16:694 (5) - Finish hitsound ?
00:19:001 (6,1) - Distance Snap
00:19:327 (1,2,3,4) - Too many overlaps =/
00:26:501 (3) - Overlap with (1)
00:30:088 (6) - Overlapping, place it at x:288 y:24 ?
00:36:283 (5,1,2,3,1) - Distance Snap
00:42:479 (5) - x:424 y:184 ?
00:46:881 (3,4) - Distance Snap
01:15:088 (1,2) - ^
01:21:936 (2,3) - ^

I love kiai time's hitsounds, why don't you used them in all parts of the song ? *ω*


Too many hitsounds, please remove them (°ω °)

00:15:396 (1,2,3,4) - Too hard ~
00:34:979 (1,2,3,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Why so many NC ?
00:38:566 (2) - Remove hitsounds
00:41:175 (2) - ^
There's a green line which remove a part of the Kiai time =(

The mapping is too random/nonsense here =3

Good luck╭( ・ㅂ・)و
Topic Starter
thanks for the modding! :D
I still need time to explore how to use DS deeply.. ... :cry: :cry: :cry:
btw... I dont want to change that part
00:15:396 (1,2,3,4)
coz I think its not hard and its playable, sry tho :cry:
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have edited all the diff again

Maybe your map has been much better. but still sees many unrankable notes and not good spacing notes.


refer this to make more nice map,

You should get more mod.
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ok thanks
:D :D :D :D
Looks like you are new to mapping, I hope you are having fun so far! :)
Instead of pointing out all the errors, I will show you how to fix them~~~

Since your spacing is not consistent, I strongly recommend you turn on 1.0x distance snap for the whole song. By default the shortcut for distance snap is 'Y', and you can increase/decrease it by holding down 'alt' and scrolling/dragging the bar at the top right corner.

I suggest changing BPM to 184. If you listen to the second half of the song while in the timing tab, you will see that the downbeat is not accurate. Changing it to 184 should make the downbeat the same throughout the song. Downbeat is basically the '1' in 1-2-3-4 when you hear the four ticks in the timing section.

You only need one normal timing point (red dot). Since you added multiple timing points but only used them to adjust volume, I suggest relpacing them with inherited points so it does not change the offset of your song. In addition to that, you only need one BPM for most songs.

00:03:030 (2) - make sure you keep spacing consistent in a normal difficulty, this should be 0.9x distance snap

00:04:328 (3,4,5) - proper beat spacing is important in this map, for now I recommend you stick to 1.0x distance snap multiplier and keep it on for the whole song. Beat spacing is important because here, your (3)(4)(5) are the same distance apart on the timeline from each other, but you did not place them the same distance apart on the map. Distance snap will help fix errors like this~

00:06:598 (1,2,3) - same thing as above.
From here on, I will stop listing beat spacing errors since I think you understand the general idea now~

00:32:696 (1) - If this was spaced correctly, then I would have told you to not make them overlap. When possible, try to avoid overlapping sliders unless distance snap makes you do it. However, sometimes when distance snap makes small overlaps, you can break distance snap and reposition the object that overlaps, as long as you don't move the object that far.

01:20:641 (3,4) - try to blanket these so it looks nice

Blanketing is a technique where you have a slider that goes around, or wraps a hit circle or another slider's hit circle, sort of like how a blanket is wrapped around a person. This makes the map look nice and also smoother to picture above. Here's another example: Notice how the slider goes around the approach circle, this way you can make sure that the curve on the slider is round. Here's an example of a slider blanketing another slider: . So next time you have a hit circle and slider but are not sure how you should make them look, it doesn't hurt to try and blanket them :D

00:32:696 (1,2,3) - try to have the same distance between each note here since on the timeline they are the same distance apart (proper beat spacing)

00:33:022 (3) - I prefer a curvy slider here to match the vocal, but that's just me Also, since the slider velocity changes, it's a good idea to make this a new combo to indicate a slider velocity change.

01:08:566 (6) - I recommend adding a note at this spot to match the vocal

01:23:493 (4) - Again, it helps if you indicate a slider velocity change with new combo. It's also appropriate in this case since this is the last slider in the song~

00:15:315 (9,1,2) - the jumps between these notes are too large considering how much time you have, I recommend reducing the repeat on each slider by one and deleting the last note in the stream (9). If not, then put the notes closer together.

00:35:305 (4,1,2,4,1,2) - have it so the new combo is on the beginning of each triplet, it looks neater this way

01:06:609 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this part is really hard to read, I suggest remapping this somehow. It is very hard for the player to tell when the slider is when there are that many approach circles because you stacked everything.

[Vincent's Insane]
You don't need all the timing points, inherited timing points alone are fine since you don't need to change BPM. Especially the two timing points near the end where they occur on the same time as an inherited point, you can delete those. Make BPM 184 and offset 1085, should be fine like that.

Also you can add kiai time if you want since the other difficulties have it, you can have it start at 00:53:240 - and end around 01:19:327 - or so.

00:06:274 (5,1) - seems more logical to space these apart more. If not, you can make (1) and (6) stack: 00:05:625 (6,1) -

00:06:959 (3,4,5,6,7) - it's a good idea to make the jumps roughly the same distance

00:26:484 (3,4,5) - big jumps between the notes, consider moving them closer together

00:27:153 (1,2) - you can space these out more

00:29:436 (3,4) - same here. Try to look for parts like this and change them on your own

01:14:109 (9) - make this a new combo as it's the start of a new phrase and the guitar starts

01:16:392 (1) - remove new combo and move it to the next note instead

01:16:718 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - fun part~

Have fun mapping! :)
Greetings from my mod queue!

