
Sekken-ya - Mishaguji-Empire

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こんにちはRandomEffectさん。from PM


  1. Artistは"Sekkenya"ではなく多分"sekken-ya"だと思います。

  2. BGのサイズが1024×760なので800×600や1024×768など4:3にしたほうがよいです。1024×768を越えるサイズにはしないように

  3. スキンを追加する場合、スキンのセットがすべて揃っていなければいけないので、hitcircleoverlay.pngを追加してください。

  4. PreviewTimeの開始地点がそれぞれ微妙に違うのでどちらかに統一してください!
    Easy 76222
    Normal 76222
    Hard 76297
    Insane 76297

  5. 全ての難易度のSourceに"Touhou"を追加してください。Tagsの"touhou"は削除。

  6. diffが4つありますがDifficultyの変化があまりないようなのでNormalを基準に最低難易度と最高難易度の差を大きくしたほうがいいかもしれません↓
  1. 最低難易度なのでARは必ず4以下が無難です。Easyでは基本的に4、低くても3が一般的だと思います。
  1. DR、AR、ODがNormalと同じなのでHardはそれより上に設定するべきです。
  1. AR7はBPM185でこのnoteの密度だと、プレイする人が非常にやりづらいので1つあげたほうがいいかもしれません。

  2. 00:21:816 (1) - finish
    00:32:195 (2) - ^
    00:34:789 (5) - ^
    00:37:384 (1) - ^
    00:39:978 (6) - ^
    00:42:573 (1) - ^
    00:52:951 (1) - ^
    00:55:546 (7) - ^
    00:58:141 (1) - ^
    01:00:735 (7) - ^
    01:03:330 (1) - ^

  3. 01:11:114 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 形が少しずれてるので01:12:735 (6,7) - 1グリッド上に移動して01:13:384 (8) - x:120 y:232に移動すると綺麗になります。
  4. 01:21:492 (9) - note追加した方が好きです。
    01:22:627 (2) - ^

  5. 最高難易度に関わらず全体的にほとんどスペーシングが統一されていて単調な印象でした。
1st beatmapとのことですが非常に丁寧な仕上がりでよく出来てると思います :)
Good luck\(・ω・)/
Topic Starter

CuNha wrote:

こんにちはRandomEffectさん。from PM


I see

  1. Artistは"Sekkenya"ではなく多分"sekken-ya"だと思います。
    または"Sekken'ya"かもしれませんがosuでranked曲検索するとsekken-yaがでてきました。 I'll change

  2. BGのサイズが1024×760なので800×600や1024×768など4:3にしたほうがよいです。1024×768を越えるサイズにはしないように fix

  3. スキンを追加する場合、スキンのセットがすべて揃っていなければいけないので、hitcircleoverlay.pngを追加してください。

    It is a great help to me!

  4. PreviewTimeの開始地点がそれぞれ微妙に違うのでどちらかに統一してください! fix
    Easy 76222
    Normal 76222
    Hard 76297
    Insane 76297

  5. 全ての難易度のSourceに"Touhou"を追加してください。Tagsの"touhou"は削除。 I'll change

  6. diffが4つありますがDifficultyの変化があまりないようなのでNormalを基準に最低難易度と最高難易度の差を大きくしたほうがいいかもしれません↓
  1. 最低難易度なのでARは必ず4以下が無難です。Easyでは基本的に4、低くても3が一般的だと思います。 fix
  1. DR、AR、ODがNormalと同じなのでHardはそれより上に設定するべきです。
    他の人の譜面を参考にして設定してみるといいカモ。 I'll try!
  1. AR7はBPM185でこのnoteの密度だと、プレイする人が非常にやりづらいので1つあげたほうがいいかもしれません。 fix

  2. 00:21:816 (1) - finish
    00:32:195 (2) - ^
    00:34:789 (5) - ^
    00:37:384 (1) - ^
    00:39:978 (6) - ^
    00:42:573 (1) - ^
    00:52:951 (1) - ^
    00:55:546 (7) - ^
    00:58:141 (1) - ^
    01:00:735 (7) - ^
    01:03:330 (1) - ^
    circleはつけてみます :oops:  sliderの所は考えさせてください

  3. 01:11:114 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 形が少しずれてるので01:12:735 (6,7) - 1グリッド上に移動して01:13:384 (8) - x:120 y:232に移動すると綺麗になります。
    That's so cool!
    8つのサークルを選択状態にするとバランスがわかりやすいですね。気づきませんでした :o

  4. 01:21:492 (9) - note追加した方が好きです。
    01:22:627 (2) - ^
    add, thanks

  5. 最高難易度に関わらず全体的にほとんどスペーシングが統一されていて単調な印象でした。
    OK, I'll try
1st beatmapとのことですが非常に丁寧な仕上がりでよく出来てると思います :)
Good luck\(・ω・)/
Thank you for modding!
greenで返事をかきました。ありがとうございます :)
Hi! request from PM

Red : You must be fix.
Blue : You should be fix.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. Clear~

  1. この譜面の最高難易度のdiffですが、SV1,20 distance spacing 0.8x とかなり簡単な難易度となっています。見たところHardとの難易度差がほぼないのでもう少し難しく作ってみることをオススメします。
  2. 00:34:789 (5,1) - 0.8xで進行している中いきなりこの飛びは反応しづらいです。
  3. 00:39:978 (6,1) - ^

  1. InsaneとSVとdistance spacingが一緒なのでほぼ確実に指摘されることと思います。Insane側のSVを上げたほうが良いです。
  2. 00:21:816 - ~00:26:681 - この辺までInsaneとほぼ同じ音取り&配置も似ているため、modderとしては良い印象を受けません。どちらかのdiffの配置を軽く変更した方がよいと思いました。
  3. 00:53:438 (2,3,4) - 音取りが一定ではない場所ですが、スペーシングが違うためプレイしづらいと思いました。
  4. 00:54:735 (4,5,6) - ^
  5. 00:58:141 (1,3,4,5,6) - ^

  1. SVがInsaneとHardと同じです。EasyがSV0,8なのでNormalを1,0 Hardを1,2 Insaneを1,4~1,6くらいにした方が良いです。
  2. 00:24:411 (5,6) - このようなスライダーはコピーして対称にすると見栄えが良いです。(5)をコピーし貼り付けたものをCtrl+H,Ctrl+Gしましょう。その際に00:25:708 (7) - のスペーシングに気をつけてください。
  3. 00:32:195 (1,2) - 上記とほぼ同じ理由です。

  1. 00:28:303 (3) - 1grid右のx:416に持っていき、00:27:005 (1,2) - このnoteをx軸を揃えたほうが見栄えが良いです。
  2. 00:53:438 (1,2,3) - Easy diffでこのように赤線で音を取るのは初心者に優しくないです。白線で音を取れると思うので試してみてください。
  3. 00:58:627 (1,2,3) - ^
Good luck~ ;)
Topic Starter

Guy wrote:

Hi! request from PM

Red : You must be fix.
Blue : You should be fix.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. Clear~

  1. この譜面の最高難易度のdiffですが、SV1,20 distance spacing 0.8x とかなり簡単な難易度となっています。見たところHardとの難易度差がほぼないのでもう少し難しく作ってみることをオススメします。
  2. 00:34:789 (5,1) - 0.8xで進行している中いきなりこの飛びは反応しづらいです。
  3. 00:39:978 (6,1) - ^
☆OK, I'll try!
normal, Insane譜面はhard譜面からcopyされているので、その足跡が残っていると思います。normalとinsaneはSV検討してみます。InsaneはHardと差別化するために配置refine考えてみます。※はじめたばかりなのでInsaneの指摘は本当に助かります :oops:

  1. InsaneとSVとdistance spacingが一緒なのでほぼ確実に指摘されることと思います。Insane側のSVを上げたほうが良いです。 same as "☆OK, I'll try!"
  2. 00:21:816 - ~00:26:681 - この辺までInsaneとほぼ同じ音取り&配置も似ているため、modderとしては良い印象を受けません。どちらかのdiffの配置を軽く変更した方がよいと思いました。 same as "☆OK, I'll try!"
  3. 00:53:438 (2,3,4) - 音取りが一定ではない場所ですが、スペーシングが違うためプレイしづらいと思いました。
  4. 00:54:735 (4,5,6) - ^
  5. 00:58:141 (1,3,4,5,6) - ^
    no sorry

same as "☆OK, I'll try!"

  1. SVがInsaneとHardと同じです。EasyがSV0,8なのでNormalを1,0 Hardを1,2 Insaneを1,4~1,6くらいにした方が良いです。 same as "☆OK, I'll try!"
  2. 00:24:411 (5,6) - このようなスライダーはコピーして対称にすると見栄えが良いです。(5)をコピーし貼り付けたものをCtrl+H,Ctrl+Gしましょう。その際に00:25:708 (7) - のスペーシングに気をつけてください。
  3. 00:32:195 (1,2) - 上記とほぼ同じ理由です。
    It is a great help for me!
    Ctrl+H,Ctrl+Gは知りませんでした・・・ :o  symmetric-mapping には苦労していたので積極的に使いますね

  1. 00:28:303 (3) - 1grid右のx:416に持っていき、00:27:005 (1,2) - このnoteをx軸を揃えたほうが見栄えが良いです。 fix
  2. 00:53:438 (1,2,3) - Easy diffでこのように赤線で音を取るのは初心者に優しくないです。白線で音を取れると思うので試してみてください。
  3. 00:58:627 (1,2,3) - ^
    00:32:195 (1,2,3)、00:37:384 (1,2,3)とあまりかわらない音取りになりそうなのでこれは保留させてください
Good luck~ ;)
Thank you for modding!
Green sentences are my reply.
ゲーム内chatは未知の領域ですがそのうちやってみますので、その時は仲良くしてくださいね :)
Ah , I love this map. It would be nice if it were the full song adn had the video as background.
Topic Starter

[SAK]KING_OF_SA wrote:

Ah , I love this map. It would be nice if it were the full song adn had the video as background.
Thank you :)

The total time of the full-size is over 3min.
it was hard for me, sorry :o
BTW regarding the gigantic blank area in the front of the song... Would be great if you mapped it out just a bit. You don't need to only map the lyrical parts. Instrumental sections let you play around with the rhythm so see if you can put anything in the front.

Arrangement kinda boring. If you can get nice curved sliders rather than straight stick-like ones.
00:53:276 - Add note
00:58:465 - ^
01:15:005 - Add spinner?
01:21:492 - Add note?

00:22:465 (2,3) - Combine into a slider? cuz kinda hard to hit for a normal diff...
00:27:005 (1,2,3) - make a nicer and more equilateral triangle. (if u wan Ctrl+Shift+D)
00:28:303 (3,4) - Comb into a slider
01:24:573 (6) - You know there is a distance problem and u left it there didn't you? fix it.

PS for this diff since your slider velocity isn't very high and it's a hard diff I'd rather you use repeat sliders instead of lonnnggg looonnnnngggg ones.
Not much for hard, since u played by the rules so much

You have been modded out by Yurun Neram~


00:22:951 (3) : 歌にあわせる為に赤線から開始になっていますが、その前の的2つが白線(音程取り)から入っているため入りにくくなっています。 00:23:114(白線)から開始にしたほうがいいでしょう。

00:53:438 (1,2,3) : 急にテンポが変わっています。 このテンポだと00:51:654 (6) - 00:53:438 (1) の間に対してもテンポを取りなおしていること前提になっているので、変えたほうがいいでしょう。

01:03:654 (1) : テンポ的に01:03:330から開始のような気がします。

00:22:951 (3,4) : Easyと同様の理由で、ずれているように感じます。 何度かプレイすると気にならなくなるような部分ですが、サークルが降りてくるのをじっとみていないとタイミングがつかめない部分になってしまうので、個人的には修正をお勧めします。スライダーを使う等工夫するといいかもしれません。 以下このような指摘は省略します。

00:22:789 (2,3) : (2)は白線になっており、さらにスタックしています。これだと1拍分あくようなイメージがつきますが次の(3)が赤線から始まっているため、急に始まります。そのため、タイミングがずれたような印象を受けてしまいます。 少しずらすか00:22:951にサークルを置いて00:23:114から始める等で少し印象が変わると思います。

01:03:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6) : コンボが長いように感じます。 どこかでNCを

01:04:465 (2,3) : 01:04:951に的を入れたくなるようなリズムです。 個人の主観になってしまうのですが、前後にジャンプができるほどの空白があり、あまりここのリズムは良いように感じないので変えたほうがいいかもしれません。 上記で01:05:762 (4)にNCを入れると少しは印象は変わるかもしれません。

01:21:816 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) : ここもコンボが長いように感じます。(途中でリズムが変わっているため)

00:22:465 (2,3) : Hardの最初の指摘と同じです。 やっているうちに慣れてくる内容ですので、最初の出だしだけこのポイントを気をつけるといいかもしれません。

01:05:114 (5) : 急にテンポが変わってるように感じます。テンポ変更には1拍置くほうがいいと思うので、長さは01:05:276までの方がしっくりくるように感じます。
01:05:762 (6) : NC?

