Osu! needs more Lapfox Trax / Halley Labs' songs Include DOWNLOAD
Profile hitting 10-year-old and happily retired from mania since 2020 \Ow O/ REACHING LV.100 IN OSU!STD AFTER ALMOST 4.5 YEARS IN OSU! (I forgot which play gave the achievement possible to be fair...)
Hi, I'm JustinNF. I'm mainly on keyboard smashing. And I'm a wireless kb user. And I still use that wireless kb now and then for casual play PARADOXX!!!!!!
Moto of Life: UNO MAS!!!
Welcome mania DT PP back 13 January 2017(RIP pp system 2k17) And rip mania pp (pp nerf) 17 May 2018(RIP mania pp system again 2k18)
Might not edit very frequently due because I'm kinda lazy to do this before logging into the game Playing: Mildly Active Map Testing: Very Inactive Mapping: Very Inactive Modding: Very Inactive
mania Key count = 4 (only) In-game Star Rating: Anything <5* Presence of SV: "Yes pls" (Don't throw me a full map of invisible notes then I'm fine} LNs: Mild, Regular, Rich n Star Bursts (but seriously don't send me this to test play, I still love my keyboards <3) Song Length: Anything between 0 sec to 1 hr will do but better for the range from 1 min to 30 mins (Also check this awesome map Your Soulmate (XDerbyX and the firestorm team)) OD: 0 to 9 (If HP is >9) or 10 (If HP is 9 or lesser) Spectate?: No spec no problem, I'll still dm the final result screen to the mapper (if still online or still alive(?)) I would apologize if my play is bad or if I failed the map halfway since I rarely play hard maps these days... So... just don't hurt me if I fail your "Easy" map (I'm fragile)
Taiko In-game Star Rating: Anything <4.5* Presence of SV: Sure! Why not? Song Length: <5 mins (I can't get high concentration for this mode idek) OD and HP: <Unspecified for unspecified reasons>
Fruits In-Game Star Rating: Anything <3.7* (Favourable) or <4.3* (*heavy sweating*) Song Length: <10 mins (yea, because Uta <3) AR: <9.5 (or I'll mostly fail the map because of the "forced HD" situation as I can't read AR9.4+ w/o the aids of HD) CS: 5 (suggested AR be at most 9.2) or lower (as above) OD and HP: Any will do I suppose...
COMPLETED SETS: BOLF Vol.1 : Because Maybe! by Lapfox - Length: 1 hr (yes) - Current progress: 100% (Completed: Aug 2018)
Painters of the Tempest by Ne Obliviscaris - Length: ~23 mins - Current Progress: 100% (Completed: July 2019)
THE MEDLEY OF POKEMON RGBY+GSC -3PBs- - Length: ~26 mins - Current Progress: 100% (Completed: 29 April 2020)
OCTOBER STARLIGHT 4EVER! by NegaRen - Length: 1 hr 43 mins (Both sides combined) - Current Song: The Apathy Dance / 09:05:210; but also mapping other parts when having any Idea(l(s))
The Fuckdest Jam (Side-B) by DJ Snaggletoof - Length: ~54 mins - Current Song: FIAB - Don't Hold Back / 7:05:910
Cranked Pastry Megamix by Various Artists - Length: ~1 hr - Current Song: <not yet finding out> (currently as the time stamp of 3 min)
In Strange Care by Jackal Queenston - Length: ~ 34 mins - Current Song: Sabre/Song-1 - Desc: Proposed 34 mins Full-SV map with no breaks for the fingers and eyes
Keyboard SMASHER, Masher, and Headslammer "Hello There" Mapping is wheeeeeee~~~~ (include timing insanity) Song/music Genres that I like: Almost every genre. From Drone to Extratone, Ambient to Harsh Noise, Baroque to Electric, Chill to Death Metal, Hardcore, DnB, Breakcore, Trance, VGM, Chiptune... Just differ by the level of Favouriteness
Old Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200 CPU @ 1.60GHz RAM: 4GB DDR3 Graphic: Nvidia Geforce 740M
Mouse Arcatroz(R) X-Craft Twilight 2000 (CPI-1200) sensor broke mid 2021 Logitech G102 (DPI 1950) (NEW!) Mouse pad: CLiPtec THERIUS RGY348 (Christmas Present 2017) Asus TUF Gaming P3 Durable Mouse Pad (since June 2019) Osu! sensitivity: 1.1-1.13 KeyBoard Logitech K270 (wireless kb); or CLIPtec PLETERO 87 RGK815 (blue-otemu iirc); or the switches suck, don't get blues if you want hardcore gaming Keychron K8 (Gateron Reds + Yellow) for mania / (Akko Reds) for taiko Both keyboards are rarely used since I'm more used to laptop kb for now-now.