First thing I noticed is your timing points are a little wrong so have some new timing points! It's gonna be a fair bit work but be sure to make sure all the notes and green timing points you already have are then snapped correctly as well.

Next is that hitsounds as a whole seem to be lacking a little bit. I personally love hitsounding and would be happy to do it for you if you wish.

There are a lot of cases of things not quite distance snapped properly, I'd advise just to check the whole map as a long combo with aimod to find them.

00:01:733 (2) - Remove NC, the combos in general seem a little erratic. All the nc suggestions here will slot them into the 2 bar phrases which are in the song better.
00:03:030 (2) - Add NC
00:07:571 (3) - Add NC
00:09:193 (5,1) - Make (5) NC instead of the (1) here.
00:12:477 (1) - Remove NC
00:14:748 (1,2) - Ctrl-g these two
00:17:342 (1,2) - I suggest bringing these 2 sliders forward like this. Fits the vocal line much better.
00:19:327 (3) - Add NC, the slider itself also doesn't fit the rhythm in the song I would just make it a simple slider like this.
00:21:283 (1) - Remove NC
00:27:153 (1) - I would personally add a circle before this at 00:26:827 (1) for the vocals.
00:31:718 (4) - Moving this to 152,88 both solves readability as well as distance snapping issues in one stroke here.
00:38:892 (2) - Nothing happens on this beat, shift the slider to the red tick on the right to match with the music better. You would then need remove one of the arrows on the slider too.
00:44:272 (5) - Same as above
00:40:196 (4) - Add NC
00:41:175 (1) - Remove NC
00:42:805 (3) - Add NC
00:45:414 (2,3) - Same issue with the sliders as before.
00:46:718 (4,1) - I would put a hitcircle in the middle of these too. That's an important beat there! D:
00:51:936 (4,1) - I would ctrl-c (4) and place it in between these two here to complete the fill.
01:07:588 (2,3) - I would place a hitcircle in the middle as before.

Nothing too problematic that I can see though, just remember to go through the distance spacing thoroughly.

00:13:126 (1) - Remove nc, still part of the same phrase hence no need for single combo combos. Also worth noting you'll need to give the bats a really good explanation for any single combo things if you want it to be ranked.
00:16:045 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same as above, just belongs to the combo before.
00:16:532 (4,5) - This pattern is plenty hard enough without the jump, I'd just make (5) part of the arc you've made already.
00:25:522 (1,2) - Bit difficult to read with the stack, I would move (2) to the side to unstack them.
00:26:501 (3,4) - The distance here is a little confusing, I would either snap it to a 0.9x spacing or make it more obvious that it's a larger distance than before.
00:46:718 (1,2,3) - It feels silly this being the only 1/4 hitcircle in the whole map, the overmap doesn't make sense either. You could put more 1/4 notes in elsewhere but I would just remove this one and leave those sorts of rhythms in the insane.
00:46:718 (1) - Remove the combo as well, combines nicely with the combo before it.
00:48:349 (4,5,6) - Not fond of the flow here, it also looks a little confusing. Rotating clockwise and ctrl-h on (6) would be preferable.
00:53:077 (1) - This is very far away from the center for how close it is to the spinner. I would remove it personally.
00:53:729 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - This section here is confusing to read, particularly in double time. The notes are just a little too clumped to read clearly. I reckon getting rid of the stacks and spacing out the hitcircles and increasing the slider speed a little bit will help no end with this.
00:55:196 (1) - Remove nc, you're still doing the same pattern so no need to break it up.
01:04:979 (1) - ^
01:12:968 (7) - Add nc, you have a really long phrase for a change! :lol:
01:14:109 (11) - I suggest a ctrl-h here. It's also worth noting the held note in the vocals begins at the end of the slider before this, so you may want to reconsider this section anyways.

I have to say, it's a good job there's another insane diff to complete the progression in this set because this is way way way much harder than the hard.

00:05:949 (1) - Remove nc, more one combo combos which need to go really. D:
00:11:139 (1) - Remove nc, fits with the combo before
00:14:748 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - The jump between the stream and the slider is absolutely huge. At the moment it's nearly impossible to hit on time I would definitely make the jump a lot shorter.
00:16:045 (1) - Remove nc, keeps the combo lengths equal in the fills
00:18:023 (1) - More one combo combos with not much purpose
00:23:566 (1) - Remove nc, already have the same slider just before starting a combo, keep it all together
00:26:827 (1) - Remove nc, fits with last combo
00:34:979 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2) - This is extremely over-mapped and the combos don't make much sense either. The couple of points before in the main theme were acceptable in my eyes but this is just forcing difficulty in a section of the song where it's not needed since it's very calm in comparison to the chorus at the moment.
00:38:892 (1) - Nothing happening here instrumentally or vocally here. Mapping nothing at all shouldn't ever be done really.
00:42:805 (1) - Remove nc, single combo combos should belong with friends after all. :3
00:50:631 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - The 16th sliders really don't fit at all. First it's not in the song at all, and it doesn't build nicely into the stream you have after them. If I were to map it I would go for stacks of 2 hit circles each following the guitars so it look something like this.
A secondary concern is the stacking at the beginning of the stream which are concealed by the sliders. The stream speed is already fast enough you don't need to confuse people even more with where they should be taking the cursor. The crescendo or increase in volume if you're less music savvy is a good idea, you just need to add some actual sounding so people will notice it! :(
00:52:914 (13,1,2,3) - The stream stops and starts for no real good reason that I can see here. The fill stays constant throughout therefore I reckon just adding one more hitcircle before the new combo and then distance snapping getting some symmetry between the start and the end of the stream would be awesome actually.
00:55:196 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Not too bothered about the overmaps by themselves here. However in the context of the jumpy chorus it seems very out of place that the cursor is suddenly not needing to do not much for that long. It would definitely play better just as two sliders in a similar manner to what you've already done before.
00:56:827 (1) - Remove nc, star patterns deserve to all be the same combo let's face it.
00:59:272 (2,3,4,1) - Was expecting a pattern like 00:33:022 (2,3,4,5). Safe to say I was disappointed. :p I'd stack (1) on top of (3) sorta like you did earlier.
01:06:609 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Very confusing stacking here. I like the back and forth movement but it's very hard to actually see that's what you need to do.
01:08:403 (1) - One combo combos...
01:15:414 (1) - Ending the slider at 01:18:022 to end with the vocals.
01:22:634 (4,5) - Just an issue with the iffy timing points, will be easy enough to fix with the timings I gave you earlier.

