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早灣 >w<
抱歉 咱來遲了 ;w; .. 完全忘了這件事情 ...
Request from In-game.

  • "re" 意思是 "remove"
    黑色 只是建議,不喜歡可以略過~OAO
    藍色 是要討論的問題
    紅色 是unrankable


  1. 奇怪,明明有影片 可是咱在MOD Easy,Normal,Hard,時沒影片跑出來 insane卻跑出來了!!! loool ?


  1. 00:17:953 (2) - 總覺得這有點怪怪的 ... 突然發現原來這裡的sound是在藍線 , 那要不要乾脆re這個note?
  2. 01:09:553 (1) - 第2個點 x:368 y:348 ?~
  3. 01:11:153 (3) - 第2個點 x:400 y:148
  4. 01:15:953 (3) - NC~


  1. 00:03:953 (1) - 紅點在x:96 y:48

[Regou's Hard]

  1. 00:22:953 (3) - 第3個點 x:184 y:224 ?~
  2. 01:24:653 (4) - 第2個點 x:228 y:84 , 第3個點 x:308 y:96 ~?


  1. 00:11:953 (1,2,3,4) - 這可能會讓人當成是1/4 因為間距跟00:07:653 (5,6) - 很像
  2. 00:12:753 (1,2,3) - ^
good song & good luck ~ star
嘛~ 咱好想吃掉那烏賊 看起來可以烤
Topic Starter

l1106188 wrote:

早灣 >w<
抱歉 咱來遲了 ;w; .. 完全忘了這件事情 ...
Request from In-game.

  • "re" 意思是 "remove"
    黑色 只是建議,不喜歡可以略過~OAO
    藍色 是要討論的問題
    紅色 是unrankable


  1. 奇怪,明明有影片 可是咱在MOD Easy,Normal,Hard,時沒影片跑出來 insane卻跑出來了!!! loool ? 我每次都忘記這個QAQ fixed!!!


  1. 00:17:953 (2) - 總覺得這有點怪怪的 ... 突然發現原來這裡的sound是在藍線 , 那要不要乾脆re這個note? 刪掉了TAT
  2. 01:09:553 (1) - 第2個點 x:368 y:348 ?~ 好!
  3. 01:11:153 (3) - 第2個點 x:400 y:148 ^ (不過我是直接複製上面再搬過來所以不確定座標>_>)
  4. 01:15:953 (3) - NC~ OK!


  1. 00:03:953 (1) - 紅點在x:96 y:48 好OAO

[Regou's Hard]

  1. 00:22:953 (3) - 第3個點 x:184 y:224 ?~ 我幫Regou修了=w=
  2. 01:24:653 (4) - 第2個點 x:228 y:84 , 第3個點 x:308 y:96 ~? ^


  1. 00:11:953 (1,2,3,4) - 這可能會讓人當成是1/4 因為間距跟00:07:653 (5,6) - 很像 改成1.2x了~
  2. 00:12:753 (1,2,3) - ^^
good song & good luck ~ star 謝謝l18!!!
嘛~ 咱好想吃掉那烏賊 看起來可以烤 QAQ!!

thank you for your request

  1. size of the video is so large, but at the beginning of the video, there are a lot of noise and it looks really should improve quality of the video, or reduce the size of video file.
  • too many ticks. set tick rate to 1.
    00:26:353 (4) - replace with 3/2 slider. newbie player may be broken his rhythm because of this blue tick.
    also, you made Normal as a bit harder, so you should make Easy as really easy. same as other sliders.
  • 00:23:753 (4) - replace with a 1/2 slider since there is strong sound at 00:23:953?
    00:42:353 (3,4) - replace with reversing slider like 00:39:153 (1). to put note on blue tick is enough to cause mistake for newbie players.
[Regou's Hard]
  • 00:12:653 (3,5) - remove these notes. to combine 1/3 and 1/4 rhythm at the same time will cause confusing.
    00:14:619 (3,4) - I recommend you not to stack these notes and keep distance snap because these notes are on 1/3 divisor.
    to make stacking, it becomes hard to read whether it's 1/4 rhythm or 1/3 one.
    00:19:153 (3) - when I put a circle to the accent of lyrics, it maybe becomes like this.this slider ignores half of them, so I feel something unnatural to it. can you follow the song better? btw, I like the rhythm of 00:31:153 (1,2,3,4,5).
    00:47:153 (3) - ^
  • 00:04:553 (3,4) - make them parallel? I suggest this because you make 00:02:953 (5,6) parallel.
    00:05:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - how about place them along with the video? in the song, the lyrics "migi yoshi hidari yoshi" means "right, left".
    so how about repeat the same rhythm and placement twice like this?00:09:953 (4,5) - hmm...why is there so large jump between 4 and 5? I feel certain melody in the song.
    00:11:953 (1,2,3,4) - to combine 1/3 rhythm is fine and surely it makes interesting, but if you do it suddenly, it may cause confusing.
    this can be solved if you put some slider which has 1/3 rhythm like 00:13:553 (1,2) before circle stream. so replace 1~3 with slider.
    then, replace 00:13:553 (1,1) with circle stream. it goes well imo.
    00:19:453 (7) - hmm...this stream seems loose for me. remove this note and put punctuation here.
    00:33:553 (4,5) - these notes doesn't follow the music well. how about this rhythm?also you use kick reverse slider like 00:31:853 (3), so this rhythm fits your map imo. if you feel lonely at 00:34:153, you can add a circle there.
    00:42:353 (1) - is this mistake? the correct rhythm is this. use 1/4 divisor.00:58:653 (7) - replace with 1/2 slider and move 1/4 later. it will follow the music well.
    01:04:153 (3,4,5) - same as 00:09:953
that's all
Insane should get more mod, but other diff seems good enough.
Topic Starter

h-728 wrote:

thank you for your request

  1. size of the video is so large, but at the beginning of the video, there are a lot of noise and it looks really should improve quality of the video, or reduce the size of video file. Will try
  • too many ticks. set tick rate to 1. Nope
    00:26:353 (4) - replace with 3/2 slider. newbie player may be broken his rhythm because of this blue tick. fit with songs so no
    also, you made Normal as a bit harder, so you should make Easy as really easy. same as other sliders.
  • 00:23:753 (4) - replace with a 1/2 slider since there is strong sound at 00:23:953? nope
    00:42:353 (3,4) - replace with reversing slider like 00:39:153 (1). to put note on blue tick is enough to cause mistake for newbie players. ^

  • 00:04:553 (3,4) - make them parallel? I suggest this because you make 00:02:953 (5,6) parallel. try to improve some
    00:05:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - how about place them along with the video? in the song, the lyrics "migi yoshi hidari yoshi" means "right, left". D: that's a bit hard to fix
    so how about repeat the same rhythm and placement twice like this?00:09:953 (4,5) - hmm...why is there so large jump between 4 and 5? I feel certain melody in the song. nope I just wanna make a jump here.
    00:11:953 (1,2,3,4) - to combine 1/3 rhythm is fine and surely it makes interesting, but if you do it suddenly, it may cause confusing.
    this can be solved if you put some slider which has 1/3 rhythm like 00:13:553 (1,2) before circle stream. so replace 1~3 with slider.
    then, replace 00:13:553 (1,1) with circle stream. it goes well imo. no changes cause not a big problem
    00:19:453 (7) - hmm...this stream seems loose for me. remove this note and put punctuation here. sure
    00:33:553 (4,5) - these notes doesn't follow the music well. how about this rhythm?also you use kick reverse slider like 00:31:853 (3), so this rhythm fits your map imo. if you feel lonely at 00:34:153, you can add a circle there. use your rhythm, thanks (:
    00:42:353 (1) - is this mistake? the correct rhythm is this. use 1/4 divisor. lol my fault00:58:653 (7) - replace with 1/2 slider and move 1/4 later. it will follow the music well. nope
    01:04:153 (3,4,5) - same as 00:09:953 again
that's all
Insane should get more mod, but other diff seems good enough.
Athena Tennos
A-tan's M4M~


  • ~超强nazi版~ 试试把没用的红点都去掉?~
  1. 00:10:353 (4) - 歪了=w=
  2. 00:46:353 (4) - ..为什么不试试结束在00:46:753 - 然后在00:47:153 - add note?~这样hitsound也解决了~
  3. 00:55:553 (3) - 可以试试变成1/4 然后再00:56:353 - add note~
  1. 00:00:753 (1) - 歪了~中间的point放在正中间~
  2. 00:24:753 (1,2) - 没包好~
    • nazi 赛高~
    1. 00:47:953 (3,4) - ^
    2. 01:13:953 (3,1) - ^
    3. 01:15:553 (3,1) - ^
    • OD-1
    1. 00:48:553 - add note~
    1. 00:05:753 (2,3) - 这个太违和了。orz。。orz感觉很不合适。。这个强烈建议改。orz好几次都点不到。orz我个人问题就算了。。找人试试把~
      1. 试试减少距离~
      2. 不改变距离的话,试试移到右边上方~
    2. 00:43:953 (1,2) - 这个有点小小的坑人。。orz。。个人建议+个note过度下。。。故意的就算了。orz
    3. 00:43:953 (1,4) - 建议改成折返~长slider有点单调~感觉你用的折返好多~所以。。这个纯属个人意见。。
    4. 00:47:953 (4,5,6) - 这个3连有点急~
    5. 00:48:853 (2) - delete?~节奏满奇葩的。。。
    6. 00:48:953 (3) - 这个改成3连?>_>、、、、全都是个人建议。。orz。。。你试试就好了。。。打打。。找找感觉。。
    7. 00:49:353 (4) - 不美观
    8. 00:49:953 (6) - 这个结束在00:50:153 - 然后00:50:353 - add note?~
    9. 01:13:153 (5) - delete.....
    10. 01:14:753 (5) - delete....至于为什么。。50%你就懂了。orz
    11. 01:16:353 (5) - delete....
Star and Good Luck~

h-728 wrote:

thank you for your request

[Regou's Hard]
  • 00:12:653 (3,5) - remove these notes. to combine 1/3 and 1/4 rhythm at the same time will cause confusing. It's easy to click and won't even cause a miss.. and delete these notes make it feels so empty O__o..
    00:14:619 (3,4) - I recommend you not to stack these notes and keep distance snap because these notes are on 1/3 divisor.
    to make stacking, it becomes hard to read whether it's 1/4 rhythm or 1/3 one.OK
    00:19:153 (3) - when I put a circle to the accent of lyrics, it maybe becomes like this.this slider ignores half of them, so I feel something unnatural to it. can you follow the song better? btw, I like the rhythm of 00:31:153 (1,2,3,4,5). I don't know,, through I don't want to fix it for now and see what other people comment on this...
    00:47:153 (3) - ^ Try some other pattern for this
To Athena: OD不減1了OD7沒這麼難吧


