16:07 Melophobia: : :3
16:07 Melophobia: : 00:01:636 (1) -
16:07 Melophobia: : i'd map the middle of slider
16:08 Kuria: : im thinking of that too
16:08 Kuria: : but their voice ovverride it T_T
16:08 Kuria: : override*
16:09 Melophobia: : hmm..
16:09 Melophobia: : sounds a bit weird to me
16:09 Melophobia: : but it's still your choice~
16:10 Kuria: :
http://puu.sh/PnVN im thinking about this for mtoo
16:10 Kuria: : form*
16:10 Kuria: : and it was better, godd
16:12 Kuria: : lol updated!
16:13 Melophobia: : pattern looks good
16:13 Melophobia: : 00:01:953 (2) - clap!
16:13 Kuria: : ah, yeah!
16:14 Melophobia: : 00:04:493 (2) - i think both begin and end are good places to put claps
16:15 Kuria: : lol following the instrument
16:15 Kuria: : not bad

16:15 Kuria: : ill adjust it on the others diff later
16:15 Melophobia: : kk
16:15 Melophobia: : 00:10:683 (1) - finish?
16:15 Kuria: : just do it b4 you say :3
16:16 Melophobia: : lol
16:16 Melophobia: : ok!
16:16 Melophobia: : 00:23:223 (3) - same as first one~
16:16 Melophobia: : but i think both ways are fine
16:17 Kuria: : ?
16:17 Kuria: : okay
16:17 Melophobia: : maybe use slidertick instead of changing rhythm?
16:17 Kuria: : i never try tick for alternating hitsound xD
16:17 Melophobia: : ww
16:18 Kuria: : since some ppl dont like it ;_;
16:18 Kuria: : adding hitsound besides on the hitcircles
16:18 Melophobia: : yeah, actually i kinda dislike to use it
16:18 Melophobia: : especially in Insane
16:18 Melophobia: : it's ok in Normal, Easy.
16:19 Kuria: : oh is that so?
16:19 Kuria: : imma wanna try it on the easier diff for so long
16:19 Kuria: : but cant understand how orz
16:19 Melophobia: : really? o,o
16:20 Kuria: : ill try it later
16:20 Melophobia: : k
16:20 Melophobia: : 00:53:858 (1,2) - maybe jump here?
16:20 Melophobia: : 00:54:493 (3,4) - too
16:20 Kuria: : how much spacing do you think it was best?
16:21 Melophobia: : 1.5x or so
16:21 Kuria: : betwee 00:54:493 (3) - too?
16:21 Kuria: : 00:54:017 (2,3) -
16:21 Melophobia: : yeah
16:21 Melophobia: : or make anti-jump
16:22 Kuria: : uuu cant find the good position
16:22 Melophobia: : kk
16:22 Melophobia: : 00:54:810 - maybe add note here?
16:23 Melophobia: : dont know how it plays tho
16:23 Kuria: : lol
16:23 Kuria: : im thinking about spinner too
16:24 Melophobia: : from00:52:429 - ?
16:26 Kuria: : no, here 00:53:858 -
16:26 Melophobia: : i think the current one is better
16:26 Kuria: : yeah, thats why
16:27 Melophobia: : kk
16:27 Melophobia: : 01:03:858 (1) - finish here?
16:27 Melophobia: : at the beginning
16:28 Kuria: : uuu i dont think it was quite fitted there
16:28 Melophobia: : ok
16:29 Melophobia: : 01:14:017 (2) - it's better to remove clap
16:29 Kuria: : for now

16:29 Melophobia: : too loud for me ><
16:29 Kuria: : ah, yeah
16:29 Kuria: : there's finish already
16:30 Melophobia: : 01:20:366 (1) -
16:30 Melophobia: : sounds really weird
16:31 Melophobia: : finish should be on white tick
16:31 Kuria: : hmm
16:31 Kuria: : same reason, their vocal voice ovverride the actual instrument rhythm Q_Q
16:31 Kuria: : override
16:32 Melophobia: : it's not so uncommon
16:33 Melophobia: : 01:24:969 (3,4) - maybe larger spacing here
16:33 Melophobia: : the previous pattern has it too
16:33 Kuria: : k 1,6
16:33 Melophobia: : 01:26:239 (1) -
16:33 Melophobia: : start at 01:26:001 - ?
16:34 Kuria: : hmm i dunno
16:35 Kuria: : actually bakari was the one who suggesting to put the spin there
16:35 Kuria: : from 01:26:239 -
16:35 Kuria: : the original is 01:26:080 -
16:35 Melophobia: : i dont get why o.o
16:36 Kuria: : i dunno D:
16:36 Kuria: : since both way is quite same, i'm following her suggestion
16:37 Melophobia: : hmm, ok
16:37 Kuria: : and done

