
Goku Rakujokai - Oato ga Yoroshikutte... Yo! (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 04 Nopember 2012 at 17:15:16

Artist: Goku Rakujokai
Title: Oato ga Yoroshikutte... Yo! (TV Size)
Source: Joshiraku
Tags: envi j.c. staff opening gotou saori koiwai kotori yamamoto nozomi sakura ayane nanjou yoshino hyadain
BPM: 189
Filesize: 14177kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,81 stars, 103 notes)
  2. Hard (4,96 stars, 259 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 331 notes)
  4. Normal (4,19 stars, 145 notes)
Download: Goku Rakujokai - Oato ga Yoroshikutte... Yo! (TV Size)
Download: Goku Rakujokai - Oato ga Yoroshikutte... Yo! (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
by Joshiraku cast.
Custom hitcircles by HakuNoKaemi

p.e: the hard diff is a bit hard, just said xD

I'm gonna mod this, so get ready.

*Bolded = Unrankable or strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants.

  1. 01:25:273 (1) - Can't really see any reason to NC this. Remove the NC?
  1. 01:25:273 (1) - Same as Easy.
  1. OD5 is way too low, IMO. Get at least +1 OD here.
  2. 00:01:305 (3) - ...What's with the 1.6x DS? It really doesn't fit with the song, IMO.
  3. 00:03:369 (2,3) - ^
  1. 00:00:512 (1,2,3,4,5) - A series of jumps at the beginning of a diff is just plain bad, even for an Insane diff, especially if arranged like this. Better find something nicer than this.
  2. 00:41:146 (3) - This slider is covered by hitbursts of the objects here...
  3. 00:59:559 (3,4) - Why you don't just make this part look like 00:58:924 (1,2)?
Uh... Okay, that's it.

Time to improve my modding skill, I suppose.

Good luck on the way 8-)

EDIT: I'll initiate a Second Pass after doing three mods on other maps. This mod is shit, and I should be ashamed for this.
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

  1. OD5 is way too low, IMO. Get at least +1 OD here.
  2. 00:01:305 (3) - ...What's with the 1.6x DS? It really doesn't fit with the song, IMO.
  3. 00:03:369 (2,3) - ^

    for that 2 stuff, i cant agree with you, since the 00:01:305 - part are already on the 3/4 of the stanza, making a jump on this timing can make a good flow (my viewpoint is adding a jump is the best when you place it on the last half part of each stanza), same goes for 00:03:051 (1,2,3) - but the difference is i'm make all the spacing on that stanza with 1,6 too, which makes the player mostly unable to find that it was a jump pattern on the first play.

    they're also playing nicely with that spacing since i'm already test all of my patternflow, so this should be acceptable
  1. 00:00:512 (1,2,3,4,5) - A series of jumps at the beginning of a diff is just plain bad, even for an Insane diff, especially if arranged like this. Better find something nicer than this. eeeeh, who said that it was bad? i remember some of the great insane mapset are begins with a large jump like (this one is even more spaced than me) , also remember this too that i'm already playtested it many many times, if i feel that a certain pattern was awkward/playing bad, i'll remove it right away (this guy even fc it on the first try lol), and i found it that this jump was not.

    i'm also make the notes direction into pentagon here 00:00:512 (1,2,3,4,5) - , to make it not too confusing like x jump or whatever narrow-kind of jump, also small curved jump are supposed to be way easier to play, so please consider with this first >_<]

    maybe i'll change it if i have change of mind or more ppl mntioned it again~ k my mind are telling a different thing already
  2. 00:41:146 (3) - This slider is covered by hitbursts of the objects here... still perfectly readable for me (and mostly all of the experienced player) even with default skin, so no changes for now
  3. 00:59:559 (3,4) - Why you don't just make this part look like 00:58:924 (1,2)? because this 00:26:861 (1,2) - and this 01:09:718 (5,6) - if you heard the way they sing on that part, make this kind of W pattern is nicely done imo
Uh... Okay, that's it.

Time to improve my modding skill, I suppose. LOL

Good luck on the way 8-)
thanks for the fast mod hinsvar~
Aaaah have a star ><~
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thanks cxu~~
Kawayi Rika
Oh hey ~ Artist should be : Goku Rakujokai

Remind you :D
Topic Starter
ah, thanks for telling this, i'm really unsure for the artist name since various source say that the artis name is all the 5 main cast xD

thanks rika!
Here's the savelog
18:33 Kuria: : hello there :3
18:33 Gabe: : Hi Kuria. (:
18:33 Kuria: : are you busy at the moment?
18:34 Kuria: : i wanna ask for testplay if you dont xD
18:34 Gabe: : Oh, I don't have my mouse right now D:
18:34 Kuria: : orz
18:34 Gabe: : But i can play it on Taiko. Taiko helps with the hitsounds.
18:34 Kuria: : ah, great
18:35 Kuria: : then, maybe you can try it at least^^
18:35 *Kuria is listening to (Joshiraku Cast - Oato ga Yoroshikutte... yo! (TV Size))[]
18:35 Kuria: : lovely song :D
18:36 Kuria: : just tell me when you're will starting to play :3
18:38 Kuria: : lol i cant see anything xD
18:38 Gabe: : Oh wow.
18:38 Gabe: : That's a nice map.
18:38 Gabe: : o3ob
18:38 Kuria: : how you can figured it out? :D
18:39 Gabe: : it plays good?
18:39 Gabe: : eh.
18:39 Gabe: : I just opened the editor,
18:39 Gabe: : 00:01:305 (5) - Can you try to keep the distance?
18:40 Kuria: : wanna make the jump for there :P
18:40 Gabe: : It's better to keep the same distance..
18:40 Kuria: : since no one found it awkward so i just keep that way
18:40 Gabe: : 00:07:178 (2,3,4) - This is nice o.ob !
18:40 Kuria: : xD
18:41 Kuria: : ok, i agree with that (5) :D
18:41 Gabe: : c:
18:41 Gabe: : Mhm,
18:42 Gabe: : 00:26:861 (1,2) - I like what you did there with the new combo,
18:42 Gabe: : so I guess you should do the same with;
18:42 Gabe: : 00:29:400 (1,2,3) -
18:42 Gabe: : So add a new combo on (3)
18:42 Gabe: : and delete the new combo onn the next object.
18:42 Kuria: : ah, looks like it was my mistake there xP
18:42 Kuria: : fix'd
18:43 Gabe: : That's what mods are made for.
18:43 Gabe: : (:
18:43 Kuria: : :D
18:43 Kuria: : and i love it so much when ppl gave me a suggestion after asking a testplay xD
18:44 Gabe: : :'D
18:44 Kuria: : you can savelog this and post it if you want :)
18:44 Gabe: : Sure.
18:44 Kuria: : ill give you kudos right away^^
18:44 Gabe: : Oh okay (:
18:44 Gabe: : mhm...
18:45 Gabe: : 00:41:305 - Delete the clap?
18:45 Gabe: : Was it a mistake? ^
18:45 Kuria: : no
18:45 Gabe: : Oh okay.
18:45 Gabe: : Lemme re-analyse this.
18:45 Kuria: : the sound pattern is same as 00:38:448 (1,2,3,4,5) -
18:45 Gabe: : Okay, I understand now,
18:45 Gabe: : but okay,
18:46 Gabe: : you don't have a clap at 00:38:765
18:46 Kuria: : it was because some notes placement are not exactly same there
18:46 Gabe: : So I guess it's better to delete the other?
18:47 Gabe: : what do you think about this? ^
18:47 Kuria: : 00:41:146 (3) - ill try to work for this
18:47 Kuria: : since i like the latter sound pattern than the first one
18:47 Kuria: : i mean, this 00:38:765 -
18:47 Kuria: : sorry typo xD
18:48 Gabe: : Oh okay.
18:48 Gabe: : Don'T worry. (:
18:49 Kuria: : is there anything else?
18:49 Kuria: : ill update it if not :)
18:49 Gabe: : Lemme see.
18:50 Gabe: : oh also, Kawayi Rika posted something for the Artist.
18:51 Gabe: : 01:09:718 (5,6) - Spacing again. To have approximativly the same spacing, I am suggesting you to move it to
18:51 Gabe: : x;336 y;80
18:52 Kuria: : this is intentional
18:52 Gabe: : mkay, that's it.
18:52 Kuria: : to emphasize the "ui ui" voice :D
18:52 Kuria: : thanks again gabe^^
18:53 Gabe: : Oh no, wait.
18:53 Gabe: : LOL
18:53 Gabe: : I found something else.
18:53 Gabe: : ahah..
18:53 Gabe: : 00:19:242 (1) - There's a new combo here,
18:53 Gabe: : 00:21:781 (7) - but not here.
18:53 Kuria: : fixd :3
18:54 Gabe: : Okayokay. that's all.
18:54 Gabe: : :'D

