
yanaginagi - Yukitoki (TV Size)

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Smoothie wrote:

From my modding queue

[Ixxm's Insane]
00:00:809 (3) - Add a whislte because of the piano sound?
00:02:086 (1) - Add whistle on the start~
00:02:451 (2) - ^
00:03:727 (2) - Add a Whistle
00:04:639 (6) - Remove the whislte on the start and add one on the reverse (if you added the one i've mentioned above) I'll consider those whistles (same as above)
00:05:364 (2) - Whistle on the slider start~ fixed
00:07:725 (1,2) - how about making one reverse slider instead? Fits better imo Since this is insane I think it's okay :O
00:08:809 (4) - Add finish? Don't here symbal o-o
00:19:357 - You should add a note here added
00:58:441 (8) - Place it at x:236 y:288? don't think a jump here is neccessary
00:59:352 (2,3) - Mh... how about this? fixed
01:18:075 (5) - Add finish? added

00:08:267 (3) - Add a finish on the start?
00:08:628 (4) - Finish on the end.
00:11:158 (3) - Same here, finish on start?
00:11:520 (4) - Finish on end~ sounds a bit messy if I add all these finishes :/ so didn't fix
00:41:884 (5) - NC fixed
00:42:247 (6) - Add clap? sounds weird to me
00:42:972 (11) - Clap on the slider start~ added this one
01:08:062 (1) - Finish on the start added
01:18:076 (6) - Soft finish here added
01:23:151 (1,2,3) - Make a slider with reverse instead? I'll keep it the way it is :x

00:04:092 (4) - Remove the whistle on the Slider end
00:04:639 (5) - Add a whistle on the start and remove the one on the end (only when you removed the one i've mentioned above) I'll keep the pattern I have for now
00:05:002 (6) - Whistle on the start end reverse. I want to keep it silent since the vocal is soft too ><
00:09:351 (6) - NC fixed
00:07:725 (1,2,3,4) - That somehow plays a bit weird... but it might be just me. fixed
00:07:725 - 00:13:521 - If you added the finishes i mentioned on Insane you may want to apply them here too for consistency
00:21:363 (3) - Move it to 00:21:181 following vocal here
00:22:640 - Add note ^
00:54:440 (5) - Remove the whistle on the end and add a finish instead? Whistle is enough here imo
01:20:803 (7) - Remove whistle and add a finish~ fixed
01:19:712 (4) - NC fixed

00:04:457 (2,3) - Mh... how about this? slider would become unsnapped
00:07:725 - 00:13:521 - Same as i mentioned on hard~
00:16:257 (7) - Remove this one? nah sounds better this way imo
00:53:526 (3) - Move to x:304 y:244 fixed

00:07:725 - 00:13:521 - Same as i mentioned on hard and normal :3
00:09:351 (2) - Start the slider at 00:09:170 and extend it to 00:09:532 It's fine as it is cuz the instrument
00:30:998 (4) - I assume you added the whistle here because of the piano sound. But consider removing it. Imo it sounds way better without it. I'll consider
01:01:533 (1) - Remove NC fixed
01:19:712 (3) - Remove the clap at the end of the slider and add a finish instead~ fixed
01:23:151 (1) - ^ fixed
01:25:163 (3) - Clap at the start? fixed

That's all
Good luck!
Thanks for your mod :3~


00:07:725 (1,1) - These sliders are not the same shape. Here is what they look like overlaid.
00:31:725 (1,2) - Looks out of place. I suggest curving 1 in the other direction, so that the end is pointing towards 2 instead of under it.
00:52:089 (1) - Doesn't have enough of a curve. Use four points if you need to.
00:59:352 (1) - This curve looks too arched compared to 00:57:164 (1) - slider.
01:09:155 (2) - Fix this blanket by setting the second point to x 82 y 275 Last point to x 44 y 216.


00:09:170 (2,3,4,1) - Transition can be improved. It's a bit misshapen. <Much cleaner.
00:23:552 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - The curves in this just bothers me. I came up with this i'll leave you to line up the notes like the one in the screenshot, but here is the slider I used as a template for both sliders. First point x 305 y 102 Second point x 320 y 172 Third point 368 y 231. Second slider starts at x 276 y 328
01:23:700 (3) - This slider breaks pattern in a bad way.


00:01:174 (3,4) - This blanket can be better. Move the middle point of 4 to x 168 y 232
00:04:092 (4,5,6) - Slider curves don't really match that well. This is probably fine. you should add a bit more curve to 00:05:002 (6) - though.
00:19:904 (1,2,3,4) - Such a bland sequence. I highly suggest changing this pattern to something better. Softer curves fit better.
01:15:346 (3,4) - Looks like the blanket could be centered.
01:16:984 (4) - I think this could be better with four points.
01:23:151 (4,5) - Perhaps could be slightly more centered.

I have to go I will finish at a later time.


Ixxm's Insane
This difficulty is a lot better.

00:00:445 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern looks much different than the overall styling in the song. I think it would look better if you just used 1.5 spacing like the parts after and choose a pattern that complements the lower spacing of course.
00:15:528 (4,5,6,7,8) - I like how this plays. ^_^
00:17:898 (11) - This looks strange curving inward towards the stream. Curving outward away from the stream looks better IMO.
00:18:628 (2,3,4,5,6) - Confusing to read. I think it would be nice to have 00:18:628 (2) - shaped more like 00:17:898 (11) - (outward with symmetry) since it's essentially the same pattern in the music. This would allow people to better prepare for the stack.
00:20:816 (4,5) - How about moving 5 to x 380 y 202? It looks better to me. You would need to adjust the spacings after though.
00:31:725 (1,2,3) - I don't think this is the most fantastic transition, but it works.
00:34:634 (1,2,3) - ^ I don't expect you to change these, but they are flawed transitions.
00:36:627 (2,3) - Use a blanket? I think 3 looks better lower as compared to 00:37:534 (1) - anyways, so a blanket makes more sense.
00:38:984 (5,1,2,3,4) - <3 Nice!
00:43:334 (2) - Bad placement. If it's going to curve towards the right, you should try to blanket with 00:43:334 (2) - . you may want to experiment with curving away from 4. Either seem like fine options.
00:50:811 (5,6,7) - Plays and looks a bit off. The blanket here 00:50:446 (4,5) - seems a bit imperfect and 00:51:358 (6,7) - has weird flow. I think a 1/1 slider on the white tick would play better. At the moment the red tick starting slider feels too slow when I play it.
01:04:798 (4) - Move a bit higher to follow the previous slider curve better. x 329 y 76 should do.
01:08:791 (4) - I think that a slight reduction in this curve would look better. I know that it's the same shape as the previous slider, but the two sliders aren't lined up. What do you think?
01:19:712 (7,8) - This seems to be placed like this for flow reasons. It doesn't look that good though. It seems to be better without affecting flow if 8 was a bit further away in the pattern, but I'm not sure if it's worth changing the spacing.


I like how the guest mapper mapped his Insane more than this difficulty now. o.o There is quite a few patterns that need to be tweaked and shifted before this is ready to be ranked IMO.

00:00:809 (2,2) - I feel these sliders need to be at nearly the same angle.
00:07:725 (1,2,3) - The angles don't look right. I liked the guest difficulty Insane because it avoided things like this. Personally I would have the single note be the bridge between the two sliders instead of having it look like a chain of objects. I would show a screenshot, but my opinion here might conflict with how you wanted the song to be mapped. I'll let you figure out if and how you would change this.
00:11:158 (3,4) - Transition looks slightly unusual. I'm not entirely sure though. It might be better if 3 looked more similar to 4. Change if you only believe it looks better.
00:13:521 (1,3) - It would look cleaner if 1 was the same shape as 3. I suggest copying 3 and flipping it into 1's position.
00:25:895 (1,2,3) - I think I slightly prefer this being a single solid curve.
00:27:353 (5) - I think this pattern would be a lot better if this slider was rotated so that the right side was wider than the left.
00:30:271 (1,2,3) - angles look slightly off here. < Changed the note in the middle and rotated 3 slightly clockwise. 3,4,1 then can be given consistent spacing.
00:35:359 (3) - This should be lower and more under 2 IMO. Try to draw the curve you are trying to make and place the notes along that line you make.
00:43:334 - The slowdowns are a bit distracting IMO. It's not a real issue though. The linearity of this part is a drastic change from the previous mapping. Linear mapping isn't as interesting to me, but again that's my opinion.
00:48:987 (1,2,3) - This sudden angle change looks bad IMO. I think a more subtle angle shift would fit better for a linear map. I have 00:48:987 (1) - at x 245 y 163, 00:49:078 (2) - at x 210 y 161 and 00:49:169 (3) - at x 180 y 159 (163->161->159)
00:56:435 (1,2,3,4) - Not polished. 1,4 appear to be at slightly different angles but I think that the two objects being so far away from each other on the screen is making the pattern worse. A slight shift of the notes and a rotation adjustment and I got.
01:01:352 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - First impressions of this is that it looked lumpy. I think it would be better if the angle didn't change half way through this sequence. Example
01:08:791 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Random triangle flow x.x
01:10:612 (6,7,1) - This angle >.<It doesn't seem like it should look like this, but i'm not exactly sure what needs to be done to fix it.
01:16:439 (5,6) - Sudden and awkward spacing change.


I gave a much more thorough mod for your maps this time around. I am much happier with this attempt to mod your map.
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:



00:07:725 (1,1) - These sliders are not the same shape. Here is what they look like overlaid.
00:31:725 (1,2) - Looks out of place. I suggest curving 1 in the other direction, so that the end is pointing towards 2 instead of under it.
00:52:089 (1) - Doesn't have enough of a curve. Use four points if you need to.
00:59:352 (1) - This curve looks too arched compared to 00:57:164 (1) - slider.
01:09:155 (2) - Fix this blanket by setting the second point to x 82 y 275 Last point to x 44 y 216.


00:09:170 (2,3,4,1) - Transition can be improved. It's a bit misshapen. <Much cleaner.
00:23:552 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - The curves in this just bothers me. I came up with this i'll leave you to line up the notes like the one in the screenshot, but here is the slider I used as a template for both sliders. First point x 305 y 102 Second point x 320 y 172 Third point 368 y 231. Second slider starts at x 276 y 328
01:23:700 (3) - This slider breaks pattern in a bad way.