00:18:353 (1) - Add whistle also, to match bg music lol
00:31:153 (1) - Finish at beginning
00:34:353 (1) - try and center
00:56:753 (1) - Finish at beginning
01:24:153 (3) - i think it should end at the blue tick

00:23:353 (3) - I feel like rhythm is kinda funny here, maybe something like this
00:56:753 (1) - Finish
01:10:153 (2,3) - Making a slider feels better imo
01:23:953 (1) - Same as easy, i think this should end on the blue tick

Regou's Hard
00:12:653 (3,4) - i think following the same rhythm as (1,2) would be less confusing
00:19:153 (3) - add extra note, easier to follow with vocals imo (ignore editor field)
00:22:953 (3) - try to match the end with (6)
00:24:553 - add note with whistle here
00:51:953 (5) - Finish at beginning
00:59:953 (1) - 1 grid down, even stream spacing
01:05:153 (4) - Finish at beginning
01:10:153 (5) - Maybe you should just stack this =v=

00:01:953 (5) - Shorten to red tick, matches vocals
00:03:353 (6) - forgot clap
00:08:353 (8,1) - give some more space between these 2?
00:19:353 (6,7) - Increase distance
00:33:153 (3) - Extend this to blue tick, follow vocals
00:49:953 (6) - Finish at end
00:56:753 (1) - Finish at beginning
01:04:353 (4,5) - maybe lessen distance a little so it's not too extreme for no reason
01:05:153 (2) - Finish at beginning

Such a cute song!! I love it xD
Good luck!
Topic Starter

Athena Tennos wrote:

A-tan's M4M~


  • ~超强nazi版~ 试试把没用的红点都去掉?~-A-
  1. 00:10:353 (4) - 歪了=w=
  2. 00:46:353 (4) - ..为什么不试试结束在00:46:753 - 然后在00:47:153 - add note?~这样hitsound也解决了~
  3. 00:55:553 (3) - 可以试试变成1/4 然后再00:56:353 - add note~
    我忘了我這邊怎麼改的了 好像all fix了吧..昨晚睡前改的
  1. 00:00:753 (1) - 歪了~中间的point放在正中间~
  2. 00:24:753 (1,2) - 没包好~
    • nazi 赛高~
    1. 00:47:953 (3,4) - ^
    2. 01:13:953 (3,1) - ^
    3. 01:15:553 (3,1) - ^ 這些好像都還OK (不過微調了!)
    1. 00:05:753 (2,3) - 这个太违和了。orz。。orz感觉很不合适。。这个强烈建议改。orz好几次都点不到。orz我个人问题就算了。。找人试试把~
      1. 试试减少距离~
      2. 不改变距离的话,试试移到右边上方~I follow h-728's idea this time (pretty cool!)
    2. 00:43:953 (1,2) - 这个有点小小的坑人。。orz。。个人建议+个note过度下。。。故意的就算了。orz (1)換折返了zz
    3. 00:43:953 (1,4) - 建议改成折返~长slider有点单调~感觉你用的折返好多~所以。。这个纯属个人意见。。 摁這可行 改了!
    4. 00:47:953 (4,5,6) - 这个3连有点急~ 好!
    5. 00:48:853 (2) - delete?~节奏满奇葩的。。。
    6. 00:48:953 (3) - 这个改成3连?>_>、、、、全都是个人建议。。orz。。。你试试就好了。。。打打。。找找感觉。。 跟著上面改了 還不錯的樣子
    7. 00:49:353 (4) - 不美观 / \
    8. 00:49:953 (6) - 这个结束在00:50:153 - 然后00:50:353 - add note?~ GOOD!
    9. 01:13:153 (5) - delete.....
    10. 01:14:753 (5) - delete....至于为什么。。50%你就懂了。orz
    11. 01:16:353 (5) - delete.... 藍線有音的 而且4連不喜歡._.
Star and Good Luck~
謝Athena ovo!! 等你irc!!

LunarSakuya wrote:



00:18:353 (1) - Add whistle also, to match bg music lol
00:31:153 (1) - Finish at beginning
00:34:353 (1) - try and center
00:56:753 (1) - Finish at beginning
01:24:153 (3) - i think it should end at the blue tick
All fix !!!
00:23:353 (3) - I feel like rhythm is kinda funny here, maybe something like this I delete (3,4) and put like a note+1/4 slider~
00:56:753 (1) - Finish k
01:10:153 (2,3) - Making a slider feels better imo no fix this D:
01:23:953 (1) - Same as easy, i think this should end on the blue tick k

00:01:953 (5) - Shorten to red tick, matches vocals
00:03:353 (6) - forgot clap
00:08:353 (8,1) - give some more space between these 2?
00:19:353 (6,7) - Increase distance
00:33:153 (3) - Extend this to blue tick, follow vocals
00:49:953 (6) - Finish at end
00:56:753 (1) - Finish at beginning
01:04:353 (4,5) - maybe lessen distance a little so it's not too extreme for no reason
01:05:153 (2) - Finish at beginning All fixed thank you ovo!

