
Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年5月19日 at 17:46:37

Artist: Misato Aki
Title: Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.)
Source: Lunaris Filia ~ Kiss to Keiyaku to Shinku no Hitomi ~
Tags: whirlpool Suzully KSHR opening hentai eroge game visual novel KanaRin
BPM: 175
Filesize: 15467kb
Play Time: 01:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Insane (5 stars, 290 notes)
  2. Kana's Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 501 notes)
  3. KSHR's Hard (4.91 stars, 215 notes)
  4. Normal (3.99 stars, 116 notes)
  5. Suzully's Easy (1.98 stars, 75 notes)
Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.)
Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Hard by KSHR
Easy by Suzully
Taiko by KanaRin
Topic Starter
As requested


- Why no video? I don't see anything unrankable about the video and you can't add a video to already ranked map while you can always play with no-video (using mods or settings for osu) for ranked maps with video so please include it. Here's a video if you want to use it Video offset 0. There is one part that is a little suggestive, so if a mat/bat say this. Forum pm and I'll fix it.
- Consider these tags hentai eroge game visual novel
- I don't agree with the difficulties name. Imo, you should rename them to Suzully's Easy and KSHR's Hard. You don't really need to change KSHR since I notice some maps in pending, the diff names are KSHR, but I highly recommend you change Suzully to Suzully's Easy. I thought this was a Hard/Insane at first.


00:24:693 (1) - This slider sound really offbeat to me. Try this and place like this Whistle at begin of slider (1) and end of slider (2). Sound a lot better. The 1st slider is on the blue tick but it should be fine since it's a slider and it really fit on this part imo (you can't really follow the instrument too much here and the vocal is singing mainly on the blue tick).
00:36:007 (2) - End at 00:36:693, really flow breaking to have a space here. Suggestion on how to put it You can also copy 00:37:721 (1) and paste to 00:36:007 (2), remove the repeat and Ctrl+J it then snap to distant snapping.

Really good diff, really hard to find anything (took me 1 hr of testing and rechecking to find the above suggestions).


00:20:578 (6) - Copy 00:18:521 (3) and paste to here, then Ctrl+H and Ctrl+J it. Add the repeat and place here Feel cleaner and more polish.
00:26:750 (2) - Can you adjust this slider a bit, I feel it look a little ugly/unsymmetrical. Try to make it more like this
00:34:293 (4,5) - Changing this to a slider will emphasize 00:34:978 (1) a lot better. Put a red point on it as well so like this
00:36:350 (4) - Perhaps lower the volume on the repeat a bit. Doesn't sound too good to me to hear clap then the soft hit-normal. So put a timing point on the repeat and make volume 70% then on the next blue tick change it back to 80%
00:41:835 (4) - Nazi: use two anchor point for this slider, looks better to me.
00:45:950 (2) - Copy 00:45:093 (1) and paste here, then Ctrl+J and snap to distant snapping. Looks much better.
01:01:035 (4) - Nazi again: Same as 00:41:835, use two anchor points for this slider.
01:19:721 (3) - Similar to 00:45:950. Copy 01:18:864 (2) and paste here, then ctrl+J and snap to distant snap.
01:29:149 (6) - Nazi: move 1 grid right (grid 4). Looks better to me.

Looks good


00:15:093 (1,2) - I like it better like this
00:19:206 (4) - Snapping this to 1.6x feel better, jump feel a little too big. 00:16:464 (4) feel fine because (3) was a slider and slider generally make jump feel nicer.
00:21:950 (4) - This jump is unnecessary big consider the only thing that is change here is that the drum is slightly louder at this bit. I think 1.8x is nicer, so adjust so that the distant between (3) & (4) is 1.8x.
00:23:664 (5) - ^ Adjust so distant between (4) & (5) is 1.8x.
00:44:578 (6,7) - I would make this a slider so hitting 00:45:093 (1) feel nicer and it fits perfectly with the vocal here. If you really don't want to make slider here. Unstack them (1.5x distant snap), really break the flow to stack them here.
00:54:864 (2,3) - Feel better to me if this jump was 2.0x. So I would move 00:54:521 (1) to x:132 y:108. Select (2.3) and place them on it then Ctrl+H and Ctrl+J it.
01:03:435 (4) - Feel like there should be a jump here so snap this so that the space between (3) & (4) and (4) & (5) is 1.5x.
01:12:007 (5,6.7) - I find it odd that you did jump on (3,4), but not here and here is where I feel the jumps should be imo so a little flow breaking to me. So I would use 1.6x distant snap for the space between (5) & (6) then 1.4x for (7). The spacing between (7) & (1) in next combo is 1.4x. I did this since it felt a little weird to play 1.2x distant snapped note after the jumps so this should help.
01:19:207 (3) - I feel this slider should end at 01:19:550. Sound really weird to me for nothing to be here. I would copy 01:19:721 (4), Ctrl + H and Ctrl + R and like this Jump fits perfectly with the song although it may be a bit too big for hard.
01:26:407 (1) - Hm, don't like the look of the slider. How about copying 01:25:550 (6), paste it here and Ctrl+H and Ctrl+r it then add a repeat.
01:27:778 (4) - Snap to 1.6x, same reason as 00:19:206.
01:30:522 (4) - Same as 00:21:950.
01:32:236 (5) - Why didn't you do a jump here, It's the same as 01:30:522. I would snap this note to 1.8x (jump). Really weird not to have a jump here.

All suggestions is just to tweak some jumps. It's a pretty good map so don't mind the long mod for it.


00:11:664 (1,2) - I would prefer if you put this right at the center of the map. You have barely any time to react and the spinner is quite short so this part is quite annoying to play.
00:15:435 (2) - This part should be a jump. Try snapping to 1.5x and put it so that spacing between (2) & (3) is 2.0x
00:16:635 (5,6) - Also perfect for a jump so something like this (1.6x distant snap) - You may also want to use slightly higher spacing for (5). May play better. Be sure to adjust the part after this bit afterward.
00:21:607 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Good place to do accelerated spacing (increase spacing by 0.05x or lower each time).
00:23:149 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - ^ If you can get this to work, will make this part funner to play.
00:38:235 (1,2,3) - Try accelerated spacing here as well so 1.2x > 1.4x > 1.6x.
00:44:578 - 00:47:835 - Add some jumps here. Not suggesting anything since you may not like my mapping style, but this part really shouldn't be snap to 1 distant snapping. One suggestion right away is to put a jump on 00:46:464 (3) and 00:47:321 (6). The rest you can decide what to do.
00:50:921 (4) - A little boring in Insane to stack this.
00:56:750 (1) - Please do a jump here, you did a jump on the (6) so why not here?
00:59:664 (4,5,6,1) - Snap everything to 1.5x.A little bit too easy and it still play well at 1.5x.
01:08:235 (3) - Snap this to 1.5x, singer accent this note so felt a little weird not to see a jump here.
01:09:607 (7) - ^ This make the next bit play nicer.
01:11:321 (1,2,3,4) - You had lot of big jumps then the spacing suddenly go down here. Doesn't flow good and the next bit is more big jumps and this doesn't lead up well to it at all. Use higher distant snapping for this.
01:13:893 (4,1) - This felt a little weird to me, but idk what to change - just mentioning this.
01:14:750 (5,6,7) - If you follow 00:38:235 then do it here as well.
01:16:121 (1,2,3,4) - Again, please add jumps here, really odd how 01:17:664 (1,2,3,4,5), there are jumps while here with the exact same rhythm, doesn't.
01:19:207 (3) - I would move this to x:80 y:60, don't see any reason to reduce spacing here.
01:19:721 (5) - Same here, don't see any reason for such low spacing. Makes (6) play quite weird. Snap to 1.4x here.
01:21:093 (3,4,5) - Good place for accelerated spacing again and then a jump on 01:21:607 (1).
01:21:607 (1) - If you didn't follow above, you should do a jump here at least.
01:30:350 (4,5,6,7,1) - Same as 00:21:607
01:31:550 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same as 00:23:149
01:21:607 - 01:30:178 - I would do more jump to follow the accent on the guitar like at 01:22:807 (7), 01:23:664 (1,2,3), 01:25:550 (3) and etc. Basically, everywhere you put finish I feel should be a jump.

