
Natsumi Yanase - Sora no Yume (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 22 сентября 2012 г. at 19:52:58

Artist: Natsumi Yanase
Title: Sora no Yume (TV Size)
Source: ef - a tale of memories
Tags: minori TENMON shaft shindou chihiro CXu ending sky dreams
BPM: 125
Filesize: 2433kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. CXu (4,15 stars, 146 notes)
  2. Disquiet (4,5 stars, 156 notes)
  3. Uneasy (1,33 stars, 77 notes)
Download: Natsumi Yanase - Sora no Yume (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great. - Roger de Rabutin
Akiyama Mizuki
Yeah 2nd
I love that song ^^
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Kert used Resurrect
Gained 9000 points EXP
CXu used hitsounds!
It's not very effective!
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le -Bakari- appears
/me uses mod!

превью пойнты задай :3
800x600 бг найди 5b516efc2f05cab4c7cc27646f5d5e05_2.jpg is 688x516, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768.
я вее пониаю, серый цвет в начале нужен, но может сделать его таким, чтоб он не был похож на цвет фэйла в мульти?
в описание добавить где какая сложность. (derp's derp = normal)

00:58:621 (1) - whistle? :3
01:07:261 (2) - ^ на хвост слайдера

01:01:861 (5) -i'm usure but i think new combo here fits with your pattern
01:26:461 (1) - whistle + clap? :3

00:00:541 (1) - нази: выпрямить? Смотрится лучше же.
01:18:061 (1) - а тут нужен серый цвет? D:
01:27:421 (2) - finish + clap / finish / clap. Финиш + клэп, но потише, я бы сделал так.


stop making perfect maps ;_;
Topic Starter
le -Bakari- appears
/me uses mod!

превью пойнты задай :3 done
800x600 бг найди 5b516efc2f05cab4c7cc27646f5d5e05_2.jpg is 688x516, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768. я спросил: главное чтобы пропорции были те же (4:3). этой картинки не существует в большем разрешении в интернетах
я вее пониаю, серый цвет в начале нужен, но может сделать его таким, чтоб он не был похож на цвет фэйла в мульти? я хз, по-моему это не особо важно
в описание добавить где какая сложность. (derp's derp = normal) да зачем, звёзды всеравно правильно располагают сложности в списке

00:58:621 (1) - whistle? :3 yes
01:07:261 (2) - ^ на хвост слайдера no

00:00:541 (1) - нази: выпрямить? Смотрится лучше же. погнул сильнее
01:18:061 (1) - а тут нужен серый цвет? D: цвета тут по порядку идут
01:27:421 (2) - finish + clap / finish / clap. Финиш + клэп, но потише, я бы сделал так. замутил тихий хлопок


stop making perfect maps ;_;

00:06:621 (5) - a little hard to know whether it's a slider or tow circles
00:49:741 - make such a blank in a integral vocal section seems unreasonable,maybe add a note or something likes?
00:41:341 (1) - why not use finish? you can turn down the volume to coordinate music,same as 00:52:861 (1) - ,01:04:381 (1) -
01:27:421 (2) - music at this time sounds strong,so i suggest make a small jump to stress it

fine,and combo color arrangemet is great


00:41:341 (1) - as i wrote in disquiet,maybe you think a finish is too loud and doesn't fit this song,but the whistle you add here effects little,just like nothing at the note.imo,don't care too much about the original music,use what you sound good

solid map,ittle thing i can find here
Topic Starter

00:06:621 (5) - a little hard to know whether it's a slider or tow circles I didn't have any other ideas here, but slider is most likely not missable here
00:49:741 - make such a blank in a integral vocal section seems unreasonable,maybe add a note or something likes? It works the same way as here 00:43:981 - :p
00:41:341 (1) - why not use finish? you can turn down the volume to coordinate music,same as 00:52:861 (1) - ,01:04:381 (1) - Added them, except the middle one
01:27:421 (2) - music at this time sounds strong,so i suggest make a small jump to stress it Yeah it could work too, but I prefer a stack here more =w=


00:41:341 (1) - as i wrote in disquiet,maybe you think a finish is too loud and doesn't fit this song,but the whistle you add here effects little,just like nothing at the note.imo,don't care too much about the original music,use what you sound good Added

solid map,ittle thing i can find here
Interesting mod, good suggestions!
Эм привет :3 Мой рандомный мод :oops:


00:04:621(3) - лучше продлить его до красного тика, как то приятнее звучит чем эта дырка, а на начало 4 можно вистл
00:22:621(4,1) - стакни лучше, некрасиво выглядит(
01:02:581 - хм мне кажется трипл тут звучит намного лучше, если добавить нотки на белый и красный тики


not bad~


00:13:261 - ремувни нк, не нужно оно тут

Ну вот в принципе и всё. Только зачем использовать серый цвет во время киаи тайма и до конца? он туда вообще не вписывается. Лучше на цветном отрезке его выключить, а посл ноту на вспышке сделать серой, будет смотреться куда гормоничнее =З усё удачи ~~ :P
Topic Starter
2Katty Pie
Эм привет :3 Мой рандомный мод :oops: привет


00:04:621(3) - лучше продлить его до красного тика, как то приятнее звучит чем эта дырка, а на начало 4 можно вистл я попробовал так сделать, но как-то следующий слайдер тогда вообще не вписывается =\
00:22:621(4,1) - стакни лучше, некрасиво выглядит( вроде как и было стакнуто при 0,0x без грид снапа
01:02:581 - хм мне кажется трипл тут звучит намного лучше, если добавить нотки на белый и красный тики я тут следую за скрипочкой =w=


00:13:261 - ремувни нк, не нужно оно тут угу

Ну вот в принципе и всё. Только зачем использовать серый цвет во время киаи тайма и до конца? он туда вообще не вписывается. Лучше на цветном отрезке его выключить, а посл ноту на вспышке сделать серой, будет смотреться куда гормоничнее =З усё удачи ~~ :P
цвета поменял\пофиксил :3
M4M <3


Use this picture, better quality


01:10:141 (1) - Let this slider end at 01:10:501, fits better to the music ^^

Short mod :o

Good map :3 Good luck ^^
Topic Starter
That slider is fine :p
Thanks for a larger bg pic! Updated

Your background is 688x516, you should find one which is 800x600 or 1024x768.
Your MP3 file have 2,5 sec blank at the end, maybe you can cut it ?

00:58:621 (1) - Change for a slider which ends at 00:59:581 -
01:00:061 (2) - Change for a slider which ends at 01:01:021 -
01:06:301 (1) - Start at 01:06:541 - end at 01:06:781 -

00:47:101 (1) - end at 00:47:581 -

In the other diffs the combo colors remain grey until the BG become colored. In this diff before the BG become colored you used pink combo color. That's normal ?
01:10:141 (1) - end at 01:10:501 -

Not many things fond ^^"
Topic Starter
Full reuploaded with fixed BG and SB
Other stuff is fine in my view
Кертики \о/
Делаю м4м для t/33286


Замени старое бг этим (размер не 1024х768). Алсо, измененные grey.jpg и white.jpg.
В директории песни положи все файлы для СБ в 1 папку (желательно).


00:01:741 (3) - Середину слайдера можно сделать беззвучной.
00:07:501 (2) - ^
00:11:101 (1) - Можешь по желанию добавить soft-finish.
00:18:181 - Тут слышно что-то, похожее на clap, значит можешь сюда добавить ноту или переместить 00:18:301 (1) с небольшим удлинением.
00:20:581 - Сюда перемести 00:20:701 (5) или сделай короткий слайдер с синего на белый тик.
00:26:821 - То же самое, что и в 00:18:181 .
00:29:221 - То же самое, что и в 00:20:581 .
00:35:461 - То же самое, что и в 00:18:181 .
00:37:861 - Вот тут тоже слышно что-то, похожее на clap, лучше всего укоротить 00:37:501 (2) до синего тика и на белом тике сделать ноту.
00:39:781 - Опять этот чертов clap, укороти 00:38:461 (1) до синего тика.
01:27:301 - Сюда можешь добавить ноту.

В остальных диффах всё в порядке, за исключением синих тиков с clap'ом в начале.

00:26:941 (1) - Unsnapped.
00:15:008 (1) - Try moving this near x:38 y:188.
00:28:861 (2,3) - Both has a unsnapped spacing.
00:57:661 (2) - Try moving this to x:212 y:128


00:15:421 (2) - Try moving this to x:216 y:360.
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эти клапы очень криво и невпопад будут звучать. я делал карту по голосу и по басу (? хз как это называется) в основном

2Koro McAlpine

00:26:941 (1) - Unsnapped. I don't understand what's unsnapped here.. Recalculated slider lengths
00:15:008 (1) - Try moving this near x:38 y:188. Why? It breaks spacing and becomes too close to the next circle+it's a stack under a slider in easy..
00:28:861 (2,3) - Both has a unsnapped spacing. I don't understand here too =\
00:57:661 (2) - Try moving this to x:212 y:128 I dunno I barely see difference