Such a cute song!! I love it xD \:3/
Good luck!
Thanks LunarSakuya =w=!
Athena Tennos
16:50 Athena_Tennos: nie ~
16:50 Athena_Tennos: 捏~
16:50 Flask: ovo/
16:50 Athena_Tennos: mod
16:50 Athena_Tennos: mod完叫我=w=
16:50 Flask: 好=w=
16:51 Flask: Chewin開M4M 趕緊mod
16:51 Athena_Tennos: =w=.....每次有MAT开queue我都没图post。。。哭死。。orz
17:00 Flask: 唉 我要post哪張呢
17:00 Flask: /\
17:00 Athena_Tennos: orz不是乌贼娘么?~
17:00 Flask: /\那好吧!
17:00 Athena_Tennos: 0.0?
17:01 Athena_Tennos: 你不是就只有一个pending么?~
17:01 Flask: 可是我滿多GD等著泡的 /.\
17:01 Athena_Tennos: /.\
17:03 Flask: 哦對 mod好了~~
17:03 Athena_Tennos: 0.0
17:03 Athena_Tennos: ............
17:03 Flask: ovo 要來IRC了嗎
17:03 Athena_Tennos: 嗯~
17:04 Flask: 太好了~~
17:04 Athena_Tennos: 话说给我下np~>_>
17:04 *Flask is listening to [ ULTRA-PRISM - Let's*Shinryaku Time! (TV Size)]
17:04 Flask: 用盡全力把你看不爽的東東找出來!!
17:05 Athena_Tennos: .....
17:05 Athena_Tennos: 好困>_>
17:06 Flask: <_<不是才17點嗎
17:06 Athena_Tennos: 比上次好多了>>_>
17:06 Flask: >w>
17:07 Athena_Tennos: 学校中午没午休。。orz
17:07 Flask: orz
17:07 Flask: 你看完趕緊睡去
17:07 Athena_Tennos: 才不睡。。orz
17:08 Flask: 诶诶诶诶?!!
17:08 Flask: 不睡覺不乖 (?
17:08 Athena_Tennos: 找这个进度下去。。。感觉你会比彩虹还快。。1st rank。orz
17:08 Athena_Tennos: 彩虹太懒了。。orz
17:08 Flask: !!!!!!!
17:09 Flask: 真的嗎ovo好高興
17:09 Flask: (?
17:09 Athena_Tennos: 00:06:253 (2) -
17:09 Athena_Tennos: 这个试试删掉。。
17:09 Athena_Tennos: 节奏不对。orz
17:09 Flask: 可是這個是故意的._.
17:09 Athena_Tennos: 纳尼。。orz
17:09 Flask: 00:05:453 -
17:09 Flask: 不如我這個也刪
17:10 Athena_Tennos: 不对。。
17:10 Athena_Tennos: 把第一个删了。。
17:10 Athena_Tennos: 不对
17:10 Athena_Tennos: 等下
17:10 Athena_Tennos: 好奇葩的节奏。
17:10 Flask: ~_~我也想不到法子就照前面modder的意願了
17:13 Flask: 你給我個建議吧我qaq
17:13 Athena_Tennos: 正在想。orz
17:16 Athena_Tennos: 00:05:353 -
17:16 Athena_Tennos:
17:16 Athena_Tennos: 试试。orz
17:16 Athena_Tennos: 放弃连打把。。
17:16 Athena_Tennos: 这个地方节奏蛮奇葩的。。orz
17:17 Athena_Tennos: 连打试了半天。。。不用2连不行。。roz
17:17 Flask: 等等 我搞混了
17:17 Flask: 哪裡是哪裡
17:17 Flask: >_>
17:17 Athena_Tennos: 如果你想用2连也可以。。
17:17 Athena_Tennos: 额额额~
17:17 Athena_Tennos: 00:05:353 - 这个是图里的5
17:18 Flask: 等等 讓我修一下
17:18 Flask: >_>>
17:18 Athena_Tennos: 嗯~没事~
17:21 Flask:
17:21 Flask: 你看看這樣行不行
17:21 Athena_Tennos: 0.0求拉大点。orz
17:22 Flask: 拉大點是什麼意思orzzzz
17:22 Athena_Tennos: 那个。。宽。。。
17:22 Flask: >_>好
17:22 Flask: 等等 這要怎麼拉 望了!!!!!!!!!
17:23 Athena_Tennos: ...
17:23 Athena_Tennos: 额额额
17:23 Athena_Tennos: 节奏条最左边~
17:23 Athena_Tennos: +-
17:23 Flask: 哦哦 看到了
17:24 Flask:
17:25 Flask: 這樣有沒有好點zzz
17:25 Athena_Tennos: en
17:25 Athena_Tennos: 好多了~
17:25 Flask: ovo太好了
17:26 Athena_Tennos: 00:06:953 - 这里add note?~
17:26 Flask: 能不能跟00:07:153 -
17:26 Flask: 拉成一個slider
17:26 Flask: 比較舒服._.
17:27 Flask: 好像沒有比較舒服
17:27 Flask: >_>
17:28 Athena_Tennos: ...试试直接在00:06:753 - 这里+note和3重叠
17:28 Athena_Tennos: 然后00:06:953 - add note 和下一个1重叠?~
17:28 Athena_Tennos: 感觉slider速度好慢。。orz
17:32 Flask: OK~
17:33 Athena_Tennos: 00:39:753 (2) - 好单调。orz
17:33 Flask: orz我還是修掉的好
17:33 Athena_Tennos: 来电花样或者变变节奏也好呀~、
17:34 Flask:
17:34 Flask: 這樣如何
17:34 Athena_Tennos: en
17:34 Flask: 有點怪orzz
17:34 Athena_Tennos: =w=
17:34 Athena_Tennos: 改的你觉得满意就好~
17:35 Athena_Tennos: 你都觉得怪那肯定要改~
17:35 Flask: 就先用這個吧 TAT
17:37 Athena_Tennos: 00:43:253 - delelt?~
17:37 Athena_Tennos: delet?~
17:37 Athena_Tennos: delete...
17:37 Flask: OK
17:38 Athena_Tennos: 01:09:153 (1) -
17:38 Athena_Tennos: 这个好长。。。
17:38 Athena_Tennos: 中间有个音被空了。。orz
17:38 Flask: 我該用note instead還是slider咧 ...
17:38 Athena_Tennos: 自己考虑~
17:38 Athena_Tennos: >_>
17:39 Athena_Tennos: 这种东西问别人就是别人的思路了~
17:39 Flask: 好 改好了
17:39 Athena_Tennos: =w=
17:40 Flask: 我問一下 你覺得01:10:153 (4,5) - 這會不會太跳D:
17:40 Athena_Tennos: 难是肯定不会难的。。。
17:40 Athena_Tennos: 只是有点不顺。。
17:41 Flask: 會不會有點太突然/.\
17:41 Athena_Tennos: 01:10:153 (3,4) - 这个换一个很快的slider?~
17:41 Athena_Tennos: 1.4-1.6x左右的?~
17:42 Flask: 不喜歡變速zzz
17:42 Athena_Tennos: 不喜欢+1
17:42 Athena_Tennos: 我也不知道放什么好。。orz
17:42 Flask: 那就照著spacing下這兩顆note好了
17:42 Flask: zzz
17:43 Athena_Tennos: 但是那个后面的3连真心不顺。。roz
17:43 Athena_Tennos: 01:10:553 - 这个。。
17:44 Flask: 不然把(5)換成1/4 slider
17:45 Flask: 就這麼半 (?!
17:45 Flask: *辦
17:45 Athena_Tennos: ....
17:45 Athena_Tennos: 唔。。。暂定。。。
17:45 Athena_Tennos: 01:18:053 - 这个删掉
17:45 Flask: 感覺滿舒服的嘛zzz
17:45 Athena_Tennos: 没试过。。orz等下submit
17:45 Athena_Tennos: 我再看看~
17:46 Flask: OK 刪了~
17:46 Athena_Tennos: 那个真的想要3连就把slider改成3连就好了
17:47 Athena_Tennos: slider和3连都差不多~
17:47 Athena_Tennos: slider简单点~
17:47 Flask: 把(4)換了orz
17:47 Athena_Tennos: ~
17:48 Athena_Tennos: 01:24:353 (3,4) - ...
17:48 Athena_Tennos: 这节奏。。。
17:48 Athena_Tennos: 明显快乐一拍嘛。orz
17:48 Athena_Tennos: 快了。
17:50 Flask: 換成一個1/4的折返x2怎麼樣
17:50 Athena_Tennos: ...
17:50 Athena_Tennos: en
17:50 Athena_Tennos: 嗯
17:50 Athena_Tennos: submit把~
17:50 Athena_Tennos: 我看不到;_;
17:51 Athena_Tennos: nienie
17:52 Athena_Tennos: 捏捏你晚上还在么。。
17:52 Athena_Tennos: 中午。。。>_>
17:52 Flask: 在>_>
17:52 Flask: 你該睡了
17:52 Flask: zzz
17:57 Athena_Tennos: ...
17:57 Athena_Tennos: 睡着了。orz
17:57 Athena_Tennos: 跪
17:59 Flask: 等等 他卡在11.0% orz
18:00 Athena_Tennos: 经常这样。。orz
18:07 Flask: 他卡了10分中
18:07 Flask: ........
18:07 Flask: 要我怎麼傳zzzzzz
18:07 Athena_Tennos:
18:07 Athena_Tennos: 遍submit遍看视屏把
18:07 Athena_Tennos: 看完也就submit好了。。。
18:20 Flask: ._.
18:20 Athena_Tennos: haoleme
18:20 Athena_Tennos: 号了么0.0
18:20 Flask: 還沒
18:20 Flask: 他卡了11%13分鐘
18:20 Flask: 影片都快看完了 (笑死了xDDD
18:22 Athena_Tennos: ....
18:31 Flask: 總算好了
18:31 Flask: QAQQQQ
18:31 Athena_Tennos: 0.0
18:31 Athena_Tennos: lol~
18:31 Flask: 你savelog 我給你kd =w=
18:31 Athena_Tennos: 额
18:31 Athena_Tennos: 还没mod完咧。。
18:32 Flask: 诶!???
18:32 Flask: 你看看吧
18:32 Flask: D:
18:34 Athena_Tennos: 。。。。。
18:34 Athena_Tennos: OD-1....
18:34 Athena_Tennos: 我就说ACC怎么那么低。。orz
18:34 Flask: 6會不會太低啊D:
18:35 Athena_Tennos: 应该说7太高了。
18:35 Athena_Tennos: HP+1都可以。。orz
18:35 Athena_Tennos: HP+1 OD-1
18:36 Flask: wocao
18:36 Athena_Tennos: 。。。
18:36 Flask: 我這裡怎麼只有3個diff
18:36 Athena_Tennos: 额。0.
18:36 Athena_Tennos: 0.0
18:36 Flask: 靠北了orz
18:36 Athena_Tennos: ...
18:36 Athena_Tennos: 呢过
18:36 Athena_Tennos: 我知道了。。
18:36 Athena_Tennos: bug。。。
18:36 Athena_Tennos: 你去文件夹里。。改一下
18:37 Athena_Tennos: diff name和title
18:37 Athena_Tennos: 还有actist
18:40 Flask: 現在總該型了
18:40 Flask: zzzzzzzz
18:40 Athena_Tennos: orz
18:41 Flask: OK了~~
18:41 Athena_Tennos: lol~
18:42 Athena_Tennos: 给我no~
18:42 Athena_Tennos: np`
18:42 *Flask is editing [ ULTRA-PRISM - Let's*Shinryaku Time! (TV Size) [Insane]]
18:43 Flask: 剛剛打了一下 至少有97% o.o
18:43 Athena_Tennos: 00:40:553 (3) - 。。。
18:44 Athena_Tennos: 这个感觉好多鱼。。
18:44 Athena_Tennos: 好多余。。。
18:44 Athena_Tennos: 这输入法是不是收了广告费。。orz
18:45 Flask: 好 刪掉了
18:45 Athena_Tennos: 00:40:453 - add note?~
18:46 Athena_Tennos: 额
18:46 Athena_Tennos: 没叫你删。orz
18:46 Flask: 你用什麼輸入法啊._.
18:46 Athena_Tennos: TX...腾讯。orz
18:46 Flask: 這裡放連會不會太怪啊._.
18:46 Athena_Tennos: 有点。。。
18:46 Athena_Tennos: 不过打起来还好。orz。。不放又觉得好空。。
18:47 Athena_Tennos: 如果放。。。00:43:053 - 这里也放一个。
18:47 Flask: 我覺得還是不要放的好zzz
18:47 Athena_Tennos: 那就deolete把~
18:48 Athena_Tennos: 01:11:553 (2) - 把这个移到01:11:453 - ?
18:49 Flask: 這樣01:11:553 - 控著不好
18:49 Flask: *空
18:49 Flask: T_T
18:50 Athena_Tennos: 3连>_>
18:50 Athena_Tennos: 01:11:453 - slider to01:11:653 - ?
18:50 Athena_Tennos: 01:11:453 - slider to 01:11:653 - ?
18:51 Athena_Tennos: 为神马后面的不显示连接。orz
18:52 Flask: OK
18:52 Flask: 我用
18:52 Flask: slider to 01:11:653了-_-
18:52 Athena_Tennos: 01:24:353 (3) - 减少一个来回在后面+个4。。。。之前不是这样的么。。。怎么变2个来回了。。orz
18:52 Athena_Tennos: 嗯
18:52 Athena_Tennos: 然后那条绿线删掉~
18:53 Athena_Tennos: 不对。。move 到01:24:553 -
18:53 Flask: 這綠線我想統一在01:24:653
18:53 Flask: -
18:53 Flask: 01:24:653 -
18:53 Flask: 就all diff 都這樣了
18:54 Athena_Tennos: lol。。。
18:54 Athena_Tennos: 01:24:653 - 直接在这add note好了。
18:54 Athena_Tennos: 之前的不动。
18:56 Flask: 所以是1/4reserve+note嗎...
18:56 Athena_Tennos: 嗯~
18:57 Flask: OK了
18:57 Athena_Tennos: =w=
18:57 Flask: 所以就是mod完了嗎 /.\
18:58 Athena_Tennos: 感觉。。orz
18:58 Athena_Tennos: 还是。。
18:58 Athena_Tennos: 有些不对劲。。roz
18:58 Flask: ora
18:58 Flask: orz
19:01 Athena_Tennos: 等chiw。怎么拼来着。。。嘛。。。等他的mod来看看好了。。orz
19:01 Flask: chewin ._.
19:01 Athena_Tennos: lol~
19:01 Flask: 好那就這樣先上傳
19:01 Flask: =w=
19:01 Athena_Tennos: en ~
Hello~ From in-game queue~


First of all, i dont like these jumps like: 00:23:753 (1,2) so weird..i'll try to help to you :D


00:00:753 (1) - TAT x:132 y:116
00:01:353 (3,4,5) - 00:02:253 - add a note? and replace like this: 00:02:553 (2,3,4) - replace to x:356 y:140 (if you fixed above)
00:02:953 (5) - 00:03:353 (6) - x:192 y:136 or just a code if you want :3
00:04:953 (4,1,2) - 00:06:153 (3,4) - replace to x:256 y:264
00:06:953 (1,2) - replace to where 00:05:353 (1,2) - was
00:07:853 - add a note and replace to like this: 00:08:353 (10) - x:256 y:160
00:21:553 (1,2) - 00:22:553 (3,4,5) - x:364 y:300
00:23:953 (2) - x:140 y:272
00:56:753 - finish?
01:06:953 (5) - x:24 y: 192?
01:08:753 (3) - clap (NC:2) should be here, remove from (2)
01:13:153 - remove a note?
01:13:453 - add a note
01:14:753 (5) - remove
01:15:053 - add a note
01:16:353 (5) - remove
Hah, it's really funny, i dont find anything in other diffs D:
Topic Starter
Anything that I deleted has been fixed ><!!!