It was a fun map to play but with a map this jumpy it needs to be clear what you need to do pretty much all the time otherwise it just ends up being frustrating to play and nothing more really.

Vincent's Insane
00:25:522 (1) - I'd remove the combo here. The other streams fitted nc's as they were out of the way of the music and didn't lead anywhere. This one however does and ought to be part of a larger set of notes.
00:26:012 (1) - Either that or remove the nc here instead of the one above. Either works.
00:28:131 (3) - Makes more sense just to have as a hit circle like the many times you've done it before.
00:28:131 (3,4) - Little bit jumpy for a calm part of the song. I'd just distance snap it.
00:32:044 (8) - NC to match the other streams which lead to nothing.
00:29:109 (1,2) - No reason why these 2 shouldn't be distance snapped.
00:34:979 (8) - NC to split up very long combo.
00:37:588 (1,1,1) - I like it, however I feel that a nc every single slider feels a little forced. The chords work together to form the progression so putting them all together in the combo just... fits.
00:39:544 (5,6,7) - The drum fill you follow here does sound as if it really warrants a jump. Having all of that just distance snapped would fit better imo.
00:41:827 (2) - Missing a nc here.
00:45:414 (6,7,8,1,2,) - Start with a nc and remove the ones midway through here. Just simply matches phrasing and gets rid of the awkward short combo which is comboed differently to an identical pattern starting 00:50:631 (4).
00:48:022 (1) - Remove nc, to connect to the 3 note combo beforehand.
00:54:381 (8) - Add nc, more phrasing combos
00:55:196 (1) - Remove nc, to add to the new combo I suggested
00:57:153 (1) - Remove nc, the combo before doesn't really do much so just extend this combo a little more.
01:12:642 (1) - Looks as if it still wants to be part of the combo before.
01:14:109 (9) - Add nc and therefore remove nc at 01:14:436 (1).
01:15:251 (4) - Would be cute just to have a different combo for when the map goes to the lower half.

Seems to be mainly just demands for combos more than anything sorry! >.<

Phew, that one took a little while gotta say. Hopefully it's helpful for you, feel free to pm me if you have any other queries n' stuff n' stuff.

Good luck with the map! :)
Topic Starter
hi guys, just come back to my home.
yes this is my first mapping :D :D
hope I will become more professional from your moddings!
thanks so much! :D :D :D
Thanks everyone for taking your time to mod our maps XD~

I've considered and applied almost all changes you guys have suggested and will continue to work hard to make a good map :)
Topic Starter

- Miichan - wrote:

thanks for the modding! :D
I still need time to explore how to use DS deeply.. ... :cry: :cry: :cry:
btw... I dont want to change that part
00:15:396 (1,2,3,4)
coz I think its not hard and its playable, sry tho :cry:
finally I have changed it again :roll: :roll: :?

Currently the Ranking Criteria requires that there needs to be a difficulty of star rating of 3 or below. You do not have one yet, so you need to make 1 more easier difficulty

Your first note starts after 1000ms, you need at least 1500ms to be rankable. For each difficulty, open .osu on Notepad and change the AudioLeadIn to 1000


00:53:212 (1) - finish on start of slider
01:01:691 (2) - put a finish on the end of the slider
Your kiai seems very lacking of hitsounds, you could put claps on every 2nd white line, for example: 00:54:191 (2) - 00:54:843 - 00:55:495 (4) - 01:04:625 (2) - 01:11:147 (2) - so on so forth, and also for the starts and ends of sliders that coincide on those times
01:24:620 (1) - end at 01:27:561


00:11:473 (1) - finish
00:16:691 (9) - ^
00:17:343 (2) - Normal sampleset on the start of the slider
00:18:647 (5) - Normal sampleset (it's on the top left of the editor, below the line that shows all the objects, above select)
00:20:278 (4,1,2) - normal sampleset for the start of these sliders
00:21:908 (1) - finish on start of slider
00:22:234 (2) - normal sampleset on start of slider
00:22:886 (4) - ^
00:24:191 (6) - ^ (I think you can carry on with this pattern, at least I think you can see what I'm trying to follow)
00:24:517 (1) - finish
00:25:984 (2) - normal sample set on start of this slider
00:26:473 (3) - normal sample set
00:26:799 (1) - finish on end of slider
00:31:691 (5) - ^
00:37:560 (4,5) - finish
00:40:169 (1) - finish on start and middle of slider
00:42:778 (6) - finish on all 3 parts of slider
00:45:386 (1) - finish on start of slider
00:47:995 (3) - ^
00:50:604 (1) - finish
00:53:212 (1) - finish on start of slider
^ I might have missed these hitsound suggestions in Normal
01:08:865 (1) - finish
01:11:473 (1) - ^
01:14:082 (6) - finish on start of slider
01:24:620 (1) - end at 01:27:561