Even if I only looked at Insane, this map deserve to be ranked soon!
Topic Starter
thanks gabe!


00:43:699 (2,3) - try to make (2) 1/1 longer and start (3) 1/1 later
01:26:239 (1) - end 1/2 later it sounds better and also more reasonable to end map on big white tick

01:15:604 (1,2) - Ctrl + R follows rythm closely. but if you'll do it, don't forget to fix spacing :3
01:17:350 (2,3,2) - probably normal players won't notice this circle in time
01:26:239 (1) - same as easy.

00:05:921 (1) - try to make 1/2 slider here. fits with vocals much better.
00:19:255 (3) - try to use two 1/2 sliders here. ~ sounds better and also follows rythm
00:21:794 (3) - ^
00:43:064 (3) - nazi: try blanket slider
00:50:524 - circle here to follow drums :3
00:53:858 (1) - whistle here fits pretty good
01:26:239 (1) - same as easy

01:26:239 (1) - same as easy

nice map
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:



00:43:699 (2,3) - try to make (2) 1/1 longer and start (3) 1/1 later 01:26:239 (1) - end 1/2 later it sounds better and also more reasonable to end map on big white tick okay

01:15:604 (1,2) - Ctrl + R follows rythm closely. but if you'll do it, don't forget to fix spacing :3 mmm, i dont think so, actually, since for this part i wanna follow the instrument here (yeah, im intended to make the pattern a bit complex from/to 01:14:017 (3,4,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - )
01:17:350 (2,3,2) - probably normal players won't notice this circle in time ill unsack the 01:17:350 (2,3) - part, and also adding circle on 01:19:096 -
01:26:239 (1) - same as easy. oki

00:05:921 (1) - try to make 1/2 slider here. fits with vocals much better. yeah, fixed the pattern
00:19:255 (3) - try to use two 1/2 sliders here. ~ sounds better and also follows rythm no, because i wanna make a bit of slider variation on it, since previous two slider slider are already 1/2, i think making this slider into 1/1 will also make a good form, besides, the player can automatically recognized it if that slider was an intentional, because of the guitar voice from 00:19:255 - to 00:19:572 - .Same goes for 00:21:794 (3) - and 00:24:334 (3) -
00:21:794 (3) - ^ ^
00:43:064 (3) - nazi: try blanket slider oki
00:50:524 - circle here to follow drums :3 done
00:53:858 (1) - whistle here fits pretty good ah its true
01:26:239 (1) - same as easy done

