
10 Questions for Taiko Players

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1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 1year + 4month

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? I changed game mode.STD→Taiko

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? PS2/PSP/DS/Wii/AC/Taiko no Tatsujin+(Application)

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? kevin3333g,kanopu,asgardv,Hori_159,kuroru...etc. other person is in mypage

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? I can't choice

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? hs714,JUDYDANNY,Kin,TKS...etc. other person is in mypage

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HR=DT>FL>HD

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? dk kddk

10. Do you like Taiko? Futsuu
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? umm..6 months or so

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? at first i played mania. i mainly play 7k, but then i realize my keyboard is ghosting, so then i tried playing taiko which is only need 4 keys (i don't like mania 4k), and here i am.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? no

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? tasuke912, XK2238 (why do they have number in their username? maybe i need to add some number to get pro like them)

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? hard to choose. maybe Omega Rhytm

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Nardoxyribonucleic, hs714, lolcubes, OzzyOzrock, ... etc. many good mapper out there

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?usually no mod. but sometimes Hard Rock for relatively easy pattern map

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo, feels so noob in multi

9. What is your favourite pattern? ddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkddkk

10. Do you like Taiko? Only if taiko like me

shuttlespock wrote:

Stolen and slightly modified from the mania forum. No hard feelings :D

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? [b]About 5 Months

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? Started Because One Game Similar (太鼓の達人)

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? No

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? [size=150]Hori_159

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Deaf Mutes By Sayaka- :o :o :o :o :o

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Tasuke912

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Recently I Use (EZHT) But I Like More (EZ)

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? kddkddk

10. Do you like Taiko? Yeah, It's fun :) :) :) :) :)

1. About 2 months
2. Found out that my friend had been ignoring my messages because they were busy playing this game, so I started playing it too.
3. No
4. Anyone who will multi with me
5. Unsure :<
6. TKS, kanpakyin
7. I've recently started using HD on some easier songs
8. Multiplayer, I get to try out new maps without looking for them
9. ddk ddk ddk.
10. Yeah, it's fun
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?

I started playing taiko in summer 2014 but only started playing properly at the start of this year in January.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?

Because I was having some trouble with my mouse and i felt like playing another gamemode.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

nope, but going to play Arcade Taiko no Tatsujin when I'm in Japan the week after next.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?

sobatsuyu, Mew104, pagr42 and X_Spitfire_X .... and Garpo

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?

DarkVortex' Hanairo Biyori:
MMzz's Rainbow Dash likes Girls:

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?

DarkVortex, MMzz, S a n d, Backfire

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?

Hidden all the way.... and Nightcore all the way too :D

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

I usually play solo when I'm trying to make good scores but I play multi when I need to warm up or don't feel like making scores (or if some friends want to play).

9. What is your favourite pattern?

I would just have to say kkddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkddk stream patterns (or reverse ofcourse) because those are the easiest to play for me.
And also kdkkd and dkddk because they are fun :D

10. Do you like Taiko?

Why are you even asking people who play taiko as their main gamemode this question? - the answer is yes
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? About 4 years I think.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? Because one of my friends invited me to play it.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? AC/TaikoJiro/PSP(broken)

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? tasuke912,shinchikuhome,- Yuuka Niya -,HM495

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? marina - Towa yori Towa ni[Oni]

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Firce777,JUDYDANNY,lolcubes,TKS,and myself

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Yes,I sometimes use DT mod on some easy songs.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? I usually solo but I won't refuse a invitation of a multiplaying.

9. What is your favourite pattern? ddkkd,kkddk,ddkkddk,kkddkkd,dkkkddk,etc.

10. Do you like Taiko? Why do I play this game if I don't like it?
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 1 year soon, maybe 9-10 months now

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? I saw these crazy replays (both ingame and youtube) and I simply got inspired

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? T-aiko on my smartphone sometimes, really want TnT for 3ds though x.x

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? FLANKs

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Way to hard for me to answer, but for now, Yousei Teikoku - gothic lolita agitator. Fun to DT even though i'm not good enough to pass it B))

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? TKS and lepidopodus

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Mainly DT, but HD aswell

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? kdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdk

10. Do you like Taiko? It's better than the other gamemodes ;>
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? almost four years?