16:38 Kuria: : wanna savelog this?
16:38 Melophobia: : ah yeah
16:38 Melophobia: : i'll star
16:38 Kuria: : xD thanks
16:38 Kuria: : looks like you'll always mod the map the moment you see it good lol
16:39 Melophobia: : dont know, but i always shoot a star after irc mod
16:39 Melophobia: : cuz it can get kds so easily..
16:39 Kuria: : why irc?

16:40 Kuria: : is it hard to get it by forum post mod?
16:40 Kuria: : o.o
16:40 Melophobia: : no, but irc mod is much easier
16:41 Kuria: : mmm i must aggree with you, since you will know the mappers responce right away
16:41 Kuria: : and you can mentioned all you think is wrong without typing the "bla3" stuff first
16:41 Melophobia: : yeah
16:41 Melophobia: : in hard
16:41 Melophobia: : 00:15:763 (1) - finish!
16:42 Kuria: : done
16:42 Melophobia: : 00:16:715 (4,5,6) -
16:42 Melophobia: : not sutable in Hard diff imo
16:42 Kuria: : ?
16:42 Melophobia: : it's harder than normal triplet
16:42 Kuria: : yeah
16:43 Kuria: : im adding the same pattern on my death note maps though
16:43 Kuria: : on the hard diff too xP
16:43 Kuria: : since i just put this kind of patter there, i think it was pretty much acceptable
16:44 Melophobia: : hmm.. but BPM is quite fast
16:44 Kuria: : im thinking about changing this 00:16:715 (4) - into notes too
16:45 Melophobia: : i prefer this
16:45 Melophobia: :
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/39500916:45 Kuria: : aaaaah, this
16:47 Kuria: : dekimashita \:D/
16:47 Melophobia: : www
16:48 Kuria: : i hope the pronouciation is right orz
16:48 Melophobia: : yeah it is
16:48 Kuria: :

16:49 Melophobia: : 01:26:398 (1) - start this 1/2 ealier?
16:49 Kuria: : oh, yeah
16:49 Kuria: : looks like it was a mistake too
16:49 Melophobia: : :3
16:50 Melophobia: : that's all in hard
16:50 Kuria: : kay :3
16:51 Melophobia: : 00:41:159 (2) - remove clap and add it to next slider's beginning?
16:52 Melophobia: : ah in Normal!
16:52 Kuria: : w8
16:52 Kuria: : kay
16:52 Kuria: : imma rearrange it after adding/adjusting tick hitsound later :3
16:53 Melophobia: : 00:37:350 (1) - why the rhythm is like this ? o.o
16:53 Kuria: : weird?

16:53 Melophobia: : as you can see drum is on 3rd white tick
16:54 Melophobia: : i was just wondering why
16:54 Kuria: : ill change it into 1/2 beat slider
16:54 Kuria: : i just feel that the form is pretty good to, so...
16:54 Melophobia: : ok then
16:55 Melophobia: : 01:26:398 (1) - :3
16:55 Melophobia: : everything else looks fine
16:56 Kuria: : roger
16:56 Melophobia: : Easy~
16:56 Kuria: : hardest diff to make
16:56 Melophobia: : 00:15:445 (1) - finish at the end
16:56 Melophobia: : yeah, i agree
16:56 Kuria: : done
16:57 Melophobia: : 00:24:334 (1) - this should be 1/1 earlier
16:58 Kuria: : kay
16:59 Melophobia: : 00:43:699 (2) - shorten this by 1/1 beat?

16:59 Melophobia: : to follow vocal better
16:59 Kuria: : done
17:00 Melophobia: : 00:57:350 - why not follow "wow!" ;_;
17:00 Kuria: : 00:57:350 (3) - okay
17:01 Melophobia: : cool :3
17:01 Melophobia: : 01:07:509 - ~
17:01 Kuria: : 01:07:509 (3) -
17:02 Melophobia: : ?_?
17:02 Melophobia: : 01:26:239 (1) -
17:02 Melophobia: : this one
17:02 Kuria: : d
17:02 Melophobia: : i think it's ok to start it at 01:25:921 -
17:02 Kuria: : yeah
17:03 Melophobia: : that's all i guess
17:03 Kuria: : \:D/
17:03 Melophobia: : i'll post the log~