01:26:239 (1) - same as easy done

nice map
thanks for the mod \o/
irc mod~~
16:07 Melophobia: : :3
16:07 Melophobia: : 00:01:636 (1) -
16:07 Melophobia: : i'd map the middle of slider
16:08 Kuria: : im thinking of that too
16:08 Kuria: : but their voice ovverride it T_T
16:08 Kuria: : override*
16:09 Melophobia: : hmm..
16:09 Melophobia: : sounds a bit weird to me
16:09 Melophobia: : but it's still your choice~
16:10 Kuria: : im thinking about this for mtoo
16:10 Kuria: : form*
16:10 Kuria: : and it was better, godd
16:12 Kuria: : lol updated!
16:13 Melophobia: : pattern looks good
16:13 Melophobia: : 00:01:953 (2) - clap!
16:13 Kuria: : ah, yeah!
16:14 Melophobia: : 00:04:493 (2) - i think both begin and end are good places to put claps
16:15 Kuria: : lol following the instrument
16:15 Kuria: : not bad :)
16:15 Kuria: : ill adjust it on the others diff later
16:15 Melophobia: : kk
16:15 Melophobia: : 00:10:683 (1) - finish?
16:15 Kuria: : just do it b4 you say :3
16:16 Melophobia: : lol
16:16 Melophobia: : ok!
16:16 Melophobia: : 00:23:223 (3) - same as first one~
16:16 Melophobia: : but i think both ways are fine
16:17 Kuria: : ?
16:17 Kuria: : okay
16:17 Melophobia: : maybe use slidertick instead of changing rhythm?
16:17 Kuria: : i never try tick for alternating hitsound xD
16:17 Melophobia: : ww
16:18 Kuria: : since some ppl dont like it ;_;
16:18 Kuria: : adding hitsound besides on the hitcircles
16:18 Melophobia: : yeah, actually i kinda dislike to use it
16:18 Melophobia: : especially in Insane
16:18 Melophobia: : it's ok in Normal, Easy.
16:19 Kuria: : oh is that so?
16:19 Kuria: : imma wanna try it on the easier diff for so long
16:19 Kuria: : but cant understand how orz
16:19 Melophobia: : really? o,o
16:20 Kuria: : ill try it later
16:20 Melophobia: : k
16:20 Melophobia: : 00:53:858 (1,2) - maybe jump here?
16:20 Melophobia: : 00:54:493 (3,4) - too
16:20 Kuria: : how much spacing do you think it was best?
16:21 Melophobia: : 1.5x or so
16:21 Kuria: : betwee 00:54:493 (3) - too?
16:21 Kuria: : 00:54:017 (2,3) -
16:21 Melophobia: : yeah
16:21 Melophobia: : or make anti-jump
16:22 Kuria: : uuu cant find the good position
16:22 Melophobia: : kk
16:22 Melophobia: : 00:54:810 - maybe add note here?
16:23 Melophobia: : dont know how it plays tho
16:23 Kuria: : lol
16:23 Kuria: : im thinking about spinner too
16:24 Melophobia: : from00:52:429 - ?
16:26 Kuria: : no, here 00:53:858 -
16:26 Melophobia: : i think the current one is better
16:26 Kuria: : yeah, thats why
16:27 Melophobia: : kk
16:27 Melophobia: : 01:03:858 (1) - finish here?
16:27 Melophobia: : at the beginning
16:28 Kuria: : uuu i dont think it was quite fitted there
16:28 Melophobia: : ok
16:29 Melophobia: : 01:14:017 (2) - it's better to remove clap
16:29 Kuria: : for now :P
16:29 Melophobia: : too loud for me ><
16:29 Kuria: : ah, yeah
16:29 Kuria: : there's finish already
16:30 Melophobia: : 01:20:366 (1) -
16:30 Melophobia: : sounds really weird
16:31 Melophobia: : finish should be on white tick
16:31 Kuria: : hmm
16:31 Kuria: : same reason, their vocal voice ovverride the actual instrument rhythm Q_Q
16:31 Kuria: : override
16:32 Melophobia: : it's not so uncommon
16:33 Melophobia: : 01:24:969 (3,4) - maybe larger spacing here
16:33 Melophobia: : the previous pattern has it too
16:33 Kuria: : k 1,6
16:33 Melophobia: : 01:26:239 (1) -
16:33 Melophobia: : start at 01:26:001 - ?
16:34 Kuria: : hmm i dunno
16:35 Kuria: : actually bakari was the one who suggesting to put the spin there
16:35 Kuria: : from 01:26:239 -
16:35 Kuria: : the original is 01:26:080 -
16:35 Melophobia: : i dont get why o.o
16:36 Kuria: : i dunno D:
16:36 Kuria: : since both way is quite same, i'm following her suggestion
16:37 Melophobia: : hmm, ok
16:37 Kuria: : and done :D
16:38 Kuria: : wanna savelog this?
16:38 Melophobia: : ah yeah
16:38 Melophobia: : i'll star
16:38 Kuria: : xD thanks
16:38 Kuria: : looks like you'll always mod the map the moment you see it good lol
16:39 Melophobia: : dont know, but i always shoot a star after irc mod
16:39 Melophobia: : cuz it can get kds so easily..
16:39 Kuria: : why irc? :D
16:40 Kuria: : is it hard to get it by forum post mod?
16:40 Kuria: : o.o
16:40 Melophobia: : no, but irc mod is much easier
16:41 Kuria: : mmm i must aggree with you, since you will know the mappers responce right away
16:41 Kuria: : and you can mentioned all you think is wrong without typing the "bla3" stuff first
16:41 Melophobia: : yeah
16:41 Melophobia: : in hard
16:41 Melophobia: : 00:15:763 (1) - finish!
16:42 Kuria: : done
16:42 Melophobia: : 00:16:715 (4,5,6) -
16:42 Melophobia: : not sutable in Hard diff imo
16:42 Kuria: : ?
16:42 Melophobia: : it's harder than normal triplet
16:42 Kuria: : yeah
16:43 Kuria: : im adding the same pattern on my death note maps though
16:43 Kuria: : on the hard diff too xP
16:43 Kuria: : since i just put this kind of patter there, i think it was pretty much acceptable
16:44 Melophobia: : hmm.. but BPM is quite fast
16:44 Kuria: : im thinking about changing this 00:16:715 (4) - into notes too
16:45 Melophobia: : i prefer this
16:45 Melophobia: :
16:45 Kuria: : aaaaah, this
16:47 Kuria: : dekimashita \:D/
16:47 Melophobia: : www
16:48 Kuria: : i hope the pronouciation is right orz
16:48 Melophobia: : yeah it is
16:48 Kuria: : :D
16:49 Melophobia: : 01:26:398 (1) - start this 1/2 ealier?
16:49 Kuria: : oh, yeah
16:49 Kuria: : looks like it was a mistake too
16:49 Melophobia: : :3
16:50 Melophobia: : that's all in hard
16:50 Kuria: : kay :3
16:51 Melophobia: : 00:41:159 (2) - remove clap and add it to next slider's beginning?
16:52 Melophobia: : ah in Normal!
16:52 Kuria: : w8
16:52 Kuria: : kay
16:52 Kuria: : imma rearrange it after adding/adjusting tick hitsound later :3
16:53 Melophobia: : 00:37:350 (1) - why the rhythm is like this ? o.o
16:53 Kuria: : weird? :o
16:53 Melophobia: : as you can see drum is on 3rd white tick
16:54 Melophobia: : i was just wondering why
16:54 Kuria: : ill change it into 1/2 beat slider
16:54 Kuria: : i just feel that the form is pretty good to, so...
16:54 Melophobia: : ok then
16:55 Melophobia: : 01:26:398 (1) - :3
16:55 Melophobia: : everything else looks fine
16:56 Kuria: : roger
16:56 Melophobia: : Easy~
16:56 Kuria: : hardest diff to make
16:56 Melophobia: : 00:15:445 (1) - finish at the end
16:56 Melophobia: : yeah, i agree
16:56 Kuria: : done
16:57 Melophobia: : 00:24:334 (1) - this should be 1/1 earlier
16:58 Kuria: : kay
16:59 Melophobia: : 00:43:699 (2) - shorten this by 1/1 beat? :o
16:59 Melophobia: : to follow vocal better
16:59 Kuria: : done
17:00 Melophobia: : 00:57:350 - why not follow "wow!" ;_;
17:00 Kuria: : 00:57:350 (3) - okay
17:01 Melophobia: : cool :3
17:01 Melophobia: : 01:07:509 - ~
17:01 Kuria: : 01:07:509 (3) -
17:02 Melophobia: : ?_?
17:02 Melophobia: : 01:26:239 (1) -
17:02 Melophobia: : this one
17:02 Kuria: : d
17:02 Melophobia: : i think it's ok to start it at 01:25:921 -
17:02 Kuria: : yeah
17:03 Melophobia: : that's all i guess
17:03 Kuria: : \:D/
17:03 Melophobia: : i'll post the log~
and star :)
Topic Starter
thanks melo! \:D/
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  1. 00:07:826 (4) - move it under (2) end (turn off grid snap) to make contrast with
  2. patterns like 00:26:874 (1,2)
  3. 00:19:255 (1) - make higher volume claps at this slider?
  4. 00:21:794 (1) - ^
  5. 00:28:778 (4,5) - larger distance and go down is better flow here imo
  6. 00:31:318 (5) - ^
  7. 00:34:175 (7) - like this wwww?
  8. 00:54:017 (2,4) - jump._.
  9. 01:22:747 (5) - move it under (4) end

  1. I think AR-1 is better since Insane is AR8, Hard is better to use less >.>
  2. 00:48:778 (1,3) - try to make symmetry :D
  3. nice ww

  1. 00:28:620 (3) - end point 1 grid down to make the sliders look the same way
  2. 00:30:842 (2) - I think this stack may be hard for beginners to read, when they play with video, maybe don't stack it or change color?
  3. 00:41:159 (2,3) - blanket better these two wwwwww
  4. 01:16:080 (2) - currently the reverse arrow looks wrong, remove the slider point in the middle(?) it will go to the right direction

  1. 00:11:953 (2) - make it look symmetrical with red (2)
  2. 00:16:080 (2) - remove clap at reverse ._.
joshiraku wwwwwwwwwwwwww

Good luck~
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:



  1. 00:07:826 (4) - move it under (2) end (turn off grid snap) to make contrast with
  2. patterns like 00:26:874 (1,2) hmmm, for this part, i'm afraid that i can't do that since i'm not really like the flow from/to 00:07:509 (3,4,2) - if i make the (4) stacked with the endpoint of (2) (although the looks are better that way), since this for are somewhat a cosmetic one, i think make it like this for now is ok too
  3. 00:19:255 (1) - make higher volume claps at this slider? 65%
  4. 00:21:794 (1) - ^ same
  5. 00:28:778 (4,5) - larger distance and go down is better flow here imo not bad
  6. 00:31:318 (5) - ^ k
  7. 00:34:175 (7) - like this wwww? no, since i dont intended to make a note spacing more than 2,0 (lol i even not use more than 1,6) and i think using the previous pattern are more consistent with the song rhythm itself (i'm not see any reason to put a notes on 00:34:413 - , since i don't hear any authentic beats from the music on that part, according to my ears >_<)
  8. 00:54:017 (2,4) - jump._. i'm already do some stuff with melo b4 too, and still cant find a good form to make it a jump pattern orz
  9. 01:22:747 (5) - move it under (4) end no for the same reason as above XP

  1. I think AR-1 is better since Insane is AR8, Hard is better to use less >.> okay
  2. 00:48:778 (1,3) - try to make symmetry :D somewhat done
  3. nice ww

  1. 00:28:620 (3) - end point 1 grid down to make the sliders look the same way done
  2. 00:30:842 (2) - I think this stack may be hard for beginners to read, when they play with video, maybe don't stack it or change color? change color
  3. 00:41:159 (2,3) - blanket better these two wwwwww somewhat done
  4. 01:16:080 (2) - currently the reverse arrow looks wrong, remove the slider point in the middle(?) it will go to the right direction done

  1. 00:11:953 (2) - make it look symmetrical with red (2) done
  2. 00:16:080 (2) - remove clap at reverse ._. no, since i wanna make that pattern sound more emphasized with the repetitive drum voice from the song
joshiraku wwwwwwwwwwwwww

Good luck~
  1. Video Offset is -12ms (means the video start 12 ms before)Insert -12 in
  1. [Rhythm]
    1. 01:19:096 (3,4,5) - during the first play it seemed a bit strange, but after it flowed, but you could try this?
  1. [Graphic]
    1. 00:26:874 (1,2) - Suggesting, if not, please make them normal curves ç.ç
  1. [Rhythm]
    1. 00:01:318 (5) - I don't like using repeating 1/4 sliders when there's no really need to do it, and I consider it overmapping, a normal slider with a jump between (5) end and (1) feel better ( whistle at the end too?)
    2. 00:23:858 (5) - There is nothing, delete the note and stack (6) under (4) so you Start'n'Stop?
  2. [Graphic]
    1. 00:26:874 (1,2) - I know the reason you used this, but like ↓ feel better ( Ctrl+H and Ctrl+J one of the two sliders, or copyapaste the first then Ctr+H and Ctrl+J)
    2. 00:34:810 (1,2,3) - you can try forming a Tornado (make the first slider and make the other two by copypaste and rotate by 60°)
    3. 00:59:572 (3,4) - like 00:26:874 (1,2) -
    4. 01:09:731 (5,6) - ^
[MiniSkin(Only HitCircle set)]\
  1. Download
  2. Add "OverlayPosition: Below" in the [General] part of the .osu
  3. Add "SliderBorder: 255,255,255" in the [Colours] part of the .osu
Hi~ :)

  1. add a "opening" in Tags
  2. Please use this hitsound.(soft-hitfinish2)
    This suggestion not have to use for enforce.But This fits well with back sound of this place
    00:15:445 - 
    00:17:032 - maybe?
    00:54:810 -
    01:19:572 -
    01:25:286 -

  1. 00:01:794 (2) - spacing....nazi(Prev:x0.90 Next:x1.10)
  2. 00:25:604 (2,3,1) - make this?(suggestion)It looks better.   overlapped 00:24:334 (1,3) now....
    (00:23:382 (2) slider end and 00:26:556 (3) slider start is same place.)
  3. 00:37:350 (1) - spacing....sorry,nazi(Prev:x0.99 Next:x0.82)
  4. 00:54:493 (4) - increase volume 10%(suggestion)
  5. 00:58:937 (3) - add a whistle(slider start)
  6. 01:02:747 (1,2) - make this?(suggestion) It looks will be better flow.
  7. 01:11:636 (2) - spacing....(Prev:x0.91 Next:x0.99)
  8. 01:19:572 (3) - remove whistle(slider end)

  1. 00:04:017 (2) - How about this?(suggestion) In the same direction with 00:03:064 (1).
  2. 00:08:461 (1,2,3) - make this?(suggestion) It looks better.
    (00:08:461 (1,2,3) is copy&paste by 00:10:842 (1).)
  3. 00:30:842 (2) - Don't stack please....It looks so hard for beginner(Can't predict the rhythm by Distance spacing)
  4. 01:19:255 (1) - remove whistle(slider end)
  5. 01:14:810 (4) - please change one reverse and one circle.( round trip slider(many times) is difficult for beginner )
    If you try to fix this, I will suggest circle placement
    circle place ment
    01:14:810 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3) 01:16:874 (1,2,3) - It almost doesn't change. just moves)
    01:14:810 (4,5) -
    01:15:604 (1,2,3) - (01:15:604 (1,2) is opposite flow and same direction.)
    01:16:874 (1,2,3) -

  1. please make this.It looks better sorry,nazi :?
    (It just copy&paste by 00:01:001 (2). I think,not have to use code. :lol: )
  2. 00:07:509 (6,7) - Please increase volume just here by 5%.(slider start) It's accent for three consecutive clap.
  3. 00:10:048 (6,7) - ^
  4. 00:36:239 (1) - remove whistle(slider start)
  5. 00:36:398 (1) - add a whistle(slider end)
  6. 00:36:715 (4) - add a whistle
  7. 00:36:874 (5) - remove whistle(slider start)
  8. 00:41:794 (5) - add a whistle(slider start)
  9. 00:42:112 (6) - remove whistle
  10. 00:51:953 (3) - add a whistle(slider start)
  11. 00:52:271 (3) - remove whistle(slider end)
  12. 01:04:810 (4) - make this rhythm? I feel strange to play.
  13. 01:09:731 (3,4) - make this rhythm?(suggestion) It looks fits song. Yoi Yoi!! \:D/

  1. 00:07:509 (3,4) - sane as Hard diff
  2. 00:10:048 (2,3) - ^
  3. 00:23:699 (4,5,6,7,8) - make this? It looks better.
  4. 00:33:858 (5,6) - make this?(suggestion)
    This is overlapped for (7)
  5. 00:53:858 (1,2) - more jump please.It's fun to play.
    Like this example (this is DS x:1.60)

sorry poor mod.... :? If my mod is not kudos please
Hope your help ~ Good luck!! :)

EDIT:sorry mistake (picture missed) sorry,Fixed it

[*]01:04:810 (4) - make this rhythm? I feel strange to play.
Topic Starter

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

  1. Video Offset is -12ms (means the video start 12 ms before)Insert -12 in done adjusting~
  1. [Rhythm]
    1. 01:19:096 (3,4,5) - during the first play it seemed a bit strange, but after it flowed, but you could try this? ah, this is what i trying to find :D
  1. [Graphic]
    1. 00:26:874 (1,2) - Suggesting, if not, please make them normal curves ç.ç not bad
  1. [Rhythm]
    1. 00:01:318 (5) - I don't like using repeating 1/4 sliders when there's no really need to do it, and I consider it overmapping, a normal slider with a jump between (5) end and (1) feel better ( whistle at the end too?) ah, this one is good, i'll adjusted it liks you suggest.
      for the whistle, i'm also rearrange the whistle pattern for the first part of the song, :3