01:10:465 (4) : 入りが突然すぎます。 01:10:465に配置したいのであれば、スライダーの末尾とスタックするか近くに配置したほうがいいでしょう。

以上、配置とhitsoundのボリューム等を工夫するともっと良くなると思います。がんばってください :)
Topic Starter

yurunneram wrote:

BTW regarding the gigantic blank area in the front of the song... Would be great if you mapped it out just a bit. You don't need to only map the lyrical parts. Instrumental sections let you play around with the rhythm so see if you can put anything in the front.
OK, I'll try!
You're right, I also worry about that long blank area. I'll challenge the mapping in the instrumental part

Arrangement kinda boring. If you can get nice curved sliders rather than straight stick-like ones. I'll try!
00:53:276 - Add note no, sorry it's a little difficult for easy-diff
00:58:465 - ^ no, sorry
01:15:005 - Add spinner? no, sorry same as above
01:21:492 - Add note?
no, sorry
If add this note, I also want to add notes at 01:22:789. 01:21:492. 01:24:087. 01:25:384.
but it's a little difficult for easy-diff, I think

00:22:465 (2,3) - Combine into a slider? cuz kinda hard to hit for a normal diff...
Let me think...
I'm pleased with this rhythm
00:27:005 (1,2,3) - make a nicer and more equilateral triangle. (if u wan Ctrl+Shift+D)
That's smart technique!
I didn't know that, thanks
00:28:303 (3,4) - Comb into a slider fix
01:24:573 (6) - You know there is a distance problem and u left it there didn't you? fix it.
missing this place :(

PS for this diff since your slider velocity isn't very high and it's a hard diff I'd rather you use repeat sliders instead of lonnnggg looonnnnngggg ones.
Not much for hard, since u played by the rules so much
OK, I'll try!

You have been modded out by Yurun Neram~
Thank you for your modding!
red sentences are my comment
I'm glad your kind support, thanks a lot :)
Topic Starter

Sherry wrote:


It's a great help to me!
勉強不足でした。。。 :?  default-skinを追加します

00:22:951 (3) : 歌にあわせる為に赤線から開始になっていますが、その前の的2つが白線(音程取り)から入っているため入りにくくなっています。 00:23:114(白線)から開始にしたほうがいいでしょう。

00:53:438 (1,2,3) : 急にテンポが変わっています。 このテンポだと00:51:654 (6) - 00:53:438 (1) の間に対してもテンポを取りなおしていること前提になっているので、変えたほうがいいでしょう。
A little change

01:03:654 (1) : テンポ的に01:03:330から開始のような気がします。fix

00:22:951 (3,4) : Easyと同様の理由で、ずれているように感じます。 何度かプレイすると気にならなくなるような部分ですが、サークルが降りてくるのをじっとみていないとタイミングがつかめない部分になってしまうので、個人的には修正をお勧めします。スライダーを使う等工夫するといいかもしれません。 以下このような指摘は省略します。

00:22:789 (2,3) : (2)は白線になっており、さらにスタックしています。これだと1拍分あくようなイメージがつきますが次の(3)が赤線から始まっているため、急に始まります。そのため、タイミングがずれたような印象を受けてしまいます。 少しずらすか00:22:951にサークルを置いて00:23:114から始める等で少し印象が変わると思います。

01:03:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6) : コンボが長いように感じます。 どこかでNCを
no, change

01:04:465 (2,3) : 01:04:951に的を入れたくなるようなリズムです。 個人の主観になってしまうのですが、前後にジャンプができるほどの空白があり、あまりここのリズムは良いように感じないので変えたほうがいいかもしれません。 上記で01:05:762 (4)にNCを入れると少しは印象は変わるかもしれません。
Let me think...

01:21:816 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) : ここもコンボが長いように感じます。(途中でリズムが変わっているため)
no, change

00:22:465 (2,3) : Hardの最初の指摘と同じです。 やっているうちに慣れてくる内容ですので、最初の出だしだけこのポイントを気をつけるといいかもしれません。

01:05:114 (5) : 急にテンポが変わってるように感じます。テンポ変更には1拍置くほうがいいと思うので、長さは01:05:276までの方がしっくりくるように感じます。
I'll fix with your suggetion

01:05:762 (6) : NC?
no, sorry

01:10:465 (4) : 入りが突然すぎます。 01:10:465に配置したいのであれば、スライダーの末尾とスタックするか近くに配置したほうがいいでしょう。

OK, I'll try!
以上、配置とhitsoundのボリューム等を工夫するともっと良くなると思います。がんばってください :)
Thank you for modding!
red sentences are my reply.
hit-sound volumeの調整は面白そうですね :)  センスが不安ですがtryしてみます ;)
hitcircle.pngは色が薄いので模様がかなり見難いです おそらく色を濃くすることではっきりと見えるようになると思います
^ Skinに関しては無知なので当てにならないかもしれません

AIModは色々な修正すべき箇所を教えてくれるので、開いてみてください (File>Open AiMod or Ctrl+Shift+A)
Object's end is not snapped! - スライダーの終点が上のメモリに合っていないという意味
Kiai isn't snapped - これはKiai Timeが正しくメモリに合っていないという意味 endも同じですね
Tags conlict with Easy diff - Easyだけtagsが違うものになっているので他のdiffを同じ物を入れる必要があります
^ 少なくともこの3つはunrankの要素ですので、必ず修正してください (すべての難易度を忘れずに)

1st beatmapだそうですがかなりいい譜面だと思います

Topic Starter

Muya wrote:

no, sorry
hit300k.png hit300g.png を目立たせるためにあえて透明にしています
hitcircle.pngは色が薄いので模様がかなり見難いです おそらく色を濃くすることではっきりと見えるようになると思います
^ Skinに関しては無知なので当てにならないかもしれません

AIModは色々な修正すべき箇所を教えてくれるので、開いてみてください (File>Open AiMod or Ctrl+Shift+A)
Object's end is not snapped! - スライダーの終点が上のメモリに合っていないという意味
Kiai isn't snapped - これはKiai Timeが正しくメモリに合っていないという意味 endも同じですね
Tags conlict with Easy diff - Easyだけtagsが違うものになっているので他のdiffを同じ物を入れる必要があります
^ 少なくともこの3つはunrankの要素ですので、必ず修正してください (すべての難易度を忘れずに)
it's a great help to me!
使ってみましたが、いいですねこれ :D

1st beatmapだそうですがかなりいい譜面だと思います thank you!

OK, I'll try!
thank you for your modding!
red sentences are my reply
猫叉master私も好きです。Discographyのぞきにいきますね :)

Feels like a Normal
01:09:816 (4) - shorten slider to end at 01:10:141 and add a note at 01:10:303
01:16:789 - add a note
01:19:384 - ^
01:27:168 - ^
01:29:762 - ^
01:32:357 - ^
01:34:951 - ^


Feels like a Hard
01:09:005 (3,4) - put the note before the slider, note at 01:09:005 and slider at 01:09:168
01:09:654 (5) - slider start at 01:09:816 and end at 01:10:303 and add a note at 01:09:654
01:10:951 - add a note
01:11:276 - ^
01:11:600 - ^
01:11:924 - ^
01:12:249 - ^
01:12:573 - ^
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:


Feels like a Normal
01:09:816 (4) - shorten slider to end at 01:10:141 and add a note at 01:10:303 fix
01:16:789 - add a note no,but... Instead of "add a note", adding slider-reverse
01:19:384 - ^ ^
01:27:168 - ^ ^
01:29:762 - ^ ^
01:32:357 - ^ no, sorry
01:34:951 - ^ no, but... Instead of "add a note", extending slider-01:34:465 (1) to end at 01:34:951


Feels like a Hard
01:09:005 (3,4) - put the note before the slider, note at 01:09:005 and slider at 01:09:168 fix
01:09:654 (5) - slider start at 01:09:816 and end at 01:10:303 and add a note at 01:09:654 fix

01:10:951 - add a note
01:11:276 - ^
01:11:600 - ^
01:11:924 - ^
01:12:249 - ^
01:12:573 - ^
It's so cool!
I like these rythm so much. I accept these suggestion and adjust a little.
Thank you for modding!
Especially, your rhythm sense is helpful for me :)
red sentences are my reply
Glad I could help with rhythm, I'm not good with other kinds of modding haha.
Request on my queue next time if you want a recheck.
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:

Glad I could help with rhythm, I'm not good with other kinds of modding haha.
Request on my queue next time if you want a recheck.
Thank you neonat :)
I like your rhythm advice as well as other kind of your modding

I'll visit your queue again if I can find your queue open
Hi~ mod from the queue~

I have to point out that though generally the map has no obvious errors, it's better if you remap the song, especially after you become more experienced in playing and mapping.
You should think more on hitsounds. Player won't be happy to hear just pa-pa-pa.
The mod below is given that you don't remap at present.

The skin hit300, hit100, etc. are really lazy. make something fancy like hit0.

00:36:411 - add a note to keep following the drum
00:41:600 - ^
00:44:357 (4) - I don't recommend starting notes on red lines in Easy. start it on 00:44:195 - and repeat once.
00:49:546 (4) - ^
00:57:168 - add a note
01:02:357 - ^
01:11:114 - I recommend add a note here, and move 01:11:438 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - one beat later.
01:17:438 (3) - I don't recommend starting notes on red lines in Easy.
01:20:032 (3) - ^
01:27:816 (3) - ^
01:30:411 (3) - ^

Use more anchor points to make sliders like 00:32:195 (1) - or 00:34:789 (3) - look better.
00:57:168 - add a note
01:02:357 - ^
01:21:492 - ^
01:24:087 - ^

Slider issue same as Normal.
Others fine.

I will call this Hard ._. Making some jumps is not a bad idea
00:25:708 (6) - I think this is ... laziness. Keep on rhythm rather than vocal is not a bad idea.
00:32:195 (2,3) - What are these? See for more fun sliders
00:34:789 (5) - ^
00:39:978 (6) - ^
01:12:735 - add a note

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Flower wrote:

Hi~ mod from the queue~

I have to point out that though generally the map has no obvious errors, it's better if you remap the song, especially after you become more experienced in playing and mapping.
You should think more on hitsounds. Player won't be happy to hear just pa-pa-pa.
The mod below is given that you don't remap at present.
I"ll consider that, thanks

The skin hit300, hit100, etc. are really lazy. make something fancy like hit0.
Let me think...
In order to distinguish skin hit0 300k(g), I choiced simple skin for the others

00:36:411 - add a note to keep following the drum fix
00:41:600 - ^ fix
00:44:357 (4) - I don't recommend starting notes on red lines in Easy. start it on 00:44:195 - and repeat once. no, sorry
00:49:546 (4) - ^ no, sorry
00:57:168 - add a note
01:02:357 - ^
A little change
instead of add a note, add a slider
01:11:114 - I recommend add a note here, and move 01:11:438 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - one beat later. no, sorry
01:17:438 (3) - I don't recommend starting notes on red lines in Easy.
01:20:032 (3) - ^
01:27:816 (3) - ^
01:30:411 (3) - ^
no, sorry

Use more anchor points to make sliders like 00:32:195 (1) - or 00:34:789 (3) - look better. OK, I'll try!
00:57:168 - add a note
01:02:357 - ^
A little change
instead of add a note, add a slider
01:21:492 - ^ fix
01:24:087 - ^ fix

Slider issue same as Normal. OK, I'll try!
Others fine.

I will call this Hard ._. Making some jumps is not a bad idea Let me think...
00:25:708 (6) - I think this is ... laziness. Keep on rhythm rather than vocal is not a bad idea. fix
00:32:195 (2,3) - What are these? See for more fun sliders
00:34:789 (5) - ^
00:39:978 (6) - ^
It's a great help to me!
That's a useful article. thanks :)
01:12:735 - add a note fix

Good luck~
thank you for modding!
red sentences are my reply
modding upon request~

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

transparent hit300? u probably should use a golden 300 similar to the hit100 and hit50
go into your .osu files and change this line: 0,0,"back1.png",1,1 to 0,0,"back1.png",0,0, its a recent offset glitch and the fix is still coming on its way
and yes, some more variety in hitsounding would be cool for this song (e.g. clap on the 2nd and 4th downbeat, more finishes on the long white ticks, etc.)