Lizellota wrote:

Hello~ From in-game queue~


First of all, i dont like these jumps like: 00:23:753 (1,2) so weird..i'll try to help to you :D Thanks ><

01:08:753 (3) - clap (NC:2) should be here, remove from (2) There's a sound here D: so nope
01:13:153 - remove a note? well.. this has pointed by someone b4, and I don't think it should be remove D:
01:13:453 - add a note no because I heard nothing here
01:14:753 (5) - remove ^^
01:15:053 - add a note ^^
01:16:353 (5) - remove ^^
That's all for now, i'm busy, sorry >< i'll mod other diffs a bit later ;3
I'm waiting for your full-mod ovo! Anyway kudosu first because it helps me a lot ><

Lizellota wrote:

Hah, it's really funny, i dont find anything in other diffs D:
Cool anyway, thanks your godlike Insane mod :3
Dark Fang


The video was inactive(I dunno that's my error) I recommended to change the video to avi file.


00:09:153 (2) - 1 grid down
00:30:753 (4) - add Whistle
00:34:353 (1) - move to (368,296) and adjust next notes


00:15:153 (1) - remove Clap
00:19:953 (4) - move to (216,48)
00:58:353 (5) - 1 grid up and try make like this?

[Regou's Hard]

00:12:753 (4) - try make consistently like 00:11:953 (1,2) - this?
00:14:619 (3) - don't overlap with (4)?
00:43:153 (1) - remove that and keep DS?
00:55:753 (2) - move to (468,76)? overlap is not good
01:10:153 (5) - add Whistle
01:11:153 (1) - add Whistle at end of slider
01:18:253 (4) - ^
01:18:753 (5) - add Whistle and remove Finish


00:38:153 (4,5) - why don't you rhythm try make like this?
00:58:653 (7) - why don't you start point move to 00:58:753 - ? end at 00:58:953 -
01:10:353 (5) - add Whistle at start of slider
01:13:153 (5) - remove this note
01:14:753 (5) - ^
01:16:353 (5) - ^

Sorry for my poor mod..

Have a nice day :)
Hi Flask, here's my mod from my m4m queue ;D
I'm very sorry for the late çç


  1. Set AudioLeadIn: 2000 in all diffs, atm it's 2015

  1. 00:05:553 (1,2,3) - Honestly I think that finishes on (1,2) and on (3)'s would sound pretty nice here
  2. 00:24:353 (1,2) - According to the vocal sound remove new combo from (1) adding it on (2) instead
  3. 00:34:353 (1) - Move to x:368 y:296 so that it's centered on the grid
  4. 00:35:953 (2,3) - (nazi) You could make the (2) more curved to improve the blanket with (3)'s head, I mean something like this:
  5. 00:47:553 (5) - Oh this slider is ugly and it breaks the flow of your map çç What about, instead, to make it like this? It's better to play IMO

  6. 00:50:353 (1,2) - I don't understand why you decided to follow the vocal sound with (1) and then 1/1 rhythm with (2). Or the first or the second plz. I think it'd be better to follow the 1/1 rhythm since we are talking about easy diff. Then, according to this, extend the (1) by 1/2, till 00:51:153.
  7. 00:51:953 (1,2,3,4) - Instead to make these 4 circles that also I don't like how you used them, what about to make two 1/1 sliders? 1/1 Sliders are more enjoyable to play for an easy diff IMO
  8. 00:55:553 (3) - This slider is offscreen.
  9. 01:24:153 (3) - Nah, this slider should be 1/2 later:

  1. 00:28:353 (1) - Instead to use one single circle you could make an 1/2 slider to fit the vocal sound here
  2. 00:35:153 (2) - I'd follow this rhythm, it fits much better the music IMO:
  3. 00:42:353 (3) - New combo here according to the new vocal rhythm
  4. 00:46:353 (4) - Whistle on the slider's head to keep consistency with the previous elements
  5. 01:19:953 (2,2,2) - Add whistles on each sliders' reverse arrow. It'd emphasize the one in the music
[Regou's Hard]

  1. 00:12:653 (3,4) - I think it would be better to use the same pattern you used for 00:11:953 (1,2) since the rhythm is the same. This pattern is also bothering to play IMO :\
  2. 00:23:753 (5,6) - Is this bad overlap intentional? If not, you should improve this stack
  3. 00:41:553 (3) - Maybe it's nazi but I always take care about slider's shape. I would make this slider more curved to improve the blanket with (2), something like this:

  1. 01:24:353 (3,4) - It's always bothering to play (especially with hidden) an overlapped circled with a previous 1/4 slider. I would remove the (4) adding a repeat on the (3) slider instead.
  2. Overall the rhythm is good here but I think you can still to improve the flow of the map. I don't like so much the placement you used to be honest ç.ç
That's all for now.
Probabily I will recheck it by myself after some other mods, I wish you good luck with it then ~
See Flask-chan, here's your mod. LOL♥
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Hi Flask, here's my mod from my m4m queue ;D
I'm very sorry for the late çç


  1. Set AudioLeadIn: 2000 in all diffs, atm it's 2015 fixed

  1. 00:05:553 (1,2,3) - Honestly I think that finishes on (1,2) and on (3)'s would sound pretty nice here ok o3o added
  2. 00:24:353 (1,2) - According to the vocal sound remove new combo from (1) adding it on (2) instead k
  3. 00:34:353 (1) - Move to x:368 y:296 so that it's centered on the grid k
  4. 00:35:953 (2,3) - (nazi) You could make the (2) more curved to improve the blanket with (3)'s head, I mean something like this: k
  5. 00:47:553 (5) - Oh this slider is ugly and it breaks the flow of your map çç What about, instead, to make it like this? It's better to play IMO k (thanks!)

  6. 00:50:353 (1,2) - I don't understand why you decided to follow the vocal sound with (1) and then 1/1 rhythm with (2). Or the first or the second plz. I think it'd be better to follow the 1/1 rhythm since we are talking about easy diff. Then, according to this, extend the (1) by 1/2, till 00:51:153. k
  7. 00:51:953 (1,2,3,4) - Instead to make these 4 circles that also I don't like how you used them, what about to make two 1/1 sliders? 1/1 Sliders are more enjoyable to play for an easy diff IMO I changed (1,2) to a 1/1 slider, others are keep D:
  8. 00:55:553 (3) - This slider is offscreen. k
  9. 01:24:153 (3) - Nah, this slider should be 1/2 later:


  1. 00:28:353 (1) - Instead to use one single circle you could make an 1/2 slider to fit the vocal sound here k
  2. 00:35:153 (2) - I'd follow this rhythm, it fits much better the music IMO: Sorry I'll keep it for now ;w;
  3. 00:42:353 (3) - New combo here according to the new vocal rhythm k
  4. 00:46:353 (4) - Whistle on the slider's head to keep consistency with the previous elements I don't add whistle at Insane or Easy so no here
  5. 01:19:953 (2,2,2) - Add whistles on each sliders' reverse arrow. It'd emphasize the one in the music ^

  1. 01:24:353 (3,4) - It's always bothering to play (especially with hidden) an overlapped circled with a previous 1/4 slider. I would remove the (4) adding a repeat on the (3) slider instead. k
  2. Overall the rhythm is good here but I think you can still to improve the flow of the map. I don't like so much the placement you used to be honest ç.ç
That's all for now.
Probabily I will recheck it by myself after some other mods, I wish you good luck with it then ~
Thanks Chewin!!!!!!!!!!

Dark Fang wrote:



The video was inactive(I dunno that's my error) I recommended to change the video to avi file. I have no problem on here, maybe will change if someone has the same ;n;[/color]


00:09:153 (2) - 1 grid down k
00:30:753 (4) - add Whistle k
00:34:353 (1) - move to (368,296) and adjust next notes OK o.o


00:15:153 (1) - remove Clap Ohhh I forget D:
00:19:953 (4) - move to (216,48) no
00:58:353 (5) - 1 grid up and try make like this? nope


00:38:153 (4,5) - why don't you rhythm try make like this? good, k
00:58:653 (7) - why don't you start point move to 00:58:753 - ? end at 00:58:953 - okkkkkkkk I WILL CHANGE THIS THIS TIME.
01:10:353 (5) - add Whistle at start of slider k
01:13:153 (5) - remove this note
01:14:753 (5) - ^
01:16:353 (5) - ^ OKKKKKKKK. D:

Sorry for my poor mod..

Have a nice day :)
Thank you >w<!!!!
Will check the mods one or few days later as I am not able to use my computer for now (Need to revise for the test ;__;)
And I am here to reply about the stack on 00:23:753: If I stack them it will destroy the whole pattern (Tested it on tesplay mode when I did this, it just way so horrible. Sorry!)
:3 mod4mod Request from eLtigreXXx's Modding queue~

00:47:153 (1) finish
00:08:753 (1) - is not advisable to leave much of the grid
00:35:753 (5) finish
00:36:153 (6) ^

Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
01:24:255 - snap to 01:24:253

Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn:
- [Easy] : 2015
- [Insane] : 2000
- [Normal] : 2000
- [Regou's Hard] : 2000

that's all :3

From our queue \( ^_^)/

Red mods means must be fixed. Mods with question marks are only suggestion.

*but okay, let me try to mod (although I might not get a little bit down to it) and luckily this song is TV sized :/

  1. I see many sliders here with middle point set asymmetric, especially on blankets. Could you set the middle point of those sliders right on the center of the slider (i mean, not too much to the left or right), so they looks better?
  2. I know that countdown sucks but please set it here. You are mapping from the first downbeat of the song and it's rather hard to hit first note especially with Hidden.
  1. I know that this is Easy but CS 4 is still okay here.
  2. Slider Tick 2 is too much. How about 1? Don't worry the custom slidertick is undisturbed here
  3. 00:45:153 - Add note here
  4. 00:54:053 - & 00:54:253 - Useless slidertick inheriting section
  5. 00:55:553 (3) - *nazi - Move second point to x:320 y:332 ?
  6. 01:24:653 - Adding low volume here is rather awkward for the players. Why don't remove it and add finish to the slider end? Sounds better imo
That's all I can find.

  1. Slider tick 1 also works better here and doesn't disturb the custom sliderticks.
  2. 00:07:153 (4) - Why 2 reverses? Remove one and add a note after the slider maybe?
  3. 00:27:553 (4,1,2) - Hmm maybe like this? slider shape, hitsound, and placement is up to you
  4. 00:40:153 (2,3,1) - Bad flow, move slider 1 to somewhere else so it flows smoother?
  5. 00:32:753 (4) - Again, why 2 reverses? Fix please
  6. 00:51:953 (5) - ^
  7. 00:59:553 - Add mini break here?
  8. 01:23:953 (1) - Move a little bit to the right please
That's all.