    2. 00:23:858 (5) - There is nothing, delete the note and stack (6) under (4) so you Start'n'Stop? no, actually i kinda not like this kind of anti jump (i remember this kind of form are called by that, maybe i'm wrong), also by the song played like that, i think it's not really bad to make the curved tap pattern on that part (actually i like that kind of pattern flow there, although some ppl maybe call this overmapping too, but it really play well that i think many ppl will get along automatically) so i can't change this, sorry >_<
  2. [Graphic]
    1. 00:26:874 (1,2) - I know the reason you used this, but like ↓ feel better ( Ctrl+H and Ctrl+J one of the two sliders, or copyapaste the first then Ctr+H and Ctrl+J)no, because the way they sang on that part (the "hai hai" one) it the tone that the gave there are up-down-updown, so i think it will be really intuitive if i make the slider shape direction for that 2 slider to curved shape that goes to up and then down (like my current one)
    2. 00:34:810 (1,2,3) - you can try forming a Tornado (make the first slider and make the other two by copypaste and rotate by 60°) 120 degrees
    3. 00:59:572 (3,4) - like 00:26:874 (1,2) -
    4. 01:09:731 (5,6) - ^
    no for both because of the same reason above orz
[MiniSkin(Only HitCircle set)]\
  1. Download
  2. Add "OverlayPosition: Below" in the [General] part of the .osu
  3. Add "SliderBorder: 255,255,255" in the [Colours] part of the .osu
thanks for the mod^^
Topic Starter

Lizsig wrote:

Hi~ :)

  1. add a "opening" in Tags yeah
  2. Please use this hitsound.(soft-hitfinish2)
    This suggestion not have to use for enforce.But This fits well with back sound of this place ah, this is what i try to find since b4 :D
    00:15:445 -  [color=#0000FF]yeah[/color]
    00:17:032 - maybe? [color=#0000FF]i dont think so, since the drum are already played on that part[/color]
    00:54:810 - [color=#0000FF]i'm not put any notes there so i cant put it (except normal spinner) >_<[/color]
    01:19:572 - [color=#0000FF]ye (except insane)[/color]
    01:25:286 - [color=#0000FF]ye[/color]

  1. 00:01:794 (2) - spacing....nazi(Prev:x0.90 Next:x1.10) fixd
  2. 00:25:604 (2,3,1) - make this?(suggestion)It looks better.   overlapped 00:24:334 (1,3) now.... fix'd!
    (00:23:382 (2) slider end and 00:26:556 (3) slider start is same place.)
  3. 00:37:350 (1) - spacing....sorry,nazi(Prev:x0.99 Next:x0.82) fix'd
  4. 00:54:493 (4) - increase volume 10%(suggestion) not bad
  5. 00:58:937 (3) - add a whistle(slider start) looks like i forgot to add here, thanks
  6. 01:02:747 (1,2) - make this?(suggestion) It looks will be better flow. yeah i'm agree
  7. 01:11:636 (2) - spacing....(Prev:x0.91 Next:x0.99) fixd
  8. 01:19:572 (3) - remove whistle(slider end) fixd

  1. 00:04:017 (2) - How about this?(suggestion) In the same direction with 00:03:064 (1). okay
  2. 00:08:461 (1,2,3) - make this?(suggestion) It looks better. ah, i like this Z direction XD
    (00:08:461 (1,2,3) is copy&paste by 00:10:842 (1).)
  3. 00:30:842 (2) - Don't stack please....It looks so hard for beginner(Can't predict the rhythm by Distance spacing) ok then, unstacked >_<
  4. 01:19:255 (1) - remove whistle(slider end) k
  5. 01:14:810 (4) - please change one reverse and one circle.( round trip slider(many times) is difficult for beginner )
    If you try to fix this, I will suggest circle placement agree with most of them, much better now T_Tb
    circle place ment
    01:14:810 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3) 01:16:874 (1,2,3) - It almost doesn't change. just moves)
    01:14:810 (4,5) -
    01:15:604 (1,2,3) - (01:15:604 (1,2) is opposite flow and same direction.)
    01:16:874 (1,2,3) -

  1. please make this.It looks better sorry,nazi :? okay
    (It just copy&paste by 00:01:001 (2). I think,not have to use code. :lol: )
  2. 00:07:509 (6,7) - Please increase volume just here by 5%.(slider start) It's accent for three consecutive clap. okay
  3. 00:10:048 (6,7) - ^ yeah
  4. 00:36:239 (1) - remove whistle(slider start)
  5. 00:36:398 (1) - add a whistle(slider end)
  6. 00:36:715 (4) - add a whistle
  7. 00:36:874 (5) - remove whistle(slider start)
  8. 00:41:794 (5) - add a whistle(slider start)
  9. 00:42:112 (6) - remove whistle
  10. 00:51:953 (3) - add a whistle(slider start)
  11. 00:52:271 (3) - remove whistle(slider end)
    fix'd all hitsound pattern, seems better after i hear it \o/
  12. 01:04:810 (4) - make this rhythm? I feel strange to play. aah, looks like you're mistaking the picture there, it shows the previous pic from the normal diff.
    and yeah, i'm kinda uneasy with the the way the hitsounds play there, especially 01:04:969 - since they were 2 kinds of sounds that play on that timing orz

  13. 01:09:731 (3,4) - make this rhythm?(suggestion) It looks fits song. Yoi Yoi!! \:D/ uuuu, i dont think so for this part, since the way the song plays there, 1/4 beats voice are more standout than 1/8, so, sorry but i'll keep it as now >_<
    But maybe i'll change that pattern soon, i feel that this one still a bit awkward though orz

  1. 00:07:509 (3,4) - sane as Hard diff
  2. 00:10:048 (2,3) - ^
    done above
  3. 00:23:699 (4,5,6,7,8) - make this? It looks better. good one
  4. 00:33:858 (5,6) - make this?(suggestion) done
    This is overlapped for (7)
  5. 00:53:858 (1,2) - more jump please.It's fun to play. ill try to make it flow good :3
    Like this example (this is DS x:1.60)

sorry poor mod.... :? If my mod is not kudos please no, it was a reeally helpful one, i'm so glad that i was receiving this now :D
Hope your help ~ Good luck!! :)
thank you very much for the mod!
PM Request


00:36:398(2)- Less steep angle on this slider to make it line up with 00:37:350(1) better?
00:58:937(3,1)- Maybe make these line up better?
01:07:826(1,2,3)- The spacing difference between (1,2) and (2,3) is really small, but I noticed it in my initial playthrough. Nazi, but if you can make both spaced 1.00.
01:19:096(3)- NC to be consistent with the previous part.

00:10:048(2)- Reshape this to fit more cleanly with 00:08:461(1)
00:25:763(3)- Move this to 316,104 so that it lines up more with the endpoint of (2).
00:31:636(4,5)- Line these up? You have it almost lined up but not quite.
00:32:588(1)- Nazi, but maybe move this to 156,268 to have a cleaner blanket with (6)?
00:39:890(1,2)- (2) doesn't quite follow the curve of (1), so maybe line 2 up more with 1 to make it follow the curve better?
00:51:953(5)- Angle this down a bit more to make it fit the curve made by (2,3,4)

It's probably not accurate to call this difficulty Hard. It's rated 4.96, and AIMod says that it is an Insane difficulty as well. Thsi is just my little pet peeve though, so probably not that big of a deal.