Use the Normal Sample Set for the drum sounds here as well, for example, at 00:17:343
00:19:299 (1) - finish
00:20:930 (1) - finish on start of slider
00:24:517 (3) - finish
00:27:125 (5) - finish on start of slider
00:36:256 (1) - finish on end of slider
00:37:560 (1) - finish on start and end of slider
00:40:169 (1) - ^
00:42:778 (8) - ^ and the repeating (middle part)
00:45:386 (1) - finish on start of slider
00:47:995 (1) - finish
00:50:604 (1) - ^
00:51:908 (1) - ^
00:53:212 (1) - finish on start of slider
01:03:484 (1) - finish on end of slider
01:05:604 (2) - this slider is shaped really weird and does not flow with the song. It makes the flow abrupt and that is not good, you should make it such that you can move along the map when hitting this slider
01:08:865 (1) - finish on start of slider
01:11:473 (1) - finish
01:13:430 (1) - these kind of sliders look very squashed and ugly, you might want to curve them less
01:24:914 (1) - end at 01:27:561

Vincent's Insane

00:01:039 (3) - whistle on start of slider
00:02:343 (6) - ^
00:03:647 (1) - ^
00:04:952 (4) - whistle
00:06:256 (5) - ^
00:07:560 (4) - ^
00:08:865 (1) - whistle on start of slider
00:10:169 (3) - whistle
00:11:473 (5) - finish
00:14:082 (7) - ^
00:15:386 (5,9,13) - you could put a normal sampleset, a clap or a whistle here, depending on which you prefer
the spacing of the stream is also quite inconsistent, by inconsistent I mean it can get larger spacing, then become smaller spacing, which doesn't look nice. I would understand a constant increasing distance spacing, but if it gets larger and smaller and larger again, that is weird
00:16:691 (1) - finish on start of slider
I think you can take reference from the other difficulty suggestions on hitsounds, it can apply here as well
00:20:930 (5) - this repeating slider should end at 00:21:256 - you are leaving it for too long
00:41:636 - add a note
00:42:778 (1,1,1) - it's the same as the previous 2 (eg. 00:40:169 (1,2,3) - ), so don't NC each slider
00:47:995 (4) - NC
00:52:560 (9) - end it at 00:52:723
01:04:952 (6) - NC
01:18:647 (4) - since you already were doing it, NC this
01:24:620 (1) - end it at 01:25:061 - so spinner can then start at 01:25:208 and spinner should end at 01:27:561

Good Luck
00:21:908 (3) - place it to x:368 y:208
00:22:234 (5) - place it to x:64 y:144
01:09:354 (3) - add finish
01:10:332 (5) - add finish

00:16:039 (1,2,3,4,5) - you can remove whistle :roll:
less voice in kiai time :roll:
01:18:973 (1) - slider> circle
01:21:256 (1,2,3,4) - you can make circle >

00:47:343 (1,2,3) - you can place like 2 8-)
01:09:843 (1) - add finish
01:18:973 (1,2,3) - you can remove clap :roll:
01:21:256 (1) - you can >

good luck
Topic Starter
thanks for u guys' modding, it helped me a lots :D :D :D :D
( =`・ω・´) AIRakuen 愛楽園 (Mod/GD/M4M)

Could be improved.

You can make an Easy diff with slower SV compared to normal
Longer sliders and more spinners if suitable

Try AI Mod and see if you have anything needed to be fixed, like audio lead-in, letterboxes etc

Hitsounds...they're strange
Take a closer look at them

Offset seems a little bit early, the hitsounds appear faster than the music
Try to follow the piano cover for the most accurated offset, instead of vocal

Remember offset is very important in mapping a song

Since it's the easiest difficulty of your map, I suggest to do a full and constant DS, for example use 1.2x for the whole diff
00:01:039 (1,2) - For this kind of notes can try making it more like symmetry with Tiny grid size when snapping
00:03:647 (2) - Like this one too, try to make it same DS instead of 1.09x before and only 0.77x after
^ also make it blanket with 00:02:995 (1) - if possible
00:04:299 (3,4,5) - ^ Applies for the mods too
00:06:256 - There's a piano sound here, but seems the offset is not correct it will be strange
^ I suggest to put a circle or something there
00:07:560 (1) - Remove NC, doesnt seems necessary cuz no vocal change or something
00:11:473 - Heavy beat, and there should be a finish hitsound, try something there
00:14:734 (1) - The spacing is strange as mentioned in the previous mods, which is too close to the previous note
00:19:299 - Since there's a heavy beat here, try to make it "hittable" (like slider start or a circle) or put NC at 00:19:625 (4) - , either of them can actually improve the gameplay
00:22:071 (1) - Make spinner stops here, Heavy beat, and then map something at 00:25:169 -
00:31:039 (3,4) - Strange spacing, try a constant and same DS, would be very helpful on reading them
00:34:299 (4,1,2) - Confusing pattern cuz 00:35:278 (2) - is pointed by 00:34:299 (4) - and they are arranged too closely

Nothing much, strongly suggested to use a full and same DS for whole diff.
If you found the notes are too far when you're spacing them, try to add some in the white ticks like 01:02:669 - seems it's a HP drain part