00:36:411 (1) - fix spacing with previous slider
00:52:951 (1,2) - this overlap might confuse some beginners, try placing 00:52:951 (1) below 00:53:276 (2) instead
00:57:816 (1) - this one should be placed at 00:58:141 with a finish since thats the heavy beat; also take New Combo off 00:58:465 (1)
01:03:005 (1) - no NC
01:17:438 (3) - u can probably get a better blanket by using 2 nodes between the starting node and red node (same applies to ones after)
01:34:465 (1) - two repeats will confuse alot of beginners, would change this to repeat slider+circle or just 2 normal sliders

00:23:600 (3) - would change this to a slider ending at 00:24:087 to connect better with objects after
00:46:465 (6) - try perfectly centering this so it looks better in gameplay
00:57:168 (1,1) - dont do this in a normal >< stack + NC is not very player friendly at this level, so take NC off 00:57:816 (1) and unstack it if u can (same applies to 01:02:357 (1,1))
01:08:519 (1) - again, stacking is really difficult here and also disturbs with flow, so move it out if u can
01:24:087 (6) - NC to avoid large combo numbers
01:34:789 (1,2,3) - not recommended to have these hidden under the previous slider, place them where it is easier to read

00:42:573 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - too many straight sliders is not very appealing to play, try make some of them into curved sliders
01:10:951 - would add a note here stacked on top of 01:11:114 (1)
01:24:087 (5) - NC
01:36:735 - add note
This diff just appears too linear (can be negatively associated with being lazy), so if you can go through the diff and make some of the straight horizontal/vertical sliders look more smooth

00:24:411 (2,3,4,5,6) - star formation can look alot better if u use the "Create Polygon Circles" feature under the Compose tab
00:40:627 (8) - not properly stacked with 00:39:492 (5); also I advise you not to do this because this can be really troublesome to read on first attempt, but since this is insane its up to you
00:55:546 (5,6) - it is not very intuitive to expect that 00:56:033 (6) makes a turn like that given the path is covered, and unfamiliarity with the pattern might cause players to make mistakes; would suggest to keep 00:56:033 (6) straight so it can be identified more easily
01:13:222 (13,14) - move these to the white lines ahead of them, currently it is following a rhythm which is not dominant in the music
01:14:195 (1,1) - take NC off
01:22:627 (2) - move this to 01:22:789 and unstack it from the slider plays better imo
01:32:519 - should have a note here

Well thats everything that caught my eye; in fact many of the issues in this map are common amongst new mappers, so dont hesitate to remap anything when you feel it is necessary (i remapped my first map 3 times b4 it got into rankings). if you have any questions feel free to bug me via forum or ingame pm

Good luck~
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

modding upon request~

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

transparent hit300? u probably should use a golden 300 similar to the hit100 and hit50
no, sorry
I trasparent hit300 on purpose in order to distiguish hit300k(g)
go into your .osu files and change this line: 0,0,"back1.png",1,1 to 0,0,"back1.png",0,0, its a recent offset glitch and the fix is still coming on its way
and yes, some more variety in hitsounding would be cool for this song (e.g. clap on the 2nd and 4th downbeat, more finishes on the long white ticks, etc.)
Thank you for specific suggestion!
I'v been stumped about hitsounding. So, your suggetion is helpful to me

00:36:411 (1) - fix spacing with previous slider fix
00:52:951 (1,2) - this overlap might confuse some beginners, try placing 00:52:951 (1) below 00:53:276 (2) instead fix
00:57:816 (1) - this one should be placed at 00:58:141 with a finish since thats the heavy beat; also take New Combo off 00:58:465 (1)
Let me think...
that sounds a little strange to me. If I fix hitsound, I consider this suggestion again.
01:03:005 (1) - no NC same above
01:17:438 (3) - u can probably get a better blanket by using 2 nodes between the starting node and red node (same applies to ones after) no, sorry
01:34:465 (1) - two repeats will confuse alot of beginners, would change this to repeat slider+circle or just 2 normal sliders fix

00:23:600 (3) - would change this to a slider ending at 00:24:087 to connect better with objects after no, sorry
00:46:465 (6) - try perfectly centering this so it looks better in gameplay fix
00:57:168 (1,1) - dont do this in a normal >< stack + NC is not very player friendly at this level, so take NC off 00:57:816 (1) and unstack it if u can (same applies to 01:02:357 (1,1))
01:08:519 (1) - again, stacking is really difficult here and also disturbs with flow, so move it out if u can fix
01:24:087 (6) - NC to avoid large combo numbers fix
01:34:789 (1,2,3) - not recommended to have these hidden under the previous slider, place them where it is easier to read fix

00:42:573 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - too many straight sliders is not very appealing to play, try make some of them into curved sliders fix
01:10:951 - would add a note here stacked on top of 01:11:114 (1) fix
01:24:087 (5) - NC fix
01:36:735 - add note fix
This diff just appears too linear (can be negatively associated with being lazy), so if you can go through the diff and make some of the straight horizontal/vertical sliders look more smooth
OK, I'll try!

00:24:411 (2,3,4,5,6) - star formation can look alot better if u use the "Create Polygon Circles" feature under the Compose tab
That's a cool idea!
I'll fix by use of this tool
00:40:627 (8) - not properly stacked with 00:39:492 (5); also I advise you not to do this because this can be really troublesome to read on first attempt, but since this is insane its up to you no change
00:55:546 (5,6) - it is not very intuitive to expect that 00:56:033 (6) makes a turn like that given the path is covered, and unfamiliarity with the pattern might cause players to make mistakes; would suggest to keep 00:56:033 (6) straight so it can be identified more easily
01:13:222 (13,14) - move these to the white lines ahead of them, currently it is following a rhythm which is not dominant in the music no, sorry
01:14:195 (1,1) - take NC off fix
01:22:627 (2) - move this to 01:22:789 and unstack it from the slider plays better imo fix
01:32:519 - should have a note here
a little change
Instead of that, add a slider

Well thats everything that caught my eye; in fact many of the issues in this map are common amongst new mappers, so dont hesitate to remap anything when you feel it is necessary (i remapped my first map 3 times b4 it got into rankings). if you have any questions feel free to bug me via forum or ingame pm

Good luck~
Thank you for modding!
Green sentences are my reply
Acutually, I've already remapped once in order to change sider-velocity and distance-spaing <<--it was very hard work... :o
If it is necessary, I try remaping again :)
[Hey, From My OEvil's Modding/Timing/M4M Queues ]

Sorry My Mod Sucks

My Edits:
- 00:24:411 (4) - Make It Like This

- 00:29:600 (4) - Make It Like ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

My Edits:
- 01:02:357 (1,1) - Why Each One Have NC

My Edits:
- 00:27:005 (1,3) - It Is Just Suggestion

Nice Difficulty

[In All Difficulties]
Why You Don't Map This Part From 00:01:060 - To 00:21:492 - And This Part From 01:39:654 - To 01:49:708 -
8-) thanks for requesting via PM /o/

ok let's start ~ :) :)

  1. consider changing background image from .png to .jpg? It can reduce the size of the beatmap package.
  1. Try not to overlap the notes and slider? :?
  2. 00:52:951 (1) - try not to stack the note with 00:53:276 (2) , new player may not handle it while reading the map.
  3. 00:58:141 - imo, the note should start at here instead of 00:58:465 , because there is a downbeat in 00:58:141. In addition , 00:54:573 (3,4) - these sliders should be put at 00:54:249 too.
  4. 00:57:168 (1,1,1) - remove some new combo or it will confuse new player while reading.
  5. 01:02:357 (1,1,1) - ^
  6. 01:11:438 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - concern with the downbeat, they should start at 01:11:114 imo.
  7. 01:15:005 - useless inherited point, please delete it.
  1. nothing :D
  1. 00:48:411 (2) - put this slider in x:92 y:108 can be a perfect blanket :D
  2. 01:24:411 (2,3) - x:64 y:320
  3. 01:16:303 (1) - Concern with reducing the times of reversing in this reverse slider, players may not able to read the reverse in a second.
  4. 01:18:897 (1) - ^
  5. 01:26:681 (1) - ^
  6. 01:29:275 (1) - ^
  1. I think it can be harder XD (put more jumps?)
  2. 00:26:843 - Missing a drum hit here, consider puting a note? It looks better :D
  3. 01:13:222 (13) - NC
  4. 01:27:816 (6) - ^
  5. 01:30:410 (6) - ^
  6. 00:52:951 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - idk if they are okay, but I may concern with the readability.
Great map for 1st map! :)
Sorry for my poor English and Modding skills QwQ
Thanks for your reply in advance
Good Luck ~!
Topic Starter

OEvil wrote:

[Hey, From My OEvil's Modding/Timing/M4M Queues ]

Sorry My Mod Sucks

My Edits:
- 00:24:411 (4) - Make It Like This

- 00:29:600 (4) - Make It Like ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
no, sorry
become a little awkward...

My Edits:
- 01:02:357 (1,1) - Why Each One Have NC

I want to bring hit300g(h).png into sight in time with 2crap.
same as 00:57:168 (1) - 00:57:816 (1) -

My Edits:
- 00:27:005 (1,3) - It Is Just Suggestion
Nice suggestion!
I'll fix as that, thanks

Nice Difficulty
thank you!

[In All Difficulties]
Why You Don't Map This Part From 00:01:060 - To 00:21:492 - And This Part From 01:39:654 - To 01:49:708 -
I'm still thinking...
I intend not to map outro.
But, I am thinkimg whether adding map at intro part. ...intro-blank is so long, I think
Thank you for modding!
red sentences are my reply
Topic Starter

happy623 wrote:

8-) thanks for requesting via PM /o/

ok let's start ~ :) :)

  1. consider changing background image from .png to .jpg? It can reduce the size of the beatmap package.
    File size become from 1220kb to 196kb... so amazing!
  1. Try not to overlap the notes and slider? :? OK, I'll try!
  2. 00:52:951 (1) - try not to stack the note with 00:53:276 (2) , new player may not handle it while reading the map. fix
  3. 00:58:141 - imo, the note should start at here instead of 00:58:465 , because there is a downbeat in 00:58:141. In addition , 00:54:573 (3,4) - these sliders should be put at 00:54:249 too.
    no, sorry
    I want to conform to 00:53:276 (2,3,4) -
  4. 00:57:168 (1,1,1) - remove some new combo or it will confuse new player while reading.
  5. 01:02:357 (1,1,1) - ^
    no, sorry
    I want to bring hit300g(h).png into sight in time with 2-crap.
  6. 01:11:438 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - concern with the downbeat, they should start at 01:11:114 imo.
    fix and additional change
    avoid downbeat, and add break-time
  7. 01:15:005 - useless inherited point, please delete it.
    Let me think...
    I might add map at this part. So, I'll leave it
  1. nothing :D
  1. 00:48:411 (2) - put this slider in x:92 y:108 can be a perfect blanket :D fix
  2. 01:24:411 (2,3) - x:64 y:320 fix
  3. 01:16:303 (1) - Concern with reducing the times of reversing in this reverse slider, players may not able to read the reverse in a second.
  4. 01:18:897 (1) - ^
  5. 01:26:681 (1) - ^
  6. 01:29:275 (1) - ^
    no, sorry
    Cretainly, it's hard to read. But it is not really difficult as long as I play this part, I think
  1. I think it can be harder XD (put more jumps?) Let me think...
  2. 00:26:843 - Missing a drum hit here, consider puting a note? It looks better :D fix
  3. 01:13:222 (13) - NC
  4. 01:27:816 (6) - ^
  5. 01:30:410 (6) - ^
    no, sorry
    I want to conform to 01:17:438 (6) - 01:20:032 (6) -
  6. 00:52:951 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - idk if they are okay, but I may concern with the readability.
    At Insane-diff, it is allowable ,isn't it?
Great map for 1st map! :)
Sorry for my poor English and Modding skills QwQ
Thanks for your reply in advance
Good Luck ~!
Thank you for modding!
red sentences are my reply
K i A i
Halo~! from pm request!!

+all of my hitsound mod is just suggestion~

offset - 1080 ~ 1090

00:21:816 (1) - add finish sound!
00:27:005 (1) - ^
00:36:735 (2) - how about make this slider roundly? (like this ->
00:37:384 (1,2,3) - ^ (just suggestion)
00:41:924 (2) - ^ (like this ->
00:42:573 (1) - add finish sound!
00:47:762 (1) - ^
00:57:816 (1) - remove NC
01:03:005 (1) - ^
01:13:708 - how about add spinner on this time? (like this ->
01:16:303 (1) - add finish sound to start point!
01:18:897 (1) - ^
01:26:681 (1) - ^
01:29:275 (1) - ^
01:31:870 (1) - ^

00:21:816 (1) - add finish sound!
00:27:005 (1) - ^
00:42:573 (1) - ^
00:47:762 (1) - ^
00:57:816 (1) - remove NC
01:03:005 (1) - ^
01:16:303 (1) - add finish sound to start point!
01:18:897 (1) - ^
01:21:492 (1) - add finish sound!
01:24:087 (1) - ^
01:26:681 (1) - add finish sound to start point!
01:29:275 (1) - ^
01:31:870 (1) - ^
nothing problem about pattern :)

00:21:816 (1) - add finish sound to start point!
00:27:005 (1) - ^
00:42:573 (1) - ^
00:47:762 (1) - ^
00:54:249 (3,4) - keep these note's distance to 0.9x!
-> 00:55:546 (5,6) - ^
-> 00:59:438 (3,4) - ^
-> 01:00:735 (5,6) - ^
01:16:303 (1) - add finish sound to start point!
01:18:897 (1) - ^
01:26:681 (1) - ^
01:29:275 (1) - ^
01:31:870 (1) - ^ , and how about make this slider more roundly?
01:34:465 (1) - ^

00:21:816 (1) - add finish sound to start point!
00:27:005 (1) - ^
00:30:248 (4,5,6) - how about this? ->
00:42:573 (1) - add finish sound to start point!
00:47:762 (1) - ^
00:52:951 (1,2) - i think this is unrankable pattern.. change this pattern plz~
-> 00:54:249 (3,4) - ^
-> 00:55:546 (5,6) - ^
01:16:303 (1) - add finish sound!
01:18:897 (1) - ^
01:26:681 (1) - ^
01:29:275 (1) - ^

sorry for my bad english :?

your beatmap quality is very good!
it made me surprised :D
GL to your rank~!
Arusha Shuna
Hello, from my queue request
Remove "Rock" from beatmap Tags, song genre will be determined after ranking
00:57:816 (1) - remove new combo to make it consistent with 00:41:600 (1,2) -
01:02:357 (1,1) - ^
01:13:222 - unnecessary break? map this part. Don't worry about not having any breaks, it is a short map anyways
00:57:168 (1,1) - remove new combo to make it consistent with 00:41:114 (1,2) -
01:02:357 (1,1) - ^
01:16:303 (1,2,3) - i think this kind of pattern (slider stacking) is a bit hard for a normal, especially with 01:16:951 (2,3) - , unstack them to somewhere else?
01:18:897 (1,2,3) - ^
01:26:681 (1,2,3) - ^
01:29:275 (1,2,3) -
00:24:411 (2) - move this to (46,468) to stack with the sliderend properly
00:27:005 (1) - not major, but i think the 3rd slider point (the middle red one) is rather unnecessary
00:29:600 (2) - move this to (396,243) to stack with the sliderend properly
00:49:546 (4) - stack with the sliderend properly, it has 0.01x spacing, i don't know why
00:58:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - some of the spacing in this combo is kinda confusing, some 0.9x, some 0.6x. Maybe make them consistent?
01:36:735 (5) - stack with the sliderend properly, it has 0.01x spacing, i don't know why
00:30:897 (6) - rotate this slider (ctrl+shift+R) by 9 degree clockwise and move to (220,160), fix the spacing with 00:31:870 (7) - , you don't have to though to add a little jump
00:40:627 (8) - move to (164,300)
00:53:438 (2) - this kind of slider is not allowed (unrankable) since it's overlapping entirely with 00:52:951 (1) -
00:54:736 (4) - ^
00:56:033 (6) - ^
01:16:303 (1,2,3,4) - confusing stacks, if i remember correctly this isn't allowed but i'm not sure
01:18:897 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:24:087 - add a note maybe?
01:26:681 (1,2,3,4) - confusing stacks, if i remember correctly this isn't allowed but i'm not sure
01:29:275 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:35:600 (4) - very nice :D
good luck with your map!
Topic Starter

K i A i wrote:

Halo~! from pm request!!