00:09:890(5)- This is a bit awkward to play. Maybe reposition to have it follow the curve of (4) better.


Topic Starter

Moway wrote:

PM Request


00:36:398(2)- Less steep angle on this slider to make it line up with 00:37:350(1) better? somewhat fix'd
00:58:937(3,1)- Maybe make these line up better? done
01:07:826(1,2,3)- The spacing difference between (1,2) and (2,3) is really small, but I noticed it in my initial playthrough. Nazi, but if you can make both spaced 1.00. done
01:19:096(3)- NC to be consistent with the previous part. sorry it was my mistake >_<

00:10:048(2)- Reshape this to fit more cleanly with 00:08:461(1) no, actually this pattern are suggested by lizsig b4, and i really like how the cursor direction move there, so i'll not change this >_<
00:25:763(3)- Move this to 316,104 so that it lines up more with the endpoint of (2). k
00:31:636(4,5)- Line these up? You have it almost lined up but not quite. i'm change the notes position a bit on that pattern, and sorry too but i dont want to lined up this 00:31:159 (3,4) - because i'm more prefer that the slider direction on this way are flowed better than the line up one >_<
00:32:588(1)- Nazi, but maybe move this to 156,268 to have a cleaner blanket with (6)? done
00:39:890(1,2)- (2) doesn't quite follow the curve of (1), so maybe line 2 up more with 1 to make it follow the curve better? done
00:51:953(5)- Angle this down a bit more to make it fit the curve made by (2,3,4) somewhat done, but looks like dont have much difference than b4 XP

It's probably not accurate to call this difficulty Hard. It's rated 4.96, and AIMod says that it is an Insane difficulty as well. Thsi is just my little pet peeve though, so probably not that big of a deal. lol i can't trust AIMod anymore since i'm following them all on my first map b4, and it was resulted to many ppl call my map is kinda too easy/mess although the AIMod tell them it was hard level already

00:09:890(5)- This is a bit awkward to play. Maybe reposition to have it follow the curve of (4) better. reformed


updated, thanks^^
Hi:3 In-game via PM.


●00:03:064 - This green line is unnecessary.
●00:00:525 (1) - spacing too close (0.90x) it is better to use DS1.0x
●00:37:350 (1,2) - make equal slider? so looks better.
●00:53:223 (2) - spacing too close (1.04x) change to 0.97 ~ 1.03
●00:53:858 (3,4) - add finish.
●01:00:207 (1) - spacing too close (0.92x) it is better to use DS1.0x

●00:03:064 - This green line is unnecessary.
●00:02:747 - add should follow the stronger sound o.o
●00:53:858 (4,5) - same,Easy diff

●00:29:413 (7) - add New combo. like this your pattern at 00:31:953 (1) -
●00:41:794 (5) - miss map set ? o.o This jump spacing (2.40x) is very hard ><
●01:02:112 (3) - Ctrl+R ? make a little jump . like this your jump 00:57:350 (4) -
●01:15:763 (2) - bend it to the opposite direction
●01:18:778 (3) - this slider is confusing many players . my suggestions →
If you follow my suggestions, many player would prevent miss >.<

●01:06:398 (1) - add whistle on the slider's head .

good song and good map ~ <3

shoot a star ~☆ go go rank :3
Topic Starter

alacat wrote:

Hi:3 In-game via PM.


●00:03:064 - This green line is unnecessary.
●00:00:525 (1) - spacing too close (0.90x) it is better to use DS1.0x
●00:37:350 (1,2) - make equal slider? so looks better.
●00:53:223 (2) - spacing too close (1.04x) change to 0.97 ~ 1.03
●00:53:858 (3,4) - add finish. no, since i'm already put the clap too there, i think adding the finish sound along will make it a bit too loud :3
●01:00:207 (1) - spacing too close (0.92x) it is better to use DS1.0x

fix'd all above expect the one i give comment :P

●00:03:064 - This green line is unnecessary.
●00:02:747 - add should follow the stronger sound o.o
●00:53:858 (4,5) - same,Easy diff no for the same reason >_<

fix'd all above expect the one i give comment :P

●00:29:413 (7) - add New combo. like this your pattern at 00:31:953 (1) -
●00:41:794 (5) - miss map set ? o.o This jump spacing (2.40x) is very hard >< thatnks for reminding this error XD
●01:02:112 (3) - Ctrl+R ? make a little jump . like this your jump 00:57:350 (4) - no, since i saw that both way are kinda similar and i think my current jump pattern are a bit more suited for the jump pattern of hard diff >_<
●01:15:763 (2) - bend it to the opposite direction i'm a bit unsure for this one, so i think ill keep it as the current one now orz
●01:18:778 (3) - this slider is confusing many players . my suggestions →
If you follow my suggestions, many player would prevent miss >.< i'm still not sure too for this one, on the other side, i wanna keep this to make it match with the drum voice, but i still doubt that this 4 repeat is a bit too hard for hard level orz, maybe i'll do something for this later, still dunno the good notes/slider position to following your suggestion >_<

fix'd all above expect the one i give comment :P

●01:06:398 (1) - add whistle on the slider's head . k

good song and good map ~ <3

shoot a star ~☆ go go rank :3
thanks for the mod and star :D
Hey :D


00:44:969 (3) - Add a New Combo here? By doing that you could follow the drums here ^^
00:54:493 (4) - Imho,here it would fit better a 1/2 slider instead of a simple note,I suggest you to add it


00:03:064 (5) - Add a New Combo here,it will the prevent the long combo and you did so in all the other diffs ^^
00:13:223 (1) - This is a bit nazi,but instead move this at x:192 y:200,I think that a linear flow would be better here,instead of using a really wide triangle-shaped pattern
01:19:572 (1) - That's most likely an aesthetic thing,but you could add a curve here by adding a waypoint at x:256 y:336,it really looks better with 01:20:048 (2) - :D


00:34:651 (7) - Put this at x:320 y:32?
01:04:810 (4) - Rythm-wise,I feel like you should follow all the 1/4 drums,instead of doing just a 1/1 1/4 slider,so I suggest you to add a repeat here and place it over 01:05:286 (1) - (if you want,you can stack,too ^^)


00:04:969 (4) - Put this at x:96 y:272? A little jump would fit good here,because of the change of the pitch in the singer's voice :D
01:05:207 - Same as hard,I suggest you to add a note here
01:20:366 (1) - After listening to 01:19:255 (1,4) - ,I kinda expected a little 1/2 twist at 01:20:366 (1) - ,but instead you didn't do that. What do you think of instead moving this 1/2 later adding a note at 01:20:366 - ? (just a suggestion,ignore if you want ^^)

Well made map,really solid and good pattern-wise. Good luck with your map,and sorry if my mod has been useless to you :D

haven't forgotten about the spinner, will finish soon hopefully ><

hmm ..couldn't find much for now here

  1. 00:29:731 (5) - nzai, but make sure its at x:272 y:168 so that 00:30:048 (1) - blankets perfectly
  2. 01:01:477 (3) - center point to x:272 y:256
  3. 01:03:699 (2,3,4) - consider making these notes the same pattern as 00:04:017 (6,7) -
  1. 00:07:826 (7) - try reversing like this?: it might flow better (if u follow, u might need to adjust a couple notes around it ><)
  2. 00:23:223 (4) - NC here and remove the NC on the next note (because it is inconsistent with the combo at 00:20:683 (4,1) - )
  3. 00:49:969 (2) - this note doesnt seem necessary, its fine i guess in the insane, but not fitting here
  4. 01:15:763 (2) - ctrl+r (to match 01:16:556 (1,2) - )
  1. 00:17:032 (9) - add a finish here (because u added it at similar part 00:19:255 (1) - )
  2. 01:12:905 (1) - add finish
  3. 01:13:540 (5) - here too?
  4. 01:20:366 (1) - instead of a long slider, it might fit more if you have it like: (single note then 1/2 slider)
nice song and map :)
Topic Starter