It's not bad, but I feel that on some part, you should have put more jumps. I really don't understand why some part, the spacing is kept equal when the music isn't so. Your placement of finish hitsound is pretty good, so I suggest doing a jump on anyplace where you put a finish.Just remember not to overdo it (don't do 2.0x+ jump on a calm part, but say something like 1.2x/1.3x [small jump] instead etc.).

Map is pretty good, just find it a little weird that at some part in KSHR and Insane, there were no jumps while the music feel like there should. Incase you didn't make any changes, please say why. Took quite a long time to mod this so would appreciate it so that I can improve my mods.

Star and good luck!

merchat7 wrote:

00:15:093 (1,2) - I like it better like this
hmm.. I dont wanna change because it's my liking to map like them.
if other modders also say "you should change them", I'll change like this

00:19:206 (4) - Snapping this to 1.6x feel better, jump feel a little too big. 00:16:464 (4) feel fine because (3) was a slider and slider generally make jump feel nicer.
ok, 00:19:206 (4,5,6) - 3grid right & 2grid down. (spacing= prev:1.60x, next:1.19x)

00:21:950 (4) - This jump is unnecessary big consider the only thing that is change here is that the drum is slightly louder at this bit. I think 1.8x is nicer, so adjust so that the distant between (3) & (4) is 1.8x.
I agree with you. fixed spacing 1.80x

00:23:664 (5) - ^ Adjust so distant between (4) & (5) is 1.8x.

00:44:578 (6,7) - I would make this a slider so hitting 00:45:093 (1) feel nicer and it fits perfectly with the vocal here. If you really don't want to make slider here. Unstack them (1.5x distant snap), really break the flow to stack them here.
not fixed. I broke the flow to fit with the vocal and the song(especially guitar)

00:54:864 (2,3) - Feel better to me if this jump was 2.0x. So I would move 00:54:521 (1) to x:132 y:108. Select (2.3) and place them on it then Ctrl+H and Ctrl+J it.
it sounds nice! fixed~

01:03:435 (4) - Feel like there should be a jump here so snap this so that the space between (3) & (4) and (4) & (5) is 1.5x.
sry, I dont like this very much. but, nice suggestion IMO

01:12:007 (5,6.7) - I find it odd that you did jump on (3,4), but not here and here is where I feel the jumps should be imo so a little flow breaking to me. So I would use 1.6x distant snap for the space between (5) & (6) then 1.4x for (7). The spacing between (7) & (1) in next combo is 1.4x. I did this since it felt a little weird to play 1.2x distant snapped note after the jumps so this should help.
sry, i dont like this way to fix very much. Ill try to find others. if I cant, I may change like this

01:19:207 (3) - I feel this slider should end at 01:19:550. Sound really weird to me for nothing to be here. I would copy 01:19:721 (4), Ctrl + H and Ctrl + R and like this Jump fits perfectly with the song although it may be a bit too big for hard.
this slider fits with the vocal. so not fixed

01:26:407 (1) - Hm, don't like the look of the slider. How about copying 01:25:550 (6), paste it here and Ctrl+H and Ctrl+r it then add a repeat.
sry, not fixed

01:27:778 (4) - Snap to 1.6x, same reason as 00:19:206.

01:30:522 (4) - Same as 00:21:950.

01:32:236 (5) - Why didn't you do a jump here, It's the same as 01:30:522. I would snap this note to 1.8x (jump). Really weird not to have a jump here.

All suggestions is just to tweak some jumps. It's a pretty good map so don't mind the long mod for it. thank you >,<

00:21:950 (4) -
00:23:664 (5) -
01:30:522 (4) -
01:32:236 (5) -

changed these jump sliders
thank you for nice modding ;)


Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [KSHR].osu

* AR +1 or +2?

00:36:693 (x) - Add note here for good flow?
01:19:893 (x) - ^


00:10:293 (1) - Add finish?
00:37:721 (1) - Rotate 90" Clockwise (Ctrl+>) twice and reverse it (Ctrl+R) for better flow


* AR +1?

00:23:493 (4,5) - I don't think this jump are fit to the music.....
00:33:607 (6) - New combo for slowdown slider? So, the players will notice that this slider is slowdown?



* All inherited timing point is unsnapped, please double-check this diff


Can't find something wrong, sorry

Leorda wrote:

* AR +1? nah

00:23:493 (4,5) - I don't think this jump are fit to the music.....
00:33:607 (6) - New combo for slowdown slider? So, the players will notice that this slider is slowdown?
others fixed
thank you for modding :)

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [KSHR].osu

merchat7 wrote:


00:24:693 (1) - This slider sound really offbeat to me. Try this and place like this Whistle at begin of slider (1) and end of slider (2). Sound a lot better. The 1st slider is on the blue tick but it should be fine since it's a slider and it really fit on this part imo (you can't really follow the instrument too much here and the vocal is singing mainly on the blue tick).
I see your point, in addition, your suggestion is quite good and it's fine in spite of it's on blue line. But my current pattern is also fine for me, because it follows 1/4 beat and this diff is easiest diff that newbie plays. I don't think that it doesn't fit the music. So I keep it for now, sorry. :( (of course that doesn't mean your suggestion is bad, it very solid suggestion.)
00:36:007 (2) - End at 00:36:693, really flow breaking to have a space here. Suggestion on how to put it You can also copy 00:37:721 (1) and paste to 00:36:007 (2), remove the repeat and Ctrl+J it then snap to distant snapping. Also good suggestion. But I just added a note at 00:36:693.

Really good diff, really hard to find anything (took me 1 hr of testing and rechecking to find the above suggestions). Oh 1 hr...your are exemplary modder...

Leorda wrote:

* AR +1 or +2? +1

00:36:693 (x) - Add note here for good flow? Added~
01:19:893 (x) - ^ Changed pattern~

Thank you for modding~ :)

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [Suzully].osu
Topic Starter

merchat7 wrote:

As requested


- Why no video? I don't see anything unrankable about the video and you can't add a video to already ranked map while you can always play with no-video (using mods or settings for osu) for ranked maps with video so please include it. Here's a video if you want to use it Video offset 0. There is one part that is a little suggestive, so if a mat/bat say this. Forum pm and I'll fix it. thanks :)
- Consider these tags hentai eroge game visual novel kk
- I don't agree with the difficulties name. Imo, you should rename them to Suzully's Easy and KSHR's Hard. You don't really need to change KSHR since I notice some maps in pending, the diff names are KSHR, but I highly recommend you change Suzully to Suzully's Easy. I thought this was a Hard/Insane at first. keep for now,


00:20:578 (6) - Copy 00:18:521 (3) and paste to here, then Ctrl+H and Ctrl+J it. Add the repeat and place here Feel cleaner and more polish.
00:26:750 (2) - Can you adjust this slider a bit, I feel it look a little ugly/unsymmetrical. Try to make it more like this
00:34:293 (4,5) - Changing this to a slider will emphasize 00:34:978 (1) a lot better. Put a red point on it as well so like this
00:36:350 (4) - Perhaps lower the volume on the repeat a bit. Doesn't sound too good to me to hear clap then the soft hit-normal. So put a timing point on the repeat and make volume 70% then on the next blue tick change it back to 80% ^
00:41:835 (4) - Nazi: use two anchor point for this slider, looks better to me.
00:45:950 (2) - Copy 00:45:093 (1) and paste here, then Ctrl+J and snap to distant snapping. Looks much better. it 's fine to me
01:01:035 (4) - Nazi again: Same as 00:41:835, use two anchor points for this slider.
01:19:721 (3) - Similar to 00:45:950. Copy 01:18:864 (2) and paste here, then ctrl+J and snap to distant snap. no change
01:29:149 (6) - Nazi: move 1 grid right (grid 4). Looks better to me.