00:15:421 (2) - Try moving this to x:216 y:360. He didn't agree on this


  1. 00:07:501 (2) - here is better imo
  2. 00:19:741 (3) - this note change to 30% volume, as it's not as strong as (4)
  3. 00:21:181 (1) - "sora" blue combo..? (maybe.. ^^b)
  4. 00:34:621 (4,1) - "omoi" should use green combo ..?
  5. 00:35:581 (1,2) - why no blanket ._.
  6. 00:47:101 (1) - move slider end down a little? for blanket
  7. 00:48:061 (3) - I think 3 notes here is better to play, maybe also add whistle on (4)
  8. 00:53:821 (3) - add whistle on reverse?
  9. also, how about adding red effect on storyboard at red note points like 00:17:341 (1,2) ? just like the end, I think it fits ^^

  1. 00:06:541 (1) - 1/6
  2. 01:03:421 (1,2) - these sliders softer? like this

  1. 00:53:581 - rhythm weird.. maybe 3/2 slider..
  2. colors suggestion same as Disquiet.?
that's all

Good luck~
CXu Fixed 1/6, left the other
o.o oh hey~

  1. Add "ending" to the tags it's one of their ending songs~

  1. 00:09:661 (3) - this slider is not curved to well so, move the 2nd slider point 1 grid right and 3 grid down. and you should remove the whistle on the tail and add a finish it sounds better to me~
  2. 00:11:581 (1) - i dont think this slider looks good so maybe do it like this?
  3. 00:18:301 (3) - I think too many slider point can be bad sometimes so make it like this o.o it looks much better to me~
  4. 00:23:341 (2) - move the last slider point 1 grid to the left~
  5. 00:48:541 (1,2) - I think you should switch those NC o.o
  6. 00:55:741 (1) - it'll be nice if you make a blanket here like this?
  7. 01:01:501 (3) - move this 1 grid to the left so it'll be lined on x-axes~
  8. 01:24:061 (x) - the vocal still going so add a note here it'll fit very well here~

  1. 00:11:101 (4) - move this 1 grid to the right and up, i think it'll be lined better with the (3) o.o
  2. 00:29:821 (2) - fix this slider like this? it's not perfectly curved~
Nothing much to here clean diff~

  1. 00:06:621 (5) - i think you should remove this and a note instead o.o it's too confusing orz
  2. 00:16:021 (x) - make triple here i think it's fits with song very well sense it's insane diff~
  3. 00:43:981 (x) - ^
  4. 00:49:741 (x) - ^

I think that's all I can find. Good song and sb >w< good luck with ranking~
Fixed 2nd slider, didnt move the note. Added ending to tags.
Topic Starter
o.o oh hey~ Hey

  1. Add "ending" to the tags it's one of their ending songs~

  1. 00:09:661 (3) - this slider is not curved to well so, move the 2nd slider point 1 grid right and 3 grid down. and you should remove the whistle on the tail and add a finish it sounds better to me~
  2. Remapped the beginning, because I wasn't satisfied with the flow
  3. 00:11:581 (1) - i dont think this slider looks good so maybe do it like this? I really like it as it is
  4. 00:18:301 (3) - I think too many slider point can be bad sometimes so make it like this o.o it looks much better to me~ I really don't see any visual difference xD It looks fine I think
  5. 00:23:341 (2) - move the last slider point 1 grid to the left~ Why so nazi, it doesn't really affect anything :D
  6. 00:48:541 (1,2) - I think you should switch those NC o.o I like it this way
  7. 00:55:741 (1) - it'll be nice if you make a blanket here like this? Moved circle to the right
  8. 01:01:501 (3) - move this 1 grid to the left so it'll be lined on x-axes~ It's really not noticable in game but I fixed that
  9. 01:24:061 (x) - the vocal still going so add a note here it'll fit very well here~ I'll have to add one more note at 01:24:541 - that's why I didn't add this one
  1. 00:06:621 (5) - i think you should remove this and a note instead o.o it's too confusing orz I'll have to add 2 notes then, but everyone will miss or get 100s :D
  2. 00:16:021 (x) - make triple here i think it's fits with song very well sense it's insane diff~ That's just plain overmapping :<
  3. 00:43:981 (x) - ^
  4. 00:49:741 (x) - ^
    No changes here, cause I prefer them like this in this part of the song. There are triples at 00:59:581 (3,4,5) - 01:16:861 (3,4,5) -
I think that's all I can find. Good song and sb >w< good luck with ranking~
Thanks for the mod!
Topic Starter
2 CSGA Ar3sgice
hi~ Yo