00:01:174 (3,4) - This blanket can be better. Move the middle point of 4 to x 168 y 232
00:04:092 (4,5,6) - Slider curves don't really match that well. This is probably fine. you should add a bit more curve to 00:05:002 (6) - though.
00:19:904 (1,2,3,4) - Such a bland sequence. I highly suggest changing this pattern to something better. Softer curves fit better.
01:15:346 (3,4) - Looks like the blanket could be centered.
01:16:984 (4) - I think this could be better with four points.
01:23:151 (4,5) - Perhaps could be slightly more centered.

I have to go I will finish at a later time.

Ixxm's Insane
This difficulty is a lot better.

00:00:445 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern looks much different than the overall styling in the song. I think it would look better if you just used 1.5 spacing like the parts after and choose a pattern that complements the lower spacing of course.
00:15:528 (4,5,6,7,8) - I like how this plays. ^_^
00:17:898 (11) - This looks strange curving inward towards the stream. Curving outward away from the stream looks better IMO.
00:18:628 (2,3,4,5,6) - Confusing to read. I think it would be nice to have 00:18:628 (2) - shaped more like 00:17:898 (11) - (outward with symmetry) since it's essentially the same pattern in the music. This would allow people to better prepare for the stack.
00:20:816 (4,5) - How about moving 5 to x 380 y 202? It looks better to me. You would need to adjust the spacings after though.
00:31:725 (1,2,3) - I don't think this is the most fantastic transition, but it works.
00:34:634 (1,2,3) - ^ I don't expect you to change these, but they are flawed transitions.
00:36:627 (2,3) - Use a blanket? I think 3 looks better lower as compared to 00:37:534 (1) - anyways, so a blanket makes more sense.
00:38:984 (5,1,2,3,4) - <3 Nice!
00:43:334 (2) - Bad placement. If it's going to curve towards the right, you should try to blanket with 00:43:334 (2) - . you may want to experiment with curving away from 4. Either seem like fine options.
00:50:811 (5,6,7) - Plays and looks a bit off. The blanket here 00:50:446 (4,5) - seems a bit imperfect and 00:51:358 (6,7) - has weird flow. I think a 1/1 slider on the white tick would play better. At the moment the red tick starting slider feels too slow when I play it.
01:04:798 (4) - Move a bit higher to follow the previous slider curve better. x 329 y 76 should do.
01:08:791 (4) - I think that a slight reduction in this curve would look better. I know that it's the same shape as the previous slider, but the two sliders aren't lined up. What do you think?
01:19:712 (7,8) - This seems to be placed like this for flow reasons. It doesn't look that good though. It seems to be better without affecting flow if 8 was a bit further away in the pattern, but I'm not sure if it's worth changing the spacing.
Fixed all expect
00:31:725 (1,2,3) - I don't think this is the most fantastic transition, but it works.
00:34:634 (1,2,3) - ^ I don't expect you to change these, but they are flawed transitions.


I like how the guest mapper mapped his Insane more than this difficulty now. o.o There is quite a few patterns that need to be tweaked and shifted before this is ready to be ranked IMO.

00:00:809 (2,2) - I feel these sliders need to be at nearly the same angle.
00:07:725 (1,2,3) - The angles don't look right. I liked the guest difficulty Insane because it avoided things like this. Personally I would have the single note be the bridge between the two sliders instead of having it look like a chain of objects. I would show a screenshot, but my opinion here might conflict with how you wanted the song to be mapped. I'll let you figure out if and how you would change this.
00:11:158 (3,4) - Transition looks slightly unusual. I'm not entirely sure though. It might be better if 3 looked more similar to 4. Change if you only believe it looks better.
00:13:521 (1,3) - It would look cleaner if 1 was the same shape as 3. I suggest copying 3 and flipping it into 1's position.
00:25:895 (1,2,3) - I think I slightly prefer this being a single solid curve.
00:27:353 (5) - I think this pattern would be a lot better if this slider was rotated so that the right side was wider than the left.
00:30:271 (1,2,3) - angles look slightly off here. < Changed the note in the middle and rotated 3 slightly clockwise. 3,4,1 then can be given consistent spacing.
00:35:359 (3) - This should be lower and more under 2 IMO. Try to draw the curve you are trying to make and place the notes along that line you make.
00:43:334 - The slowdowns are a bit distracting IMO. It's not a real issue though. The linearity of this part is a drastic change from the previous mapping. Linear mapping isn't as interesting to me, but again that's my opinion.
00:48:987 (1,2,3) - This sudden angle change looks bad IMO. I think a more subtle angle shift would fit better for a linear map. I have 00:48:987 (1) - at x 245 y 163, 00:49:078 (2) - at x 210 y 161 and 00:49:169 (3) - at x 180 y 159 (163->161->159)
00:56:435 (1,2,3,4) - Not polished. 1,4 appear to be at slightly different angles but I think that the two objects being so far away from each other on the screen is making the pattern worse. A slight shift of the notes and a rotation adjustment and I got.
01:01:352 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - First impressions of this is that it looked lumpy. I think it would be better if the angle didn't change half way through this sequence. Example
01:08:791 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Random triangle flow x.x
01:10:612 (6,7,1) - This angle >.<It doesn't seem like it should look like this, but i'm not exactly sure what needs to be done to fix it.
01:16:439 (5,6) - Sudden and awkward spacing change.
fixed all ^^

I gave a much more thorough mod for your maps this time around. I am much happier with this attempt to mod your map.
Hehe ^^
Recheck finished.
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:

Recheck finished.
Thank you very much!!! You have been a really big help for us ^^
You"re seriously one of our favourite modders ^^
I'll fix the mod tommorow, it"s really~ late here :O
Thanks for your mod :3 !
Mod req from my queue~

  1. Red - Unrankable
  2. Purple - Highly recommended
  3. Black - Just suggestion
  • General
  1. Offset: 445 BPM: 165.100 Delete other red line. (I know you need to work a lot at this if you fixing that...)
  2. Romanised Artist: Yanaginagi

  3. 01:17:530 (2) - whistle at the beginning

  4. 00:02:633 - add a circle
  5. 00:04:821 (3) - move to 00:05:002 -
  6. 01:12:797 (4) - whistle?
  7. 01:14:618 (3) - delete whistle?
  8. 01:16:074 (6) - ^

  9. 00:16:439 (1) - move to 460:180

    Ixxm's Insane
  10. I can't find problem in these diffs

    Nice map, good luck~!
Topic Starter

OniJAM wrote:

Mod req from my queue~

  1. Red - Unrankable
  2. Purple - Highly recommended
  3. Black - Just suggestion
  • General
  1. Offset: 445 BPM: 165.100 Delete other red line. (I know you need to work a lot at this if you fixing that...) Nope I'm sure that the timing I now have is correct
  2. Romanised Artist: Yanaginagi yanaginagi is always written w/o the caps so no change

  3. 01:17:530 (2) - whistle at the beginning fixed

  4. 00:02:633 - add a circle don't think it's neccessary ><
  5. 00:04:821 (3) - move to 00:05:002 - the little stop sounds weird to me ><
  6. 01:12:797 (4) - whistle? a clap fits bette IMO
  7. 01:14:618 (3) - delete whistle? I want to keep the whistles consistent ><
  8. 01:16:074 (6) - ^ ^

  9. 00:16:439 (1) - move to 460:180 Moved it but not exactly there

    Ixxm's Insane
  10. I can't find problem in these diffs

    Nice map, good luck~!
Thanks for your mod~! :3
red: Unrankable issue.
blue: may be unrankable issue.
Bold: not unrankable, but should fix it.

  1. "rsz_yahari_yukino_and_yui_1024x768.png" is too large.
    use this
  1. 00:00:445 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - add whistle to all. this part followed piano, so it makes sense imo.
  2. 00:12:792 - add drum-hitclap. I felt same sound is ringing.
  3. 00:46:981 (2) - vocal volume is most large at 00:46:799, so this slider start did not fit.

    1. 00:46:251 (1) - 3/2 slider
    2. 00:47:163 (2) - circle
    3. 00:47:528 (3) - 3/2
    try this.
  4. 01:06:788 (1) - fmm...I think this part should use same hitsounds because 01:06:788 ~ 01:07:698 - followed same instruments.
    remove clap and use sampleset: Normal on slider start and end.
  1. 00:02:633 - add note here. only 00:02:998 (4) - followed piano on this section. I think it is good, but if you do it, should also add note to 00:02:633 - because there is also the piano.
  2. 00:09:170 (2) - there is drum at 00:09:351 - . this map's hitsounds followed those, so you should pick up it imo.

    1. 00:09:351 (2) - circle (or 00:08:990 (2) - 1/1 slider)
    2. 00:09:532 (3) - 1/1 slider
    ^my suggestion
  3. 00:12:792 - same as Easy
  4. 01:12:797 (4,5) - I guess this rhythm is mistake... vocal start at 01:12:979 -
    remove notes and add 3/2 slider at it
  1. 00:02:815 - 00:02:998 - add note. does not have vocal here. so you can follow 00:05:727 - 00:05:908 (2) - .
  2. 00:08:267 (3) - add finish.....?
  3. 00:12:792 - same as Easy
that's all!

[Ixxm's Insane]
  1. 00:02:451 (2) - remove reverse and add circle at 00:02:998 and 00:03:180 - . vocal end is 00:02:815 - and 00:02:998 - 00:03:180 - have piano that had large volume around here.
  2. 00:06:271 (1) - move start to 00:06:361 - and add note here. 00:05:908 (3,4) followed piano so would be better to do it.
  3. 00:08:990 (1) - why did you use spinner? will not fit this because 00:09:351 - 00:09:532 - 00:09:893 - 00:10:255 - these point have clap and hitsounds based on instrument at this section.