Looks good


00:11:664 (1,2) - I would prefer if you put this right at the center of the map. You have barely any time to react and the spinner is quite short so this part is quite annoying to play.
00:15:435 (2) - This part should be a jump. Try snapping to 1.5x and put it so that spacing between (2) & (3) is 2.0x
00:16:635 (5,6) - Also perfect for a jump so something like this (1.6x distant snap) - You may also want to use slightly higher spacing for (5). May play better. Be sure to adjust the part after this bit afterward.
00:21:607 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Good place to do accelerated spacing (increase spacing by 0.05x or lower each time).
00:23:149 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - ^ If you can get this to work, will make this part funner to play.
00:38:235 (1,2,3) - Try accelerated spacing here as well so 1.2x > 1.4x > 1.6x.
00:44:578 - 00:47:835 - Add some jumps here. Not suggesting anything since you may not like my mapping style, but this part really shouldn't be snap to 1 distant snapping. One suggestion right away is to put a jump on 00:46:464 (3) and 00:47:321 (6). The rest you can decide what to do.
00:50:921 (4) - A little boring in Insane to stack this. no change, its fitting the song imo.
00:56:750 (1) - Please do a jump here, you did a jump on the (6) so why not here?
00:59:664 (4,5,6,1) - Snap everything to 1.5x.A little bit too easy and it still play well at 1.5x.
01:08:235 (3) - Snap this to 1.5x, singer accent this note so felt a little weird not to see a jump here.
01:09:607 (7) - ^ This make the next bit play nicer.
01:11:321 (1,2,3,4) - You had lot of big jumps then the spacing suddenly go down here. Doesn't flow good and the next bit is more big jumps and this doesn't lead up well to it at all. Use higher distant snapping for this.
01:13:893 (4,1) - This felt a little weird to me, but idk what to change - just mentioning this.
01:14:750 (5,6,7) - If you follow 00:38:235 then do it here as well.
01:16:121 (1,2,3,4) - Again, please add jumps here, really odd how 01:17:664 (1,2,3,4,5), there are jumps while here with the exact same rhythm, doesn't.
01:19:207 (3) - I would move this to x:80 y:60, don't see any reason to reduce spacing here.
01:19:721 (5) - Same here, don't see any reason for such low spacing. Makes (6) play quite weird. Snap to 1.4x here.
01:21:093 (3,4,5) - Good place for accelerated spacing again and then a jump on 01:21:607 (1).
01:21:607 (1) - If you didn't follow above, you should do a jump here at least.
01:30:350 (4,5,6,7,1) - Same as 00:21:607
01:31:550 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same as 00:23:149
01:21:607 - 01:30:178 - I would do more jump to follow the accent on the guitar like at 01:22:807 (7), 01:23:664 (1,2,3), 01:25:550 (3) and etc. Basically, everywhere you put finish I feel should be a jump.

It's not bad, but I feel that on some part, you should have put more jumps. I really don't understand why some part, the spacing is kept equal when the music isn't so. Your placement of finish hitsound is pretty good, so I suggest doing a jump on anyplace where you put a finish.Just remember not to overdo it (don't do 2.0x+ jump on a calm part, but say something like 1.2x/1.3x [small jump] instead etc.).

Map is pretty good, just find it a little weird that at some part in KSHR and Insane, there were no jumps while the music feel like there should. Incase you didn't make any changes, please say why. Took quite a long time to mod this so would appreciate it so that I can improve my mods.

Star and good luck!

i fixed almost of them.
thank you for modding and star!


00:10:293 (1) - Add finish? ok
00:37:721 (1) - Rotate 90" Clockwise (Ctrl+>) twice and reverse it (Ctrl+R) for better flow no change


* All inherited timing point is unsnapped, please double-check this diff ok ..orz


Can't find something wrong, sorry

thank you for modding!
Modding Queueから~ >w</
All Suggestions

00:14:750 (6) - Ctrl+R?
00:17:493 (8) - ^
00:18:178 (2) - Add Finish? 00:20:578 (5) - ここでは使っているので
00:18:521 (6,7) - リピートつけるスライダーを逆にするとか?
00:49:550 (1) - Delete Finish?
00:50:921 (4) - Add Finish?
01:00:693 (1) - Delete NC
01:01:035 (2) - Add NC
01:05:835 (3,4) - 3と4の位置を入れ替えたほうが次のジャンプが気持ちいい気がします
01:24:007 (2) - もう少し左に傾けるとか?

looks good~



00:53:835 (3) - 1 grid 右?
01:03:607 (2) - 初心者にとってはは重なっている部分が多く、見づらい気がします・・・

よく出来ていてmodが難しい orz

Takos wrote:

00:53:835 (3) - 1 grid 右? (2)を1grid右に動かしました。
01:03:607 (2) - 初心者にとってはは重なっている部分が多く、見づらい気がします・・・ 特に問題ないと思うのでこのままでー

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [Suzully].osu
Topic Starter

Takos wrote:

Modding Queueから~ >w</
All Suggestions

00:14:750 (6) - Ctrl+R? んーーno change!
00:17:493 (8) - ^ ok!
00:18:178 (2) - Add Finish? 00:20:578 (5) - ここでは使っているので okke-
00:18:521 (6,7) - リピートつけるスライダーを逆にするとか? fixed!
00:49:550 (1) - Delete Finish? deleted!
00:50:921 (4) - Add Finish? added!!
01:00:693 (1) - Delete NC deleateeeeeeeeeeeeeee
01:01:035 (2) - Add NC adddddddddddddddddddd
01:05:835 (3,4) - 3と4の位置を入れ替えたほうが次のジャンプが気持ちいい気がします 234の流れ的にこれでいいかなーと
01:24:007 (2) - もう少し左に傾けるとか? okkkk


1:23:578の緑線が不要です Done.

> Suzully
Red = You NEED to change.
Orange = You should change.
Black = If possible, change. no need to change if you don't like.
Blue = Suggestion/nazi.

[NC] = Add New Combo.
[RNC] = Remove New Combo.

You can ignore hitsound mod if you don't like it.

  1. 00:16:978 (2) - もしくは、1grid↓
  2. 00:20:578 (3) - ^
  3. 00:53:835 (3) -
  4. 01:20:921 (6) - 始点clap
  1. 00:53:493 (3) - kickback無しでもいいのでは
  2. 01:05:150 (5,6) - 1grid→
  3. 01:11:664 (3) - 2grid← もしくは、3grid→
  4. 01:27:778 (4) - スライダー曲げる白い点を2grid↓
  5. 01:29:149 (6) - ^ 2grid↑ 後、01:29:835 ここにサークルを置いた方が曲に合うと思います
  1. 00:12:864 (4) - (3)の終点の左下に置いた方が曲に合う
  2. 00:13:035 (1) - 終点からwhis削除
  3. 00:51:778 (5) - ここちょっとうるさいので、音量下げた方がいいかも?
  4. 00:55:893 (5) - finish追加 追加しないなら、00:55:378 (4) 終点のfinish削除
  5. 01:04:293 (1) - RNC
  6. 01:13:378 (2) - ここからNew Combo もしくは、前の(7)
  1. 00:11:664 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - これやるなら、(5)からNew Combo ←を変更しないにしても、00:12:693 (5,6,7,8,1) は(4)の外側より内側に持って行った方がいいです。
  2. 00:15:435 (2) - この微妙なジャンプ要らないのでは?どうしても入れたいなら、(1)の上下左右反転を使わないと配置が汚く見える。微妙なジャンプを無くしたなら、NewComboは(3)から 上下左右反転ならそのまま
  3. 00:17:835 (1) - RNC
  4. 00:18:521 (6) - NC
  5. 00:19:378 (1) - RNC
  6. 00:23:320 (3,4,5,6) - もう少しスペーシング広くした方がいいと思います。修正面倒そうなので、面倒だったらそのままで
  7. 00:25:035 (4) - 曲り方が凄い中途半端で流れを殺しているので、 この3つの内のどれかに配置を変えた方がいいです
  8. 00:27:264 (2) - 始点にwhistle
  9. 00:25:893 (2) - 終点を 00:25:035 (4) の始点に合わせる
  10. 00:26:407 (3,4) - 3が↓4が↑の方が曲に合うと思います
  11. 00:29:493 (2) - ここからNew Combo
  12. 00:30:007 (3) - 4grid→
  13. 00:40:464 (4) - ここからNew Combo
  14. 00:41:493 (6) - Repeatからfinish削除
  15. 01:09:607 (7) - 始点clap -> finish
  16. 01:16:807 (4) - 完全にスタックしてないつ
  17. 01:18:864 (2) - 終点finish
  18. 01:19:207 (3) - finish
  19. 01:22:807 (7) - 2か3grid→