  1. 00:07:501 (2) - here is better imo Changed it in some other way
  2. 00:19:741 (3) - this note change to 30% volume, as it's not as strong as (4) Done
  3. 00:21:181 (1) - "sora" blue combo..? (maybe.. ^^b) Yep
  4. 00:34:621 (4,1) - "omoi" should use green combo ..? Too bright for gray bg
  5. 00:35:581 (1,2) - why no blanket ._. Also changed in another way (no blanket though)
  6. 00:47:101 (1) - move slider end down a little? for blanket Moved previous slider a little
  7. 00:48:061 (3) - I think 3 notes here is better to play, maybe also add whistle on (4) Nah, I like the slider here
  8. 00:53:821 (3) - add whistle on reverse? Tried, I think too much whistles here with it
  9. also, how about adding red effect on storyboard at red note points like 00:17:341 (1,2) ? just like the end, I think it fits ^^ A bit lazy to do that, I think combo colours are enough :p

  1. 00:53:581 - rhythm weird.. maybe 3/2 slider.. Let it be simple as it is :p
  2. colors suggestion same as Disquiet.? They are a little different here, because I omitted a few beats, because Easy
that's all

Good luck~
Hi from your modding queue.


Black are suggestions. It's important for me to fix Blue and I recommend it very lot!


So first thing what I wanted to say... Why the hell kiai ends so unnecessary. I awesomely hate this end of kiai. So move it on
01:25:981 to make it sensible.
I would use basic diff names, cause they are unnecessary. Easy, CXu's Normal, Hard (or like one diff harder)

Add "TENMON" (main composer) into tags.


00:00:541 (1,2) - Yeah, first two notes and I have problem with this. It looks nice, but since 00:05:821 (4,5,1) is completly the same, it looks diffirent.
Cause of repeats beat on 00:00:941 ends on repeat side of slider and you used the same snap on 00:05:821 (4,5,1). But since players don't move with cursor
on these "short" sliders, but just hold, you may use snap 2.0x for 00:01:021 (2) to make it similar to 00:05:821 (4,5,1), simply - consistency. (like this

00:05:821 (4,5,1) - If you fixed ^. You can fix this detail. For 100% consistency you can use snap 1,0 for these, since we used 2,0 on ^ to make it look like 1,0.
00:01:021 (2) - For combo consistency you may add NC here. (you used it on same slider 00:06:781 (1))
00:13:261 (1) - Looks better for me when red point in slider is on x:428 y:80
00:14:701 (1,4) - Since you're not using overlaps in other parts of map, try to avoid this overlap simply by moving these:
00:14:701 (1) - x:360 y:176
00:15:421 (2) - x:192 y:192
00:15:901 (3,4) - x:96 y:292

00:41:341 (1) - This shape looks better when the last slider point is on x:452 y:88
00:34:621 (4) - Combo is not so consistent, but I really don't know if put NC on 00:34:141 (3) or 00:34:621 (4)...
01:26:461 (1) - Looks better when the center slider point is on x:144 y:32
01:26:461 (1,2) - Nazi, but stack them perfectly. Coordinates are diffirent.


00:16:621 (4) - Sounds bit weird for me, but don't know what to do with it..[
00:44:941 (3) - Move 5th slider point on x:224 y:284, looks better for me.
00:53:581 (3) - Something like ^, but this looks very weird.
00:55:741 (1) - Move center on x:320 y:296, ^
Can't find anything more on your diff and can't suggest anything else.


00:44:221 (1) - Move on x:52 y:144 for better blanketing.
00:53:821 (2) - CTRL+SHIFT+R 25° Rotation. (Avoid overlap with 00:55:741 (1), but keep blanketing)

Very good map. Good luck with it!

dragonxcz wrote:


00:16:621 (4) - Sounds bit weird for me, but don't know what to do with it.. - Easy, just leave it as-is \o/
00:44:941 (3) - Move 5th slider point on x:224 y:284, looks better for me. - Sure
00:53:581 (3) - Something like ^, but this looks very weird. - Nah, it's fine. I tried fiddling a bit, but I still like this shape ^^
00:55:741 (1) - Move center on x:320 y:296, ^ - lol ok, done.
Can't find anything more on your diff and can't suggest anything else.
Thanks for modding

This is Kertwaii.
Topic Starter
Hi from your modding queue. Hey


Black are suggestions. It's important for me to fix Blue and I recommend it very lot!