+all of my hitsound mod is just suggestion~

offset - 1080 ~ 1090
I change offset from 1060 to 1080

00:21:816 (1) - add finish sound! fix
00:27:005 (1) - ^ fix
00:36:735 (2) - how about make this slider roundly? (like this -> fix
00:37:384 (1,2,3) - ^ (just suggestion) fix
00:41:924 (2) - ^ (like this -> fix
00:42:573 (1) - add finish sound! fix
00:47:762 (1) - ^ fix
00:57:816 (1) - remove NC
01:03:005 (1) - ^
Umm... fix
I wanted to bring hit300g(h).png into sight in time with 2-crap. But I got same suggestions before and it's easy-diff. So, I've changed my mind.
01:13:708 - how about add spinner on this time? (like this ->
no, sorry
For easy-diff, I avoid spinner on this time
01:16:303 (1) - add finish sound to start point! All fix below
01:18:897 (1) - ^
01:26:681 (1) - ^
01:29:275 (1) - ^
01:31:870 (1) - ^

00:21:816 (1) - add finish sound! fix
00:27:005 (1) - ^ fix
00:42:573 (1) - ^ fix
00:47:762 (1) - ^ fix
00:57:816 (1) - remove NC
01:03:005 (1) - ^
Umm... fix
same as easy-diff
01:16:303 (1) - add finish sound to start point! All fix below
01:18:897 (1) - ^
01:21:492 (1) - add finish sound!
01:24:087 (1) - ^
01:26:681 (1) - add finish sound to start point!
01:29:275 (1) - ^
01:31:870 (1) - ^
nothing problem about pattern :)

00:21:816 (1) - add finish sound to start point! fix
00:27:005 (1) - ^ fix
00:42:573 (1) - ^ fix
00:47:762 (1) - ^ fix
00:54:249 (3,4) - keep these note's distance to 0.9x!
-> 00:55:546 (5,6) - ^
-> 00:59:438 (3,4) - ^
-> 01:00:735 (5,6) - ^
OK, fix
some modder suggested it, so I've changed my mind.
01:16:303 (1) - add finish sound to start point! All fix below
01:18:897 (1) - ^
01:26:681 (1) - ^
01:29:275 (1) - ^
01:31:870 (1) - ^ , and how about make this slider more roundly?
01:34:465 (1) - ^

00:21:816 (1) - add finish sound to start point! fix
00:27:005 (1) - ^ fix
00:30:248 (4,5,6) - how about this? ->
Good idea!
That's physically beautiful ,thanks
00:42:573 (1) - add finish sound to start point! fix
00:47:762 (1) - ^ fix
00:52:951 (1,2) - i think this is unrankable pattern.. change this pattern plz~
-> 00:54:249 (3,4) - ^
-> 00:55:546 (5,6) - ^
with regret... , fix
if unrankable, it can't be avoided
01:16:303 (1) - add finish sound! All fix below
01:18:897 (1) - ^
01:26:681 (1) - ^
01:29:275 (1) - ^

sorry for my bad english :?

your beatmap quality is very good!
it made me surprised :D
GL to your rank~!
Thank you for modding and shooting star!
red sentences are my reply
I have just started to adjust hitsound. So, your mod is so helpful for me :)
Topic Starter

Arusha Shuna wrote:

Hello, from my queue request
Remove "Rock" from beatmap Tags, song genre will be determined after ranking OK
00:57:816 (1) - remove new combo to make it consistent with 00:41:600 (1,2) - fix
01:02:357 (1,1) - ^ fix
01:13:222 - unnecessary break? map this part. Don't worry about not having any breaks, it is a short map anyways
Let me think...
some modders suggested same before. I consider adding spinner at this time
00:57:168 (1,1) - remove new combo to make it consistent with 00:41:114 (1,2) - fix
01:02:357 (1,1) - ^fix
01:16:303 (1,2,3) - i think this kind of pattern (slider stacking) is a bit hard for a normal, especially with 01:16:951 (2,3) - , unstack them to somewhere else?
01:18:897 (1,2,3) - ^
01:26:681 (1,2,3) - ^
01:29:275 (1,2,3) -
no, sorry
★I intend to meke these positions a little difficult(in all-diff). I think less problem because existing restorative-zone after these
00:24:411 (2) - move this to (46,468) to stack with the sliderend properly fix
00:27:005 (1) - not major, but i think the 3rd slider point (the middle red one) is rather unnecessary I mistaked, thanks
00:29:600 (2) - move this to (396,243) to stack with the sliderend properly fix
00:49:546 (4) - stack with the sliderend properly, it has 0.01x spacing, i don't know why
Somehow, I cannot do
However hard I may try, the spacing doesn't become 0.00x...
00:58:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - some of the spacing in this combo is kinda confusing, some 0.9x, some 0.6x. Maybe make them consistent?
All fix
I adjust them to 0.9x all
01:36:735 (5) - stack with the sliderend properly, it has 0.01x spacing, i don't know why
I could stack properly on this side
00:30:897 (6) - rotate this slider (ctrl+shift+R) by 9 degree clockwise and move to (220,160), fix the spacing with 00:31:870 (7) - , you don't have to though to add a little jump fix
00:40:627 (8) - move to (164,300) fix
00:53:438 (2) - this kind of slider is not allowed (unrankable) since it's overlapping entirely with 00:52:951 (1) -
00:54:736 (4) - ^
00:56:033 (6) - ^
fix red recommendation all
01:16:303 (1,2,3,4) - confusing stacks, if i remember correctly this isn't allowed but i'm not sure
01:18:897 (1,2,3,4) - ^
no, sorry
same as ★
01:24:087 - add a note maybe? add note, thanks
01:26:681 (1,2,3,4) - confusing stacks, if i remember correctly this isn't allowed but i'm not sure
01:29:275 (1,2,3,4) - ^
no, sorry
same as ★
01:35:600 (4) - very nice :D thanks
good luck with your map!
Thank you for M4M
green sentences are my reply
I did M4M for the 1st time. I'm glad if I can be a help ;)
This difficulty is in general pretty good, but it miss lot of thing to make it more challenged, you are using the Distance snap too much, that is not bad, but we are talking that this is an Insane, some jumps may be good, feel the song and it will tell you when to put them, for example in patterns like this: 00:26:539 (7,8,9) - instead of stack I would put something like: a pretty good jump without killing the flow, and flit with the song.
Patterns like this: 00:28:323 (5,6) - aren't bad, but In my opinion there are way boring to play, I think this pattern instead of yours is way too fun: I stacked (4) in (5) instead of (3) making it more playable and easy to read.

Also the next note will be boring to play using a pattern like that, I think it would be better if you put 3 single notes instead of a slider, will follow the vocals.

In 1/1 notes like 00:29:944 (3,4,5) - don't be afraid to use more spacing, is better specially on Insanes.

Think to move this notes 00:38:215 (2,3) - here: x311 y59 will be more interesting

this kind of overlap are pretty ugly 00:41:944 (4,1) - maybe try to change the shape of (4) to make it more pretty to play :3

didn't you think in add a note here 00:50:052 - ? it will follow the vocal and give more flow to your map

This pattern is pretty good 00:52:971 (1,2) - but I think it would be better if you press CTRL+G to the second slider, it will be more interesting to play. also same here: 00:54:269 (3,4) - and here 00:55:566 (5,6) -

move this note 00:57:188 (2) - to the begining of the first slider, it will make better flow to the song, way better. Also, same with this note: 01:02:377 (2) -

Also this pattern is pretty awkward to play 01:08:539 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think if you change the patterns it would be great to the map.

exelent patterns here 01:11:134 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - but you have some issues, since 01:13:242 (13,14) - have the same spacing it will be hard to read and most of people will fail the combo because of this, i think you mau want to add a new combo in (13) or change the spacing of those notes, it will be better.

add CTRLG+G in this note 01:17:944 (7) - will be better to the flow, in this note will be good too 01:20:538 (7) -

also, try to avoind overlap here 01:19:241 (3) - I tell you the reason before,

there are some mirrors patterns that I didn't point. and you can improve the Kiai time since you are following the drums and the vocals, I think you can follow the guitar instead of the drums, will feel better to move way more in the kiai instead of some gaps that you have.

pretty good map. fix some details only and some issues and it will be rankable soon.

also I think this setup will be much better: +1 AR, +1OD

don't be afraid to add more difficulty to this song, since is pretty easy to be a hard, you are using 1/1 sliders when you can put notes instead.

the Kiai time is pretty good to play.

also try to add more difficulty on the setup too, since is a bit awkward to play, like AR+1 or Drain+1

Try to avoid this overlap in the future, it is a bit ugly 00:24:431 (4,5,6) -

this pattern 01:16:323 (1,2,3) - is really hard to play for a normal player, i think you must change it since it will be imposible to read for newbies, also with the others patters is the same issue.

01:34:809 (1,2) - also this overlap, you know ;3

but this is a pretty good Normal map, is really good.

Nothing to say here lol.

yay, that was fast lol, sorry I couln't be helpful on the easyest difficutys, but I don't have any talent with that D:

Topic Starter

Makyu wrote:

This difficulty is in general pretty good, but it miss lot of thing to make it more challenged, you are using the Distance snap too much, that is not bad, but we are talking that this is an Insane, some jumps may be good, feel the song and it will tell you when to put them, for example in patterns like this: 00:26:539 (7,8,9) - instead of stack I would put something like: a pretty good jump without killing the flow, and flit with the song.
Patterns like this: 00:28:323 (5,6) - aren't bad, but In my opinion there are way boring to play, I think this pattern instead of yours is way too fun: I stacked (4) in (5) instead of (3) making it more playable and easy to read.
Also the next note will be boring to play using a pattern like that, I think it would be better if you put 3 single notes instead of a slider, will follow the vocals.
I'll consider above, thanks
At the biginning, I fix the examples you suggest

In 1/1 notes like 00:29:944 (3,4,5) - don't be afraid to use more spacing, is better specially on Insanes.
from 1.2x to 1.4x

Think to move this notes 00:38:215 (2,3) - here: x311 y59 will be more interesting fix

this kind of overlap are pretty ugly 00:41:944 (4,1) - maybe try to change the shape of (4) to make it more pretty to play :3 fix

didn't you think in add a note here 00:50:052 - ? it will follow the vocal and give more flow to your map
no, sorry
I intend that it follow the back-sound(guitar)

This pattern is pretty good 00:52:971 (1,2) - but I think it would be better if you press CTRL+G to the second slider, it will be more interesting to play. also same here: 00:54:269 (3,4) - and here 00:55:566 (5,6) -
Let me think...
That's a intersting mapping, I think too. but the distance-spaicing is more complex and difficult. So, let me suspend

move this note 00:57:188 (2) - to the begining of the first slider, it will make better flow to the song, way better. Also, same with this note: 01:02:377 (2) - fix

Also this pattern is pretty awkward to play 01:08:539 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think if you change the patterns it would be great to the map.OK, I'll try

exelent patterns here 01:11:134 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - but you have some issues, since 01:13:242 (13,14) - have the same spacing it will be hard to read and most of people will fail the combo because of this, i think you mau want to add a new combo in (13) or change the spacing of those notes, it will be better.
You're right
I add new combo, and I think changing spacing, too

add CTRLG+G in this note 01:17:944 (7) - will be better to the flow, in this note will be good too 01:20:538 (7) - fix

also, try to avoind overlap here 01:19:241 (3) - I tell you the reason before, fix

there are some mirrors patterns that I didn't point. and you can improve the Kiai time since you are following the drums and the vocals, I think you can follow the guitar instead of the drums, will feel better to move way more in the kiai instead of some gaps that you have.
OK, I'll try

pretty good map. fix some details only and some issues and it will be rankable soon. thanks a lot :)

also I think this setup will be much better: +1 AR, +1OD
fix as a trial
I'm afraid to be able to clear myself...

don't be afraid to add more difficulty to this song, since is pretty easy to be a hard, you are using 1/1 sliders when you can put notes instead.

the Kiai time is pretty good to play.

also try to add more difficulty on the setup too, since is a bit awkward to play, like AR+1 or Drain+1
no, sorry
considering star-difficulty, I want to keep current difficulty of hard-diff. Instead, I'll make Insane-diff more difficult with your suggetions

Try to avoid this overlap in the future, it is a bit ugly 00:24:431 (4,5,6) -

this pattern 01:16:323 (1,2,3) - is really hard to play for a normal player, i think you must change it since it will be imposible to read for newbies, also with the others patters is the same issue.
no, sorry
I intend to make these positions a little difficult(in all-diff). I think less problem because existing restorative-zone after these

01:34:809 (1,2) - also this overlap, you know ;3

but this is a pretty good Normal map, is really good.