Apricot wrote:

  1. 00:12:864 (4) - (3)の終点の左下に置いた方が曲に合う
  2. 00:13:035 (1) - 終点からwhis削除
    not fixed
  3. 00:51:778 (5) - ここちょっとうるさいので、音量下げた方がいいかも?
  4. 00:55:893 (5) - finish追加 追加しないなら、00:55:378 (4) 終点のfinish削除
  5. 01:04:293 (1) - RNC
  6. 01:13:378 (2) - ここからNew Combo もしくは、前の(7)
thank you for modding! :)

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [KSHR].osu

Apricot wrote:

  1. 00:16:978 (2) - もしくは、1grid↓
  2. 00:20:578 (3) - ^
  3. 00:53:835 (3) -
  4. 01:20:921 (6) - 始点clap
全部修正しましたーmodどうもですー :)

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [Suzully].osu
Topic Starter

couldn't find anything wrong :I leaving a star
Topic Starter
thank you! =w=
00:49:035 (6) - nazi spacing
01:02:064 (6,7,8) - Spacing.
01:10:978 (5) - 5's end is too close to 01:10:293 (2), i think you can put it a little far than now.
just like it
01:18:864 (2) - stack the end under 2
01:22:121 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - let the spacing between 257 look like same. 目に見えると同じ距離のようなほうがいいかな
01:24:350 (3) - nazi spacing
01:25:207 (1,2,3) - same with before

00:42:007 (4) - I'd like to put it under 3, ただ個人のこのみ

00:37:721 (1) - stack it under 3
Topic Starter
thanks~ goodbye~
Melophobiaさん こんにちは~ :)

from my queue ~

here my mod ~

  1. HD,OD +1 ( 1だと少し低すぎる気がしました :?
  2. 00:10:293 (1) - スピナーendをNormal diffと同じ00:11:664に。 (BPM速いので,スピナー後の1/1 noteだと来るのが少し速く感じました。)
  3. 00:26:750 (3) - ここは左右を合わせてきれいに見せた方が良いかと。 ↓このような形
  4. 00:54:178 (1) - スピナーend 00:55:378(vocal) or 00:55:893(drum) にしてはどうでしょうか?
  5. 01:02:064 (4) - add clap ?
  6. 01:12:007 (5) - add NC ?
  7. 01:17:835 (x) - リズム&NCの提案 vocalが01:18:521から始まるので1,2,3と繋げると違和感を感じました。
  1. 少し速いのでAR-1しても良いかもです。
  2. 01:13:378 (1) - スライダーgrid x356,y324 ? . 01:12:350 (4,5) - ここがgrid8ずらしているので。.... 直さなくても特に問題はありません ><; (直す場合は後ろも少し修正必要です)
  3. 01:14:321 - 緑線を01:14:835に移動? (finishを70%で使ってるような感じでしたので。)
  4. 01:29:149 (6) - スライダー endにclap追加 ?
  1. 00:25:550 (5) - 00:25:721に移動。 個人的にはこっちの方がリズム取りやすい気がしました。
  2. 00:42:178 (4,5) - stackしない方が良いと感じました。 grid提案 4:x92,y40 5:x20,y96
  3. 00:51:264 (4) - add NC ?
  4. 01:13:035 (1) - remove NC and 01:13:378 (3) - add NC
  5. 01:19:550 - note追加 or 01:19:207 (3) - スライダーリピート追加
  1. 00:12:693 (5,6,7,8) - 配置を斜めにしてはどうですか?
  2. 00:25:035 (4) - スライダーendのwhistle削除
  3. 00:45:093 (4) - add NC and 00:45:607 (1) - remove NC ?
  4. 00:56:235 (3) - スライダーリピート部分のclap削除
Good map~ Star☆~ :D

頑張ってください~ :)

goodbye wrote:

00:42:007 (4) - I'd like to put it under 3, ただ個人のこのみ
なるほど・・ 修正しました!

kosiga wrote:

  1. 00:25:550 (5) - 00:25:721に移動。 個人的にはこっちの方がリズム取りやすい気がしました。
    hmm.. あまりしっくりこなかったので保留にさせてください
  2. 00:42:178 (4,5) - stackしない方が良いと感じました。 grid提案 4:x92,y40 5:x20,y96
  3. 00:51:264 (4) - add NC ?
    not fixed
  4. 01:13:035 (1) - remove NC and 01:13:378 (3) - add NC
  5. 01:19:550 - note追加 or 01:19:207 (3) - スライダーリピート追加
thank you for modding!! :)

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [KSHR].osu
Topic Starter
Mod & Star ありがとー!

kosiga wrote:

  1. HD,OD +1 ( 1だと少し低すぎる気がしました :?上げましたー。
  2. 00:10:293 (1) - スピナーendをNormal diffと同じ00:11:664に。 (BPM速いので,スピナー後の1/1 noteだと来るのが少し速く感じました。)Normalに揃えました。
  3. 00:26:750 (3) - ここは左右を合わせてきれいに見せた方が良いかと。 ↓このような形
  4. 00:54:178 (1) - スピナーend 00:55:378(vocal) or 00:55:893(drum) にしてはどうでしょうか? 今の場所でボーカルに合っていると思うのでここままでー。
  5. 01:02:064 (4) - add clap ? おっと、追加しましたー。
  6. 01:12:007 (5) - add NC ? (4)にnew comboを入れました。
  7. 01:17:835 (x) - リズム&NCの提案 vocalが01:18:521から始まるので1,2,3と繋げると違和感を感じました。 個人的にはバックサウンドが01:17:835で終わって次のパートが01:18:178から始まっているように感じるので今のままで。

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [Suzully].osu
Topic Starter

KanaRin wrote:

Taiko Oni Level. 7.
added your taiko diff~ thanks (*´∀`)
01:13:891 (127) - Unsnapped

00:16:635 (5) - feeling that this note belongs to a new sentences, so NC here?
00:44:921 (3,1) - [nazi] tiny ajustment to make it perfectly symmetrical, (3) down 1 grid lv4, (1) left 1 grid lv4
00:54:521 (8) - finish since you put 2 finishes after this?
01:32:407 (7) - [nazi] up 1 grid lv4 so that (3,5,7) forma a stright line

00:54:521 (1) - finish'
00:58:635 (5) - touches the HP bar... any method to change the pattern?

01:01:035 (4) - small adjustment to make it symmetrical

everything looks nice, though I prefer not to put finishes in non-accent chamber sound in the song : >

wmfchris wrote:

00:54:521 (1) - finish'
00:58:635 (5) - touches the HP bar... any method to change the pattern?
all fixed

thank you for modding :)

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [KSHR].osu
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

01:13:891 (127) - Unsnapped fixed!

00:16:635 (5) - feeling that this note belongs to a new sentences, so NC here? ok, added
00:44:921 (3,1) - [nazi] tiny ajustment to make it perfectly symmetrical, (3) down 1 grid lv4, (1) left 1 grid lv4 fixed
00:54:521 (8) - finish since you put 2 finishes after this? oh, sounds good xD added it!
01:32:407 (7) - [nazi] up 1 grid lv4 so that (3,5,7) forma a stright line fixed!