[Regou's Hard]
  1. Too wide difficulty spread from Normal, imo. Could you lower some difficulty settings?
  2. Unlike Easy and Normal, can you set Slidertick settings to 2 here? So players can differentiate sliders that ends on blue tick with sliders that ends on red/white tick.
  3. 00:12:653 (3) - Bad polarity >< previous slider ends on white tick while this starts on blue tick. Remove please
  4. 00:13:453 (4) - ^
  5. 00:14:619 (3,4) - unstack please
  6. 00:22:953 (3,4,5,6) - Sort of... confusing flow. Fix please
  7. 00:46:353 (2,1) - spacing?
  8. 00:47:753 (2) - ...Is there anything happens here or my editor is just bugging? There's no hitsound I hear here.
  9. 00:47:953 (3,2) - Bad overlap
  10. 00:52:653 (6) - bad polarity, remove please
  11. 00:55:153 (1,2) - Unstack please?
  12. 00:56:753 (1,2) - ^
  13. 00:59:353 (1,2,3) - Too inaudible imo, higher volume please
  14. 01:08:253 (4) - Polarity's not too bad but, a slider that replaces 01:07:953 (3,4) - might be better
Hmm that's all maybe?

  1. And... this diff's difficulty spread compared to Hard is too little. Higher diff setting maybe?
  2. 00:47:453 (2) - Bad polarity. Remove please
  3. 00:54:253 (3) - ^
  4. 00:59:353 (1) - Unfitting hitsound and bad slider velocity, fix please
  5. 01:13:353 - Add note here?
  6. 01:24:353 (3) - A slider with a reverse here just, unfitting. Try just a slider without reverse and, please, do not lower the hitsound on the end, just add finish on it
That's all.

Good luck Flask, nice map actually although I can't stand the song ><
Topic Starter

inverness wrote:

From our queue \( ^_^)/

Red mods means must be fixed. Mods with question marks are only suggestion.

*but okay, let me try to mod (although I might not get a little bit down to it) and luckily this song is TV sized :/

  1. I see many sliders here with middle point set asymmetric, especially on blankets. Could you set the middle point of those sliders right on the center of the slider (i mean, not too much to the left or right), so they looks better? Not a big problem, right?
  2. I know that countdown sucks but please set it here. You are mapping from the first downbeat of the song and it's rather hard to hit first note especially with Hidden. Why I need? I got 300 with Hidden diff \:D/
  1. I know that this is Easy but CS 4 is still okay here. nope.
  2. Slider Tick 2 is too much. How about 1? Don't worry the custom slidertick is undisturbed here OK
  3. 00:45:153 - Add note here K
  4. 00:54:053 - & 00:54:253 - Useless slidertick inheriting section K
  5. 00:55:553 (3) - *nazi - Move second point to x:320 y:332 ? K
  6. 01:24:653 - Adding low volume here is rather awkward for the players. Why don't remove it and add finish to the slider end? Sounds better imo
That's all I can find. no, sounds really weird

  1. Slider tick 1 also works better here and doesn't disturb the custom sliderticks. K
  2. 00:07:153 (4) - Why 2 reverses? Remove one and add a note after the slider maybe? nope
  3. 00:27:553 (4,1,2) - Hmm maybe like this? slider shape, hitsound, and placement is up to you nope
  4. 00:40:153 (2,3,1) - Bad flow, move slider 1 to somewhere else so it flows smoother? fixed something anyway
  5. 00:32:753 (4) - Again, why 2 reverses? Fix please nope
  6. 00:51:953 (5) - ^^
  7. 00:59:553 - Add mini break here? no
  8. 01:23:953 (1) - Move a little bit to the right please K
That's all.

  1. And... this diff's difficulty spread compared to Hard is too little. Higher diff setting maybe? OD+1 for now
  2. 00:47:453 (2) - Bad polarity. Remove please nope
  3. 00:54:253 (3) - ^ nope
  4. 00:59:353 (1) - Unfitting hitsound and bad slider velocity, fix please nope
  5. 01:13:353 - Add note here? I'll add it if someone mention this...
  6. 01:24:353 (3) - A slider with a reverse here just, unfitting. Try just a slider without reverse and, please, do not lower the hitsound on the end, just add finish on it nope
That's all.

Good luck Flask, nice map actually although I can't stand the song ><
nah thanks

eLtigreXXx wrote:

:3 mod4mod Request from eLtigreXXx's Modding queue~

00:47:153 (1) finish nope
00:08:753 (1) - is not advisable to leave much of the grid 1.3x isn't much px
00:35:753 (5) finish nope
00:36:153 (6) ^ nope

Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
01:24:255 - snap to 01:24:253 oh K

Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn:
- [Easy] : 2015
- [Insane] : 2000
- [Normal] : 2000
- [Regou's Hard] : 2000 !!K

that's all :3
Thanks and I'll mod your map asap!!
Suprise! Here's a recheck for my Flask-chan♥
and a quick check for Hard and Insane.

Did I already told you to add spinner on every difficulties? If not, you should because if not, everyone is going to have the same exact score. Also, it's mostly recommended to add at least one spinner.

Hitsounds mod
This box is for hitsounds. When I look for hitsounds, I am mostly looking for the consistency. Sometimes I may give some suggestions
•00:23:353 (2,3) - By the song's whistles, add one to the end of the slider (2), and add one to the circle (3). It will actually sound better c:
•00:24:753 - I don't know how to explain it but, you should try to add a finish here.
•00:26:753 - I'm sure you can add a slidertick-clap here to keep the consistency.
•00:29:953 - Same thing as above.
•00:36:353 - Actually, this whistle doesn't fit well here since in the song, we don't hear any whistle here. The whistle you may hear it at 00:36:553 and 00:36:753. So delete the whistle at the slider's end.
•00:39:553 - As said some points above, add a slidertick-clap here for the consistency.
•00:42:753 - Same here, same reason.
•00:55:953 - As I can see here, you added claps because of the song, so actually, you should add one here too. It will sound good, and it will keep the consistency.
•01:14:353 - Add a finish here to keep the consistency with the previous slider. Also, it sounds good because of the song.
•01:15:953 - Do the same thing here.
Objects mod
This box means that I am looking at flows and useless circle/slider that doesn't sound really good or even, doesn't fit well for the difficulty.
•00:33:553 (5) - Try to make a blancket with the next slider. Just like this.
•00:34:353 (1) - I love these kind of sliders, but I think you should improve it. Look below for more information.

•01:07:153 (2) - Make this slider like this, it will mostly flows better.
Combo mod
This box is for new combos. If new combos are fitting well with the vocals or if they aren't too big (ex: 23combos)
•00:00:753 (1,2,3) - Just to let you know, on your Normal difficulty, you've added new combos to every sliders. Why don't you do the same here? (:
•00:47:553 - The combo seems to be long here. Add a new combo here, so it will be better for the vocal and the legth of the combo.
•00:51:953 - Delete the new combo, it seems to be better without it because of the song.
•01:15:953 - What do you think about deleting the new combo here?
•01:24:353 - On your normal difficulty, you actually added a new combo. You should do the same here.
Hitsounds mod
This box is for hitsounds. When I look for hitsounds, I am mostly looking for the consistency. Sometimes I may give some suggestions
•00:17:953 - As said for the Easy difficulty, you could add a slidertick-clap here to keep the consistency. Since you're using Slidertick 2, it should work.
•00:23:553 (3) - Seems like a whistle sounds great here become of the whistle in the song.
•00:26:753 - Same as I said for the first point.
•00:29:953 - Same thing here.
•00:39:553 - Take a wild guess.. Yes, same thing as above.
•00:42:753 - Same thing here too :'D
•01:05:153 (4) - To keep the consistency, add both start and end a clap.
•01:13:153 - Add slidertick-claps to these points:
  1. 01:13:153
  2. 01:14:753
  3. 01:16:353
Objects mod
This box means that I am looking at flows and useless circle/slider that doesn't sound really good or even, doesn't fit well for the difficulty.
Nothing wrong here.
•00:34:353 (1,2) - I see what you did there 8D
Combo mod
This box is for new combos. If new combos are fitting well with the vocals or if they aren't too big (ex: 23combos)
Nothing wrong here.
I have sincerely have nothing to say here.
•00:27:953 (5) - Add a new combo here.
•01:01:953 - I really think you should add something here. Mostly a circle to x:432 y:72 . It will sound better o_o
•01:08:353 (2) - Also add something here for the sound.
•01:13:153 - For these streams, its sounds like there's missing something. So actually add a circle here.
•01:14:753 - Same as above
•01:16:353 - Same here.

kgood. Good luck Flask! ♥
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

Suprise! Here's a recheck for my Flask-chan♥
and a quick check for Hard and Insane.

Did I already told you to add spinner on every difficulties? If not, you should because if not, everyone is going to have the same exact score. Also, it's mostly recommended to add at least one spinner. OK I added D:::::

Hitsounds mod
This box is for hitsounds. When I look for hitsounds, I am mostly looking for the consistency. Sometimes I may give some suggestions
•00:23:353 (2,3) - By the song's whistles, add one to the end of the slider (2), and add one to the circle (3). It will actually sound better c: Added at (2)'s end :3
•00:24:753 - I don't know how to explain it but, you should try to add a finish here. sure...o3o
•00:26:753 - I'm sure you can add a slidertick-clap here to keep the consistency. B-but, someone told me I should use slidertick rate 1 and I use... so here's not slidertick D:
•00:29:953 - Same thing as above. Dx
•00:36:353 - Actually, this whistle doesn't fit well here since in the song, we don't hear any whistle here. The whistle you may hear it at 00:36:553 and 00:36:753. So delete the whistle at the slider's end.K
•00:39:553 - As said some points above, add a slidertick-clap here for the consistency.Dx
•00:42:753 - Same here, same reason.
•00:55:953 - As I can see here, you added claps because of the song, so actually, you should add one here too. It will sound good, and it will keep the consistency. sounds great, added!
•01:14:353 - Add a finish here to keep the consistency with the previous slider. Also, it sounds good because of the song.
•01:15:953 - Do the same thing here.fixed :3!
Objects mod
This box means that I am looking at flows and useless circle/slider that doesn't sound really good or even, doesn't fit well for the difficulty.
•00:33:553 (5) - Try to make a blancket with the next slider. Just like this. Well I'll try to improve D;
•00:34:353 (1) - I love these kind of sliders, but I think you should improve it. Look below for more information. k

•01:07:153 (2) - Make this slider like this, it will mostly flows better.