-kevincela- wrote:

Hey :D


00:44:969 (3) - Add a New Combo here? By doing that you could follow the drums here ^^ k
00:54:493 (4) - Imho,here it would fit better a 1/2 slider instead of a simple note,I suggest you to add it i'm not sure about it, the way the guitar was played, i'm prefer to make it the one beat sound like notes than slider >_<


00:03:064 (5) - Add a New Combo here,it will the prevent the long combo and you did so in all the other diffs ^^
00:13:223 (1) - This is a bit nazi,but instead move this at x:192 y:200,I think that a linear flow would be better here,instead of using a really wide triangle-shaped pattern
01:19:572 (1) - That's most likely an aesthetic thing,but you could add a curve here by adding a waypoint at x:256 y:336,it really looks better with 01:20:048 (2) - :D

done all


00:34:651 (7) - Put this at x:320 y:32? the jump flow are kinda awkward for 00:34:651 (7,1) - part, so sorry but i can't change this >_<
01:04:810 (4) - Rythm-wise,I feel like you should follow all the 1/4 drums,instead of doing just a 1/1 1/4 slider,so I suggest you to add a repeat here and place it over 01:05:286 (1) - (if you want,you can stack,too ^^) k


00:04:969 (4) - Put this at x:96 y:272? A little jump would fit good here,because of the change of the pitch in the singer's voice :D x95 y271
01:05:207 - Same as hard,I suggest you to add a note here lets try tihis for now
01:20:366 (1) - After listening to 01:19:255 (1,4) - ,I kinda expected a little 1/2 twist at 01:20:366 (1) - ,but instead you didn't do that. What do you think of instead moving this 1/2 later adding a note at 01:20:366 - ? (just a suggestion,ignore if you want ^^) change this slider now

Well made map,really solid and good pattern-wise. Good luck with your map,and sorry if my mod has been useless to you :D
thanks for mod^^
Topic Starter

meiikyuu wrote:

haven't forgotten about the spinner, will finish soon hopefully ><

hmm ..couldn't find much for now here \o/

  1. 00:29:731 (5) - nzai, but make sure its at x:272 y:168 so that 00:30:048 (1) - blankets perfectly
  2. 01:01:477 (3) - center point to x:272 y:256 k
  3. 01:03:699 (2,3,4) - consider making these notes the same pattern as 00:04:017 (6,7) - k
  1. 00:07:826 (7) - try reversing like this?: it might flow better (if u follow, u might need to adjust a couple notes around it ><) k
  2. 00:23:223 (4) - NC here and remove the NC on the next note (because it is inconsistent with the combo at 00:20:683 (4,1) - ) k
  3. 00:49:969 (2) - this note doesnt seem necessary, its fine i guess in the insane, but not fitting here lets try remove that note for now :)
  4. 01:15:763 (2) - ctrl+r (to match 01:16:556 (1,2) - ) after several same suggestion, okay then
  1. 00:17:032 (9) - add a finish here (because u added it at similar part 00:19:255 (1) - ) k
  2. 01:12:905 (1) - add finish k
  3. 01:13:540 (5) - here too? k
  4. 01:20:366 (1) - instead of a long slider, it might fit more if you have it like: (single note then 1/2 slider) already fix'd from the previous mod^^
nice song and map :) [color=#0000FF]:D[/color]
thanks for always meiikyuu \o\
hey sorry about the delay. mod requested on my queue.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.


consider increasing the HP and OD by 1 to make the diff settings balanced?
00:07:191 (3) - maybe add a whistle at the end for more effect in the vocals in this part of the song?
00:09:731 (3) - ^
00:15:445 (1) - replace this for 2 circles. the beginning is still following a bit of the vocals in the beginning if you listen carefully, and the end should be a NC because it follows the instrumental, or you can extend (3) by 1/1 to follow the full hold in the vocals, but my suggestion about the circle stays as it is.
00:58:937 (3) - maybe a whistle at the beginning to match the vocals? i feel that a hitsound is missing in this part of the song.
01:09:096 (3,1) - i suggest making these 2 sliders symmetrical and aligning them like this. i think doing this would make the flow smoother to the song during gameplay.
01:16:556 (1) - add a whistle with the clap at the end. it'll be consistent with the other (1)'s since the vocals sounds the same in this part of the song.

same as easy about the diff settings.
00:10:048 (2) - consider replacing this for 2 circles. i feel that it'll technically be consistent with (3,4,5) at the previous combo.
00:16:398 (2,3) - i suggest replacing this for a 1/2 repeat slider and a circle. i think doing this would be easier for players during gameplay as they have to hold and then hit rather than alternate at a fast rate since the BPM is slightly high.
00:47:032 (3) - i feel that the beginning of this slider doesn't fit since it isn't following the vocals for this. i feel that a circle at the 1/1 tick would fit since it's following the vocals in this part.
01:04:175 (3) - i suggest replacing this for a circle and a 1/1 slider. it'll follow the vocals a lot accurate as there's a change in the vocals at the 1/2 tick. i feel that this 2/2 slider doesn't fit with this part mainly because of the vocals.

same as easy, but this is up to you: increase the HP by 1 to put a bit of a challenge for other players who play this diff.
00:02:112 (2) - this repeat breaks the flow and feeling to the song IMO. i felt uncomfortable when i hit that slider. remove it and replace it for a circle. i think doing this would flow to the song smoother during gameplay.
00:05:128 (4) - consider adding claps here to match the drums in the song. i feel that a hitsound is missing here to match the drums.
00:27:191 (2) - i feel that this should be Ctrl+R to emphasize the vocals for this.
00:29:413 (1) - remove the NC for this. yes it follows the vocals, but it'll be consistent with the other 1/1 slider that are following the guitar for this.
00:31:953 (1) - ^
01:26:239 (1) - i feel that this should start before the circle to follow up the guitar.

00:02:112 (3) - same as hard.
00:05:128 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
00:19:255 (1) - remove the NC for this for consistency with the hard diff.
00:21:794 (1) - ^
00:23:223 (3) - ^
00:29:413 (1) - ^
00:31:953 (1) - ^
00:34:175 (7) - move this down so that the gap for the triangle formation is even. i don't like how the spacing suddenly changes because the flow is already gone IMO.
00:52:905 (2,3,4) - convert these sliders to a stream to challenge players. i feel that since this is the last diff, there should be a challenge for players to clear.
00:55:763 (3) - make this a curved slider. i feel that a straight slider breaks the flow since it ruins that flowy feeling to the map for this combo. something like this should work.
00:59:890 (4) - same as 00:27:191 on hard.
01:10:048 (6) - ^
01:23:223 - add a circle here to follow the guitar for this part of the song?
01:26:239 (1) - same as hard.