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? because it was easy to get 1sts on and norway had like no good players at the time

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? not really, I find most of them pretty bad

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? uhh tasuke912, XK2238, seiichiz and Xiah7s (gotta respect the pikachu) also myself cuz I'm hot shit

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? lepidon, myself, sushi, myself, uhhhhhhhh, myself, and uhh ozzyozrock, did I mention myself?

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? nomod is the way to go, also FL!

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? I'm riding solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? kd

10. Do you like Taiko? YEAH

11. Are you gay? no, why is this a question in this thread
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? Hmm, about less than 2 months yet

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? I bored to play osu!std.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? No.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? Nardo :3

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Hmm... Rog-Unlimitation?

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? I have no favorite mapper yet :v

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HR and SD

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? 1/3 D or 1/3 K

10. Do you like Taiko? Of course yes
Kondou Kinji
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
Since sometime after easter 2013, can't really remember x)

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
I played Osu Standard for about 4 mounths, but got bored with it (and to some extent because i hated spinners) I tried taiko, and it just stuck with me.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Kevin3333, Kiwi Stick and FLANKs

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Rohi - Kakuzetsu Thanatos

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
No, it tanks too hard on my acc for me to feel like it would benefit me all that much

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo, because then I can restart the same song 12 times xD

9. What is your favourite pattern?

10. Do you like Taiko?
Think thats a bit of a obvious one ^3^
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
About 4 months all up

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Wasn't good at osu!mania at the time, was frustrated with osu!standard and didn't like the idea of CatchTheBeat so I tried Taiko, enjoyed it but was crud upon first couple plays. Watched a youtube video on how to taiko and haven't looked back since. Kept playing to this day because I feel that Taiko is Aus is under represented a little bit and wanted to make a lasting impact.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Social peer pressure forces me to say Njintje ;3

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Don't have to favourite as such since I enjoy so many of the taiko maps.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
Don't really have a favourite, but I have been enjoy a few beatmaps that Nardo has pumped out lately.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HR primarily, still getting used to DT and FL

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?
Anything that isn't DDK or KKD since that combo is the one that is most likely to trip me up whilst playing with mods on ._.

10. Do you like Taiko?
Wouldn't be playing it otherwise.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 10 months

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? In osu, I started playing because I already own the game on PS2, 3DS, and PSP and own shit tons of Taiko merch so I'm a huge fanatic. Been playing for uhh 6 years maybe longer on other platforms

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? PSP, 3DS, PS2, and sometimes on my sister's Wii/Wii U. I have also played the arcade version many times, in Japan and Korea and my local arcade near Chicago :P

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? sobatsuyu for obvious reasons

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Hard to say... I guess I really like Elder Dragon Legend even though I suck at it lol

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Don't really have a favorite, I like many
7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HR for literally everything, there's only a few maps I can't play with HR on. I have it on by default usually. DT if the song is slow enough. HR + DT for max score. Can't play HD/FL worth a crap.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? solo definitely, multiplayer just makes my nerves go crazy and I mess up too much :cry:

9. What is your favourite pattern? kdkdkdkdkdkd because it's easier than the other way for me 8-)

10. Do you like Taiko? yes it's amazing and the best mode :)
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
1 year + 3 months i guess

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Because I heard that it's the hardest gamemode

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Shinchikuhome, Sobatsuyu

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
sola (TKS) or AugoEides (lepidon)

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
climbb, TKS, lepidon

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HR or DT... DTHR is fun too

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?
dkddk kdkkd kdddk

10. Do you like Taiko?
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
I'm not sure, 1 month I play Taiko, 1 month ctb, 1 month mania..