    1. 00:09:170 (1) - circle
    2. 00:09:351 (2) - 1/2 slider
    3. 00:09:712 (3) - circle
    4. 00:09:893 (4) - 1/2
    5. 00:10:255 (5) - circle
    try like this.
  4. 00:12:792 - same as Easy
  5. 00:13:886 (1,2,3) - why did you use little jump at (2,3)? there is not have large changing. so I think it may not fit.
    placement suggetion here.
  6. 00:16:804 (2) - change sampleset to Normal. I felt this instrument is same as 00:17:169 - . so this changing is bit odd imo.
  7. 00:17:898 ~ 00:18:810 - same as above. please do not forget to adjust about additions.
  8. 00:19:084 (4,5,6,7) - overmapped. these notes followed sound that is extended 00:18:993 - . but the stream had too many sounds. better to remove these.
  9. 00:20:816 (4) - separated into 1/1 and circle. 00:21:363 - would be better to highlight because I felt it had large volume.
  10. 00:28:083 (3) - same as above. almost same reason. vocal end at 00:28:448 - .
  11. 00:47:710 (1) - vocal was extended from 00:47:528 - . so this spinner start is late. but this spinner would not fit here. I felt 00:46:251 ~ 00:47:163 - followed instrument, and 00:48:075 ~ 00:48:987 - are also able to follow it.

    1. 00:47:528 (1) - 1/1 slider
    2. 00:48:075 (2) - 1/2 slider (or two circles)
    3. 00:48:440 (3) - circle
    4. 00:48:622 (4) - ^
    5. 00:48:805 (5) - ^
    6. 00:48:987 (6) - ^
    ^my suggestion
  12. 01:07:516 (5) - why did you put circle? ~ 01:07:334 followed, but this note is not able to follow anything.....
  13. 01:20:439 (1) - rhythm suggestion.

    1. 01:20:439 (10) - circle
    2. 01:20:621 (11) - circle
    3. 01:20:803 (12) - circle
    4. 01:20:984 (1) ~ 01:22:243 - spinner
    you can use some sliders.
  14. 01:24:798 - add drum-hitclap?
  1. skipped
mod time: 3 hours

good luck :D
Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:

red: Unrankable issue.
blue: may be unrankable issue.
Bold: not unrankable, but should fix it.

  1. "rsz_yahari_yukino_and_yui_1024x768.png" is too large.
    use this
  1. 00:00:445 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - add whistle to all. this part followed piano, so it makes sense imo. first I had it like that but it just sounded a bit messy, so I changed the Whistle pattern to follow the piano chords instead, so I'll keep it like this for now ><
  2. 00:12:792 - add drum-hitclap. I felt same sound is ringing. fixed
  3. 00:46:981 (2) - vocal volume is most large at 00:46:799, so this slider start did not fit. I'll consider this one

    1. 00:46:251 (1) - 3/2 slider
    2. 00:47:163 (2) - circle
    3. 00:47:528 (3) - 3/2
    try this.
  4. 01:06:788 (1) - fmm...I think this part should use same hitsounds because 01:06:788 ~ 01:07:698 - followed same instruments.
    remove clap and use sampleset: Normal on slider start and end. fixed
  1. 00:02:633 - add note here. only 00:02:998 (4) - followed piano on this section. I think it is good, but if you do it, should also add note to 00:02:633 - because there is also the piano.fixed
  2. 00:09:170 (2) - there is drum at 00:09:351 - . this map's hitsounds followed those, so you should pick up it imo.

    1. 00:09:351 (2) - circle (or 00:08:990 (2) - 1/1 slider)
    2. 00:09:532 (3) - 1/1 slider
    ^my suggestion fixed
  3. 00:12:792 - same as Easy fixed
  4. 01:12:797 (4,5) - I guess this rhythm is mistake... vocal start at 01:12:979 -
    remove notes and add 3/2 slider at it fixed
  1. 00:02:815 - 00:02:998 - add note. does not have vocal here. so you can follow 00:05:727 - 00:05:908 (2) - .
  2. 00:08:267 (3) - add finish.....?
  3. 00:12:792 - same as Easy
    fixed all :3
that's all!

  1. skipped
mod time: 3 hours

good luck :D
Thank you very much for the mod!~ :3 Icemixxa will fix his own I gotta go study @.@
[Ixxm's Insane]
  1. 00:02:451 (2) - remove reverse and add circle at 00:02:998 and 00:03:180 - . vocal end is 00:02:815 - and 00:02:998 - 00:03:180 - have piano that had large volume around here.
  2. 00:06:271 (1) - move start to 00:06:361 - and add note here. 00:05:908 (3,4) followed piano so would be better to do it.
  3. 00:08:990 (1) - why did you use spinner? will not fit this because 00:09:351 - 00:09:532 - 00:09:893 - 00:10:255 - these point have clap and hitsounds based on instrument at this section.

    1. 00:09:170 (1) - circle
    2. 00:09:351 (2) - 1/2 slider
    3. 00:09:712 (3) - circle
    4. 00:09:893 (4) - 1/2
    5. 00:10:255 (5) - circle
    try like this.
  4. 00:12:792 - same as Easy
  5. 00:13:886 (1,2,3) - why did you use little jump at (2,3)? there is not have large changing. so I think it may not fit.
    placement suggetion here.
  6. 00:16:804 (2) - change sampleset to Normal. I felt this instrument is same as 00:17:169 - . so this changing is bit odd imo.
  7. 00:17:898 ~ 00:18:810 - same as above. please do not forget to adjust about additions.
  8. 00:19:084 (4,5,6,7) - overmapped. these notes followed sound that is extended 00:18:993 - . but the stream had too many sounds. better to remove these.
  9. 00:20:816 (4) - separated into 1/1 and circle. 00:21:363 - would be better to highlight because I felt it had large volume.
  10. 00:28:083 (3) - same as above. almost same reason. vocal end at 00:28:448 - .
  11. 00:47:710 (1) - vocal was extended from 00:47:528 - . so this spinner start is late. but this spinner would not fit here. I felt 00:46:251 ~ 00:47:163 - followed instrument, and 00:48:075 ~ 00:48:987 - are also able to follow it.

    1. 00:47:528 (1) - 1/1 slider
    2. 00:48:075 (2) - 1/2 slider (or two circles)
    3. 00:48:440 (3) - circle
    4. 00:48:622 (4) - ^
    5. 00:48:805 (5) - ^
    6. 00:48:987 (6) - ^
    ^my suggestion
  12. 01:07:516 (5) - why did you put circle? ~ 01:07:334 followed, but this note is not able to follow anything.....
  13. 01:20:439 (1) - rhythm suggestion.

    1. 01:20:439 (10) - circle
    2. 01:20:621 (11) - circle
    3. 01:20:803 (12) - circle
    4. 01:20:984 (1) ~ 01:22:243 - spinner
    you can use some sliders.
  14. 01:24:798 - add drum-hitclap?
good luck :D

Fixxed all tyvm! 8-)
Hey there, from my queue~

00:16:439 - How about you add a circle here, and move the spinner 1/2 later
00:19:357 - Place 5% volume here? (And in other diffs too, if you apply it)
00:59:352 (1) - Remove finish? (All other diffs have no finish at this note, maybe it wasn't intentional)
01:10:977 (1) - ^
01:13:889 (1) - Finish?

00:16:439 - Like in Easy, what about adding a circle here. I'd do it like this: (Replacing (6) and (7) with a slider and adding a new circle due to finish sound. If you do it like this, you should also make a clap on red tick, and a finish sound on (7). Try it, I think it's cool)

Nothing I could find...

[Ixxm's Insane]
00:06:271 (5) - Remove finish
00:18:445 (2) - Move one grid to right for perfect symmetry

I found many NC issues in this diff
00:21:545 (6) - Add NC
00:22:822 (1) - Remove NC, add at (2)
00:24:463 (6) - Add NC
00:30:271 (4) - Add NC
00:31:180 (1) - Remove NC
00:33:180 (6) - Add NC, remove at (1)
00:38:984 (5) - Add NC, remove at (1)
00:40:434 (4) - Add NC
00:41:703 (1) - Remove NC and add at (2)
00:43:153 (1) - Remove NC, add at (2)
00:44:063 (1) - Remove NC
00:57:893 (6) - Add NC
00:59:170 (1) - Remove NC, add at (2)
01:02:079 (1) - ^
01:04:980 (1) - ^
01:07:698 (1) - ^
01:10:794 (1) - ^
01:12:250 (6) - Add NC
01:13:525 (1) - Remove NC
01:13:889 (3) - Add NC
01:14:982 (1) - Remove NC
01:15:346 (3) - Add NC
01:16:621 (1) - Remove NC
01:16:803 (2) - Add NC
01:17:348 (1) - Remove NC
Not sure about all

00:21:545 (6) - NC?
00:24:463 (5) - ^
00:27:353 (5) - ^

Yeah that's all. Mainly suggestions
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Alumetorz wrote:

Hey there, from my queue~

00:16:439 - How about you add a circle here, and move the spinner 1/2 later it might be to hard for easy
00:19:357 - Place 5% volume here? (And in other diffs too, if you apply it) already 5% O_o
00:59:352 (1) - Remove finish? (All other diffs have no finish at this note, maybe it wasn't intentional) fixed
01:10:977 (1) - ^ fixed
01:13:889 (1) - Finish? fixed

00:16:439 - Like in Easy, what about adding a circle here. I'd do it like this: (Replacing (6) and (7) with a slider and adding a new circle due to finish sound. If you do it like this, you should also make a clap on red tick, and a finish sound on (7). Try it, I think it's cool) I'll Consider this

Nothing I could find...

[Ixxm's Insane]
00:06:271 (5) - Remove finish
00:18:445 (2) - Move one grid to right for perfect symmetry
fixed both
I found many NC issues in this diff
00:21:545 (6) - Add NC
00:22:822 (1) - Remove NC, add at (2)
00:24:463 (6) - Add NC
00:30:271 (4) - Add NC
00:31:180 (1) - Remove NC
00:33:180 (6) - Add NC, remove at (1)
00:38:984 (5) - Add NC, remove at (1)
00:40:434 (4) - Add NC
00:41:703 (1) - Remove NC and add at (2)
00:43:153 (1) - Remove NC, add at (2)
00:44:063 (1) - Remove NC
00:57:893 (6) - Add NC
00:59:170 (1) - Remove NC, add at (2)
01:02:079 (1) - ^
01:04:980 (1) - ^
01:07:698 (1) - ^
01:10:794 (1) - ^
01:12:250 (6) - Add NC
01:13:525 (1) - Remove NC
01:13:889 (3) - Add NC
01:14:982 (1) - Remove NC
01:15:346 (3) - Add NC
01:16:621 (1) - Remove NC
01:16:803 (2) - Add NC
01:17:348 (1) - Remove NC
Not sure about all don't know anymore which I fixed but did alot, and fixed some on my own

00:21:545 (6) - NC?
00:24:463 (5) - ^
00:27:353 (5) - ^
fixed all
Yeah that's all. Mainly suggestions
Good luck~
Hi there! Wow 75 SP is alot already!