Date: 15 May 2017 (Mode: Osu!Mania) Date: 4 June 2017 (Mode: Osu!Standard) (this wasn't the first pass but still pretty insane) Date: 9 July 2019 (Mode: Osu!Standard) First 1k+ combo on 6*+ map (and almost die twice because I can't stream) Actually, more of that I didn't list because I lose the screenshots/they are not a very impressive play to be shared...
Total Performance Point: 17,370 Total Ranked Score: 18,537,222,027 Total Score: 60,172,579,364 Total Hits: 36,136,078 Total Play Count: 69,237 Total Play Time: 1405 Hrs (or 58 Days 13 hours)
26 February 2016- First 200pp play (Osu!mania) 4 March 2016- 3kpp Osu!mania reached 18 March 2016- 777pp (osu!catch) I somehow missed the 666pp count... >.> 18 June 2016- 4 Million taps achieved(osu!mania) 21 June 2016- First 4* 4k FC (osu!mania) 28 June 2016- 4k 1st, 2nd-Dan Passed (Osu!mania) 30 June 2016- First 300pp play (osu!mania) 22 July 2016- 1kpp achieved (Osu!catch) July 2016- First ever osu!mania map being made https://osu.ppy.sh/s/479939 (Graveyarded because no time to make other diffs ;w;) 19 August 2016- 4k 3rd-Dan Passed! (Osu!mania) 24 August 2016- First (and 2nd) 100pp play (standard) 14 Octobr 2016- 4k 4th-Dan V2 passed (Osu!mania) 17 October 2016- Normal 7k 6th-Dan pass \o/ (Osu!mania) 3 November 2016- 2kpp Reached! (Standard) 12 November 2016- #4000 Osu!mania reached! (again actually) 16 November 2016- 5kpp Reached! (Osu!mania) 20 November 2016- I'm on DawnGlare osu! leaderboard http://osu.dawnglare.com/?p=totalpp 23 November 2016- #60000 Standard reached! (again actually) 1 December 2016- 3 Million hits reached (Standard) 2 December 2016- 1,000,000,000 Ranked score achieved (Osu!mania) 4 December 2016- "15k plays" (Standard) 18 December 2016- 5.2kpp (osu!mania) 27 December 2016- 8888 play count (osu!mania) 7 January 2017- 200 hour of play (Taiko) FIRST MILESTONE IN 2k17 HYPE!!! 12 January 2017- 5 Bllion Ranked Score (Standard) 21 February 2017- First 4k combo (Light It Up [Lightning] FC) (osu!mania), replay upload soon 25 February 2017- 10,000 plays(Osu!mania) 26 February 2017- 5.4kpp (osu!mania) 180+pp in a single weekend 7 March 2017- 5.5kpp (osu!mania) I'm on fire!!! prolly (wkwkwk) 10 March 2017- 10 Million hits (Osu!mania) 10 March 2017- 5.6kpp (osu!mania) 108pp got in a day 12 March 2017- 5.7kpp (osu!mania) Thanks DT-pp on T&R [Triumph] DT 93% - 343pp 14 March 2017- #3500 reached (osu!mania) 21 March 2017- 5.8kpp (osu!mania) & bye for the last <200pp play 09 April 2017- :O (Location: Starbucks!!!) two breakthroughs at the same time 20 April 2017- 20,000,000 (20 Million) Hits (Total of ALL modes) 22 April 2017- 10,000,000,000 (aka. 10 Billion) ranked score (ALL Modes) achieved 26 April 2017- 5.9kpp (osu!mania) 4 June 2017- First 6* (+HD) pass (osu!std) 4 June 2017- 6,000 pp (Osu!Mania) July 2017 - 30 Billion (30,000,000,000) total score all-mode-total reached 14 July 2017 - 6,100 pp (Osu!Mania) 2X July 2017 - 1000 S (and SH) ranks (osu!mania) 20 Aug 2017 - 6.2kpp osu!mania reached 25 Aug 2017 - 20k plays in osu!std 27 Aug 2017 - 6.3kpp Osu!mania reached (10 300+pp plays) 28 Aug 2017 - 10k plays Taiko 31 Aug 2017 - 6.4kpp Osu!mania 22 Sept 2017 - 6.7kpp