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Because I like all mods of Osu!

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
Only at Osu

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
TKS, kevin3333g, kanopu

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Freedom dive

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
ReySHeL, Nardoxyribonucleic, qoot, judydanny

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HD or HR, learning DT

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?

10. Do you like Taiko?
Yay *-*/

shuttlespock wrote:

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
Around 8 months or so.

shuttlespock wrote:

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
A chatroom friend introduced me to Osu!, and while he was showing me through the modes, I found Taiko the most enjoyable and stuck to it.

shuttlespock wrote:

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

shuttlespock wrote:

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
None. It's not commentary on the people of this community, rather a result of the fact I know nothing about anybody here.

shuttlespock wrote:

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Mike Morasky - Science Is Fun
Hikato's Taiko Oni

shuttlespock wrote:

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?

shuttlespock wrote:

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
FL on one star, HR on two star, for the most part.

shuttlespock wrote:

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Multiplayer, but I don't have anybody to play with at my skill level.

shuttlespock wrote:

9. What is your favourite pattern?
Either kdkkkdk, or kkddkk

shuttlespock wrote:

10. Do you like Taiko?
Of course. I wouldn't play if I didn't. ;)
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 8 years.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? It was another Rhythm game my brothers had on their DS, so I quickly figured out the game and started playing.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? DS, Taikojiro for PC, Arcades 11-14

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? uuuuuuhhhhh

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Shimedore 2000

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? uuuuhhhhhh

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Easy, because Osu!Taiko's system is completely different from Taiko No Tatsujin

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo. There's no one to Multi with.

9. What is your favourite pattern? dk kd/ kd dk

10. Do you like Taiko? Yessssss
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
7 months

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
I saw in a youtube video and found it interesting

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
Taiko no Tatsujin machine sometimes

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
sobatsuyu and shinchikuhome

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Snow drive

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
Yes. HD and HT, DT sometimes.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?

10. Do you like Taiko?
For sure
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 9 months

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? LolBryster linked me to his channel where he FCed some difficult maps.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? Naaaaaaaaaaaaa

4. Who are your favourite Taiko players? LolBryster and MMzz

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Because Maybe

6. Who are your favourite Taiko mappers? lolcubes, MMzz, OnosakiHito, Nwolf, and clearly OzzyOzzrock.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? DT when i'm bored, HR for score, HD when motivated, F**k FL, HDHRDT when i'm drunk.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Depends on how i feel, sometimes i just wanna retry ya know?

9. What is your favourite pattern? dkdkdkkddkdkdkkdd

10. Do you like Taiko? TAIKO IS GAY :D

shuttlespock wrote:

Stolen and slightly modified from the mania forum. No hard feelings :D

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 1.5 years i'd say now

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? got curious to play another mode beside standard

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? not yet sadly

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? probably asuasu lol i spam him with testplay reqs xD

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? i'm undecided but i'd say Revolution Deathsquad by MMzz

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? lolcubes, lepidopodus, MMzz, OzzyOzrock...etc

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? nomod player but i usually use DT for low ass songs and sometimes HD

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? that pattern in deathsquad's kiai i think it was something like kkdkddkdkkdkddkdkkdkddk

10. Do you like Taiko? no it sucks
I thought I would just update this.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
11 months...(?) I guess so

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Because y nawt?

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
Taiko Arcade. For once. Second time is still pending

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Japanizzzzzzz Pla-yarzzzzzzzz

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Wow, too much to mention

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
Ono~ ^^ And so on

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
Mods... Yes. But only DT and HR. I can't even HD nor FL nor both (which is E.T.-matic)

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo (I'm still not very well for Multi btw)

9. What is your favourite pattern?
KDKDK KKDKK KDKD etc. etc. etc. (As long as it's possible to hit, I'm okay)

10. Do you like Taiko?
YESHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (Oops, caps ><)
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
Started playing it casually about 9 months ago, but I got most of my pp skill 3 months ago