Sometimes it seems a bit off.. i would help you, but I think i would make it worse actually >< I try to ask some people for their opinions.
Delete unnecessary green / red lines please.
Rest seems fine!


Gameplay: Oh, it plays fine for me! But I think i can give you some suggestions about the rhythm itself, it's the only thing that bothers me actually :P As you can see, you used very much this pattern: slider, circle, slider, circle in some parts. This can get boring! But i'm here to help you now o3o Nice pattern btw!

00:02:998 (2) - Hmm, the blanket between 1 and 2 aren't that great. Try this code once: (make sure you saved your things before!)
But it's up to you, of course :)
00:03:362 (1,2,3,4,5) - And i don't know how you feel, but wouldn't it be great to get a slower beginning of the song? The vocals are a bit slow, and smooth, i don't think this circle spam really fits. (i know, you mapped to the piano) consider changing them with some sliders. If you do things like this later in the map, it would fit much more! But try it yourself :)
00:23:004 (1) - That's the part i metnioned above (not only this circle, obviously) Why don't you try to get some more rhythm in it? I mean, instead of a slider and circle pattern, you could use a reversed slider circle combination, or 2 circles after a slider. If you need further help with that, ask me, but i wanna let you try first :P (if you leave it, it's okay)
00:36:627 (2,3,4,5,6) - Personally, i would replace this part with some circles, it fits the rhythm you created before, and you could also put in some variety in your map. (circle 00:36:627 (2) - 00:36:809 (3) - 00:36:990 (4) - 00:37:171 (5) - 00:37:353 (6) - )
00:54:989 - The red lines IN the spinner are unnecessary, delete them please.
00:51:175 (5) - I think this reversed slider would fit better starting from here: 00:51:175 -
01:01:533 (5,6,7,8,1) - Try to get a nicer shaped polygon here, remmeber to use 'create polygon' in these times!
01:02:804 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - I think here, you should have definetly mapped the vocals, it will bring some nice 'breaks' in your patterns, and brings some tension in it as well.


[Ixxm's Insane]

00:07:905 (2) - It would look better, if you move this slider a bit down to create a nice-looking blanket with 00:07:725 (1) -
00:16:804 (2) - mhh.. double reverse? this will break many combos, believe me xDD Try changing it ^^
00:26:624 (3,4,1) - Try to get a better shape here, it should have looked like a bow i guess? Well currently it doesn't look very good.
00:28:812 (1) - blanket, i know, i'm a blanket nazi o3o but they are little things, making a map better.
00:30:271 (1) - ^
00:34:634 (1) - Why are the hitsounds suddenly more quiet..? o.o I don't really like that.. it sounds a bit weird, i think going on with 70% is fine.
01:05:161 (1) - Why that sudden anti-jump? Please fix that DS. It looks a bit nosense o.o

Well, my personal opinion about this map isn't that bad :P It would be nice though if you go through the map again and check the rhythm sometimes.. well, but as I said, that's my personal opinion. I like to map to the vocals, that's why i mention it. But the way you did it isn't bad!


00:07:725 (1,2,3,4) - Hm, i even get confused by things like this in Insane. I think if a player on 'hard'-level would play this, he would probably miss. Could you please space that out?

Btw, i mentioned the rhythm in insane right? You did a great job here, in this part. Try to get some ideas!

00:44:428 (4,5,6,7) - I don't really get that part.. what is it mapped to? I mean, of course there is the piano and stuff who allows you to place it there, without getting overmapped but .. hm. Try to follow spomething specific!
00:57:711 (4) - If you move the last point of the slider a bit you'll get a better blanket. Just aesthetics :P

Cool rhythm here!


00:02:633 (4) - Stacking is always a bit problematic in normal / easy. Try find another place please, I'm sure you can find something with DS.
00:41:522 (2) - If you look closely, you can see the stacking isn't made perfect here. (with 00:39:709 (3) - ) fix pls :P
01:01:897 (4,4) - Stacking again, it should be perfectly stacked!

Modding normal isn't my strength xD Looks good though :P


00:06:271 (1) - I'm a fan of using shift while placing a circle / slider in easy. Try pressing shift, so you get a line straight on with the slider.

looks fine , didn't find something to worry about :P

Good luck for rank, it will be ready soon i hope!!
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

Hi there! Wow 75 SP is alot already!


Sometimes it seems a bit off.. i would help you, but I think i would make it worse actually >< I try to ask some people for their opinions.
Delete unnecessary green / red lines please.
Rest seems fine!


Gameplay: Oh, it plays fine for me! But I think i can give you some suggestions about the rhythm itself, it's the only thing that bothers me actually :P As you can see, you used very much this pattern: slider, circle, slider, circle in some parts. This can get boring! But i'm here to help you now o3o Nice pattern btw!

00:02:998 (2) - Hmm, the blanket between 1 and 2 aren't that great. Try this code once: (make sure you saved your things before!)
But it's up to you, of course :) fixed
00:03:362 (1,2,3,4,5) - And i don't know how you feel, but wouldn't it be great to get a slower beginning of the song? The vocals are a bit slow, and smooth, i don't think this circle spam really fits. (i know, you mapped to the piano) consider changing them with some sliders. If you do things like this later in the map, it would fit much more! But try it yourself :) I'll try it first :3 than I'll see what I'll do :P
00:23:004 (1) - That's the part i metnioned above (not only this circle, obviously) Why don't you try to get some more rhythm in it? I mean, instead of a slider and circle pattern, you could use a reversed slider circle combination, or 2 circles after a slider. If you need further help with that, ask me, but i wanna let you try first :P (if you leave it, it's okay) i mapped this on vocal so.. don't know how to change this lol =w=,
00:36:627 (2,3,4,5,6) - Personally, i would replace this part with some circles, it fits the rhythm you created before, and you could also put in some variety in your map. (circle 00:36:627 (2) - 00:36:809 (3) - 00:36:990 (4) - 00:37:171 (5) - 00:37:353 (6) - ) fixed
00:54:989 - The red lines IN the spinner are unnecessary, delete them please. I'll leave it like this for now :3
00:51:175 (5) - I think this reversed slider would fit better starting from here: 00:51:175 - I want to catch the heavy beat tho ><
01:01:533 (5,6,7,8,1) - Try to get a nicer shaped polygon here, remmeber to use 'create polygon' in these times! fixed :3
01:02:804 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - I think here, you should have definetly mapped the vocals, it will bring some nice 'breaks' in your patterns, and brings some tension in it as well. I'll see what I can do :3


[Ixxm's Insane]

00:07:905 (2) - It would look better, if you move this slider a bit down to create a nice-looking blanket with 00:07:725 (1) -
00:16:804 (2) - mhh.. double reverse? this will break many combos, believe me xDD Try changing it ^^ I'll let icemixxa do it himself :3
00:26:624 (3,4,1) - Try to get a better shape here, it should have looked like a bow i guess? Well currently it doesn't look very good.
00:28:812 (1) - blanket, i know, i'm a blanket nazi o3o but they are little things, making a map better.
00:30:271 (1) - ^
00:34:634 (1) - Why are the hitsounds suddenly more quiet..? o.o I don't really like that.. it sounds a bit weird, i think going on with 70% is fine.
01:05:161 (1) - Why that sudden anti-jump? Please fix that DS. It looks a bit nosense o.o
Fixed the rest
Well, my personal opinion about this map isn't that bad :P It would be nice though if you go through the map again and check the rhythm sometimes.. well, but as I said, that's my personal opinion. I like to map to the vocals, that's why i mention it. But the way you did it isn't bad!


00:07:725 (1,2,3,4) - Hm, i even get confused by things like this in Insane. I think if a player on 'hard'-level would play this, he would probably miss. Could you please space that out?

Btw, i mentioned the rhythm in insane right? You did a great job here, in this part. Try to get some ideas!

00:44:428 (4,5,6,7) - I don't really get that part.. what is it mapped to? I mean, of course there is the piano and stuff who allows you to place it there, without getting overmapped but .. hm. Try to follow spomething specific!
00:57:711 (4) - If you move the last point of the slider a bit you'll get a better blanket. Just aesthetics :P
fixed all
Cool rhythm here! Thanks ^^


00:02:633 (4) - Stacking is always a bit problematic in normal / easy. Try find another place please, I'm sure you can find something with DS.
00:41:522 (2) - If you look closely, you can see the stacking isn't made perfect here. (with 00:39:709 (3) - ) fix pls :P
01:01:897 (4,4) - Stacking again, it should be perfectly stacked!
fixed all
Modding normal isn't my strength xD Looks good though :P


00:06:271 (1) - I'm a fan of using shift while placing a circle / slider in easy. Try pressing shift, so you get a line straight on with the slider. fixed

looks fine , didn't find something to worry about :P
Yay Glad to hear that 8-)