I guess that's it. GL :D


00:16:715 (7) - it plays better to me if you use 2 circles instead of slider...but it won't affect too much.
00:54:017 (2,3) - try stacking them?
01:23:223 - I think there should be a note here.


00:00:525 (1) - personally I don't like to see hard beat on slidertick, it feels weird when you hear the hitsound but find no circle there. I'd recommend using repeatslider instead, so that you can put this hitsound on a circle.


00:04:810 - remove this tick hitsound? it's too close to the end of this slider and may confuse the player. or you can also add a clap on the end of slider.
01:04:493 - ^
01:14:334 - ^


this diff is fine, though the hitsound is not so smooth...but I think you can't do anything now, so just let it be.

nice map~ good luck
Snowy Dream
Mod request from PM Req

Nice :3

00:55:763 (3,4) - try this~ and then remove the slider tick on (4)

00:34:175 (6) - spacing?
00:34:810 (1) - u can also try this

00:50:048 (2) - should be a slider start from here ,so exchange (2)and(3)

00:02:588 (4) - make the spacing look like the same as 3→2→4
00:27:191 (2) - ctrl+r~
00:59:890 (4) - ^
01:10:048 (6) - ^
Good Job
Excellent Mapset!
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

hey sorry about the delay. mod requested on my queue.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.

01:09:096 (3,1) - i suggest making these 2 sliders symmetrical and aligning them like this. i think doing this would make the flow smoother to the song during gameplay. hmm, imo i dont actually like the symmetrical pattern position like this (exept if it was forming a rounding flow which is good), since i find that bioth slider direction are good, so i'll keeping this :3

same as easy about the diff settings.
00:10:048 (2) - consider replacing this for 2 circles. i feel that it'll technically be consistent with (3,4,5) at the previous combo. no, actually i'm intended to putting a rhythm variation on this pattern, so i'm putting slider instead notes here
00:16:398 (2,3) - i suggest replacing this for a 1/2 repeat slider and a circle. i think doing this would be easier for players during gameplay as they have to hold and then hit rather than alternate at a fast rate since the BPM is slightly high. yeah, that one is works too, but i wanna make it like this sincei dont think it was quite hard to play this part as the normal diff, just looking at the bpm the ppl will know that the map will be a bit challenging even for the easier dif, so i guess they'll expect something like this to come rather than the easier pattern one
00:47:032 (3) - i feel that the beginning of this slider doesn't fit since it isn't following the vocals for this. i feel that a circle at the 1/1 tick would fit since it's following the vocals in this part. i'm try to follow the instrument on this part^^

00:02:112 (2) - this repeat breaks the flow and feeling to the song IMO. i felt uncomfortable when i hit that slider. remove it and replace it for a circle. i think doing this would flow to the song smoother during gameplay. i dont think so, the way the singer sing on that timing are match well with the repeat slider that directed from up to down, since the singer sing with that such tempo too (down-up-down), so i guess make it this way are more intuitive although it doesnt make/form a better flow on this part
00:27:191 (2) - i feel that this should be Ctrl+R to emphasize the vocals for this. i dont want to do that, since i dont like the flow between 00:27:191 (2,1) - if i'm reverse the direction of 00:27:191 (2) - T_T

00:02:112 (3) - same as hard. same reason T_T
00:52:905 (2,3,4) - convert these sliders to a stream to challenge players. i feel that since this is the last diff, there should be a challenge for players to clear. a bit too hard to play for a player with certain style (mouse only), the 1/8 drums voice is a bit long and with this bpm, i'm afraid that not everyone will be able to fully enjoyed this, depite that it can be more challenging with the other user that play with kb and such
00:59:890 (4) - same as 00:27:191 on hard. no for the same reason >_<
01:10:048 (6) - ^ same as above
01:23:223 - add a circle here to follow the guitar for this part of the song? im following the japanese guitar on this part :3

fix'd everything except above

I guess that's it. GL :D
thanks for mod byaku :3
you'll grave this? o.o
Topic Starter

Sandpig wrote:



00:16:715 (7) - it plays better to me if you use 2 circles instead of slider...but it won't affect too much. i put the slider here since i think full notes from 00:16:080 (2) - til 00:17:032 (9) - is a bit hard to follow on this bpm >_<
01:23:223 - I think there should be a note here. the angle is a bit hard to put a notes here, so i leave it blank, besides the song transition is pretty match too if im make this blank

nice map~ good luck

Snowy Dream wrote:

Mod request from PM Req

00:55:763 (3,4) - try this~ and then remove the slider tick on (4) not really sure for this pattern, i think its a bit complex to play since this is normal diff, also i wanna keep the 1/1 beats here xD

Good Job
Excellent Mapset!

revii~~~~ved!! T_T
thanks and sorry you two for the mod and late respond orz
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ Kuria ~ :)

Mod time for my Lucky Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Inconsistent Artist/TitleUnicode,pls check osu file and fix.
  2. Kiai time end to 01:20:524 is better.
  3. Increase volume 5% to 15% pls.


  1. 00:26:874 (1,2) - Try perfect stack to end point.
  2. 00:54:810 - You should add a circle to here,really fitting with music.
  3. 01:26:080 (1) - Start on blue tick is better.
  4. 01:20:524 - Change to default soft finish.


  1. OD+1 is better.
  2. 00:00:525 - Missing Add finish to here.
  3. 01:26:080 (1) - Same as Insane.


  1. 00:00:525 - Missing Add clap to here.
  2. 00:04:810 - Mute this clap.
  3. 00:05:286 - Remove whistle and Add clap.
  4. 00:09:493 ~ 00:11:318 - Use 5% volume is unrankable.
  5. 01:08:461 ~ 01:13:699 - Why you change SC:2 hitsound?
  6. 01:20:524 - Change to default soft finish.


  1. 00:00:525 - Missing Add clap to here.
  2. 01:02:747 - Add whistle.

That's all ~ Really awesome map ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ Kuria ~ :)

Mod time for my Lucky Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Inconsistent Artist/TitleUnicode,pls check osu file and fix. mmm i cant find the wrong part on this, would like to know the more specific fault >_<

That's all ~ Really awesome map ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
fix'd everything except the metadata since i still cant find the fault orz
thanks rika xD
Kawayi Rika
Recheck ~ no kds pls ~


  1. 00:00:525 - Still no add finish.


  1. 01:08:461 ~ 01:13:699 - Still no change SC:1 hitsound to here.

Also fix unicode,like this :

Call me back ~
Topic Starter
kk, fi'd everything once again :)
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Looks all fine now ~

Here you go :3

Topic Starter
thank you rika-chan =w=b

00:16:398 (3,4,5) - Remove this triplet and make a slider instead, since there aren't other in this difficulty.


00:34:810 (1,2,3) - Stack them better.
01:23:223 - It really feels like you're missing a circle here.

Nice map :3
Topic Starter
done everything, hope its fine enough lol
Fixed a new combo on IRC.

congrats ^^/
Gratz !
Yuji Tokaji
Congratz !! ~
Topic Starter
thanks andre, thanks everyone xD
Congratz, nice one :3
wow you revived it o.o

congratz on the rank ;)
Ohhhhhh <3
Nc map~ ;)
Congratz Twin bro ~
I just log on, I'm happy to see this ranked. Congratulation!
Topic Starter
@Twin: yeah that was really fast in some way xD
thanks again everyone!
Nice map, I like Insane so much.
WOW amazing feel and balance in the insane
love this map
NICE JOB Deserves a favourite
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