Combo mod
This box is for new combos. If new combos are fitting well with the vocals or if they aren't too big (ex: 23combos)
•00:00:753 (1,2,3) - Just to let you know, on your Normal difficulty, you've added new combos to every sliders. Why don't you do the same here? (: I hate (1,1,1) so no D:
•00:47:553 - The combo seems to be long here. Add a new combo here, so it will be better for the vocal and the legth of the combo. k
•00:51:953 - Delete the new combo, it seems to be better without it because of the song. k
•01:15:953 - What do you think about deleting the new combo here? I'll say nope D:
•01:24:353 - On your normal difficulty, you actually added a new combo. You should do the same here. K

Hitsounds mod
This box is for hitsounds. When I look for hitsounds, I am mostly looking for the consistency. Sometimes I may give some suggestions

•00:17:953 - As said for the Easy difficulty, you could add a slidertick-clap here to keep the consistency. Since you're using Slidertick 2, it should work. no ticks here D:
•00:23:553 (3) - Seems like a whistle sounds great here become of the whistle in the song. There's no whistle I think.. I'll keep mine for now (:
•00:26:753 - Same as I said for the first point.
•00:29:953 - Same thing here.
•00:39:553 - Take a wild guess.. Yes, same thing as above.
•00:42:753 - Same thing here too :'D Dx
•01:05:153 (4) - To keep the consistency, add both start and end a clap. K (why I forget?)
•01:13:153 - Add slidertick-claps to these points:
  1. 01:13:153
  2. 01:14:753
  3. 01:16:353
Objects mod
This box means that I am looking at flows and useless circle/slider that doesn't sound really good or even, doesn't fit well for the difficulty.
Nothing wrong here.
•00:34:353 (1,2) - I see what you did there 8D I think this is...great? maybe lol keep for now
Combo mod
This box is for new combos. If new combos are fitting well with the vocals or if they aren't too big (ex: 23combos)
Nothing wrong here.

•00:27:953 (5) - Add a new combo here.
•01:01:953 - I really think you should add something here. Mostly a circle to x:432 y:72 . It will sound better o_o
•01:08:353 (2) - Also add something here for the sound.
•01:13:153 - For these streams, its sounds like there's missing something. So actually add a circle here.
•01:14:753 - Same as above
•01:16:353 - Same here. All fix!!

kgood. Good luck Flask! ♥
Thanks My Gabe-Chan ♥.♥ kudos for you, don't look for deny please!!! :3

Chewin wrote:

Hi Flask, here's my mod from my m4m queue ;D
I'm very sorry for the late çç


  1. Set AudioLeadIn: 2000 in all diffs, atm it's 2015
[Regou's Hard]

  1. 00:12:653 (3,4) - I think it would be better to use the same pattern you used for 00:11:953 (1,2) since the rhythm is the same. This pattern is also bothering to play IMO :\ I am not sure about this one. If I deleted 00:12:653 (3) it's just way too odd...
  2. 00:23:753 (5,6) - Is this bad overlap intentional? If not, you should improve this stack As I explained before I am not going to change this, sorry! :C
  3. 00:41:553 (3) - Maybe it's nazi but I always take care about slider's shape. I would make this slider more curved to improve the blanket with (2), something like this:
Ok :3

That's all for now.
Probabily I will recheck it by myself after some other mods, I wish you good luck with it then ~
And I also make some changes for the previous mods.
Thanks you all for your mods!^^
Hi~ queue and zhun-admin-qiupao-mission request~


00:00:753 (1,2,3) - 做成这种螺旋形如何?

00:13:553 (3) - 没摆准 左移一格
00:21:553 (1) - 可以在00:22:753 结束 然后后一个slider时间不变
00:45:553 (1,2) - 这个container没有完美地包好 把00:45:553 (1) - 弧度增大(曲线的顶点改到476,236),然后00:46:353 (2) - 移到388,256 然后别忘了后面的note就顺移
01:09:553 (1) - 没放准?

00:31:953 (2) - 是不是放在00:31:853 好一些?如果这么做的话在 00:32:153 加一个note stack在后面那个上
00:42:353 (1,2) - 感觉没有强调重音 先slider后note比较好?

00:04:553 (2) - 这个会stack变丑 把00:04:553 (2,3,4) - 往右下移几格
00:11:053 (7) - 这个完全跟不上节奏 建议去掉
00:12:653 (3) - 去掉?(音乐不是这样但是我觉得这样更好读一些 改不改随你XD)
00:13:453 (5) - ^
00:15:353 (1,2,3,4) - 打了半天还是一堆50 没懂 等后面的modder看吧
00:23:553 (4,5,6) - 只偏了这么点还是会造成HD读图的困难 再向右下移动一格
00:43:153 (1) - 推荐手动stack
00:49:153 (3) - 我会告诉你该AR下这圈HD时完全看不见么 即使是none也几乎看不见approaching circle 话说回来这好像违反rules 00:48:953 (2) - 这个好一些不过也建议移走
01:09:753 (2,3,4) - 个人觉得没有直接stack来的好看

00:15:353 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 做成串多好【PIA
00:16:753 (1,2,3,4) - 听半天觉得这里还是1/3的节奏
00:21:253 (7) - 去掉?
00:21:953 (2) - 缩短到00:22:253 然后原来的滑条尾处加note
00:47:953 (4) - 延长到00:48:253 或者在这里加note
Please get it ranked soon x3 Song and beatmap are awesome ~(^w^~)
Regou's Hard has 2015ms of lead-in instead of 2000 (like the other diffs). I suggest to fix it.
No video? I can provide one if you want.

[All Diffs]
01:24:953 - Add a green line with 5% volume? It's better I think.

[Regou's Hard]
There isn't any spinner here. Add at least 1 since it's unrankable without it.
00:48:953 (2,3) - These two beats are confusing, since they are overlapped to previous slider. I suggest to simply remove (no spacing fix required).

Only this. Sorry for poor mod :|

Flower wrote:

Hi~ queue and zhun-admin-qiupao-mission request~

难度跳跃略大 嘛,,我已經做的很簡單的啦;___;
00:04:553 (2) - 这个会stack变丑 把00:04:553 (2,3,4) - 往右下移几格???
00:11:053 (7) - 这个完全跟不上节奏 建议去掉 我再看看
00:12:653 (3) - 去掉?(音乐不是这样但是我觉得这样更好读一些 改不改随你XD)
00:13:453 (5) - ^
00:15:353 (1,2,3,4) - 打了半天还是一堆50 没懂 等后面的modder看吧 不科學啊我都拿300
00:23:553 (4,5,6) - 只偏了这么点还是会造成HD读图的困难 再向右下移动一格 這個...本來就沒打算弄給別人HD 233
00:43:153 (1) - 推荐手动stack ???
00:49:153 (3) - 我会告诉你该AR下这圈HD时完全看不见么 即使是none也几乎看不见approaching circle 话说回来这好像违反rules 00:48:953 (2) - 这个好一些不过也建议移走 這個改了
01:09:753 (2,3,4) - 个人觉得没有直接stack来的好看 Ok

Kuroneko-sHerald wrote:

[Regou's Hard]
There isn't any spinner here. Add at least 1 since it's unrankable without it.
I'm so sorry about it. It's Rankable :l
Topic Starter

Flower wrote:

Hi~ queue and zhun-admin-qiupao-mission request~


00:00:753 (1,2,3) - 做成这种螺旋形如何? 沒很喜歡耶O3O

00:13:553 (3) - 没摆准 左移一格 .左移一格不美觀
00:21:553 (1) - 可以在00:22:753 结束 然后后一个slider时间不变 想配whistle嘛
00:45:553 (1,2) - 这个container没有完美地包好 把00:45:553 (1) - 弧度增大(曲线的顶点改到476,236),然后00:46:353 (2) - 移到388,256 然后别忘了后面的note就顺移 總之用了你的code ._.
01:09:553 (1) - 没放准?調了下4 謝謝啊~~

00:31:953 (2) - 是不是放在00:31:853 好一些?如果这么做的话在 00:32:153 加一个note stack在后面那个上 放藍線不理智吧 照rhythm比較好
00:42:353 (1,2) - 感觉没有强调重音 先slider后note比较好? 換slider

我更觉得Hard要改读图的问题……这难度感觉比Hard简单 ...
00:15:353 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 做成串多好【PIA 本來是串的說 被shore吐槽就改了 我比較喜歡現在的嘛
00:16:753 (1,2,3,4) - 听半天觉得这里还是1/3的节奏 no
00:21:253 (7) - 去掉? 我愛三連(?)
00:21:953 (2) - 缩短到00:22:253 然后原来的滑条尾处加note 善良一点嘛/.\ 有人在吐我會fix
00:47:953 (4) - 延长到00:48:253 或者在这里加note no

Kuroneko-sHerald wrote:

Regou's Hard has 2015ms of lead-in instead of 2000 (like the other diffs). I suggest to fix it. OK
No video? I can provide one if you want. I have already added...

[All Diffs]
01:24:953 - Add a green line with 5% volume? It's better I think. Chewin says 5% is unrankable & I've added 15% vol. on 01:24:619 -

[Regou's Hard]
There isn't any spinner here. Add at least 1 since it's unrankable without it. This is NOT UNRANKABLE.

Only this. Sorry for poor mod :|
Thanks both!!

Mikarunoel131 wrote:

Please get it ranked soon x3 Song and beatmap are awesome ~(^w^~)
Wow thanks!!

And thanks Fionana for the irc-mod ovo!!