Nothing to say here lol.

yay, that was fast lol, sorry I couln't be helpful on the easyest difficutys, but I don't have any talent with that D:

thank you for modding :)
red sentences are my reply
I will do my best for ranked :D
From my queue


00:32:195 (1) - make a clear slider

00:22:789 (2) - stack with 00:22:951(3)
01:07:059 (6) - too many reverses

00:39:978 (6) - NC
00:52:951 (1,2) - is not good idea
00:54:249 (3,4) - ^
00:55:546 (5,6) - ^

sry for small mod
Topic Starter

Verlaren wrote:

From my queue


00:32:195 (1) - make a clear slider I don't understand...

00:22:789 (2) - stack with 00:22:951(3) fix
01:07:059 (6) - too many reverses
Instead, add a note

00:39:978 (6) - NC
no, sorry
I think it is better to be same as 00:34:789 (4) - about switching conbo
00:52:951 (1,2) - is not good idea
00:54:249 (3,4) - ^
00:55:546 (5,6) - ^
no, sorry

sry for small mod
Thank you for modding!!
red is my reply

  1. fine
  1. nothing.
  1. 00:56:843 - add note
  2. 01:02:032 - ^
  3. 01:03:330 (1,2) - 1と2を入れ替えたほうがvocalをよりフォローできるとおもいます。
  4. 01:34:465 - add note
    00:56:843 - と同じ理由です。
  1. 00:52:951 - ~ 00:56:519 - までこのdiffのみ赤線から始まる音取りしていますが特に理由がないのなら白線から始めたほうが良いと思います。
  2. 00:58:141 - ~ 01:01:708 - ^
  1. 01:34:465 (1,2,3,4) - 音取りの提案です。

    vocalの音を取っているのなら01:35:762 - からSliderを入れた方が自然だと思います。
Good luck with your mapヾ( ノシ。ÒㅅÓ)ノシ
Topic Starter

litoluna wrote:


  1. fine
  1. nothing.
  1. 00:56:843 - add note
    no, sorry
  2. 01:02:032 - ^  no, sorry ^
  3. 01:03:330 (1,2) - 1と2を入れ替えたほうがvocalをよりフォローできるとおもいます。 fix
  4. 01:34:465 - add note
    00:56:843 - と同じ理由です。
  1. 00:52:951 - ~ 00:56:519 - までこのdiffのみ赤線から始まる音取りしていますが特に理由がないのなら白線から始めたほうが良いと思います。 
    easy,normalとは違う音取りをしたくて白線を外したのですが、ご提案通りにしても同じに感じないですね → よって直します
  2. 00:58:141 - ~ 01:01:708 - ^ fix ^
  1. 01:34:465 (1,2,3,4) - 音取りの提案です。

    vocalの音を取っているのなら01:35:762 - からSliderを入れた方が自然だと思います。
    That's a fine suggestion!
Good luck with your mapヾ( ノシ。ÒㅅÓ)ノシ
Thank you for modding!
red sentences are my reply

簡単な譜面しか作れないと思いますので機会あればまた :)
- Miomio Chii -
Hi, here is my mod.
My play score (HR+DT+HD)

  1. 01:37:059 - i think kiai time end here (all diff same this)
Good set.
My play score (HR+DT+HD)

  1. 00:21:816 (1,2,3) - i think here's rhythm need same as 00:27:005 (1,2,3) - those
Good set again.
My play score (DT+HD)

  1. 00:22:951 (3) - i think let it start white line, end red line, the rhythm will sounds better.
Good modeling.
My play score (none)

  1. CS+1 ? (i think now seldom use this circle size)
Good modeling again.

:o ehh, i only can catch those, hope can help you!
I like this skin! :)
Good luck to you !
Topic Starter

- Miomio Chii - wrote:

Hi, here is my mod.
My play score (HR+DT+HD)

  1. 01:37:059 - i think kiai time end here (all diff same this)
    no, sorry
    I want to make bubbles(star2.png) scurry when spinning 01:37:059 (1) -
Good set.
My play score (HR+DT+HD)

  1. 00:21:816 (1,2,3) - i think here's rhythm need same as 00:27:005 (1,2,3) - those
    OK, fix
    but make a little difference since exactly the same is boring
Good set again.
My play score (DT+HD)

  1. 00:22:951 (3) - i think let it start white line, end red line, the rhythm will sounds better.
    no, sorry
    this part is adjusted to vocal since differentiating from 00:27:005 (1,2,3) -
Good modeling.
My play score (none)

  1. CS+1 ? (i think now seldom use this circle size)
    Considering,,, but no sorry
    if others suggest the same, I may think again
Good modeling again.

:o ehh, i only can catch those, hope can help you!
I like this skin! :) I'm delighted~ XD
Good luck to you !
Thank you for M4M!
red sentences are my reply
Cerulean Veyron
Hi, From my queue ~

00:45:168 (5) - Reduce the repeat by one and add note here 00:46:141 -
00:50:357 (6) - Same like above

The sliders with two reverse arrows, suggest changing it to two normal sliders.

This is all i can mod, sorry if it's a short mod
Anyways, Good Luck ~
Topic Starter

GrayKaiser82 wrote:

Hi, From my queue ~

00:45:168 (5) - Reduce the repeat by one and add note here 00:46:141 -
00:50:357 (6) - Same like above
All fix

The sliders with two reverse arrows, suggest changing it to two normal sliders.
Where is it?
if 01:07:059 (6) - , I think it is better to remain

This is all i can mod, sorry if it's a short mod
Anyways, Good Luck ~
Thank you for modding~
red sentences are my reply
~You can fade the mp3 out from 01:44:843 to reduce file size and fix Aimod warning.

For beginners' sake;
~00:25:708 (5) - Move slider closer to the previous slider for smoother cursor movement during game play.
~00:30:897 (5) - ^
~00:51:654 (6) - ^Down more.
~00:52:951 (1) - ^Same thing with the circle but now to the head of slider 2.
~01:35:114 - Maybe like this? -->

~00:49:546 (1) - NC to emphasis rhythm change.
~01:24:411 (2,3) - Pls dun go scaring players with a sudden 1/2 beat double when the pattern u made was slow.Remove it. Try this instead --> every circle on 1/1 beat.

~01:16:303 (1) - Replace the reverse slider with 4 circles? Game play flows better.(If change,put NC on slider.)
~01:18:897 (1) - ^
~01:26:681 (1) - ^
~01:29:275 (1) - ^
~Everything else seems fine.

~00:57:168 (2) - A bit hard to read,try something new?
~01:05:762 (7) - NC?
~01:13:222 -Very hard to read. Make them all 1/2 beat circles.It's more fun and it's easier to read.
~01:31:870 (12) - Put this further to the left to emphasis rhythm change and the stopped 1/2 beats.
~01:35:762 (5) - Move it slightly to the left.I can't see the head of slider during game play.

That's all from me^^ Good luck!
Topic Starter

gideon5504 wrote:

~You can fade the mp3 out from 01:44:843 to reduce file size and fix Aimod warning.
but Aimod-warning remained. maybe because of long intro

For beginners' sake;
~00:25:708 (5) - Move slider closer to the previous slider for smoother cursor movement during game play.
~000:897 (5) - ^
~00:51:654 (6) - ^Down more.
~00:52:951 (1) - ^Same thing with the circle but now to the head of slider 2.
fix above
consider for smoother cursor movement
~015:114 - Maybe like this? -->
It's a nice formation!
I'll use it ,thanks~

~00:49:546 (1) - NC to emphasis rhythm change.
no, sorry
I'll unfy it with 00:42:573 (1,2,3,4) -
~01:24:411 (2,3) - Pls dun go scaring players with a sudden 1/2 beat double when the pattern u made was slow.Remove it. Try this instead --> every circle on 1/1 beat.
no, sorry
I intend to suit to drum sound

~01:1603 (1) - Replace the reverse slider with 4 circles? Game play flows better.(If change,put NC on slider.)
~01:18:897 (1) - ^
~01:26:681 (1) - ^
~01:29:275 (1) - ^
~Everything else seems fine.
contemplating very much, but keep
Your suggestion is more enjoyable for playing. But the formation is almost same as Insane-diff. therefore, I'll keep

~00:57:168 (2) - A bit hard to read,try something new?
a little change
also change 01:02;357 (2)
~01:05:762 (7) - NC? fix
~01:13:222 -Very hard to read. Make them all 1/2 beat circles.It's more fun and it's easier to read.
mmm... keep
if making them all 1/2 beat, I think a little boring
~011:870 (12) - Put this further to the left to emphasis rhythm change and the stopped 1/2 beats.OK, fix!
~015:762 (5) - Move it slightly to the left.I can't see the head of slider during game play.
don't move to the left, but it is easier to see

That's all from me^^ Good luck!
Thank you for modding!
I write my reply by use of red
Hi ^^
A Free Mod from Coffee Party Queue

Legenda wrote:

:!: → Unrankable things, must fix
:?: → My human doubts, things to consider
:idea: → Tips & Tricks to make your map better
♥ → Greetings
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
[General Issues]
:!: Colour combos are about to blend with some BG parts - especially the Light Green one.
♥ Loved the spinner skinning ^^ Seems it really leads the player to spin more, since (at least for me) it makes the spinning feel more easy ♥

♥ Clean diff, funny patterns too

♥ Same as Easy

♥ Almost clean, and also funny patterns. And still fully playable for Mouse-only singletappers like me (that's AWESOME ♥)

* 00:26:519 (7,8,9,1) - Interesting pattern, feels a bit confusing. Since it's Insane diff, it's OK.
00:32:195 (1) - This loop NEED be improved. The hole on it should be like a teardrop as they said at Delicious Sliders thread. But... let me give the code for it. It is...
♥ 01:07:059 (4) - This square... Amazing!
♥ 01:35:762 (5) - Good work here!

Aaaaand That's it ^^

Hope it Ranked soon, I loved playing the [Hard] diff -- yeah, I can't do Insane by now ._.


Topic Starter

Alarido wrote:

Hi ^^
A Free Mod from Coffee Party Queue

Legenda wrote:

:!: → Unrankable things, must fix
:?: → My human doubts, things to consider
:idea: → Tips & Tricks to make your map better
♥ → Greetings
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
[General Issues]
:!: Colour combos are about to blend with some BG parts - especially the Light Green one.
OK, I'll fix!
♥ Loved the spinner skinning ^^ Seems it really leads the player to spin more, since (at least for me) it makes the spinning feel more easy ♥

♥ Clean diff, funny patterns too

♥ Same as Easy

♥ Almost clean, and also funny patterns. And still fully playable for Mouse-only singletappers like me (that's AWESOME ♥)
thank you!
This diff is the most suitable for me~

* 00:26:519 (7,8,9,1) - Interesting pattern, feels a bit confusing. Since it's Insane diff, it's OK.
00:32:195 (1) - This loop NEED be improved. The hole on it should be like a teardrop as they said at Delicious Sliders thread. But... let me give the code for it. It is...
It's a great help to me!
I'll use the teardrop-slider you made ;)
♥ 01:07:059 (4) - This square... Amazing!
♥ 01:35:762 (5) - Good work here!

Aaaaand That's it ^^

Hope it Ranked soon, I loved playing the [Hard] diff -- yeah, I can't do Insane by now ._.


Thank you for modding and star!
I wrote my reply by use of red
I'll do my best~ :D
hi, from my queue :D

title: Mishaguji Empire
there's a lot of straight lines 0.0 imo using more curves would be easier and more comfortable to play. ofc it's up to you ~

00:25:708 (5) - remove finish? I don't hear a cymbal here, plus it's not here in other diffs
00:30:897 (5) - remove finish? same idea as before
00:51:654 (6) - remove finish? (if you agree, plz fix the rest too, no reason to go pointing out all of them :P )
00:55:546 - add note with finish to carry rhythm better?
01:00:735 - add note with finish to carry rhythm better?
01:05:924 (3,4) - imo end each one 1/1 earlier is better with previous pattern :3

01:03:978 (2) - remove finish? same idea as before
01:07:222 (6) - imo split into 2 sliders might be more interesting to play :D
01:18:897 (1,2,3) - imo copy/paste isn't a good idea here, it might be more interesting to make some different patterns and rhythm instead of the same thing as before. ofc it's up to you :P
01:17:438 (3) - how about this rhythm? it's normal diff, so imo it's OK to put more notes and follow the music closely :D (just a hitcircle on (4) would also be nice)
01:17:438 (3) - remove finish on end?
01:20:032 (3) - , 01:27:816 (3) - , 01:30:411 (3) - same as 01:17:438 (3)

01:03:330 (1) - remove finish from end? also on 01:05:114 (3) - and 01:06:573 (6) -
01:18:897 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as normal

00:44:357 (6) - make it blanket (5) better?
00:58:465 (2,3) - stack with 00:57:492 (3) - ?
01:18:897 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - same as normal
01:21:492 (12,1) - switch NCs cause measure starts at 01:21:492 - ?
01:21:816 (1,2,3) - it's insane diff, imo it might be more fun to follow the vocals closely here

that's all :)
some parts could maybe be improved a bit, but for a first map, it's nice >w<
good luck ~
Topic Starter

pieguy1372 wrote:

hi, from my queue :D

title: Mishaguji Empire Oh! I mistaked, thanks~
there's a lot of straight lines 0.0 imo using more curves would be easier and more comfortable to play. ofc it's up to you ~ OK, I'll consider