Good luck for rank, it will be ready soon i hope!!
Thanks for the mod Irreversible ^^
Thank you for view my moding queues~~ a little late, sry
I was shocked to see the timing.... well ,It must be tough to finish this map> < you worked hard.
just suggestions ~~:p
  1. Hit sounds you put very good :p
  1. 00:04:821 (1) - -nc
  1. 00:05:002 (2) - nc
  1. 01:13:707 (5) - nc
  1. 01:13:889 (1) - -nc well,it is unnecessary use new combo to show the overlap in this situation
  1. 01:25:529 (1) - finish?....well, maybe...
  1. the end "shape" looks not very good...
[Ixxm's Insane]
  1. 00:22:822 (3) - nc
  1. 00:23:004 (1) - -nc
  1. 00:53:891 (5) - delet the circle because it has a pause in music , and try to reset the color change.
  1. 01:02:079 (5) - nc
  1. 01:02:261 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:16:439 (3) - nc
  1. 01:16:803 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:24:981 - this time point can add finish (well,if you do not like it,ignore this)
  1. 00:21:181 - this time point ....feel sth lost....add a circle?..
  1. 00:31:361 (5) - nc
  1. 01:01:897 (6) - nc (do not do this, different color may cause illusion
  1. 01:02:079 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:03:529 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:03:711 (2) - nc
  1. 01:04:980 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:05:161 (2) - nc
  1. 01:13:525 (6) - nc
  1. 01:13:707 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:14:982 (4) - nc
  1. 01:15:164 (1) - -nc not to put the color like this way, will be very confusing ,and it also for being beautiful
  1. 01:16:439 (4) - nc
  1. 01:16:621 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:22:603 (1,2,3,4) - all huddled together ....can separate it?
  1. 01:04:980 (7,1,2,3) - a little hard in normal diff
  1. 00:13:521 (1) - nc
  1. 00:13:886 (2) - -nc
  1. 00:14:980 (1) - -nc
that's all , good luck XD
goodmap:D ranked~~~
Topic Starter

Sweet Vanilla wrote:

Thank you for view my moding queues~~ a little late, sry
I was shocked to see the timing.... well ,It must be tough to finish this map> < you worked hard.
just suggestions ~~:p
  1. Hit sounds you put very good :p
  1. 00:04:821 (1) - -nc
  1. 00:05:002 (2) - nc
  1. 01:13:707 (5) - nc
  1. 01:13:889 (1) - -nc well,it is unnecessary use new combo to show the overlap in this situation
  1. 01:25:529 (1) - finish?....well, maybe...
  1. the end "shape" looks not very good...
[Ixxm's Insane]
  1. 00:22:822 (3) - nc
  1. 00:23:004 (1) - -nc
  1. 00:53:891 (5) - delet the circle because it has a pause in music , and try to reset the color change.
  1. 01:02:079 (5) - nc
  1. 01:02:261 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:16:439 (3) - nc
  1. 01:16:803 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:24:981 - this time point can add finish (well,if you do not like it,ignore this)
  1. 00:21:181 - this time point ....feel sth lost....add a circle?..
  1. 00:31:361 (5) - nc
  1. 01:01:897 (6) - nc (do not do this, different color may cause illusion
  1. 01:02:079 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:03:529 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:03:711 (2) - nc
  1. 01:04:980 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:05:161 (2) - nc
  1. 01:13:525 (6) - nc
  1. 01:13:707 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:14:982 (4) - nc
  1. 01:15:164 (1) - -nc not to put the color like this way, will be very confusing ,and it also for being beautiful
  1. 01:16:439 (4) - nc
  1. 01:16:621 (1) - -nc
  1. 01:22:603 (1,2,3,4) - all huddled together ....can separate it?
  1. 01:04:980 (7,1,2,3) - a little hard in normal diff
  1. 00:13:521 (1) - nc
  1. 00:13:886 (2) - -nc
  1. 00:14:980 (1) - -nc
that's all , good luck XD
goodmap:D ranked~~~
Didn't fix alot since some would break the consistency, but did fix some ^^
Thanks for your mod~
ohayo mod from my Queues


  1. seem fine


  1. 00:06:271 (1) - I dont know but I dont think this NC is need. its kinda needless
  2. 00:07:725 (1) - 1 grid left to fix spacing
  3. 00:13:521 (1) - remove this NC and add this on 00:13:886 (2) and remove on 00:14:980 (1). I think this way fit more with the music
  4. 00:39:709 (3) - because this is easy and the easiest Diff I wouldnt make sliders like this. remember this diff is for a beginner so I would just make a 1/1
  5. 00:41:884 (3) - move it to x 448 y 256 follow 00:40:434 (1,2) pattern, if you do this then you have to fix the spaing too
  6. 00:43:334 (1) - remove this NC and add on the neyt slider
  7. 01:03:711 (2) - why dont you stack this slider with 01:01:897 (4)
  8. 01:07:698 (3) - 1 grid right to fixe spacing and this 01:07:334 (2,3,1) pattern


  1. 00:04:457 (2,3) - stack slider 2 with 00:02:998 (4). btw I would make this part like this
    I think it follow the music better imo
  2. 00:05:546 (1) - end this spinner at 00:07:180. and also the end is kinda loud with finish imo. I would reduce the end a bit maybe 20? or just remove finish here
  3. 00:33:180 (3,4,1) - make this blanket better its kinda bad imo
  4. 00:42:972 (4) - move this note a bit up to make this away from 00:41:522 (2)
  5. 00:41:522 (2) - I really dont like this overlap maybe move 00:45:522 (5) a bit down
  6. 00:47:346 (3) - I would add a note here and move the spinner to 00:47:528 (1). I think it fit more better in this way
  7. 00:56:982 (2) - remove this note. it doesnt fit at all
  8. 00:57:893 (4,5,6) - this sounds kinda off why dont you make this part like 01:00:442 (2,3,4). this part fit better here
  9. 01:02:804 (2) - same here this note doesnt really fit here
  10. 01:04:254 (5,7) - ^


  1. 00:42:066 (4) - move this note a bit left to remove the overlap here
  2. 00:45:157 (6,7) - this part sounds kinda off. can you may change it? may like this ?
  3. 00:58:623 (6) - stack this better with 00:57:711 (4) end
  4. 01:20:984 (1) - move this slider to 01:20:984 (1) it fit more better here

skiped both Insane sorry ><
anyway thats all. good luck with rank ~
Topic Starter

Dark_Ai wrote:

ohayo mod from my Queues


  1. seem fine


  1. 00:06:271 (1) - I dont know but I dont think this NC is need. its kinda needless
  2. 00:07:725 (1) - 1 grid left to fix spacing
  3. 00:13:521 (1) - remove this NC and add this on 00:13:886 (2) and remove on 00:14:980 (1). I think this way fit more with the music
  4. 00:39:709 (3) - because this is easy and the easiest Diff I wouldnt make sliders like this. remember this diff is for a beginner so I would just make a 1/1
  5. 00:41:884 (3) - move it to x 448 y 256 follow 00:40:434 (1,2) pattern, if you do this then you have to fix the spaing too
  6. 00:43:334 (1) - remove this NC and add on the neyt slider
  7. 01:03:711 (2) - why dont you stack this slider with 01:01:897 (4) Spacing issue o-o?
  8. 01:07:698 (3) - 1 grid right to fixe spacing and this 01:07:334 (2,3,1) pattern
Fixed the rest


  1. 00:04:457 (2,3) - stack slider 2 with 00:02:998 (4). btw I would make this part like this
    I think it follow the music better imo
  2. 00:05:546 (1) - end this spinner at 00:07:180. and also the end is kinda loud with finish imo. I would reduce the end a bit maybe 20? or just remove finish here
  3. 00:33:180 (3,4,1) - make this blanket better its kinda bad imo its not supposed to blanket ><
  4. 00:42:972 (4) - move this note a bit up to make this away from 00:41:522 (2)
  5. 00:41:522 (2) - I really dont like this overlap maybe move 00:45:522 (5) a bit down
  6. 00:47:346 (3) - I would add a note here and move the spinner to 00:47:528 (1). I think it fit more better in this way
  7. 00:56:982 (2) - remove this note. it doesnt fit at all
  8. 00:57:893 (4,5,6) - this sounds kinda off why dont you make this part like 01:00:442 (2,3,4). this part fit better here
  9. 01:02:804 (2) - same here this note doesnt really fit here
  10. 01:04:254 (5,7) - ^
Fixed the rest except the note removing in the refrain, Imo they fit :? since they go on the vocal


  1. 00:42:066 (4) - move this note a bit left to remove the overlap here
  2. 00:45:157 (6,7) - this part sounds kinda off. can you may change it? may like this ?
  3. 00:58:623 (6) - stack this better with 00:57:711 (4) end
  4. 01:20:984 (1) - move this slider to 01:20:984 (1) it fit more better here uuuh don't understand this one
fixed the rest
skiped both Insane sorry >< Np this was already very helpfull !! ^^
anyway thats all. good luck with rank ~[/color]
Thanks for the mod Dark_Ai-san ^^
Hi.. from My queue..
Yey Swimsuit BG~ 8-)

Seems fine.. but i think Hard and Insane needs more Hitsound playing..
For all diff.. the right finish point is here 00:16:439 , so don't use a finish hitsound at here 00:16:257

00:09:170 - Change to 00:41:884 (3) - Remove finish
01:02:261 (1) - Add finish

00:00:445 (1) Stack with 00:02:998 (4)
00:16:257 (7) - Remove Finish

Don't use manual stack please T-T
00:13:886 (1) - Remove finish
00:37:534 (1) - ^
00:38:984 (3) - ^
00:44:063 (3) - Stack it better with 00:42:609 (5)
00:54:989 - Spinner stat here feel better for me
00:58:988 (7) - Stack with 01:01:533 (5) ?
01:16:984 (2) - Remove finish

[Ixxm Insane]
00:06:271 (1) - Remove finish.. the song is quite and i don't think a Finish hitsound will fit them
00:43:153 (4) - Add Clap
01:20:075 (2,3,4,5,6) - Add a hitsound please :(

Good Luck with your map ! :)
Topic Starter

Momochikun wrote:

Hi.. from My queue..
Yey Swimsuit BG~ 8-)

Seems fine.. but i think Hard and Insane needs more Hitsound playing..
For all diff.. the right finish point is here 00:16:439 , so don't use a finish hitsound at here 00:16:257

00:09:170 - Change to 00:41:884 (3) - Remove finish
01:02:261 (1) - Add finish

00:00:445 (1) Stack with 00:02:998 (4)
00:16:257 (7) - Remove Finish

Don't use manual stack please T-T
00:13:886 (1) - Remove finish
00:37:534 (1) - ^
00:38:984 (3) - ^
00:44:063 (3) - Stack it better with 00:42:609 (5)
00:54:989 - Spinner stat here feel better for me
00:58:988 (7) - Stack with 01:01:533 (5) ?
01:16:984 (2) - Remove finish