Take a look at the KIAI times, it's not applied
00:00:712 (1,2) - Just saying, in hard diff 2 stacked circles will actually stop the folow for a little
00:01:039 (3) - NC, seems it's a heavy beat and the actual start of the song beat
00:10:169 (3) - I see no point slowing down the note, I prefer smoother flow
^ Or else NC it to inform players that NC is changed or so
00:11:473 (1,2,3,4,5) - Can try sliders, they look awful to play imo
00:14:734 (3,4) - Bad spacing, it looks too close compared to notes before or after
00:16:039 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2) - They should have same spacing, the timing is same and close
00:57:125 (2) - Some slider whistle like this is not necessary, remove them

The arrangements are changing too fast from time to time
The notes are too close to each other making them less flow and just lots of hits
If possible decrease the circles stacks too for better flow ;)

Hope my mods help
Topic Starter
thanks for the modding, but I notice that the first part before 00:11:147 is not match a bit with the singer voice.
So I would change the offset of that.

thx. I will fix it tmr. :)
Hello there, awakened by the title of this song :)

I apologize if I suck at this


00:13:430 (4) - Is it by intent it is at x=256, not x=240 ?
00:29:082 (1,2,3) - not much of a deal, but 1 and 2 being closer than 2 and 3 ?


Good enough. I approve of it :)
Kiai time that short but not much of a deal


00:08:865 (1,2) - Make it look like one curve slider? Something like this

00:17:017 (1,2) - Put the starting of slider 2 properly under slider 1? :)


00:13:104 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I noticed this kind of "jumps" are common in other people's maps
00:34:952 (1,2) - It looks nicer if you make them parallel in one line, but that's what I think
00:51:908 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Makes me feel like the volume can start from like 50% and increase up to the slider
01:16:691 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - What an interesting bit. I like it

What can I say? Nothing else but really well made :)
Topic Starter
ALL FIXED. PLZ MOD :) :) :) :)

- Miichan - wrote:

ALL FIXED. PLZ MOD :) :) :) :)
Nya Nya Neko
from my q
not94's Easy
osu file format v12

AudioFilename: Kyoukai no Kanata.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 1000
PreviewTime: 53077
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

DistanceSpacing: 1.2
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4

Title:Kyokai no Kanata (TV Size)
TitleUnicode:境界の彼方 (TV Size)
Artist:Chihara Minori
Creator:- Miichan -
Version:not94's Easy
Source:Kyokai no Kanata
Tags:beyond the boundary, opening, mirai kuriyama, kyoto animation, daisuki, Vincent, Miichan, HKGOLDEN


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 0,255,0
Combo2 : 0,0,255
Combo3 : 128,128,0
Combo4 : 128,0,64

Hi, from testplay queue,
Sorry for late reply :(
Hey Not94, short time no see ;)
Please, use less kick sliders (Fast reverses in anything below Hard, even though it is 1/2, don't use it. Don't use sliders with more than 1 reverse in anything lower than hard
Good, except the reverse thing as said in Easy
I HATE high BPM streams, since I can't do above 140-150BPM >.<
Same as other Insane, but I SUGGEST rename to extra, extreme, since it is very very hard

Download the .osr files HERE
Good map, and good lcuk!
Topic Starter
thanks for ur modding and testplays. ;) ;) ;)
Ello, mod from queue 8-)
*Inconsistent combo colours in your diffs.
*00:53:212 - Kai time starts here, not at 00:53:048.
[Vincent's Insane]
00:01:085 (3) - NC, since it's the first object appearing in the offset.
00:04:671 (3,6) - Move more apart.
00:24:353 (1) - Add finish on the tail, to follow the cymbal crash heard in the music.
00:27:125 (1) - Add finish on the head.
00:37:559 (1,2,3) - ^
00:40:168 (1,2,3) - ^
00:42:777 (1,2,3) - ^
00:45:385 (1) - ^
00:47:994 (1) - ^
00:53:212 (3) - NC instead of 00:53:049 (1) - , because it's the first object that appears in Kai time.
00:54:353 (1,3) - Why not create a blanket here with these notes?
01:00:385 (2,4) - Clearly, you could've made a blanket here, so it helps create a neater flow for you objects.
01:19:951 (2,4) - Move more apart, they shouldn't be attached to each other. Also, while you add it, you can also make a blanket here.
01:21:581 (6,7) - Make le blanket?

00:02:715 (7) - Inconsistent jump here.
00:16:201 (2,3,4) - Interesting. Try adding a drum clap on all these notes. After you've highlighted and added the finish on all of them, adjust the Additions (shown on the top oft of the screen) to this:

00:42:777 (8) - NC for slider speed change.
00:45:385 (1) - Add finish on the head.
00:52:478 (8) - NC, so it doesn't the way the notes becomes a stream doesn't look too random.
00:57:451 (2,3,4) - Should all be NC for the slider speed change.

00:38:049 (5) - Add finish
00:45:385 (1) - ^ NC the head.
01:02:179 (2) - Add finish on the head.
01:03:646 (1) - ^

AR +1
00:14:081 (6,1) - Fix the DS here.
00:16:038 (3) - Add finish on the tail.
00:27:125 (1) - Add finish on the head.
00:33:646 (3,4) - Fix the DS here.
00:37:559 (1) - Add finish on all parts of this slider.
00:45:059 (2,3) - Fix the DS here.
01:03:646 (1) - Add finish on the head.
01:08:864 (4,5) - ^
01:21:907 (2,1) - Fix the DS here. Stacking these objects may help.

Make sure you check the DS consistency in this diff. All your objects should be snapped accordingly, in Normal/Easy diffs.