01:01:035 (4) - small adjustment to make it symmetrical
fixed :)

everything looks nice, though I prefer not to put finishes in non-accent chamber sound in the song : >
hmm, I see. I ll keep it in mind next time. :D

thank you for modding and star ^^!

Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ Melophobia ~ :) (Sorry for later mod)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 00:20:578 (7) - Add new combo to here,vocal start to here.
  2. 00:50:064 (2) - Add new combo to here and Remove 00:49:550 (1).
  3. 01:00:350 (6) - Ctrl+R will be fun.


  1. 00:21:607 (1) - Move this spinner to here 00:21:435,a bit fast for beginner.
  2. 01:20:235 (5) - Add new combo.

That's all ~ very nice mapset ~ gogo ranked it ~

Please accept my star ( My heart ) >///<

Good luck ~
Topic Starter
thanks for mod~ :)

Kawayi Rika wrote:


  1. 00:21:607 (1) - Move this spinner to here 00:21:435,a bit fast for beginner. Okay, changed.
  2. 01:20:235 (5) - Add new combo. I don't think so.
Thanks Rika~

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [Suzully].osu
sorry for the huge delay. louis should've modded this beforehand, but meh, no big deal.

Offset: 698

- Generally, I would frown upon this diff. quite badly as it is oh so hard for an easy, but seeing how the rest of the mapset is also quite difficult, it should be okay.

00:10:297 (1) - Length is okay, but it comes a bit sudden, so there's not much time to react. Maybe start 00:08:926 - here instead? In fact if you want consistency, I'd suggest to start spinners in ALL diffs. here.

00:21:440 (1,1) - Not enough spin recovery time for an easy.
00:26:755 (3) - Could you make this actually symmetrical, or at least make it more so? Bring some of the points in, esp. the second and second last ones (i.e. the ones stretched the most right and left). Oh and New Combo this as well.
00:29:498 (1) - Move it up a bit so the end doesn't touch the (3) slider. Just neatness :)
00:32:240 (3) - New Combo.
00:39:783 (1,3) - Switch New Combos.
00:43:212 (5,1) - ^
00:45:955 (2) - New Combo.
01:16:469 (2,1) - Switch New Combos.
01:18:869 (3) - New Combo.
00:54:183 (1,1) - Not enough spin recovery time, albeit only just. I guess you could leave it as it is, but I would suggest finishing spinner at 00:55:383 - instead.
01:13:383 (1) - Move the first and last slider-points out more so they don't touch (1,2). Yes, you will be breaking spacing, but it's tiny and it'll look so much better.
01:16:469 (2,3) - Move these up a bit to get the end of (3) further away from (1).

Yeah pretty much only neatness stuff here.

01:29:921 (1,1) - Finish the first spinner where the second spinner starts, and move the second spinner 1/2 forwards, ending in the same place.
All the diffs. except taiko needs combo modding, though Suzully's diff. i've already pointed out. I would post the combo mods here, but that'll take too long so, with your permission (as well as the makers of the guest diffs.), I would like to manually do the combo modding myself, and then send you the .osu file afterwards. That or I can point them out one by one. Your choice.

Otherwise, the map looks pretty good. Just these neatness stuff.
Topic Starter
All right, It doesn't matter much to me.
you can do any way you want, if it can save your time :3
asked KSHR about it, he also said it was ok.

anyway, i changed stuff on my diff and offset for now, wait for Suzully's reply.
thank you for modding!

YGOkid8 wrote:

- Generally, I would frown upon this diff. quite badly as it is oh so hard for an easy, but seeing how the rest of the mapset is also quite difficult, it should be okay.

00:10:297 (1) - Length is okay, but it comes a bit sudden, so there's not much time to react. Maybe start 00:08:926 - here instead? In fact if you want consistency, I'd suggest to start spinners in ALL diffs. here.
Okay changed. About the start time of first spinner, I leave it to Melophobia.
00:21:440 (1,1) - Not enough spin recovery time for an easy. There is 1/2-beat-time, it's enough, and next note is placed at near of the center. Therefore I think it's fine.
00:26:755 (3) - Could you make this actually symmetrical, or at least make it more so? Bring some of the points in, esp. the second and second last ones (i.e. the ones stretched the most right and left). Oh and New Combo this as well. Oh...looks not symmetry? It's my best I can make the shape beatiful for combo is added.
00:29:498 (1) - Move it up a bit so the end doesn't touch the (3) slider. Just neatness :) It was actually neatness, fixed~
00:32:240 (3) - New Combo. Added.
00:39:783 (1,3) - Switch New Combos. Fixed.
00:43:212 (5,1) - ^ Fixed.
00:45:955 (2) - New Combo. ^
01:16:469 (2,1) - Switch New Combos. Fixed.
01:18:869 (3) - New Combo. ^
00:54:183 (1,1) - Not enough spin recovery time, albeit only just. I guess you could leave it as it is, but I would suggest finishing spinner at 00:55:383 - instead. Shorten it to 00:55:898.
01:13:383 (1) - Move the first and last slider-points out more so they don't touch (1,2). Yes, you will be breaking spacing, but it's tiny and it'll look so much better. Yes, changed~
01:16:469 (2,3) - Move these up a bit to get the end of (3) further away from (1). Fixed.

Yeah pretty much only neatness stuff here.
Thanks YGO~ :D

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [Suzully].osu
Topic Starter
> YGOkid8
Hi Melo. Here comes my mod :3
I hope it's useful.

  1. I don't know if this is wrong or not, but the taiko diff has a different kiai time than the other diff.
  2. I think it will be more good to add the name of difficulty to the name of gd. Like Suzully's Easy or KSHR's Hard. So the player can become more understand what the difficulty really is.
  1. 00:45:955 (1,3) - How about adding a finish at 1 and 3 slider start. I think i hear a cymbal sound when the note 1 appear. If i put the finish sound only on that spot, it will go awkward, and i thus add another finish sound at the 3 slider start. I think it syncronize perfectly with the next finish rythim.
  2. 01:21:612 (1) - I think you need a finish sound too hear, since i hear a cymbal sound when the spinners end. It will cover up the cymbal sound and give the cymbal sound more epic feeling to the player.
  3. 01:32:583 (1) - Gradually decrease this spinner volume? I think it will be more good. (All diff)
  1. 01:05:669 (1) - In175 bpm i think spinner is quite short for the intermediate and beginner player. I think you can map this part, rather than just a spinner to complete the vocal.
  1. 00:54:012 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - I think this finish sound rythim is too loud compared to the finish sound before that. So you should reduce the volume like you did before to not surprise the player.
  2. 00:58:126 (1) - Add a finish sound here since you have a finish sound at the same spot in the next rythim.
  3. 01:03:612 (1) - Add a finish sound too at the slider start to cover up the cymbal sound and the gap between finish sound rythim.
  1. 00:54:869 (6) - I think it's a good idea to put a new combo here to warn player about the anti jump >.<
  2. 01:01:040 (1) - I don't know why you didn't put a finish sound at this spot in this diff. But it fit perfectly like your normal diff >.<. So you should considder adding a finish sounds here at the slider start.
  3. 01:12:012 (1) - ^
  4. 01:32:583 (1) - This spinner is too long compared to other diff. Make it consistant. So reduce the length to 01:35:326-.
Ok, that's all from my mod. I like the song very much, and the map is nice, so star from me :3
See you Melo~
Topic Starter

Miya wrote:

Hi Melo. Here comes my mod :3
I hope it's useful.