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Because I sucked so much at STD I wanted to try something different, and both Mania and CtB gave me cancer

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
Nope #USA #feelsbadman

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
tasuke912 senpai <333333

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
seal.mp4 Kappa it's actually probably between Calamity Fortune, ANiMA and Honey Come!!
6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
Oh, so many good ones. Tasuke, EdamaMe, Ozzy, Sh1n1, and Nardo stick out thou :D

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HR and DT sometimes, but I prefer NoMod. Some converts I'll use EZ for though

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo, probably because I suck at solos

9. What is your favourite pattern?

10. Do you like Taiko?
well ofc
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?

I guess 1 1/2 year. 1/2 year b4 that was ctb.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?

None of my friends liked it.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

No but i plan to play the original one quite often on my stay in Japan.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?

I have to say Chromoxx since I watched him all the way to where he is now.

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?

Firce777's - Zeami feat Tenshi - Tenyou no Mai. I really love the synchro of music and the taiko sounds.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?

Firce777 and TKS. Can't quite decide between those 2 since they're both too awesome.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?

Not often and I'm no good with them but if yes -> Hidden

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

I would prefer multiplayer but most times i am online there are no other people there :D

9. What is your favourite pattern?

as a ddkk player -> ddkkddkkddkkddkk... since it's the easiest ;) Also I can't really describe complex pattern since I don't remember them.

10. Do you like Taiko?

Obviously. Funniest osu! mod i've played so far and I played all of them for a certain amount.

shuttlespock wrote:

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 5 months at rank #6485

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? I tried, and I liked it.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? Arcade machine but it was made in China. Lawl

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? All Japanese Taiko players probably XD

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? All of them

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? All of them who dedicated their time for us

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HR, FL (I cant even do HD so Imma go with FL)

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Both but I either see rank 100k or 100 in multiplayer so yeah Im sticking with solo for 3 months XD

9. What is your favourite pattern? kkddk ddkkd dkddk kdkkd ddkkk kkddd dkdkd and stuffs

10. Do you like Taiko? Yeha :3
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? Approximately an year.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? Tablet broke, decided to try new gamemode for the time being, never looked back.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? Nope.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? asgardv

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Hard to pinpoint my favorite map but if I had to pick one off the top of my head, Live Wire.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? woodmanrock

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Hidden

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? ddkddkddkddkddkd

10. Do you like Taiko? Yeah, it's fun.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? few weeks or so

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? decided to try another gamemode

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? nope

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? uh... i don't know anyone yet

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? i played just a few low level beatmaps so can't say for now D:

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? so far: Stefan, OnosakiHito, DakeDekaane

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? nope, mods are hard

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? solo

9. What is your favourite pattern?ddd kkk lol

10. Do you like Taiko? fun fun fun
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?

10. Do you like Taiko?

1. I would say for about 4 days. Previously, I only played on and off, for a day at most before stopping, so I don't really count that
2. Just on osu
3. Nope
4. Can't say, I haven't really watch any Taiko
5. I like Orange Heart(cv:Honda Mariko) Neptune(cv:Tanaka Rie) - Mousou Katharsis and Drop - Granat - because they're both short and I've played the same song on !mania (especially Mousou Katharsis)
6. None at the moment
7. I almost always play with HR. Otherwise its no mod
8. Solo
9. An easy one :P
10. I do now :)

shuttlespock wrote:

Stolen and slightly modified from the mania forum. No hard feelings :D

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?