[not94's Easy]
*Unherited timing points here.
*Check that all your objects distances are snapped accordingly.
00:03:681 (3) - NC
00:06:940 (5) - ^
00:10:199 (7) - ^
00:16:718 (6) - ^ instead of 00:17:370 (1) - .
00:36:274 (6) - ^
00:37:577 (1) - Add finish on all parts of this slider.
00:40:674 (3) - Add finish.
00:42:792 (2) - Add finish on all parts of this slider.
00:45:400 (4) - NC
00:50:614 (1,1) - Add finish on the head. Plus, that NC on 00:51:918 (1) - isn't necessary.
00:55:829 (5,1) - Fix the blanket here.
01:06:585 (3) - NC
01:08:866 (1,2) - dd finish on the head.
01:13:429 (1) - Should start on 01:14:081 instead, so it can emphasize the cymbal crash in the music with a finish on the head.

Good luck.
Nya Nya Neko

10crystalmask01 wrote:

[not94's Easy]
*Unherited timing points here. fixed but now there are many unsapped objects
*Check that all your objects distances are snapped accordingly.
00:03:681 (3) - NC fixed
00:06:940 (5) - ^ fixed
00:10:199 (7) - ^fixed
00:16:718 (6) - ^ instead of 00:17:370 (1) - .?
00:36:274 (6) - ^ ?
00:37:577 (1) - Add finish on all parts of this slider.that sounds a bit too overused
00:40:674 (3) - Add finish. ^
00:42:792 (2) - Add finish on all parts of this slider.^
00:45:400 (4) - NCfixed
00:50:614 (1,1) - Add finish on the head. Plus, that NC on 00:51:918 (1) - isn't necessary. fixed
00:55:829 (5,1) - Fix the blanket here.fixed
01:06:585 (3) - NCfixed
01:08:866 (1,2) - dd finish on the head.fixed
01:13:429 (1) - Should start on 01:14:081 instead, so it can emphasize the cymbal crash in the music with a finish on the head.fixed
Topic Starter
all fixed
[not94's Easy]

00:14:733 (5) - add new combo please To emphasize the vocal
00:16:690 (6) - add finish please Add to emphasize the instrument will look better because.
00:17:342 (1) - why add finish? awkward delete please
00:21:744 (1) - I think the spinner to 00:24:516 - It is good to end. Think it is better to add the finish
00:44:244 (3) - slider end 00:44:733 - here
00:47:994 - add finish
01:01:690 (1) - same suggestion

01:03:646 - add finish
01:19:951 (2) - slider end 01:20:603 - here
01:21:255 (3) - slider end 01:21:581 - here and 01:21:907 - add note


00:22:070 (1) - same easy diff
00:31:690 (6) - ctrl + g and 00:32:342 - add note
00:38:048 - delete finish
00:43:266 - ^
01:10:168 - clap add please

good luck

i can't Hard insane diff mod.. sorry :o

From my queue:

  1. 00:01:085 (3) - Add a new combo. This is where the measure actually starts!
  2. 00:29:081 (1) - I think that this slider is too close to the previous object. Since you use a similar spacing here 00:28:266 (5,6) but with 1/2 in the timeline. 00:28:429 (6,1) has a 1/1 gap in between them, so I suggest you move (1) further away, or make this anti-jump more obvious. Part of the issue here is with your use of slider velocity, which I'll touch on later.
  3. 00:30:875 (2) - The flow of this note coming from the previous slider is a bit unorthodox, since it is the below the end of the slider and at a different angle to which you want to end up. To fix this I suggest you smooth the slider out and move the note up a bit:
  4. 00:31:038 (3,4) - Here, I think you could make these sliders less 'scrunched up'. This will make it play and look much nicer. It aloso fits with my previous suggestion to improve flow here.
    This arrangement works pretty well for me as it flows nice into the next section. If you prefer the way you had it, just make the sliders less curved like in the screenshot.
  5. 00:31:690 (5) - New combo to signal the change in slider velocity?
  6. 00:32:994 (2,3,4,5) - Woah, this is a fairly large jump sequence for a calm part of this song. I would recommend you decrease the spacing between these objects a little. Another reason to decrease the spacing is because you start to use smaller spacing here 00:33:646 (6,7,8). Going from such large spacing to small spacing disrupts flow quite heavily here and might even cause people to misread 00:33:646 (6,7,8).
  7. 00:46:690 (7) - I don't see why you need to use 1.25x velocity here. 1.0x is fine in my opinion. If anything, it should be slower to represent the long vocal.
  8. 00:51:907 (1) - I like the idea of the gradual increase in volume, but I would not start it off at 5% :o It's kinda hard to hit the beginning of this stream when I can hardly hear any hitsounds. Increase the volume a bit please, 30% as a minimum.
  9. 01:08:212 - Add a note here please, I can can hear a drum in the song. Otherwise, there is an awkward 1/1 gap :/
  10. 01:08:864 (1,2,3,4) - This is solely my opinion, but I don't think I'm fond of this sudden directional change to 01:09:353 (4). I know you're trying to emphasise this note for the vocal, but I think if you place it along the same vector line (i.e the same direction) as the triple it would make more sense and play a lot better.
  11. 01:09:842 (1,2,3,4) - Same sort of thing as I mentioned above :)
  12. 01:27:561 - Make the end of this spinner 5% percent volume so the hitsound doesn't ring out.
  13. Ok, about the slider velocities. I feel you are trying to experiment with them too much, making the slider speed fluctuate unnecessarily. For example, you sometimes use 1.0 here, or 0.8 there, or even 1.25 randomly. I would highly recommend you try to structure your map with corresponding slider velocities better, by not overusing them. I would suggest about 3 different ones at most: a normal slider velocity (1.0 for most of the song), a slower slider velocity (for the start for example, and the earlier part of the verse), and a faster slider velocity (for the kiai time if you want). This is just my opinion on this, but too much variation could be a bit confusing and mess up you spacing. Well, just consider this and make your own judgment :)