[Ixxm Insane]
00:06:271 (1) - Remove finish.. the song is quite and i don't think a Finish hitsound will fit them
00:43:153 (4) - Add Clap
01:20:075 (2,3,4,5,6) - Add a hitsound please :(

Good Luck with your map ! :)
Fixed all :3~
Thansk for the mod Momochikun >w<
Hi~ From my queue~


  • Good!
  1. 00:05:002 (3,4) - I like the following
  2. 00:25:179 (6) - end at 00:25:537
  1. 00:47:346 (2,3) - How about the following?
  2. 01:06:788 (1,2,3) - I like to set symmetrically like this
  3. 01:08:791 (3) - move to x297 y:248
[Ixxm's Insane]

  • Good!
  1. 00:19:904 (1,2,3,4,5) - How about this?
  2. 00:48:987 (3,4,1) - it is better to conform y-coordinate to y:162
i'm surprised at the high star-priority of this map. That's cool!
~Good luck~
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

Hi~ From my queue~


  • Good!
  1. 00:05:002 (3,4) - I like the following fixed
  2. 00:25:179 (6) - end at 00:25:537 vocal end where it end now tho o-o

  1. 00:47:346 (2,3) - How about the following? I'll keep mine for now
  2. 01:06:788 (1,2,3) - I like to set symmetrically like this fixed
  3. 01:08:791 (3) - move to x297 y:248 made some changes but not exactly like this
[Ixxm's Insane]

  • Good!
  1. 00:19:904 (1,2,3,4,5) - How about this? I prefer the one I have now since IMO it flows better
  2. 00:48:987 (3,4,1) - it is better to conform y-coordinate to y:162 fixed
i'm surprised at the high star-priority of this map. That's cool!
~Good luck~
Thanks for your mod~! :)
Hi, M4M
Oh snap, I just realized I modded this 2 months ago. Well, the map is really different now, so I'm sure it will be okay!

00:01:539 (2) - make this sideways instead of completely straight? pointing upwards or something.
00:16:075 (4) - make this have a reverse
00:16:439 (4) - if you do what i said above, add a finish here.
00:16:622 (1) - start spinner here instead
00:20:816 (2) - extend to 00:21:363
00:23:734 (2) - same here, if done i would change the way this pattern looks a bit. the previous suggestion looks fine if you just extend (2) onto 3.
00:53:526 (2) - make this a slider that extends to 00:54:074, and start the spinner later.
00:54:074 (2) - if above is done, add finish here.

I like how it looks.

00:04:639 (5) - just change to one circle
00:30:998 (4) - stack on (5)?
00:44:063 (3) - move so it doesnt touch (5)
00:52:087 (1) - just a suggestion, but maybe do a wavy slider? spice up the slider design a bit n stuff

Nothing to say about the insanes, they look great IMO. But you still haven't renamed it, I still think having 2 diffs named Insane looks weird, just throwing it out there hahah. Good luck with this map, will definitely be ranked soon!
Topic Starter

Cobra wrote:

Hi, M4M
Oh snap, I just realized I modded this 2 months ago. Well, the map is really different now, so I'm sure it will be okay!

00:01:539 (2) - make this sideways instead of completely straight? pointing upwards or something.
00:16:075 (4) - make this have a reverse
00:16:439 (4) - if you do what i said above, add a finish here.
00:16:622 (1) - start spinner here instead
00:20:816 (2) - extend to 00:21:363 wont these be to hard for beginners ><? I'll keep them like I have for now
00:23:734 (2) - same here, if done i would change the way this pattern looks a bit. the previous suggestion looks fine if you just extend (2) onto 3.^
00:53:526 (2) - make this a slider that extends to 00:54:074, and start the spinner later.
00:54:074 (2) - if above is done, add finish here.
Fixed the rest
I like how it looks.
Thanks~ :3
00:04:639 (5) - just change to one circle well I want to follow vocal
00:30:998 (4) - stack on (5)? I'll consider
00:44:063 (3) - move so it doesnt touch (5) fixed
00:52:087 (1) - just a suggestion, but maybe do a wavy slider? spice up the slider design a bit n stuff I'll see what I'm gonna do

Nothing to say about the insanes, they look great IMO. But you still haven't renamed it, I still think having 2 diffs named Insane looks weird, just throwing it out there hahah. Good luck with this map, will definitely be ranked soon!
Thanks for your mod :3 I'll mod yours ASAP
Hi! From my queue~
01:23:700 (5) - Put in the line of 01:22:603 (1,3)
[Ixxm's Insane]
01:00:079 (3) - Distance
00:03:727 (3,4) - Try to put it up

It's little but star!
Topic Starter

sheela901 wrote:

Hi! From my queue~
01:23:700 (5) - Put in the line of 01:22:603 (1,3) That would kill the blanket ><
[Ixxm's Insane]
01:00:079 (3) - Distance fixed
00:03:727 (3,4) - Try to put it up well I used Polygon here, don't want it to lose the shape ><.

It's little but star!
Thx for the mod and star~
Hi. Yes yukinoshita in switsuit 8-)
looks fine.
looks fine too.
00:31:361 (5) - maybe new combo starts here instead of 00:31:725 (1)?
01:00:079 (3) - i think it will better if moved to x:376 - y:188
00:48:987 (3) - maybe new combo starts here instead of 00:49:169 (1)?
[Ixxm's Insane]
00:06:271 (1) - make this same with combo 00:04:821 (1,2,3,4)?

I think nothing else ;_;
Overall your maps looks good!
Thanks, good luck with your map! :D
Topic Starter
  1. Hard difficulty has a different Kiai Time from the other difficulties, please make it consistent.
  1. Reduce HP Drain by 1 tick to balance with the difficulty settings.
  1. 00:30:280 (3) - I don't really like this anti-jump, since the AR is slow it might be confusing to read at first sight.
~Ixxm's Insane~
  1. 00:06:280 (1) - Remove this new combo from here, it's not needed.
  2. 00:54:806 (2) - Remove this note completely, it doesn't follow anything.]
  1. 00:16:439 (1) - Remove this new combo from here, it's not needed.
  2. 00:48:987 (3,4,1) - Make the spacing straight here? It looks kinda weird at the moment.
This map is pretty good already, got many favourites and a lot of priority, go ask BATs already.
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:

  1. Hard difficulty has a different Kiai Time from the other difficulties, please make it consistent.
  1. Reduce HP Drain by 1 tick to balance with the difficulty settings.
  1. 00:30:280 (3) - I don't really like this anti-jump, since the AR is slow it might be confusing to read at first sight.
~Ixxm's Insane~
  1. 00:06:280 (1) - Remove this new combo from here, it's not needed.
  2. 00:54:806 (2) - Remove this note completely, it doesn't follow anything.]
  1. 00:16:439 (1) - Remove this new combo from here, it's not needed.
  2. 00:48:987 (3,4,1) - Make the spacing straight here? It looks kinda weird at the moment.
This map is pretty good already, got many favourites and a lot of priority, go ask BATs already.
Fixed all :3 Thanks Andrea-san, and about asking BATs I tried many times to ask one but they are mostly busy ><
Hi there.

  1. 00:39:346 (2) - This circle is behind the previous slider, which makes a very bad flow. Actually, since the previous slider is curved and has a reverse arrow, the circle should be placed somewhere close to it and "aligned" to it, if not, it makes a terrible flow. I am suggesting you to do something else, like that maybe:
  2. 01:14:982 - I don't think there should have a whistle here because, if you hear your previous and next objects, you're adding whistles on the downbeats only and you're adding claps on the upbeats only. Actually, the end of this slider is an upbeat, so.. the whistle should not be there.
  1. 00:02:998 (4,2) - Mind stacking both of these objects together? On the editor, we can see that both objects are overlapping each others, not stacking. So I guess your main idea was to stack them, right? If not, I highly suggest you to make them stacked because right now, it looks awful o:
  2. 00:04:821 (3) - On this slider, only the end of it follows something on the song, so basically, the slider itself is useless since the beginning is not doing anything. What I suggest you is, first, delete the slider. After that, since the previous slider ends on a red tick, we must keep the polarity of it so, I suggest you to add a circle to (00:05:002 -) (where ever you want. but I suggest you to make it aligned with the previous slider). After you are done with this circle, make sure to move the next one to keep the same spacing consistency.
  3. 00:49:899 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - For those objects, it's mostly an emplacement suggestion I would like you to maybe, take into consideration :3. So first, I find that those objects are placed in weird emplacements so, I thought you could manage on moving them somewhere else.
    Examples with code


    If you don't know how to apply the code, let me know!
  4. 01:04:980 - This circle is totally not necessary, it's a bit too much for "Normal" players. Also, this part is the same as 01:03:529 - , you haven't added any objects and it still sounds pretty great.
  5. 01:22:603 (1,2,3) - For those three sliders, I find that the last one is like not "following" the two previous sliders. Personally, it looks more curved at the end, which can look weird. What I suggest you is to have the same slider for the first & the last one and the middle one can relate both sliders.
    Example with code

  1. 00:01:539 (4) - The reverse of this slider makes it sound a bit too much, mostly with those whistles. Actually, there's nothing you can emphasize with the end of it, so, I don't understand why there is a reverse here..
  2. 00:16:439 (1) - The spacing from the previous slider is not appropriate and is unnecessary.. I highly suggest you to make it consistent with the previous objects.
  3. 00:42:609 (5,6,1) - Those circles should be placed in a way that they're all aligned on the x:axis. Right now, the first circle is not aligned with the two others and it's a bit obvious o:
  4. 01:24:798 - It sounds very empty here, would you like to add a clap here to emphasize this object?
  1. 00:00:809 (2) - The spacing is totally wrong and inconsistent here. As you can see, the spacing is higher after this slider, which is bad. I highly suggest you to make all the spacings of your objects consistent from each others.
Even if I only pointed one thing, you have many work to do here. I highly suggest you to make a full review of EVERYTHING: Emplacement, Objects, Hitsounds, Combos, etc. For an example, from 00:19:904 - to 00:31:725 - : you're only alternating from slider to circle, slider to circle and it sounds annoying. Take your time and review everything, mostly this part.