18:07 Fionana: 准备好了吗o.o
18:07 Flask: GO~
18:07 Fionana: 00:10:353 -
18:07 Flask: 不过網路有點不穩定貌似QAQ
18:07 Flask: 诶诶 哪個diff
18:07 Fionana: 把前面的5包住什么的!
18:07 Fionana: In
18:08 Flask: 要往哪边包啊>_>
18:08 Fionana:
18:08 Fionana: 类似这样的..
18:09 Flask: 這個網頁無法使用
18:09 Fionana: 诶!
18:09 Fionana:
18:09 Flask: 最近網路怪怪的QAQ
18:09 Fionana: 实在不行我用puush
18:09 Flask: 應該是我這边的问題
18:10 Fionana: 我试试puush
18:10 Fionana:
18:10 Flask: 出來了
18:10 Fionana: 嗯呐
18:10 Fionana: 00:11:153 (2,3) -
18:10 Flask: 拔掉在插回去(?)就好了._.
18:11 Fionana: www
18:11 Flask: 這個也要包嗎0.0
18:11 Fionana:
18:11 Fionana: 2稍微往下一点
18:11 Flask: k!
18:12 Flask: 總之大致上改了下
18:12 Fionana: 不如我直接给code吧 先保存><
18:12 Flask: 诶
18:12 Flask: 給座標
18:12 Flask: 比較快ovo
18:12 Fionana: 嗯ww
18:13 Fionana: (2): x:84 y:276
18:13 Fionana: (3): x:320 y:176
18:14 Fionana: 00:13:153 (4) - 和前面slider弄个对称?w
18:15 Fionana:
18:15 Flask: 換直的了!
18:15 Fionana: 类似这样的!
18:15 Fionana: 嗯!
18:17 Fionana: 00:20:653 - 和前面的slider相反什么的..等下哦
18:17 Flask: 話說昨天那個pokapoka有找到artist么0.0
18:17 Flask: 诶 ctrl+H在头尾相反嗎~
18:17 Fionana: 没有耶 有很多重名的 但都不是
18:18 Fionana:
18:18 Fionana: 这样的
18:19 Flask: 好 動了一下
18:19 Fionana: 嗯嗯
18:19 Fionana: 01:21:953 -
18:20 Fionana:
18:20 Fionana: 试试这个 DS1.3 2接上3
18:20 Flask: 什什什么意思D:::?!!
18:21 Flask: 為毛我的timing線跟你不一樣>_>???
18:22 Fionana: 咦
18:22 Fionana: 是吗!!
18:22 Fionana: 我记得我更新了呀
18:22 Flask: 01:21:953 - 不是第3條短白線么。。。
18:22 Flask: 诶
18:22 Fionana: ...我输错了!!
18:22 Flask: 是00:21:953
18:22 Flask: 噗wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
18:22 Fionana: 嗯
18:23 Fionana: 看错了..
18:23 Flask: 00:21:953 -
18:23 Flask: 诶這裡spacing怎么這樣
18:23 Flask: >_>
18:23 Fionana: 等下哦
18:24 Fionana:
18:24 Flask: OK!
18:24 Fionana: 这code!!
18:24 Flask: 诶
18:24 Fionana: 更flow些(大概
18:25 Flask: OK
18:25 Flask: 順便改了下6的spacing~
18:25 Fionana: 嗯w
18:26 Fionana: 00:22:953 - NC 00:23:753 - RNC?
18:26 Fionana: 都行啦 建议而已!!
18:26 Flask: K
18:26 Flask: ovo
18:26 Fionana: ovo
18:27 Fionana: 00:34:353 - 抱歉太nazi了=A=
18:28 Flask: 恩好
18:29 Fionana: 好像没了w
18:29 Flask: 诶就这怏么0.0
18:29 Fionana: N和E要吗?
18:29 Flask: 那其它diff呢
18:29 Flask: 嗯嗯 需要ovo
18:30 Fionana: 嗯

18:07 Fionana: 准备好了吗o.o
18:07 Flask: GO~
18:07 Fionana: 00:10:353 -
18:07 Flask: 不过網路有點不穩定貌似QAQ
18:07 Flask: 诶诶 哪個diff
18:07 Fionana: 把前面的5包住什么的!
18:07 Fionana: In
18:08 Flask: 要往哪边包啊>_>
18:08 Fionana:
18:08 Fionana: 类似这样的..
18:09 Flask: 這個網頁無法使用
18:09 Fionana: 诶!
18:09 Fionana:
18:09 Flask: 最近網路怪怪的QAQ
18:09 Fionana: 实在不行我用puush
18:09 Flask: 應該是我這边的问題
18:10 Fionana: 我试试puush
18:10 Fionana:
18:10 Flask: 出來了
18:10 Fionana: 嗯呐
18:10 Fionana: 00:11:153 (2,3) -
18:10 Flask: 拔掉在插回去(?)就好了._.
18:11 Fionana: www
18:11 Flask: 這個也要包嗎0.0
18:11 Fionana:
18:11 Fionana: 2稍微往下一点
18:11 Flask: k!
18:12 Flask: 總之大致上改了下
18:12 Fionana: 不如我直接给code吧 先保存><
18:12 Flask: 诶
18:12 Flask: 給座標
18:12 Flask: 比較快ovo
18:12 Fionana: 嗯ww
18:13 Fionana: (2): x:84 y:276
18:13 Fionana: (3): x:320 y:176
18:14 Fionana: 00:13:153 (4) - 和前面slider弄个对称?w
18:15 Fionana:
18:15 Flask: 換直的了!
18:15 Fionana: 类似这样的!
18:15 Fionana: 嗯!
18:17 Fionana: 00:20:653 - 和前面的slider相反什么的..等下哦
18:17 Flask: 話說昨天那個pokapoka有找到artist么0.0
18:17 Flask: 诶 ctrl+H在头尾相反嗎~
18:17 Fionana: 没有耶 有很多重名的 但都不是
18:18 Fionana:
18:18 Fionana: 这样的
18:19 Flask: 好 動了一下
18:19 Fionana: 嗯嗯
18:19 Fionana: 01:21:953 -
18:20 Fionana:
18:20 Fionana: 试试这个 DS1.3 2接上3
18:20 Flask: 什什什么意思D:::?!!
18:21 Flask: 為毛我的timing線跟你不一樣>_>???
18:22 Fionana: 咦
18:22 Fionana: 是吗!!
18:22 Fionana: 我记得我更新了呀
18:22 Flask: 01:21:953 - 不是第3條短白線么。。。
18:22 Flask: 诶
18:22 Fionana: ...我输错了!!
18:22 Flask: 是00:21:953
18:22 Flask: 噗wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
18:22 Fionana: 嗯
18:23 Fionana: 看错了..
18:23 Flask: 00:21:953 -
18:23 Flask: 诶這裡spacing怎么這樣
18:23 Flask: >_>
18:23 Fionana: 等下哦
18:24 Fionana:
18:24 Flask: OK!
18:24 Fionana: 这code!!
18:24 Flask: 诶
18:24 Fionana: 更flow些(大概
18:25 Flask: OK
18:25 Flask: 順便改了下6的spacing~
18:25 Fionana: 嗯w
18:26 Fionana: 00:22:953 - NC 00:23:753 - RNC?
18:26 Fionana: 都行啦 建议而已!!
18:26 Flask: K
18:26 Flask: ovo
18:26 Fionana: ovo
18:27 Fionana: 00:34:353 - 抱歉太nazi了=A=
18:28 Flask: 恩好
18:29 Fionana: 好像没了w
18:29 Flask: 诶就这怏么0.0
18:29 Fionana: N和E要吗?
18:29 Flask: 那其它diff呢
18:29 Flask: 嗯嗯 需要ovo
18:30 Fionana: 嗯

Kuroneko-sHerald wrote:

Regou's Hard has 2015ms of lead-in instead of 2000 (like the other diffs). I suggest to fix it. OK
No video? I can provide one if you want. I have already added...

[All Diffs]
01:24:953 - Add a green line with 5% volume? It's better I think. Chewin says 5% is unrankable & I've added 15% vol. on 01:24:619 - Did Chewin said that? I don't see anything about in his mod and I think it's strange that 5% is unrankable, because rules says you can silence a spinner. But since you removed spinners it's not a problem anymore.

[Regou's Hard]
There isn't any spinner here. Add at least 1 since it's unrankable without it. This is NOT UNRANKABLE. Ok, no spinner is not a rule now, I really didn't know it, sorry.

About Video. I can't see the video while playing, that's why I thought there wasn't one. And I also know why.
In .osu file that's the video line:
Video,100,"Shinryaku!! Ika Musume (OAD) Opening 「Let's☆Shinryaku Time!」.flv"
But your video is actually named "Shinryaku!! Ika Musume (OAD) Opening üuLet'süÖShinryaku Time!üv.flv" so you should change the file name on osu files.
Btw, your video is 17MB and has poor quality :\ I suggest to use this video
Snowy Dream
Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
  1. Red - Important or Issue
  2. Blue - You'd better fix them
  3. Black - Normal Suggestions
00:11:953 (1,2) - I may place them like this

00:34:353 (1) - Why not ends at 00:35:753? and then 00:35:953 (2) starts at 00:36:153 (2)

00:27:553 (4) - NC here and remove NC from 00:28:353 (1)

[Regou's Hard]
00:49:953 (4) - stack with 00:49:153 (2) completely?

00:06:153 (3,4,5) - what about this? It fits the vocal better

01:24:353 (3) - Wrong beats.This slider should start at here and end at 01:23:753 then a note at 01:24:653 (4)
Wonderful Mapset
:3 GL
Topic Starter

Snowy Dream wrote:

Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
  1. Red - Important or Issue
  2. Blue - You'd better fix them
  3. Black - Normal Suggestions
00:11:953 (1,2) - I may place them like this k

00:34:353 (1) - Why not ends at 00:35:753? and then 00:35:953 (2) starts at 00:36:153 (2) 这樣比較順嘛

00:27:553 (4) - NC here and remove NC from 00:28:353 (1) k

[Regou's Hard]
00:49:953 (4) - stack with 00:49:153 (2) completely?

00:06:153 (3,4,5) - what about this? It fits the vocal better 先暫時保留>_>

01:24:353 (3) - Wrong beats.This slider should start at here and end at 01:23:753 then a note at 01:24:653 (4) k
Wonderful Mapset
:3 GL

謝雪夢 快上MAT泡了我这图

Thanks Kuroneko-sHerald for video provide >w<!
Athena Tennos



00:02:353 (2) - 这个滑条第二个点出格子了没问题么...
00:11:953 (1,2) - 节奏感觉怪怪的,像下面那样比较好吧

00:25:553 - 少个note的感觉...
00:28:753 - ^
00:34:353 (1) - 这样修改节奏上会好点
00:55:553 (3) - 喂喂,这个明显出格子了吧
01:22:753 (1,2,3) - 推荐改成下面这个


00:10:353 (4) - 挪到296|208
00:03:953 (1) - 滑条按照这样改改吧,红点位置注意就行,节奏
00:25:153 (2) - 弄好看点,包好
00:47:953 (3) - 挪到492|136
01:14:353 (1) - 旋转下,和下一个note保持位置上的一致,比如旋转18°然后挪到412|372
01:15:953 (1,2) - 像这样
01:23:953 (1) - 尾巴加上finish?

Regou's Hard

00:23:953 (6) - 考虑和3的尾巴重合
00:41:553 (3) - 滑条第二个点挪到360|72
00:49:353 (4) - 先移动到172|352 然后第四个点64|292 尾巴点76|256
01:09:753 (2,3,4) - 位置稍稍再分开点吧
01:10:153 (5,6) - 5和6重合吧
01:25:053 - 加上finish?