Osu!mania(Incl. 4.5k and 4.6k at once) Osu!mania (First 400pp and 500pp play) 29 Sept 2017 - 6.8kpp Osu!mania(iLLness [Heaven] HT 452k first pass xd) 8 Oct 2017 - 6.9kpp (osu!mania) 15 Oct 2017 - 7kpp (osu!mania) With 3rd 400pp play(L45T C4LL-884k, 97.15) 16 Oct 2017 - #3000 osu!mania reached Also 7.1kpp reached! (NANO DEATH [EXTRA] 93.77 - 446pp) 19 Oct 2017 - 7.2k and 7.3kpp reached (first GC nomod pass+94 - 521pp) ALSO~ 15kpp all modes hit 20 Oct 2017 - 7.4kpp osu!!mania (Blastix Riotz [INF] 94% - 390pp) 21 Oct 2017 - 7.5kpp osu!mania (Croix [GRAVITY] 96.18% - 378pp) Also first appearance in #2500 25 Oct 2017 - 7.6kpp osu!mania (Trigger [Trigger] S - 340pp) 27 Oct 2017 - 7.7kpp osu!mania 31 Oct 2017 - Spooky 7.8kpp osu!mania reached (Kanshou no Matenrou [World's End] 93.88 - 429pp) 4 Nov 2017 - 8kpp osu!mania reached (Exit this Earth's Atmosphere [7.667 km/s] DT 92.27 - 476pp ; Borealis [GRAVITY] DT 90.2 - 451pp) 10 400pp+ plays reached (will update for every 500 thereafter) 14 Nov 2017 - 6 Bil (6,000,000,000) Ranked Score osu!std, took about 20k plays xd 23 Dec 2017 - 8500pp reached (osu!mania), contributor: C18 +DT 90.76% pass 31 Dec 2017 - #2k rank reached for the first time (osu!mania) 17 Jun 2018 - 6kpp reached (osu!mania) after the pp-nerf about half a month earlier 11 Aug 2018 - 7,000,000,000 ranked score std reached! 14 Aug 2018 - 3kpp (osu!standard) reached! (Thanks Pishi for making 2010) 23 Aug 2018 - 25k plays + 23 Bil Total Scores (osu!standard) 19 May 2019 - 6.2k pp (osu!mania) reached! (it have been so long... mate) 11 July 2019 - Lv.100 (Osu!std) reached! (about 28 Billion total scores achieved to get here) 23 Nov 2019 - 6.3kpp (osu!mania) and 0000FF is garbage 4 Jan 2020 - 4k pp (Osu!Std) + a return to #60k (Previous top 60k was in June 2018) 5 Jan 2020 - 30k plays (osu!std) 29 Mar 2020 - 6.4kpp (osu!mania) "pp is garbage...???" 15 Apr 2020 - 10 Billion Total Score (osu!catch) 30 April 2020 - First 5* FC Mania (something +DT) 2 May 2020 - 10 Billion Total Score (osu!mania) 5 May 2020 - 10 Billion Ranked Score (osu!std) 5 May 2021 - 20k plays (osu!mania) 6 Dec 2021 - 4.3kpp (osu!std) 12 Dec 2021 - Return to top 70k (osu!std) 19 Dec 2021 - 50 B total score (osu!std) 24 Dec 2021 - 10M Hits (osu!std) 8 May 2022 - First 300pp play (osu!std) 7 Jan 2023 - 20kpp ALL MODES TOTAL, after getting 2 300pp play in taiko in a single session 9 Jan 2023 - 6kpp (osu!taiko)
I usually change between skins, especially while on osu!standard. My current collection of skins' list (Mostly are the original upload by the skinners, only with small changes for mania mode) Note: the color of the names for the skins is the default color of the cursor of the skin. Some have modifications free for personal changes. HueShift 1.1(HD) "Claw-Personal-Skin"
Because #1234 is too hard to reach... ;w; Result of trying to DT pass a very tricky map... ;w; because Getting A single-digit gap personally is hard... well... heh~~~ Rank and pp are both divisible by 100 Because 69.69 is too mainstream Date: 15 Oct 2017 16 Oct 2017 - First appearance in #3k rank 21 Oct 2017 - First appearance in #2500 Ok... Reaching #2017 in 2017? #2k Ow O 1500 S