Ixxm's Insane
  1. 00:00:445 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - with this pattern, you can easily try to make it symmetric. Just like this: (It's only a suggestion, right o:)
  2. 00:04:821 (1) - Why the sudden jump? ;w;
  3. 01:06:788 (1,2,3,4,5) - This form is a bit weird, it should be formed like a pentagon/star but, some of the circles are breaking the form. I suggest you to redo it or use the "Create Polygon Circles" in the Compose tab.
Good difficulty =w=b!

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

Hi there.

  1. 00:39:346 (2) - This circle is behind the previous slider, which makes a very bad flow. Actually, since the previous slider is curved and has a reverse arrow, the circle should be placed somewhere close to it and "aligned" to it, if not, it makes a terrible flow. I am suggesting you to do something else, like that maybe:
  2. 01:14:982 - I don't think there should have a whistle here because, if you hear your previous and next objects, you're adding whistles on the downbeats only and you're adding claps on the upbeats only. Actually, the end of this slider is an upbeat, so.. the whistle should not be there.
  1. 00:02:998 (4,2) - Mind stacking both of these objects together? On the editor, we can see that both objects are overlapping each others, not stacking. So I guess your main idea was to stack them, right? If not, I highly suggest you to make them stacked because right now, it looks awful o:
  2. 00:04:821 (3) - On this slider, only the end of it follows something on the song, so basically, the slider itself is useless since the beginning is not doing anything. What I suggest you is, first, delete the slider. After that, since the previous slider ends on a red tick, we must keep the polarity of it so, I suggest you to add a circle to (00:05:002 -) (where ever you want. but I suggest you to make it aligned with the previous slider). After you are done with this circle, make sure to move the next one to keep the same spacing consistency.
  3. 00:49:899 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - For those objects, it's mostly an emplacement suggestion I would like you to maybe, take into consideration :3. So first, I find that those objects are placed in weird emplacements so, I thought you could manage on moving them somewhere else.
    Examples with code


    If you don't know how to apply the code, let me know!
  4. 01:04:980 - This circle is totally not necessary, it's a bit too much for "Normal" players. Also, this part is the same as 01:03:529 - , you haven't added any objects and it still sounds pretty great.
  5. 01:22:603 (1,2,3) - For those three sliders, I find that the last one is like not "following" the two previous sliders. Personally, it looks more curved at the end, which can look weird. What I suggest you is to have the same slider for the first & the last one and the middle one can relate both sliders.
    Example with code

  1. 00:01:539 (4) - The reverse of this slider makes it sound a bit too much, mostly with those whistles. Actually, there's nothing you can emphasize with the end of it, so, I don't understand why there is a reverse here..
  2. 00:16:439 (1) - The spacing from the previous slider is not appropriate and is unnecessary.. I highly suggest you to make it consistent with the previous objects.
  3. 00:42:609 (5,6,1) - Those circles should be placed in a way that they're all aligned on the x:axis. Right now, the first circle is not aligned with the two others and it's a bit obvious o:
  4. 01:24:798 - It sounds very empty here, would you like to add a clap here to emphasize this object?
  1. 00:00:809 (2) - The spacing is totally wrong and inconsistent here. As you can see, the spacing is higher after this slider, which is bad. I highly suggest you to make all the spacings of your objects consistent from each others.
Even if I only pointed one thing, you have many work to do here. I highly suggest you to make a full review of EVERYTHING: Emplacement, Objects, Hitsounds, Combos, etc. For an example, from 00:19:904 - to 00:31:725 - : you're only alternating from slider to circle, slider to circle and it sounds annoying. Take your time and review everything, mostly this part.

Ixxm's Insane
  1. 00:00:445 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - with this pattern, you can easily try to make it symmetric. Just like this: (It's only a suggestion, right o:)
  2. 00:04:821 (1) - Why the sudden jump? ;w;
  3. 01:06:788 (1,2,3,4,5) - This form is a bit weird, it should be formed like a pentagon/star but, some of the circles are breaking the form. I suggest you to redo it or use the "Create Polygon Circles" in the Compose tab.
Good difficulty =w=b!

Good luck~
Fixed all but from 00:19:904 - to 00:31:725 I really don't what to put else, >< and making all the spacing consistent wouldn't be very interesting o-o? since imo there need to be some jumps o-o
Thanks for the mod Gabe :3 ~
Requested mod as given in my modding queue.

What the heck is up with all the timing points? This song is a flat 165BPM with no change in its range, ever. The only additional timing point you require was just for the metronome reset after the twenty second mark...

After this is done just run around re-snapping everything to fall in line with all of the changes.

Note: All of these mods are after the offset correction has been implemented.

  1. 00:00:434 (1,2,1) - To me all of these repeat end sliders are rather lame to play and would be hard for beginners to comprehend especially since there is so many of them at the start of the map.
    A better rhythm to kick this off with would have been:
    00:00:434 - 2/1 slider.
    00:01:524 - Circle.
    00:01:888 - Circle since this beat is on the metronome so you should really try not to map 'over' these. Or you could map this as a 1/1 slider.
    00:02:252 - Circle.
  2. 00:06:252 (5) - Could do with a finish so it gives people an audible queue that this is the end of this particular phase of music.
  3. 00:09:161 (2) - Rather harsh for a new person to play in my opinion since 1/2 sliders with repeat ends tend to play 'quickly'.
  4. 00:16:070 (4) - Please don't, this is really hard for beginners to play especially since it runs off into a spinner afterwards; swap it out for a single circle here and snap your spinner to 00:16:434 - instead.
  5. 00:32:433 (2) - Angle the end of this slider up more due to the hitburst of 00:30:251 (3) - lightly covers it. (I'm talking about the older osu! skin, not the new default one)
  6. 00:32:433 (2,2) - Replace these with a 1/1 slider and 2/1 slider instead of your current 2/1 slider with repeat as you're covering up the metronome which is quite audible.
  7. 00:39:342 (2,1) - Bad overlap.
  8. 00:41:888 (3) - I know you're trying to follow vocals here but rather than do that swap to ending it on the instrumental ( 00:42:615 - ) instead without a repeat end and a circle on ( 00:42:979 (4) - ) as it plays easier this way.
  9. 00:44:070 (1,2) - Time for a rhythm correction (or just a suggestion) here which plays nicely and gives you some cute variance in play:
    00:44:070 (1) - Slider lasting until 00:44:615 - without a repeat end.
    00:44:979 (2) - Slider lasting until 00:45:524 - .
    00:45:888 (3) - Circle here.
  10. 00:46:979 (2,3) - Apply the same change as above.
  11. 00:49:888 (2,3) - You could change the rhythm here to -
    00:49:888 (2) - Slider lasting until 00:50:433 - without the repeat end.
    00:50:797 (3) - Circle.
    00:51:160 (4) - Slider lasting until 00:51:706 - .
  12. 00:53:524 (2) - Personally I would make this last until 00:54:615 - by using a repeat end and moving the spinner to start at 00:54:979 (1) - instead.
  13. 00:54:251 (1) - Moving onto the spinner in this area I would highly advise against it as you have its end kick off the kiai itself which is a really bad idea to do. I would really advise (if you go ahead with the previous mod) to create a slider art or even just a loop slider to start from 00:54:979 - until 00:56:070 - as this would allow you to actually 'start' the kiai off with a rhythm for the players to start tapping along to from 00:56:433 - onwards.
  14. 00:57:160 (1,2) - Same as stuff pointed out previously, this runs over the metronome so just opt out for a 1/1 slider then 2/1 slider and finally a circle to finish the rhythm off instead.
  15. 01:00:433 (2,3) - Do this instead -
    01:00:433 (2) - Circle.
    01:00:797 (3) - 1/1 slider.
    01:01:524 (4) - 1/1 slider.
  16. 01:09:160 (2) - Instead of using the slider end why not just start another slider of the same length from 01:10:070 (3) - ?

Sorry for the lateness in my reciprocated m4m that you requested, been a bit busy lately.

Anyway, hit me up after you've fixed up the god awful timing problem and I'll finish modding the other difficulties (won't ask for additional kudosu as it'll be the same mod that I'll just edit this post with) in a quicker manner than before.
Shohei Ohtani
tfw 60+ favorites wth

00:02:086 (1) - Remove Nc
00:53:891 (2,3) - Make this the same spacing as the previous notes?
00:57:529 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - These jumps seem kind of odd, being stacked on top of each other and all. It may be better doing something that doesn't have as much stacks
01:08:791 (3,4,5,6,1) - ^

Guest Insane:
01:07:698 (6) - Move this so it isn't so close to (5)


00:07:725 (1) - Add finish on repeat to match the music


It has a lot of mods already so go ahead and ask BATs and shit and it's a pretty ok mapset like yeah.
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

tfw 60+ favorites wth

00:02:086 (1) - Remove Nc
00:53:891 (2,3) - Make this the same spacing as the previous notes?
00:57:529 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - These jumps seem kind of odd, being stacked on top of each other and all. It may be better doing something that doesn't have as much stacks imo they are alright, and the NC is there too so it won't be confusing. Otherwise my map would be even more boring orz
01:08:791 (3,4,5,6,1) - ^ ^

Guest Insane:
01:07:698 (6) - Move this so it isn't so close to (5)


00:07:725 (1) - Add finish on repeat to match the music


It has a lot of mods already so go ahead and ask BATs and shit and it's a pretty ok mapset like yeah.
Fixed the rest :3
Thanks for the mod CDFA ^^
Topic Starter

ampzz wrote:

Requested mod as given in my modding queue.

What the heck is up with all the timing points? This song is a flat 165BPM with no change in its range, ever. The only additional timing point you require was just for the metronome reset after the twenty second mark...

After this is done just run around re-snapping everything to fall in line with all of the changes.

Note: All of these mods are after the offset correction has been implemented.