  1. I don't know if this is wrong or not, but the taiko diff has a different kiai time than the other diff. it's fine because Kiai fountain in Taiko diff is unrankable :D
  2. I think it will be more good to add the name of difficulty to the name of gd. Like Suzully's Easy or KSHR's Hard. So the player can become more understand what the difficulty really is. i think it's fine
  1. 01:05:669 (1) - In175 bpm i think spinner is quite short for the intermediate and beginner player. I think you can map this part, rather than just a spinner to complete the vocal. fixed~
  1. 00:54:869 (6) - I think it's a good idea to put a new combo here to warn player about the anti jump >.< and looks better xD fixed!
  2. 01:01:040 (1) - I don't know why you didn't put a finish sound at this spot in this diff. But it fit perfectly like your normal diff >.<. So you should considder adding a finish sounds here at the slider start. added
  3. 01:12:012 (1) - ^ no change this one~
  4. 01:32:583 (1) - This spinner is too long compared to other diff. Make it consistant. So reduce the length to 01:35:326-. fixed ><
Ok, that's all from my mod. I like the song very much, and the map is nice, so star from me :3
See you Melo~
thanks Miya, it helped a lot~
It's nice to see my mod useful. :3
Good luck on this map Melo, i hope ygokid will recheck it soon~

Miya wrote:

  1. 00:54:012 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - I think this finish sound rythim is too loud compared to the finish sound before that. So you should reduce the volume like you did before to not surprise the player.
  2. 00:58:126 (1) - Add a finish sound here since you have a finish sound at the same spot in the next rythim.
  3. 01:03:612 (1) - Add a finish sound too at the slider start to cover up the cymbal sound and the gap between finish sound rythim.
all fixed! thank you for modding :)

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [KSHR].osu

Miya wrote:

  1. 00:45:955 (1,3) - How about adding a finish at 1 and 3 slider start. I think i hear a cymbal sound when the note 1 appear. If i put the finish sound only on that spot, it will go awkward, and i thus add another finish sound at the 3 slider start. I think it syncronize perfectly with the next finish rythim. I agree. Fixed.
  2. 01:21:612 (1) - I think you need a finish sound too hear, since i hear a cymbal sound when the spinners end. It will cover up the cymbal sound and give the cymbal sound more epic feeling to the player. I see your point but I don't think finish's needed here.
  3. 01:32:583 (1) - Gradually decrease this spinner volume? I think it will be more good. (All diff) I keep it.

Download: Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.) (Melophobia) [Suzully].osu
Kawayi Rika
After recheck for IRC fixed a little hitsound and stack ~

OK ~ It's a pretty nice mapset ~

Good luck with rank ~

Shouldn't the Artist be Aki Misato?

oh nvm XD
hmm i did say i'll recheck this... sorry i haven't, had problems lately and i haven't been checking my email so i forget about stuff.
could you send me a forum pm? otherwise i'd probably forget again.

i do realise it's bubbled already, but another look by another MAT can only help, yeah?