10. Do you like Taiko?


1. Seven years in overall \:D/
2. First of all, I started with osu!std, but my mouse dsliked me. Then I tried catch the beat, but I found it boring, and THEN I started to play osu!taiko which... wasted my entire life and I do not regret! :D
3. I played TnT on PSP. Nothing more so really :(
4. I don't have favourite players. I mean, I have, but it's a ton of them, and they're my friends, so...
5. The recent Lolcubes "Uta", which is bread and butter <3
6. I don't have favourite taiko mappers. I mean, years ago I loved style of Onosaki and Backfire, now I don't really look up for it. Maybe Raiden? But it's about his mapped songs, not his style ._.
7. I was entirely a HD player, then I learned HR, I sticked to HR for longer, forgot how to HD, got HD back, started playing DT and jumping over everyone. But tbh, I like playing just NM or DT, in emergency pp case the HD more than HR.
8. Both. xD
9. Every simple stream which won't require me to switch main hand. :D
10. I either hate it, since I progress slowly - but I love it, since it's connected to some drumming I did in past.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
Around 4 years or so.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Because I played the original at DS and loved it.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
Nintendo DS/3DS, Wii/U, PSP/Vita and arcade.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
kanopu and kevin3333g used to be a rival of mine or some sort back in the days.
Can't name any modern players because I don't really follow up these days.

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Maps that are fun and medium-hardish to play. Not overmapped/streamy crap.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
climbb65588. He made his maps pretty simple and fun to play and inspired me to map like him.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
They used to call me HD boy back then. they don't do that any longer though...

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
I don't mind both.

9. What is your favourite pattern?
Don't have a specific favorite pattern.

10. Do you like Taiko?
Used to, not any longer. lol
cheese salad
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
Since I started plyaing this game

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
When I was like seven or something, I found Taiko no Tatsujin on the Wii and really liked it. I forgot about the game until seven grade when I found an arcade machine in China. Fast forward a little bit to when I found this game and discovered that Taiko was a game mode, so I started playing

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
No, unless I find an arcade machine in Wisconsin

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
asuasu_yura, Catgirl (Decon082), and maybe _yu68 (since his plays are insane)

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
osu tutorial converted to taiko (

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
Sayaka and Firce777

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
I used to like HD until I switched from one handed to two, now I suck at every mod

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo, I never find a good taiko multiplayer game

9. What is your favourite pattern?

10. Do you like Taiko?
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?

1 and a half years.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?

Other modes were boring, and I found out about Taiko no Tatsujin when I started playing it.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?


4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?


5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?


7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?

HR and DT

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?


9. What is your favourite pattern?

kddk kd dk

10. Do you like Taiko?

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu? 1 year

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? when spect my friend playing taiko. I want try it

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? no

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? _yu68 toara_fict kevin3333g

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? lolcubes qoot8123 tasuke912 ect

7. Do you use mods? sometimes If so, which ones? HR

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? ddkk kdd ddddk kkkkkd dkkkdkkd kdddkdddk dkdkdk kdkdkd

10. Do you like Taiko? yeah!
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
I don't remember, 4-5 months i'm guessing?

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Got bored of standard one day, liked taiko a little too much.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
Not really.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Thaehan - Doki-Doki [Feel]

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
Y O U T A , jom, lundle, or tasuke.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
Not really, but HD if anything.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?
ddddkkkkddddkkddkkd, kdddk, ddkdk

10. Do you like Taiko?
In love with it
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? half of a month, maybe :D ( my main is standard_)

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? My osu friend tells me to play and also I watch LMS 3 and it inspired me to try Taiko

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? T-aiko on smartphone, if it does count.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? eh, maybe _yu68 because of his performance in LMS 3 is insane :D

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Canon ( convert map ) up to now

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Noone , yet..

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? I like FL :P

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? both :)