So first thing what I wanted to say... Why the hell kiai ends so unnecessary. I awesomely hate this end of kiai. So move it on
01:25:981 to make it sensible. We think it's fine
I would use basic diff names, cause they are unnecessary. Easy, CXu's Normal, Hard (or like one diff harder)
Nah, we like it as it is + we keep consistency with other ef maps we've done :p
Add "TENMON" (main composer) into tags. Added


00:00:541 (1,2) - Yeah, first two notes and I have problem with this. It looks nice, but since 00:05:821 (4,5,1) is completly the same, it looks diffirent.
Cause of repeats beat on 00:00:941 ends on repeat side of slider and you used the same snap on 00:05:821 (4,5,1). But since players don't move with cursor
on these "short" sliders, but just hold, you may use snap 2.0x for 00:01:021 (2) to make it similar to 00:05:821 (4,5,1), simply - consistency. (like this

00:05:821 (4,5,1) - If you fixed ^. You can fix this detail. For 100% consistency you can use snap 1,0 for these, since we used 2,0 on ^ to make it look like 1,0.
00:01:021 (2) - For combo consistency you may add NC here. (you used it on same slider 00:06:781 (1))
00:13:261 (1) - Looks better for me when red point in slider is on x:428 y:80
00:14:701 (1,4) - Since you're not using overlaps in other parts of map, try to avoid this overlap simply by moving these:
00:14:701 (1) - x:360 y:176
00:15:421 (2) - x:192 y:192
00:15:901 (3,4) - x:96 y:292

00:41:341 (1) - This shape looks better when the last slider point is on x:452 y:88
00:34:621 (4) - Combo is not so consistent, but I really don't know if put NC on 00:34:141 (3) or 00:34:621 (4)...
01:26:461 (1) - Looks better when the center slider point is on x:144 y:32
01:26:461 (1,2) - Nazi, but stack them perfectly. Coordinates are diffirent.

Fixed all except NC before chorus and slider shape after spinner


00:44:221 (1) - Move on x:52 y:144 for better blanketing.
00:53:821 (2) - CTRL+SHIFT+R 25° Rotation. (Avoid overlap with 00:55:741 (1), but keep blanketing)

Fixed everything here too~
Very good map. Good luck with it!
Thanks for a nice mod!
Rechcecked your map. Now everything seems fine even if you didn't fix kiai (anyway, it must not be problem for rank and if it will, you can simply fix it later), yeah, didn't fix diff names, but now I see that it's for consistency with other your maps, so it's ok.

My star is your~~! If you'll make any other ef map, or just similar songs, you can tell me that I may mod it too or you can request a guest diff (or maybe collab too). I will probably accept and I will glad of.
Topic Starter
Okay~ I'll consider this :P
Thanks for the star!
01:02:221 (2) - This is the only note that bothers me because it's behind the slider start of 01:00:781 (4) . Just a suggestion~


No more problems found. Overall, it's a nice mapset~ :)
Topic Starter
Decreased Drain~
CXu said that part is fine for him :D
Mod Infos:

You should fix this.
You must fix this.


  • 00:11:581 (1) - Combo colour: gray.
    00:25:981 (1) - ^
    00:35:581 (1) - ^
    01:24:061 (x) - Add a circle.


  • Tags: Add "TENMON".
    00:03:421 (4,1) - Keep the spacing consistent. (try to do something like this)


  • 00:13:261 (1) - Combo colour: gray.
    00:17:341 (1) - ^
    00:21:181 (1) - ^
    00:29:821 (1) - ^
    00:35:581 (1) - ^
    01:06:421 (5) - Start this slider at 01:06:541. (or you can delete it and add 3 circles at 01:06:541, 01:06:661 and 01:06:781)

Really nice beatmap, good job.
Hay its a mod4mod :3


00:25:021 Add a Circle
00:29:341 like this ?
00:34:021 add a note here
00:48:901 This?