EDIT: Re-modded as of 27th June, 2012. 1 hour 50 minute mod, whee~

17:46 <Melophobia> : Hi
17:46 <Melophobia> : do you remember recheck?
17:47 <YGOkid8> : hmm...
17:47 <YGOkid8> : unmei no chikai or something?
17:47 <Melophobia> : yeah
17:47 <YGOkid8> : link pl0x
17:48 *Melophobia is listening to (Misato Aki - Unmei no Chikai (Short Ver.))[]
17:55 <YGOkid8> : do you mind if i irc mod?
17:55 <Melophobia> : Alright
17:56 <YGOkid8> : okay easy diff. first
17:56 <YGOkid8> : uh
17:56 <YGOkid8> : suzullly
17:56 <Melophobia> : sure
17:57 <YGOkid8> : 00:18:526 (1,2,3) - right now it looks like this:
17:58 <YGOkid8> : but i think it'll look better like this:
17:58 <YGOkid8> : what do you think?
17:58 <YGOkid8> : not only look, but flow better as well
17:59 <Melophobia> : so move (2) to the left, right?
17:59 <YGOkid8> : yeah, left and up a bit
18:00 <YGOkid8> : so it forms close to 45 degrees or something
18:00 <Melophobia> : fixed
18:00 <YGOkid8> : and then just move (3) so it flows
18:00 <YGOkid8> : okay
18:00 <Melophobia> : ah
18:00 <Melophobia> : 00:19:555 - missing clap i guess
18:01 <YGOkid8> : yeah that too
18:01 <Melophobia> : 00:19:726 (2) - also i think i should shorten this by 1/2
18:01 <Melophobia> : what do you think about it?
18:02 <YGOkid8> : that i'm not so sure
18:02 <YGOkid8> : it works either way, but i think it's better now
18:02 <YGOkid8> : because it's kinda what this whole diff. is, so consistency would work better imo
18:02 <YGOkid8> : i'd ask Suzully about it though
18:02 <Melophobia> : so no need to fix?
18:02 <YGOkid8> : nope
18:03 <Melophobia> : fixed
18:04 <YGOkid8> : 00:26:755 (1) - imo i think this slider is a bit ugly, too wide i think
18:04 <YGOkid8> : but when i try fixing it, i make it worse, so i dunno
18:05 <Melophobia> : i see
18:06 <YGOkid8> : not a big thing, but it's there so i thought i might as well point it out
18:06 <YGOkid8> : maybe another think to ask Suzully
18:07 <Melophobia> : sure
18:07 <YGOkid8> : oh yeah
18:07 <YGOkid8> : i see that he sometimes uses the inherited sections to change the tick noise into claps
18:07 <YGOkid8> : or well
18:07 <YGOkid8> : just change the tick noise
18:08 <YGOkid8> : but only sometimes
18:08 <YGOkid8> : do you know why he doesn't do it constantly?
18:08 <Melophobia> : i guess because of tick rate 1
18:08 <YGOkid8> : no i mean like
18:08 <YGOkid8> : wait
18:09 <YGOkid8> : oh yeah
18:09 <YGOkid8> : yeah
18:09 <YGOkid8> : forgot about that lol
18:09 <Melophobia> : yeah
18:10 <YGOkid8> : 00:51:783 - this break kinda hurts my ears, so i reckon a beat should be placed here
18:10 <YGOkid8> : 00:52:126 - here as well actually
18:13 <Melophobia> : fixed.
18:14 <YGOkid8> : 01:09:097 (2,3,1) - currently like this:
18:14 <YGOkid8> : i'd like it more like this:
18:15 <YGOkid8> : slider doesn't go offscreen
18:15 <YGOkid8> : actually dw
18:15 <YGOkid8> : it's fine as it is
18:16 <Melophobia> : lol
18:16 <YGOkid8> : 01:21:612 (1) - finish on spinner?
18:16 <Melophobia> : yeah sounds nice. added
18:17 <YGOkid8> : and while we're on hitsounds
18:17 <YGOkid8> : 00:08:926 (1) - remove finish and add clap
18:17 <Melophobia> : ok
18:18 <YGOkid8> : 00:26:412 (2) - remove whistle
18:18 <YGOkid8> : 00:24:698 (1) - add whistle on slider end
18:18 <YGOkid8> : 00:26:755 (1) - slider head remove whistle and add finish
18:19 <Melophobia> : finish is too much imo, whistle is enough
18:19 <YGOkid8> : okay
18:19 <Melophobia> : the rest is fixed
18:19 <YGOkid8> : 00:49:383 (1) - change finish with whistle?
18:20 <YGOkid8> : actually...
18:20 <YGOkid8> : it breaks consistency but
18:20 <YGOkid8> : i think it'd sound good with a clap
18:20 <YGOkid8> : what do you think?
18:20 <Melophobia> : hmm ok, replace it with a clap
18:21 <YGOkid8> : 00:54:183 (1) - add clap
18:21 <Melophobia> : sure
18:21 <YGOkid8> : 01:18:869 (1) - finish on slider head
18:22 <Melophobia> : okay
18:23 <YGOkid8> : okay done with this diff.
18:23 <Melophobia> : Alright
18:26 <YGOkid8> : 00:21:355 (1) - this might seem weird, but i think it's better to start the spinner at 00:21:612 - instead
18:26 <YGOkid8> : to me, it seems to fit the song more
18:27 <Melophobia> : i think it's fine. since it follow the guitar
18:28 <YGOkid8> : fair enough
18:29 <YGOkid8> : 00:29:155 (5) - remove whistle
18:29 <YGOkid8> : too much whistle sound imo
18:29 <YGOkid8> : 00:29:498 (1) - finish to slider head
18:30 <Melophobia> : i dont think finish sounds that good for such a calm part
18:30 <YGOkid8> : okay
18:31 <YGOkid8> : 00:36:355 (4) - remove whistle from slider head, i think it sounds a bit weird since there's not really much
18:31 <YGOkid8> : going in the music
18:32 <YGOkid8> : 00:35:326 (2) - same thing here, with whistle on slider end
18:33 <Melophobia> : alright
18:34 <YGOkid8> : 00:36:355 (4) - add whistle on return
18:34 <YGOkid8> : 00:37:726 (1) - change whistle on head to finish
18:34 <Melophobia> : sure
18:34 <YGOkid8> : 00:39:783 (5) - remove whistle
18:34 <YGOkid8> : 00:40:469 (1) - switch whistle with finish
18:35 <YGOkid8> : 00:41:840 (3) - remove whistle from head
18:35 <Melophobia> : all fixed
18:36 <YGOkid8> : 00:48:012 (4) - remove whistle
18:37 <YGOkid8> : 00:48:697 (1) - head whistle with finish?
18:37 <YGOkid8> : 00:50:926 (4) - finish with clap
18:37 <YGOkid8> : 00:52:126 (2) - remove whistle
18:37 <YGOkid8> : btw i should explain that with anything i can only focus on one thing at a time
18:37 <YGOkid8> : so i'm focusing on hitsounds first before i go to beat placement etc.
18:38 <Melophobia> : k
18:38 <Melophobia> : 00:50:412 (3) - changed finish into a clap
18:38 <YGOkid8> : what about finish and clap?
18:39 <YGOkid8> : i think finish works there
18:39 <YGOkid8> : there's the emphasis in the music
18:39 <Melophobia> : because we changed finish at 00:50:926 (4) - into a clap
18:39 <YGOkid8> : i did that because i heard the emphasis wasn't as big in the music
18:39 <Melophobia> : they follow similar sound
18:40 <YGOkid8> : if you listen carefully
18:40 <YGOkid8> : the emphasis is on 00:50:069 - , 00:50:583 - and 00:51:269 -
18:41 <YGOkid8> : 00:50:926 (4) - emphasis here is a lot smaller compared to those 3
18:41 <Melophobia> : hmm ok
18:42 <Melophobia> : sounds better indeed in this way
18:42 <YGOkid8> : :)
18:42 <YGOkid8> : 00:52:469 (3) - slider end whistle to finish?
18:42 <Melophobia> : sorry i think it's too much
18:42 <YGOkid8> : okay
18:45 <YGOkid8> : hmm i think that's it for hitsounds
18:45 <YGOkid8> : just let me look over the diff again
18:46 <Melophobia> : okay~
18:46 <YGOkid8> : 01:18:869 (2,3) - hitsounds sound a bit weird here, but not sure how i'd fix it
18:47 <Melophobia> : oh yeah, i think so too
18:48 <Melophobia> : removed finish at 01:19:726 -
18:48 <YGOkid8> : hm
18:48 <YGOkid8> : what if
18:48 <YGOkid8> : 01:18:869 (2) - finish on head
18:49 <YGOkid8> : 01:19:726 (3) - whistle on head?
18:49 <Melophobia> : agreed, sounds better now
18:49 <YGOkid8> : okay
18:50 <YGOkid8> : 01:27:783 (2) - i think this would look better if you copied the (1) slider before it and used that instead
18:50 <YGOkid8> : also move down a bit
18:50 <YGOkid8> :
18:52 <Melophobia> : fixed
18:53 <Melophobia> : 01:29:155 (3) - as well
18:53 <YGOkid8> : yep
18:53 <YGOkid8> : hmm think that's it for this diff.
18:53 <Melophobia> : sure
18:53 <YGOkid8> : i don't mod taiko, but i'll quickly take a look at it
18:54 <Melophobia> : k
18:54 <Melophobia> : it must be fine since wmf already checked it. hehe
18:54 <YGOkid8> : yeah looks fine
18:54 <YGOkid8> : KSHR easier than insane?
18:54 <Melophobia> : yeah
18:55 <Melophobia> : should i name it something like "KSHR's Hard"?
18:55 <YGOkid8> : yeah
18:55 <Melophobia> : Alright
18:55 <Melophobia> : Suzully's diff as well?
18:55 <YGOkid8> : i think it's a rule or guideline?
18:55 <YGOkid8> : diff. names should indicate difficulty
18:55 <YGOkid8> : and not be just the mapper's name
18:56 <Melophobia> : i dont know if it is or not, but many maps have it as diff name
18:56 <YGOkid8> : yeah i know
18:56 <Melophobia> : well, fixing now
18:56 <YGOkid8> : okay
18:57 <Melophobia> : ok done
18:57 <YGOkid8> : (y)
18:57 <YGOkid8> : 00:08:926 (1) - i think end at 00:11:326 - looks and flows better
18:58 <Melophobia> : ...flows?
18:58 <YGOkid8> : the flow
18:58 <YGOkid8> : like