00:25:708 (5) - remove finish? I don't hear a cymbal here, plus it's not here in other diffs
00:30:897 (5) - remove finish? same idea as before
00:51:654 (6) - remove finish? (if you agree, plz fix the rest too, no reason to go pointing out all of them :P )
I noticed it is better according to trying your suggestion.
00:55:546 - add note with finish to carry rhythm better?
01:00:735 - add note with finish to carry rhythm better?
fix! I reconsider~
I believed adding note at the position was difficult for easy-diff...
01:05:924 (3,4) - imo end each one 1/1 earlier is better with previous pattern :3
umm... keep
it is awkward with after pattern

01:03:978 (2) - remove finish? same idea as before fix, too
01:07:222 (6) - imo split into 2 sliders might be more interesting to play :D
I like it, sorry...
01:18:897 (1,2,3) - imo copy/paste isn't a good idea here, it might be more interesting to make some different patterns and rhythm instead of the same thing as before. ofc it's up to you :P
no, sorry

I want to unify them
01:17:438 (3) - how about this rhythm? it's normal diff, so imo it's OK to put more notes and follow the music closely :D (just a hitcircle on (4) would also be nice)
Good idea!
I like this pattern, too~
01:17:438 (3) - remove finish on end?
01:20:032 (3) - , 01:27:816 (3) - , 01:30:411 (3) - same as 01:17:438 (3) All fix

01:03:330 (1) - remove finish from end? also on 01:05:114 (3) - and 01:06:573 (6) - All fix
01:18:897 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as normal no, sorry

00:44:357 (6) - make it blanket (5) better? is there a change in the map?
00:58:465 (2,3) - stack with 00:57:492 (3) - ? That's nice, fix~
01:18:897 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - same as normal no, sorry
01:21:492 (12,1) - switch NCs cause measure starts at 01:21:492 - ? You're right, fix~
01:21:816 (1,2,3) - it's insane diff, imo it might be more fun to follow the vocals closely here I'll try to remap!

that's all :)
some parts could maybe be improved a bit, but for a first map, it's nice >w<
good luck ~
Thank you for modding!
I wrote my reply byuse of red
It's a great help to me~ thanks a lot!
Hi, from Deni 's Modding Queue!

unrankable: You must fix this for the rankability of your map
bolded: strong suggestion
normal: suggestion
italic: comment


Settings & Folder seem to be fine.


Overall you can improve some patterns in this difficulty.

  1. 00:36:411 (1,2,1) - I suggest you to change this pattern into something like this: (Example and Coordinates in Box)
    It will look and play a lot better.
    Pattern Example

    (1) is at x:208 y:176 ; (2) at x:272 y:164 and a little bit shaped to the left
  2. 00:41:600 (1,2,1) - You can improve these objects by placing them like here: (Example in Box)
  3. 00:57:168 (1,2,1) - This looks and plays a bit linear, you can change this by moving the objects like this. (Example and Coordinates in Box)
    Pattern Example 3

    (2) is at x:0 y:220 ; Red (1) at x:44 y:172 ; (2) at x:92 y:132. Don't forget to move the following objects with Distance Snap enabled too!
  4. 01:08:519 (1,2) - This might confuse some new players, I'm not sure but if someone else mentions this consider changing it.
  5. 01:31:870 (1) - Adding a clap to the reverse of this slider would fit pretty good imo!


Some parts in this difficulty are too confusing for a Normal. Please consider changing them.

  1. 00:32:195 (1) - This slider doesn't look well done, maybe try to do it again like ...

    Taken from Making Delicious Sliders: A Guide.
  2. 00:37:384 (1) - You can make this slider symmetrical by re-shaping it with the newer slider system, it will look better.
  3. 00:38:681 (2) - Same as mentioned at 00:32:195 (1) - .
  4. 00:39:978 (3) - This slider looks really strange imo, a normal symmetrical slider would fit better here imo. (Example in Box)
  5. 00:52:951 (1,2,3) - A clap at the reverse of these three sliders would fit pretty good imo!
  6. 00:58:141 (1,2,3) - Same as mentioned above.
  7. 01:16:303 (1,2,3) - and 01:18:897 (1,2,3) - This is too confusing for a Normal! Please consider changing it into a normal pattern which isn't overlapping that much.
  8. From 01:21:492 - to 01:24:816 - : The rhythm is too inconsistent here, which is not good. If you want to make it better, here's my suggestion:

    01:22:141 - Add a circle here.
    01:24:573 (3) - Delete this circle.
    01:24:735 - Add a circle here.
    01:25:384 (5) - Delete this circle.
  9. 01:25:708 (6) - The shape of this slider doesn't look that good, you might wanna change it into a 3-point symmetrical slider or something else.
  10. 01:26:681 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Same as mentioned at 01:16:303 (1,2,3) - and 01:18:897 (1,2,3) - .
  11. 01:33:168 (2,2) - The red slider and the blue (2) circle are overlapping, which is not so good. You can change this by moving the objects like I did here: (Example and Coordinates in Box)
    Pattern Example

    (1) is at x:400 y:284 ; (2) at x:328 y:320 ; (3) at x:332 y:240 ; (4) at x:160 y:252


Overall you could try to make this difficulty more creative, not so linear.

  1. 00:33:492 (2,3) - They are overlapping, you can fix this by shaping (3) for example like this: (Example in Box)
  2. 00:55:870 (6) - Just in my opinion, a slider with a normal curve would fit better here. Change it if you think so too.
  3. 01:04:465 (2,3) - This looks and plays strange, using a pattern like this would be better. (Example in Box)
  4. 01:25:384 (4,5,6) - These three objects play a bit linear, you could move the objects a bit down / up to change this and make this part more exciting.
  5. 01:32:519 (2) - A slider like this (Example in Box) will fit a lot better to the difficulty!
  6. 01:36:735 (5) - I would move (5) to x:260 y:152. It would fit a lot better than your current spacing.


Try to keep a good rhythm in this difficulty. Putting random gaps into a map isn't good.

  1. 00:45:168 - The rhythm is strange in this part. it would be better like this:

    00:45:168 - to 00:45:492 - Slider
    00:45:654 - Circle
    00:45:816 - to 00:45:978 - Slider
    00:46:141 - Circle
    00:46:303 - to 00:46:465 - Slider
    00:46:627 - Circle
    00:46:789 - Circle
  2. 01:07:059 (4) - I really don't know I think this slider is OK but very unusual. You could use a more creative slider if you want.
  3. 01:25:546 - This gap breaks your rhythm. Consider adding a circle here or changing the rhythm in another way.
  4. 01:33:005 - Pretty much the same here, add a circle to keep your rhythm.

That's it! Please think about every suggestion I made.

If you have any question just ask me ingame or via forum pm!
Hi! From my queue~ Sorry for the late mod

00:52:951 (1,2) - Switch them like slider go first and circle after

01:16:303 (1,2,3) and 01:18:897 (1,2,3) and 01:26:681 (1,2,3) and 01:29:275 (1,2,3) - Like Deni says, it's confusing.
01:34:789 (2) - Move it to x: 288 y: 272 so the slider won't overlap it

01:11:114 (1,4,7) - Convert them into slider because it's kinda hard

Sorry if it isn't enough. Good Luck and star!
Topic Starter

Deni wrote:

Hi, from Deni 's Modding Queue!

unrankable: You must fix this for the rankability of your map
bolded: strong suggestion
normal: suggestion
italic: comment


Settings & Folder seem to be fine.


Overall you can improve some patterns in this difficulty.

  1. 00:36:411 (1,2,1) - I suggest you to change this pattern into something like this: (Example and Coordinates in Box)
    It will look and play a lot better.
    Pattern Example

    (1) is at x:208 y:176 ; (2) at x:272 y:164 and a little bit shaped to the left
  2. 00:41:600 (1,2,1) - You can improve these objects by placing them like here: (Example in Box)
  3. 00:57:168 (1,2,1) - This looks and plays a bit linear, you can change this by moving the objects like this. (Example and Coordinates in Box)
    Pattern Example 3

    (2) is at x:0 y:220 ; Red (1) at x:44 y:172 ; (2) at x:92 y:132. Don't forget to move the following objects with Distance Snap enabled too!
    fix above 3 suggestions!
    Your suggestion is more suitable for Easy-diff
  4. 01:08:519 (1,2) - This might confuse some new players, I'm not sure but if someone else mentions this consider changing it. KEEP
  5. 01:31:870 (1) - Adding a clap to the reverse of this slider would fit pretty good imo! OK, fix!


Some parts in this difficulty are too confusing for a Normal. Please consider changing them.

  1. 00:32:195 (1) - This slider doesn't look well done, maybe try to do it again like ... I'll try to remake

    Taken from Making Delicious Sliders: A Guide.
  2. 00:37:384 (1) - You can make this slider symmetrical by re-shaping it with the newer slider system, it will look better.
    That's a useful infomation!
    new system is so convenient XD
  3. 00:38:681 (2) - Same as mentioned at 00:32:195 (1) - . I'll try to remake
  4. 00:39:978 (3) - This slider looks really strange imo, a normal symmetrical slider would fit better here imo. (Example in Box)
    I intend to unify to 00:34:789 (3) -
  5. 00:52:951 (1,2,3) - A clap at the reverse of these three sliders would fit pretty good imo! Nice idea, accepted
  6. 00:58:141 (1,2,3) - Same as mentioned above. ^
  7. 01:16:303 (1,2,3) - and 01:18:897 (1,2,3) - This is too confusing for a Normal! Please consider changing it into a normal pattern which isn't overlapping that much. Remaping
  8. From 01:21:492 - to 01:24:816 - : The rhythm is too inconsistent here, which is not good. If you want to make it better, here's my suggestion:
    some accepted
    01:22:141 - Add a circle here. OK
    01:24:573 (3) - Delete this circle. OK
    01:24:735 - Add a circle here. no
    01:25:384 (5) - Delete this circle. no
  9. 01:25:708 (6) - The shape of this slider doesn't look that good, you might wanna change it into a 3-point symmetrical slider or something else.KEEP
  10. 01:26:681 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Same as mentioned at 01:16:303 (1,2,3) - and 01:18:897 (1,2,3) - . Remaping
  11. 01:33:168 (2,2) - The red slider and the blue (2) circle are overlapping, which is not so good. You can change this by moving the objects like I did here: (Example and Coordinates in Box) You're right, fix it!
    Pattern Example

    (1) is at x:400 y:284 ; (2) at x:328 y:320 ; (3) at x:332 y:240 ; (4) at x:160 y:252


Overall you could try to make this difficulty more creative, not so linear.

  1. 00:33:492 (2,3) - They are overlapping, you can fix this by shaping (3) for example like this: (Example in Box)
    I think this overlaping is no ploblem. but the shape of your suggetion is nice, so I'll change it
  2. 00:55:870 (6) - Just in my opinion, a slider with a normal curve would fit better here. Change it if you think so too.
    no, sorry
    I intend to make it angular to unify to previous sliders
  3. 01:04:465 (2,3) - This looks and plays strange, using a pattern like this would be better. (Example in Box)
    Nice formation, fix!
  4. 01:25:384 (4,5,6) - These three objects play a bit linear, you could move the objects a bit down / up to change this and make this part more exciting.
    Nice idea, I'll remap!
  5. 01:32:519 (2) - A slider like this (Example in Box) will fit a lot better to the difficulty! fix!
  6. 01:36:735 (5) - I would move (5) to x:260 y:152. It would fit a lot better than your current spacing.
    avoid stack, but move to center positoin (x:256 y:164)


Try to keep a good rhythm in this difficulty. Putting random gaps into a map isn't good.

  1. 00:45:168 - The rhythm is strange in this part. it would be better like this:
    Almost agree
    00:45:168 - to 00:45:492 - Slider
    00:45:654 - Circle
    00:45:816 - to 00:45:978 - Slider
    00:46:141 - Circle
    00:46:303 - to 00:46:465 - Slider
    00:46:627 - Circle
    00:46:789 - Circle only this nope
  2. 01:07:059 (4) - I really don't know I think this slider is OK but very unusual. You could use a more creative slider if you want.
    I think it is not so bad...
  3. 01:25:546 - This gap breaks your rhythm. Consider adding a circle here or changing the rhythm in another way. no, sorry
  4. 01:33:005 - Pretty much the same here, add a circle to keep your rhythm.I agree, fix it

That's it! Please think about every suggestion I made.

If you have any question just ask me ingame or via forum pm!
Thank you for your polite modding!
I could learn a lot from your mod :)
I wrote my reply by use of green
Topic Starter

sheela901 wrote:

Hi! From my queue~ Sorry for the late mod

00:52:951 (1,2) - Switch them like slider go first and circle after
no, sorry...
I'll unify it to after patterns

01:16:303 (1,2,3) and 01:18:897 (1,2,3) and 01:26:681 (1,2,3) and 01:29:275 (1,2,3) - Like Deni says, it's confusing. remapping
01:34:789 (2) - Move it to x: 288 y: 272 so the slider won't overlap it fix!

01:11:114 (1,4,7) - Convert them into slider because it's kinda hard
For Insane-diff, I think it is no ploblem
Sorry if it isn't enough. Good Luck and star!
Thank you for moddng!
I wrote my reply by use of red
modding queoeから来ました。


  1. 激でも喝でもないとき(コンボカラーが変わらないとき)の300点のスキンがただの透明なスキンになっていて、たたいた時に何点だったのかわかりません。直した方がいいと思います。

  1. 01:01:059 (5) - ここの始点と終点の高さがそろっていないので目立ちました。直した方がいいと思います。

  1. 00:30:897 (6,1) - この二つのスライダーの重なりかたが変なので直した方がいいと思います。
  1. 01:12:411 (3) - これが微妙に傾いているのでy軸に並行にした方がいいと思います
  1. 01:36:735 - ここにサークルを入れてみたらどうでしょう?