Vincent's Insane
  1. Oh it's Vincent again, hi o/
  2. 00:04:998 (4,5) - I think you should just make this one slider that extends from 00:04:998 - 00:05:324. It would match the vocal much better and there honestly isn't anything audible on 00:05:161.
  3. 00:05:976 (1,2,3,4,5) - People's opinions differ when it comes to what over-mapping is, but I really think this is. 5 1/4 notes mapped to nothing in the song is how I see it. I feel it just adds unnecessary complexity to the map where the song does not warrant such. A 1/1 slider on the white ticks would work much nicer to catch those notes you can hear.
  4. 00:10:170 (3,4) - This rhythm could be improve to follow the vocal: a slider to start it off (with the end catching the guitar) and a note to follow the end of the vocal.
    This can be varied, but having the same effect. Just start it off with a slider, then it should be fine!
  5. 00:14:081 (7,8) - ctrl+g this on the timeline? To follow the 'ma' lyric or whatever it is.

  1. 00:05:976 - Any reason why you haven't mapped a note here? The guitar should me mapped here, since not much else is going on, otherwise there is an awkward gap imo.

  1. 01:01:690 (1) - If you slow down your play back rate, you will hear that the reverse does not actually land on the blue tick! I would recommend you remove the reverse and just make it a normal slider. You should probably avoid mapping on blue ticks in an easy difficulty anyway...

Ok, those are the main things I could find. Good luck!

Star for support :3
Nya Nya Neko

gpq123 wrote:

[not94's Easy]

00:14:733 (5) - add new combo please To emphasize the vocal fixed
00:16:690 (6) - add finish please Add to emphasize the instrument will look better because.fixed
00:17:342 (1) - why add finish? awkward delete pleasefixed
00:21:744 (1) - I think the spinner to 00:24:516 - It is good to end. Think it is better to add the finish no because the spinner is following the vocals
00:44:244 (3) - slider end 00:44:733 - here fixed
00:47:994 - add finishfixed
01:01:690 (1) - same suggestionfixed

01:03:646 - add finishfixed
01:19:951 (2) - slider end 01:20:603 - herefixed
01:21:255 (3) - slider end 01:21:581 - here and 01:21:907 - add noteyou're right, but I did something else

Unsfamiliar wrote:

  1. 01:01:690 (1) - If you slow down your play back rate, you will hear that the reverse does not actually land on the blue tick! I would recommend you remove the reverse and just make it a normal slider. You should probably avoid mapping on blue ticks in an easy difficulty anyway...
Hi Miichan
I like your song, take a mod =3

[not94's Eazy]
  1. 00:03:693 (1) - Move to 264, 68?
  2. 00:06:961 (1) - Use distance snap 1,0x, it's good not change the spacing
  3. 00:14:733 (1) - this may confuse, increase the distance, move to 184, 292
  4. 00:29:733 (3) - Move to 184, 100
  5. 00:42:777 (2) - should not increase the slider velocity here and in the others, is so hard for a eazy diff
  6. 00:40:168 (2,3,4) - Decrease distance
  7. 00:54:353 (2,3) - Simplify the rhythm here,
  8. 01:03:646 (1) - Move to 252, 188
  9. 01:05:277 (2) - Move to 328, 208
  10. 01:06:581 - Try this rhythm

  1. 00:14:081 (6) - Decrease the distance
  2. 00:17:016 (1) - Suggestion:
  3. 00:33:646 (3) -
  4. 00:44:409 - Add a note?
  5. 01:19:299 (1) -
  6. 01:20:603 (3,1,2) -
  1. Decrease 1 AR plz, i think it better for this song
  2. 00:10:170 (1) - not cool increase the slider velocity here, it's better here 00:10:170 (1)
  3. 00:12:451 (4,5) - Move to 432, 320?
  4. 00:21:581 - Add a note here and 00:21:744 ?
  5. 00:23:538 (3) - Add a normal hit in the head
  6. 00:37:396 (3) - Move to 208, 112
  7. 00:56:309 (2,3) - Overlap these better
  8. 01:20:277 (4) - Move to 400, 232
Topic Starter


thanks for your modding :) :) :) :)
Hi~ Here are some of my mods

not94's Easy

00:21:255 Add finish, sounds epic~
01:01:038 ^
01:02:179 ^
01:08:864 + 01:09:842 I think the two sliders are too fast for an easy diff, try slow them down or use circles instead


00:27:125 remove finish because it doesn't really fit to that quiet point
00:40:657 remove finish
00:41:146 add finish
00:43:755 ^
01:01:038 ^
01:01:690 remove the last reverse at the end of the slider
01:18:646 remove clap because it gets quiet in this point
Topic Starter

Julini wrote:

Hi~ Here are some of my mods


00:27:125 remove finish because it doesn't really fit to that quiet point fixed
00:40:657 remove finishfixed
00:41:146 add finishfixed
00:43:755 ^ fixed
01:01:038 ^ fixed
01:01:690 remove the last reverse at the end of the slider NO?becoz there is a heavy beat
01:18:646 remove clap because it gets quiet in this point fixed
Modding from my googlequeue.