18:58 <YGOkid8> : it feels weird to keep spinning until the beat comes
18:59 <YGOkid8> : brief space of recovery feels better
18:59 <YGOkid8> : imo
18:59 <Melophobia> : i dont know it matter for flow how long spinner is
18:59 <YGOkid8> : it does when there's a beat afterwards
18:59 <Melophobia> : well, fixed since sudden note after a spinner may not be that good even for a Hard diff
18:59 <YGOkid8> : okay
19:01 <YGOkid8> : 01:32:583 (1) - move spinner 1/4 forward and add a hitcircle?
19:03 <Melophobia> : i'd like to reserve it. it's my preference though
19:03 <YGOkid8> : okay
19:03 <YGOkid8> : well otherwise in terms of beat placement, it looks fine
19:03 <YGOkid8> : it's just hitsounds that bug me a little bit
19:03 <Melophobia> : ok let's see
19:03 <YGOkid8> : e.g. all the use of whistles at the start
19:04 <YGOkid8> : but they have their own sort of charm, so i think they're okay
19:04 <YGOkid8> : actually
19:04 <YGOkid8> : some changes
19:04 <YGOkid8> : 00:13:040 (1) - remove whistle from end (not the repeat, the end)
19:05 <Melophobia> : fixed.
19:05 <YGOkid8> : 00:14:240 (1) - remove whis from head
19:05 <YGOkid8> : actually
19:05 <YGOkid8> : no
19:05 <YGOkid8> : keep it
19:05 <YGOkid8> : 00:16:469 (2) - remove whistle
19:06 <YGOkid8> : 00:19:212 (3) - ^
19:06 <Melophobia> : fixed both
19:07 <YGOkid8> : 00:25:898 (1) - remove whistle from end
19:08 <Melophobia> : okay
19:08 <YGOkid8> : 00:27:098 (2) - ^
19:08 <Melophobia> : sure
19:09 <YGOkid8> : 00:29:498 (1) - replace whistle with finish
19:10 <Melophobia> : sorry >< it's really loud to me
19:10 <YGOkid8> : 00:32:240 (1) - remove whistle from end
19:10 <YGOkid8> : okay
19:10 <YGOkid8> : 00:40:469 (1) - finish on head
19:10 <Melophobia> : added
19:11 <YGOkid8> : 00:46:297 (1) - i know it's in the music, but i still think it sounds weird with a finish
19:11 <Melophobia> : yeah removed finish
19:12 <YGOkid8> : 00:50:069 (1) - finish to head
19:12 <Melophobia> : i hope KSHR doesnt care. lol
19:12 <Melophobia> : fixed
19:12 <YGOkid8> : 00:50:926 (3) - add finish
19:12 <YGOkid8> : lol yeah
19:12 <YGOkid8> : oh whoops
19:12 <Melophobia> : add or replace?
19:12 <YGOkid8> : 00:50:583 (2) - finish here
19:12 <YGOkid8> : add
19:12 <Melophobia> : sure
19:13 <YGOkid8> : 00:51:783 (2) - same thing here about the finish in music but sounding weird
19:13 <Melophobia> : okay
19:14 <YGOkid8> : 00:58:126 (1) - finish to head
19:14 <Melophobia> : added
19:14 <Melophobia> : afk for a munute, sorry
19:14 <YGOkid8> : np
19:15 <YGOkid8> : 00:59:326 (4) - remove whistle
19:15 <Melophobia> : k, i'm back
19:15 <YGOkid8> : 01:03:612 (1) - finish to head and wb
19:16 <Melophobia> : fixed both
19:16 <YGOkid8> : 01:14:412 (3) - finish to end (not return)
19:17 <Melophobia> : fixed
19:17 <YGOkid8> : 01:15:783 (2) - replace end whistle with finish
19:17 <Melophobia> : sure
19:17 <YGOkid8> : 01:18:526 (4) - finish from head
19:17 <YGOkid8> : although..
19:18 <YGOkid8> : it kinda works better in this one
19:18 <YGOkid8> : i dunno
19:18 <YGOkid8> : consistency?
19:18 <YGOkid8> : up to you
19:18 <Melophobia> : i'd like to reserve this one
19:18 <YGOkid8> : okay
19:18 <Melophobia> : idk why but it sounds nice to me
19:18 <YGOkid8> : yeah sounds nice to me as well
19:19 <YGOkid8> : was just thinking about consistency
19:19 <YGOkid8> : oh well
19:19 <YGOkid8> : 01:21:612 (1) - whistle from end
19:19 <YGOkid8> : 01:25:040 (2) - x whistle
19:19 <YGOkid8> : 01:27:783 (3) - ^
19:19 <YGOkid8> : and that's it for this diff.
19:19 <Melophobia> : ok, fixed all
19:20 <YGOkid8> : jesus been modding for one hour and a half
19:20 <YGOkid8> : and this is why i don't mod a lot of maps lol
19:20 <Melophobia> : lol, thanks for your time
19:20 <YGOkid8> : np
19:20 <YGOkid8> : i'm waiting for stuff to install anyway \:D/
19:21 <Melophobia> : yeah
19:22 <YGOkid8> : 01:06:355 - add beat here
19:22 <YGOkid8> : sooo empty
19:23 <Melophobia> : i think it's fine and players may need a short break i think
19:23 <Melophobia> : also there's nothing to follow
19:23 <YGOkid8> : on the contrary, i see it as a flow killer
19:23 <YGOkid8> : feels awkward imo
19:24 <YGOkid8> : cause in this diff.
19:24 <YGOkid8> : it's pretty much always moving
19:24 <YGOkid8> : and then it just suddenly stops
19:24 <Melophobia> : hmm
19:24 <Melophobia> : ok fixed
19:25 <Melophobia> : maybe empty beat after jumps is hard to read
19:25 <YGOkid8> : maybe, i'll take a look in my recheck afterwards
19:25 <YGOkid8> : so this diff. is fine
19:25 <YGOkid8> : though i have a suggestion
19:25 <Melophobia> : go ahead
19:25 <YGOkid8> : but it'll require a bit of remapping if you decide to use it
19:25 <Melophobia> : hmm..
19:26 <YGOkid8> : i'll tell you anyway then you decide
19:26 <Melophobia> : sure
19:26 <YGOkid8> : basically in the opening and closing sections
19:26 <YGOkid8> : 00:13:040 - with this melody
19:27 <YGOkid8> : everytime you have a finish hitsound
19:27 <YGOkid8> : i think it'd be good if you had a jump there
19:27 <YGOkid8> : because of the emphasis in the music, just adding a jump there would work well
19:27 <YGOkid8> : well in those places
19:27 <YGOkid8> : do you understand?
19:27 <Melophobia> : yeah, let me think of it.]
19:28 <YGOkid8> : okay
19:28 <YGOkid8> : otherwise i'm done with my mod
19:28 <YGOkid8> : great map, and very solid
19:28 <Melophobia> : thanks.
19:28 <YGOkid8> : small improvements are still possible, and i'd like you to consider them :)
19:29 <Melophobia> : yeah
19:29 <Melophobia> : hmm
19:29 <Melophobia> : 00:13:040 (1) -
19:29 <YGOkid8> : oh
19:29 <YGOkid8> : except for ones with streams
19:29 <Melophobia> : yeah, lol
19:29 <Melophobia> : well
19:29 <Melophobia> : in this diff, i didnt use jumps with finishes
19:30 <Melophobia> : mainly my jump follows percussion or something
19:30 <YGOkid8> : yeah
19:30 <Melophobia> : ex,00:13:040 (1,1,2,3) -
19:30 <YGOkid8> : which makes sense
19:30 <YGOkid8> : the percussions parts are emphasised in the music as well, no?
19:31 <Melophobia> : yeah
19:32 <Melophobia> : i dont know what to do for now, but i need to remap a lot of parts if i follow the suggestion
19:32 <YGOkid8> : yeah
19:33 <YGOkid8> : well think about it
19:33 <Melophobia> : i prefer using constant spacing since it looks nice
19:33 <YGOkid8> : i see
19:33 <YGOkid8> : keeping it then?
19:33 <Melophobia> : if possible.
19:33 <YGOkid8> : sure
19:33 <YGOkid8> : not a big issue
19:33 <Melophobia> : sorry for that
19:34 <YGOkid8> : dw, just personal opinion
19:34 <YGOkid8> : anyway update and i'll do one last check
19:34 <Melophobia> : can you pop the bubble first?
19:35 <YGOkid8> : doesn't it pop when you update?
19:35 <Melophobia> : i mean bonus SP with popping
19:35 <Melophobia> : if i pop by myself, i will lose it
19:35 <YGOkid8> : oh
19:36 <YGOkid8> : i don't really get it, but okay
19:36 <Melophobia> : thanks, and sorry that i cant explain about it clearly
19:37 <YGOkid8> : nah it's okay
19:37 <YGOkid8> : i've been out of the community for a while so @.@
19:37 <Melophobia> : i see
19:37 <YGOkid8> : oh
19:37 <YGOkid8> : ohhhhhhhhhhhh
19:37 <YGOkid8> : i see i see
19:38 <YGOkid8> : i get it now, dw :)
19:38 <Melophobia> : yeah :D
19:38 <YGOkid8> : adding log to post now
in short, hitsounds in all diffs. except taiko, and beat placement in normal and maybe suzully (can't remember). also renaming of diffs, and -2 to offset. awaiting a confirmation from Suzullly, then bubble can be returned!

oh and *pop*

EDIT: slider and combo change in easy, and everything's done! rebubbled.

01:18:524 (1) - Too soon after spinner.
01:29:924 (1) - I think this should start 1/4 later.


AR9 is too fast for this song, please reduce it by 1 tick at least.

That's all :3
Topic Starter

osuplayer111 wrote:


01:18:524 (1) - Too soon after spinner.
01:29:924 (1) - I think this should start 1/4 later.


AR9 is too fast for this song, please reduce it by 1 tick at least.

That's all :3
all fixed!
After fixing a missing new combo on IRC, this map looks great :3

owo, congratz Melo :D
Congrats Melo :)
Grats~ \^^/
おめでとうございます~ :oops:
おめでとーう :) :)
おめでとう!! :)
yay :)
gogo Melo-chan :D. congratz on the rank ;)
Grats :)
Congratz~~! ><
おめです! ;)
おめでとう! :)
Congrats! :)
G R A T Z ~ :)
Rank \:D/
congratz :)
Topic Starter
thanks all guys! =3=
Congrats \:D/
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