9. What is your favourite pattern? dkkkdkkkdkkk...

10. Do you like Taiko? yes!
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
It should be 6 months now.
2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Because my mouse didn't work anymore so I coulnd't play Standard. Buying a tablet for only one game was too expensive, well and now I love Taiko even more than Standard.
3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Abviously _yu68. Also Tasha, Shinchikuhome and Chromoxx.
5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
I enjoyed Streaming Heart and 8 Awesome Angles of Youtube most atm.
6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HR. Even in Standard I always used to play HDHR, but I can't play HD in Taiko atm.
8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Well, there are no Taiko Multiplayer games...Solo then.
9. What is your favourite pattern?
ddkkddk - (because kkddkkd sucks).
10. Do you like Taiko?
Why playing a game you don't like?
1. How Long Have you been playing Taiko on Osu! for?
If you mean first time I played a map shortly after I started playing standard which is a year and a half. If you mean seriously about 2 months
2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
I got burned out on standard and had been playing Mania for a while. Had resisted playing Taiko as I couldn't get used to the presentation but found a great skin that convinced me to give it a try.
3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
4. Who is your favourite Taiko Player.
Still new to the Taiko scene so don't really know many taiko players. At this point would be Chromoxx for those awesome tutorial videos on youtube.
5. Which Taiko map do you like the most
Anything that has fun to play patterns
6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
See answer 4
7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
Still only playing Nomod, just starting to get to the point where I am skilled enough to consider adding mods.
8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo mainly just due to the fact that I can almost never find multiplayer lobbies and when I do they generally are playing autoconverts "shudder"
9. What is your favorite pattern?
10. Do you like Taiko
I secretly am a masochist and do things that give me mental pain as a perverse sort of pleasure (Kinda a double negative there :lol:
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 2 Years ( 2014 - now )

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? IDK, just play fun.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? No.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? tsuba3 ( Both modes #1'er ) & sing216 ( DT 100% god )

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? -

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Nardoxyribonucleic.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? SD in both mode.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo.

9. What is your favourite pattern? No.

10. Do you like Taiko? No.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
Almost 6 years.
2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Touhou. Playing Touhou songs and making Touhou maps.
3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
PS2, DS, PSP, Wii
4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Those who perform great on my maps.
5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
I like what I do - myself.
7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HR for ranked maps.
8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
9. What is your favourite pattern?
The one that fits the song.
10. Do you like Taiko?
More mapping than playing - Yes.

? wrote:

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? half year

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? idk

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? Arcade!

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? Orukaa

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Muzukashii

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? TKS

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? FL

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? OOO OOO

10. Do you like Taiko? kinda

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 1.5 years or so
2. Why did you start playing Taiko? saw a play on the mad machine champion convert (kek) thought it looked cool
3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? before osu no, now i go to this arcade taiko place once in a while
4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? wzxxzw, hands down
5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? authentic maps, probably angel dream. from osu, idk but something from lepidon.
6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? lepidon. nardo and climbb are good too.
7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? nomod, ez, hd mostly. sometimes fl.
8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? taiko has multiplayer?? ahahahaha good one
9. What is your favourite pattern? anything that's not in shinsekai or ac-227
10. Do you like Taiko? why play something you don't enjoy?
  1. 1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? Around about 1.5 - 2 years.
  2. 2. Why did you start playing Taiko? At first I only played it because I wanted to test out all of the modes; I just happened to be really good at it so I kept improving at it.
  3. 3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? No, I have tried TnT on the DS before and also tried the TnT arcade machines a few times (we need more of them btw, get it together Australia).
  4. 4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? Probably a tie between bbj0920, thomas1195 and Ulqui. Before these three, it was Cadmium-113.
  5. 5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? ll-oscar's TIEFSEE.
  6. 6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Tie between Charlotte and SKSalt.
  7. 7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HDNC masterrace.
  8. 8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo (because multiplayer doesn't seem to exist).
  9. 9. What is your favourite pattern? Anything streamy or 1/3 leading into 1/4 patterns.
  10. 10. Do you like Taiko? It is undoubtedly the most simplistic yet fun mode.

shuttlespock wrote:

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?

10. Do you like Taiko?
1. My page says 29 days since I joined osu! but I only login ever so often. I'd say a week or so.

2. Mouse sucks :cry: was actually going to try out standard but I don't have a tablet either and it was hell

3. Yes I do

4, 5, 6. I have no idea :?

7. Most of the time no mods but DT or HR sometimes

8. If anyone would multi with me

9. ddkkddkkddkkddkk

10. Probably :D
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