The map is very monotone-sounding, which is against the guidelines. Try adding claps where you hear snares in the song itself to fix this problem.
Change the artist name to Minori Chihara.
The timing is wrong. The BPM should be 185 universal until the ending slow down. So change all of the 184 bpm timings to 185. Don't forget to click the box next to "Snap objects to new timing" and "Resnap slider lengths." Also snap 00:11:492's timing section and remove the timing section at 00:11:799.
Use this map for reference: - Take the mp3, video and timing, just make sure you credit and link the map in the creator's notes.

[Vincent's Insane]
You should continue using hitsounds like you did at 00:47:994 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7). This was perfect.
00:00:921 (2) - Try stacking this on 00:00:758 (1), it looks a little bit better here.
00:04:998 (4) - Should keep whistling the 4/1's you have, like the slider end of 00:05:650 (5).
00:06:798 (2) - Stack this on 00:06:472 (1) as well
00:08:876 (1) - Whistle the beginning of this slider.
00:10:170 (3) - Another whistle at the beginning of this slider as well.
00:26:146 (2) - I'd highly suggest changing this, it breaks a lot of flow, maybe try something like this:
00:42:614 - Add a note here to continue the toms that you used earlier at 00:40:005 (7).
01:10:331 (6) - Why isn't this in a same spot as 01:09:353 (3) was after the slider before. Move 01:10:331 (6) to x:384 y:80 to make it consistant with that.
01:10:820 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is overmapped and shouldn't be mapped like this at all. You can have a 1/2 notes on 01:10:820 - 01:10:983 -
01:11:146 -
01:11:309 -
and then a slider at 01:11:472.
01:11:635 (1,2,3,4) - These sliders ruin beat placement. Try using a 1/2 slider and then remapping these 4 into sliders and 1 note starting from 01:11:798. The end of 01:12:614 (4) - should be the note.

00:37:559 (1,1) - Why aren't these consistent with 00:42:777 (1)? You should change these to match what you have later on.
01:14:081 (4) - This shouldn't be a repeat slider. Try a spinner at 01:14:081 and then finish it at 01:15:059, removing the note placed there.
Topic Starter

Love wrote:

Modding from my googlequeue.

The map is very monotone-sounding, which is against the guidelines. Try adding claps where you hear snares in the song itself to fix this problem.
Change the artist name to Minori Chihara.
The timing is wrong. The BPM should be 185 universal until the ending slow down. So change all of the 184 bpm timings to 185. Don't forget to click the box next to "Snap objects to new timing" and "Resnap slider lengths." Also snap 00:11:492's timing section and remove the timing section at 00:11:799.
Use this map for reference: - Take the mp3, video and timing, just make sure you credit and link the map in the creator's notes.fixed

00:37:559 (1,1) - Why aren't these consistent with 00:42:777 (1)? You should change these to match what you have later on. FIXED
01:14:081 (4) - This shouldn't be a repeat slider. Try a spinner at 01:14:081 and then finish it at 01:15:059, removing the note placed there. I hv tried to do that.. but I feel a bit not good enough :(
Topic Starter
added hitsound
Ajo Joestar
Mmm, there's so mani slider speed change on both insane diff . Remember that there shouldn't be more than 3 unless they are intuitive.
00:57:134 (1,1,1,1) - like here, on insane, you are using some slow sliders over the kiai, i personally don't feel it so natural while playing, specially with all these jumps and the spread stream before it.
And then, (on Vincent's insane 01:24:620 (1) - for example ), while the slow ending, it goes kinda fast, i say you should change the ending here.
And as i said before, try less sliders speed change, imo, longer spacing on kiai, than the intro (right now it's like the same), and less spacing on the ending of the song, wich is slower.
That's all. Good luck.
from my queue.
Quick mod.
Be careful. Close means close.

  1. Missing Skin Files.
    hitcircleoverlay.png approachcircle.png reversearrow.png
  2. Song title is Kyoukai no Kanata (and source)
  3. Romanaised Artist is "Chihara Minori"
    Ranking Criteria wrote
    Eastern artists must be written in the proper 'surname firstname' format
  4. add tage "not94"
  5. Why you use different combo colours? I think you should unify all diffs.
  6. uncheck Widscreen Support.
  7. You should use more hitsounds. Please refer to Vincent's diff hitsounds.
  8. PreviewTime isn't snappend. 00:53:058 - or 00:53:221 - is better.
[not94's Easy]

  • You shouldn't change DS and SV.This is Easy diff.
    HP+1 OD+1
  1. 00:21:744 unsnapped inherited point.
  2. 00:05:625 (2) - slider end isn't snapped
  3. 00:08:254 (2) - Slider repeat and end isn't snapped.
  4. 01:22:627 (4) - ^
  5. 00:49:635 (1,1,1) - This NC is not needed.just ONE new Combo at 00:49:635 (1) -

  • 00:27:138 (1) - ~ 00:51:917 (3) - Where is hitsounds?:o
  1. 00:18:999 (3) - slider end isn't snapped
  2. 00:08:254 (5) - ^
  3. 01:22:622 (1,1) - remove sliderwhistle
  1. 00:33:658 (1,2) - remove sliderwhistle
  2. 00:34:963 (1) - ^
  3. 01:04:633 (5) - ^
  4. 01:06:589 (1,2,5) - ^
  5. 01:11:643 (2,4,6) - ^
  6. 00:09:848 (3) - slider end isn't snapped
  7. 00:17:350 (2) - ^
  1. 00:52:315 - unsnapped inherited point
Good luck.
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