  1. 01:24:087 (1,2,3,4) - 3の位置をうまく動かして1と4を重ねてみては?
  1. 01:35:114 (2,3) - 2と3逆の方が僕は好きですw

  1. 01:13:547 (14,1) - このタイミングでこの距離は離しすぎな気がします。
  1. 00:34:303 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - ここの配置は00:32:195 (1) と 00:33:492 (2) が中央にそろっているので00:35:924 ( がきれいに並ぶようにずらすことを提案します。
  • まず、00:34:303 (3) を(448,140)にずらします( 00:34:789 (4) の終点を揃えるため)。つぎに3の終点と4の始点を合わせます。
  • 次に00:35:924 (1) を(172,192)に、00:36:249 (2,3) を(340,192)にします。
  • 最後に00:37:384 (1) が前の2,3とかぶって変にならないようにずらします。(これはあんまり必要ないかも・・・w)

あまり指摘できるところはなかったです。すみません :(

東方の2次創作ですよね?ノリがよくていい曲だと思いました ;)
Topic Starter

EnixYuki wrote:

modding queoeから来ました。

  1. 激でも喝でもないとき(コンボカラーが変わらないとき)の300点のスキンがただの透明なスキンになっていて、たたいた時に何点だったのかわかりません。直した方がいいと思います。
    I've reconsider!
  1. 01:01:059 (5) - ここの始点と終点の高さがそろっていないので目立ちました。直した方がいいと思います。
    I mistaked...
    これと同じ形のスライダーをcheckしたら全部ずれてました... 気付かなかったです、thanks~
  1. 00:30:897 (6,1) - この二つのスライダーの重なりかたが変なので直した方がいいと思います。
    00:30:897 (6) - をcurveさせて重なりを避けました。見栄えすごく良くなりました~
  1. 01:12:411 (3) - これが微妙に傾いているのでy軸に並行にした方がいいと思います
    これも気付かなかった... 01:11:114 (1) - をcopyしたはずなのになぜ?
  1. 01:36:735 - ここにサークルを入れてみたらどうでしょう?
  1. 01:24:087 (1,2,3,4) - 3の位置をうまく動かして1と4を重ねてみては?
    Nice Idea!
  1. 01:35:114 (2,3) - 2と3逆の方が僕は好きですw
  1. 01:13:547 (14,1) - このタイミングでこの距離は離しすぎな気がします。
  1. 00:34:303 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - ここの配置は00:32:195 (1) と 00:33:492 (2) が中央にそろっているので00:35:924 ( がきれいに並ぶようにずらすことを提案します。
    Nice Idea!
  • まず、00:34:303 (3) を(448,140)にずらします( 00:34:789 (4) の終点を揃えるため)。つぎに3の終点と4の始点を合わせます。
  • 次に00:35:924 (1) を(172,192)に、00:36:249 (2,3) を(340,192)にします。
  • 最後に00:37:384 (1) が前の2,3とかぶって変にならないようにずらします。(これはあんまり必要ないかも・・・w)
あまり指摘できるところはなかったです。すみません :(
東方の2次創作ですよね?ノリがよくていい曲だと思いました ;)
そうです~ 「石鹸屋」fanなんです
Thank you for modding!
私もmodding-queue始めたばかりです。機会あればぜひのぞきに来てくださいね :)
01:11:114 不要な緑線
00:36:735(2) もう少し左にずらしてみては
01:18:897(1) Norma lなのでスペーシングは統一したほうがいいです。 and more
01:11:114 不要な緑線
00:23:114(3) このスライダーの後の空白がやや気になるので、配置と合わせてこんな風にしてみては
01:23:114(5,6) 裏拍に単発を置くのはなんとなくいい感じに聞こえますが、初心者にはやや打ちづらいリズムなので、1,3泊目から始めるようにするといいです、
Hit Sonud
01:05:762(4,5) ここだけスタックさせているのがやや不自然です、DS通りに配置した方がいいです
01:11:114 不要な緑線
01:08:357(8) 直前のボーカル音から拾ってやりたいので出来ればこんなかんじに音取りするといいかなと
01:18:735 バック音を考えると、この部分はこのような音取りのほうが合っていると思います。同様の部分も同じく
00:26:519(7,8,9) (9)から(1)への真横へのジャンプがやや打ちづらいと思うのでこんな風にしてみては
01:09:005(3) このnoteを(2)にスタックした方が流れがいいです
01:22:951(6) Ctrl+Gした方が個人的には好きです
01:11:114 不要な緑線
01:17:924(7) リバーススライダーの方がシンプルで読みやすいと思います、全体的に易しい難易度なので。他の同じ場所も同様に
Hit Sonud
01:13:708(1,2,3) finish 追加

good luck~
Topic Starter

kajiyatta wrote:

01:11:114 不要な緑線 delete 最初はここで音量変えていました。全難易度消しました
00:36:735(2) もう少し左にずらしてみては fix
01:18:897(1) Norma lなのでスペーシングは統一したほうがいいです。 and more
Let me think...
01:11:114 不要な緑線
00:23:114(3) このスライダーの後の空白がやや気になるので、配置と合わせてこんな風にしてみては Nice Idea!
01:23:114(5,6) 裏拍に単発を置くのはなんとなくいい感じに聞こえますが、初心者にはやや打ちづらいリズムなので、1,3泊目から始めるようにするといいです、
Hit Sonud
01:05:762(4,5) ここだけスタックさせているのがやや不自然です、DS通りに配置した方がいいです fix
01:11:114 不要な緑線
01:08:357(8) 直前のボーカル音から拾ってやりたいので出来ればこんなかんじに音取りするといいかなと
That's nice
01:18:735 バック音を考えると、この部分はこのような音取りのほうが合っていると思います。同様の部分も同じく
00:26:519(7,8,9) (9)から(1)への真横へのジャンプがやや打ちづらいと思うのでこんな風にしてみては Nice Idea! 
01:09:005(3) このnoteを(2)にスタックした方が流れがいいです fix
01:22:951(6) Ctrl+Gした方が個人的には好きです KEEP
01:11:114 不要な緑線
01:17:924(7) リバーススライダーの方がシンプルで読みやすいと思います、全体的に易しい難易度なので。他の同じ場所も同様に
Nice Idea!
これは、すごいやりやすくなりました! こっちの方が断然楽しいです~
Hit Sonud
01:13:708(1,2,3) finish 追加 fix 忘れてた。。。

good luck~
Thank you for modding!
実は、このmapちょっと行き詰って困っていたのです... :o
Hi :3 From M4M

After a lookthrough,
E,N,H and General issues are fine.
But I'd want to point sth in Insane.


  • Fine.
Arrangement & Design
  1. 01:09:978 (7,9) - Avoid overlap. I suggest: x344 y168, the slider's end point.
  2. 01:17:924 (7) - It's unrankable to hide the reserve arrow.
  3. And the following notes.

No kds.
Good luck~
Topic Starter

fanzhen0019 wrote:

Hi :3 From M4M

After a lookthrough,
E,N,H and General issues are fine.
But I'd want to point sth in Insane.


  • Fine.
Arrangement & Design
  1. 01:09:978 (7,9) - Avoid overlap. I suggest: x344 y168, the slider's end point.
  2. 01:17:924 (7) - It's unrankable to hide the reserve arrow.
  3. And the following notes.

No kds.
Good luck~
All fix!!
your suggetion is helpful to me. so please accept kds ;)
Thank you for M4M~
Woo~~How interesting map~~ XD
Then the following are some of my personal suggestions,wish it can help you~
  1. what a funny spinner-circle.png....someone may dislike it (Including me ,a more uniform shape was needed for Rock music and bubble is not the style of Rock,only my personal view . it is cute indeed
  1. 01:17:438 (2) - 01:20:032 (2) - 01:27:816 (2) - 01:30:411 (2) - add a white point in slider to make it surround 1 batter
  1. from00:52:951 - to 01:03:330 - suggest you remap,and U may find another more suitable way(Try to do this:slider00:52:951 - to 00:53:600 - then circle:00:53:924 - then slider:00:54:249 - to 00:54:897 - then circle:00:55:222 - then slider00:55:546 - to 00:56:195 - )
  1. 00:56:843 - 01:02:032 - add a circle
  1. 01:23:114 (2) - move this slider to 01:22:789 - then move the circle01:24:087 (1) - to 01:23:924 - then fix the distance
  1. 01:04:303 (2) - make the circle2 stack the 3
  1. 01:05:762 (1) - slider head hid under circle 5
  1. 01:05:600 - from this time point to 01:07:384 - also need to fixed(Try to do this slider01:05:762 (1) - end at 01:06:249 - then remove 01:06:573 (2) - then add a small slider from01:06:573 - to 01:06:735 - then a small slider from 01:06:897 - to 01:07:059 - )
  1. 00:22:465 (2,3) - 3 surround 2 better
  1. 01:12:897 - here may be a start of slider all use circle make player coufused and 01:13:222 (13) - this one also unreasonable ,you can remove it and do like this
Ok that's all the thing...good luck and go for rank...~
sry for edit.... :o
Topic Starter

Sweet Vanilla wrote:

Woo~~How interesting map~~ XD
Then the following are some of my personal suggestions,wish it can help you~
  1. what a funny spinner-circle.png....someone may dislike it (Including me ,a more uniform shape was needed for Rock music and bubble is not the style of Rock,only my personal view . it is cute indeed
    I use bubbles with the intention to fit to the character-image. So I want to keep this up
  1. 01:17:438 (2) - 01:20:032 (2) - 01:27:816 (2) - 01:30:411 (2) - add a white point in slider to make it surround 1 batter fix
  1. from00:52:951 - to 01:03:330 - suggest you remap,and U may find another more suitable way(Try to do this:slider00:52:951 - to 00:53:600 - then circle:00:53:924 - then slider:00:54:249 - to 00:54:897 - then circle:00:55:222 - then slider00:55:546 - to 00:56:195 - )
    I intend to beat backbeat-snare at this part
  1. 00:56:843 - 01:02:032 - add a circle no, sorry
  1. 01:23:114 (2) - move this slider to 01:22:789 - then move the circle01:24:087 (1) - to 01:23:924 - then fix the distance
    Remap in consideration of your suggetion!
  1. 01:04:303 (2) - make the circle2 stack the 3fix
  1. 01:05:762 (1) - slider head hid under circle 5fix
  1. 01:05:600 - from this time point to 01:07:384 - also need to fixed(Try to do this slider01:05:762 (1) - end at 01:06:249 - then remove 01:06:573 (2) - then add a small slider from01:06:573 - to 01:06:735 - then a small slider from 01:06:897 - to 01:07:059 - )
    It's a gerat help to me!
    I've suffered a lot for this part. thanks~
  1. 00:22:465 (2,3) - 3 surround 2 better fix
  1. 01:12:897 - here may be a start of slider all use circle make player coufused and 01:13:222 (13) - this one also unreasonable ,you can remove it and do like this
    change some
    the idea using slider is good!

Ok that's all the thing...good luck and go for rank...~
sry for edit.... :o
Thank you for modding!
red is my reply~