00:06:342 Move the Slider thing a little bit
00:18:181 Add a note there
00:26:821 same like by 00:18:181
00:35:461 add a note


Its nice :3

Sorry for my bad english
Fixed xxheroxx's mod (not sure about the tag though, so left it for now=
No changes for Nickname128's mod. I don't want to add those doubles, and the stack is ok.
Here Yukari's m4m,my English is so poor,but I'll try:3

00:40:861 (3) - finish
01:08:701 (3) - finish
01:12:541 (2) - finish
01:18:781 (1) - remove NC
01:23:581 (2) - finish

Normal or Hard?I think you should specify in message.
If it is a hard diff,AR+1
00:11:101 (4) - remove and add a spinner until 00:12:061 - ?
00:13:981 (3) - finish
00:16:141 (3) - finish
00:19:021 (4) - finish
00:22:621 (3) - finish
00:24:781 (3) - finish
00:37:021 (3) - finish
00:39:901 (4) - finish
01:05:101 (3) - finish

hard?or Insane?
00:31:261 (3) - finish
00:43:981 - add a note
00:49:741 - add a note
01:27:421 (2) - finish

good map,:3
Topic Starter
Hay its a mod4mod :3 Yo


00:25:021 Add a Circle
00:29:341 like this ?
00:34:021 add a note here
00:48:901 This?
You're suggestions are strange, new notes don't fit at all (wtf streams), except maybe the last one
But I like it the way it is

I don't like loud hitsounds in such maps, that's why I don't use a lot of finishes.
Removed NC in Uneasy. Didn't add notes in Disquiet, because it's better for me like it is now

Thanks for mods, even though I almost haven't changed anything
No changes from CXu
As your request.

Might as well add Sky and Dreams to the Tags.

00:16:141 (2) - I suggest changing this to a 3/2 slider - similar to what you did at 00:24:781 (3).

- Why don't you also follow the combo pattern of [Disquiet] here? Adding the pink combo color from 00:12:541 to 00:41:341.
- 00:20:701 (2) - I suggest you reposition this note here for better flow.
-00:21:181 (1,2) - The stacking here doesn't flow very well IMO. I suggest making a slider instead like this.
- 00:52:141 () - I suggest adding a note here. It sounds empty as is.
-01:18:781 (1,2,3) - [nazi] Not a perfect triangle.

- It would be nice if in parts like 00:41:341 (1) and 00:47:101 (1), you're consistent whether using 1/1 or 3/4 sliders. I suggest using 1/1 for the chorus and 3/4 for the other parts of the song.
- Alternatively to above, just follow the music during the chorus and shorten by 1/4: 00:47:101 (1) , 00:52:861 (1), 00:55:741 (1) and 00:58:621 (1).
- 00:06:621 (5) - You can't tell whether this is a slider or a note anymore with Snaking Sliders off. I recommend just changing them to notes.
- 01:10:141 (1) - Should be 1/4 shorter for consistency with the rest of the sliders at this part.

Contact me for a recheck afterwards.

NoHitter wrote:

Might as well add Sky and Dreams to the Tags. - I'll leave this to kert.

- Why don't you also follow the combo pattern of [Disquiet] here? Adding the pink combo color from 00:12:541 to 00:41:341. - Well, just a preference I guess.
- 00:20:701 (2) - I suggest you reposition this note here for better flow. - Done.
-00:21:181 (1,2) - The stacking here doesn't flow very well IMO. I suggest making a slider instead like this. - Should be fine, as I'm following the same pattern as 00:12:541 (1,2)
- 00:52:141 () - I suggest adding a note here. It sounds empty as is. - Done.
-01:18:781 (1,2,3) - [nazi] Not a perfect triangle. - Well, I didn't intend to make a perfect triangle, but hey, why not. Done.
Thanks for modding :D
Topic Starter
As your request.

Might as well add Sky and Dreams to the Tags. Done

00:16:141 (2) - I suggest changing this to a 3/2 slider - similar to what you did at 00:24:781 (3). Tried this, but I like the pause more here. The part you linked is what I call a "connection-part" and that's why it has more beats mapped

- 00:06:621 (5) - You can't tell whether this is a slider or a note anymore with Snaking Sliders off. I recommend just changing them to notes.
I'd do that if it was not that high-bpm 1/6 here. I think it's most likely not missable here, because it's a slider

About 3/4 and 1/1:
I made 3/4 sliders twice in the beginning of two sections of the song - 00:41:341 (1) - and 01:04:381 (1) - . There are no more 3/4 only 1/1 sliders inbetween.
I do have a few more later like at 01:13:021 (1) - and 01:18:781 (1) - but they follow a little different rhythm 01:13:021 (1,2,3) - , 01:18:781 (1,2,3) -
I hope I explained it well~ I just hear this song this way and emphasize voice, drums, other stuff when I think it's important
Thank you for modding!
Changed one slider in Disquiet.
Nice map!

Topic Starter

Thanks >w<
Gratz >w<
yay Thanks moeandrea >w<
kertwaii ww
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