00:08:753 (1) - 又出格子了
00:17:553 (4) - nc

Topic Starter

-[NYAN]- wrote:




00:02:353 (2) - 这个滑条第二个点出格子了没问题么... 有問題么
00:11:953 (1,2) - 节奏感觉怪怪的,像下面那样比较好吧 no

00:25:553 - 少个note的感觉...
00:28:753 - ^ 都故意的
00:34:353 (1) - 这样修改节奏上会好点 不喜歡這樣的
00:55:553 (3) - 喂喂,这个明显出格子了吧 一点問題都沒有吧
01:22:753 (1,2,3) - 推荐改成下面这个 no


00:10:353 (4) - 挪到296|208 也太nazi了吧 總之fix
00:03:953 (1) - 滑条按照这样改改吧,红点位置注意就行,节奏 no
00:25:153 (2) - 弄好看点,包好 . 已經不錯了
00:47:953 (3) - 挪到492|136 k
01:14:353 (1) - 旋转下,和下一个note保持位置上的一致,比如旋转18°然后挪到412|372
01:15:953 (1,2) - 像这样 k
01:23:953 (1) - 尾巴加上finish? no


00:08:753 (1) - 又出格子了 你去test看看就知道
00:17:553 (4) - nc no

req. Taiko Mod from queue ;)


[Yia's Taiko Muzukshii]
00:47:553 - k
01:02:753 - k
01:11:753 - K
01:11:953 - K
01:22:953 - k

[Yia's Taiko Oni]
00:45:053 - d
00:46:653 - k 缺了音有點怪怪的...
00:48:553 - k

我想大概就是這些了 ;) 希望能幫到你
Taiko Modreq from my Queue~ <3
哇好可爱 (? 的歌~

d = don
k = kat
re = remove


[Taiko Muzukashii]

00:04:553 - k
00:08:153 - 这spinner我是不赞成,可能不能rank. 我建议你放slider就好.
00:23:153 - re
00:35:953 - ^
00:59:053 - 这 D 把他移到 00:58:953 - ?
01:24:343 - k

[Taiko Oni]

00:08:153 - 和 Taiko Muzukashii 的建议一样
Taiko mod~

[Yia's Taiko Muzukashii]
00:15:153 - 换成spinner
01:05:153 - 这么短的slider可能不能rank, 可以换成 D D

[Yia's Taiko Oni]
01:04:753 - 换成spinner

from pm in game~
ola flask-san X3
I come for taiko mod ~

  1. 00:18:553 (35)- : k ?
  2. 00:21:553 (48)- : d?
  3. 00:21:753 (49)- : k?
  4. 00:22:153- : remove?
  5. 00:22:353 (52)- : k ?
  1. 00:09:853 (8)- : d?
  2. 00:09:953 (9)- : k?
that all I can find >u<;;;
good luck~! :3
Two Taiko diff'd fixed

thanks - t e n n y a - & CoroQuetz's mod
Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn: - [Easy] : 2000 - [Insane] : 2000 - [Normal] : 2000 - [Regou's Hard] : 2015 - [Yia's Taiko Muzukashii] : 2000 - [Yia's Taiko Oni] : 2000

add in regou's diff tags [kirisame-marisa] yia

no kd, fix this and wait for wcx, pstd your map in queue /runs
Topic Starter
Thanks BCI ovo//

And update for Regou's diff & yia's diff >w<!
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ Flask ~ :)

Mod time for my Lucky Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. I guess source should be : Shinryaku!! Ika Musume
    (you can check with video).


  1. HP-1 is better.
  2. 01:13:053 (4) - Move 1 grid up,looks better.
  3. 01:14:353 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make more curved stream,same as 01:12:753 (1,2,3,4,5).
  4. 01:15:953 (1,2,3,4,5) - I guess change to straight is better.

[Regou's Hard]

  1. 00:12:653 (3,5) - I guess this is over rhythm,remove pls.
  2. 00:49:953 (4) - Stack on 00:49:153 (2).
  3. 01:25:053 - Increase volume to 15-20%.


  1. 00:09:553 (3,4) - Make more blanket.

That's all ~ Not bad map for newbies mapper ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
All done! Thanks Rika ><
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ Flask ~ :)

Mod time for my Lucky Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. I guess source should be : Shinryaku!! Ika Musume
    (you can check with video). k


  1. HP-1 is better. k
  2. 01:13:053 (4) - Move 1 grid up,looks better. k
  3. 01:14:353 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make more curved stream,same as 01:12:753 (1,2,3,4,5). k
  4. 01:15:953 (1,2,3,4,5) - I guess change to straight is better. k


  1. 00:09:553 (3,4) - Make more blanket.動了下> >

That's all ~ Not bad map for newbies mapper ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
Kawayi Rika
Recheck ~ no kds pls ~

[Regou's Hard]

  1. 00:13:453 (4) - Still no remove this circle.
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Recheck ~ no kds pls ~

[Regou's Hard]

  1. 00:13:453 (4) - Still no remove this circle.
^ Fix for Regou: Done!
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Looks all fine now ~

Here you go :3

Topic Starter
Athena Tennos
恭喜 :D
shit why am i such a slow modder ;;
gayygayyygayyyyyyy 這麼快泡><人性呢

00:07:353 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This is 1/3 not 1/4 and should be mapped as such. Look at the taiko for example, it's in 1/3. (Also listen at 25% you'll hear it)
00:34:353 (1) - This needs to be 1/3 aswell.

00:07:353 (2,3) - Make this all a 1/3 kickback slider. Like I told Flask in the insane this part is 1/3 and needs to be mapped as such. You can hear that 3 is extremely late because it's not snapped to 1/3 beats.
01:24:653 (4) - This slider has no purpose because it's landing on no beat, just make a circle instead.

01:24:353 (1) - This slider needs to end on the blue tick! That's where the last beat in the music lands.

[Taiko Oni]
00:23:053 (82,83) - Delete these two notes then make 00:22:953 (81) - a finisher. You really should follow the powerful vocal section right here and this resembles it perfectly.
00:35:853 (152,153) - ^ Do the same thing here.
01:01:353 (255) - Make this a k? Will establish some better flow for the 3/4 beat.
01:07:753 (14) - ^

[Taiko Muzukashii]
00:11:953 (14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29) - I don't think dddk is a good patternt o use for muzukashii, especially on 1/3. Try doing a simple type of pattern like: dddd kkkk dddd kkkk. Would work nicely.

Look this over and call me back. And I can give you your bubble back.

MMzz wrote:


00:07:353 (2,3) - Make this all a 1/3 kickback slider. Like I told Flask in the insane this part is 1/3 and needs to be mapped as such. You can hear that 3 is extremely late because it's not snapped to 1/3 beats. Alright,fixed (Although it sounds really weird to me, I checked it and it's really a 1/3 rhythm...orz)
01:24:653 (4) - This slider has no purpose because it's landing on no beat, just make a circle instead. I want to show the 'lasting' feeling... it just sound so odd if I use a circle instead.Sorry.

Look this over and call me back. And I can give you your bubble back.
Topic Starter

MMzz wrote:


00:07:353 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This is 1/3 not 1/4 and should be mapped as such. Look at the taiko for example, it's in 1/3. (Also listen at 25% you'll hear it) k
00:34:353 (1) - This needs to be 1/3 aswell [/color]

01:24:353 (1) - This slider needs to end on the blue tick! That's where the last beat in the music lands. [/color]

[Taiko Oni]
00:23:053 (82,83) - Delete these two notes then make 00:22:953 (81) - a finisher. You really should follow the powerful vocal section right here and this resembles it perfectly.
00:35:853 (152,153) - ^ Do the same thing here.
01:01:353 (255) - Make this a k? Will establish some better flow for the 3/4 beat.
01:07:753 (14) - ^

[Taiko Muzukashii]
00:11:953 (14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29) - I don't think dddk is a good patternt o use for muzukashii, especially on 1/3. Try doing a simple type of pattern like: dddd kkkk dddd kkkk. Would work nicely.

Look this over and call me back. And I can give you your bubble back.
Looks like some stuff got messed up with the updates.

Inconsistency in Source:
Easy : Shinryaku!! Ika Musume
Insane : Shinryaku!! Ika Musume
Normal : Shinryaku!! Ika Musume
Regou's Hard : Shinryaku!? Ika Musume
Yia's Taiko Muzukashii : Shinryaku!! Ika Musume
Yia's Taiko Oni : Shinryaku!! Ika Musume

00:07:819 (4) - Unsnapped slider (end).

00:07:819 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end).

EDIT: Rebubble
~Regou's Hard~

01:23:453 (3) - This slider looks ugly compared to the rest of the map.

Just that and I'll go ahead with ranking this (:
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:

~Regou's Hard~

01:23:453 (3) - This slider looks ugly compared to the rest of the map. Change to a nice slider :3

Just that and I'll go ahead with ranking this (:
~~ Thanks Andrea ><
Here we go ^^

恭喜 > <"!!!!!
Athena Tennos
GG Flask <3 www

恭喜小峰峰 :3
gratz orz..
Topic Starter
Thanks all >w< !!!
congrats o/
Flask is so moe \:3/
gratz flask :3
讚 又多了個台灣mapper 超開心 >w<
雖然有GD Ranked過就是了...
Topic Starter
Bakari is moe too <3

Thank you all >w< 剝絲絲說好的mod呢
gratz Flask-nyan >w<~ finally!
waaaaaa! 恭喜小峰峰~
Topic Starter
Thanks >< !!

Congrats PonPonAy ~ >w<
um... wtf is 00:11:953 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
isn't this supposed to be snapped to 1/3....???

?? >_>

s ranker disc
nice pic the girls face is funny good map :)

winber1 wrote:

um... wtf is 00:11:953 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
isn't this supposed to be snapped to 1/3....???

?? >_>

Andrea, i am disappoint
HORRAY! I am more than happy to see this ranked!


Farex wrote:

winber1 wrote:

um... wtf is 00:11:953 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
isn't this supposed to be snapped to 1/3....???

?? >_>

1/4 sounds fine too. Add at 00:12:153 and at 00:12:953 a Circle and you'll see that also 1/4 is neat too.
Or ask Flask if this was purposed to be 1/4.
Now you guys made me confused.

Andrea wrote:

Now you guys made me confused.
Same here, because i don't see any problem with 1/4 here...

Andrea wrote:

Now you guys made me confused.
It says I have the latest version. The 2nd pic shows that the notes are snapped to 1/4 and not 1/3. This could be a glitch if this is actually not the latest ranked copy. As you can see, with the way the notes are spaced, Flask most definitely meant to use 1/3 ticks instead of 1/4 ticks.

And @Stefan: if Flask seriously did that on purpose (and I am doubting he would because he is a decent/good mapper), then that would be horrible spacing. He would know better to space it out if he really meant to use 1/4 ticks there. I agree it sounds fine, but the spacing given implies that Flask wanted 1/3 snapped notes. No one is going to intuitively read that stream-like pattern as 1/4 tick-snapped with a sixteenth note rest in the middle. It's completely counter-intuitive.

Furthermore, I also believe 00:53:553 (1,2,3,4,5) - should be mapped to 1/3 as well. However, this is less of a problem as I can still easily 300 this whole pattern if it's snapped to 1/4, but imo, it should still be fixed.

And 00:07:153 (2,3,4,5,6) - should be like this:
Topic Starter
since i have no computer now, check it later nah.

Even i think that 's nothing o3o

EDIT: uh like nold said I feel 1/3 last night.

If that's a bug or something wrong b4 rank, eh unrank this please if it needs.
It was 1/3 snapped last night

I'm quite sure

but this error should be fixed.
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