  1. 00:00:434 (1,2,1) - To me all of these repeat end sliders are rather lame to play and would be hard for beginners to comprehend especially since there is so many of them at the start of the map. fixed but into something else
    A better rhythm to kick this off with would have been:
    00:00:434 - 2/1 slider.
    00:01:524 - Circle.
    00:01:888 - Circle since this beat is on the metronome so you should really try not to map 'over' these. Or you could map this as a 1/1 slider.
    00:02:252 - Circle.
  2. 00:06:252 (5) - Could do with a finish so it gives people an audible queue that this is the end of this particular phase of music. fixed
  3. 00:09:161 (2) - Rather harsh for a new person to play in my opinion since 1/2 sliders with repeat ends tend to play 'quickly'. imo it's playable for those beginners o-o
  4. 00:16:070 (4) - Please don't, this is really hard for beginners to play especially since it runs off into a spinner afterwards; swap it out for a single circle here and snap your spinner to 00:16:434 - instead. Well I want to catch the finish tho so didn't change
  5. 00:32:433 (2) - Angle the end of this slider up more due to the hitburst of 00:30:251 (3) - lightly covers it. (I'm talking about the older osu! skin, not the new default one) fixed
  6. 00:32:433 (2,2) - Replace these with a 1/1 slider and 2/1 slider instead of your current 2/1 slider with repeat as you're covering up the metronome which is quite audible. fixed
  7. 00:39:342 (2,1) - Bad overlap. fixed
  8. 00:41:888 (3) - I know you're trying to follow vocals here but rather than do that swap to ending it on the instrumental ( 00:42:615 - ) instead without a repeat end and a circle on ( 00:42:979 (4) - ) as it plays easier this way. I want to keep it at vocal tho ><
  9. 00:44:070 (1,2) - Time for a rhythm correction (or just a suggestion) here which plays nicely and gives you some cute variance in play: fixed
    00:44:070 (1) - Slider lasting until 00:44:615 - without a repeat end.
    00:44:979 (2) - Slider lasting until 00:45:524 - .
    00:45:888 (3) - Circle here.
  10. 00:46:979 (2,3) - Apply the same change as above.
  11. 00:49:888 (2,3) - You could change the rhythm here to - keeping the one I have ><
    00:49:888 (2) - Slider lasting until 00:50:433 - without the repeat end.
    00:50:797 (3) - Circle.
    00:51:160 (4) - Slider lasting until 00:51:706 - .
  12. 00:53:524 (2) - Personally I would make this last until 00:54:615 - by using a repeat end and moving the spinner to start at 00:54:979 (1) - instead. The spinner would be kinda short :?
  13. 00:54:251 (1) - Moving onto the spinner in this area I would highly advise against it as you have its end kick off the kiai itself which is a really bad idea to do. I would really advise (if you go ahead with the previous mod) to create a slider art or even just a loop slider to start from 00:54:979 - until 00:56:070 - as this would allow you to actually 'start' the kiai off with a rhythm for the players to start tapping along to from 00:56:433 - onwards. changed into something else
  14. 00:57:160 (1,2) - Same as stuff pointed out previously, this runs over the metronome so just opt out for a 1/1 slider then 2/1 slider and finally a circle to finish the rhythm off instead. I want to keep it this way tho ><
  15. 01:00:433 (2,3) - Do this instead - fixed
    01:00:433 (2) - Circle.
    01:00:797 (3) - 1/1 slider.
    01:01:524 (4) - 1/1 slider.
  16. 01:09:160 (2) - Instead of using the slider end why not just start another slider of the same length from 01:10:070 (3) - ? Consider

Sorry for the lateness in my reciprocated m4m that you requested, been a bit busy lately.

Anyway, hit me up after you've fixed up the god awful timing problem and I'll finish modding the other difficulties (won't ask for additional kudosu as it'll be the same mod that I'll just edit this post with) in a quicker manner than before.
Well about the timing... the timing you gave in this post was the timing I had first to tho ><, but alot people said it is off so I kept changing orz, the one I have now is good I think (several test players showed that). So.. I'll just keep this one.
Thanks for the mod :3

xChippy wrote:

ampzz wrote:

Requested mod as given in my modding queue.

What the heck is up with all the timing points? This song is a flat 165BPM with no change in its range, ever. The only additional timing point you require was just for the metronome reset after the twenty second mark...

After this is done just run around re-snapping everything to fall in line with all of the changes.

Note: All of these mods are after the offset correction has been implemented.

  1. 00:00:434 (1,2,1) - To me all of these repeat end sliders are rather lame to play and would be hard for beginners to comprehend especially since there is so many of them at the start of the map. fixed but into something else
    A better rhythm to kick this off with would have been:
    00:00:434 - 2/1 slider.
    00:01:524 - Circle.
    00:01:888 - Circle since this beat is on the metronome so you should really try not to map 'over' these. Or you could map this as a 1/1 slider.
    00:02:252 - Circle.
  2. 00:06:252 (5) - Could do with a finish so it gives people an audible queue that this is the end of this particular phase of music. fixed
  3. 00:09:161 (2) - Rather harsh for a new person to play in my opinion since 1/2 sliders with repeat ends tend to play 'quickly'. imo it's playable for those beginners o-o
  4. 00:16:070 (4) - Please don't, this is really hard for beginners to play especially since it runs off into a spinner afterwards; swap it out for a single circle here and snap your spinner to 00:16:434 - instead. Well I want to catch the finish tho so didn't change
  5. 00:32:433 (2) - Angle the end of this slider up more due to the hitburst of 00:30:251 (3) - lightly covers it. (I'm talking about the older osu! skin, not the new default one) fixed
  6. 00:32:433 (2,2) - Replace these with a 1/1 slider and 2/1 slider instead of your current 2/1 slider with repeat as you're covering up the metronome which is quite audible. fixed
  7. 00:39:342 (2,1) - Bad overlap. fixed
  8. 00:41:888 (3) - I know you're trying to follow vocals here but rather than do that swap to ending it on the instrumental ( 00:42:615 - ) instead without a repeat end and a circle on ( 00:42:979 (4) - ) as it plays easier this way. I want to keep it at vocal tho ><
  9. 00:44:070 (1,2) - Time for a rhythm correction (or just a suggestion) here which plays nicely and gives you some cute variance in play: fixed
    00:44:070 (1) - Slider lasting until 00:44:615 - without a repeat end.
    00:44:979 (2) - Slider lasting until 00:45:524 - .
    00:45:888 (3) - Circle here.
  10. 00:46:979 (2,3) - Apply the same change as above.
  11. 00:49:888 (2,3) - You could change the rhythm here to - keeping the one I have ><
    00:49:888 (2) - Slider lasting until 00:50:433 - without the repeat end.
    00:50:797 (3) - Circle.
    00:51:160 (4) - Slider lasting until 00:51:706 - .
  12. 00:53:524 (2) - Personally I would make this last until 00:54:615 - by using a repeat end and moving the spinner to start at 00:54:979 (1) - instead. The spinner would be kinda short :?
  13. 00:54:251 (1) - Moving onto the spinner in this area I would highly advise against it as you have its end kick off the kiai itself which is a really bad idea to do. I would really advise (if you go ahead with the previous mod) to create a slider art or even just a loop slider to start from 00:54:979 - until 00:56:070 - as this would allow you to actually 'start' the kiai off with a rhythm for the players to start tapping along to from 00:56:433 - onwards. changed into something else
  14. 00:57:160 (1,2) - Same as stuff pointed out previously, this runs over the metronome so just opt out for a 1/1 slider then 2/1 slider and finally a circle to finish the rhythm off instead. I want to keep it this way tho ><
  15. 01:00:433 (2,3) - Do this instead - fixed
    01:00:433 (2) - Circle.
    01:00:797 (3) - 1/1 slider.
    01:01:524 (4) - 1/1 slider.
  16. 01:09:160 (2) - Instead of using the slider end why not just start another slider of the same length from 01:10:070 (3) - ? Consider

Sorry for the lateness in my reciprocated m4m that you requested, been a bit busy lately.

Anyway, hit me up after you've fixed up the god awful timing problem and I'll finish modding the other difficulties (won't ask for additional kudosu as it'll be the same mod that I'll just edit this post with) in a quicker manner than before.
Well about the timing... the timing you gave in this post was the timing I had first to tho ><, but alot people said it is off so I kept changing orz, the one I have now is good I think (several test players showed that). So.. I'll just keep this one.
Thanks for the mod :3
I happen to also be making a beatmap for this song, and yes. The timing does change after the first verse stops and goes into the smoother part of the song. Timing for this song is kinda tricky. I do hope to be able to mod your map soon xchippy :) (I just realized we both have the same bg pic :P from right? xD)
  1. 00:01:903 (3,4) - the blanket here can be improved by moving the anchor on the tail of slider (3).
  2. 00:06:271 (5) - the music is still quiet here.. that's why i prefer not to use hitsound like finish you used here. on the contrary, i think it would be a effection to set another whistle on the ending of previous slider (4).
  3. 01:24:066 (2) - sounds like there should be a clap on that ending, and the volume 30%~35% would be more suitable imo.
  1. 01:20:257 (1) - how about to delay the spinner 1/2 tick for starting at 01:20:257 - ? then it would be able to catch the downbeat. (end at the same point as well.
  2. 01:24:066 - same as Easy, the volume of hitsound 30~35% is prefered.
  1. 01:24:066 (6,8) - same as above, the volumes of claps on the circle (6) and head of slider (8) can be decreased as well.
[Ixxm's Insane]
Good job. I believe the map has ready.
Topic Starter

Strawberry wrote:

  1. 00:01:903 (3,4) - the blanket here can be improved by moving the anchor on the tail of slider (3).
  2. 00:06:271 (5) - the music is still quiet here.. that's why i prefer not to use hitsound like finish you used here. on the contrary, i think it would be a effection to set another whistle on the ending of previous slider (4).
  3. 01:24:066 (2) - sounds like there should be a clap on that ending, and the volume 30%~35% would be more suitable imo.
  1. 01:20:257 (1) - how about to delay the spinner 1/2 tick for starting at 01:20:257 - ? then it would be able to catch the downbeat. (end at the same point as well.
  2. 01:24:066 - same as Easy, the volume of hitsound 30~35% is prefered.
  1. 01:24:066 (6,8) - same as above, the volumes of claps on the circle (6) and head of slider (8) can be decreased as well.
[Ixxm's Insane]
Good job. I believe the map has ready.
All fixed :3
Thanks Strawberry-san >w<
Hope to see this bubbled soon :)
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