  1. ヒットバースト系のスキンが全体的に上よりになっている為、叩いた場所と違う位置にヒットバーストが現れる感じがして違和感があります。
  • 00:38:357 (3,4) - distance狭くないですか?1-2間にジャンプを作って3-4間をその半分のDSの値に設定しているので、見た目は悪くないですがプレイ時に違和感があります。
    00:45:816 (3,5) - 完全にスタックさせてみては。しょうもない提案ですが手間もそんなに掛からないので。ちなみに綺麗にスタックしない場合は一度(3)をCtrl+Gでひっくり返して3-5の頭を同じ位置に置いてから、再度(3)を返すと揃うかと思います。
    01:03:816 (2,3) - ボーカルが01:03:978 から01:04:303 に掛けて伸びているのを考慮すると、スライダーの終端とサークルでこのフレーズを構成するのはあまり合っていないように感じました。こんな感じの音取りにしてみてはどうでしょう。01:07:059 (4) - ギターの音をイメージした形なのかなとは思いましたが、他のスライダーの大半が丸スライダーの中で浮いているように感じますし、もう少し形に工夫が欲しいように感じます。nazi
    01:14:843 - ここにノートが無いのが少し寂しく感じます。というのも、手前の2つのシンバル音はスライダーで伸ばすような形で取っているのに対し、3回目になると伸びている音を拾わない事に違和感を感じるからです。また、十分な音量のボーカルもあるので、何かしらノートを置いた方が良いように思います。
    01:25:384 (5,6,7) - この箇所の音取りが何を拾っているのか良く分かりませんでした。ギターを取るにしてもノートの数が足りないように感じるし、ボーカルもこのように区切った歌い方はしていないように思います。01:21:492 (1,2,3,4) のフレーズと同じようなイメージで、こんな感じの音取りはどうでしょう。最後のスライダーは1/2でもいいと思います。01:33:816 (7) - 上と同じ内容の指摘です。この部分には目だったギターの音が無く、ボーカルのアクセントからは外れています。
    01:34:303 - 次のボーカルはここから始まっているように感じます。直後のスライダーを長くするか、サークルを追加してみては。
    01:35:114 (3,4,5) - この3つのスライダーの流れがあまり良くないように感じます。無理にジャンプを作らなくても、今までの配置と同じ様に自然な流れを意識した方が良いと思います。
  • 00:21:816 (1) - ボーカルを意識したリズムなのかなと思うのですが、"昔のあ"とひとくくりにする音取りに違和感がありました。フレーズを大きく区切るなら、"昔の"で一旦スライダーを切った方が良いと思います。よってこのスライダーを3/2の長さにし、00:22:465 にサークルを加えてみてはどうでしょう。
    00:27:005 (1) - ^
    00:38:681 (2,3) - nazi それぞれ個別にCtrl+Gで向きを逆にした方が流れが綺麗なように思いました。
    01:13:708 (1) - 現状のスピナーでも問題はないと思いますが、これとサビとの間のシャウトを無視するのは少し勿体ない気がしたので、スピナーを01:15:005 あたりで一度区切って、01:15:816 あたりにスライダーか何かを置いてみるのはどうでしょう。
    01:31:870 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ほとんどのノートが白線しか踏んでおらず、Hardのラストにしては盛り上がりに欠けると思います。もう少し複雑なリズムにしてみてはどうでしょう。
  • 00:22:465 (2,3) - 2-3を結ぶ線と3の流れる向きとの角度が少しきついように感じます。3を60度ほど反時計に回すと綺麗におさまるかと思います。
    00:24:411 (4) - Normalにしては1コンボが少し長いように感じるのでこのあたりでNCを入れたほうが親切かと思います。このくらいの難易度なら、3,4コンボごとに切ってもさほど違和感はないと思いますので、もしこれに同感して頂けたならば他の箇所についても同様にしてください。
    00:44:357 (4) - この2箇所の音を拾って、00:45:005 のみ音がないのは不自然です。難易度を意識してノート同士の間隔を保てるような音取りにしてるのだと思いますが、この箇所に限って言えば却って違和感があります。冒頭部と同様、00:23:114 (3) のような音取りにした方が良いと思います。
    00:49:546 (4,5) - ^
    00:56:843 - サークルか何かあったほうがいいと思います。
    01:02:032 - ^
    01:05:276 (4) - 個人的には01:03:978 (2) のような区切り方も好きなので、それと統一感を持たせる為ここも1/1のスライダーではなくサークル一つにした方が感じがいいです。
    01:05:924 (5,6) - 6の全ての音がギターとずれているので、曲に合っていないように思います。こんな感じの音取りはどうでしょう。01:21:492 (1) - あまり急に短く複数回リバースするスライダーを用いると、リズムが分かりづらくなると思います。2つの1/1スライダーに分けたほうが良いと思います。
    01:24:411 (2,3) - 何故ここだけ1/2のタイミングでサークルを?この1か所のみ難易度が高く、他から浮いているように感じます。
    01:36:735 - 直前の音取りを考えるとサークルがあった方が自然です。
  • 00:24:411 (4) - Normalに同じ。
    00:36:411 (1) - 細かいですが2gridほど上げると丁度00:34:789 (3) で囲むような位置になります。
    00:53:276 (2) - 16:9の画面が保障されて以来しばらくになりますが、4:3だとこのスライダーはほぼ画面の左端で、あまり見やすい位置にあるとは思えません。
    01:03:330 (1,2) - Normalの00:22:465 と似たような感じです。1が下に向いていて、2を叩くにはカーソルを反対方向に移動させ、更にその移動方向と2が別の向きを向いている為、プレーヤーを慌てさせる要素になると思います。
    01:07:222 (4) - このスライダーは急なカーブが2回連続で続く為、非常に追いづらい形をしていると思います。
    01:26:357 - 盛り上がりの意味を込めてサークル追加。
    01:31:870 (1) - このスライダーの折り返しの位置より、01:33:168 などの音の方が明瞭に聞こえる為、このスライダーのリバースをなくし、同じ長さ若しくは2/1くらいの長さのスライダーを01:33:168 に置いた方がより曲に合っていると思います。
    01:36:735 - Normalに同じ。
Topic Starter

h-728 wrote:


  1. ヒットバースト系のスキンが全体的に上よりになっている為、叩いた場所と違う位置にヒットバーストが現れる感じがして違和感があります。
    Remarkable Indication!
  • 00:38:357 (3,4) - distance狭くないですか?1-2間にジャンプを作って3-4間をその半分のDSの値に設定しているので、見た目は悪くないですがプレイ時に違和感があります。
    00:45:816 (3,5) - 完全にスタックさせてみては。しょうもない提案ですが手間もそんなに掛からないので。ちなみに綺麗にスタックしない場合は一度(3)をCtrl+Gでひっくり返して3-5の頭を同じ位置に置いてから、再度(3)を返すと揃うかと思います。
    Clever Technique!
    01:03:816 (2,3) - ボーカルが01:03:978 から01:04:303 に掛けて伸びているのを考慮すると、スライダーの終端とサークルでこのフレーズを構成するのはあまり合っていないように感じました。こんな感じの音取りにしてみてはどうでしょう。 fix~01:07:059 (4) - ギターの音をイメージした形なのかなとは思いましたが、他のスライダーの大半が丸スライダーの中で浮いているように感じますし、もう少し形に工夫が欲しいように感じます。nazi
    Let me think...
    01:14:843 - ここにノートが無いのが少し寂しく感じます。というのも、手前の2つのシンバル音はスライダーで伸ばすような形で取っているのに対し、3回目になると伸びている音を拾わない事に違和感を感じるからです。また、十分な音量のボーカルもあるので、何かしらノートを置いた方が良いように思います。
    01:25:384 (5,6,7) - この箇所の音取りが何を拾っているのか良く分かりませんでした。ギターを取るにしてもノートの数が足りないように感じるし、ボーカルもこのように区切った歌い方はしていないように思います。01:21:492 (1,2,3,4) のフレーズと同じようなイメージで、こんな感じの音取りはどうでしょう。最後のスライダーは1/2でもいいと思います。
    Nice Idea!
    最後の1/2sliderが最高! SVもいじりました
    01:33:816 (7) - 上と同じ内容の指摘です。この部分には目だったギターの音が無く、ボーカルのアクセントからは外れています。 OK, fix
    01:34:303 - 次のボーカルはここから始まっているように感じます。直後のスライダーを長くするか、サークルを追加してみては。 fix
    01:35:114 (3,4,5) - この3つのスライダーの流れがあまり良くないように感じます。無理にジャンプを作らなくても、今までの配置と同じ様に自然な流れを意識した方が良いと思います。
  • 00:21:816 (1) - ボーカルを意識したリズムなのかなと思うのですが、"昔のあ"とひとくくりにする音取りに違和感がありました。フレーズを大きく区切るなら、"昔の"で一旦スライダーを切った方が良いと思います。よってこのスライダーを3/2の長さにし、00:22:465 にサークルを加えてみてはどうでしょう。fix
    00:27:005 (1) - ^ ^
    00:38:681 (2,3) - nazi それぞれ個別にCtrl+Gで向きを逆にした方が流れが綺麗なように思いました。
    01:13:708 (1) - 現状のスピナーでも問題はないと思いますが、これとサビとの間のシャウトを無視するのは少し勿体ない気がしたので、スピナーを01:15:005 あたりで一度区切って、01:15:816 あたりにスライダーか何かを置いてみるのはどうでしょう。
    01:31:870 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ほとんどのノートが白線しか踏んでおらず、Hardのラストにしては盛り上がりに欠けると思います。もう少し複雑なリズムにしてみてはどうでしょう。Remap!
  • 00:22:465 (2,3) - 2-3を結ぶ線と3の流れる向きとの角度が少しきついように感じます。3を60度ほど反時計に回すと綺麗におさまるかと思います。
    no, sorry
    00:24:411 (4) - Normalにしては1コンボが少し長いように感じるのでこのあたりでNCを入れたほうが親切かと思います。このくらいの難易度なら、3,4コンボごとに切ってもさほど違和感はないと思いますので、もしこれに同感して頂けたならば他の箇所についても同様にしてください。
    I agree
    00:44:357 (4) - この2箇所の音を拾って、00:45:005 のみ音がないのは不自然です。難易度を意識してノート同士の間隔を保てるような音取りにしてるのだと思いますが、この箇所に限って言えば却って違和感があります。冒頭部と同様、00:23:114 (3) のような音取りにした方が良いと思います。 fix
    00:49:546 (4,5) - ^ ^
    00:56:843 - サークルか何かあったほうがいいと思います。 nope
    01:02:032 - ^
    01:05:276 (4) - 個人的には01:03:978 (2) のような区切り方も好きなので、それと統一感を持たせる為ここも1/1のスライダーではなくサークル一つにした方が感じがいいです。
    no, sorry
    01:05:924 (5,6) - 6の全ての音がギターとずれているので、曲に合っていないように思います。こんな感じの音取りはどうでしょう。
    almost accept!
    01:21:492 (1) - あまり急に短く複数回リバースするスライダーを用いると、リズムが分かりづらくなると思います。2つの1/1スライダーに分けたほうが良いと思います。fix
    01:24:411 (2,3) - 何故ここだけ1/2のタイミングでサークルを?この1か所のみ難易度が高く、他から浮いているように感じます。
    01:36:735 - 直前の音取りを考えるとサークルがあった方が自然です。
    agree it
    add note は不自然なので直前のsliderを伸ばしました
  • 00:24:411 (4) - Normalに同じ。 OK
    00:36:411 (1) - 細かいですが2gridほど上げると丁度00:34:789 (3) で囲むような位置になります。 fix
    00:53:276 (2) - 16:9の画面が保障されて以来しばらくになりますが、4:3だとこのスライダーはほぼ画面の左端で、あまり見やすい位置にあるとは思えません。
    01:03:330 (1,2) - Normalの00:22:465 と似たような感じです。1が下に向いていて、2を叩くにはカーソルを反対方向に移動させ、更にその移動方向と2が別の向きを向いている為、プレーヤーを慌てさせる要素になると思います。
    Remap it
    01:07:222 (4) - このスライダーは急なカーブが2回連続で続く為、非常に追いづらい形をしていると思います。
    01:26:357 - 盛り上がりの意味を込めてサークル追加。 fix
    01:31:870 (1) - このスライダーの折り返しの位置より、01:33:168 などの音の方が明瞭に聞こえる為、このスライダーのリバースをなくし、同じ長さ若しくは2/1くらいの長さのスライダーを01:33:168 に置いた方がより曲に合っていると思います。
    mmm... KEEP
    01:36:735 - Normalに同じ。 fix same as normal~
Thank you for modding!
red : my reply
just some suggestions
I think it can be a Lunatic as a Touhou diff
00:23:762 add a note on 388,96
00:25:708 (6) - NC
00:26:357 add a note on 128,238
00:28:789 (7) - change it to 1/2 slider
00:46:789 add a note on 334,130
00:50:032 add a note
01:12:411 (9) - NC?
01:20:518 (7) - NC
01:21:492 (1) - change it to 1/2 slider
01:24:249 add a note
01:25:384 (5) - change it to 1/2 slider

good luck for ranking :)
Topic Starter

sjoy wrote:

just some suggestions
I think it can be a Lunatic as a Touhou diff You're right~ change it!
00:23:762 add a note on 388,96 no I intend to suit to guitar-sound
00:25:708 (6) - NC OK
00:26:357 add a note on 128,238 no same above
00:28:789 (7) - change it to 1/2 slider ^
00:46:789 add a note on 334,130 ^
00:50:032 add a note ^
01:12:411 (9) - NC? no
01:20:518 (7) - NC no I want to suit to before pattern
01:21:492 (1) - change it to 1/2 slider OK, fix!
01:24:249 add a note no
01:25:384 (5) - change it to 1/2 slider ^

good luck for ranking :)
I'm glad if my APP mod serve you ;)
here's you ticket

you need to add sliderborder into .osu files

01:11:114 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - hope you can make the pentagon smaller, the current one is a bit hard to play
01:14:681 (3) - ctrl+g? flow can be better

no much to say, be interesting enough as a first map. you can try to make some harder patterns in your future Hard/Insane diffs
feel free to call me back
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

here's you ticket

you need to add sliderborder into .osu files
It's a great help to me! Add it!
Thank you for teaching me sliderborder~
it was quite an education for me.

01:11:114 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - hope you can make the pentagon smaller, the current one is a bit hard to play fix
01:14:681 (3) - ctrl+g? flow can be better fix

no much to say, be interesting enough as a first map. you can try to make some harder patterns in your future Hard/Insane diffs
thank you! I'll try at next mapping~
feel free to call me back
Green is my reply
nice job o.o
Topic Starter
  1. 00:22:951 (3) - I would have prefered if you did something like this instead so that it follows the guitar totally :
  1. 01:25:708 (6,7) - You should make the spacing between (6,7) and (7,8) the same. It's more intuitive to play imo.
This map is purely awesome, you did a great job here !
Call me back once the fixes are done. :3
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:

  1. 00:22:951 (3) - I would have prefered if you did something like this instead so that it follows the guitar totally :
    Nice Idea! Fix it~
  1. 01:25:708 (6,7) - You should make the spacing between (6,7) and (7,8) the same. It's more intuitive to play imo.
    You're right! adjust it~
    I mapped this part according to Distance-Snap. But because of changing SV, it looks strange as you said
This map is purely awesome, you did a great job here !
Call me back once the fixes are done. :3
red : my reply
Thanks a lot :)
Ranked ‼ :3
Your map deserves love.
congratulations :)
Gratz ;3
lol First rank omedetou :)

Topic Starter
Thank you very much!!!

I'm so happy~
:) :) :)

Yay congratz RandomEffect!! :) /

congrats ;)
K i A i
Good Job, Congratulations!
[UsaMi] Reisen
I very very very love Sekken-ya. Nice work RandomEffect. Thanks!
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